Minecraft Submerged | AN UNDERWATER “SKYBLOCK” MODPACK! #1 [Underwater Questing Modpack]

this is submerged a brand new 1.20 questing mod pack in which we start as the Nim would suggest fully submerged underwater in this light blue capsule with nothing but a light blue tree at the center and a trapo which does allow us to enter the ocean however there are more than one reasons why we don’t want to do that right away the very very first reason is that I did just see a shark a moment ago swim past the glass here I’m also fairly certain that there are even more dangerous mobs out there the second reason is that I believe we almost physically can’t if we try and enter the water here we immediately get the poison effect and so if we were to stay in there for any extended period of time we would just die which of course is not ideal however we do of course have a quest book available to us at the very first first thing I’m going to do here is go to options controls keybinds and change the keybind for the open Quest option here because right now it’s bound to nothing I would like it Bound To My Grave key and the grave Key by default is bound to FTB ultim mine I’m going to change that to a button on my mouse and then finally there’s also Luggage in here by default if you press the grave key you get that whistling sound which I don’t want to hear every single time I use my FTB ultim mine and so instead I’m going to go ahead and just go ahead and unbind that you can press escape to get rid of that but now that that is taken care of we can of course begin by taking down our tree here and of course if you hold down the FTB ultim mine key that you just set in the key bindings you can go ahead and break the whole tree at once and of course we do have fast Leaf Decay installed and so all of the leaves are going to come down right away giving us saplings sticks and logs now we don’t have the mod that lets us shift or run to make these trees grow faster in in fact if we check the quest book here under the cold ocean quest line This is the first quest line that we will get to in just a second one of the first big Milestones that we’re going to work towards is the sapling grower this right here allows us to instantaneously grow saplings into trees and is going to make it so much easier for us to get wood in the future but we are getting a little bit ahead of ourselves to start with there is an information quest line it says welcome to submerged thank you for downloading and welcome to submerged we can take the box and we get a b-book as a reward follow the quests they will guide you some quest lines May unlock as you progress through the quests warp pipes can be purchased with b-books in the catalog and will allow you to move around your base a lot easier I can’t say I’ve played with warp pipes I’m very interested to see what happens there uh Cooks can be used to purchase items in the catalog the catalog for those who don’t know is a block that you can make and then place down this guy right here once you have it you can use it to spend your BBU and buy other items the world is full of different ocean biomes there are damaging Waters so we will go ahead and get damaged if we don’t have a diving suit which we’ve seen already and then finally toxic air the air above the water is toxic unless you have the toxic air curio and I assume that’s to kind of prevent us from just immediately going up to the surface and building an above ground base like we would in any other mod pack or in any other Sky Block and to kind of force us to build out an underwater base in this submerged mod pack and so now that that is taken care of we can begin in the cold ocean quest line which does thankfully give us 10 mystical fertilizer right off the bat here which is going to allow us to instantaneously grow 10 more trees and hopefully that’s going to be enough trees for us to get down to the sampling grow at which point we shouldn’t have to worry about getting more trees going forward of course we do have a fairly standard start here I believe we’re going to make some planks and we’re going to go ahead and make a light blue colored wooden plank crafting table very specific name that for the crafting table and I guess we’ll wank that down over in the corner for now to make sure that it doesn’t interfere with the spacing of the tree and it looks like the very first thing that we’re going to work towards getting is this wooden strainer these wooden strainers here are going to allow us to generate resources such as Driftwood and this Driftwood is going to allow us to make things like wooden buckets wooden shears wooden Hoppers and kind of most importantly for the progression here the cutting board however to get the actual striner itself we need a wood catcher I’m going to press a that’s going to bookmark the recipe so that now we can just click here and go back to it without having to search for it over and over again and we also need a wooden mesh thankfully both of those are pretty straightforward the wooden mesh is just 8 sticks crafted in a circle like so and then the wood catcher is just seven logs crafted in a u-shape like that the strainer itself also doesn’t seem too difficult it requires two measures of any kind with for and three logs so we are going to have to get at least one more stick here to allow us to make one more mesh and in fact I’m fairly certain that we’re also going to need to get an extra mesh to put into the strainer once we have it down as well and so I think we might as well go ahead and do something like this I’m kind of holding off on making an ax even though it would allow us to chop down the trees faster it is going to eat into our wood and given that we only have a limited amount of it I don’t want to use all of our wood making things that we don’t need necessarily need just on the off chance that we then end up not having any wood at all and can’t progress with the quest line which I don’t think is going to be the case but just in case it is the case I’m going to hold off for now on the X and so boom there’s our wooden strainer and as the quest says here it says the net part which is kind of the top half of the multiblock structure must be placed in water to collect resources a strainer tank can be used on top instead and so the idea here if we hover over the strainer and press U it can show us all of the uses and if we go to this tab we can see that if we place it in water with for example a Bait Box it will get us fish if we place it in with the wood collector that we just made it will generate drift wood now as the quest book mentions we do need to place it in water you can put these down on the ground with the water tank above it and then if you can get water into that tank you can then actually make it work and it looks like surprisingly by default Ben has given us a tank full of water which is very nice and so what we should be able to do here is place in our wood catcher and then if we go ahead and get another one of these wooden meshes with again eight sticks in a circle like so we should then be able to throw that in as well and now passively but slowly we should begin to get some of the Driftwood and if I’m not mistaken I think the Driftwood is a 100% chance it is you’ll see here that no matter what tier of mesh we use it is a 100 100% chance that after 200 ticks which is 10 seconds we will get one Driftwood nice and looking forward here we can get a bunch more stuff now that we have access to that Driftwood I do think one of the things that might not be a bad idea for us here is potentially