The Perfect Start to Minecraft Survival!

and welcome everyone to the new world the new series for everyone that watched last episode so I’ve always wanted to try this we just start hello huh actually not that bad yeah I’ve always wanted to try this where you just start out with like a a nice little bonus chest really doesn’t do anything I just speeds you up just like a little tiny bit and might I just say that okay so we have an absolute world this time so unlike in the hardcore series I actually made sure to have a really nice seed I picked out like a really good one that’s very hilly very good for building Mega bills and honestly I think we like we’re going to have a really good time with this and hello sunken ship well hey don’t mind me now for anyone out of the loop now for anyone out of the loop that doesn’t watch my second Channel or that series on there so the series on Skies 2 that one’s going to be medieval I don’t use an elytra don’t use shulker boxes you know like I’m going like pretty old school on Minecraft this one is going to be futuristic so it’s basically going to be like our compound that we just had we should honestly probably just immediately get to Stone tools let’s be honest and then we are going to be getting an elytra shulkers you know we’re going to be getting all of like the current Minecraft stuff and then for anyone that doesn’t know about 1.21 that’s coming out it looks actually like really good you know we’re finally getting another good update since what 1.15 or 1.16 whichever one it was for the [Music] Nether and for anyone that doesn’t know about the new update that’s coming out is there’s like a mace to where you know however far you’re falling you know you don’t take any damage if you actually land a hit on something there’s also going to be dungeons there’s also just going to be a lot of other cool things I’m going to be honest I don’t really keep up with the updates I just see little uh little announcements here and there on Twitter but I really want to play it that update actually seems really nice and for oh hello there’s another one okay sweet hey I’ll take as many of these as I can get speed me along as much as possible please actually I want the chest okay so the objectives for this world before 1.21 comes out I want to obtain every single librarian trade there is I hate how you have to go to specific biomes in the future to obtain each specific enchantment trade also the trims on armors are cool but it’s not cool how you have to go make netherite gear and armor in the future so I also want to stockpile up on a few of those in case I die then I won’t have to go through that tedious process either once those goals are met I’ll update to 1.21 just hopefully I can complete all of those before it releases this is so funky to have like a fullon ship just like on the water not even sunk this is so weird oh this is a cool one and then we should probably talk about the elephant in the room I know it’s going to be so trippy I don’t know why I take everything from a chest and then break it really doesn’t make uh sense to me but you know I dig your us should probably talk about the elephant in the room so you’re going to be noticing that I’m not playing on hard I got to be honest I don’t care for the hardcore gimmick I find it very annoying to play in because it’s like oh okay cool you just put in literal thousands of hours of work into something o nice Thorns three on Hello thank you good armor you make one little mistake you know one little oopsie Poopsy and then wow that’s so cool thousands of hours of work that you just put now gone all because you know a Magma Cube spawns right on top of you and it kills you while you land in lava no way dude not that that happened to anyone recently so I just find it more fun because I just I want to run this series for as long as I can I want to do absolutely everything in a world to where I’m like okay well there’s absolutely nothing else to do now I’m bored you know and then we start a new world so like I want to just do only Mega builds I want to go above and beyond I want to do everything massive like Davis’s forehead and this time I’m going to do futuristic buildings like what I was starting to do on episode 13 of the hardcore series before I ended it which don’t panic I have the world it’s still up and everything I just you know I feel like this is going to be way better than that Series so I’m more inclined to do this one plus this one’s going to be a lot more fun instead of doing like very big mundane tasks like you know the hardcore meta is like a really strongly hate that this one I’m just going to do whatever you know I just want to upload and play and make like any episode whatever I want it to be I just want it to be fun like a like a hermitcraft episode and oh my god dude this entire land I have so many ideas of what we can do with this oh this is going to be a fun series and this time I want to spread out all of the buildings instead of having everything very close together in a compound mainly just to deal with with lag because my world or the hardcore world when I was playing on there uh my world was slowing down my days were longer than 10 minutes I think they were getting closer to 11 minutes and I think that’s entirely because of the auto inator and just how much Redstone I had in that really tiny space and all these like different moving parts so this time especially like with an elytra you don’t need to keep everything close so we can actually have everything spaced out and then if I have a mega build like imagine just all the way in the in the distance you see this giant like futuristic awesome building I think that would be sick and at that point if I lose track of where like things are I think that’s on me because there really shouldn’t be any reason why you lose a mega build like at that part you’re or at that point you’re just trying like it wait I never made a bed woo oh man dude we survived our first day that was so difficult um okay well we at least have a bed now uh let’s go back for getting some coal and iron and then like I I want to build our first place around here we might have enough time to actually build a starter home but I’m not going to make it something really like tiny I kind of want to make it something like really really cool however we’re most definitely not going to be using concrete because that takes way too long to get so we might be using Stone cuz I mean stone is pretty close to gray concrete like a little bit it’s just at least it has some like some flare what I just wanted to come and check it out over here because I was hearing the water but okay I mean sweet we can almost go to the nether uh nice interesting okay wasn’t expecting that whatsoever oh I do have 10 iron though uh let’s just use up all of our stone tools first and then speaking of stone tools actually boom boom but I want to get as much feedback on the series and you know like how I’m building stuff like I want to incorporate you guys as much as I can into the series so just a heads up this is being recorded heavily into the future you will most likely not be having any of your comments read until like episode 5 or like episode 8 if I’m being completely honest however soon at some point you know maybe I’ll just take like a huge break or something I don’t know but you know I got I do want to read your comments and uh get you guys’ input on everything so I’m very curious like you guys seem to enjoy it a ton on Skies 2 with that series the uh the medieval series over there about it being just a lot more relaxed no huge crazy challenges it’s it’s like a very hermitcraft SL like 2014 era uh Minecraft Let’s Play Feel So I’m very curious how you guys are feeling about this and also how you guys feel about just making it survival instead of Hardcore and hello that’s why I have chat hidden at all times cuz I’m pretty positive all of you are very tired of the hardcore gimmick and then waiting months for like some ginormous challenge that was most likely cheated in if we’re being completely honest about the Minecraft Community as a whole hello gravel oh my go oh wait this is amazing oh until I make a gravity uh block duplicator Farm thingy in the end hello oh dude this is going to go crazy once we get some silk touch oh this is going to be so nice I really want a bucket I won’t lie I mean I can make a bucket right now but I don’t know if that’s a good use of our iron especially since we don’t have armor and I feel very naked right [Music] now now we should probably be smart though let’s not col every single or that we see around here because truthfully we might have some Fortune tools pretty soon so probably be best to not like you know pick up everything we can get more of it in the future now oh dude I want to build a starter home there but the starter home that I’m thinking of doing requires a hill like that what if we just build like a shire right there we just have like just a really tall building that we could just fly to and then we just look out around and then we could just like see a lot of things around our uh our world maybe go I don’t want to go too far we’re I definitely don’t want to build in there hate that biome uh we could go up to that Hill that might be a good idea oh and another thing uh I’m not going to flatten the world I’m not going to do that like in the hardcore series it was cool at the time I really don’t know why I was doing and hello okay so that’s going to be a climb I I want to build everything like into the ground where out it looks like I mean we we’ll probably flatten out some areas or maybe like terraform a little bit in some areas just to make the building look a little bit better maybe but for the most part I want to keep the land like as natural as possible I think it would make it all look a lot better because yeah that it was starting to look really rough last time oh and then we’re definitely going to be building a lot of Sky Bridges probably made out of glass with like uh some concrete on both sides like uh holding it up and supporting it oh hello I actually don’t really mind this place too much I don’t I don’t mind this uh this color of the biome right here oh my god dude look at the land everywhere oh dude this is so much better than 1.15 World spawn generation this looks so much nicer oh my God I love this I love how much like ocean there is everywhere Everything feels a little bit more realistic but it kind of has that fantasy vibe to it with like all the huge mountains so I can definitely build a lot of cool things and then o especially since every building is going to be so tall we can actually just look out everywhere and just see more of the land like oh dude this world’s actually going to look so amazing we should also probably not travel as much as I did in the hardcore series because I want to leave a lot of the nearby chunks unloaded so that when we update the world we could probably have like a lot of new generations stuff right at least like the new biomes cuz I’m I’m pretty sure by 1.21 there’s a few more biomes than there are in 1.18 okay lovely so yeah I think we’ll definitely make this our spawn area uh I don’t think I’m against it you know we got we got some decent land up here so I’m thinking about once we get the villagers but we also don’t want to go too far from a village because you know I have to bring them back here so yeah right here we go very sadly we don’t have any uh any automatic sorting system I’m definitely going to be missing that one uh we should be fine with those for okay let’s here let’s make a bucket and then we’ll make a iron pickaxe since that one’s almost broken at least this way I can have water bucket everywhere and I mean honestly we should probably just leave our bed right here because you know we can actually respawn now uh I do need dirt because so since I do have this distance mod on so you know we can actually see the entire world I can actually scan out and then see if I can find a village so that we don’t need to run around blind and aimlessly trying to find them because I need to start on villagers immediately or maybe I don’t need a tower up whatsoever is that the closest Village that’s actually kind of far uh that that actually might be a village over there in the desert but that’s crazy far from us oh my