Hello to all of you, friends, something very bad happened today. Efekan had an accident with his monster truck. Oh my servant, my stomach hurts everywhere. The person who caused Efekan to have an accident is one of the disgusting creatures here. We did a good job. We are ghosts together. Efekan had an accident. Hush. Hush. Don’t let anyone hear. The interrogation will start soon, brother. Don’t be afraid. I will question everyone here. We will find the person who did this to you. Don’t worry. We will give him the necessary punishment. What will you do to the person who did this? We will find the person. We will throw him into the terrible Transformers. Whoever did this will be punished. Friends, which of the scary creatures here do you think could have done this? Write in the comments. Don’t forget to like the video and subscribe to the channel, friends , I’m going then, I’ll start the interrogation without wasting any time. Okay, come on, bro, if you need anything , tell us. Yes, we are here, come here when you get tired, let’s change places. Okay, friends. Okay, anyway, I’m starting, let’s get our weapons from this chest. Okay, that’s enough for now, come on. Let’s see who we should start the interrogation with here. H Pikachu . What are you doing here ? Now tell me, Efekan, did you cause the accident? No, Pikachu, no, I love efecan, pika, pika. Okay, okay, you stay here, you are already efeka. What are you going to do? You are not our enemy, you are nothing. Okay , you wait here, let’s continue, there is this muscular man in our question, tell me. Let’s see. Did you do it? Don’t be an artist to me with your muscles. Where are you? I’m a coach. I ca n’t see you. Don’t be an artist. Don’t be an artist to me. Look, I’m here. You’re not tall. Don’t think of yourself as anything. I’m tall and muscular. Shut up , shut up, Allah. Now, tell me, let’s say, did you cause the accident? I had it done. What are you going to do? You can’t compete with me with your tiny stature. Son, look man, I’ll get on my nerves, I’ll make you very bad. Do you trust the robots down there? I’ll tear you to pieces too? Is that right? Are you too confident in yourself? Okay, let’s send you down. Go, go, I’ll attack. I’ll attack. This might have done it. Simulate a wedding, let him come to his senses. Look at a guy, oh oh, what a beating. Oh, it was good. It was good for you. Anyway, let’s continue next. The white cat. Look at the teeth. They are very yellow. What kind of white cat are you? Meow, don’t approach. Okay, my son, okay, he doesn’t approach. Oh, Allah, calm down, calm down. Wait, buddy, the cat might have had it done, by the way, Efekan might have jumped in front of you while the monster was waiting for you to stay, oof, I don’t remember anything, hit my head, brother, efek, Ana. Did you do that? Tell me the truth, look, don’t meow, tell me quickly, meow. I didn’t do anything. Heh, talk like this, oh God. You keep meowing . Now tell me, where was Meow at the time of the incident? I’m at the dentist. I went to whiten my teeth. It didn’t work. It didn’t work. Actually, while attacking the poor, he turned pale again. Did you attack the poor? Yes, he was tired. I saw him. I jumped on him. Is that so? Do you know who the poor person is? My grandfather, now I’m going to send you downstairs too. Oh my god, go downstairs, look at this, he attacked my grandfather, and God damn it, let’s move on, Bobby 1545 is next. Hello, Ali Bobi, I won’t talk too much. If you did it, tell me and I’ll send you downstairs. Get a good beating down there. OK? Did you build the ghost train? Tell the truth. No. Who said that we didn’t have anything done? It’s impossible for them to catch us. I was sleeping at home at the time. I didn’t see anything. Well, how do you know the time of the incident? I saw it on the news. I saw it yesterday while watching TV. Okay, then I believed it. You didn’t do it. Okay, if I did it, I wouldn’t hide it anyway. Ali. That’s right. But you wouldn’t do it to us anyway. You wouldn’t do anything, would you? Anyway, let ‘s move on. Paint this. Oh, what is this dragon? This is the first time I’ve seen it. Look at this. Anyway, let’s start with this big giant. Tell me, did you do it, bro? I can’t find out who did this. I don’t know, the baby has eyes . I don’t understand either. Friends, if you know, write it in the comments and support us. We will be overwhelmed too. Yes, friends, your comments are very important to us. Do this. We need to find it. But before commenting, like the video. Subscribe to the channel so that your comments will be highlighted, friends, otherwise they may not be visible. Exactly, friends, Efekan is telling the truth, aha aha, look