just getting a second strainer right off the bat so that we can increase the production rate of a lot of the stuff that we can get through strainers for that we are going to basically have to make the exact same stuff that we just made all over again so we get two more of the wooden meshes and then from there there we’re just missing four sticks that is fine boom and of course boom and boom good stuff this one I think what we can do it’s a little bit tricky because I don’t think that the strainer tank is something we can make just yet because we don’t have access to Glass but what we might be able to do if we’re fast about it is go down here place down a block place down the strainer and then if we quickly quickly get back up into our room we can then get rid of the light plank that we placed down and now we do have another strainer that does have water above it that we can use to actually generate resources so if we wanted to we could go ahead and put another wooden mesh with another wooden catcher in there however I think instead what is going to make more sense for us here is to make another wooden mesh which is required for all of these trainers but then if we look at some of the future quest lines here we can in fact get the beard box that we saw a second ago to start getting fish that fish is not only useful for food but we’re also going to use that fish on our cutting board to get bone meal and so let’s see then about using some of the Driftwood to make some wooden shears we can of course then go ahead and use those shears again if we hold down our timite key to break all of these leaves and very quickly get a stack of light blue leaves from that and from there we can use those leaves to make worms the way that we do that is by placing just a single leaf into the wooden strainer like this and it should use up the leaf but it should again I believe be a guaranteed worm and so this is kind of the benefit of having more than one strainer because we can continue to get the Driftwood over here which is just going to go basically forever until this wooden catcher runs out of durability although it does look like it has a surprisingly high durability and then down here we can continue to get these worms which it looks like can be used to craft the bit box again more sticks more logs and the bed box is fairly straightforward now nice this is also going to go down into the strainer right about here again I think the bed box much like the wood catcher is an item that has a fairly high durability and so we should just be able to leave this running and it should begin to passively generate all of these different fishes that we have from Minecraft and also from aquaculture 2 as well there’s quite a few different ones in here we got Pollock black fish we’ve got a red Shuma there’s all kinds of fish 12 Pages worth of different items and fish that we can get from this bit box nice and I believe that is going to complete a quest for us and real quick let me go through and collect some of these rewards here so some of these quests are single reward quests and if I click the collect all rewards in the top right it will go ahead and give me all of those however a few of these are quests where you have to pick the reward that you want for example right here this lets me pick a different color of sampling I am going to go with this pink colored sampling so I think it’s going to contrast very harshly with the light blue that we currently have right here we get to pick a color of dirt and just to keep things in theme we’ll go for a pink piece of dirt then for the crafting table here we get to pick a egg Scrooge McDuck doing duck duck to deffy duck d l hu Donald and Ducker we’ve got to go for for dukor right is that a duck that’s a doctor of course it is look at that he’s got the the little glasses and everything you love to see it and then over here we get another Choice actually we could go for another duck tour I’m going to go for Scrooge mdck who looks very fancy indeed I don’t know why um oh they both get a name I was going to say I don’t know why Scrooge McDuck gets a name but duck to doesn’t but they’re both uh they’re both named characters this guy’s uh got real wide set eyes anyway those guys are going to keep us at company real quick what you can do uh in your inventory there is this button right here the little uh sound icon with the line through it I’m going to go ahead and type in quank and I’m just going to click muffle sound and then turn the sound on that down to maybe like 20% Which means going forward whenever we hear these guys we’re not going to have to hear it quite so loudly going forward so it’s not going to get quite so annoying quite so fast which is fantastic and so back over here as I mentioned we do now need to make The Cutting Board which is yet more of the Driftwood with a couple of sticks like this nice we then also need to get a kn knif to use that cutting board which if I’m not mistaken looks like this it’s a two Driftwood and one stick like so and if we do something like this actually I want to put that ideally right here we can now I believe put down any of our fish onto here right click with the wooden knife and we get ourselves some raw fish fillets and some fish Burns so the fish Burnes here we can actually craft into bone meal which completes the quest on top of that we can also of course course use the raw fish fillets for food and I’m fairly certain that going forward we should also be able to smelt those raw fish fillets into cooked fish fillets for slightly better food as well and so real quick I don’t know how much bone meal we’re going to need here but I’m going to go ahead and use my knife I do wonder if I put if I put the knife here I don’t think that works but I think if I put the fish here that would work like that it does unfortunately we don’t have that many fish and all of our fish are different so having it in the off hand doesn’t really make it any faster but that does has a decent amount of food which for now we’ll eat as it is just because we don’t have access to to a smeltery of any kind and I don’t know how far away Cobblestone is and I would also like to regenerate some health just in case we do want to put down another strain up under water as well because that is still a possibility we can put down quite a few under there and still get back in time before we die from Poison especially if we have enough Health to do so but back in here there’s a couple of quests we’ve kind of skipped over the first is for the wooden bucket this one is fairly straightforward and in fact this kind of negates the need to really go back in the water at all if we want to put down more strainers because now what we should be able to do is take that bucket of water and if we wanted to place down another strainer we could put the water down above it it just means we’d have to kind of block the water in because of course without the tank that we have right here the water would just flow everywhere which is not ideal either way the next Quest down from that is to get some bone blocks which we can get by crafting of course nine bone meal like so and then from there we’re actually at the point where we can now get both a composter and the sampling grower I think the sampling grower is definitely going to be the first item on my agenda that is just two sticks and one block of burn and now we can take any sampling place it down right click with the sampling grower and it just instantly grows into a fully-fledged sampling which is pretty op and from there we can of course finally go