God please tell me that there’s actually some another Village near us that’s actually wild we might you we might be able to find some mushroom cows there that actually really cool to have like a building there oh my Jesus Christ hi a man don’t you know that people do not like surprise wiers like dude you can at least make some noise oh my God I missed you can at least make some noise if you’re going to come up here oh my God you take so many hits oh I missed my netherite sword that would have killed it in two hits where did he even Spawn from oh well I had four torches but we should prob oh my god well H at least we’re able to do some lighting ow yeah I need to actually like try again because I can actually die now I don’t have my amazing armor that’s another reason why we need to hurry okay we’ll just leave all that in there don’t need the dirt anymore uh I do want some torches we’ll take those okay and we’re off yeah let’s just go uh if I need a bed I’m just going to kill some sheep but I’m just going to leave my bed there just in case if I die which I like truly doubt that I will uh wait but there are sheep here no no no no no we shouldn’t kill these sheep the Sheep up here are really kind they’re very generous because they’re right there at our base can I make this jump okay I can all right hello beauti what uhhuh okay interesting but very nice to have a bucket this early on even though there’s a ton of iron back at the uh the spawn area right on that Stone Mountain thing and hello God I love these monster trees so much oh I love doing that so much I cannot live without this tree cutting mod that’s why once 1.21 comes out like I have to wait until all of my mods update because there’s no way I could ever go back I’m very positive Minecraft is the only Survival game to where you actually have to hit every single part of a tree to get wood whereas every other one like every other uh Survival game would just be really kind and generous to you and just be like oh okay you broke one little thing here’s the entire tree now this is going to be the difficult Parts I don’t know so I think you know we can have a villager in the boat obviously but I think if I’m holding a villager I wonder if I can get into the boat oh wait no maybe I get into the boat and then I try picking up the Villager and then I can just go back with uh two villagers also I’m really hoping that they have bread because I kind of just left our base without any food and that that’s a little bit of a problem cuz my tummy is so empty I get so hungry FY oh no I should have built like a little cage for him before I left ah we got the boat I could probably just stick him in there just so like they don’t wander around and un alive themselves and hello okay good I was like come on where where’s the villagers you know not seeing anyone but um hello and yes I think most definitely we should be taking all beds let’s take all torches use this for like planks why not yeah we’re just going to strip this entire Village because I don’t think I’m ever going to have to come back here or like need to come back here so don’t really care to leave an in running order also hello another portal with not the worst I’ll I’ll take everything again I don’t know why I take everything and then break the chest doesn’t make any sense to me uh we should probably make a stone hoe because I do need all of these hay pills yes food yes give me yes oh yes and there’s an iron golem over there we’re definitely killing him lovely and I I never do this before but maybe we should try turning these pumpkins into pumpkin pie just for like more food because I should try and save all of the bread for the villagers but I also don’t know how difficult pumpkin pie is to make because I’ve never made it before don’t mind me just taking your entire place and hello wonderful I can use your iron I always go up four because I don’t even want to test it with three I don’t believe it feel like Google is gaslighting me with that no no it’s okay just take your time you know I like it being this awkward and lovely I think we got four iron from him oh my God yes oh dude a blast furnace oh man I hate making those uh we should also steal all of this because this is just very annoying to make so I can get some blocks out of this one uh okay [Music] good Al this is my bed I mean if anything this is also just going to be really good bone meal stuff so I don’t mind you know what here I don’t think it’s going to harm us if I just use like three of those hay bells here we’ll just get some nice nine food from that so at least we can do this plus carrying villagers back to the house it’s going to use up a ton of The Hunger which honestly I might just have to bite the bullet and only bring one back at a time know here just for some XP and some food let’s kill the animals around here cuz I don’t really care about them I just care about the animals around the house collected all the good blocks around here collected all their beds need to go and say hello to some more animals okay we ran around we got like a pretty decent amount of food so once we get back to camp we shouldn’t have to worry about this stuff anymore uh oh yes more chickens though I will never say no to more food I’m just thinking about how many trees we’re going to have to be cutting down and how long we’re going to be carrying these villagers like dude we’re going to be needing so much food plus you know hey the more of these guys that I kill the more XP that I get and we are going to be needing a lot of XP okay well hi bud you seem to be really far from everyone else so obviously you want to I said obviously you want to come with me okay D my heart SN I thought I didn’t have the carryon mod for a second I was going to freak out all don’t worry okay I’m going to be back for one of you guys all right we’re going to have a lot of fun actually let me don’t don’t move anywhere no no no please no no I don’t want to lose you thank you okay so don’t go anywhere that’s the opposite of you know not going oh oh my God wait I can actually do it okay wait wait wait wait wait wait wait stop stop okay here just me okay wait oh my God wait I never knew I could just pick up a boat wait what no no no no no no no no I I was just testing I was just testing no no no I need you I need you in the boat I need you in the boat oh my God I’m going to beat you up I swear to God come here come here there we go okay I didn’t realize that I could pick up a boat and do all that stuff okay so let’s try something because if I can actually do this that’s going to be amazing I never knew that this was actually an option and it’s almost night time that makes me very scared okay you’re going to have to survive in the boat by yourself okay I’m way too much of a chicken to start going we’re just going to go as soon as I wake up I can’t believe I’m almost out of bread oh man you guys don’t have any any uh smokers here ah and I have a strong feeling there’s no other Villages nearby that might be a village no that might be a woodland Mansion or just a tree yeah no I’m not seeing any Villages that kind of sucks and we have a winner hello okay let’s go okay hi what shut up no way oh my God wait can I just go and get all of the villagers and then just stack them on its head so the answer is yes uh yes you can most definitely just keep on stacking them so uh I I guess I don’t need to um you know breed a lot of the villagers dude this is so amazing this is so stupid Oh man d i I wish I had the replay mod just so I could just show you guys what it looks like to see like a tower of villagers just being boated around but um yeah so I ran around the entire Village I’m pretty positive I managed to have well capture every single one of the villagers I don’t think I left any of them back there uh I think that is my hell pretty sure that is let’s see what is the closest spot that’s also easy to climb oh perfect even closer hello oh actually here okay this is going to be such a smart brain move there we go okay so we’re going to go like right here and then and I’m going to go to the top water bucket all the way there once I’m at the top I leave the water there come back down and then I can just swim the villagers up to our base also this will give me time to go and make a cage form really hoping that no zombie goes to that boat so really hoping that I don’t think any other mobs go for villagers other than zombies so fingers crossed and is this our base yes good okay and sure we’ll just leave that right there okay now we have an easy way up and down okay first let’s just start cooking everything can’t really survive off of bread for too long we have so much food to go through luckily okay you go there you go there uh throw everything into here that is looking SW also just in case if I die now I spawn over here okay uh we might as well use wood why not I mean Wood’s not going to be difficult whatsoever for us to get or else that would be a shame no it’s okay Davis you can laugh that’s fine it was a funny joke okay well I wasn’t planning on capturing pigs uh can you come here thank you yeah don’t go in there okay it’s going to be some very scary monsters going into this place they’re just going H nonstop it’s very scary come here get on to the I was going to say rock get onto the dirt come on come on little one just little little jump come on you can do it use those little stul I know it’s very difficult to be 5’3 I understand the world is against you you’re just a girl please I hate you okay then we just need to go around start lighting this bad boy up don’t want anything to spawn in here oh God just to be living in an area to where it’s not spawn proofed oh this is going to be so tedious probably flatten this area actually here we can make a a nice little trap door door so then only we can get in and out so we do need to have an entrance so I could just you have easy access in there okay you and then boom just need these two so we go like boom boom there we go also I need all of the beds so I think that’s everything okay so we’ll have the clean side right over here and then we’ll have the pp side right over here there we go we’ll see who the uh the normal ones are and who the freaks are don’t think anything should be able to jump in here here I want to make sure that they’re nice and safe don’t feel like making a roof so hopefully it doesn’t Thunder anytime soon also I know let’s just make an iron pickaxe why not okay now we’re ready to go and get all the villagers up here which of course this isn’t going to take a long time I probably should have checked that water didn’t hit the boat and like push them right where the hell are my villagers no no no no no no no no no wait why wait wait wait oh my God okay well I I didn’t didn’t think about the stupid water I didn’t think about it hitting and moving the boat but wait why are you off the villagers there’s at least one more down there but like did you guys die I was actually really excited and hoping that I would have six so that then I could just you know have two of you just going at it and then I can make the job blocks for everyone else oh my God Davis now I need to go and Hunt villagers again where did you go okay so we got one right here please don’t tell me that four of you died like at least if they’re running around aimlessly at least like there’s still a chance for me to get them dude I feel like gut’s chasing down Casa trying to find her again cuz she ran off into a forest by herself I’ve been reading a lot of Berserk if you can’t tell been loving it I’ve been talking about it a ton on the second Channel you should really go watch that series after this one episode I think you guys would love it uh as of me recording this I’m working on our first mega build okay let’s see so if the boat got destroyed somehow like I’m basically just going off of audio I’m just trying to see if I can hear them there is no what like where did my boat go I don’t believe that it’s destroyed but I’m not seeing any villagers dude think God I at least had two of them live that that part is very very good but like you’re not all gone right I can’t believe that oh man we were going to have such a good fast start uh that puts me back a little bit of time maybe like 20 minutes I can’t believe you Davis I can’t believe you didn’t keep an eye on the