at Ali, the husband is questioning what you are, who are you, you are going to question me, I am Commissioner Ali, answer my questions now. I will not answer anything you ask quickly. You think you are yourself, my dear. He doesn’t want it. My mood doesn’t want it. What’s wrong with you? Okay, let it be like that. It ‘s my pleasure. Do you know what he wants? What does he want? Does he want a beating? Come closer , come closer, I’ll stick one on you, come, come. No, no, my mood wants something. It wants something. It’s time to throw you down. Go ahead, go down. Take it. Attack it. Attack him, beat him hard, let him come to his senses, he doesn’t want to be happy. Look at him. Here, take it. Good luck to you. Anyway, let’s continue, dragon. Look at me, come here. Did you do it? My brother, Commissioner, Ali, look at me, do I have arms ? Let me see if you have any. Well, do you have legs? You don’t have legs either. But after all, you are a dragon. Do you have wings? Well, my dragon, I need to have wings. Let’s see if I have them. I swear, I looked at you and you don’t have wings. What kind of wife are you? How can I knock down a huge monster truck? Are you crazy? Are we going to knock me down with these little hands? That’s right, too. Why did you take me here? Why are you laughing so hard? Let me go, for God’s sake. Okay, okay, don’t cry. You’re going to go. Question these people too. I’ll release you all. Then, of course, I’ll send the criminals down. That’s different. Anyway, I’m coming with some guns from here. The power of these guns is over. Let’s get some guns from here, whoops. Let’s get this, let’s get this too. Okay, let’s get this one too. Okay, that’s enough for now. Let’s move on. Let’s see who’s next. This can’t have been done anyway. It’s impossible. Baldi is next. Baldi. Tell me. Did you do it? I’m not talking to you. Ali Jabbar. Why aren’t you talking to me? Talk to me. I’m a police officer. No, I’m not talking to you. I’m upset with you. Ali Jaar. Oh God, I’m crazy. Why are you offended? Oh God. Because Ali Cabbar. You’re my student. You don’t even know how much 8 times 5 is. I don’t know how. I know, I know how much 8 times 5 is. If you know. Tell me, then what are you waiting for? Oh, my God, he’s even asking questions here. Friends, do you know how much 8 times 5 is? Write it in the comments, okay? Are you going to look at the copycat comments? No, no, I already know. This is a very difficult question. I don’t think anyone will know. I looked at the comments and everyone knew. 8 is equal to 5. Bravo Ali Bravo I’m talking to you now, so tell me. Did you do this? Hay Ali cbar, I didn’t do it, I was at school, I was in class, mom. I trust you for the first time in my life. Okay, okay, you didn’t do it. What’s going on? Look, don’t be like your brother. Are you threatening me? It’s not a threat. Ali Cavcav. Warning: Ali is not a cav, Ali Cabbar, but cav cav is beautiful too. Look at me, talk to me right. Ali, don’t be an artist too much with people you don’t know, it would be bad. Okay, brother. Okay, I’m not being an artist. I’m sorry, brother. I’m sorry. You’re the one. Z. Go ahead, walk downstairs. Look at this, I sprayed one right now. What happened? Look at this, attack him, good yid Oh good for you Look at this oh Oh, beat him, beat him Anyway, let’s continue next, we have already questioned B, next is bxi, this is hello bxi This is Hello na Hello brother Come on from there I am your brother How do I become your brother now you are my brother Aren’t you? No, I ‘m not. I have a brother, and he is Efekan. Now you will tell me, my brother Efekan. Did you do this? If you are not my brother, you are my enemy. That’s why I will break your brother Efekan’s head and yours too. Oh my God, how are you going to do it ? This is how I will do it. Come here, stop, get closer, walk. Walk down, look at him, he’s a shameless guy who’s going to attack me. How can you attack me? Make it good. Oh, be good. You’re here. I’ll do an artistic thing for you. I’m sorry. I didn’t hear you. You have a low stature. That’s why you’re low. Did you say it to me? No no. I’m sorry. I didn’t say it to you.) I said to your height. I’m short. What happens when you’re tall? Actually, nothing happens. Low like you. Lara, I’m looking down on you. I’m just looking down on money. Because you’re low. No. I said to your height. Look at him. He’s making fun of me. I’m kidding. Of course, what happened? Did you have to? Calm down, Oli, calm down, calm down. be okay, okay, I’m calm, I won’t do anything to you, I’ll just question you, I won’t do anything, nothing. I won’t do it. Now tell me, did you do this to my brother? la la la. I can’t hear you. Your voice