The Stardew Valley Crowpocalypse mod is insane | NINO VOD

e e e e e e cuz it shows every pore in my body like in my face it shows every pore and I’m I’m actually about to buy like a $700 camera because I hate this camera quality so much and it also makes everything look darker than it really is this my room is not this dark this camera just so old it C it sucks at capturing lighting real hyped up that’s a perfect way to look at it exactly you guys like the amori sticker you guys like this well guess what chat this was someone in our chat room a viewer actually brought this for me a viewer brought this for me what did you do before dinner tonight it’s 12:00 it’s midday so I haven’t had dinner a viewer actually bought this for me at a convention they came up said Hi and then they’re like they came back later and they’re like by the way I bought you this amori sticker and I was like huh huh that’s so kind um so that’s very cool amori I know I miss amori I would love to I need to replay amori again I just don’t know if I can do that emotionally I don’t know if I’m like ready for that Journey you know what I mean you know what I mean chat like emotionally I don’t know if I’m ready to go through that again because if I was to replay it I would get one of the sad endings and I don’t know if I can handle that you know plays Boulders Gate 3 win maybe speaking of um speaking of emotionally uh not ready chat I’m about to share something very personal with you but this is just because I need gratification especially if there is like you know I don’t really have have a lot of these in my chat another man in my chat if there is another male in my chat put your hand up put your hand up let me hear you because God God they are [ __ ] rare to come by it makes it sound like I’m going to have some like [ __ ] like something bad I have had chat the past [ __ ] 3 days I swear to God chat no two days transman if that counts of course it counts I have had the [ __ ] babies rabies dude I have had the fatherly Instinct kicking in my [ __ ] lizard brain like crazy what I literally right I will be I this is it it happens bro like the the fatherly Instinct has been kicking in my [ __ ] mind so crazy the past two days I don’t want children I don’t know if I ever want children ever thank you for the head head Pats I don’t know if I ever want children but I was looking I was looking like I was walking I was driving by a park right and I was stuck in traffic and and I was like I was looking to the right and I looked over and there was a father with his like must have been like 3-year-old daughter pushing her down the slide and catching her on the other side and my mind was just looking at that I was as I was sat in traffic my mind just went you need that why don’t you have a child and I was like [ __ ] bro I don’t I’m 24 I’m 24 I don’t need I don’t need a child what are you talking about I got the I got baby fever I was like holy [ __ ] the [ __ ] something in my mind was just like why don’t you have a baby now and I’m like me every time I shot for my niece yeah I think it’s it it’s it’s it became when I was hanging out with um I was looking after in like babysitting some like uh children uh from like extended people I know I was looking after children for like 2 days over the Christmas holidays and that head off some like neuroactivation in my mind where I was like oh guess my mind somewhere in my mind neurons activated and like the hormones hit and they were like oh so um yeah uh Instinct you need children now and I was like I don’t I don’t want children have you ever seen the baby clothes I was on a mall yesterday and we walked past a baby store and I was like it’s so cute I was like what the [ __ ] is wrong with me dude what is wrong with my mind I need to know that like another guy has this issue I forgot what streamer was about we’ll get there we’ll get there kids suck I your cat is your child yeah Luna and N are my children Luna’s in her teenage years she doesn’t want anything to do with me but nin is in his older years where he’s more cuddly the music playing break down of a baby clothes it’s just there’re so little dude this audio is so loud holy [ __ ] I’m sorry you guys were blasting blasting this is there a scientific reason behind this like does testerone give you baby fever sometimes I think it just I think it’s it’s just human you just want baby human nature is just babies you just it’s where hormones swing do trans guys count cuz I’m a trans guy and I’ve hated children forever it just swings Time Person to Person my sister my sister never wants children my sister is like never [ __ ] having kids in a my in my life and she’s thought that since she was like a child and she’s over 30 now and she’s still like I never want children she’s like I’ve never had it I’ve never had never wanted children but me I’m like I never I’ve never wanted children and then suddenly I hit 24 and my brain’s like have babies have babies have babies have babies have babies have babies have babies and like I don’t want I don’t want to I don’t want to Y Jello what’s up dude Jello it’s been a while how have you been I don’t want kids but I used to want kids it’s different for everyone it’s what I’m saying dude my auntie uh never wanted never wants kids and and she’s like the coolest Auntie ever so if you guys don’t want children and you never have children remember if your siblings have children or your like closest friends have children you have to be the cool Auntie or Uncle you have to it’s the rule of community it’s the rule Co of community Nino when he was playing amori he was having a baby [ __ ] YouTube ads dude chat should I pay for just YouTube Red should I just get YouTube red right now I’m so sick of YouTube ads I’m so I [ __ ] hate it I’m so done with it dude like what what do I have to do to to not have this [ __ ] YouTube Red no I’m late no you’re not we just started we’re doing um we’re doing our uh 10 minutes of yapping before we get into it and then we’ll be into it um now chat I have ad blogger that’s the crazy thing I do have ad blogger it doesn’t [ __ ] work it doesn’t work s 18 bucks it’s $18 a month are you [ __ ] running a scam out here YouTube are you [ __ ] serious 18 a month I could do you know how much drugs I could buy with that money why am I paying that not a whole lot to be honest drugs are expensive but why am I paying that what the [ __ ] like they’re acting like they’re not a yeah not a billion dollar cor dude I’m I’m getting okay what ad blocker do you guys use what do you guys use um ad block [ __ ] bro listen as a YouTuber as a YouTuber Daddy YouTube pays my bills every month every month and you guys shouldn’t be using ad blocker but if you happened to use ad blocker what would you guys use what would you what would you use Opera GX has one I’m I’m a I’m a chrome girly to my myself um uh ad block okay ad block let’s just get that block plus for chromes just get that let’s just add that on um just let’s just add that on real quick add to Chrome I swear to God this bit of [ __ ] work the family membershop ship cost 30 wait so what does it cost for family memberships here it’s $30 for a family membership [Music] what what why is it $30 for family membership but it’s s it’s $18 for a single membership do you know that it doesn’t even pay that well I can tell you from the other side of things YouTube premium doesn’t pay as well just just watching ads just doesn’t pay just doesn’t pay as well so what a [ __ ] scam I’m pretty sure it doesn’t anyway 30 yeah 30 the math ain’t mathing also chat I want to give you guys a little update so a lot of people in my chat room don’t use twitch right or don’t come from twitch a lot of people come over to YouTube and then create twitch accounts or just don’t use twitch that often I want to see a raise of hands how many of you don’t use twitch that [Music] often how many of you don’t let me see it I want to know me okay okay here’s something I’d recommend to you guys if you want to become full pogy twitch Chatters this is what I would recommend okay I would recommend you download or get a Google Chrome extension of something called 7tv okay everyone now I’m going to send it through I love my twitch frogs but my YouTube frogs pay the bills but I’m going to turn my YouTube frogs into twitch frogs and to get you to be twitch frogs you all need to go get 7 TV I promise you I promise you it it’s worth it it’s worth it you see that pogies thing down there see how wank Bagel was saying pogies that’s because without 7 TV you see nothing but with it you see boobies how much is it it’s free it’s completely free it’s just an extension you sign in add it on here here it is okay and you can see fun emotes that you don’t get usually I promise you go do it now go do it now go try it look let me send it throw again everyone go on done nice hi AA how’s it going yo Rags what’s up 11 months oh my God can you get it on phone no this is only for desktop which I know a lot of my viewers are mobile please add woo who’s my son what is woo should have looked up twitch with that what are you talking about I’m on mobile here ey on my phone what sorry sorry mobile chatters sorry mobile Chatters desktop Superior what do you mean you guys don’t spend 18 woo7 TV okay let me not oh Oh you mean on7 TV my bad my bad I don’t know how you guys handle twitch mobile twitch mobile [ __ ] sucks so let me show you guys a quick rundown of what you can have on this channel okay let me show you guys so we have pipe Jam pogies which is boobies insane cat personal favorite Rie let me see some rages in chat rat Jam let’s go pet the mods if you want to pet the mods copium sniffer fivehead o mitosis Bongo Cat sussy Let’s Go Happy Bas M EST awkward huh me mega L manga X manga crash and prage it’s all you need it’s all you need chat I’m telling you get this extension it’s perfect computer is better but I want to lay in bed you guys don’t have laptops get a laptop what was it woo [Music] this is it this one yeah all right it’s added in look at this little guy don’t you want this little guy chat don’t you want him H yeah that’s what I like to see Liz baby look at this little dude he’s adorable anyway chat let’s get into the mod can’t afford laptop laptops are [ __ ] expensive laptops are so expensive my next goal is to make sure that it actually appears over here and I can get it in here look like you black cat I’m not a black cat I’m a I’m a ginger Tabby I am a ginger Tabby um all right chat let me show you what we’re actually playing to get today this is the again the first mod we this mod we have today is actually we look insane on the chat screen I know I love it I need to add uh I need to add and H I want hexler I want to add you in to 7tv as a moderator so you can just add whatever derange [ __ ] you want like you can just add whatever you want like cuz it’s possible it’s you can add moderators in there’s a wonderful idea dudes when I’ve gone back to uh Stu my mods have been [ __ ] nothing’s been working for me and I that’s not good because I have a whole oh God I lagged for a second I have a whole video that I’m doing add the blah emote to me got you do we have the high one here a medic a Medica okay chat okay let me start recording how’s the uh audio labels there’s been a lot of mini updates recently yeah my sppy every time I go to open it my sppy is like you’re [ __ ] doesn’t work audio level’s good hello all right chat okay chat my beautiful chat I have downloaded a mod that spawns in a th000 crows every single day in stardo Valley and they have the ability to steal literally everything in this game and our goal is to complete at least one bundle in the community Center at least at least one bundle that’s all we need to do and yes a thousand this is going to be chaotic I’m I’m not looking forward to it let’s get and start look you guys want to see a little um you guys want to see a little uh insight into what we’re doing does scarecrow still work I don’t know look look look look I got another look I’m like working on another I’m working on another video I actually don’t know I don’t know if scarecrows still work I I haven’t actually looked into what they steal how they steal how this is actually going to function I I just made sure that it actually like worked Crow F Crow wait hang on I’ve got a genius Ed Crow Crow bus I spell bus wrong uh bus um um scarecrows and my favorite thing subscribing with a smiley face Yay murder Farm oh yeah that’s actually way better than the subscribing favorite thing murder all right let’s get me going let’s get the Nino’s big brain to be fair I did just steal that from one of my mods oh a skirt no let’s not wear a skirt um let’s go skip intro let’s go standard Farm uh what should be the goal okay oh my hair is not the right color I hate when I put my hair too light I like a dark brown okay there we go I’m not recording [ __ ] [Music] chat today I have installed a mod that spawns a th000 crows every day in Stu Valley yes that’s right a th000 crows and they have the ability to steal absolutely everything a whole thousand of them now I have not played this mod before I I I haven’t lived a look at it I don’t know what they can steal I don’t know if scarecrows work I haven’t actually uh tried anything how was that how was that Crow’s never heard of it mushroom cave it’s a tear what ripping off another video but here we go on the new Farm I think our goal is to just literally get like I don’t know the spring bundle I would say just do the spring things on the community center or just try to get uh anything close to that I think that would be our goal you 100% a theater kid okay now I don’t know why everyone’s coming for me instantly hi blade what’s up how you going dude a good midday to you sir now uh obviously if we’re going to be trying to get rid of crows what is a crow’s natural enemy a scarecrow and what’s a scarecrow’s natural enemy Batman I don’t know I I guess a crow right but I think our goal to begin with since there doesn’t seem to be any crows today I guess we have a like a grace period to begin with to get going uh is to get level one farming which is kind of impossible uh within one day but that’s fine let me start let me get Ace uh Auto hocky [Music] on are you going to marry somebody no probably not so let’s like clear out this area and uh and try to oh yeah I also got to make sure I don’t have cheats on I do cuz I I was uh I was doing some I was doing some things with cheats uh earlier on smile thank you now chat should our should our goal be to get the spring uh spring bundles or to get the uh spring crops bundle yikes cheat listen I know I know what I am H cheatah stop I know what I am okay 15 p seeds I’m worried to get these planted straight away I’m I’m worried to get these planted straight away cuz like 1,000 crows is a lot more than 15 pass Snips so I don’t actually like I’m kind of hoping they don’t uh oh my God I’m so bad at animation cancelling I’m kind of hoping they don’t steal anything to begin with like like a th000 crows don’t steal a thousand things I’m like what if they just you know were nice about it and maybe only stole three things between them to begin with what do crows need with that many Pips okay let’s get these planted down and then maybe with the 500 gold we have let’s go to pier and see if we can actually get anything more love your mod videos whoa what’s up murky Miss murky would if they used their might to pick up one giant object see that’s that’s what I’m concerned about is that it says they can pick up anything but what constitutes anything you know what I mean I’m like is is is my mailbox anything are the trees anything what what constitutes that amount that’s a very leeway Ste The Farmhouse yeah is the house anything uh okay what do we get what do we need for the uh what do we need for the spring crops potatoes let’s just grab like two of those um I think we can like get rid of all this I think the main focus for now is getting uh scarecrow resources cuz I think we’ll need a lot of scarecrows and scarecrows are wood coal and fiber right is it wood coal fiber two potatoes is a crime Cho bro it’s okay I’m going to go Bean n it’s not remixed is it is it is it is it wood fiber and coal okay let’s go Bean let’s get three we’re just going to get little ones for now cuz I’m like I don’t know they might steal I’m literally trying to like get all my resources cuz I’m like what if they stole cauliflower seeds from Pierre I don’t know I don’t know what they could take what if I come back here one day and there’s no cauliflower seeds who knows but I think our first bit what if they take Pierre we can we can only pray and hope to the crow Gods if they take Pier I’m going up to Carolyn I’m just saying it I’m going after Carolyn oh I have um rip Vincent we lost another one to the crows today we lost another child to the crows there’s nothing more we can do I like the idea that I I hope I actually had someone come up to me at a convention convention and they were like oh my my God ninoo I’m your biggest fan and I was like that is so sweet like it’s so lovely to to to meet people who watch my videos and enjoy them and they’re like yeah but there’s something I’ve always wanted to tell you I was like oh yeah watch that and they’re like you’ve always said um Caroline’s name wrong and it’s really annoyed me I was like what really and they like yeah my mom’s name is car Caroline and you say Carolyn pisses me off I was like ah nice to know that everyone has their priority straight for when they’re first meeting me it’s like that feels great to know I was like and I said to them I was like that’s good to know cuz now I will continue to say her name wrong just for you and I do all right let’s get these watered let’s get these going I’m concerned oh God oh God I’m out of practice I’m concerned learn that these parsnips will not be here tomorrow uh I’m really worried they’re just going to be disappeared wait I got a pass a bit of potato already from the wild uh wild seeds say even worse from now one Carlin I love Carin she’s my favorite mil where do we can we we can get coal from these right I think our best bit for the rest of the day try to get some coal from this because oh yeah like that so that we can kind of just stack up our resources and try to get some uh scarecrows more chance I did not see that I was reading chat more chance tomorrow but I don’t know what’s going to be here tomorrow that’s the thing there might be more chance for coal tomorrow but what if they come down and they take all the Rocks like I literally do not know what they can take but we can’t get any more rocks cuz we need to sleep just pronounce it a whole other name carine I’m actually reading Carline at the moment it’s really good Crow steal the entire tile oh God okay so this might be the only day we get of no crows um so let’s see how this goes let’s see how this crows that’s really funny I’m going to keep that in the video $20 profit on the first day let’s go day two of spring the crow apocalypse has set on [Music] us bro come on dude they didn’t even give me a chance what the [ __ ] I could where do I sleep where do I sleep they took the bed they took they robbed my entire house and it’s been one day I got they took the window man who takes a window how did they even do that all right you know what you know what you know what positive outlook in life and the universe gives it back to you positive thinking now we just have more space to keep our crops now we just have more space to keep the crops oh my God oh my [Music] god did we don’t have any crops left they ate everything they’ve taken trees how did you take trees this is an infestation [Music] dude oh my God speaking of murder they just murdered my farm what do we how do we what do we do wait let’s see the damage of our crops what do we have left over we had 15 we have we have 1 2 3 4 5 we have five crops left we have one day in we have five crop for one day in we have five crops left and nothing in our [Music] house okay uh how do we get to level one farming we need eight parsnips to get to level one farming how do we do this you need 13 I thought it was eight it’s 13 pass Snips um okay has the r the town being being affected a letter an advertisement okay just got back from a fishing trip we can’t put a chest down already our inventory is full we can’t put a chest down um h i i don’t donate go donate items to the museum for the rarecrow how how many items for a rarecrow so okay Vince Vince Vince and Buddy Vince Vince do not come close to the farm you survived the night of the crows huh you surviv the crow Purge just keep an eye out right you they only need like two of you to pick they only need like two of them to pick you up you need 40 items you need 40 items to get the RAR Crow okay okay okay what if thank you Willie for your poll we’re going to probably really need this for God’s sakes I forgot we don’t have anything in in the in here okay okay here’s my two ways of thinking here’s what I’m thinking we could either go insanely hard for the next few days and try to get as much money as possible and then buy a scarecrow from the egg Festival right that’s what I’m thinking second thing we could do okay is we could either reset and change the mod so that it gives us a 5day grace period where we can set up everything and try get a scarecrow in 5 days what are we thinking we could either have a 5-day grace period for before the crow apocalypse hits up which is not cheating which I’m just saying is probably not cheating and we could run it back or we could try go to the flower dance which is in 11 days so you want to take the easy way out this is so hard this is so difficult and we could this we could give so much effort to this and nothing could come of it which means we’ probably have to reset anyway wimp okay fine we’ll do the egg Festival route okay fine we’ll do the egg Festival route how do we do this what rare Crow can we [Music] get uh egg rare rare Crow which one can we get we can get this one right [Music] egg egg Festival does this have a I think this has no it doesn’t how much a rare crows is it the flower down that gives you the rare Crow I keep forgetting you don’t have a bid what the what do we do about that do we just have to fish till 2 till 2: a.m. every morning morning now like what’s the game plan to get the most money fish fish till 2 a.m. build Chas I’m worried they’re going to I’m worried they’re going to like take the chest we can build one chest and then we have to get rid of something if the crows can take your bed could they take the Scarecrow oh my God I even had thought about that do we need a scarecrow to save the Scarecrow [Music] is that what we need to do can you put a chest in NPC’s rooms now we’re thinking chat now we’re thinking cuz the the farm is a war zone the farm is a war zone that’s not [Music] happening but can we did they take anything in cind saap is cindes saap looking like extra empty why is there no trees in cindersap they didn’t take Leah Leah is safe thank God god um there’s no trees dude I’m about to turn into The Lorax where are the trees there’s no debris there’s no trees I’m going to on this [ __ ] I swear to God what the hell how does this happen wait so it’s not even safe in cindersap either is there the log that’s a great question can we go to the secret Woods did they eat hat Mouse too is the log there oh yeah okay of course the log is there they couldn’t even help us with that all right all right so cindersap isn’t safe the farm isn’t safe does that just mean the rest the map isn’t safe either can we even keep things in Pelican town or are they going to come after my chest [Music] too cuz now I’m like let’s go fishing okay are the mines beer I don’t think they can get inside that would be insane if they could get inside here’s what I’m thinking let’s start let’s go down to the river let’s go down let’s start fishing we’re going to fish for the next 12 hours and we’re going to keep the fish in the chest down by the beach all right if we come back the next morning and the chest is gone by the beach then we can know that they can get anywhere how I’m like I’m trying to I’m trying to I’m I’m trying to think my hardest with this chat okay let’s go let’s just Chuck the chest right next to right down here right here all right I I’m too scared to put any of these away but we’re going to put this away and we’re going to go fishing put it in Willy’s house can you put them in Willy’s house can you do that doesn’t Willie stand there I thought Willie stood here Willie will break it there you’re a piece of [ __ ] Willie okay destroying other people’s property I did not think I thought we I almost lost that that would have been very scary can I place them in buildings is that possible but then I only have limited access to this yeah see then I only have limited access to this and then Willie might rob me maybe Willie works for the crows too corvids I mean I can just put the chest here right let’s Chuck it there let’s put everything in not the scythe and the pickaxe we need those and let’s go fishing for the next 12 hours willly is crows in one body I actually was so shocked when I went to the UK how many crows and ravens there were everywhere I was so shocked how many there were we should turn Elliot’s house into our chest room but that means we’d have to be friend with Elliot to get in there the whole town works for the crows that spot safe according to Wick’s image I saw Wick’s image recently and that is some Dedication