villagers and you allowed this to happen I’m not saying them I’m just so curious what happened because I feel like they shouldn’t have know unmounted each other as weird as that sounds oh do you think they sunk maybe the water got on top of the boat and then it sunk it and then maybe it did gotcha so what oh my God wa no no no no no no we need to go sleep right now please swim please swim go go go please nothing spawn please nothing spawn please oh no there’s already things around my base oh there’s so many zombies okay we’re going to make a Bel line straight for the bed and sleep nothing happen villagers I’m not against it whatsoever if you want to spawn in some Iron Golems okay so we’re going to have to fight to have a good night’s rest sleep sleep sleep don’t touch me don’t touch me don’t touch me don’t touch me don’t do it don’t do it don’t do it don’t do it Jesus Christ okay I wasn’t aware of you I was looking at the golden one over here oh no no no it’s cool I’ve always wanted to fight a zombie horde before I fall asleep I mean ideally I could just run in with the um villagers and just sleep in there that’s probably not a bad idea actually yeah I think I just talked myself into wait no no no okay we should be good please please please please please also eh Don’t Really Care to keep rotten flesh not that important ooh hello yes Glorious Food I I never started cooking anything in there okay well I wasn’t aware of that kind of forgot it’s a little embarrassing okay now we actually have time to go and be a little Dr sleuth that looks so cool I’m never destroying that that boat over there I think that’s going to be so nice just to keep it there okay so what happened was because I didn’t think of this one doing it because I never do this so the water goes hits the boat instantly sinks it pushes it all the way down here and then the villagers one of the lower ones died first releasing everyone from being mounted above him I believe and then from there they started drowning only two of them made it I feel like I shouldn’t have taken damage but whatever I can’t believe that dude what a lame event I can’t believe that God we were going to be so well off but at least we have the two so we need to go and start working on those two and then I think the smarter route so obviously we need to make an emerald Farm I think the very first villager the first two villagers yeah the first two villagers are going to be a stick trade so we can get some emeralds and then after that we’re going to imediately start on the armor the weapon Smith like everyone just to get some diamond tools and diamond armor and then we can really start cranking out a nice uh Tree Farm I’m just trying to see if there’s like any other Village and then once we have all the the the diamond armor and tools and stuff and everything going then we make the Librarians then we start focusing on all of those uh enchantments but at least our food is coming along nicely I don’t think there’s anything else for me to cook we should really start oh here here once we turn all the hay bales into bread then we’re just going to go and uh we’ll make like a potato farm why not here this boom there you go take this boom boom so much to do so little time now on the second Channel I record for about two maybe 3 days per episode just to give me like a nice little basis you know like a nice timeline to follow because you know with 100 days it’s very simple you just play for 100 days whereas when you make videos like this it’s like okay when do I stop other than you know doing like a super big task so I think on here I’m going to get myself four or five days whichever one like you know feels better for the episode and then that’ll be the end of the episode so we have a little bit of time not really too much time though uh here let’s just starting chicking why not so we have a like a decent amount of time but honestly like it’s going to be very tough but I think if I can get it to where I unlock you know like I un lock in all of the uh the villagers into the trades that we need for our armor and tools and then I get all diamond armor and tools that I need I feel like that would be a good first episode I want to get through this boring part just as fast as possible you know like all all the tedious stuff we need to just really Zoom through this also I should really probably trap some animals especially sheep I really need to make a ton of beds oh my oh wow okay well I wasn’t aware of how much of a forest we had up here hello oh God I just remembered an iron farm we might be able to get lucky enough to not need one for too long like obviously like we are going to be needing one at some point hello like if I can get them to an uh like a tool Smith I think that’s the one that I need if I can get one of those fast enough we might not need an iron farm for some tools also here let’s just make a lot of you guys ah okay you know what here since we’re so low on resources uh I’m trying to think of a good area to actually mine down for stone cuz what I’m doing in the second series which I’m actually like really okay with is I design if I can speak I designated an area so where I’m just digging like a 100x 100 hole straight down to bedrock and then that’s where I’m getting all of my stone oh especially if we’re going to be building some oh like even the first building like if I’m going to be building with stone instead of concrete we’re definitely going to be needing that um what I’m kind of tempted to do because what I do on there is I I I just go watch a movie and then for the entire duration of the movie that’s what I do for Mining and then I just tell you guys my thoughts on the movie afterwards and I think it’s a funny bit and I might continue it onto here instead of you know just the second Channel I kind of feel like we should turn that into a hole like maybe but that is a nice flat area to build I’m trying to think of an area that I don’t mind digging down to a hole but I think I think we want to save that no because I don’t like all that St no I can just had dirt on there that doesn’t matter okay here let’s just run away we’re going to go to some secluded area and then we’ll go mining in there like some place I just don’t care about uh God cuz like I just I don’t want to destroy the land I want to leave it nice and pretty I want to leave my areas looking really good and clean I just mark this spawn and we just start digging down especially being on top of a hill should be able to go down like quite a way of just getting a lot of stone it’s like you know we won’t be hitting any um you know that stuff you know that uh deep slate you know okay so yeah we’re just going to go mining for a little bit in here I didn’t bring a bed ah coming back home don’t worry I know it was it was a long journey hey don’t worry I was able to collect 12 stone it was very profitable and worth it oh no no please I don’t want to fight again just to sleep the difference of this world compared to the second channel is actually kind of insane there we go with all of that honestly here let’s just bring this bed okay uh I’ll be back everyone okay this time we should actually be able to go mining and actually get some Stone I’m going I’ll probably just go and use up all three of the stone picks that should be good enough because I don’t want to mine away too much Stone cuz I need to use a um a silk touch pickaxe on it be a lot smarter okay so now uh I think yeah I’m just going to go through I’m just going to mine up uh all three of these Stone picks get a lot of stone and then we’ll continue from there so yeah I’ll see you guys in a little bit okay so surprisingly that actually didn’t even take that long whatsoever that that literally just took one day um but we got a decent amount of cobblestone right here uh that is a number that I don’t feel like calculating but we got that amount but hey at the very least you I was able to use those up it was probably beneficial there’s one thing that I’m a little worried about is right when I was trying to sleep I was hearing pillagers and I don’t know where this Pillager party went but it sounded like they were right above me so it’s a little weird that I’m not see oh there they are there you are see I was wondering why I wasn’t seeing you and then you guys are just being little cutie patooties right here here you go Pooky out no no don’t don’t hurt me though thank you for killing him there we go that was good teamwork okay that’s really weird how you didn’t even die but okay there we go interesting how it was only two left but hey whatever not going to judge their skill so much okay store all of that into there okay this time we’re going to be making axes right okay good yes that is a stone axe okay perfect okay now we can actually go and prepare for the villagers uh okay so you guys are doing okay I need to keep an eye on them but at the same time I’m a little worried about taking them out because they might be holding food but once those uh little baby villagers actually grow up I just I need to move them out of there so then the beds can uh you know stay open and stuff okay so we just need a lot of fences like this uh right here is probably like a good spot to put down our animals and you know what here we’ll we’ll just we’ll put the pigs in there uh there should be some sheep nearby that’s the number one ones that I want yes okay good good okay so that’s a slight issue uh here we’ll still take this sheep it really doesn’t matter too much we can do oh yeah here so what we can do CU we do need it so we’ll just make a compost here we’ll put some pumpkins in there and we can get some bone meal turn the bone meal until I die and then boom there we go uh we also need to start on the farms okay you know what oh God there’s so much to do uh first off okay we need that for shears uh we’ll use this for planks and then from here we make you of the pumpkins okay now we got some white dye and there we go okay so now we can make a lot of beds with those too so we’re you know obviously we need a farm for them so that you know we can actually breed and then a fun thing for you guys because oh my god of course you had to land in there to where I can’t reach nope uhuh you’re not getting out okay so now we take the first wool boom we make some little carpet there we go now we can get in and out of all of our little pens and sure why not you know what here we’ll we’ll give the cows like the the biggest one why not uh that’s if I can even find cows are there any up here I’m realistically I probably don’t need them whatsoever I don’t know why I always make animal farms I almost never need them or like even rely on them for food ooh yes another sheep cool you were actually super close didn’t need to do all that to make another white one okay all right I’ll definitely take you oh and there’s one there what wait why are you all spawning around here now we needed you like 2 minutes ago oh me unless we need the cows for the item frames that could be like the only thing that I’m thinking of that I would need them for okay here uh I just want to get that out of the way so let’s just go and see if we can find some cows over here someone tell me where is the mumo okay where is a cow come on also just realized I was carrying around the shears should probably be shearing every single sheep that we run into cont I’m okay well thank God I just got that stuff I just realized I didn’t bring a bed again dude I’m always forgetting a bed okay you know what whatever uh let’s not waste time on this it’s not important if a cow comes by then hey that’s perfect I already got a pin for them wa oh that looks sick okay oh wait a second did I just spawn one yep you thought you can hide you see as soon as I say that I’m going home and I’m not looking for you boom that’s when you come out see like I already know how to play your game yep and there’s a second cow the biggest question is where is my house I feel like I’m in a completely different area I feel like I just went insanely far like those are the spawn mountains I believe there’s no way this is the same Hill dude how am I so lost I actually don’t know where I went okay there’s my house okay gotcha gotcha okay I know exactly where I am that should be my M shaft right there yeah yeah cuz I remember that tree uh the bad part little buddy