ahead and invest in that ax that I mentioned earlier to make it just ever so slightly faster for to tear down these trees going forward and of course we don’t really have a pickaxe I guess we can also make one of those as well but I was going to say of course we can also go ahead and get down our pink dirt as well to allow us to grow more than one tree at once if we do something like this we can throw down our color coordinated saplings boom boom boom and boom and then we can go ahead and chop all those down it’s a little inefficient to do different colored logs just because of the fact that they don’t all get chopped down at the same time with timmin and so it does make sense to uh to just do two blue or two pink but either way back over here what other quests do we have there is one quest for a wooden Hopper there’s also a quest for a chest as well there is it’s over here perfect and I do like the fact that we get a thematic light blue colored wooden chest as well that’s actually pretty nifty I do Wonder can I make a double light blue color chest I would assume there’s no reason why this wouldn’t work it totally does nice and so let’s make a third one here the third one of course going to be used for our wooden Hopper which looks something like this just using the Driftwood instead of regular wood and I think if we wanted to now as well we could potentially look at alter hoering out of like this wooden strainer into a chest not that I think it’s strictly necessary given just how much space there is inside the strainer here but you’ll notice we are actually running out of wooden meshes one thing that we might be able to do actually I think we might be able to make a bunch of wooden meshes and then put those into a wooden Hopper if I do this and this and then I guess also potentially if I take one of these away we could move a chest on top of that wooden Hopper I think that might work in terms of continuing to fill this up with new wooden meshes whenever the one in here breaks which is going to continue to allow us to get more Driftwood I am really not a fan of the fact that the wooden mesh here is almost the exact same color as the chest behind it that makes it really hard to see what we have there but either way we’ll claim this and the very last Quest actually the second to last Quest is the composter down here we do have a quest to make an aquatic torch The Aquatic torch is a glor ink sack which is a 10% chance above a stick do we have any glare ink sacks we do not and that’s because our Bait Box has been broken again we should be able to make some more bait boxes here if we go ahead and get just a few more sticks we should be able to get another one of these again we could do a similar thing here to where we use the hopper to try and funnel more of these bait boxes in I think that would work while we wait for those to come in though let’s see if we can’t make the composter which I assume is going to allow us to make bone meal from saplings which is also just going to make bone meal easier going forward it means we don’t have to rely on fish for all of our bone meal for that though we just need to get some more slabs and boom seven slabs and one bone block gets us the composter we’ll wack that down in the corner and then while we wait on that glow s there are two kind of final quests over here we have one for a crook and one for a crafting table the crafting table we already have so if I pick this up I’m pretty sure that will complete the quest in question oh it won’t we have to craft a vanilla crafting table I see so it wants me to do this it does interesting I’m not quite sure if there’s a reason behind that I guess outside of just wanting a vanilla crafting table although the GUI looks exactly the same so I’m not quite sure of the the benefit there a crook though is super useful the crook increases the drops that you get when breaking leaves and so if we use our crook here to break these leaves we’re going to get more saplings and more apples than we would have done otherwise uh if we hadn’t have used the crook which could be quite useful especially if we get light on saplings did we get a single glow sack it came in just at the exact second that we walked over to the strainer which is perfect and I believe that that is the first chapter of the quest book completed nice and also I’m fairly certain that these can be placed down underwater so can I for example just place that down like that I can I don’t know if there’s much point in placing it down right there I don’t know if that’s particularly useful for us but it does work and it is going to help us to illuminate up the the water around us if we need to do that going forward so real quick let me go ahead and dump some of the stuff that we have here here into this chest real quick there are also a few small things that I do want to tweak up at the top you’ll see we have the box that tells as what item we’re looking at that is from the one probe mod here if you take this read me that you start with and you shift right click it you can configure how this looks I’m going to move mine to the top left and I’m going to set it to full transparent style I think that just looks a little bit better it’s a little bit more minimal and kind of out of the way and then the second thing that I’m going to do just a small quality of life thing I’m going to press J I’m going to go to options mini map preset one I’m going to untake enable mini map that’s going to get rid of the mini map in the top right just because I don’t really think it’s necessary when we have such a small base and currently we’re not really looking to expand that out you can still press J and it will still show you the mini map that you could see before I just don’t really think it needs to be massive in the top right hand corner of my screen at all times and so now that those are taken care of let’s see what is in store for us in the second quest in this quest line the first one here wants us to make regular Burns which we can do by chopping up a standard burn block uh did this work it did so the the hopper did put the new wooden mesh into here so we are going to continue to get Driftwood that is good somebody in the twitch chat just asked if that was working I can confirm indeed that it was over here we do have more Fishbones not quite enough to make another block however of course we do have a ton of fish available down here now so I will take a few of those and give them a quick chop boom and boom that gets us more than enough to make our next block of burn and from there we can take that and chop it with the knife again to get some actual burs which now are going to unlock quite a few things for us the first thing I noticed is the bur mesh here the burn mesh is a higher tier mesh for one it’s a tier 2 mesh and so some things like I think the uh glor sacks are more likely with a tier 2 mesh you’ll see right now it’s a 10% chance with a tier 1 mesh it goes up to a 12% chance with a tier 2 mesh but really really the big benefit of upgrading to the Bur mesh is just that it has more durability so it will last longer than the wooden mesh the wooden mesh has 80 uses the bone mesh almost quadruples that up to 221 uses the only downside here is that the bone mesh is much more expensive to make and having to keep making these going through the stages of making them is a bit more hassle than just bulk making these wooden meshes and using a hopper so I will make the bone mesh here to complete the quest but I don’t know if we’re going to bother going around and upgrading all of our strainers