that is so crazy to me like GG Wicky you aren’t British no technically I could get a British passport but why would I want to do that I not British do I sound British hey blade I got a question for you because you’re not from the same um uh uh area of of the country as I am um do I sound different would you say I have a different accent Willie don’t you destroy my [Music] chest stop stop get out of the way I’ll tell you that I used to I used to have new zealanders call me a Canadian and I was like no bro I’m not Canadian but it’s somewhere else where he does not stand he does not stand here we’re fine however we’re not getting a whole lot of fish we got a sardine and an anchovy um which is not amazing I’ll be honest but I guess we oh almost missed that one okay this is what are you then n no I’m a catboy that’s what I am my dad thought you were Australian when I was in Britain a lot of people thought I was Australian um so I understand that I can understand getting the British and the British Australian and kiwi accent confused I don’t think that’s that big of a of an issue I was not looking at the the fish the fishy you guys ever gone fishing I I I’ve gone fishing before and it was when I was a kid but I was always too scared to touch the fish so I would catch them and then I wouldn’t touch throw South African into the mix I actually love doing a South African accent I think they’re so funny I should technically sell all these fish shouldn’t I I went hiking what yes you did I love fishing Fanboy fishing oh I know I actually I understand I have a I I think I have a posh kiwi accent too but I didn’t even grow up in a posh area I think it was just cuz my grandparents were English that it made me sound slightly posher cuz I do not I did the area I grew up in was like was very working class very Bogen so like I don’t know why I have a posa kiwi accent I love your shirt thank you dude we are we are reeling in this fish we are cooking out here we are fboy fishing to the extreme and I think let’s sell all these fish right let’s sell them make sure the the crows can’t get [Music] them Nino’s rich and he’s hiding it I do you have express interest in Rivals twitch Rivals I’m not very good at video gamesh nice all right what is this all going to sell for how much does a hearing sell for first he’s homeless then he’s Rich the world’s against me that’s why St Valley on Wednesday oh I would so watch that but I’m wait I didn’t even know twitch Rivals was on to be honest with you my my I do not pay attention to Twitch things all right let’s get these fish let’s let oh God oh God chat can you stop being so inter cuz I keep looking over to read your chat messages [ __ ] [ __ ] and I I keep missing these fish every time because of it you got some new IDE all right we’re level two and fishing I don’t know I don’t know how that help helps us but we got level two in fishing level one in fishing level one I’m getting ahead of myself dude wrap it up that’s Aron eat your heart out how I got level one in fishing in one day us day thank you so much to the twitch uh twitch Prime what’s going on W what’s up goth Han Hill how’s it going I don’t to see you in chat I’m scared for the chest safety you know who safety I’m concerned for the children I’m scared for Jass and Vincent safety also Penny I feel like Penny would only take like three three crows to lift up you know I feel like you should be easy sleeping Linus’s ttin I don’t trust lus after the bait scene it’s just I just don’t trust him well what’s up scy cat bye-bye Penny see it’s like do do the do the town villagers know that they’ve been cursed by the crows like this feels like a Stephen King book you know what I mean moving into a small town and every day they have to appease this h of crows that come in and just steal everything from them and if they don’t the crows take their children like is do they know that this is happening yo SE jelly come can we sell this how much does sell for 200 that’s perfect let’s sell it oh it’s like birds yeah I guess it is like birds I would surrender to the crows let the crows take me away she sell sea jelly till I sell it that’s so true bye-bye Pierre maybe Pier’s the one that’s hoarding the crows but yeah when I was in the UK I was actually shocked at how many crows there were I didn’t expect there to be that many Ravens in the UK like they were everywhere dude like I was shocked You’ just be walking around I like no wonder the UK is so depressed it would just be like you’re walking around in this C everywh it’s sick but it feels like you’re in a um it feels like you’re in a bloody uh uh Vincent Price [Music] film Pierre is leading them I’m going submit to the crow overlords or Hell the crows bye Willie get a good night’s rest tonight for tomorrow the crows arrive are you sure it was Ravens I don’t know it was Ravens or crows they’re the same thing they just one’s just smaller they just they’re just there did I miss a thing I was reading chat did I miss one do they steal like do they steal from other homes that’s what I want to know also I can’t see my screen because of the light this is how big the light is I have to go like this to be able to see my screen stop giving me Driftwood dude that’s three in a row okay maybe we’ll run out all [Music] luck isn’t that mag pies what what stealing shiny things that’s not do they steal [ __ ] that’s not on the farm that’s what I want to know are they like they stole stuff in cindersap they stole the trees from cindersap um um and if I knew if I had ever actually watched The Lorax I’m sure I could make a really funny reference there um but the only thing I know about that is the onler um and that’s because my chat is a fiend for the onler so I don’t know anything else about it the slowly tearing the shingles of the roofs of the houses until the villagers have nowhere to hide first they come for the farm next They Come For Your Eyes okay I don’t know if we’re going to get any more more today I think we should go sell all this oh god oh oh oh [Music] oh hold it hold it hold it hold it hold it I literally can’t see the game because of my light my light my light might be too bright this is bad if I have to do this to look at my screen that’s probably not good okay [ __ ] okay let’s grab all anything we to can to sell what do we what do we want what do we want to hold on to what do we want to hold on to that we don’t want the crows to get like whatever sells the most three sardines like what do we sacrifice to the crows for the night we have to make sure they’re appeased so they don’t steal Haley from me I guess the the hot sound for sell for a lot any of these sell for like over 100 no they don’t sell the flounder sells for a lot the sea jelly sells for a lot I think I think we have to leave these here right they can take the sardines you know what you know what [ __ ] it I’m not passing out I don’t have a bed to like sleep in anyway I’m going to run up put these in the shipping bin and then come back down what if they can take the shipping bin wait I didn’t think this far [Music] can they but surely not right I don’t even check that you have to sell directly to Pier Willie I don’t want to talk to Pierre okay if the shipping bin is still here I didn’t even check it okay the shipping bin is still here thank God so let’s sell all of this run back we’re not going to make it in time [ __ ] we can run back back if we try and grabb the extra fish to at least keep it on our body before we pass out or anything that we can actually like just don’t want them to take like the crops I think we really want to keep the crops and our uh oh Emily get home tonight Emily before the bows toll when the crows arrive I like to think it’s just like The Purge for them but it’s every night of living in Fair Nino it’s frozen a [ __ ] that was a really funny bit too there we go that was weird I’m also going to turn my can you not algado can you can you not okay that’s a bit easier to see there we go my God I can actually see things now the crows do wreak of Emily though she spawned them in damn it that was such a funny bit I can’t believe you guys didn’t see that all right let’s grab um okay what do we grab from this chest crops that let’s leave a single let’s leave these [Music] fish let’s leave these fish to see if they steal them we can see if they steal those fish I would guess oh God I forgot I couldn’t make it back okay we passed out what a terrible idea from uh what a terrible idea for video this [Music] was nice there’s some money there’s some money how much are rare crows chat how much are rare crows [Music] and we’ve woken up to nothing some items were placed in the town Lost and Found What look at them they’ve taken everything they’ve taken everything you can’t take anymore what more could you possibly take from me what more could you possibly want everything is bear it’s all gone they [ __ ] took every where is all my [ __ ] in my inventory I’ve been stripped of my farm my dignity get out of here wait they did not do they actually steal from my inventory the greenhouse no no they didn’t they didn’t they didn’t they didn’t [Music] no is nothing sacred to you how the [ __ ] did they take a [ __ ] how did they take an entire Greenhouse kind of [ __ ] in Pelican Town dude more like Crow town I they look we lost everything in our inventory we lost it all there’s nothing there anymore at least they [Music] didn’t they did take my they did take my [Music] tools they did take my tools I was going to say oh at least they didn’t take my tools but I only have a picka and a scyh lft you monsters okay let’s go to the lost and found to actually like you know take [ __ ] but I’ve been let’s go to the lost and found to get our tools back but I’ve been pickpocketed by crows is the bus still there stop could the B no the bus will be there I don’t think they can take like actual items from the game right okay at least P at least Pam’s future job is there all right let’s go to the lost and found and then let’s check the uh let’s go to the lost and found then let’s go to the chest to see if the chest is actually still there wait is have they stolen any anything that’s like up here but if they’ve taken the greenhouse I’m sure they’ve taken the chest you know like how hard could it be they’ve taken every single blade of grass in the entire Valley at least no one has to Mo load the at least no one has to mow the Lawns anymore okay where’s the lost and found Lois’s house I never lose items I think it’s in Louis’s house oh you’ve left Pam alone though huh haven’t taken anything from Pam low the MS yeah shut up Lois what is that that’s the tickets lost and found okay at least I can get these back at least we have something in this cruel world at least we have something okay let’s go down to the uh let’s go down to the beach let’s see if that chest is still there there’s no dig spots either give me a dig spot [Music] okay okay um they took the chest they actually did it so we have now established uh that they can take from anywhere in stardo [Music] Valley amazing did they take G did they take some gold did they no did they actually how much gold was I on what about items thrown onto the ground did did I did they no surely not surely they didn’t take any of gold I feel like that’d be didn’t joa joa took eight bucks yeah I feel like they I feel like I had 800 we can sell this and we can sleep for the night and see we can test it out we’ve got a bad luck day anyway there’s not a whole lot we can really do because we can’t well we can’t you know Farm which is how we need scarecrows so I guess the only thing we can do is um I guess the only thing we can do is really fish right you can’t sleep anywhere oh yeah okay well I can pass out in the house and that keeps you safe doesn’t it passing out in the house means you won’t lose anything I’m I’m pretty sure are they going to steal your house they’re going to steal my hopes and dreams dude okay let’s just [ __ ] sell everything Dear kobus somebody dropped your tools into the lost and found bin last tonight well at least the crows were kind enough to do that if if they steal everything else from me at least it wasn’t my axe you should make a lot of scarecrows how I can’t even get to level I can’t even get to level one farming cuz they steal the crops they steal the crops I think let’s just try to afford here’s what I’m thinking let’s try to afford two scarecrows can we do that can we can we try to do that is that possible they took the trees at the bus stop how have they lived like this how have they lived like this we need 5,000 gold 5,000 I think you might have to BU buy wood and Stone from Robin oh my God I just realiz I just realized we can’t actually get any wood to build the scarecrows for two one is 2,500 do you guys think we can get 5,000 from just from just you know do you think we can get 5,000 from fishing do you think that’s possible surely before the 14th we could right Sebastian’s right every day the crows come Sebastian cting there every day the crows come every day they take it you lose a percentage of money every day from passing out I don’t I swear you don’t when it’s in your own house I swear you don’t lose any money when you’re in your own house like I I I could be tonight TI throwing an item on the ground they might be immune to the crows is anything immune to the crows these days okay I’ll try it we’ll go back and we’ll throw some beans onto the ground when we’re back in their house before we pass out okay that’s what we’re going to try to do different our new goal is to get 5,000 gold before the flower dance we’re going to try get 5,000 gold before the flower dance we’re going to try get as much fish as we can to sell go back to the house and before we pass out we’re going to throw some beans on the ground to see if they steal the beans from us I don’t like how mean these crows are it’s just like what have I what did I ever do to you I like crows I I like crows I’ve read Edgar alen po s just watching the world fail from the crows yeah I bet he loves it too I bet he loves it cor thr Louis here’s the thing do you keep no I don’t I’m I’m I’m wondering what the thing is [Music] blade how do these crows Target like how do these crows Target just Pelican town like is it is it like a specified thing do they do they target every town is some weird magic voodoo going on in Pelican town where they specifically Target only us is that it is is what curse has been placed on this town okay we’re slowly running out of inventory space sacrifice Pierre now chat I like your thinking but I don’t think that’s going to stop the crows okay we have to keep feeding them otherwise they come for the people next that’s the thing every time we don’t feed them something they come for the people it’s because of joj cola I think I would actually really [ __ ] up with joj Cola in real life I would be I would actually just straight up just slurp on a joa cola like what do you think they taste like I always thought Pepsi cuz of the bless an e oh nice okay let’s go sell all these and then let’s run down to synp to go fish so it’s not as far [Music] away Vanilla Coke I don’t think Pier would be a worthy enough sacrifice listen if they’re going to take anyone it would be JZ okay RC what’s RC is that a cola offbrand Dr Pepper ew ew I’ve always I’m I’m I never understood why Dr Pepper was like meant why Dr PE pepper was meant to be like a secret flavor but my brother in Christ it’s Cherry it’s cherry flavored that’s what do oh just every time I come back to the Farm I’m just so sad every time I come back I’m just a little bit more depressed like this is just oh yeah I’ve got a bunch of sap at least they left that for me amazing great did they take okay you know what there hasn’t even been a lot of fora bles there’s no fores that’s what we haven’t even found I I’m not a single leak anywhere oh thanks for leaving the thanks for leaving the giant ugly pieces of stone for me though that’s amazing yay yay oh it’s so bustling oh doesn’t it feel like you’ve just walked into a forest oh amazing great Leah they steal anything from you oh my God it’s Barren in there it’s not any different oh my God Leah doesn’t have a kitchen sind usap meow all right let’s see if we can get some catfish I know it’s early I know we’re on Lev level one but [ __ ] it right we might as well we have nothing else going for us in this Farm nothing else going for us you know I really thought we would be like I’m trying to get really quick at stardew Valley through these challenges I’m trying to get better at the game where I can get really quick at playing it and like speed run my way through like spring but but this isn’t I don’t know if challenges like this are helping nice a Shad spring onions but we don’t even want to like be alive I mean okay that sounded bad we don’t even want the energy I guess we can sell them but we want to pass out they’re helping with your patience yeah I mean I was kind of hoping to like I I was wanting to get to like fall you know what I mean maybe we will maybe we’ll keep going oh oh oh oh maybe this will be a multiart series welcome in Everyone by the way thank you for the follows a chub average average uh Shad versus chub just a few crows a bunch of crows are stealing all of our stuff yeah you’ll see them soon you’ll see them soon see the thing is there’s nothing for them to even like steal anymore average shed versus chub moment there’s nothing for them to even steal that’s the issue they took everything I thought it would be like a gradual process of taking everything I thought it would be like you know first they come from the trees but I am not a tree so I did not care then they came for the stone but I am not Stone so I did not care sort of situation not everything in 2 days not my bid on night one you know like that’s just cruel that’s beating a man while he’s down ni is either a house or Grandpa’s grave [ __ ] if they stole Grandpa’s grave that’d be crazy luck will not be on your side today just rub it in why don’t you man just rub it in no bed no windows no trees no fora bles no [ __ ] that’s that’s our life God and it’s sad will they steal your inventory they have they’ve already stolen my inventory that’s the issue oh didn’t mean to do that [Music] let’s zoom out let’s get a bit more let’s get a bit more zoom going oh you can’t even still see that into rub it and I’m fishing in the rain can they steal the clock I doubt it join the crows calling you they speak my name maybe one day maybe that’s where this will lead okay we’ got another the Shad interesting it’s not getting oh maybe maybe catfish only spawned for maybe it was too late for catfish maybe they only spawn during the day I don’t really catch catfish this [Music] early fisherman achievement what what does that mean what is that what did I get for that what I don’t have the fish wait what is the fisherman achievement a bream is that c catching a certain amount of fish it means you’re a fisherman wow damn it dude okay we need to start heading back up to the farm soon I think catfish is 6:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. yeah I’m pretty sure they’re during in the beginning of the day which we did not get it does mean I caught a certain amount of fish oh 25 fish huh but I I feel like I have got that before I feel like I must have got that before I have like I only have like 50% achievements uh in styo Valley I’ve never I mean shockingly I’ve never 100% of this game would you ever guess it I had the uh steam gave me an achievement for going to Ginger Island the first time for the playthrough we’ve done like for the ginger Island play through we’re doing and I don’t I don’t get it because I’ve gone to Ginger Island before I don’t know why it thought that was the first time I’d gone to Ginger Island I was very confused the crows are eating Grandpa’s corops Jesus Christ all right let’s get this fish and then let’s go back and sell them all right it’s getting late we have our chub we have our chub on let’s go back to the farm and let’s sell these and let’s not forget to throw some beans on the ground before we pass out all right so we have a Shar CH this should be some good money oh you know what we need to do we need to count how much money we make all right we need to count how much money we make So currently we have 827 right we’re going to sell all this there’s not even a light on here dude I’m living in a shed I’m living in a wooden shed this is what I’ve got to in my life we’re going to throw down a bean down there and we’re going to pass out how do you sleep we literally just do this until we pass out we we literally just do this until we pass out or it’ss 2: a.m. [Music] what could they what else could they possibly take from us there we go we passed out 130 no we didn’t I thought we did the speed running training is coming in look we’re passing out at 130 we want to check how much money that we have and if the bean is still on the floor okay okay so our total what what’s 827 + 8848 chat do that math do that math 827 + 848 1 16 75 okay 1 675 remember that day four of this Crow apocalypse hell [Music] Escape they didn’t steal my money and the bean is still there the bean is still there wait blade might have just cracked the system dude the Bean’s still there holy [ __ ] we have bean wait wait yeah get wait there’s only two Crow wait what where are all the crows where are your where where are your Ps what did we did we did we scare them off oh my god did they take jazz is that what it was did they take Jazz misel hats Okie pokei okay they didn’t take hat mouth so that’s good so we have 1, 675 so we’re getting close we’re getting close to 5,000 closer did they um run out of things to steal did you have you just taken everything from me is that it is that it you wanting to you trying to find my grandpa’s corpse or something don’t look at me with those red eyes you can’t find my grandpa Grandpa’s corpse they did take some weapons they did take oh no they didn’t take anything from me hat Mouse is alive thank God what happens when there’s nothing nothing happens I guess all right so there’s so little to steal now from the valley that the crows are now not showing up which kind of defeats the purpose but also helps us I guess they took Clint and now they can’t get upgrades so we literally just have another day of fishing chat this is all we can do before we can actually get to doing this this is all we can do I guess we can also try go to the mines tomorrow to try to get like uh I don’t know anything cuz we thanks for the green algae like I guess tomorrow we can try I go to the mines is that a good thing I wonder if the traveling cart will sell anything useful bro what is this who’s been what what is this did you take the path to Robins empty it’ll be gone it will be empty well putting chests in the mines do anything now that’s a good question I’m going to say no I’m going to say they’re still going to access it just to play it safe but we can once again test it [Music] out never mind we can’t test it out because there’s no trees we can’t we don’t have any way to get wood we don’t have any way to get wood Robin’s our only way to get wood now cuz of these [ __ ] crows we just have to buy wood Robin’s our only supplier dude God damn it there’s nothing this there’s nothing for us can get wood from the mines I guess so but it’s not a whole lot let’s put that a little bit on that way how does Robin get wood she’s she knows a guy back back door stuff maybe she’s in cahoots with the crows and that’s how she foresaw the pro Crow apocalypse and she started uh she started oh why why is there so much algae dude what the [ __ ] what do I do with this I guess I can sell it I guess I can use it for the mines that could be useful they didn’t steal the beans from me either yeah they take all the fish [Music] too they just leave some seaweed behind they take all the fish this lake is a bad source of fish I just chose a body of water okay I’ll go over to Leah’s house oh my god Jess you’re alive hi she’s too traumatized to speak too traumatized from the crows to speak Robin’s a wood dealer yeah Cherry what’s up 27 months that’s crazy that’s so much welcome in all right let’s go let’s go let’s go fishing by Leah’s house just try to get anything dude this has been rough oh look they didn’t steal the fish thank God hi fluff what’s going on nice we got a sunfish I’m sure that can sell for 45 great amazing amazing just awesome all right thunderstorm thunderstorm okay we’re just so we’re just building resources at this point maybe we should have gone with the the 5 days maybe we should have gone for the 5 days chat can I tell you something I actually sit the time you can change the time and I set the time to be one day I don’t know what the original was but I set the time to be a one day uh basis which um um is not probably was not the smartest idea I probably should have set the time to be 5 days to begin with a 5-day grace period but that’s fine H we can handle that can you set the number of crows yeah you can set the number of crows why did you do this to yourself cuz I just put a number I just put a number I didn’t think okay I just put a number I was like what would be the most deranged number so I put like two or one or some [ __ ] oh chest chest treasure you never think why do I need to think when I look like this have you thought about that okay have you thought about that why do I need to think when I’m funny what are you giving me to [ __ ] oh Frozen tear yes an artifact wait wait