I don’t have a water elevator up here because I wasn’t planning on coming all the way over here you know what please don’t run away okay don’t get lost uh I need to go and make this for us all righty little buddy let’s go come here see at this point after going through all of that now like I feel like I have to come up with something for the animals we could also probably use them like as decoration for a build and then I remember seeing one more in this direction and here we go W really like an entire herd of you guys man I never heard of that before and there we go okay finally have that done I don’t even know why I did that if I’m being honest I just needed the Sheep okay uh let me just go through and just remove all the water from the other Hills cuz I just don’t want to damage the land okay I don’t think it’s not night time we should be fine okay we need to stay on top of you guys need to keep making beds need a whole much a ton of these they’re probably already oh no they’re probably wasting food up boys here you go in case you need some more beds I know you guys are so eepy there we go please get away from the door get get away get away get away there we go okay next operation so we got the lovely uh the wool Farm going so we can keep making bets and to make as many as possible um okay soon we need to go and find some kind of uh Flint there are the gravel mountains over there I hate it whenever it rains so much in this game I wish you could actually tell what time of day it is like it would be just so useful uh okay once again I’m running away without a bed so that’s already a problem and hello you nice that’s another bed oh look at that I can already just I can just make myself one okay perfect and then yeah let’s just go get down I don’t know maybe like a dozen Flint that should probably be enough okay gravel just jump out do a suplex on me yes all who uh don’t mind me oh no I didn’t bring another shovel oh God I’m going to have to do this by hand I really wish that I could just make a tower out of this and then just put a a torch underneath it and then you know boom it just does it for me I mean wait we don’t even need to do it here never mind let’s just go back home out of everywhere in the box that you guys could be hanging out at you choose the front door for literally no no no no no no I get to go out you don’t get to go out okay but perfect at least now I can actually use a shovel and uh oh don’t be jealous I’ll see you guys in probably 3 hours once all of this turns into Flint okay wait that went like very weirdly fast okay so never mind uh that was the fastest 3 hours of anyone’s life but hello lot of beds in here hello maybe we don’t need to go crazy with the Sheep oh my God but I’m going to be going crazy on you guys if we don’t get away from the L no stop stop away from the door away from the door you know what I’m going to hit you that’s what I want to do you guys are annoying there we go haha well now that we have a lot of Flint uh I dude I honestly think we just need I think we just need to I don’t think we need to go that crazy with these guys uh one thing that I do want to go crazy though is with the dirt because let’s see like we park our way up here and then we could probably just have like a nice little skinny pathway going up like this and then I can kind of quickly just like make little relays to go and uh collect uh some villagers when I need them so I think single pathway job block here this is where villager stands I need one block behind them so I think we just go three wide on each side honestly it should be good enough and then we’re just going to make it out of dirt because as soon as I can get some kind of um actually no once I’m just you know completely done with trading and everything and then once we go and build a um trading Outpost for them God this is I’m trying not to make this identical to the second channel series just so there is some difference to them uh I think once I make all of the villagers that I need and you know we go into the end and I I get my elytra and blah blah blah like we actually progress in the game a lot then we’ll make a trading hul sometime in the future I definitely won’t make that the first mega build because you know again I don’t want to make it identical to the second channel here we go I just realized I need more dirt though so I can actually build all their stations so ah let’s go get rid of this okay so we got to so we got a pretty decent amount of more dirt I kind of really want it’s like we need to go make Farms like there there’s a lot of stuff that we need to do before we do any of this stuff which I realize I kind of just wait uh no no no I can fix this there we go yeah so if we do it like this boom boom and then okay wait no I’m already messing it up well you guys just get away from the door just go sleep like everyone else okay we need slabs that’s one thing that I keep on forgetting because we need them to go up just a little bit higher so I think if we do it like this wait why am I already messing this wait how did I make this so what how did I make this so different from the second channel series I I I don’t I don’t get what’s going on but uh wait no cuz we don’t even need to do it like this we we could just do it like that and then yeah then they’re stuck in here like I currently am okay wait there we go uh I swear I’ve played Minecraft before I know what I’m doing okay you guys just need to stop worrying and you know stop panicking okay I think I think just like that that should be good I don’t know why I made it so difficult in the second channel series like I made it so much more elaborate and I really don’t know why I don’t know maybe we’ll figure out why I made it so elaborate um next up also thank you guys so much for spawning in some protection for me up here but yeah let’s start taking you guys even though there’s still a lot more beds in there than there are villagers I’m just really hoping that I’m not picking up anyone that has food on them like I’m really hoping but let’s just get you two into here awesome I need to go get some sticks okay sweet lock you went perfect trade right there so I really need the second one to be exactly like that and you come here okay now take the job I hate it whenever you guys do this oh you make me violent be like him come on okay so while he takes 17 years to do that uh why are you here why why is there always a random cre no no no no no no no no no no okay let’s get away from the villagers no no no no no no where are you coming from no there we go Jesus okay so we need to do this like you know obviously pretty smart uh well like I think I need to go and quickly chop down the trees but we also need to go make a farm so maybe what we should do first is actually start on the farm and then we go chop down the trees so then the farm be growing because we need to start making a lot of food for all of our villagers have you taken the job finally okay good good we can go lock him in oh my God please make the jump okay are you good no I don’t like that trade there we go I like that trade okay perfect we got two of you going right now uh yeah we’ll focus on that one later we we have way more important things to do just so we can have everything be going keep you there yeah let’s definitely go start on a farm first off we need to get some infinite water up here I don’t want to have to run up and down up and down nonstop for more water uh which we should put you right here now what I would really really love to accomplish this episode which might not happen but since I’m so ahead of schedule for videos I might just take extra long on this one is I would love to get full maxed out Diamond gear and armor before you know this episode’s over get all that boring stuff out of the way perfect also wow that is that normal for the water to be that dark like am I going crazy or is that like super super blue now for a farm I mean honestly we might as well just make it right here because I’m definitely going to destroy it in the future like nothing up here is going to be staying really we might I’m trying to think of what we even want to build up here uh let’s do wheat we’re going to do some potatoes potatoes are probably going to be our biggest one for the Villager so maybe we will be eating bread that’s probably how it’s going to be going also I need more food also just remember all the Nuggets there we go sick three more love to see that now sadly because we’re only in 1.18 I can’t water log any leaves which is also like kind of a good thing but I would love to water log leaves cuz then you could just put like a water log Leaf right here and then boom you can always walk over it you don’t have any issues with it like it’s just perfect 1 2 3 four if I’m remembering correctly I think that’s how far out we can go for each Farm I’m pretty sure that’s correct though and sure we’ll just make it wheat first why not we definitely going to be needing a ton of bone meal okay hopefully everything can grow fast also we need to make some fences I really don’t want anything to walk on our stuff and break it t okay sweet so this is all done this can be growing while we’re chopping down the forest I don’t think I’m missing anything else also we should probably just go around and like clean up around here a little bit also it’ be really good to just get rid of all the grass so whenever another creeper comes by which I’m oh you guys spawn down here don’t you huh but you know if another creeper comes by yeah it’s probably best that we don’t have any grass right there so you know I can actually hit him and not the grass in front of me and then I accidentally blow up or you know he destroys the land you know also by removing all these flowers and we can actually get some more bone meal and also by going around and removing all of the grass and all of the flowers here at least we should be able to complete this Farm get a lot of the flowers for bone meal try to speed this up and let me go and use all of this lovely bone why are you guys dying how like how do you die from there that that’s actually impressive but you know we just going and use all of the bone meal that we just got onto all the potatoes and oh my God I’m barely going to be getting like anything out of this but whatever just please nothing poisonous thank you love you and yeah now it’s really just a waiting game like I think the next thing that we can really do now thank you for the other protection as well um yeah God really the only other thing now is just going through and planting down all of the saplings that we have since we do have the tree cutting mod this is what I’ve been doing on the second channel series is especially for us this is going to be really nice so if we just go around and just do like a 3X3 little sapling thing like this we’ll get a stupid amount of wood from this shouldn’t be getting too many leaves apples saplings stuff like that so this will help speed us along pretty decently the only issue is how it’s going to be taking so so much um ax durability just to go run and like Harvest all this stuff so we might need to rush for a I want to say it’s a tool Smith that we need like I’m I’m pretty positive it’s a tool Smith that’ll sell us an axe so yeah we definitely need to get into that and then I just need to not really go that far from this area we’re going to keep chopping these down and this is how we’re going to be getting XP we’ll be getting emeralds this way it’s literally just from trees we’re just going to be selling a whole lot of sticks now of course I could go and do a mob spawner I understand that one you know you get a you can get a decent amount of XP from the only issue is that you’re not going to be getting any emeralds from it and we’re going to be needing quite a couple hundred if not like a few thousand emeralds just to buy all of our enchantments and also the armor and the tools because yeah I’m not going to mine for diamonds I’m very lazy I’d rather spend days doing this instead of going 2 hours into a cave and you know possibly getting all the diamonds that I need I I know I have my priorities very straight so yeah I think we’re going to do a fun little time skip this is the best part between you know an episodic series compared to 100 days but yeah I think I’m just going to go through