doesn’t come up. I say to my brother. Did you do this? I say to my brother. Did you do this? It’s like a fly is buzzing on the ground. I don’t hear anything. la la la. I’m here. How can you not hear me? I say this to my brother. Is it you? You did it I can’t hear you la la la Cause I was too low I can’t hear you I understand, I understand, I understand your problem, now let’s see which one of us is the best one We’ll see now Let’s see Come on, come down there, get down, Get down Oh, can you hear me now, can you hear my voice, attack, beat him hard, Oh good. It happened to you. Can you hear my voice now? Oh, we are saved, he is finally making fun of me. Anyway, let’s continue. Who is next? Santa Claus, come here. Ho Hello Ali, do you want a gift? No, I don’t. All I want is a gift for my brother. Finding the person who did this. Are you rejecting the gift I gave you? I don’t want it. I don’t want any gifts or anything. Are you rejecting the gifts that I have tried to distribute with a lot of effort? Yes, I am rejecting them. Congratulations, you have won a nice stick from Santa Claus. Come here, you will eat this stick, go back, go back, go. Why are the following people going to give you a gift? Take your gifts from him. Look at the maniac. He will force me to give me a gift. Oh my God, come here with the face of a crow. What do you want? I’m using my right not to speak. I’m also using my right to make me talk. Just talk. No power can make me talk. I know my rights. My friend, talk like a human and don’t get into trouble. I won’t get into trouble either. Come on brother, first of all, you are not my brother, if you were my brother, we would look alike. You don’t look like me at all. I am very handsome. You are very unattractive. First of all, you are handsome. Have you ever looked in the mirror? Look at your face and shape. What are you? I am better than you. Dude, I am better than you. Don’t be jealous of me for nothing. I’m fine, my God, my Lord, where is the madman? Where is the maniac? He’s finding me. He ‘s finding me. Go away, go away. God, I’m fed up with you. I’m fed up with you. Son, I’m fed up. Dude, look, he’s crazy. Everyone’s throwing him down . We still haven’t found your structure. Who could have done it? Friends, did you write the person you suspect in the comments? I looked at the comments. Most people wrote that he built a train with a ghost. Yes, the boy Charli could have done a ghost. I don’t know, they may have done it, but I don’t remember anything. Yes, we are left alone, one of you definitely did it. Are you going to confess now? Do you want it or should I use force? The train did everything, he is lying, he did everything. Yes, confessions are starting to come. They are both blaming each other. I wonder which one could have done it. The train did everything. He tried to include me in his crime. Damn, didn’t we do it together? What are you selling me now? Saying wow, wow, wow? He’s lying, he’s lying, he’s trying to burn me because he was caught, he’s afraid of this little brat, is he afraid of this little brat? The little brat is a police officer. How can you call the police a little brat? Look at him, how he’s flattering Ali. Yes, bro, are you saying this is what he did? Yes, Ali, my captain. He did everything. I have no hand in anything. I swear. Thank you. Oh thank you. Now it’s time to send you down. Ali is lying. He was also involved. Am I an idiot? I know I’m an idiot. Don’t go down. Go down. It’s not working. It’s not working." Since you have iron, let’s hit it, go, walk down, Oh, you think I’m stupid, sucker, no, Commissioner, no, I didn’t consider such a thing, now I’ll send you down too, go down too, oh, we got rid of all of them, now that we found the person who did it, you can rest easy now, brother Efekan, I finally found the person who did it. Finally, he punished the person who did it. Bumble with Optimus Prime will beat him up. Oh brother, thank you very much, ani bestie. Well done. You found it well. Well done to our friends on YouTube. They found out who did it in the first place. They went there so we could find them too, and hid it at the end. O That’s why I’m a little late. There’s nothing to do, we found it. AB is enough. Anyway, he will go to the hospital now. Okay brother. Okay, let’s go. Wait, I’m closing this video and coming to the end of the video, friends. Here we are, don’t forget to like the video and subscribe to the channel, okay? Don’t forget to turn on notifications. Everyone should send this video to their favorite friend. You can go to our other videos by clicking on the cards. Then see you in the next video, Mr. [Music] Mr.

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