wait wait that’s perfect coal we don’t we we can get rid of that but we can use an artifact to get the Frozen tear because we can get a rarecrow from that if we give uh 20 artifacts we can get a scarecrow would be amazing Hi Sam need get a slingshot uh no I don’t think that’s going to work that would be so sick though hunting in stardo Valley thank you for the follow who thinks for you then Nino no one I think I’m an individual thinker that’s the thing I just no one thinks like me hi gun all right donate let’s give him this Frozen tear so that we can actually start building up towards a rarecrow and extra money so oh yeah I guess we can do these getting started I guess we can do these for um I guess we can do the Quest for extra money too like greeting everyone and getting started cultivate and harvest a pass net okay well we can do the introductions one that we can actually do that one instead we can actually try that one so what’s the goal survive survive the knights okay this Sam um try to get through the day we can get all this hi Lois now we have to speak to Pierre I believe I just want one pass n is it anywhere else I can like I guess I can’t Harvest anywhere else the crow hurt you uh not physically but mentally it it damage it damages me a lot uh mentally there is a lot of damage physically no who else do we need to talk to who else do we actually need to talk to that we haven’t I guess most people but there’s no one we can’t talk to before the uh flower dance no the flower dance yeah Carolyn wait when’s the egg Festival end of the year yeah no wait I’m stupid the egg Festival is on the 13th I was getting the egg festival and the flower dance confused what a [ __ ] okay let’s sell all these let’s sell these to begin with and the algae and we can go fishing again this is going to be the part of the video that’s boring as [ __ ] because I’m just running in between two places and fishing for like the the next like I don’t know how many days for the next like [ __ ] 10 days going to the mines tomorrow I think we should hit the mines tomorrow to be honest with you I think we should I think we should try get any artifacts we can or or like anything to help us hey does this reach it does reach yay fishing bubbles AA going to have fun eting this one AA is currently eating the treasure treasure chest dude I actually think I would go fishing in real life if there was a chance of fishing up treasure it and I’m so sad that there’s no such thing as like what we already got these last time dude we already got these last time this isn’t help us bubble spot if there was a chance what is this did they actually take all the fish in the valley what are we getting here if there was a chance to get actual treasure in real life while fishing I would go fishing a lot more okay I really wish like treasure hunting was a real hobby that people did now cuz even the even on the on like YouTube when you see treasure hunting videos on YouTube they’re like wo guys massive treasure we found today look at this rusted bike and it’s like okay yeah that’s pretty cool you got a rusted you got a rusted bike that’s pretty sick all awesome who guys we found some really cool treasure today we found a lime scooter polluting Rivers oh yeah yeah that’s some real treasure guys some people find bombs Nino okay well I don’t know if I still want to find bombs you know I don’t I don’t know if I also don’t know if I want to find bombs don’t mind my username to dear don’t worry we we have other people in the in in in stream that come in with un usernames called Mommy you’re not the only one you know I’ll find anything in fishing but not bombs did people used to actually go fishing like did people actually used to go like treasure hunting for real treasure did people really do that back in the day like go find gold and stuff was that a real experience that people went through yes God the time we live in is so boring oh what do you mean I okay so are you telling me people back in the day used to no not not gold not gold panning right not gold panning I mean like treasure like pirate stuff you know sailing the Seven Seas for Treasure probably is not as fun as I’m making it out to be probably a lot of more murder there’s probably a lot more murder in it than than there really than there was you know that I’m making it out to be then miss definitely did what I know that the contract scuba div Just For Stuff dude screw being a scuba divver I I’m saying all this like I would actually love to go out on the seven seas and find treasure uh I don’t even like the ocean that much dude I don’t even like the ocean that much I’m not that good of a swimmer but I guess Pirates weren’t really good swimmers either I guess Pirates weren’t very good swimmers so they they had that going for them too big deep dark water scares me you know what scares me crows that’s what scares me though in real life I love crows I think the ocean is overrated yeah I like me personally if I’m if I’m picking the ocean or a lake I’m going for a lake you know Lakes are so sick ocean salty gross full of weird little creatures I don’t like you know Big Empty scary nice we got a 16in chub oh I I would say I wouldn’t even call that a chub at that point why do you think Pirates like treasure um I don’t know why do pirates like treasure is that that was a setup for a joke right cuz they like that booty all right uh I’m going four out of 10 what are we saying chat I’m I’m thinking four out of 10 for that no no no no no talk to Leah have I talked to Leah two harsh harsh rating from the chat room ouch oh okay one three two oh I got a better one all right let’s hear it let’s hear it let me hear it five you guys are high Raiders nice level three fishing what do pirates pay for corn a [Music] Buccaneer what I don’t get it am I stupid all right guys uh new new game to play with chat a Buccaneer no a buck and an air of corn yeah I oh an air of corn is that a thing I don’t know what I’m what why can’t you take the PE out of pirate cuz it would make them my rate cuz it would make them my R oh I’m actually so clever dude I’m actually so clever can you see the crows at night I see them in my dreams if that’s what you mean I see them I see them in my dreams okay chat you guys will have to send me um new new game to play with chat room you can run the risk of sending me a crow related joke but if I don’t find it funny you get banned who wants to play WoW Looney Bean thank you so much for the tier one welcome in who wants to play baned yep what’s a crow’s favorite crime if this is murder if I would just if if you’re sending through murder I would just not send it through to not R the ban like I like having you in I like having you on chat kber I would not never mind yeah okay I would just you know I just just don’t run the risk of that one I’m not really can we s videos no no if you don’t laugh but I sub do I not get banned yeah subs subs don’t subs don’t get banned so if you want to avoid getting banned just sub what’s a crow’s favorite game okay what is it blade said it blade doesn’t count cro [Music] croit croquet you mean to spell it croquet C is croit is it me did you mean to put croquet cro he’s meant to be Cricket cuz I wanted to be like what’s a croquet that’s how you spell it no kber got it I’m talking about Looney bean I think Looney Bean spelled it wrong you know what if it was croquet it would have been funny I’m going to give you that one where do crows live come on give all right all right where do crows live I don’t know in a nest let me hear it where do crows live we can sell all right it’s getting to night time let’s sell all all of these do we sell the Bean starter we could just buy more Bean starter later later and we fall asleep for the night Croatia all right that one’s funny I’ll take I’ll take that one writing all these down what do you call an albino Crow Caucasian okay see Cav you’re safe now you’re safe what y thank you so much for the two gifted holy [ __ ] thank you so much and we pass out for another night how much closer to that 5G are we oh crab pots we do crab pots they wouldn’t steal crab pots would [Music] they another 800 G’s let’s go River thank you for the tier one what type of software do crows like Microsoft all right pause the game for a second and pause the game let’s let’s pull out this chatter here um okay let’s have a look now that was rough that was a rough one not going to lie to you that was a rough one okay um 17 message all right all right it seems like this is um your second stream um can I oh it’s disappeared hang on okay second stream 17 messages what type of software do crows like just subscribed ah you know what you know what wait did you subscribe wait you just subscribed now did you just subscribe oh gifted a sub you know what you can stay there p p pedo you are you can stay you’re all right in my book you’re fine nah it’s good M hello kobus it’s funny it’s funny I was RA all of this you see this cat here I found a sitting outside the entrance to your farm I think it’s a stray poor little thing I think it likes it I think it likes this place man do not leave this cat with me it’s not going to last the night manty okay it’s not going to last the night will you adopt this cat God help the so and we can name it subscribe because if this cat if this cat lasts the night you have to subscribe if this cat is here tomorrow then you have to subscribe maybe this will use like surely a crow wouldn’t take a cat right all right it’s mine seon today boys it’s mine season today so we have to head up to the mines and try get I don’t know artifacts anything like just anything we can find to help us anything we can sell look this is Barren there’s nothing we don’t even have any food to take in WoW quat Berry thank you so much for the tail one what do you call a couple of crows um oh sorry lonus didn’t realize you’re doing your morning business in there my bad Jesus you think you’d find a more like in a more appropriate Bush you know you’re making your master bait up there lers attempted murder okay I I I I’ll give you a pass on that one Marlin why the hell have you not been fighting off the crows that come in you’re doing a useless job at protecting the valley we’ve lost all our resources our crops are dead for the winter the other issue oh it’s a good luck day today so at least we can try get down further the other issue is that we don’t have any space in our inventory for good stuff but I guess I can try throw things like if I throw things on the ground can I try pick them up a different day will they go to the lost and found cave carot at least they haven’t touched the mines all right chat what are we looking level five let’s head back up and we literally just need to dump like this I can’t dump it I actually can’t dump it [ __ ] I thought I could just throw it on the ground [ __ ] I actually I can’t throw the axe wait so do we just sell all of this I guess so right I guess we have to run back and just sell it all now what would be better selling the geodes or breaking them open so that we can get artifacts to hopefully get a scarecrow eventually cuz we can afford one scarecrow you can spend 2, and get a backpack but I’m worried we’re not going to have enough of the Scarecrow but is it is it worth breaking them open yes I’m running back to I’m running back to the house to sell [Music] everything oh my God is my cat been taken already uh let’s sell copper ore [ __ ] it we’ll sell well I’m just selling everything cuz there’s no other there’s nothing else we can do with this let’s go break these geod and hope we can get something good from [Music] it might Smith might sell a lot oh and the community center well that doesn’t help us with anything God could you imagine they stole the community center all right let’s go get these geodes broken open let’s get these geod broken open so we can uh possibly possibly add to the artifacts to try to get a rare Crow cuz at 20 artifacts we get a rarecrow or a scarecrow I’m not sure which one all right what’s up Losa give me uh give me two of these nice there’s one artifact I think yes there’s two okay okay we’re up to three we could we’ve already got another 17 go whoops those are minerals oh for [ __ ] sakes is this these are all for God’s sakes so what what’s the artifacts why does God hate us why does God hate us I’m telling you chat we we should have gone for the 5 days you need to wait until the 24th for a rarecrow now you can get some from uh you can get some from is God a crow now I think so you chose the mod bisti yeah and I also chose the day so that’s I also chose how many days they appear you can tell dirt in the mines for artifacts oh my God how do you know so much about this game blade how do you know so much about this game I play this game for my career and I’m just kind of I always just feel like I’m just kind of hoping for the best when I play it wait so if I if I get this bad boy out and I oh wait where did I put it if I get this bad boy out oh wait I can’t do that no dirt on this floor there is not no there is no dirt on this floor all right let’s go try so we just have to get down as far as possible then oh there’s some dirt oh dirt Precious Precious soil [Music] no get out of the way I don’t want a stupid laded right now can you can you stop okay so if we try till this dirt we can hope to get an artifact am is that correct if we just one artifact nice nice we got a we got a piece of clay and another ladder amazing and a cave amazing okay cool uh there’s some more dirt there’s some more dirt and a piece of [Music] wood just loves cave carrots the hell are you guys talking about the H are you guys talking about in chat religion what you talking about a religion any monster can drop dwarf Scrolls really and an ancient scroll take the carrots I got the carrots don’t worry oh God I need to eat I need to eat I didn’t even realize how are we going to complete the spring bundle dude all right further down we go I don’t this feels like a more of a struggle than when I did the band okay give me that this feels like more of a struggle than when I did the band word streams not going to lie this feels even harder like I’m loving the luck that it’s giving me but this isn’t what I want I need artifacts more artifacts if you if you build a chicken coop will they take it I’m sure they will they’ve taken everything else from me I’m sure they will take it hey J dog like why wouldn’t they go die just die I’m just going down the next level actually maybe they’ll drop something damn they do not want to drop any artifacts jump at me jump at me okay so our goal has been from completing any bundle to I think now just beat this just the spring crops if we can just get through spring and being able to get the spring crops that would be amazing like that would be the goal now just finish Spring by doing one bundle would be fantastic is ginger Island safe nowhere is safe in this world nowhere okay I need to eat this cave carrot are we even going to get down to you need one bundle to open the pantry for spring oh my God wait wait I do need I need the [ __ ] cuz usually I do the spring um I do need a bundle to get the spring Pantry cuz usually I do the forage bles but of course there aren’t any fora bles cuz the crows ate them all oh my God I for got about that so then we’ll need to do the construction bundle which is [ __ ] what is that is that 100 Wood and 100 Stone 10 hardwood from the mines 198 wood a 99 Stone and 10 Hardwood I feel like we could do that we’re not going to make it any further though today because uh we’re all out of energy damn dude dude we oh dude what the [ __ ] did I miss a staircase did I miss a staircase where’s that little dude give me a yam come here come here give me em give me em ow you gave me a cherry bomb you you know what I’ll take a cherry bomb uh where’s a good cluster there for real nice [ __ ] please give me just a staircase straight away give me one just straight away a it’s so dark it’s so dark God damn it okay damn it oh yeah cave car and topz we can sell those oh my God cave carrot cave carrot what do I get rid of a torch eat that just one more level this is so sad I know I know please it doesn’t the Wii music the the [ __ ] Wii music in the background isn’t happen happen helping the Wii sports music dude how are you still alive through Shar determination and spite you’re starting to feel exhausted please don’t do this to me how is there nothing ah we made it level 10 baby give me the boots give me the loot I’m going to sell all this [ __ ] what is this is this an AR effect or a mineral mineral we’re selling it [ __ ] it we don’t need it we don’t need it my motivation in life is just being so angry at the world that I will finish anything okay I’m so mad at I’m so spiteful that I’m so trash at this game that I’m going to beat this and we can sell all this [ __ ] the copper do we need the copper we might need the copper [ __ ] the quartz we don’t need the quartz we can sell all the minerals and maybe make a little bit more Buck today herey we’ll get rid of all this sell sell sell we need to keep the stone right hang on what’s the uh oh you know what look I have the look up anything mod so I can just like you know look up anything wait what was it called craft what the [ __ ] was it called craft bundle can you have the [Music] does it not have the C wait what is it called Construction Construction bundle construction construct does it not have the bundles on here dude oh my word oh my word what the [ __ ] construction bundle okay for the construction bundle 99 wood 10 hardwood okay so we need 198 wood 99 Stone and 10 hardwood how the [ __ ] do we manage to how the [ __ ] are we going to get that okay let’s go to sleep for the night let’s the cat’s still alive oh my God the meow meow’s still alive thank god let’s throw the stone bean and copper on the can you stop somewhere can you stop damn it okay it’s nice to know the cat is alive let’s hope it’s here tomorrow cuz there’s a there’s a high chance it won’t be there’s a high chance we say say goodbye to subscribe all right let’s see how many crows are even in tomorrow do not leave this house cat you won’t surv you won’t make it out alive okay 300 should mean we get over the $3,000 Mark they take the they took the [ __ ] cat dude no maybe it’s just outside they didn’t take Clint though damn it dude yeah I know a furnace I can’t build a furnace Clint I can’t they’ll come after me oh thank God the cat is still there okay the cat survived now chat if we want to get the last $2,000 right here’s what I’m thinking we need to get the last $2,000 do we just do we just go fishing the first thing we need to do oh [ __ ] don’t do that do we just go fishing the first thing we need to do we need to go investigate the community center and do the rat problem we need to actually open up the community center fishing seems to be more profitable but we also need to do the mines right completely initiation okay let’s look through this do we don’t earn money for doing the initiation do you you just unlock the adventurers Guild right you don’t earn anything from that rat problem opens up the community center which we need to do we need to open up the community center so we’ll go do that today we need to introduce ourselves to everyone which we can finish up when we are at the um oh no you do that the flower dance we need to introduce ourselves to everyone which we can do and we can’t cultivate a past net because that seems to be the hardest thing in the world to do at the moment this is L what this is turned into is just Stu Valley but there’s no farming that’s what this is turned into Stu Valley but I can’t Farm okay let’s unlock the community center let’s get the bundles going we’ll grab this now we can’t do this so now tomorrow we have to go to the Wizard’s Tower so we can actually start to do the community center picant Town more like Crow Town Crow Town actually sounds like a really good name for like a podcast does that make sense like it sounds like a really good name for a podcast Stu Valley but I can’t Farm or place anything or keep anything out of my inventory or fish or have happiness or joy it’s not Crow town is it uh what is it wait what’s this board can we do this can someone bring me seaweed 60g on delivery you’re actually having a laugh [Music] now could we how much is a backpack upgrade 2,000 I don’t think it’s worth it I don’t think it’s it’s worth spending 1,000 G to get a is it worth spending $1,000 to get a backpack upgrade chat and then we have less days then we only have one week to get $4,000 can we do that from fishing I feel like we could let you hold more loot I think it’s worth it and then we and then we then we have one week to get $4,000 [ __ ] it let’s do it so we can sell even more stuff I almost want to sell uh all this copper all right the rare crows on the 24th no you can get you can get scarecrows from I swear you can get a scarecrow from uh the egg [Music] Festival cuz he stands right [Music] here all right piia we’ve made the decision kobus don’t taunt me you weirdo I want this oh 1,000 that’s a big hit but at least we have space for more things so let’s go fishing and let’s speak to Dr Harvey so that we can unlock one more person oh also Alex is down here so we can speak to him see now I feel like we’re starting to get a bit of a roll on chat all right we have some goals to work towards and life isn’t worth living if you don’t have goals that’s really depressing don’t follow that life cookies those self for heaps let’s go sell these cookies you thought you can fight six people in a Mori and I still think I could now he seems like a s Cy kind of guy I love I love sour lollies dude I’m a big sour lli guy I I the sour the better I used to eat lemons like like they were nothing let’s keep the copper and you just don’t know what you’ll need copper for I just like sour sour lollies are like my favorite and like um but like Warheads or what are they called what are they called the ones that are like circular they’re not sour enough I don’t find they’re sour enough I feel like evelyns would leave cooking in the trash for lonus and I just sold them for a profit so you know who’s the real winner here Evelyn a doggy dog world out here Evelyn okay and you ain’t ready for this dog Warheads or toxic waste they don’t they don’t neither of them are sour enough although I haven’t had toxic waste since I was a kid okay let’s go fishing let’s go fishing with Linus oh bubbles let’s get these bubbles I love lemon heads I used to okay so when I worked I used to work for a wedding company treasure [Music] I used to work for a wedding company and we used to sell Corona and we used to have ice cream tubs of lemons cut up and I used to eat them um to the point that my stummy would hurt dude largemouth bass let’s go and some coal which means we can make a f [ __ ] 20 [Music] copper oh the bubbles gone oh bubbles all right let’s catch these large mouth bass is uh would be good though they’ll sell for heaps cop yay do you see this lonus you see this you see what I’m doing it’s called getting your own food and life Linus okay none this going through trash cans before all right none this going through trash cans it’s called getting ahead ignore where I got those cookies before you know working a wedding company yeah I used to work at weddings and stuff I was a bartender for weddings when I was like 17 and 18 um and it was pretty sick it was pretty sick until you saw people doing lines of cocaine and then it wasn’t as fun anymore cuz as much as I laugh about drugs uh it it just wasn’t as fun to see and then it was like oh okay and it was like but the the stories that came out of it was very funny cuz you always see people who didn’t want to get married all right what treasure did we get again more coal wow that’s that’s great that’s a great brtish treasure to get it’s exactly what I want this it’s amazing what what what person doesn’t want a gift of [Music] coal you got a fishing rod for free where is lonus me to get one aren’t lonus and Willie friends I mean a fishing rod is a kind of extent this is the a fishing rod is a little like is a little over justifying it this is a piece of bamboo with a string on it that’s what this is and I’m making the most of it lonus though just steals from people’s trash is it true that this is the best fishing spot in the game because you get the most into the water is that [Music] true can we confirm or deny I mean I just got a large a 20in largemouth bass from it no okay thank you thank you blade I appreciate it fishing to the side is better this way fishing bubbles yay I Love My Bubbles boink useless as [ __ ] bubbles dude I hate bubbles oh I threw all right what do you got for me bubble bubble bubble buddy what have you got for me oh Jesus Christ what do you got for me bubble buddy [Music] a chub a chub that’s amazing my bubble body has a chub for [Music] me come on come [Music] on come on okay we’re getting so many Largemouth BS I feel like we’re going to make back our money in no time if we keep this up like I just that was a terrible thr I feel like if we just keep this up we’re going to make back our money in no time not when we’re getting algae like [Music] that bubble strategy forgotten only bubbles oh treasure oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh my God I caught that I caught that you pronounce Al like that yeah I don’t say alga sorry I’m not American oh what is that a bullhead I want a bull I’ve never had a bullhead frenzy dude the topaz