going forward to make sure we’re using burn meeses just cuz I don’t really think it’s going to be worth it in the long run another thing that we get access to is a really Nifty part of this pack because I haven’t really mentioned it but we have these basic room key blocks on all four sides of the base and if I’m not mistaken and there’s some of the uh hostile uh fishes that we saw earlier but if I’m not mistaken the way this works you’ll see in the top left it’s from the rops mod but the way it works is that we can get these Keys here these different keys and use them to automatically generate new rooms of our base and depending on which key you use is going to determine what you actually generate you’ll see here there’s Corridor one Corridor 2 and Corridor 3 so depending on which one you use here I believe it’s going to create a short medium or long Corridor and then we also have room one room two and room three or short room normal room tall room and that’s going to create different size rooms for us to expand the bit you’ll see there’s also a keyhole up at the top there as well so we could create a corridor going up or we could even create a new room directly above us without having to do any actual building and without having to go out into the ocean and I’m fairly certain that it will also get rid of the water for us so that there’s not water inside of the room when we make it so to get down here we need a burn Hammer this is yet more burn I’ll bookmark that and we also need to get the skeleton key which seems pretty straightforward most of what’s here is just a lot more Burns and burn blocks I am assuming that we can do this to get bone meal we can I don’t know if it’s worth doing we can definitely go faster with that I’m fairly certain there’s no real speed cap to how fast you can put stuff into the composter but it’s just not particularly fast we can also throw our malard duck egg which I assume we’re going to get periodically from these two jabronis but I think it’s just always going to be faster for us to use our fish here to get more bones using the knife and so real quick I’m just going to go ahead and continue to do more of what we’ve been doing up until now getting more of these fish bones crafting them into bone meal crafting those into blocks and then occasionally crafting those into bones until we have enough to make the skeleton key and the burn hammer and quite a bit of fish chopping later I think we now have everything that we need to make the burn hammer and to make the skeleton key in fact we can make more than one skeleton key which is actually going to be quite useful here because the next Quest is to make key fragments the key fragments are made using the cutting Bard again this time though we take our skeleton key place it down we take our burn Hammer right click and that gets us these key fragments and these key fragments can be used in different combinations to make the corridor key the key block remover and the short room key if I’m not mistaken the key block remover here removes the key block so if you use that on the key block it will just turn into a normal light blue colored stone block and will no longer be usable to make a new room which I guess can sometimes be useful for o I’m going to go ahead I think and make a corridor key first the corridor key is just three fragments like this and we could right click this to get a corridor this will override the blocks in the area that is fine I think if you’ve built anything behind it it will delete it which is not ideal uh we can upgrade it these are optional quests but to upgrade the tier 2 is just two fragments it’s not strictly necessary it’s just going to make a longer Corridor I think and then the same is kind of true for the third key as well here that’s just two more fragments which again we can get if we do this and this we could upgrade this to to tier three which is going to give us the longest Corridor possible and so now if we do this we get a nice long Corridor with three more of these room keys which is actually quite useful and so back over here let’s see if we can also now make the short room key I don’t know if what we have currently is a short room a medium room or a long room I my my goat would tell me that a short room whoops let’s not die here Isaac that would be very bad I should definitely close that when I’m not using it my gut would tell me that this is either a short room or a medium room room I doubt it’s tall but the fact that we only have one level of keys makes me think that this is probably a short room and so I might make another short room although chat is telling me that we have a medium room and so what I think I might do then is make another medium room that does require four more fragments like this of course we could if we wanted to very easily I think make another skeleton key and therefore get even more fragments here to make a tall room but I don’t know if a tall room is going to be strictly necessary because this room is already quite tall it’s already tall enough to grow trees and so I think it’s probably better to use our fragments to make more rooms and corridors rather than making super tall rooms and corridors but just like before over here we should now be able to use our normal room key here which looks suspiciously by the way like the skeleton key those are very similar Graphics but if we go ahead and right click here it’s going to build another one of the exact same room look at that nice and so we should be able to continue doing that of course going forward to build a bunch of new rooms of different sizes of different shapes going forward and I really like that they kind of already come with the Luminous glass they already have the light blue colored Stone it just looks real nice I think I’m not a huge fan of the fact that it’s slightly different here we’ve got these light blue colored stone bricks and then we don’t have them on the corner although I’m fairly certain if I wanted to at some point we could look at changing that for now though we do have a brand new room and even more space for our ducks to wander around in and we can of course go ahead and clim some of these key fragments back from this quest line and I believe we can now move down to start working towards something like the furnace here which is going to finally give us a slightly better source of food because right now we are not doing particularly well when it comes to food so let’s take a look at the stone Pebble this is made by placing leaves into the strainer I do wonder it does require a tier 2 mesh so you’ll see here that the wooden mesh is no longer listed and the only chances are with a tier 2 mesh so this is one of those situations where we do in fact need to get the bone mesh we also need to get some of the leaves that we made earlier although now that I mentioned that I’m fairly certain we just used all of the leaves making like two pieces of burone Meal which in hindsight probably wasn’t worth it but thankfully they are fairly easy to get and so back down here we can go ahead and throw in our bone mesh along with our leaves and that should start to slowly but surely generate Stone pebbles for us it is only a 50/50 chance so we’re not guaranteed to get them we are still also likely guaranteed I should say to get the worms as well so you do get both of these at the same time you’ll see we got Stone Pebbles there along with worms if we get two more which we did I believe we can now craft up one piece of cobblestone we totally can unfortunately we uh used that stone twoo faced and