I’m just going to chop down all of the trees up here set I thought some just rush me oh my God almost screamed but yeah uh I’m just going to like set up everything up here get everything like pretty like finished for what we’re about to be doing uh there’s a lot of caves around here and I really don’t like that but yeah we need to get to diamond tools like really fast which surprisingly doesn’t take that many emeralds so I went through and I pled like several hundred trees so we should hopefully have a very decent tree farmed where we’re not waiting too long to get sticks the biggest issue is going to be how many stick Traders we have so we might be making like eight of those like eight or 10 of those which sounds like a lot but really we can go through that fairly decently easy and then I focus on the farm just a little bit so you know we got our potatoes coming along nicely you know the wheat’s coming along blah blah blah so I made a stone cutter and then made like a grindstone smithing table Blast Furnace another one I didn’t take the one from there and that should be everything that we need like very strong on the should part so if we’re lucky we shouldn’t really be needing a lot more of these little job blocks like this should end up being all of them that we need I don’t really know how else to explain that like we might be able to get all of the diamond tools and maybe all of the diamond armor that we need just from one villager but that’s only if we lucky and from the testing that I’ve done on the uh the second channel series there’s no way to tell which ones are going to give you what because I’ve had some with the exact same like uh Beginnings just give me different in trades like it it was very bizarre very weird so we’ll just have all of those uh we should definitely start on the armorer and the toolsmith like I desperately need to get to buying um some iron axes at least ideally it’d be really really awesome to get to diamond ones which it’s not that hard it’s just you know we’re going to be needing a metric ton of emeralds so ooh do I have any more gravel I do okay let’s just make all of this that we can which really wasn’t that much but whatever I need you I need all my emeralds honestly let’s just get all of our wood that we have all those give me all my sticks okay let’s go make some magic and then I might not show the entire process of me doing all of this because let’s be real it’s just very boring I’ve done this quite a bit the past few episodes so like I think you guys know exactly how I do these things where it’s just a whole lot of refreshing librarian uh villagers it’s a whole lot of trating with these guys like there there’s just so much where I just I don’t know if I’m going to be showing all of it even though that’s kind of what this entire first episode is about okay perfect that is a third one done okay you still still suck I don’t know why you’re not taking it same with you okay you’re almost there you’re almost cool okay now you’re very cool okay so please can you guys pretty pretty please just take your job you know let’s go yes no yes and done okay so every single stick trade is set up and perfect how are you looking buddy uh no I don’t want this okay this might be a good trade maybe at the very least we now have some iron boots so I think that’s a little bit more protection so I’ll happily take that okay so we got you locked in which also yeah I I actually need to buy that as well uh before we go when we start on the other villagers let’s just go through and let’s start doing all of our stick trades we need to get a lot of emeralds and not bad almost a stack and a half of emeralds after just the first day sadly you guys are not going to refresh okay let’s just go to sleep please nothing bad spawn by the way I’m so sorry for killing your brother okay I needed the iron I’m I’m so sorry um oh yeah I don’t even have a helmet so yeah let me just buy one of you there we go see you’re already off oh yeah I I I love you so much right now uh let’s just max you out why not uh you know what here uh villagers you know if you if you want to put on some armor there you go my gift to you and what are you selling to me now do I need pants I do need pants so hello okay Max you out again oh God what is this weird thing I’ve never used one of these before I mean I probably should use these but like just to be honest I just I don’t care I don’t know why any video game with a shield I never remember to use it I don’t know why it’s been like that for years I will not be changing um hello beautiful okay so we need another blast furnace which I do have another one but I’ll take you and I’m going to be taking you and wow would you look at that we now have some Diamond gear beautiful I do have a grind Stone somewhere we should actually remove the enchantments wait are they good our protection and protection two I mean scrip we’ll just leave it on it doesn’t matter like we don’t get anything for taking these off it’s not like I need it uh oh you’re not even max level yet uh here let’s just buy those please tell me that I’m going to be lucky and you’re going to sell me a diamond helmet and chest plate that would actually be unbelievably insane if you would do that I don’t think I’ve ever uh had those two sales before and perfect okay so we got 23 more just buy two more from you oh God we’re already level 30 that’s a good thing and a very bad thing as well because I don’t want to go past level 30 El then all oh my God oh my God oh my God that’s actually insane holy dude I’ve never had that where it just sells the entire oh my God that’s insane yes oh my god oh I love you dude I don’t know what my luck has been lately but this series and the second channel series my these villagers have been so unbelievably kind to me that like oh my oh my god oh dude I’m going to go all out on this series as well for a building for the villagers I’m doing that right now on the Skies 2 you guys want to go watch that series I’m going all out on a like a fantasy medieval build form right now like I’m building them a giant mega Castle oh yeah I’m I’m about to build something like twice as big as the auto inator for you guys let me let me just say you that you keep this up oh yeah you guys are going to be treated very very well I want you all to know that and you know what here we might as well just go load up the next person I think the smithing table gives you a tool Smith I’m pretty sure this is a tool Smith and that’s a weapon Smith I think I might have it backwards though I don’t have it backwards okay good uh I don’t want that trade though I want to see if you can give me two tools or ideally if you could sell me an axe that would actually be perfect because I don’t want to make more axes and thank you very much okay I love you buddy okay um you know what we could honestly level him up cuz unless he gives me another uh or unless he gives me like a diamond or like a iron ax I’m going to be using up all of these okay so what a god tier star absolutely incredible it’s only day 15 and we almost have full diamond armor also need to stay on top of my sheep and just from us doing that it looks like my trees around here have been growing up so we should be good to go and collect them and we are going to be soaring through all of our axes let me just tell you what uh I should oh no did I get rid of all of them I didn’t okay good okay so then here’s the trick to it so you put your saplings in your offand you come over here and you break this and then boom you run over and then you just replant everything and then you just continue going and then oh my God just look at how fast a stone axe gets broken yeah this is why I wanted a uh an axe trade I can’t get over that though all diamond armor from one villager that’s act that is actually insane to me and then just from chopping down five of these little spots boom we already have over four stacks of wood so if you’re ever looking for a really good Tree Farm just have a tree cutting mod on and then just do a little 3×3 okay funny enough we actually used up every single one of the axes and we’re now halfway done with this one but oh my God look at all the wood that we have so we should be able to max out our toolsmith now I think and then maybe start on the next villager also from all of that oh my God I have so much of this I would love to make this automated but I don’t think I should be using any of our iron well technically we have an unofficial iron farm right now so I could just be farming up all of these iron golems that might be a smart idea cuz I mean I don’t really need them I just have issues with creepers and I know that Iron Golems are too lame to actually go after creepers but eh at the same time we don’t really need to automate this I’ll just force Davis to you know come in here and do some work oh thank God okay the potatoes are almost fully planted we’re doing well there okay so let’s get back to trading this for the love of God I I need just I want some kind of like iron tools you know I’m not even asking for diamonds at this point I’m down to be you know a little bit more of a noob okay you know what here maybe what we need to do now because okay so we got like you know we got some emeralds so that’s fine also I can remove this I don’t know why I left that there um God all right here let’s just swap you out just buy one more why not um we probably don’t need those at all so I could just toss those that’s incredible you know if I actually had an iron farm because that’s not going to level me up whatsoever anymore and I am not buying Bells so yeah I’ll just do that and oh my Jesus Christ that does like nothing yeah we need to do something else now um oh wait wait wait wait I need Diamond chest yes there we go okay now we have full diamond armor we’re a little bit more protected I feel a lot safer good tobye you um yeah we need to make a librarian uh we need to make two of them I need to start combining stuff I I can’t even make an anvil okay we need to go kill the Iron Golems I need to kill you guys I’m sorry I need the iron that was really close I don’t know why I got that close to Oh my Jesus Christ you move fast I need all the iron I can get hanga all let’s just try three I’m curious if I’m safe in this oh you actually are ah okay and then you can do critz this one this feels so wrong cuz I feel like he should be able to hit me yeah so we’ll just have to keep on collecting iron this way I know I can go mining for it but I just feel like it’s so much faster for me to to just keep on killing all the Iron Golems here which man you guys are really slow down on making them you’re kind of slacking uh okay so we got 13 there I think I need three blocks of iron uh do I even have books that’s that is no buo that is really not good uh but I do have paper so never mind I think that is Boo we should be good okay I think I only need three of you two of those make you grab this one Lecter okay okay so we don’t need them to actually sell us a uh oh man I didn’t bring any uh slabs but we don’t need them to sell us a bookshelf like uh the first trade but damn would it actually help so fingers crossed so we can actually get one of those need to go and get a few slabs Okay who wants to go and become a nerd here how about this if it makes you feel any better you’re not like a nerdy librarian that’s selling nerd books you’re selling berserk deluxe edition volumes how about that uh okay good you didn’t get hurt okay so hopefully we can be kind I’ll take anything at this point like why are you shaking your head knowing me in such a weird way um but yeah uh at at this point I will take like just about any trade I just need to start two trades so I can start um combining them CU like I really need to be using up this XP I don’t like being level 35 God I also really need you guys to spawn in more iron golems and we need to start uh feeding them again like at some point I might actually just have to AFK for a little bit okay no no it’s cool please take your time you know it’s it’s awesome you know just doing nothing only have a limited amount of time to do stuff no no no it’s cool you you stay chill thank you I don’t have any books ah okay we’re going to we’re just going to really really hope here that you sell a bookshelf and an enchantment that I need cuz if