that’s what I’m talking about and the bait dude we got the topaz wait that’s so sick he’s an ally yeah [ __ ] you with you with your [ __ ] Alie Alay do Americans not joa Cola Sam you got to pick up after yourself do Americans not say Alay do what I say Al I say algae algae what do I say what what the [ __ ] do I’m getting confused now chat what do you guys say [Music] algae the light the lighting oh my god I’ve actually just [Music] disappeared Australian say Al algae algae oh I just I don’t I don’t know man there’s two e no wait there’s no wait wait no there’s not there’s an A and an e you guys are confusing me now also I’m just there’s no lighting see how bad this camera is dude this is why I want a new camera look at this this is terrible the lighting is hardly changed algae see that person says alga I don’t know algae I think algae is cuter and there’s nothing cutier than cuter than slimy things from the ocean nice more bullheads dude we are we are getting some cash money here we’re getting some cash money here and trash so this way is the bit way to go over that way is this the better way to go I’m going to guess so I also like the supermarket music we’ve got going on at the moment big day of fishing for us out here big day of fishing okay miss that that’s fine n know play Supermarket simulator wi dude oh my god I’ve been wanting to play Supermarket Simulator the issue is I have too many like series on at the moment cuz I’m thinking this might be like two streams we might do oh no it’s only be an hour and a half we can keep going I’d love to do like dude Supermarket simulator would be so sick [Music] chub I got a chub for that that’s so ass dude that’s so [Music] sad oh we’ve got a bad we’ve got bad luck today so I I I will not be going into the mines I was thinking about it see the issue right with this camera is there is a blinding light there’s two blinding lights on my face at the moment but there’s no the camera just doesn’t pick up lighting I hate it so much much how do you pronounce [Music] Glacier Glacier GLA GLA glacia glacia do people pronounce it differently you should play doy doy the issue is I know what happens in doy doy so it’s not very fun when you know what happens glossier that’s kind of funny actually that’s kind of funny Glacier yeah Glacier soon I’m going to pronounce them um doesn’t exist that’s how I’m going to pronounce them bye everyone bye have fun going to do the RP what the [ __ ] off to go role play Ash ketchup what a name what a name Ash ketchup that’s really funny all right let’s grab these fish I want to sell all these but we still have so much fishing to do dude we’re going to make back our $2,000 in one day with all of this fish how do you pronounce jalapeno jalapeno jalapeno jalapeno am I correct am I doing it jalapeno is that right oh my God he said it right oh my God I’m safe I’m so good I I see I learn I’m learning to say words that um uh uh year sevens can say white boy is saf for now I had to learn dude I had to learn I had too many I have too many um I have too many Mexican friends to get that wrong to be honest with you I I actually have too many Mex friends to get that wrong I would have got my handed to me dude we got so much we have so much fish we going to be making back our profits of this bag in no time okay not with these CDs but everything else is going to be making it back this lighting I need to fix this lighting after this day I need to fix this lighting this is so bad fishing is op once you get the hang of it I’m a fishing main I love S TV so much CH I’ve been playing a lot of Fallout recently I mean I’ve never played Fallout before but I’m playing Fallout New Vegas I I actually I’m really enjoying it I’m really it’s really fun you know what Al chat watch the show I the show kind of gave me a little cringe from the trailer that’s the thing why would you admit that what watching Fallout new playing Fallout New Vegas cuz it’s like one of the greatest games of all time but like I the the show kind of seems a little cringe it’s not cringe it’s just Camp there’s a difference all right but when I was watching this okay okay when I was watching the trailer I was like this writing seems terrible this writing seems Seems really really bad however that’s judging a book by its cover so I am trying to find a way to watch the show but just I’m not paying for Amazon Prime I’m not paying for Amazon Prime I ain’t paying for that [ __ ] bro I’m not paying [ __ ] 18 bucks for YouTube breed and then another like $10 for Amazon Prime I ain’t paying sorry Mr bezo sorry that’s the so that’s the funniest thing twitch and YouTube are my uh boss overlords but I ain’t paying for either of their [ __ ] dude no way however if you pay for Amazon Prime then you can in fact subscribe for free to the ninoo channel to help me out and you don’t get ads so you can have adree viewing all for free just hit to the subscription B who plays fun fact Amazon has ads now even if you pay $20 what’s the point bro what am I paying for what am I paying for just for Mr Bezos to to to to slap me in the face is that what I’m paying for all right all right we after all this we’re done for the fishing for today and I think I’m going to cut back from from uh I think I’m going to cut back in the edit to talking about uh Jeff Bez off slapping me in the face cuz I think that’d be really funny but hopefully we’ve made back all our money today so we have 3,000 again and then we can just fish for the fish for the next seven days Disney plus has ads dude Disney plus doesn’t have ads for [Music] me all right have you watched Five Nights at Freddy’s of course I went and saw it I win and saw it the uh the day it came out all right largemouth bass gone cars gone chubs gone cars gone bullheads gone chubs gone I I need to I need to be more mature here bullheads gone cut damn it dude I’m a grown man got be laughing every time I see the W chub chub all right chub’s gone C gone topaz gone joa Cola gone algae we’ll keep that we’ll get rid of the bait though all right let’s sleep on these ideas and [ __ ] I forgot we don’t have a bed okay let’s pass out and sleep on these ideas I forget we’re just sleeping you think the community would help me out here you know no one else in the community is helping me out they all have Windows and beds I’m the only one being attacked by the crows nice level four fishing how much money did we get o oh yeah baby 1,500 we are cooking baby we’re on that Sigma grind set Sigma grinds here and we we we we do they still [ __ ] no they didn’t no they didn’t and we’re back to it once again oh yeah we need to go see the wizard oh I forgot about this okay okay before we do that though chat I need to go see the wizard so I can lock the community center and I think along the way let’s go have a look at the traveling Merchant to see if they have anything good for us Louis Louis’s birthday is today okay that we’re not doing that cuz he hasn’t fixed this Crow issue before we do that chat I’m going to go PE and what happens when I go PE is I’m just going to I’m going to Kirby fire you you guys know the drill with Kirby I’m going to give you Kirby while I go piss I’m also going to try to fix this lighting have fun with the Woos have fun with the Woos while I’m gone [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what’s up does Kirby mean he means joy happiness peace for millions in this world it means love for something greater than yourself prosperity for those who need it and Humanity for the inhumane it means piss yeah it means I’ve actually just gone for a piss too that was so fast fastest piss in the west dude fastest piss in the west kind of Ted Talk is this my TED Talk also the lighting is better do you think the landord would be mad at me if I just straight up put in some bit curtains stop making eye contact with me blink I don’t blink have you guys [ __ ] I just blinked bro knows how to do a poker face my hair is so ass today chat [ __ ] oh I’m gone I’m back hi lady red okay let’s head down to the wizard to go get our Goods hopefully they haven’t stolen the wizard too could you imagine if we walk in and everything’s just gone oh the cart lady what do you have for us fried mushroom none of this is none of this is useful at all uh at all I don’t think we can use any of this right red is yeah no none of this is useful okay that’s that’s none of none of this is useful okay let’s go see the wizard and finally unlock the community [Music] center finally so the issue that I have now right is because we don’t have any hi Mr Wizard thank you let me slip on your juice no I mean you know what I mean that’s [Music] not that’s not what I meant okay we can finally go talk to the uh junimos the issue I’ve just realized okay we don’t have any seeds whatsoever any seeds whatsoever for trees how the [ __ ] are we going to start like a farm for trees like I know we can buy wood from Robin but we can’t get any maple seeds or anything like none will spawn on my farm because they stole all the [ __ ] trees from me so what do we do about that do we just have to hope and pray you guys calling the wizard [ __ ] trash cans do trash cans drop maple seeds and stuff do they really don’t trees at the bus stop respawn so we have to get one for the bus stop [Music] too okay another day of fishing chat so we just kind of have to Hope Oh a maple seed we have to hang on to this Maple seed for dear life this is our Prosperity this is what will save Humanity we need to hold on to this and this Acorn and there’s Acorn for dear life this is everything to us okay what is it what do they say oh and more cookies thank you Evelyn what do they say in The Lorax I speak for the trees I’m speaking for the trees and the trees need to be planted it’s the last what cha fell seed it’s the last one of all he doesn’t seed it I think Evelyn puts cookies in the trash just for the farmer I hope so be kind of bad okay let’s get rid of these cookies another day of fishing chat I’m thinking we just go we just go fishing another day of getting the fishing frenzy on and hoping we can get everything does neo keep freezing oh [ __ ] do I I’ve had issues with OBS recently and I’m not really sure why I’m not really sure why all right let’s go fishing let’s go another day of praying we can get more fish this is just like is this what is this just what we’re doing for life I guess we could go to the mines but like we need the money we need 5,000 G and the only way to do that is fishing but we also need a bunch of wood you know what while I’m here how much does Robin sell wood for does she actually is she open on a Sunday you have plenty of time before the 24th I thought he sells rare crows at the hello how much do you sell wood for tin [Music] okay so 10 so we need two 2,000 right we need 2,000 for the bundle $2,000 Luma what’s going on how are you m can we a shout out for Luma 10 bucks per piece of wood so am I doing that math right so if we need 200 we need 1,980 dollar to buy this wood and then we just need to hope for hard wood or get our axe improved but we don’t have a furnace to improve the axe for God’s sakes this is so hard can we see Luna Luna doesn’t uh live with me Luna lives with my parents cuz my landlord does not allow pets because who could possibly have happiness while renting right all right back to the fishing grind back to that Sigma mindset chat while you’re out there working your 9 to 5 me I’m waking up at 6:00 a.m. fishing I’m waking up at 6:00 a.m. out here on that grind put throwing my bait into the water catching those chubs I’m just I’m just so tired I’m just so tired of fishing I just you know yay green algie hi Ying what’s going on all landlords assigned landlord at Birth yay just I’m just tired chat I’m just tired um I also have a request from chat room right I also have a request from chat room can someone look up we definitely can get a scarecrow at the egg Festival right right we we definitely can get a scarecrow at the egg Festival I’m not we didn’t get that wrong no the flower [Music] dance we have to wait till the flower dance [Music] egg Festival wait then what the hell was the wait then we’ve just wasted the entire this entire time cuz we need to the whole point was to get the the whole point was to get scarecrows so that we could do the spring sets so that we could get the spring bundle but if we can’t get a rare CR until the flower Dan then we can’t do the spring bundle cuz everything takes like 9 days to grow to [Music] Summer but this was meant to this is only meant to be for spring [Music] oh my God bro I should have just done the five days I should have just done the five days it would have made oh my God it would have made such a bit of video this is going to this is literally meant to be just a 3-hour stream ah this isn’t meant to be a full year challenge this is meant to be 4 hours of just showing off a mod [ __ ] what do we do [Music] how do we recover this we accept defeat I literally can’t accept defeat I have to put out a video [ __ ] [Music] hi Gay frog grind for dwarf Scrolls another mod to the mines so we have to so there’s no point in even us even getting the money we have to [ __ ] sakes dude I should have just done the 5 days mod to take make no I can’t that’s a Challen no that’s not that we’re not cheating the mod we’re not cheating the mod we need to actually like figure we need to actually like sleep until the flower dance I don’t even have a bed and we haven’t even seen the crows for like 3 days because we have nothing for else for them to steal okay to the mines we go I should have just done the five days dude [ __ ] sakes all right we can have an hour of doing the 5 days but then it’s not like it’s not the same [Music] all right down we go so we need to do we need to get like what 20 dwarf Scrolls I don’t even think we can do that I don’t even think that’s possible how would we even possibly do [Music] that okay so it’s these right [Music] so we need to hope to get an artifact in one of [Music] these in the is this I don’t know if you will get enough with 20 artifacts you may need to get all 40 of them how how do I even do that dude I’ve just been 2 hours doing this for a video I needed to put out on Monday what do we do chat what do we even [Music] do copium truly eight you can tell up from here yeah but I needed I the point of this video was to do it within 4 [Music] hours and now I and to get a video out of it and I’ve just wasted 2 hours have you seen an artifact spot no I haven’t even seen a dig spot this entire time so we need to find effects I’ve just realized I didn’t even seen a dig spot this entire time join the crows honestly so they probably steal the Dig spots too [ __ ] I can’t see anything oh my God we’re going to have no shot [Music] chat dude it’s just clay and Cave carrots it’s just C it’s just cave and Clay carrots oh my God we running out [Music] out what about indoor plants they steal those this is the Wasteland dude [ __ ] chat I actually don’t know what to do cuz the whole point of this was that we can just like get some scarecrows I thought we would just go to the 13th and then have scarecrow and then the real fun would begin because we’re literally just trying to do the spring bundle a fa a video of you failing would be iconic I promise you it’s not that fun it’s not that fun it’s fun for like 2 seconds and then it loses its bit very quickly I know I’ve tried do we do we do we take the L you can just do it in the summer one the goal was the spring one right do we take the L just make tomorrows it a part one part two next week no I can’t do that [Music] [Music] okay hear me out yes we’ve wasted two hours of our time doing this that’s fine what if we take the L on this we come back we give ourselves a 5day leeway in the beginning to get one level one farming and two enough resources so that we can can possibly build some scarecrows but then I’m worried it like loses the mod like loses its like AAL like we’ve already seen what they do you know get the Midlands farm for the chickens let me think about this Midlands farms for the chickens the chicken going to get eaten they could be really funny cooking too deep we could just try for the summer [Music] bundle we could just if they don’t disappear there is your farming okay we could just keep going oh I’m so stuck so what’s the summer okay can you farm could you build a coupe I think they steal CS they steal chickens okay okay what okay let’s think about this for a second while we’re here we just need to think what gets you to level one farming we need to actually game plan this right what gets you to level one f if my screen could actually just pop up that would be great 100 XP what gets you to 100 XP do chickens get you to 100 XP oh [ __ ] did chickens get you to 100 XP 5 XP per pet what about eggs eggs is different right 5xg per for per egg pickup okay so that seems like it will take ages so then what about so then what about pass nips you need 13 pass nips I still think pass nips would be our way to go right eight potatoes five cauliflowers 13 pivs four chickens 20 XP per day yeah but I worry I worry we literally won’t be able to get enough if we have we need to figure out what to do with one rare Crow and the fact that one rare Crow might not be enough and might get stolen cuz I’m worried we’re going to get a rare Crow and then they’re going to steal the rare Crow you know what I mean like I worried we’re going to get it and they’re going to steal it that’s my concern and it’s I think it’s a very valid concern so we need to figure out how we can what’s the quickest way to get one far like farming level one farming 13 pass Snips oh my God these bugs oh oh my God oh my God what am I doing just kill the B ah what am I doing what what the [ __ ] am I up to am I having what am I doing oh my god get into a corner Jesus Lord bro bro leave me alone oh my God I can’t think thank you level up and bug me Jesus Lord why were they coming for me like that [Music] dude okay we don’t have the bait we don’t have the bait thing what if we put no see the issue that I have I think they’re going to steal the the rare Crow no matter what farm up dwarf Scrolls wait we have a bunch of wait wait wa wait we have a bunch of dirt here we can try get dwarf Scrolls right so I think we need to do two I think the minimum we need is two scarecrows like I I genuinely think that’s what we need we need two scarecrows so we need to get two rear crows which is only done through artifacts and farming so we need 20 artifacts we need $50,000 and we need um yeah 20 artifacts $50,000 is that correct damn you cave carrots so we just need to hope that somewhere along here gives us a dwarf artifact without us dying dwarf scroll please please just one dwarf scroll please yeah I’ve been eating the cave carrots wait so we don’t even have a singular artifact we don’t have one right everything we have is minerals but we don’t have but we can get okay so how many artifacts can we get from the mine eight damn we have nothing more to eat can I turn into no I can’t [ __ ] dude we’re not going to get a single dwarf scroll you know what [ __ ] we’re not going to get a single [Music] one no please please just let me live I’m already dealing with too many flying things [Music] already oh my God ah oh my god dude how is there so [Music] many end it please thank you oh [ __ ] it’s 12:00 go to 15 it’s kind of bit late now there’s a 1.1 there’s A.1 bro okay this is not a good strategy chat ah 15 ah anything please just one just [ __ ] more cave carrots dude it’s so J oh my God it’s so J oh it’s so J we’re going to have to headit back [ __ ] this is so we’re so defeated we’re so defeated the crows are winning man bath house I don’t it’s it’s 7th of SE Sunday we don’t have it unlocked it’s seventh of spring we’re so defeated dude we can’t get like I don’t even know how we’re going to get 20 artifacts with the fact that we have you can get what I think it’s is it eight from the mines am I losing my mind we need more than 4 hours of this BR I should have just done the we did this to ourselves we did I should have just done the 5 days at least we made it back to the house we can pet the kitty cat we can Pat the kitty cat and we died yay bug steak okay that’ll at least be useful I don’t I don’t know this music sucks that’s [Music] better we’re doing research that’s what we’re doing chat artifacts sto I need I just want to know how many artifacts we can actually get from the mines cuz there’s no artifacts there’s no dig spots whatsoever today I want to actually see if we can find any dig BS but I don’t think there’s any right like I haven’t seen a single [Music] one they stole my they stole my they stole all my geodes dude they stole all my GE [Music] they’re just too op this is there’s no there’s no dig [ __ ] there’s no there’s no dig spots anywhere [Music] either there’s no dig spots [Music] anywhere oh my God there’s got to be if there would be anywhere it be on the beach right there’s no dig spots this none ignore all that red [Music] well as we just wasted 2 and 1 half hours of my life playing through that trying to do this we’re going to restart but this time we have a 5day grace period so we can actually collect resources to create as many scarecrows as we possibly can I’ve named my Farmer kill me to reflect my internal feelings so tomorrow hopefully we’ll wake up with a [ __ ] bed all right bid there let’s go get rid of all this [ __ ] you know what it’s crazy to see a farm with actual stuff on it now all right let’s see if we can this was meant to be a This was meant to be a 15minute video 15 minutes of me just running around doing things and I spent 2 and 1/2 hours of my life doing something because I got confused between the egg festival and the flower dance because why cuz I’m bad at this game that’s why now what we need to do chat what we need to do is collect as much let’s have a look we need to collect as much wood coal and fiber that we possibly can we need at least 100 Wood two coal and 40 fiber this is what we need at least the amount of so that we can create two scarecrows because I’m 90% sure if we have one scarecrow the others will the C the crows will steal it so to get the Scarecrow we need to do some farming but to get the Scarecrow recipe we actually we actually just need to do some farming so we need it 1 2 3 4 five two three one two three four five I think should we let’s get all this in let’s get all this in perfect now now chat okay here’s my thinking here’s my thinking all right here’s what I’m thinking do we should we just go straight up by some more crops now what do we spend our first 500 buckaroos on I think we need we need to get as much wood as possible what we also need to do and consider when we’re getting all this stuff is I think everything within a uh everything within the Scarecrow radius will be safe so we need to collect get chest right we need to get as much chests as possible and keep them within the radius of the Scarecrow and also plan where our crops are going to go around the scarecrows as our goal still to complete the spring bundle listen at this point our goal have fun have a bit of fun with it you know just have a good time just maybe enjoy life for a little second actually begin to live once in a while that’s our goal of it you know you know just have fun move our bed we can’t sleep outside can we [ __ ] we need a scarecrow inside so that our bed doesn’t get stolen that’s what we need okay so chest now you know what you know what else we’re going to do does coal spawn on the farm look at that one piece of coal look at that look at that already we have enough for a singular scarecrow we just need farming we just need these godamn pass Snips to not screw us over that’s what we need one scarecrow already in our back Pocket God help me can you tell I’m stressed can you tell chat I think at the moment let’s just get coal let’s try to get coal because uh getting wood takes up the most um uh health so if we just try to get as much coal as possible and fiber thing does not take any um energy as far as I remember so we can kind of Scythe away and get as much uh like I think we need 20 fiber for a scarecrow I think 20 so if we can get like I don’t know 60 fiber oh you know where we should go for fiber synap oh and any of these we need we need um I just destroyed it okay well never mind but we need seeds because the trees will be jacked and not like gym jacked jacked as in car jacked tree jacked if you will you seem very calm what Str you’re talking about you know with the challenges I do with this with sto Valley I’m surprised I haven’t gone gray yet just speaking of the challenges I do like between This and like band words and uh the one where I had to beat side Valley in seven days how have I not like gone insane what am I talk how have I not just got gray hair yet I’m trying to not use any up like I’m trying to just Scythe my way through look 60 already I’m going gray for you apparently I’ve only ever found one gray hair oh my God horseradish we need [ __ ] we need fora bles I didn’t even think about that how listen hi beautiful what’s going on oh you’re a new Farmer Boy aren’t you haly stone involed with a camera to notice you one day you’ll notice me when the crows come you’ll notice me um you going to be pure gray wait so what for we need fora bles for the construction bundle and the fora we need horseradish leak this one that’s the other one we need [ __ ] sap we don’t need sap dandelion horseradish leak and what am I missing what am I forgetting dandelion