it didn’t count for the quest thankfully it’s a 50/50 Chan and so this time we should get some good stuff and boom there’s both of those quests complete thankfully we do get more Stone Pebbles and more cobblestone as a reward and I’m kind of thinking it is almost certain cly going to be in our best interest to make like a bunch more strainers just so we can start getting stuff like that a lot faster I don’t know if we’re going to be able to get cobblestone any other way in the near future the dispenser here it says can help automate The Cutting Board The Cutting Board drop items to the opposite side of the hole in the cutting board oh I see so when it drops it kind of shoots it out this side I think if you want to put a hopper down or something I think that could work and then you can use a a redstone clock on the dispenser presumably with a knife as well to Ultimate there although we do need to get eight Cobblestone if we’re going to make the furnace which is going to allow us to cook the fets and by the looks of it also going to allow us to make some charcoal here which is needed to make a charcoal filter to make some paper which is how we’re going to progress and so what I think I will do then real quick is make a couple more strainers and we’ll Place those strainers down I think in the new room over here and I might even move the pre-existing strainer that we have I don’t know if I can get I think I can get this tank back I think if I break it it’s going to be fine we’re just not going to get the water but now that we have access to this water bucket that shouldn’t be a problem we can refill it fairly easily so I might move this strainer as well as some new strainers over into the new room and not too long later we now have five more wooden strainers not including the one over in the corner I’ve not moved that one yet but I’ve placed these all down and then I’ve put some pink slabs around the front here so that now we should be able to go ahead and place water on top like that without the water flowing out and of course as soon as we get a second water source block and place it down uh two blocks away right about here we should now have effectively an unlimited source of water and now all of these should be able to start producing stuff for us of course if we’re wanting to produce more of these Stone Pebbles we’re going to need to get burn meeses specifically and so to keep things chugging along here I guess what we should probably do is first of all get yet another lot of saplings if you could move out of the way here so the tree doesn’t suffocate you as soon as it grows fantastic we can chop all these down which might destroy our X not quite that’s pretty good but let’s go ahead and make couple of bit boxes here and we’ll throw that down over here just to get more fish so we can make more burs and more bone meal if we need it because of course ideally if we’re going to get a bunch of Pebbles out of these new strainers they do all need to have burn meshes which means we need to make five of the burn meshes in total for that we’re going to need to get 20 Burns which is going to be quite a few of these bone blocks here seven in total right now we’ve only got what it takes to make four of these which I guess is a start and is going to allow us to make at least a couple of these burn measures here which is good because it does mean that we can throw them of course over into three of our five pre-existing uh strainers and then of course we can get ourselves even more leaves to get those cooking with even more Stone Pebbles although real quick before we continue our hunger is very low do we have enough Pebbles here to make a furnace we totally do fantastic let’s drop that down let’s drop the cobblestone in that’s a new little interface there for the furnace interesting and while that’s doing its thing let’s go ahead and get ourselves two more trees that we are going to go ahead and Shear I guess if it’s leaves we’re after we might as well Shear the leaves before we grow the second sampling just to maximize the amount of leaves that we get and then of course the idea here is that we’re going to distribute these amongst the five different strainers that we have click and drag by the way over a given number of slots so if you want to distribute click and drag and it will just divide them and give you the excess if it doesn’t divide nicely which is useful to know every now and again and so now if we take those leaves and we drop them in here here and here I’m also going to do here and here even though that’s not going to do anything just yet those are going to start to produce for us yet more worms but also more Stone Pebbles that we can use for more Cobblestone going forward and so let me tear this down here and then real quick let me see if I can’t get two more of those bone meshes by chopping down yet more of our fish just to get all of those online and then we’ll start looking at the drying table and the paper also real quick let’s go ahead make a bunch of fuel and let’s get all of this raw fish cooking and again not too long later we have two more of these burn meshes as well as yet more or leaves which I will go ahead and distribute amongst five Stacks again we also now have a ton of fish and some of it is even cooked as well which is a substantial upgrade it’s still not the best source of food in the world but it is an upgrade of what we had previously and so let’s go ahead and divvy these up amongst all of our strainers to hopefully very quickly get ourselves a bunch of Pebbles and I guess also a bunch of worms as well we should eat at least one of these worms because you’ll see that it says not yet eaten what does it taste like and that essentially means that we have I think it’s the spice of Life mod installed which as you’ll see here now that we’ve eaten it assists in adding Hearts basically the more wide the variety of food that you eat the higher your hearts get essentially once you eat a certain number of different foods you’ll get an extra heart and then if you eat more Foods again you’ll get another heart and as the pack progresses the more different stuff that we eat the more bonus Hearts we’ll get going forward and so it is worth eating everything at least once like this pink Apple here we’ve not eaten yet we should go ahead and eat that we’ll get a lot particle effect and look at that it says spice of life carrot Edition what a unique flavor you’ve gained two hearts and so you’ll see now that we have 12 Hearts as opposed to one nice and so now let’s take a look down here and see if we can’t get this paper to do that we first need a drying table the drying table seems pretty straightforward it requires specifically a leafy mesh which requires leafy string the leafy string is just leaves we do have leaves but I do want to leave the ones in the strainers where they are for the time being and so I will instead go ahead and get another set of Shears of course we do still have drift wood coming in and so we’ve got a ton of the stuff at this point we don’t really have to be too stingy on it and we’ll go ahead and quickly chop that down we’ll do the exact same thing of course with this guy just to maximize our leaves boom and boom and then over here if we do this we can make some leafy string I believe we might be able to make wall from that we can that could be particularly useful in terms of making a bed at some point if that becomes something that we need to do for now though we can make a mesh and that mesh should be usable to make a drawing table it is we just need a single piece