not this is really going to suck I mean I know I can go make another book I just really don’t want to use my own Supply I ah damn it okay yep that is one that I need and of course he’s not selling any books okay I think I only need three of you I just need one of you quickly just give me a book perfect okay we’re going to be running into issues once again I I do I’m a Gambling Man though so I think we’re just going to gamble and we’re just really going to hope that the next one will sell me a bookshelf yeah but nice hey we got Unbreaking 3 that’s usually one of the Annoying tedious ones to yet so I’ll take that it’s nice thank you they’re very kind to me I only took like what three refreshes so hey you guys are right on track to getting one of the biggest greatest builds ever you guys are on track for me to go sicko mode I don’t have no no no no I do I I can block you in here okay uh dang it no I do need to go make it oh man I needed you to sell me oh please don’t be thund that is thunder that is thunder that is thunder that is thunder nope nope nope nope it’s okay please don’t strike please do not strike break anyway and perfect good woo um yeah God we only have two left uh I don’t have any paper I don’t have any sugar cane and we’ll just stick all of our selling stuff in here nice and organized um okay cool yeah we need to go on an adventure I need to go and find sugar can for once in my life I actually need sugar cane this is pretty trippy I’m not used to this please don’t die oh thank God that was actually pretty close to being bad yes finally okay okay it’s only two it’s going to be a super duper slow start but whatever uh nah no no let’s look around for some more also I noticed that there are sea turtles over there we definitely do need them for some of the nether Farms because I do want to make a gold Farm I’m kind of tempted to you know um yoink those guys and then just bring them back home but like I really want to make two super duper long trips for him might be smart usually sea turtles are pretty difficult to find also I love this terrain generation like this like unironically I actually love this it looks so much more fantasy like and more more like a video game okay where’s all the sugar cane come on usually it’s not this difficult to find it okay so I found a few more sugar cane oh my god there are so many white mobs over here uh I’m really tempted to kill all these sheep won’t lie very tempted to kill all of them because unlucky for them I didn’t bring my shears and I do want more uh wool okay I think we’re good you know 10 sugar can that should be fine enough uh you know what yeah I am going to kill all of you I’m really sorry love you guys I know you guys have been here for Generations thousands of years but oh well I can you guys drop more than just one wool you’re making this seem like it’s a waste and that was a little pathetic just one each really is that normal anyways okay let’s just head back home okay so we should probably make like an actual area for this with like way more water but like eh I don’t really care and here we could do like another one right here if we really care about it but okay so at least we got that going um oh yeah I also made a ton of charcoal kind of don’t want to pick that up I don’t want that all all of that XP yet okay so we’re good there uh let’s see any new Iron Golems that’s looking like a strong no yeah I’m trying to think of what’s the next best thing to do I mean we’re kind of stuck now it’s basically a waiting game I mean you know we can definitely t to the farm uh we can make some bread because we do need to start making more villagers they are getting very low actually they’re at the lowest yes okay sweet we can now start using all of our potatoes for the villagers that’s good let’s go and make him some bread all righty you guys might be able to make one baby but yeah uh learn this the hard way I need to go through remove all of the beds I never understood this but yeah you have to like replace down all of the beds whenever you want them to start making babies again really don’t get it and there we go okay hey look wow guys there’s some food back here wow don’t you want to get away from the door wow look at that over there yeah there you go annoying little bastards uh I mean what I can do is go buy some more of the axes possibly maybe get this guy to like halfway uh for a level up because oh my God this is going to be so slow like I can’t believe that 12 axes and it barely does anything for him and he’s just on the next level it’s not like that’s a trade from like 20 trades ago or anything jeez uh well it does look like our trees actually grew up so I think what I’m going to do uh god well I mean like we already have some there ah I don’t know what to do it’s it’s like a giant waiting game because I can’t make any more Librarians H this sucks like I kind of need a AFK but I don’t really want to at the same time well I mean I guess what do I need well we do need to wait for the sugar cane to grow um one thing oh I think you can use wait can you use bone meal on sugar cane or was it bamboo that you put it I’m I’m pretty sure you can use bone meal and sugar cane so I guess what we do is we’ll just go around we’re going to cut down a lot of the trees hopefully get some bone meal in the meantime hopefully those start growing while we’re over here and then all of the saplings that we get from the trees we’re going to turn that into bone meal use all the bone meal on the sugar cane hopefully get enough sugar cane to make another book I think is what I needed I think another book I don’t remember rather need another book or we need another uh bookshelf it’s one of the two uh but yeah uh who knows I’m going to go and do some off camera work and then yeah I’ll just record once we’re actually at a point to where we can actually continue our adventure so hi so it’s been a little bit and I kept on collecting some of the sugar cane I was sending to the farm breeding the villagers which they were tedious just had a block off their door I also started breeding the animals because we’ll probably be needing them sometime soon and I chopped down a metric ton of wood how much well we now have basically an entire double chest of it so we have a lot of trading that we to that we need to do however I’m level 42 uh I really hate being level 42 oh thank God another one spawned in oh yeah I I had to block off the door so that they would actually start breeding again uh we have 22 sugar canes so we might be able to make enough books for one bookshelf and uh one book for raing and we’re nearly there to a Anvil like we’re we’re actually so close to it um hi bud can you not be in the center I can’t reach you you’re oh dude okay you’re a little bit too smart you’re a little bit too sentient for my liking um hello oh I did do a little bit of trading so we now have an enchanted uh pickaxe and iron shovel so we have those two things that’s super duper awesome please give me a lot or I’ll take that it’s not the worst could be a lot worse which okay uh dude I honestly think yeah let’s just go mining we’re just going to go get like a little bit more of iron oh wait actually I think there’s iron right down here yes there is okay if we’re lucky this will be all the iron that we need yes yes please keep continuing yes yes that’s what we love to see okay five is that actually the exact amount that we need that looks really suspicious but I promise you I didn’t place them yeah cuz that would be nine so that’ be three right there we’d have four ingots extra I think that’s all that we need very suspicious I think it’s all Davis’s fault it probably came into my world and then put all that stuff there to make me uh look very sussy and then while that’s cooking let’s see how much paper can we make I I was contemplating on making the sugarcane farm even bigger but like eh uh okay so we got that that uh let’s just make all the books that we can because we do need them and then okay we got some wood we’re just going to make one okay I’m I’m going to I’m going to put my faith that the next guy is going to be giving us enough um well not enough but he’s going to be really super duper awesome and kind and he’s going to give me a bookshelf trade yeah he’s totally going to do that he’s not going to disappoint me or anything no and then you and yeah that was like very weirdly the perfect amount okay awesome I love to see that okay so uh now we just need one more book okay so we got Unbreaking three let’s take all of our emeralds we’re going to take some wood with us actually no I’m just going to take 35 emeralds I’m actually no we’re not even going to take any emeralds whatsoever because we’re going to be doing so much trading we don’t need it I’m scared that you’re going to give me a good trade right off the bat so please don’t okay good good okay let’s quickly go through start doing all of our sticks I got to be honest I don’t know why I’m doing this when I’m talking about how I don’t want more XP so we might not be doing that many stick trades yeah let’s actually not do this why am I trading sticks that is such a stupid thing to be doing right now dude honestly I’ll take mending I think mending would be really sick just please enchantment with a book trade please no oh my God okay we’re taking it because it’s mending and it’s good enough but like come on one of you please I just need a bookshelf trade please oh oh well okay let’s go use up some of our XP uh two is the lowest awesome that literally did nothing for me we’ll just leave you in there okay let’s just take all of you yeah we’re just going to be doing a whole lot of those kind of Trades and yeah we need to make another Lu turn okay we have enough for like one more try please I am begging you if I don’t get it this time uh that is definitely a pay cut to Davis like please please I am begging please I just need I just need one bookshelf trade that’s all I need if we can just get that one then we’re set we’re so good to go also I forgot to bring a sign we should probably kill that Iron Golem we should really stay on top of all of our uh our iron yeah let’s do it I I need to stand on top of all our iron hi bud sorry okay that’s awkward sorry okay um sorry go that’s all mine no one come over here please please no one come over over here thank you can’t believe I got mending as I was saying man I really hope that I get mending I just realized that it’s a little funny okay mending I’m breaking three we’re doing fantastic okay hey bud how would you like to come here a little bit closer come on a little bit closer yeah little a little bit more okay can you stop edging me can you can a little bit closer little little bit closer come here okay fine I hate you okay how about you buddy want to come here okay cool I hate you too okay let’s see how how about you bud there we go thank you I mean if no no never mind okay I already just caught myself I was about to say like if anything I could just keep on you know buying books from them cuz I do need a lot of their trades I need a lot of Unbreaking 3 and mending together but no no cuz I need a bookshelf trade I’m so close to just like wait I actually oh my God I can’t even talk I’m we’re getting him so fast I do need dep Strider 3 that’s what I was talking about in the hardcore series how I don’t have this on my boots and I was so slow in the water and now look at us now we have bookshelf trade and we have dep Strider 3 what is going on this world is so weird that was what two refreshes like we don’t even need to make a jump cut we could just show that entire Adventure like what is going on oh hey what’s up why are you already damaged oh you spawned in the wall nice I like keep that up bud uh but finally oh my God we actually have unlimited books God okay you’re a little bit too fast buddy okay kind of freaked me out there there we go see back up to eight we’re getting our iron up again feeling fantastic oh dude I can’t believe we actually got that that’s actually so amazing I love you love you so much please keep it up actually insane that’s so oh wait oh my God wait we can actually just start on the boots then yeah Unbreaking three and mending I need that for the boots so there we go so that one’s seven that one’s only six so we’ll definitely do that there we go now we’re down to 