hor radish leak D line hor radish dude how for it how could I forget a deal for my pretty girlfriend that’s what I’m forgetting duh I it’s literally the most important one okay here’s what I’m thinking let’s make a chest yeah let’s make a chest cuz 50 wood would be good to get let’s make a chest let’s build a chest let’s store things away cuz we have a 5-day grace period so if we have enough chests ready to go we can keep them all in a line and very close together so if we can chuck a chest like where we going to put the Scarecrow too if we can Chuck this chest like right here then we can keep things in it and be fine hopefully fine because the Scarecrow should be coming in the Scarecrow should come on Saturday so we even have a free day to go to the mines okay let’s go to sleep please don’t please no scare crows tomorrow please no crows tomorrow please no crows tomorrow please no crows tomorrow we still have our bed baby let’s go oh my God thank thank you Lord we still have a [Music] bed thank you Jesus Lord thank you Yoba thank you scarecrows oh my God that’s actually just such a relief [Music] a bed it’s you know when you really lose everything you start to appreciate the little things in life you start to appreciate more of what you have in life when you finally lose everything you know you got some new ideas to sleep on oh and I’m getting new ideas so pretty much what we need to do is we need to cover like if we really wanted to go hard on this we’d pretty much need to cover the entire of Pelican town in scarecrows right listens in gratitude with Nino truly oh dig spot a dig spot and Stony are you serious but I’m still happy we found a dig spot oh my God it’s just so good to have the little things back I’ve just missed it and the greenhouse too I’ve missed the greenhouse okay so with all this wood 124 wood this is all we’re doing today too we’re just planning to have farming 124 wood we’ll keep the sap fiber Stone Acorn we could build two we could build two two scarecrows which is exactly the amount we need miss those gross worms with they’re more worms and we need to sleep for the day God we’re going so quick with this was there more worms you’re on okay and we sleep now leaks SP when did leak spawn wild seeds wait wild seeds cuz if we can’t get leaks ah [ __ ] you need leaks for wild seeds [ __ ] when did leaks spawn in it’s a certain day right oh you know what Geo perfect okay I’ve just thought of something for the fora bles right every Saturday I believe it’s Saturday I’m trying to recall my speedr running days every Saturday every Saturday far forageable spawn in the bus stop look see there’s a deal so if we have scarecrows in the bus stop does that mean we’ll just have like forageable ready to go so we can just put like a bunch of scarecrows in here to scare them away and then we can just have we can grab any leaks that will hopefully spawn which means we can do the first spring set to then get the spring Pantry bundle oh my God we are cooking so hard right now geode let’s get that broken into first though we just we literally just need wood we just need wood that’s literally all we need as much wood as possible and acorns and things like that let’s go apple seeds anything like that how do I get these I can grab these right there we go we need to grab all these we need to make sure these are out of the ground only spawn in the path to the north of the bus stop is that true does Del leaks not spawn I could def be wrong wait can we look that up leak forageable needed for Sal for recipe producers by owned none but where do we grab them you don’t know you’re not going to tell me where they grab them they’re also on the mountain so we need to figure out where leaks spawn and then try to put as much scarecrows around there okay grab all this you know what our an will also figure out um what what the uh where the best place to put the Scarecrow is I don’t know what the like diameters of a scarecrow is I think it’s pretty big carrots does that help me with anything least have a 20% chance of spawning at the okay that’s quite High 8×8 area 8 by 8 so 1 2 3 4 so if we need to have okay okay I think we we can do that so we kind of keep them like 2 3 4 okay we’ve got we’ve got a good Farm amount going here we’ve got P potatoes P Snips and cauliflower and carrots going let’s go get this geode broken into to see what we get is this supposed to be a space I can never decide if there’s supposed to be a space I always just assume there is cuz it’s like keto is meant to be a last name leaks are most common on the mountain and backwood Maps where 58% of spring forageable items will be leaks they can also be found at the bus stop and railroad okay so by that means we can probably try to put the Le um scarecrows up in the Mountain Road but that might be difficult to guess where the leaks are going to spawn if you know what I mean can we get leaks from trash [Music] cans hi loser Stone everything we’ve got everything we’ve picked up has been Stone so far hi [Music] Clint if we could get a leak from a trash can somehow that would be insane but I don’t know if you can okay let’s head back to the farm thank you for the follow everyone thank you for the [Music] follows I wonder wait so carrots take 3 days I wonder if we get more XP from carrots the sooner we can get level one farming the better carrots are 3 days carrots won’t get best enough for level one farming that’s fine all right 283 more coal we need more coal that’s what we need we need like five or six more coal can you put scarecrows in the house all spring forageable are available from the trash let’s go well there is a chance we could get we need to check the trash to hope we can get a leak but leaks are only available from like uh level is it day is it what wait leaks are only available from day eight right Clinton is never that guy yeah Clint is not getting Emily you know why cuz I’m I’m getting Emily cuz Emily’s slowly going up and like the characters I like I’m not even going to lie something about Emily’s kind of like leaks are available at any time what I’m telling Haley no Haley’s still my number one I’m just saying Emily’s slowly going up Lakes are available at anytime I do not know that what the [ __ ] this little guy was just sitting [Applause] there I didn’t even see what all our prayers could have been answered holy [ __ ] holy [Music] [ __ ] okay 1 2 3 four we have all the spring we have all the spring we have all the spring things we have all the spring fora bles okay I like how this is just me playing Stu Valley but I’m preparing for the cow apocalypse okay we have all the spring fores which means we get the first bundle as quick as possible now we just need coal and wood and lots of seeds coal wood lots of seeds that’s what we need and we have one two okay okay okay get more seeds get more seeds and wood Acorn I think we have lots of ACN what is the first night for the crow you won’t be make the Scarecrow until day six day five day six I think wait really it’s day six [ __ ] do they spawn that day no please no please no I swear I swear they spawn on day I guess we’re going to see wait I’m questioning everything now players have a grace period of five days to establish their F and reach level one farming providing them with the opportunity to craft scarecrows so I should be fine I should be fine the mod says a 5-day grace period is to establish the fan leech re level one farming interestingly even scarecrows themselves are autoimmune to theft unless protected by another scarecrow so we’re doing a good job by getting more than one so we’re getting we’re doing a good job by getting more than one got to help us what no get out of here how are you already starting I said there was a 5-day grace period what the [ __ ] what the hell dude what was it that for you stupid vanilla crows it’s okay we’re still fine you know what we’re still fine we’re still fine and tomorrow our Pips will be good and I’ll and I’ll our carrots still have a few more days okay okay he’s not on my watch no Gray’s here it’s just a warning they’re just in a warning to me to let me know like we’re waiting we will be God damn it dude that’s not what I meant to do okay we need more coal that’s what we need dude chat when does the community center open is it day five is that the minds of day five I always get confused nice that’s our fourth piece of coal fifth piece of coal let’s go so that’s four four scarecrows but you can make but we need six that’s six that’s six okay that’s six scarecrows how are we going to I don’t know how we’re going to do the whole like bid thing CU we can’t you know what it was worth a shot it was worth a shot can we put a scarecrow inside like can I just keep everything like like here and can we keep the Scarecrow can we put a scarecrow like this area two of them like right here wait The Oak Table sells for 750 bucks ah I thought I thought we could I thought I was like I feel like other people would have done that I feel like other people would have would have already attempted that if they tried it anyway o it looks like someone’s sitting on my table okay so now we have enough for six is that right six no 20 20 40 60 80 100 120 we need 120 fiber I don’t know why I couldn’t just do six times 20 in my head but I’ve been through a lot of stress recently so I hope you understand okay four okay the rest of the day is just grabbing as much fiber as possible to stuff into those scarecrows oh look at that little foggy I think when you go to cindersap cnap usually has heaps of this we’re going to run out of fiber up here dude your house looks so nice thanks the interior design the style is called um uh stress and fear of death um that’s that’s that’s why I’ve designed it like that okay okay we are pulling this back so hard chat considering the original goal and Houston proper or the [Music] BBS what are you what what are you saying to me what’s a Houston proper I’m sorry this is a bid I couldn’t carry on I’m sorry I’m sorry I wish I was funnier than than I [Music] am I apparently I was talking to an American yesterday and apparently the newal New Zealand suburbs are like very different to American suburbs and I’m not really sure how okay I think that’s enough fiber I think that’s 125 fiber sorry wrong chat that’s okay that’s actually really funny nice Leah Leah lock down your hatches lock down your doors everyone you know what this is this reminds me of the green rain event it’s like preparing for the green rain Jess they’re coming for you first you get ready for the children to be spped away [Music] okay level up and Mining already damn and a geode okay let’s go to Clint and get that Geo sorted then what if they already took Leah [Music] good do we need money for anything chat do you guys think we do we need money for anything like what resources do we need I’m trying to like run through my mind and think of all the resources we need to keep within a single area like the only thing I can think of is we really need seeds because we don’t want to run out of um we don’t want to run out of wood truthfully we don’t want to run out of wood oh my God is that a racist catboy comment that’s crazy I’ve never seen a racist catboy comment money for the backpack yeah we could do that in the future we’ll get these seeds planted too this is going to be an ugly Farm I’m sorry I apologize for how ugly this is going to look but we’re going to keep one two three we’re going to go one there this is where the Scarecrow is going to be one two 3 4 5 okay okay this is where this one right here this is where the Scarecrow is going to be um right in this spot cuz then it’s got five to okay so if that means if the Scarecrow goes here this is 5 6 7 8 this is how far the Scarecrow can go go how much do we build a how much is fence two so if we put that there let’s build a piece of fence and make sure thank you for the head pads there that is one scarecrow space thank you for the hit Pat chats sometimes you just got to deal with uh racist Pricks that come in one 1 2 3 4 5 6 six 7 around about there that’s like the second area roundabout that doesn’t look right hang on 1 2 three 4 5 six 7 eight okay cuz it was one off that’s why okay okay okay this this Frame from that fence to that fence is a roundabout the Scarecrow area we have and cons and downwards it’s 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 is that music too loud [Music] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 okay this is the radius that we are working with right here this is the frame that we are working with in which we can keep another [Music] scarecrow what do we put in here UI info Suite would show it too yeah but I don’t have a scare yeah but I I have to go off memory for now this is our protection area including that we’re going to we’re going to put one in the we’re going to put okay planning this out 150 currently we have enough for six scarecrows we have two have to go on here hi Rodrigo two have to go in this space two have to go in our house to make sure none of our [ __ ] gets stolen in here what El where else can we put them what’s another area we can put this two scarecrows where the greenhouse no what the [ __ ] do we are we even going to need the greenhouse do we save the greenhouse is this like it’s like I’m choosing what children to to keep and what children to [Music] sacrifice you know like please let me have J let me have Vince you can take Jazz I think we have to keep the greenhouse the bus for dig stops we could totally do the bus we just need more [Music] I [Music] think what did Jazz do to you I just prefer [Music] Vince I think maybe what about the beach what about the beach the beach could be a good area I don’t even know what I’m doing at the moment have the bed in your inventory at least they take from your inventory they they take from your inventory that’s why you need chest because they take everything you’re about to pass out I know you need chests I need like a bunch of chests here to keep everything in stock and I need those chests to stay in the area so let’s get I guess we just need more wood which is also why we need a bunch of trees because soon we’re not going to have any trees oh God okay we need to sleep oh I hope I hope it’s not tomorrow I hope it’s the day after that they come mining level one nice oh God tomorrow the crows arrive but at least we will have at least our Pips are ready and we’ve please give me level one farming thank you Lord wait [Music] wait wait the crows arrive tomorrow and we have no way to protect our [Music] stuff I can’t make it until tomorrow [Music] okay oh no okay here’s okay but we know but we know we know from last time chat they can’t grab items if they’re on the ground that’s what we know they can’t grab items when they’re on the ground yeah floor drobe we’re going to have a floor drobe robe everything is going to be on the floor we’re going to have to say goodbye to these These are going to go we know that sadly all this is going to [Music] go but in the [Music] meantime all of this we’re going to have to just throw it on the ground and hope I think in the mean time we need to collect up our final stuff for um for spring like we need to collect our final things for spring which could be coal horseradishes any forgeable items I think forgeable items coal yeah leak are good forgeable items coal uh seeds is good wow [Music] oh what’s up trash Panda what’s going on raid what’s up everyone welcome in how are you how was stream were you playing some stardo Valley would it be would it be possible to finish the community center who knows honest to God who knows um Raiders what we’re doing is we’re playing stardo Valley but every single every day 1,000 crows spawn in and it we played for 2 and 1/2 hours and we had to reset because uh we messed up cuz we messed up but how are you trash bander what’s going on currently we’re on the lookout for any seeds we can get seeds fora bles any like that of the sort um it’s hell this is a much harder challenge than I thought it was going to be not going to lie to you it was much harder um but welcome in Raiders also I’m Nino and that’s who I am I’m ninoo I do stream I do Stu and sometimes variety stuff and we like to have a little bit of fun around here sometimes you know not too much but just sometimes it sounds like how it is how yeah we messed up big time we did mess up big time so now we’re going for a late stream because um I’m I’m I messed up when Birds attack truly when Birds attack God I don’t know what to do today okay okay we might be saying goodbye to the greenhouse no matter what the greenhouse might be going no matter what because we can’t get everything till tomorrow all these seeds right here we need these all of this we need pine trees especially pine trees cuz I always find those are the ones that are a bit harder to find all these ones okay let’s cut down this tree and grab the resources we need wait the mines are open today right if we need coal I guess we can head down to the [Music] mines bye Finch buy Greenhouse oh God I’m not ready to say goodbye to everything I’m not ready to say goodbye more pine cones thank you we also just need one more piece of coal I think we have there we go there we go uh let’s get rid of the sap and stone just that last piece of coal Community Center is today ha it is it is it is good point dude someone in my house is like cooking like noodles I can smell noodles it’s very overpowering oh I was going the wrong way all right all of this stays here for [Music] now let’s go to the Community Center Eight coal okay so we definitely have enough for eight scarecrows your hair is cool thanks my hair is I need a haircut I’m actually getting a haircut tonight overpowering in the good or bad way you want to expand on that you want to expand what what do you mean by that what’s up Louis I know the community Cent’s in Ruins I know let’s go get this thing who Haley hi baby Haley’s ignoring you I love her so much God she’s my everything and I think there’s daffles up here that we can actually like keep too so we could steal those haircut I mean it’s just like oh I want to practice my Scythe pickups wait watch this wait how do they how do I do it damn it I didn’t do it I like your hair I mean it’s just getting a trim because it that’s it it’s not I’m not like cutting it off completely okay let’s go see this so tomorrow we can go to the wizard too right click left click that’s I forgot to I forgot to right click that’s right okay so we’ve seen that so the wizard is going to tell us to come to his [Music] tomorrow I need to practice this off it doesn’t it help I need to get a new mouse my mouse is really bad idea to shave your hair for an extrem I would actually cry if I ever went bold I literally I couldn’t handle it like emotionally I could not handle going Bal I I would just it would be over me you know like personally on a personal level but I’m I’m hoping to go for I’m really trying to get back into getting my my wolf cut back just wait till 25 buddy my granddad is um in his 70s and still has as much hair as I do so I’m I’m hoping and praying honestly if I ever go bold I’m making that trip to Turkey you know what I mean I’m making that trip to Turkey I don’t give a [ __ ] I do not give a [ __ ] oh I wanted to go to the mines today [ __ ] to get some coal but we have bad luck H you can get a wig truthfully yeah no I’m I’m making I’m going to I’m going to Turkey I don’t know if there’d be much Point going to the mines today I think we can spend our B time doing bit stuff will your hair still look the same yeah it will look pretty much exactly the same um it just it just will probably be a little bit longer no uh it’ll be less like uh bushy that’s the best way to put it okay we need acorns all right chat I think if run in a parasocial relationship with Nino’s hair it’s literally going to be the exact same there’s going to be no [ __ ] change it’s the [ __ ] same it’s the same haircut that I always get is the music too loud it is are you going to die it bro I no I actually go to a friend and they D my hair and I need they’re very busy I need to redet though all right all right we have so much resources I’m not sure what more we can do for the cow apocalypse that’s going to hit tomorrow like I feel like we we’re going to have to say goodbye to all these crops and hope to God some Will Survive goodbye my darlings godp speed for tomorrow oh yeah and we also need to put everything on the ground how do we do this how do we no stop picking things up we need to just make sure all of this is on the ground they cannot touch things [ __ ] take a sap off the stack whoa so like okay okay I get what you mean so have like oh [ __ ] oh this is why we have blade in chat oh that’s so smart okay [ __ ] everything goes down here everything we can possibly need goes oh whoops everything wa we need a little floor drobe things aren’t going to despawn down there right okay oh yeah I need a set pack what a [ __ ] okay okay goodbye my babies I’ll see you tomorrow good luck in the night goodbye Greenhouse good luck in Tom tomorrow have a good night and I hope you survive godp speed Pelican town I’ll see you in hell let’s do this let’s do this May Yoba have mercy on our souls let’s go wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait oh [ __ ] no I need to sleep in the bed wait wait wait wait what if I throw the bed down and then pass out then we have a bed for tomorrow is that is that the just the biggest smartest thinking you’ve ever had in your life if we get rid of the bid what else do we need uh I like this we can just put this over here where the [ __ ] did that disappear to and the TV and then we pass out I don’t know where that win and then we my God have mercy on our souls there we go that’s it scarecrow goodbye window please please please be there oh they’re here they’ve arrived get out of it get out of it you stupid animals get out of here but everything’s safe everything we needed is safe get out of here you stupid animals you can take my farm but you can’t take my dignity and you can’t take my smarts all my items are thrown on the ground let’s [ __ ] go holy [ __ ] I’m getting rid of all these crows before they are oh my God oh my God so now we have everything wait let me pick up that chest holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] they’ve even taken my fences [ __ ] okay so we can put everything in here they took my [ __ ] fences dude and but I have my bid I have my bid okay okay we might be so bad we might be so back did we did we accidentally throw away the uh no there it is perfect oh my God yeah you might take away my dignity but you can’t take away blade from my chat room so now now now we can finally boot some scarecrows it’s only Taken 3 hours but we can finally build some scarecrows but we can finally build some scarecrows two 3 4 5 6 7 wait seven oh my God we’re missing one piece of wood eight okay where’s the so this might be stupid if we put this here it’s not going to prot can we put these inside we can we can first thing we’re doing we’re putting two in here right so these should protect each other and one of them should protect everything in the room as far as I can remember you you need two scarecrows I think that’s like the gist of it so a scarecrow will protect another scarecrow now our bed is safe and if we put this if we go like here let’s go a little bit let’s go there and I don’t know let’s go all the way let’s try to get a good amount let’s go here look at that space wait wait wait wait look at the space of protection we have that’s so sick we have such a big area to work with now we have such a big area to work with now look at that space of protection not covering each other you’re so right oh my God oh my God I forget they need to cover each other so is this covering it okay hang on one 2 3 4 5 6 seven so if we go here they should be covering each other now they should be overlapping so now we can grow crops all right now we have four more scarecrows so we need to think about two more areas that we can place them and we couldn’t save our Greenhouse they took the damn greenh house bro it was a real one it was a real one you know you know so you know you know soldier’s going to fall in this wall but you know Soldier is going to fall in this war but it doesn’t become real until it hits Close to You cows can take the greenhouse they can now let’s get so now we have leaks and all this right we have everything okay let’s go down to the wizard let’s talk to to the wizard let’s get some uh let’s get let’s do the rat infestation thing so that we can actually unlock the first bundle finally and we need to start hatching down the batet put to in your house I have man man did you survive did you live man oh damn it she did okay I think the beach for dig spots would be a good shout yes Raven I agree the beach for dig spots could be good that could be a good area to Chuck them cuz I always got and also uh anything that like might spawn up it’s locked wait what I didn’t check the male I didn’t check the M oh my God I’m such a [ __ ] I just was so overwhelmed by the apocalypse the C apocalypse they didn’t even check the mail [ __ ] how many trees do you have left I have a decent amount of trees left why do you think we should secure the trees down we’ve got a few around my other concern is fiber where do we get fiber that’s my other concern so I think we need just need to get as much fiber as possible fiber from the mines that’s true that is totally true we can get fiber from the