of cobblestone and of course we can make a bunch of cobblestone actually using the Pebbles that we have nice and so the drying table here is going to as the name suggests allow us to dry stuff there is also a counterpart to the drying table known as the soaking table the drying table can be water logged to create the soaking table use the of water on it to create a cirking table so initially we need to craft just four Driftwood into a log sheet once we have the log sheet we then need to Circ that log to get cirking paper so to do that we’re going to want to throw down again a couple of slabs ideally I think around here just to make sure the water log doesn’t spread like the water we put down doesn’t go everywhere but if we do this that’s going to water log the drying table into a cirking table you’ll see the name has changed and now if we put this in it should slowly but surely convert that into soaked paper over the course of 10 seconds at which point we can then use that CED paper to make regular paper in a drying table interesting and it looks like we’re then going to use that to make a charcoal filter and I’m assuming judging by the next quest line here that that charcoal filter is going to be used in the making of our diving gear it is so we’re going to make a full set diving helmet diving suit diving leggings and diving flippers and all of these are made from Marine fabric which is leafy string with the charcoal filter presumably the idea there being that the charcoal filter is going to allow us to filtrate our breathing and allow us to breathe under water and so we can of course just pick the water up turning this Bank into a drying table and at that point I think we’re basically good to go that’s going to get us our first piece of paper it does indeed over here I think we needed charcoal so let’s throw some logs in there to get that charcoal to make the charcoal filter we do need four pieces of paper though to make that happen and of course right here we only have two however as I mentioned a second ago we’ve got a ton of Driftwood and so if we just make a bunch of these log sheets we can throw them in like so that’s going to go ahead and make a ton of the soed paper which we can then turn into regular paper and use to make the charcoal filters whilst we wait for all of that to come in and of course we can complete the quest for charcoal and we can also complete the quest for mini charcoal fantastic but we can also look at potentially getting the catalog as well here the catalog is one BBU with eight stone I think at this point in time we probably do have enough Stone Pebbles to where it’s not going to be too much of an issue for us to make that happen and I’m also going to go ahead and I was going to say make a new furnace but actually I think four charcoal should be enough for now so let’s go ahead and just throw eight cobblestone in there to make eight stone for that catalog that’s going to allow us to start spending our vbucks hopefully on some useful items over the top here we do have a quest to make a sharp burn which is a regular burn again cut with the knife like this that gets us a sharp bur and then presumably we need two of these yes to make a remnants saber so we’ll do that one more time let’s do this and this and then from there is that everything we need to make the saber it is look at that so now we’ve got at least some kind of Weaponry how useful that’s going to be against the mobs in the water is yet to be seen it does have have an adaptation that it deals 100% more damage while in water so right now it’s just a five attack damage sword but as soon as we go into water it is going to become a 10 attack damage sword which I assume is going to be quite useful for us we’ll also look I guess at making the dispenser here as well whilst we wait if I do this and this and we place it down right about here again ideally not like that ideally I want to place it down kind of up against the pink slab so something like that I think from there we can put the wooden knife in here and by default it’s not going to do anything because I think it does require that Redstone clock to work so if I just put a fish down right about here that’s not going to do anything however there is of course a quest for the Redstone clock which is just four buttons easy enough along with one stone one Cobblestone actually which is even easier because we got so much Cobblestone coming in at this point we’ll take this and if I put this up here that it’s going to cut the fish nice as it mentioned it does kind of shoot it out this way so if we really wanted to make this more automated we’d probably want to put a hopper down on this side just like in the ground and that way any item that got flung out would go into the hopper and then down I also think you could probably Hopper onto The Cutting Board as well in fact you know what let’s give it a try because we’re still waiting on actually never mind we’re not waiting on this let’s do one of these and one of these that gets us the catalog we’ll throw that down let’s say over here and I believe now if we put our BBU in it’s going to show us all of the different things that we can buy with our BBU and there are actually quite a few different things I’m very interested to try out the W pipes I don’t know how expensive those are going to be not very expensive is the answer pipe wrench I wonder if that’s also for the warp pipes or if that’s for something else we’ve got a mysterious Cube from applied energistics 2 we’ve also got clear wall pipes we got quite a few different color W pipes actually and colored cave roof right click to ascend to the carded caves roof only in the carded caves okay that’s not particularly useful F just yet we’ll come back to that real quick what I’m going to do I’m going to tear this down I’m going to make a few more of the wooden Hoppers and we’re going to see if we can’t automate this chopping board in a better fashion okay so I’m thinking here if we put down a chest like this and a hopper like this I believe that what we should be able to do is put down The Cutting Board my first question is which way does it face and the answer is not the way that I thought it would I think I want to put it down like this my second question is do I need this plank here I don’t think I do the answer is that you 100% definitely do need that plank there otherwise it will not work that’s fine let’s do this so now my next question is can I Hopper onto the chopping board so if I go get a fish and I put that in here that does go onto the chopping board which is perfect cool and so from there I wonder if I can put the dispenser just on top of this like if I do this whoops that’s not at all what I wanted to do I wanted to put the Redstone clock down right about there and then the dropper pointing down like that with the knife inside of it like this my thought process then being that if we put the brown trout in it gets chopped and then over here it gets fed into the chest nice the hopper of course is a little bit slow at picking stuff up but it looks like the items don’t go that far so I think it’s fine real quick I’m going to type in Click I’m going to type in clock I’m going to type in dispenser I think it’s a dispenser sound that it’s clicking it is okay let’s turn those just right down again so we don’t have to hear the clicking quite so regularly but now we should be able to put another chest let’s say right about here and that should kind of be the fish stuff automated now we can take essentially all of the fish out of here ideally not the inexs not the