35 we’re almost good to start doing trades again but we’re going to keep on lowering down our level haha snatched you while hi yeah you get off you’re not allowed up here you’re not cool enough okay so let’s just put you there let’s see are you cool o you were almost there I I I had a feeling about you I thought you were going to give me something dope now don’t be scared to just give me protection 4 okay I need I need a manifest it that’s what I’m starting to get out of this is that I have very good manifesting Powers so yeah uh how how about you just be super duper awesome and so cool and hot and everything you know like beautiful gorgeous and uh nope don’t need you ha but protection four that’s always the one that takes me the longest because for whatever stupid reason that one is always the most impossible to get and I really don’t get it ah I mean I do need flame eh like why not I’ll buy it later I’d rather just have a bookshelf but yeah why not why not plus you know another bookshelf trade but yeah you know we need flame why not it’s one of those trades that you always forget about and okay let’s go make another so since I very recently just did this oh as of me recording this I did this recently on the second Channel also it’s just such a boring mundane task I’m kind of tempted to just uh go watch a movie like put on like a 3our 2hour long movie and then uh just see how far I get in here and then I’ll just start recording again uh once I’m done wait I think I need you actually but um I don’t know like I’m just I’m temp if I can speak I’m tempted to put on like a 2 to three hour long movie see how far we get in here make like some uh some super big progress might be a good idea just to like get through this part aw oh dude yo come here okay you really wanted to become a librarian I see well you’re going to give me protection 4 if you do I’ll give you the biggest room ever I’ll make you an auto anator size room just for yourself okay that was actually going to be wait fire wait isn’t that the highest one isn’t that what I need oh my God it actually is wait that is so creepy first one don’t even need need to uh refresh you and then you just give me like a Max trade like trippy okay maybe in 2 to 3 hours I might be able to get every single one that I need uh going at this right but uh yeah we’re going to start a uh well not really start we’re going to go along with the trend that I’ve been doing on my second Channel where I just go watch a movie make x amount of progress and then I just you know see a review for you guys if the mov is good enough like to watch oh wait actually we’re getting low on uh emeralds ooh okay so we’re starting enter a tricky time it’s a tricky time [Music] because I need more boot stuff but I’m getting trades for other things that I don’t need yeah we’re starting uh to get to the tricky era also we’re running out of room up here oh wait wait wait wait I know you yep NOP you’re in the same spot as the other guy that just immediately gave me a maxed out trade didn’t even need a refresh so are you going to do the same to me nope okay well hey yeah it was it was a good good try it was a really good try okay something different though you don’t need to give me the same exact trade no I don’t want that other one H I don’t want that one though no no no don’t want that one but yeah uh I’ll see you guys in a little bit I’m going to go watch something while I do all this boring stuff so why hello there A lot has happened over the past like 2 hours and something minutes so uh first off I watched Blue Beetle while I was doing all this it felt really fitting with like how my armor looks also I’ve just been like curious about the movie um so firstly uh I moved all the signs cuz I found out if I shift click I can actually move the signs with the text on it I never knew that another thing which I’m not going to show you or else they’re all going to run is that apparently uh I don’t know how I forgot this because I was doing this in Sky 2 Survival series you know like the other channel uh I could just pick these up if I just shift rightclick which I can’t show you because like I don’t oh no never mind it doesn’t matter but um yeah I can actually just like pick these up and put them back down and I can refresh their trades so much faster now I’m going through and I’m just enchanting things and like kind of figuring out which ones I need I don’t know which enchantments I need uh left I’m going to be honest I’ve fully maxed out my uh my diamond boots though and once I get a diamond sword I also have all of the enchants for that one as well and then I’m kind of just like working on everything else like here’s the helmet here’s the bow that’s any tool so we’re we’re coming along pretty decently we’re actually almost done with getting every single enchantment I think I need like one maybe two more some something like that but we’re almost done with that one um with him so I can get the diamond axe which I’ve been using that for chopping on trees godson absolutely love it and then I just unlocked the pickaxe so we got these two pretty decently I want to try out the Villager with this thing because I know it’ll give me a sword and like something else it can get give you like other ones and I want to see if we’re going to be lucky enough to get the shovel which I could have sworn you could give me like all three trades like the pickaxe the axe and a uh the shovel I think the shovel could have been a trade instead of you know stupid diamonds for emeralds like that is the dumbest trade I’ve ever seen in my life um so we might redo him but I don’t know I also made two more Fletching villagers just so we can sell sticks even faster uh believe it or not even though all the trees around here are fully grown I have been focusing on you know chopping them down and this used to be full and then I started trading recently so that’s kind of everything happening now with you I’m going to go and make that grindstone villager and here you go okay so if you can hopefully become something also I’m really curious can I like no okay so I can’t pick you up so that’s the only downside now for my thoughts about a Blue Beetle by the way wait wait is that that’s what it was called right oh God wait I’m kind of forgetting it wait okay yeah yeah so it is called Blue Beetle so uh love that one honestly I give it an eight uh it’s kind of like marely to where you know it’s just like typical Marvel stuff however I do like it how like there was actual cursing in there you know there there was actual people dying at times so it was very different from typical like superhero movies the every single character in there I honestly love them didn’t have any gripes with anyone except for the main villain girl uh the old lady no offense to her whatsoever but oh my God she had no emotion like nothing whatsoever like it it was just giving us like yes Queen please keep giving us nothing so don’t like the main villain I feel like they should have traded her out for someone else who can actually portray emotion and like anger and evil it would have been a lot better to me just saying but I I recommend it if you’re on the fence about watching it like you know if you got streaming services I recommend it I think you’d enjoy it it had a cute ending I I love little love sap stories like that I’m a sucker for those so I I love what uh what happens in it and honestly it was just like a great one I don’t really have like any gripes with it so out of all the superhero movies that I’ve seen I rate an eight but I think I’m going to go and watch another movie and continue this because we still have a ton of grinding to do and honestly with how fast that we are going with this we might be able to go to the nether this episode and that’s a very strong maybe uh the thing that’s probably going to be holding us back is going to be villagers that’s the only thing that I can really think of luckily getting XP and getting um emeralds it’s not that difficult really for whatever reason I’m having an easier time on this series compared to the second channel series also just realized that the audio on this was like dangerously quiet so my bad I turned down the game volume so I can hear the movie better but I just wanted to do this fun little update just to show you guys where we’re at honestly everything just coming along so well I might automate the composter because like at this point point we just have so much iron like we’re doing very well on that department which is very trippy for me to say because I don’t have an iron farm I only have those golems that spawn every now and then so I it’s just like a little funny to me maybe episode two we’re going to build an iron farm or oh wait no maybe maybe if I get all of my diamond stuff maybe we’ll make an iron farm this episode and then episode two we’ll probably go into The Nether another thing that I still wish was a you know a thing really wish that I could just give villagers uh apples I would greatly appreciate that I think that that would be like a very good addition to them cuz I mean they’re they love their starches they love their fibers but man do they hate fruit all righty little cutie patooties how would you like to make more villagers I don’t understand why they’re heavily addicted to the front door they will completely ignore that food unless I like put them right on top of it and then they’re not going to act like normal villagers until I block that door I I don’t get it this is the first time in my entire life of playing Minecraft that this is happening yeah I just I I don’t understand it’s a little Annoying hi guys would you like to get away and go for the food like that there you go how would you guys like to just leave the front door alone and you know just work with me here there you go watch I cover the door and then boom instantly they go to that corner that’s where they always go they always stand there because you know the blocks are there I understand that you want them but you’re never going to get them also I don’t I don’t know how you know that they’re there because you have a wall in front of you and you guys don’t have you know the mindset of jumping well no you can jump but like you don’t have the mindset of jumping to see over it just to see what’s over here but yeah uh anyways oh yes I forgot about you yes uh okay so I think let’s just keep on retrying you this might be what I need I’m scared about you giving me a diamond axe but if you can give me a shovel that’d be really good okay so this is going to be oh my God this is going to be so painful funny enough it’s actually cheaper like I understand like you’d be giving me a ton I think it’s actually cheaper for me to buy Bells than it is to buy all those other tools like I’m looking at XP to Emerald spending but yeah I just wanted to give you guys come on oh my God that just cleaned me out you know what no no no no we’re going to keep the bells we’re going to use them for something I don’t know maybe there’s like a building design that I could use with these who knows but uh yeah so that sucks we’re completely out of those uh yeah things are not looking too good for us MoneyWise so yeah it’s just it’s a metric ton of grinding so I’m not really cutting out anything like you guys aren’t really missing much it’s just a ton of chopping down trees sobbing a little bit stuff like that so yeah you guys aren’t really missing much I think I’m going to go watch another another movie I’m going to try my best to not select a superhero movie I don’t know why I’ve been selecting those quite a lot uh whenever I do these little segments on the videos so hopefully I can find something different from all of those that’s actually going to look really good to me oh really fast uh I just remembered this as well when one of the trees grew we we have bees uh I guess one of the saplings was close enough to like the flower right here but yeah we have a two bees in there so pretty soon like maybe once I get all of my God Armor tools done maybe we’ll uh like set up like a little basic beehive house and we’ll make an iron farm uh we’ll probably do both if I’m being real just so we can get like all of this like tedious stuff done right in the beginning and then maybe episode two we’re going to go into The Nether and we’ll go find the stronghold