mines I don’t know why I’m playing so uh zoomed out okay let’s get all these all right let’s go back to the uh Wizard and grab this fiber dude I’m just happy we managed to survive one night you know what I mean I’m just happy we managed to survive a singular night this is going to end up being like a 45 minute video and half of it is just going to me me struggling how does he know that I haven’t like checked the mail how does the wizard know I haven’t checked the mail is it just magic he’s like ah he can’t come in he hasn’t checked the mail yet even though I know he wants to see me hi loser yeah give me the abilities thank you he’s watching you oh he read receipts he seen i’ he he sees I haven’t like opened up his message yet I wish more apps got rid of um like left on red [ __ ] cuz you know what I don’t want to know I don’t want to know either that I’ve been left on red or that I’ve left people on Red you know they don’t just they don’t need to know that there’s no reason to okay we need to grab all our um I hate that red [ __ ] it’s just not needed that’s my business to know I’m not replying to stuff that’s my bu that’s my business to know she hasn’t replied to my messages you know you know the world doesn’t need to know that I don’t need to be reminded [ __ ] you know what I completely forgot to do chat I completely forgot to buy um well we need that so everything here should be safe I completely forgot to buy uh crops today that’s what I forgot to do and what’s the other thing we need we can take a pip we’ll sell these Pips actually right wait what else do we need deal no horseradish that’s what we need we can sell these past NS and I want that save one pnip don’t worry that’s what I’m going straight to the community center first I’m going straight to the community center I’m also zooming in we can actually Farm now dude we can actually have some some justice in our life we could try to save as much as Pelican town as we possibly can that would be a good bit yeah trying to save as much of Pelican town stop it from getting to the [Music] crows I think if full community SC a run of this would be insane I think like a full on oh my God chat holy [Music] [ __ ] 3 hours later one restart and we have our first bundle complete incredible which means we’ve unlocked the pantry and the fish right and the fishing Yeah Boy the crows would definitely eat this thing 100% which means spring crops one down but we also need uh quality crops so we need to buy a bunch of parsnips so so let’s sell oh [ __ ] so tomorrow we need to go and we need to sell as much stuff as possible no wait so okay okay so tomorrow we need to go and we need to go to pier and buy as much uh stuff as possible that’s what we need to do that’s our game plan we need to buy as much we need to make as much uh we need to get as much sap as we can and I think while we’re here let’s go into the saloon to see if we can just like meet as much people to try to get that done don’t judge me Alex all right hello everyone have we met Leah yet I don’t think we’re me Leah Pam Gus Emily are you guys not like concerned that a thousand skar crows landed on our on our town yesterday not what they’re just like y this is the normal day life of living in a small town sometimes you have to fight the cult you have to fight the co um sometimes you have to fight the crow Cults they just chill with this doesn’t rice make Birds explode I like your way of thinking all right let’s go let’s figure out what we want to protect with our two more uh they lose over green wayar but no one mentions the crows we can’t speak about the crows maybe that’s it it’s like something they can’t actually talk [Music] about all right let’s get these pass nipped sold we don’t need those they’re in on it they know this gives much just quality fertilizers we possibly can uh okay let’s think let’s think let’s think are they able to steal the selling take the selling box luckily no do we want to sell do we Okay chat do should we actually use these or should we just sell these spring seeds cuz I know some people just sell them cuz you get an extra bit of money and then if we sell them tomorrow we can just buy as much crops as we possibly can and have those ready to go is that like a is that like a big brain Mo [Music] move you need the money more than foraging that’s what I’m thinking too right we just sell these get as much money as possible and then tomorrow we can actually start our farm I’m still concerned surely 10 of each tree is a good amount we get these mix seeds [Music] going okay two we have two more scarecrow areas we can use are we thinking chat the beach are we thinking the beach are we thinking the mountain maybe a different part of our farm if we want to have like a uh a a wood safe area area we can just like have some trees that are safe I think let’s go to the beach so we can have some dig spots Beach for artifacts now let’s go like here let’s go here 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 eight are these overlapping I’m going to go there to be safe that is a big area for artifacts to to spawn and we can even put a chest in right here for fishing oh yeah walking we need to think about the walking paths too we need to think about what paths they take on the beach cuz they might walk through it but you know who’s the you know who’s the goat for this though Wicked cuz Wicky created an entire list of paths that they take okay let’s go to the beach area all right so they go this whole spot is done this whole area we can’t put them in [ __ ] okay but we can put them 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 one okay so if we go eight across from the boat 1 2 3 4 five down six down eight across from the boat five down okay whoops 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 one one 2 3 four five six here we can put one here which means we lose a little bit of that top spot next up that’s a scarecrow so we have one one two 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 5 six we have one here so where’s the next place we can put one 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 okay so if we put one if we actually move the one wait one two three four five if we move the one we just placed if we move the one we just placed one over to here right and then we place the next one 1 2 3 wait one and then we place the next one 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 there they should overlap and there should be where no villagers walk cuz it should be one two yeah yeah yeah this no villagers walk here and no villagers walk here look look look Willie will miss this watch he’ll walk around it boom boom I am strategy I am strategic holy [ __ ] oh my God this is a that was that was just that was so exhilarating dude oh that’s a high nothing can represent this is a high that nothing else can [ __ ] replicate dude oh my God okay let’s go to bed we need to go to bed and tomorrow we buy crops we go gym we buy crops oh my God [ __ ] it we’ve got two more we’ve got two more where do we put the final two let’s just go put them like down here somewhere to protect some trees we’ll just put them down here to protect some trees okay let’s [ __ ] we need to put everything away in a chest so they don’t steal it but finally we can go to sleep good night my pretties good night my pretties Watch Over Me While I S watch over me while I sleep will you and our first night protected ends and we actually made a buttload of money with that too this bit of work this bit of work oh my God this bit of work can’t get me now can you losers huh huh can’t get me now oh my God it’s like a force field dude it’s like having a force field they actually can’t get me they genuinely cannot get me this is incredible and we got a carrot oh my God this is actually genuinely amazing this is I’m actually so stoked chat this this is worth it this is worth every pain we went through every piece of horror we went through this is worth it now we have a lot of money to get there’s also the traveling carts in today how big do we want to make our areas cuz this is all protected so we can just go like three four right like we can just [ __ ] we just go as big as we want no actually let’s let’s not do these wait so I need can you get out of here I haven’t encountered any crows yet okay you guys just lying out through your teeth uh one 2 3 four five wait is this is this four one two three four okay that’s four I like to do four by I like to do like this General size to begin with cuz I find that this is a good size to just use like all your crops for I don’t know if we have enough quality fertilizer ORS but that’s fine okay okay I like this like Club Penguin Style music four okay one 2 three 4 I should what what am I doing I know how to do this quick now why am I doing this so slow I I know how to do this okay we need to eat some forageable uh we can eat some horseradish let’s go get this is going to be our passera okay this is going to be our pass areia this is going to be we’re all our Pips grow and in fact we’re going to have a little few more Pips around here too no let’s go yeah this is going to be pass Snips this is going to be green beans and parsnips cuz you don’t need that many green beans and this is going to be cauliflower and everything else over there is just going to be whatever the [ __ ] we can bo be bothered with so how many is this wait what how many is this 1 2 3 4 five uh 5 * 4 5 * 4 [ __ ] what’s 5 * 4 am I stupid is that 25 25 right 1 2 3 4 5 is that four 20 okay I am just [ __ ] stupid you don’t have that much money that’s fine I’m chill with that we’ll get as much as we can yeah I’m stupid don’t worry about it 20 don’t worry I might have overshot it by a lot Jody can you get out of the way please all right I mean the first thing we need is like a bunch of Pips right 20 20 20 so let’s do at least the pnps are the main thing cuz we need five quality ones five so let’s at least have 20 pass nips um let’s get 10 starters 10 cauliflower 10 potatoes that’s all our money gone doesn’t matter we [ __ ] it we ball I’m also going to run down speak to Penny speak to Haley go down to the beach we’re going to grab that fish fishing rod we are grabbing that fishing rod chat we’re making Pro moves thank you thank you Willie for your bamboo Rod once again Elliott oh my God I can actually speak to Elliot wait wait wait hey loser yeah going exactly how I planned it Elliot exactly how I planned it hey guys how you gone doing well yeah protecting the beach well good to know all right if we can get some cookies if Evelyn could just drop off some cookies for us okay no one wants to throw anything out in the okay no one wants to throw anything out in the trash Oh God this is this is this is rough how do you struggle to make ends meet Dude You’re a doctor all right will this give us enough yeah surely enough to plant it I’m worried about the all right first things first let’s eat let’s eat okay I don’t know if this will give us enough to to water everything but that’s fine pass nips and you go cuz we need at least five quality pass nips [ __ ] I pled one the wrong spot God damn it that’s so annoying that’s actually so annoying it is what it is okay beans go here cauliflower go here cauliflower in there potatoes right here oh wait is that six oh I did six on this side dude my brain is so fried my brain is just so fried I need to not waste any I need to not waste any like watering cuz we have like no energy dude it’s going to be cutting it close oh it’s cutting it close chat oh it’s cutting it so close what do we eat [ __ ] I mean I guess we don’t need forageable anymore right like for anything a field snack are we going to run the risk do we want a field snack even though we don’t have any trees left [ __ ] it let’s do it Seven Trees is do the leak first well too late now I just blade say something and I listen that’s how my staring goes okay when you planting the trees I’m thinking I might do it now I might do it after I’ve planted these I was going to go I was going to go clear that space down the bottom and reorganize all those uh all those bits and go PL plant them what’s up players sniffs okay these are rewarded this area down here that I’ve protected I was going to plant some I was going to plant the trees in here all right this is the ugliest Farm you’ve ever seen in your life that one bean oh no the poor Bean it’s saved though okay how the [ __ ] where the [ __ ] do I plant these this like the worst positioning um let’s figure out a new area to get these scarecrows proper so we can actually like is there like a system we can make 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 is it like a system we can make where like they will just kind of save each other so if we put one here that’s not where I wanted it we’ll put one like here one two and then this one here we could put one two wait 1 2 3 4 five 6 seven we could put the trees along here here right so we could just go like and like have them lined up what’s the distance between the trees is it two is it two is it four gap of one oh [ __ ] so like this that’s fine we can get and then we get rid of that one so we get rid of this one I think we’re still good here and then let me just pick this up again yeah yeah we’re still well good here so then if we line these we can’t put one there can I put I’m just doing them random no set order we could put these way further down I actually could have done them one more across too but that’s fine yeah we could have done this way like could do this way further down we’re pretty much making the equivalent of like a small farm that’s like the way I’m thinking about it we’re making like the small farm area you’re on the edge of your camera oh yeah is that better that’s like that’s like how I’m thinking of this we’re making like this like in in chune farm area like we’re encapsulating it before we can expand out further so if we get all of this it’s not small it’s average it’s a it does the job that’s what matters that’s what matters so if we can just put these going to be really annoying to get through I mean I know we can walk through them but still I don’t know if that will grow there and the last ones and the last ones can go we can chuck a few more up here is this is our how much of our farmhous is protected so kind of like from so right of the little Earth bump is protected so we can start it here cuz these are going to be a good indicator for our boundary line too so we can kind of go like that so then on this side how much is protected one of the log okay from the log onwards so if we chck if we go log 1 2 3 we go here and then two I know this one probably won’t go but it’s going to be grow but it’s going to be our indicator okay we have our farm like indication area set out where this is the area that our farm is going to be we’ve got like a line and in the meantime we we this is it this is it this is it this is all we have and that’s our resource God help us thank you for looking after me team oh my God don’t leave the line you be swallowed by the crows this is so stressful who thought thousands of killer crows could be so stressful all right what more have we lost nothing that we need nothing that we need but everything else in the outside has been lost to the crows watch them fly away like they haven’t just destroyed us I wish I could eat you all I wish I could eat you all all right let’s get to plant let’s get to watering in the meantime we have a bit of leeway now for the first time in this in this like run we have a bit of leeway so we can actually figure out I’m going to water that anyway what we want to do next are we thinking we uh wait how much wood do we have 20 all right here’s what we do we need to get some chess so that we can we need to get some chest so that we can catch some fish that’s what we need to do look they’re still flying away from my farm oh we need to yeah we need to get some we need to get some wood so we can get some uh uh chest so we can so we can get some uh fish to start making money I wonder if there’s going to be any trees in cindersap like truthfully is there anything left in cindersap cuz I assume they target my house first I assume that the first thing they go for is the farm and then when there’s nothing left on the farm they go out to cindat Forest yeah no cind Forest has been okay ceret Forest is bone dry [ __ ] it’s bone dry that means it has been turned into a meadow best place to get wood I guess then it’s Robin now next Robin would be the next best place to get wood but we need like two [ __ ] 501 we need $500 to get Robin uh wood from Robin so in the meantime we need to just figure out how to make money that pine cone is actually useful which I guess go to the mines is the best place to make money or fishing I guess we can do fishing should we sell these geod we just need Quick Cash dude I think we sell these geodes cuz we just need a we just need we just need a quick get to be honest with you I guess we could break them open and just hope we get something good [ __ ] it I’m selling these geod I don’t care why did I just leave them here I’m selling those geod I’m getting some quick cash and the rest of what we’re going to do is we’re going to go fishing we need to try to get just like 500 I’m not going to go to the mines today because we have bad luck and I don’t trust going down to the mines so if we just go I’m just going to be be Fanboy fishing for the rest of the day try catch as much as we possibly can use it for like food uh ma uh food energy if we go to the mines I’ve already got all this that’s crazy selling selling yeah we need a sell so that we can get wood for a chest to keep at the fishing area so we can catch more fish to then sell I hope that makes sense I hope that makes sense pretty much how goal at the moment is $500 thank you for the follow is the music too loud chat my God finally we can just do some relaxing fishing man we can just do some relaxing fishing we can just we could just chill by the water side not too loud okay that’s good time goes fast when you’re having the biggest [ __ ] worst nightmare of your life all right just give me some fish just give me some Goods I haven’t done that math wrong right if it’s if we need 50 wood 50 * 10 500 yeah I haven’t done that math wrong okay we definitely need 500 wood from Robin Chad this is [ __ ] exhausting dude I can’t I thought this would be a nice easy three-hour stream is this your longest stream so far no Jay dog not by a mile dude I’ve had some crazy long streams okay that good these sell for 200 that’s really good dude I’ve had like I’ve done like 7our streams before like I’ve done I’ve done [ __ ] long streams dude not as intense as others I’m sure Blade’s done some crazy ones I don’t know how people stream for so long though like truthfully I I think my Max that I can stream for is like 5 hours before I start to die um like hexler streamed the other day and he hit me up and he was like bro I streamed for 2 hours and I was exhausted I was like yeah it’s just tiring like streaming is just very tiring there are scores long as I’ve done is 8 hours with S A Perfection was that so are you still doing the Perfection run for 1.6 you were doing that right blade or was it just do you just do it in three days hi hi meow hick streams he’s he’s done one he I think he’s getting into it seeded marriage at the moment oh [ __ ] who are you going after what’s the seed what’s the seed is the [ __ ] cringiest thing I’ve ever asked in my life like it’s I know what a seed is I don’t know why I asked that Shane brave brave is there is that like cuz it’s like a hard one or is it an easy one what am I doing I got that sing bro my bro my brain is gone my brain’s mush at this point this was literally meant to be a filler stream cuz on Wednesday we’re going back to the ginger Island series on Wednesday we’re going back to the ginger Island series This was meant to be a fellow stream that I could get done in like a day of editing so I could focus on that and send that off to uh AA the plan was to rapidly reroute seeded Perfection for 1.6 but they they took away my Casino money oh [ __ ] you got to redo it go back to the drawing board damn I I I don’t know how to survive without clay farming I think in the settings you can change it back right you can change it back to uh Legacy randomization is that what people do for Speed running or is it just like if is it like you can’t do that for speedr running you see how out of touch I am with speedr running and St Valley hey we’re getting some good GS here mostly yeah I’m not I’m I swear to God I’m I’m playing with I’m playing with I’m playing with Legacy random ization dude I need that I need clay farming here are you kidding me I learned it just before 1.6 comes out and then and then now I’m hearing that like you got to get rid of it seated marriages on new RNG for the weather and Quest oh wow wait is the weather changed when um blade as soon as 1.6 came out I I played it for one stream and I went to England literally like the day after like very soon after I just went to UK so a lot of 1.6 stuff was getting like figured out announced shared around on Twitter while I was like just bopping under the UK with it was tied steps now was purely on seed that’s so sick actually rain is purely on the seed that’s I actually kind of like that would that I guess it’s just now completely randomized my brain canot comprehend clay farming oh treasure oh he treasure oh Willie I’m stealing your treasure that’s what Pirates sound like right what do we get yo some iron ore [ __ ] it I’ll take it [ __ ] it we ball I will take iron ore I will take it I heard speedrunners did half steps of the weather thing uh I watched oh what’s his name what’s his name he did that he’s a YouTuber who did um uh he’s the YouTuber who did that randomize I think it was like 100% randomization And he was doing he was like counting his steps for speeduns he was doing Captain something [ __ ] I feel bad I watched him for quite a while I feel bad that I forgotten his his username Captain I forgot I forgot it has been a while since I’ve watched him but watching people do like counting their steps and [ __ ] was just wild to see does anyone use the space bar for fishing is it the thing does anyone use space bar for fishing I’m going to try it I think when I fit I forgot I had Auto hot key on forgot I had Auto hot key on whoops I think when I first first played sto Valley I used to space bar for fishing and then I realized that was kind of like deranged just not just not worth it hi Willie don’t you break don’t you oh you going to Oh Captain Canadia that’s it yeah oh my God Willie take me on a dinner first Jesus don’t let my guard down just yet what what does that mean is it something I should be concerned about we’re in smooth sailing right now aren’t we we’re in a good spot the crows are always watching oh you got me [ __ ] I thought there was going to be like a crow attack or something I missed it I was not I was reading chat we should if we sell everything here we should be getting apart from the broken CD we should get 500 I Reon quite easily yes 60 120 200 easy so we’ll be able to get the wood for tomorrow and we’ll be able to um build a chest for more fishing in the meantime we’re just waiting for those crops to grow that trauma effect is high it’s just it just hurts you know it’s just it just hurts it’s just the fal flight kicks in you know you know what I’ve been wanting to do longer videos so I guess this kind of helps in that sense right I’ve been wanting to go do do more over half hour videos so I guess this kind of helps in that sense I’m liking my long videos you know audiences like long videos If you Mr Beast doing 40 minute long videos I was there before him we love the longer videos that’s good to hear thank you for the followers everyone and the head Pats I can’t quite hear the follow notifications all the time because I don’t stream with headphones anymore cuz um it hurt my it hurt my little head to stream with headphones um and I also don’t want to in my skull cuz have you ever seen streamers with dent in their skull have you seen that when streamers have dents in their skulls from streaming from wearing headphones genuinely like it caves in yeah truly it’s like look up look up okay look up Tyler one head Dent do this right now not a dent in your hair is one thing these Bros have dents in their skulls look up Ty one head Dent right now Tyler t y l e r one is in the number not not o n e do you see that [ __ ] what do we get bait we don’t really need bait at the moment or mix seeds you know what I’m going back I’m selling this I would like to unse it do you that can’t be real it’s de ass real he showed it off on stream he has a he has the Grand Canyon in the middle of his skull it’s crazy have you tried using small earbuds uh I have but I actually just prefer having speakers because any uh it just still damages your hearing having like earbuds in okay let’s sell all of these Goods to earn some profit and maybe we can go back fishing no we’re kind of out of energy what’s up me gamer how’s it going I’m headphones gang no earphones for for real how long do you have to wear them for that happen well you got to remember when I’m okay okay so you have to remember when I’m wearing headphones I’m doing it for stream right so I stream for like 3 to Four 3 to 5 hours wearing headphones or do you mean the headd the headd I don’t know 3 to 5 hours uh wearing headphones with stream then every Tuesday Thursday and