tentacles they also don’t work uh and not the glor sex but now if we put all of these in the system is kind of going to just automatically take all of the stuff for us and run it through into this chest which is kind of perfect it means we don’t have to manually keep using all this stuff of course one thing that we do have to do is we do have to make sure that there is always a knife inside of that dispenser otherwise it will not work I don’t think it matters if there’s more than one knife in fact I think that’s going to allow it to just run for longer but this totally works and it looks like thankfully the uh the fish Burns and the raw fish never get overshot so much as to not land in the hopper and so even though it’s going to take a little bit of time for them to fuddle in it totally works and I guess if we really wanted to take this kind of to the next level we could look at move moving the strainer up here and making the strainer that produces fish kind of just automatically go above this wooden Hopper the only trouble then is that occasionally I think we’d end up with stuff like the ink sac on The Cutting Board not that it seems to matter that does in fact work on The Cutting Board the only thing that doesn’t work on The Cutting Board is the glow inkc everything else can be chopped and so outside of those glow ink sacs we could just put the strainer up there and this would be kind of fully automated that’s definitely something we could look at in the future ideally we’d get to some point where we can actually do some filtering to make sure that the glow Stacks never end up on there for now though this totally works and is definitely a much easier way of us getting all of our burn Meal which is very nice indeed let’s go ahead and claim all of our rewards here in fact look at that I didn’t even notice but there is actually uh the very automation we just did is is kind of right here um it’s not quite the same I don’t know where this is I think this is just pushing forward into like the player so you pick it up automatically but the the premise there is kind of the same uh over here let’s pick up the water so that we can then go ahead and Swap this back to a drawing table and as soon as we get two more paper we should have everything we need to make our first carbon filter and I think with that we are going to have completed the second chapter of the quest book here and 1 2 3 4 mini charcoal and boom nice that gets us our charcoal filter and if I’m not mistaken I think that that is this quest line almost complete I think it should complete no so the key block remover is the quest that is non-negotiable I guess that’s unfortunate I didn’t really want to have to spend the key fragment on making this but that does complete the quest there are more quests but these quests are optional and so don’t need to be completed in order to complete the actual quest line itself but we do get a fragment back I guess so it’s not really a waste on that one and so now we’ve kind of unlocked the diving section of the quest book that as we saw before wants us to make Marine Fabric and and by the looks of it I guess we’re going to take that Marine fabric make ourselves of course the the full set of armor and then go and actually manually acquire some of these other items here the gravel the dirt the sand the clear and the kelp and use those to progress forward because again presumably as soon as we get ourselves a diving suit we’re going to be able to actually swim in the water without taking immediate poison damage so presumably we need 24 Marine fabric that’s how much you usually need of an item to make a full set of armor if we need 24 Marine fabric that means we need eight lots of this recipe here which means eight charcoal filters and 24 leafy string the leafy string of course super easy as we saw before we can just do this and this and if I’m not mistaken the 27 there should be more than enough down here we’re actually getting the paper in quite quickly and so that is going to get us more charcoal filters we can take that and make our first batches here in fact that’s six out of the eight bches that we need already and so I think chat that we’re already fairly close on getting most of what we need here we are we just need the chest plate and we’re going to be good to go so that is number three we’re going to need I think four more paper after this like we’re going to get our fourth paper here we then need four more after that to to make all this work but we are basically already at the point where we can kind of ignore the fact that the water is toxic and just swiming it inside of our suit just as soon as we get even more leaves from our saplings here for that as per usual we need another Shear I do wish we had access to a a higher quality Shear because we go through these very quickly you get like one and a half trees worth of leaves before the whole thing just gives out but thankfully none of it particularly difficult to get let’s do this let’s do this let’s do this and I think that we’re good to go we totally are nice let’s get rid of all of this let’s do a quick one of these a standard Minecraft chest plate and chat we have done it we have the full set of diving gear and now now with my sword at the ready I’m going to quickly dump all of my stuff here cuz I don’t want to lose it I’m also going to quickly make a second chest here as well so we can dump even more of our stuff I’m not planning on going on a big exploration just this second but I don’t want to accidentally die in the water and then lose all my stuff but I believe that now we should be able to come down here without dying we totally can so I do see a couple of structures dotted around the place I don’t see any Hostile Mobs currently which I guess is good news we do still have to worry about oxygen but it looks like it goes down very very slowly with this suit on and of course there are ways for us to get oxygen as we go further down we can create a little pockets of air and that’s all going to be well and good and I I think this should be fine I was a little bit more worried about Hostile Mobs being out here I thought there were going to be hostile fish that were going to attack us right away but for the most part it seems like there are actually not that many of them around which is good and so chat what we’re going to do is next time we’ll come back and we will begin doing a little bit of exploration around the ocean around us to see if we can’t find uh maybe what’s in some of the structures because there are quite a few structures kind of dotted around here that I don’t think are all necessarily vanilla Minecraft structures I think some of these uh might be somewhat modded in nature and of course we’ll also look at getting gravel dirt sand clear and kelp to allow us to progress through this quest line here and of course unlocking some basic ores like tin and copper and then of course moving on through there as well we’ve got mods like thermal expansion we have got the colored caves that we saw earlier we got Advance crafting there’s a bunch of different mods in here even mystical agriculture as well that we have yet to play with we’ll expand out our base yet further potentially get even more ducks and eventually of course see about defeating this pack and I’m assuming maybe getting up to the surface I don’t know what the very end game of this pack is but hopefully it involves kind of getting away from being fully submerged but that is a problem for future Isaac because for now we are out of time for this episode of submerged [Music]