Friday I’m editing for 8 hours a day or doing [ __ ] for 8 hours where I’m also wearing headphones so it’s like just having speakers just helps protect like you’re hearing um it’s like much better okay let’s sell all these goodies we don’t need any of this I mean okay we’ll keep the we’ll keep some of the okay we’ll keep some of it we’ll keep the coal iron joaa and the what mix seeds but the rest of it we’re getting rid of in fact we can plant the mix seeds over here it’s going to be our mix seed area did I sell the joa cola I did they give me that sell the Sardine we can like try keep some of these goodies oh my God this just feels so much more peaceful chat now it just feels like I’m starting now I’m just like now it just feels like I’m playing stardo Valley you know now now we’re just in the cruise now there now we’re just cruising yeah we don’t have enough wood and we need to buy wood from Robin tomorrow and yeah our resources are low but now it just feels like I’m in my little I’m in my space safe I’m in my space safe area and the crows can’t harm me I hope I just have to sleep with these two very creepy things watching over me all right how much money did we make from that how much money come on give me the goods give me that God 797 H yeah H yeah did it steal thing wait did they steal things from my inventory no I think we’re safe all right let’s water our pums for the morning nice and easy breezy we’re going to have no energy by the time we do this but that’s fine [Music] okay the green beans wait so what takes the most cauliflower takes 10 days and green beans takes 8 days we might start speedr running some of these days wait what is that look at this [ __ ] he was here he was here he was waiting for me he was a spy he was their spy he was waiting I could see him okay he was waiting luckily I had my own spies looking out for me thanks team you know what I should do I should get I should get some fences here’s what I’m thinking I should get some fences and physically place down areas where the scarecrows end so I can remember I actually might not have enough wood for that you know what wood is a very sacred resource considering we don’t have trees I don’t think I don’t think we have enough to do that but what would be good is if we could get some hardwood that would be crazy Mr Bean damn why is missing these beans bro always missing these beans okay let’s head up to Robins let’s get a chest and let’s go some fishing beanless truly oh Demetrius I wonder if they can steal from the cave mushroom I wonder if they can steal from that or if it would be better like I feel like maybe not I feel like my guest would be no if they could bunny that would be my guess did we get level up in fishing or we did get it oh we did get one Lev up you think you’re R they don’t you know what I’m going to believe you so if we get the mushrooms we could potentially get a dehydrator and earn lots of money right cuz dehydrators are through mushrooms I’m still learning about the new 1.6 things Robin can you hurry it up oh for God’s sakes it’s Tuesday isn’t it oh it’s [ __ ] Tuesday in it Robin come on who has whose store isn’t open on a Tuesday Tuesday yeah we say it like British people you got a problem okay okay okay got to time this right got to time this right got to time this right [ __ ] so totally meant to do that all right all right 500 wood God what is my hair doing all right we need 500 wood 2 three 4 no we need 50 50 wood chest we have a chest let’s [ __ ] go all right we have a chest for for fish I’m going to say for fish this is where we’re going to keep [ __ ] for fish okay we’re going to try just get as much fish as we can cuz the next thing we need will be an inventory slot let’s go thanks Robin appreciate it don’t know where you got that wood from cuz the the the the city is B the because the town is just Barren there is nothing here let’s [ __ ] go chat a place to store your items and a place to protect from the crows hey what are you re in the uh egg Festival dude we could totally make it to the egg Festival oh cookies okay we can sell those too the issue is I just have to remember stop that yuck your face is yuck do you think about that Louis got him I have to think about where a good place for I think I don’t think they walk here I think this is a safe area so I think we can just Chuck things here let’s fill that let’s fill that chest up dudes your character just move back to the city [ __ ] you’re so right for that honestly you’re so right like why take all this hassle when we can just go back to the city dude I got these like killer Crow Cults coming after me it feels like a goddamn Stephen King film I could just go back live in the big city have a good life you know yeah I could pay I’d be paying um 4,000 a week for a one-bedroom apartment but I wouldn’t die from birds look at that we already got a hearing oh dude it’s going to be easy breezy sailing it’s going to be easy breezy sailing and if we can get our levels up we can start going up to the uh get some large mouth bass actually can we catch large amount of bass at level two is that possible like would it be [ __ ] otherwise we’ just we need more scarecrows then so maybe it’s not the best to do that what is your goal survival no spring bundle spring bundle is the goal are we sure the chest is safe yes we are sure the chest is safe because I have Wick’s amazing PATH map that has been made for 1.6 and it says my chests are in a safe area no one will walk through them kill all crows yeah totally this part of the video is going to be so low energy this part of the video is just going to be me like like just fishing just moded for the first time what did you get what mods did you get I actually have a video coming out soon where I go through um 25 mods for for Stu Valley 1.6 and it actually has turned into a much bigger video than I thought it was going to be I thought once again I thought it was going to be a quick video and it’s taking me like 2 weeks to make mostly because I’ve been very distracted by other things but that’s fine cuz you’re just going to you guys just going to it just means I’m going to be stacked up on content and it’s all going to come out in like a big roll I’m going to have like three videos ready to go and it’s going to be like a big roll down where do you get these mods um Nexus mods is the best place to get mods and I find it crazy that people on Android can mod just just phones modded playthroughs would be crazy that would be late that would be just I feel like it wouldn’t be worth it so what are you guys been up to huh Europeans should be starting to wake up I’m going to I’m going to turn to you guys to entertain me if you guys could kill would you guys rather fight 100 chickens or one beer this is the point of the video where we’ve got to the me going insane would you rather fight 100 chickens or one beer hi cow 100 chickens 100 chickens one beer are you insane are you insane you’re going to fight one beer are you actually are you actually crazy I’d fight a black bear you ain’t you ain’t winning against a black bear bro if a blackbear wants you did you ain’t winning I know listen and people be like chickens are a fierce I know chickens are Fierce I’ve like I’ve I’ve held chickens and it’s [ __ ] terrifying to hold a chicken you got to hold them upside down otherwise they try to kill you and they hurt and they’ve got sharp claws cuz they used to be dinosaurs but godamn it I would still rather fight 100 chickens than one beer blackbeards are cowards so am I roosters are the scary ones chickens are terrifying but you can kill a chicken easily you can easily you just step on it and it’s dead does a red panda count as a beer no a red panda we’re not counting red pandas okay okay grizzly beer we’re saying grizzly bear that’s what we’re saying 100 chickens or grizzly bear can we have a weapon uh you just have what’s around you and you’re in a forest a red bear isn’t even a beer it’s closer to a um raccoon isn’t it correct I’m so smart I’m so knowledgeable I got that ADHD where you just have random knowledge in the back of your head that comes out at random times not even kidding you my mom growing up used to always call me like a Wikipedia cuz I just got that ADHD where random [ __ ] stays in my mind but it it’s useless information at the time and then I’ll just and then I’ll just randomly remember like something random G on Jeopardy I never I never understood Jeopardy do you think quala Bears or bears are mupi they’re mupi a bear would get the job done fast you ain’t you ain’t winning against a bear and I think the human mind is so uh narcissistic you think you would win against the bear no they’re an apex predator you are not winning against the bear you ain’t winning it I’d rather lose to a bear than lose to 100 chickens well it just depends you’re getting e to death oh great so much bait you’re getting eaten to death or you’re getting um scratched to death I don’t even think I’d win against 100 chickens no no no I didn’t think a yeah I don’t know I could I could fight 100 chickens you’ll die either way I mean if you’re looking at it from a negative standpoint then sure you know what scares me you know what actually scares me wait what song is this I love this song I think the song is like one of the prettiest video game songs ever um you know what actually scares me polar bears I have no reason to be afraid of polar bears I don’t live near the Arctic I live at the bottom of the world the closest Cold animal next to me is a penguin but [ __ ] polar bears are scary I had a friend who’s in Alberta in Canada and she was like oh you know like with the with the ice caps mounting yeah you know like the polar bears they’re coming uh ever so closer into the towns see so now people in the top of Canada they have to be concerned about the polar bear population coming in their towns and she’s like oh you know it’s just a real it’s just a real concern what the [ __ ] do you mean you have to be concerned about polar beers coming into town are you kidding me this the most terrifying thing I’ve ever heard of my life are you serious that’s literally a horror movie that’s actually a horor that’s cocaine bear but worse I literally I would [ __ ] my pants if I saw a polar bear you see a polar bear you’re dead right like that’s truthfully you see a life Polar Bear you’re dead what is it it’s like what’s the saying it’s like it’s like oh [ __ ] what’s this saying it’s like I can’t actually remember what’s the bear saying that you meant to say if it’s if it’s black fight back if it’s brown lie down if it’s white say good night it sounds like you’re talking about [ __ ] and it just sounds like you talking about you like you need to go see a doctor or something like the gain the B polar bear’s trust and normal ever be mean to you again I think the polar bear will eat me it’s like that dude actually there was please do not look this up like quite genuinely it’s traumatizing there’s a guy who did who was like living with beers and um he was like bro the beers trust me I’m part of their family no the bears ate him alive the Bears ended up eating him alive well that’s us for the day as we get our last little bit of treasure and I think we should go sell all these maybe we didn’t need um that chip but let’s go sell all these do polar bears form blond bonds no polar bears is uh are alone animals wait mty mty let me speak to you hi okay let’s go sell all these sardines I’m thinking that was a bad place to put the chest to be honest with you cuz we we um I’m thinking that was a bad place to put the chest cuz we actually just don’t have enough energy to catch as much fish as I want so maybe we should have spent that money I’m thinking we should have spent that money on a uh on a backpack but that’s fine actually is it anything more we can sell just anything we can just like sell do we need deals I don’t think we need this much deals notless we’re going after Haley but I rather get coconuts for Haley um anything else no I want to keep everything else okay let’s sleep maybe tomorrow if it’s good luck we’ll go to the mines level two fishing let’s go it means absolutely nothing all right there’s a good there 800 bucks that’s good we’ll take our 800 bucks we will take that we will take $800 the day is in your hands Clint uh hi there good morning I notic that you’ve been breaking some rocks open and finding ore how did you know that I just did that on my farm don’t stay away from me you creep man stay away from me you creep hello kill me oh my God all right chat first one to say uh polar beer gets to be named after the cat get gets the cat to be named after them K you got there first so quick whoa wait we already have some oh some crops have come through so we’ve got a potato yo we got a potato and a parsnip perfect okay so we can put this potato in the community center and then we’re a little bit closer to finishing the bundle and therefore finishing stream for today I like that this has just turned Breezy dude I like that this has just got like like turned into a breezy stream I needed this you know what I mean I I needed I needed this personally yeah these these cauliflowers have ages to go but but I needed this actually pnip oh this cauliflower has 9 days if the day is in our hands I think let’s go oh I’m out of water chat do chat I need your help do large mouth bass wait when can you start getting these time of day 6 to 9 okay any season locations in the mountain I think let’s move our I know I I know I missed a plan I think let’s move our stuff from the beach to the mountain because I think we can catch better stuff in the mountain and I think that’s how B wait I didn’t miss a plant oh yeah I did there it is I think that’s how best bit I can sell this parip and I can keep a potato isn’t the the ocean the least profitable in Spring if it is then we’re moving I’m going up to the mountain top I want some large mouth bass and I think we can get some more stuff from it small Redemption thank you pretty sure L mountain lake is more profitable in Spring then we’re moving to the mountain tops baby we’re making our way up to the top let’s go grab this [ __ ] the beach we don’t need the beach okay I kind of need the beach but at a later Point not right now are you going to do Summit no bro after this I’m going to sleep the issue is um [ __ ] I should have brought a fence post and then I would have figured out where to place these okay we’re moving these to the mountain Toops and we also need to figure out where in the mountain tops people don’t run I guess no no we don’t what am I talking about the mountain tops no one goes to the area that I’m going to we just need to make sure the crows don’t get to it okay none of that’s there also almost 1:00 a.m. God damn Tim Daylight Saving sucks all right let’s go place these on that one spot on the mountain top that we did last time and I think that will be really helpful did you know that the largest birds of all time were actually in New Zealand this is a fun fact the largest Birds to ever exist were both in New Zealand I forgot to go to the community center I’ll do on the way back both of them were so was called am MOA if you guys know what a MOA is it’s a bird that couldn’t run that was hunted to death and it was um and it was absolutely massive biggest bird of all like one of the biggest birds of all time fun fact the other other biggest bird hunted those birds for meat hunted them for meat I don’t know why I have no idea why I brought all this up with me hi shy oh wait stop bubbles did you see that what was what was going on there what what what was going on with the wire did you see that all right let’s get as much of this good fish as we can here if we can get the backpack tomorrow we’re actually like on our way like quite genuinely we’re on our way if I can stop being stupid with fishing too nice a chub so what’s the most profitable fun fact avocado’s gone through extinct like a what wait let me reread that let me get this fish c i what’s up hi cordai what’s going on wman Raiders I’m ninoo I do St Valley sometimes if I want to be cool about it what’s going on CI how’s your stream pillow party raid wait that’s so cute that’s so cute we’re playing through a stu Valley mod where um a thousand uh a thousand crows spawn every day um it’s terrifying I’ve spent 3 hours and I haven’t made it past Wednesday the 10th uh We No 4 hours never mind I had to reset once um cuz I got confused about some things it’s been hell on Earth but how how is your stream how is things going welcome in pillow party raid is so cute oh catch it I am exhausted from the stream This was meant to be a short stream just showing off the mod [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] as you can see did you hear the story about the oh cordi I’ve got a question for you would you rather fight one bear or 100 chickens that’s what I want that’s that’s an important question for me I was asking my chat and it was overwhelmingly you know what I’m not going to say until you answer I’m not going to say until until I hear what your answer was it’s important but my chat was overwhelmingly like 99% one specific one and I think for good reason come on on give me the bullheads a lot of bullheads not a lot of largemouth Bears which is kind of what we want maybe we could just eat the cookies wait how much did these sell for 75 dude these bubbles are not giving me anything okay there we go amazing hello hello I’m glad we could just chill at the lake now I’m glad this is I’m glad this is it what we’ve delved into is it 100 chickens at once yeah yeah it’s 100 chickens at once it’s it’s all like we okay so we established 100 chickens all at once or one beer and you’re in a forest no weapons no armor and you get to just use whatever’s around you so like if you’re in a forest you can use like sticks and stones and [ __ ] what type of beer okay so some cheeky buggers in uh chat wanted to do a black bear but I’m saying Grizzly I’m saying grizzly bear lodb bass let’s go Treasure Chest 5,000 let’s go holy [ __ ] wait oh my God [ __ ] yes oh my God that’s so good dude we’re sorted bro we can get the backpack upgrade which is exactly what we need oh my God amazing wait [ __ ] that let’s go sell these let’s go sell these think of the wood we can get think of the wood wait so let’s keep these for the mines then right yeah let’s do you guys hear a fishing rod noise do you hear fishing rod noise no I do I hear like The Reeling of a fishing rod yeah right okay okay let’s sell this I can just sell it in the fish in this in the in this right let’s sell you let’s keep do I need this it bugs that sucks let’s keep all the fish then because we can use these for tomorrow in the mines or whenever the next mine is do you use animation cancelling I do is it that is that what it does bundle oh yeah large mouth B say for bundle I do need to figure out what um but I mean we’re mostly focusing on the spring bundle for now okay let’s go fishing some more dude we’re going to make so much money it’s going to be so sick oh my God we can we have the bag if you automatically if you really until you restart the game okay well once I sleep we can restart okay oh bubbles nice okay so we can get the bag we can go to the mines tomorrow we can buy some more wood if we need cuz that’s like the resource that’s the hardest to come by at the moment and we just have to rely on Robin as to be our wood supplier we can also get it from the mines but that might be kind of difficult nice River jelly will also sell for a lot almost 5 hours of ninoo I know you sicking me yet maybe I need to start streaming at 11 instead maybe that’s the goal okay I think these next few days good night CA I realized I don’t know how to say your name these next few days we’re probably just going to speed through them trash you trash kid so that we can at least finish the spring bundle that’s the goal like if we just go through them quickly dude we’re getting so much oh dude Two River jellies oh my God we’re going to be making so much money it’s a known bug with AC I actually didn’t know that thank you clouded unclouded oh [ __ ] we’re feeling exhausted all right this is going to be our last fish for the day we’re going to hit it and we’re going to drop we’re going to drop off of the community center on our way back we’re going to drop off a potato that’s what we’re going to do and this will be it for the day for this day Demetrius wait Demetrius I haven’t spoken to you yet and Robin I don’t think I’ve actually spoken to Robin yet hey there kill me I needed my name was for very uh good good reasons I swear oh my God this noise is really annoying all right Maru I haven’t spoken to uh Maru I can’t say her name like that I can’t say her name like that I’m sorry I’m going to keep saying Maru I can change other names but I can’t do Maru Maru all right let’s put this potato and the spring crops oh my God thank you God so what’s the wait quality crops dude we could try get a wait what if we try go a coupe can we try to get a coupe we’re so close Gamers we’re so close I can I can taste it we’ve pretty much eradicated the the crows I mean for the most part it’s going to be more annoying when we want to expand the farm even further like if we try to get things like um if we try to get like a coupe in I think that’s going to be difficult to know where to put it or like barns that’s also going to be difficult cuz they’re so big but we’re so close Maru I mean that’s how you meant to say it should we keep the potato we can sell the car we can sell these they’re good but we can sell those 30 plus Max Energy wait wait maybe I won’t sell those maybe I’ll use those for wait you get 30 plus max energy for River jelly wait that actually sounds like it be really good for the mines let’s not sell those let’s sell the chubs what do I need for the river bundle what do I need for the lake bundle I need a cop and a large mouth bass that’s what I need and the Pips are ready tomorrow so I can sell a bullhead because I don’t need a bullhead I can sell I can sell those wait do I oh I do what the [ __ ] well I have two left over and a chub sturgeon bass C bull oh I do need a bull okay can sell the pnip and we’ll keep the cookies okay Gamers oh [ __ ] I need to put everything away I need to make sure to put everything away Gamers tomorrow we’re going to the mines level three fishing look at that money look at that money look at that also oh my God the it’s still going hang on I’m going to quit the game real quick I’m going to quit the game real quick because the money sound The Reeling sound is still going dude we’re so there we’re so close chat we’re so close we’re so close we’re almost there I can taste it I can taste it I can feel it in me bones I’ve come so far thank you for the follow Dirty Birdie that’s a really funny name and we’re back for Thursday day 11 6K in the bank dude and a bunch of pass Snips okay wait I need gold pass Snips please what the [ __ ] what okay just didn’t want to give me any gold Pips cool that’s fine that’s whatever you know what that’s chill I’m okay with that who needs gold scam fertilizer that’s fine yeah who needs gold pass Snips anyway me I need gold pass nips I I need Go pass no silver either yo what the [ __ ] I’m going to play Pierre and his shitty product speaking of Pierre we need to go to his today you know what maybe let’s not go to the mines today cuz it is a bad bad luck day tomorrow today and tomorrow there’s going to be rain so maybe the mines are more tomorrow sort of day instead what we can do is we can H over and put those in the pantry you look like you’re ready to crash yeah I feel ready to crash dude PS owe me some dude PS owe me some bad pass nips dude he gave me one gold quality pass niip what is he what ises he thinking oh well at least we can go put these away at least we can sell these to P buy some good pass Snips we need 20 and then we’d be fine quartz wait that’s ass dude that’s so bad it’s locked [ __ ] oh W let’s go up to the community center and put all these away dude so we even you know what from not being able to even get a squ a for not being able to even get a scarecrow and now with like actually filling up the pantry bundle too that’s crazy wait is it the lake fish large mouth bass Bullhead oh it was a it was a cop I need not a chub I don’t need a chub my bad I was getting I was getting confused but we do need that pass net I’m doing big things out here chat CH so I think the I think they’re going to be I think things are going to be ready on Haley’s birthday I think that’s when things are going to be ready in the meantime we can just go have a look through these don’t judge me for what I’m doing Penny it’s desperate times okay none of them seem to care about the the hordes of of crows that have been killing everyone it’s just like one by one all the villages have been disappearing and they go on about their day like nothing’s happened open up open up open up open up open up open up open up open up open up open up open up open up thank you all right dude what the [ __ ] what what what was this huh what was this about what is this trash dude no good one gold pass snip can you at least give me some like have you got any better no you don’t have any better one two three 4 okay and I want this backpack upgrade let’s go we got the large pack oh my God that’s a thing of beauty that is a thing of beauty and we still have 4,000 G’s left what do we get for $44,000 what do we spend this money on I feel like I’m I feel like I’ve just got a big paycheck what do I actually spend this money on wood I guess right I guess we just need more wood I can get chickens I can get some chickens I get a chicken Co dude [Music] dude he’s so rich he doesn’t even know what to do with it I literally I’m lost I’m like I guess we could get a chicken cop right but we need wood for that I don’t even think we have the space to put a chicken coop okay more parms are going so we can get some gold Pips favorite axe I can do that dear farmer kill me I’d like to apologize for joking about your grandpa’s old Cottage when we first met yeah I’ll be honest with you Lo it’s not the thing that I’m like thinking about most right now um oh we can put a chicken coop down here I think we get a chicken coop what the [ __ ] is the point of search up anything mod if you can’t even look up like look up things all right let’s go and I need to keep this pass niip we cannot lose this pass niip we’re not going to the mines today we’re going so how’s this mod work you’ll see you’ll see soon I promise you’ll see soon we’re not going to the mines today we’re going to the mines tomorrow so instead today we are going to I don’t I don’t know what are we going to do I’m like I’m trying to think about what we can get I think we just need more more wood and fiber I think we need to go to robins and buy a bunch of wood and fiber like we need to stock up on resources that’s like how main thing yeah it’s a lot of money but God damn it we don’t we don’t have any other way of getting things a small bundle in a bundle bundle yeah I’m just doing the spring one that’s what I mean with completing a bundle just the uh spring one hi Robin okay so a chicken Coupe is 4,000 gold or okay that’s a little bit further away from us we just need um a lot of wood do you sell fiber how do I get fiber now I guess the mines right I guess the mines is the only way to get a fiber you know what we could get a window because the crows stole our window all right let’s get like 100 pieces of wood just cuz we [ __ ] can just cuz we [ __ ] can just we have the resources to do it let’s do it and then let’s go to sleep and tomorrow we’re going to the mines Abby what’s up girl oh no I think my dad’s going to cook dinner tonight is it crow craft a furnace we don’t get anything for that though do we okay let’s put this in the community into this cop and then we’ll be actually one away actually if we put this cop away then we’re already one away from the lake bundle too but we need a sturgeon for that sturon sturgeons are hard to get dear kill me thanks for the cookies mom we’re selling those and the Egg Festival is tomorrow so how much day do these okay these got five and seven all right let us cook let’s go we be cooking and I can take so much food I can actually take so much food because I don’t I have so much space um do I need anything more I’ll take that just in case all right let’s hit it and we’re off and it’s wait oh no the day is in your hands Oh I thought it was a good luck day I almost lost my mind I don’t think there’s anything we actually need to do for the egg Festival right I’m just going to kick ass and and and beat up Abigail and then that’s it for the egg Festival I want do you know how desperately strawberries oh yeah I could buy strawberries do you know how desperately I just want to sleep through those final days so that I can just have um so I just have [ __ ] oh hi Marlon I actually forgot about having the sword so I could just like be done do you desperately I just want to sleep through the final day so I can just be done just be have it over wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what what what the hell is this about why is this wide open don’t you need they stole the rock did they steal the rock wait they did did the what did they did they eat this okay we can’t be focusing on this we need to go down did they eat the rock too I know crows like rock but that’s crazy that’s so funny okay so what we’re focusing for is wood wood is actually a main focus not something you usually come to the M for but we uh we are looking to get any wood we can things like quartz just any resources really that we can pick up along the way so wood Stone things we can no longer get in the Overworld is our main goal for this so if you see me miss any boxes yell at me I give you permission to yell at me I don’t usually do this but I give you permission and we also have a lot of resources so I’m hoping to get down to like I don’t know at least level 10 what up what’s up weirdo see now we just have all the Europeans coming in oh okay let’s go to these oh there’s some boxes I mean I say that like I don’t know that they I didn’t know that they were going to be there carrots do we need carrots for anything I guess carrots are always just good to have or an Earth crystal is always good to have for Mayo stuff but we’re already running out of [ __ ] now I believe we can make um I think we can make cherry bombs I think we have enough for uh so if we ever want to do that dude another one can I oh there is a quartz down here I’ll grab that quartz and this copper I feel like this is easier than when we were actually we actually had good good luck we made it down quicker than we we actually had good luck ooh give me that rock give me that stone give me that precious precious stone I’m so epie yeah me too oh Wood Wood please give me that precious precious wood G no wood there wasn’t a single piece of wood in all of that okay fine whatever whatever what’s the little advancement mod advancement mod like the one that says XP and stuff there was two wood oh my bad I must have missed the two wood uh that’s UI info Suite UI info Suite 2 you get it from GitHub oh my God eat eat eat the river jelly so what does this do dud that gives you so much holy [ __ ] that coal is good too coal means more uh coal means more scarecrows so coal is always good to have and these quarts wait these quarts are going to sell for so [ __ ] much I’m like maybe we should just dude why why why do we have such such good luck today what is it what is going on we’ve been finding things so easily what should we dup out the Slime too we should we Juke out the Slime we’re getting to level 10 and no worries I might be speaking too soon but sorry sorry chat okay further into the mines we go Bliss thank you dude what the [ __ ] is happening why is this so easy we have we don’t have good H we don’t have good luck today but we’ve been going through these mines like it’s nothing we’re going to make it a level this is the level I was hoping for because it has all the um boxes on it so hopefully we can get some wood from this just killed that slime running shoes where hey sneakers way I’m looking fresh dog dude I got the red boots holy [ __ ] oh my God I got the like the I got the Sonic boots dude I’m looking stylish profiling okay let’s grab a [ __ ] it I’m B I’m bored let’s get a cherry bomb even though we need let’s go for a cherry bomb right here oh we got a oh we got that back that’s fine we got the copper back this better not be the one where we [ __ ] up I feel like you always get one level where suddenly you just can’t get anything there better W be the one level where we just can’t get anything oh no never mind we are actually just goated and we got these stupid leather boots but who needs these when you got these fresh as [ __ ] sneakers on dude who needs them can we sell these okay we can actually sell okay this these are actually bit than the sneakers never mind didn’t realize I didn’t didn’t realize that was was B than the sneakers um okay let’s head back let’s go to sleep we still have we still have so much time with the max energy though but we’re almost asleep and I want to kind of come back when we have better um I want to come back when we have better luck even though we’re doing right a [ __ ] chat should I keep going no I got no energy [ __ ] it I got no energy and I want to sell all these quarts yeah let’s go back I need to pee again chat I need to pee again hi liners this man was not speaking to me you have a bit more food I think I’m going to save it for another day I think I’m going to save the bit more food for another day that we go on the mines tomorrow tomorrow we’re just going to have a fun day we’re going to buy strawberries and we’re going to go to sleep that’s it that’s it that’s all we’re going to do tomorrow maybe what if the crows eat the eggs have we considered that there there there could be a chance the crows could like eat the eggs all this can stay oh wait the carrots I want the carrots is there anything we can sell we got five goess dude [ __ ] that’d be so good is this going to be a YouTube video it is what time is it it is like it’s like 5:00 oh wood wood wood wood wood wood do not sell the wood we need that that is a precious resource 126 wood let’s go we’re getting closer every day chat every day we get closer day 13 and the crows cannot touch us dude dude the crows can’t touch us look they’re not even on the farm anymore they’re not even here they’re gone they’re out of here and we got some potatoes we got potatoes let’s go and level two farming oh my God we’re actually blitzing Robin here I know there’s a lot of stone scattered around your farm is there I don’t I think you’re thinking of the wrong Farm Robin I think you got the wrong place dude these crows be eating anything doesn’t matter I think actually crows in real life I think they actually love uh rocks I could be wrong I’m I’m pretty sure crows like in real life are actually big fiends for rocks and like trinkets yeah yeah yeah so that doesn’t surprise me that they they eat the rocks and Pebbles don’t they have them in their stummy so that they like don’t don’t crows have pebbles in their stummy so they don’t they can like properly digest food is that like that’s what birds do right they like consume things so they like can properly digest it cuz then it can like grow like grade up things in their stomach oh look how trees are coming along nicely look they’re finally getting there now do we need these potatoes for anything or can I sell these we do not need these potatoes for anything I always try to keep like at least one thing this keep one potato and with that czy stones without grinding them in their mouth because they have an expandable esophagus damn okay it’s kind of crazy from the crows that’s [ __ ] insane today’s Festival is being set up but I can’t do anything on the farm I can’t do anything on the farm arm there’s nothing more to do this what else am I meant to do I’ve got nothing there’s it’s Barren it’s a Barren wasteland out here I’m living in the Sahara there is nothing more that I could possibly accomplish today I guess we could go to synap but cep is also a Barren Wasteland God it makes it like so much easier to walk around like we could go to cindersap Forest but cindersap is also a Barren Wasteland with nothing there this entire town has been picked clean of its resources all right let’s go to the egg Festival now what I want and what I need is a lot of strawberries for summer how many how much straw 100 oh these are spring what we got like eight of these now let’s get like nine of these I hope that wasn’t a waste of money that’s fine all right let’s see if we can uh let’s see if we can talk to everyone today who are we missing who haven’t we talked to who have who are we missing here J Pierre wait we [ __ ] are you serious we haven’t talk to Pierre and this son of a [ __ ] is oh my God does this not count as us Talking Pierre fine I’ll talk to Pierre so who who are we missing George Emily I think we talk to Emily George Carolyn my number one Mo where is she there she is there’s my baddy hey sweet thing I got a video of Carolyn soon uh JZ oh do I have to hi Jess she’s crying of course she is it’s just Pierre left and this son of a [ __ ] is waiting behind fine let’s start it Louis Rock Me Up Louis you can walk around the houses to Pier too late all right props crying because her parents are dead and Godfather is an alcoholic Jesus Christ it’s it’s Easter where’s the [ __ ] festivities chat lighting up a little bit it’s Easter damn I’m going kick their asses bro I think I’ve already missed an egg that’s fine that’s fine watch me kill these watch me kill this dude watch me just absolutely destroy Abigail on this bro Abigail you got no chance son you have [ __ ] [ __ ] Abigail she’s using your tactics she’s using a golf go tactics to distract me [ __ ] there’s one up here right yeah there it is all right this one kick J kick Vince over while he’s there that one that one bro what you missed two no no how could I how could I not get one more than what’s required [ __ ] oh what a shame this to me is the real accomplishment restart the day we won’t tell how could I not get all the eggs but I still kicked their asses kill me is the winner here’s your prize let’s go suck it out go you’re not even taller than the kids look what no wonder she’s competing in this all right let’s put these away dude we are crawling through this we are let’s we can even put out kitty cat dude these crows have nothing on us anymore mayonnaise machine [Music] sprinkl 680 in the back and it’s my baby girl’s birthday wait did I get did I keep a I did keep a daffodil for her I I’m actually thriving now I don’t know if you guys can tell but I’m in my like I’m in my uh what’s it the Tik Tok gir say I’m in my thriving era okay I’m I’m thriving right now chat I’m in my uh anti anti Crow era and I’m actually just having I’m actually just thriving I’m actually having time in my life I manifested this chat I manifested this you know you just need to manifest that life for you it doesn’t matter if you have 10,000 killer crows spawning in every day trying to harm you trying to rep aside your entire town because they they’re a weird like Crow cult that sacrifices people um and resources to them doesn’t matter okay you just have to do you look a another potato on top you just have to do you got to be like IM Emily keep your crystals near I say keep your crystals near and your enemies are nearer that’s what I say look we can just sell his potato it’s a bad luck day today so I don’t think there’s a whole lot you know we can go get Robin’s axe that’s what we can do we can go get Robin’s axe unless the crows have picked that up there is a chance the crows have picked up Robin’s X look they haven’t picked these up though that must still be in the circle anti- goth anti- goth Nino what anti- goth Nino am I maybe maybe some days okay let’s go down let’s grab Robin’s axe we’re speed running through these final days chat we’re taking these final days easy mostly cuz I need to log off mostly cuz I need to go what where is it oh maybe I have a mod that automatically collects the journals cuz it gives you 250 gold doesn’t it doesn’t meeting everyone give you 250 gold where is it but we finally ticked off that journal anyway I think you have to give them a gift oh okay you have to give them a gift next oh okay well that’s easy cuz we’re giving gift to uh to Haley hi Robin that’s it well that will be the that will be 250 for Robin’s Axe and then when we run back down to Haley we can give her this her birthday gift and that’s even more money chat I watched um Spirited Away for the first time the other day hi tratu I watched Spirited Away for the first time I’ve never seen it before and I finally got around to watching it it was pretty good it was pretty good I would say it’s not my favorite I would say it’s not my favorite uh wait no this is Pier I wouldn’t say it’s my favorite but I’d say it’s up there I’d still say my favorite is totoo for gibli um but it’s up there it’s still very good oh Haley my baby girl what’s up have this happy birthday my love you don’t know the hells I’ve done in this time you got me a gift you got me a birthday gift where I really like like it yay I really like you do you think I have res guys and 100 gold even more dude we are just tick tick tick tick we are checking these off dude we’re checking this off this is some the progress we’re making it’s like the it’s like crows don’t even exist anymore you know what I mean it’s like eventually we’re going to have to start worrying about other things Whisper of the hot I haven’t seen Whisper of the hot cauliflower takes so long 80 Buck day more cash money what the f give me why is this why is it no gold two gold oh my God bro two gold we got we have three gold all together okay more passs from Pierre it is then we can’t even get any more sap or fertilizer because there’s no trees to cut down all right we’re getting more passs from Pierre I guess I’ve wanted Poco Roso is the one I want to see next these have 5 days this is 4 days oh these are ready to harvest okay we can sell all these do we need carrots for anything a carrot just like good to have do we need these for anything we don’t found I don’t think so right what about the stobs oh yeah we can plant the shobs let’s get these strobes planted I thought I forgot we had these how many did we have 10 right well I guess we can plant these here now nah [ __ ] it we’ve got this fertilizer for a reason let’s plant in the fertilizer I forgot we had the stobs let’s get some nice blooming St shobs up this is going to be ugliest area possible that’s fine 8 days till fertilization does strawberries just give you I’ve never really planted strawberries before do they just give you a lot of money they make good food oh or carrots okay carrots are more food let’s get let’s go to Pi let’s grab 20 more pns and L literally just go to sleep we’re just doing like one thing at a time CU we’re trying to make as much money as possible it’s going to be a slow process to begin with and I think then when we get like the chicken coop and stuff they’ll be sick strawberries are great in Spring God damn it Pierre open up earlier open up earlier oh [ __ ] what are you guys up to wait G where are you going well how come he gets to go in early what how come he gets to go in early dude P what are you got against me what do you got against me dude all right keep an eye out on you man G got that VIP access or something it’s not like I’m the one that’s like running this town’s economy it’s been destroyed by hordes of crows I’m the one running the tower and economy but Gus gets to go in 10 minutes early even when I save this town’s Community Center I don’t get to go in 10 minutes early special privilege man special privilege we literally just need to make as much money as possible like right now we’re on Sigma grind set because we need to make as much money as possible for wood because I want to get a chicken CP that’s like the next thing we need we’re just making cash monies so I want these like to be planted look look another 600 in the bag that’s what I’m talking about dude I also just really need to pee and I can’t be bothered peeing again green beans have got one more day okay I’m getting excited no I’m actually getting excited I see the end I see the light I actually see the light wait should we just look look look oh my God something survived the Wasteland it’s survive the Wasteland you lived this is like it’s like finding a flower it’s like finding a little tulip it’s like finding a a red and orange tulip that shines off the warm May Sun after a nuclear bomb has just exploded in the area oh my babies you live and I got a book for defense let’s [ __ ] go nice that’s sick I don’t know why I said nice like I was an anime character but nice the plant that Wally finds truly that’s what it feels like that’s actually what it feels like I feel like it actually feels like I’m like like in Fallout because it’s so empty wait Fallout stardo mod stardo Valley but you have survived a nuclear winter that’d be kind of crazy so how much longer the caulif has 3 days the green beans have one day we’re just going we’re just going we’re sleeping I’m pushing through to the end I swear to God the crows are the nuclear winter you’re so right I’m pushing through green beans baby green beans get the [ __ ] out of here you stupid crows you ain’t got [ __ ] on me you can’t pass my barrier you can’t touch these beans we’re so close two more days for the cauliflower we believe I’m not even doing anything else at this point I’m literally just I’m literally just farming this is all I’m doing for this point I’m just farming it’s right there I feel like the crows have been so obsolete more water damn it it’s right there H so I can sell wait I can sell everything but one right five huh huh okay keep one keep one we go to the community center I went from having no bed to this oh my God you’re so right I forgot about the dark days you’re still alive arctic fox we about to end we’re so close this is it well this isn’t quite it here we go shut up junimo our second to last our second to last spring crop we have one reward Greenhouse wait does it bring a back does it come back from the dead does it come back from the dead wait if it does we need two scarecrows if it comes back from the dead and we need two scarecrows and I’m thinking let’s grab those two scarecrows from the beach no let’s grab those two scarecrows from the lake do you have a bid now yeah I do this we had to restart this could be huge if it brings it back I’m going to lose my mind so let’s grab some salmon berries just cuz we can hi Ellie okay oh a tree grew here a tree grew wait how do I grab these without them falling into the water guys a tree grew here cuz it was protected it was protected by the scarecrows and a tree grew isn’t that so sweet that’s actually that really says a whole lot about life um but I have to cut I I’m grabbing the Scarecrow so this tree is going to die tomorrow um but that’s fine that’s fine it’s still romantic it’s still poetic you know can you wait oh you know that I was hoping you could get you know in green rain the like gas mask that Demetrius wears wouldn’t that be such a sick outfit and you could actually pretend like it would actually be like outside our our little circle it’s like a chub frenzy has appeared in the mountains just sounds like a good Saturday night just sounds like a good Saturday night damn so if I put this here how big is the greenhous it’s just this size right if I put one here and here will that bring back how Greenhouse a tree bloomed God it actually feels like it actually feels like this is all radioactive this is genuinely what it feels like that this is all just like radioactive Wasteland so anytime I see any Blossom of life I’m like I’m a mother this is genuinely what it feels like wait I can’t have anything in my inventory and a second chest is so useful day 18 the second to last day there they are the cauliflowers are one day away dude look the cauliflowers are one day away we’re right there I can taste it I can taste it I can taste it dude live my babies please live live breathe a fresh life of air on this deserted Valley the fairy ring of trees it’s literally a protection Spell across my like radioactive uh Radioactive Wasteland tomorrow tomorrow you’ll be back in my life hope I I’m you don’t know how happy I am you genuinely don’t know how happy I am this feels like this feels like I’ve won Pi is actually sabotaging me we’ll get another twiny cauliflower planted e all right this is it chat this is it oh wait the reward is the greenhouse for everything oh oh yeah the reward is the greenhouse for the entire thing isn’t it so oh yeah for the pantry so now you just get speed grow oh yeah that’s right I thought that was quite a big reward for such a small thing well I guess then we must well then I guess this has to be a series well if you want to see me complete the series then leave a like and a comment down below cuz God that was hell that was 5 hours this was 5 hours of this chat 5 hours of these stupid so much for a short video 5 hours of these stupid things oh my God my brain is fried why was that so difficult that should not have been that difficult truthfully this should not have been as difficult as it should as it was you know what to end it off to end it off we’re going to buy 20 passs and S cauliflower you know the crazy part chat the crazy part about this um the crazy part about this is they can also steal children the crows can steal children in this mod I know that one for a facts I don’t have any children but the crows can steal children that’s true yeah I don’t have children but if I did they can steal them that that that was um that’s wild yeah that was um that that was hell on Earth chat that was an experience that was that was hell and with that I’m going to say bye um thank you guys for being here wait get out of here you stupid Crow thank you guys for being here I really appreciate you guys being here for me for so long sorry that went sorry they were so scuffed um join the Discord if you guys haven’t already please for me follow me you know what for me to reward me for this can you guys follow me on Twitter and join the Discord just to reward me for the hell that I’ve been through today on Wednesday we’re going to be going back to the ginger Island series um that should be fun that should be a great time for now I’m going to go sleep in that bed and maybe cry if I ever think about birds do you have insta I just right here right here follow me on insta and Twitter um you know do me a favor follow me on these just to help me out I’m going to go cry and then have a haircut so um bye everyone thanks for coming through bye see you on Wednesday for the ginger Island series bye

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