Minecraft Submerged | AN UNDERWATER “SKYBLOCK” MODPACK! #1 [Underwater Questing Modpack] with GamingOnCaffeine
★Minecraft Sky Revolutions | A ALL NEW TECH SKYBLOCK! #1: https://youtu.be/mX3D7CgWsGY

★Watch Live On Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/gamingoncaffeine

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Seaopolis Submerged Mod Pack – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/seaopolis-submerged

Welcome back to seaopolis, this time we are submerged, Seaopolis Submerged is a ocean based survival questing modpack. Featuring a completly customized world filled with various different mobs and structures.
Submerged from the overwold into the nether and even further
Starting on in a small room under the sea in the ocean its your job to survive and thrive in a ocean world. Featuring some classic mods including thermal series, opolis utilities, and strainers!

Music Licensed From Epidemic Sound

#Minecraft #Submerged #Modded


  1. Hello Isaacs
    Why don't you use trap door instead of slap it would look better
    And can you make a server to play with your followers like atm9 or something like this

  2. I just found your channel today and I like your vids.. just a tip is to take a breath and don’t feel like you have to speak every second non-stop it kinda stresses me out….

    Also no need to treat everything you do as a tutorial.

  3. This was really cool and I look forward to more in this series.

    Also the fact that the chamber you built at the end of the hallway has a downward key spot means you could go downward.

    But yeah this was cool and I def look forward to more of it.

  4. U only need to filter out the glowing ink sack, the rest can all be cutted. put a hopper below the board with a glowing ink sacks in it to filter it.

  5. Kinda sad to break the 69 comment count but it is what it is.
    What you can do in the muffler mod menu is press on Recent button. It will show all sounds you have heard recently so you don't need to guess what that sound you're hearing is called in game files. At least not blind guess.

  6. Word of warning:
    While Aquamirae is a part of the pack, none of its structures or mobs spawn, so it makes the oceans SAFER XD

  7. I think if it's necessary in the pack and unless the recipe got changed, you can use the brown and red shrooma fish to craft into mushrooms of their respective colours

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