maybe kill the dragon too like I just I want to speed along for these like boring like tedious things in the beginning of a world like I just want to get straight to like Mega builds and us like transforming the world also I just really want the elytra but yeah I just wanted to tell you about uh yeah we got bees now okay what’s up I think it’s been like four or 5 hours I need to take a break man I’ve been going for maybe 9 hours straight maybe 10 hours straight yeah it’s it’s been a very very long wild time um so I had a metric ton of emeralds like I actually did and then I uh I tried to get a shovel because that’s actually the last thing that I have that I need to uh fully enchant other than that we have full God everything like it’s fantastic I even have all of the enchantments just ready for uh all of our shovels we just need to get them and then speaking of get them so this is now the second guide that I’m working on with the smithing table Yeah the last one was identical to the one right here so that really sucked but like I’m not like entirely like against it or like mad about it really just cuz it’s just so easy to get emeralds um Plus movies just make everything go by like super super fast so I don’t mind and then now speaking of movies so uh the first one I I I watched two movies because I uh when I finished the first movie I was trying to get sharpness oh no I was trying to get efficiency five this little scumbag right there ooh I hate you ooh man ooh Man O I’m tempted to put you in like a dungeon but just because of how difficult it was it took me about an hour or two just to get a fish C5 I wish I could say that I was exaggerating but no it took me that long um yeah I at that point like with how long it took me to get him um yeah I feel like I need to make like just the most safe room in the universe like strictly made out of sea lanterns so nothing can spawn and like water on the floor so he can’t take any fall damage if he trips from me tripping him yeah that that one just took like a stupid amount of time but you know anyways you know I digressed um so we got everything everything’s fantastic sck we just need Diamond shovels all we need and for that you know we need um whole lot of sticks so uh speaking about movies now the first one that I watched was uh Godzilla from 2014 and it was all right it wasn’t bad I like the atmosphere of it I like uh you know the the more like serious tone in there the fight was okay but I kind of wish that they would focus more on the monsters like it felt like it was more focused on on like the main uh like you know antagonist you know I think I said that right is antagonist or protagonist one of the good guy okay shut up now um he was okay I felt like he he just he felt very cheesy he didn’t feel like a good actor at all um his wife good actor love her she did awesome the child did really really good um Godzilla was sick you know love all that stuff the ending I hate how dark it was like you’re squinting your eyes as hard as you can trying to see something and it’s just stupid dark in there so I hate it whenever movies do that but honestly I’d give it like a seven out of 10 it was like if you’re looking for a good monster movie like like Monsters fighting like that then yeah I’d recommend recommend it so that one wasn’t bad whatsoever now the thing that I want to talk about is the second movie so I want to prefix this this with I like to give every movie a chance I will try my best to sit through the entire movie I don’t like to walk out of movies or just like stop a movie uh Midway through I really don’t want to do that this one almost made me do it in the first like 5 or 10 minutes I I it’s hard to make me uncomfortable and the first like I can’t even explain what happens in the movie um without getting demonetized from YouTube or possibly getting the video banned like it it was it’s high life it was made in 2018 I dude I’m I’m giving it a two strictly because the actors like really acted out very well uh everything uh I’d give it like a two maybe a three strictly because of their acting skills other than that I don’t even know what the movie was about whatsoever other than a director just really wanting what word to use that won’t get demonetized up fantasy but in a super super adult meaning if you catch my drift it was the most bizarre movie with just so many wrong scenes and so many scenes where it’s like you don’t need to show this especially one with a baby I that that is all that I can really say about it I don’t recommend the movie whatsoever but I recommend Godzilla but yeah high life no I I regret watching the entire thing I only continued watching it because I figured oh maybe it’ll get better um spoiler no it never got better but anyways uh back to like the important stuff that probably everyone cares about so we’re almost completely out of food I only have this 45 bread left which very luckily we have a lot of potatoes because I just wait for our Farms over there to fully grow and yeah we’re we’re almost out I’ve eaten all the meat pause I’ve eaten all of the the cooked meat that we have from animals so we’re almost completely out I think once I go through and I finish trading sticks with all these guys I think we’re going to make uh like one or two comp maybe two composters and then I want to go and see if I can get the villagers to trade me some food I really want to get to um golden carrots there we go that looks good level 23 hopefully we can actually get some stinking uh Diamond trads soon because yeah that that’d be really nice now let’s see okay I got you let’s go set up these I wish I had full blocks but whatever oh never mind doesn’t even matter good good oh and then um yeah the previous uh little toolsmith yeah toolsmith right there so he was sick um he was actually selling me diamond uh axes with what the heck with the Unbreaking three on it so super super awesome love that one uh we really should buy by more but yeah we’ll just leave that we we’ll deal with them later I think we need to actually handle food uh pretty desperately and yeah I don’t think I’m going to watch any more movies uh for this en entire video just because you know now we need to actually go on adventures and I need to show you guys some stuff because I’m finally done with a lot of the mundane task I if we could just really hopefully get some Diamond shovels that’d be really really cool okay fine you’re going to take absolutely forever so whatever oh let’s go this way ooh I should actually bring some potatoes cuz I’m I think I need to sell some of these on the beginning I think well we’ll just take four Stacks but I think I need to sell potatoes on the beginning to unlock the next trade so I’m hoping I don’t need a lot thank you finally oh my God right away hello beautiful okay now the the next bad thing okay eh not the worst okay so you took like two and like a little bit extra uh let’s see next one hopefully yes okay exactly what I wanted to see perfect so we’ll just start eating pumpkin pies forget the bread uh which one’s better 2 and 1 half to three but you get more hunger eh I think pumpkin piie is probably a little bit better now the ideal trade with the farmer villagers that I really want to get is both of them to have this with the potato and the carrot I love that one a lot that one’s a little all right that might actually wait that might be really broken but we don’t need that many villagers so I guess if this was like really early on that would have been absolutely amazing it would probably be really smart if I went with like a wheat and a uh potato trade but never mind I just got this so uh nope but yeah probably would have been good to sell some wheat but whatever yeah good good I’ve never no no no never mind I’ve seen a uh little apple tray not too shabby but uh hello there you don’t have food right why were you just putting something in there that was weird Okay so food covered wanted to to show that I was saving that until I was recording again uh okay so don’t need you anymore also don’t need the bread anymore so we can store you in there and then yeah we’re going to take all of our emeralds uh and yeah we need to do more trading we need to go and do a metric time of trading uh okay yep we’re going to have a huge issue with space in the beginning I don’t know why I took so many uh wooden logs ooh actually here just because we have all these emeralds and just so we can clear up some space hi bud okay take all of those thank you so much I have a hose SA in the chest which yes I definitely want to um make an like a fully Enchanted one especially for the nether it’s going to come in so much handy dude I’m going to cry please don’t please please I I have such a strong feeling the next one is going to be a stupid pickaxe I I’m actually so certain of that please don’t please please please let’s go kill you and it’s always with the with a different um like first two trades I swear to God I always have different ones but for whatever reason they always give me the same last two trades at the end I don’t get it also you didn’t give me any XP that was a little weird okay let’s just try actually you know what no no no here let’s keep up with the trading because you guys become a little bit annoying because you don’t refresh your trades after a while so let’s just try and stay up on you for a little bit I think I actually know which trade is the one that I’m looking for with the tool Smith I I think I remember because it was such it was a trade that I would never take and when I did it on the second channel series it I think it actually gave me all three diamond tools that I needed and then I was stunned by the end of it and then I’m pretty sure I even said oh wow I’m going to remember this for the main channel series and then I didn’t remember it for the main channel series pardon me hopes that I’m really wrong like I really hope that I’m wrong and like it’s not going to give me uh the trade or else I’m going to feel like bad okay well finish all of them it’s almost night time so we have to go to sleep for us to get the uh the refreshes but hello you obviously you want to be my toolsmith and obviously you’re going to give me you know the good trade oh okay we’re not taking that I’ve done that trade way too many times okay so the trade that we’re looking for is the one where you can I think it was like uh coal to emeralds or you could yeah you you’re the weird one that I would never take and I’m pretty positive I did did it on the second Channel and you’re the one that gave me the uh the diamond uh shovel okay this is looking really bad buddy this is looking I’m I’m not buying any more of the stupid Bells I can’t do it no uh we’ve been getting a lot of iron so I’m just going to use some of the iron I I can’t bring myself to just buy so many of those stupid Bells which funny enough uh yeah we have 41 yeah yeah that was a pretty pretty penny cuz it’s like what 36 emeralds 31 emeralds per yeah 36 emeralds and usually that trade is like pretty Universal there we go okay so at least we have that you level up you might be a good omen maybe okay well while we wait for his trade to refresh let’s just keep going oh wait wait uh we also should really focus on these guys sooner I get to golden carrots the better so pretty pleased okay so not too shabby not too shabby might be buying but I don’t want to buy cookies I don’t like them they don’t do anything for you like half of a hunger or like half of that little yellow hunger and then it gives you one full hunger like it’s just it’s such a waste no please trust me I love [Music] [Applause] hearing next want to sing that one uh SpongeBob AI song huhuh all this money that we make it makes want to sing that every single time that I hear a villager all this money that we made smoking C to the face okay but I really really want to get this diamond shovel trade like please before I get too high of a level oh my God yes oh my God yes oh thank thank you I love you so much oh my gosh finally we’re done okay well without it down my mind we can at least uh enchant one of the shovels which uh good about here you know what you guys can have my shovel I don’t care I’ll I’ll spread the wealth okay so then for you first step is going to be silk touch awesome you’re super cheap and then I didn’t rename anything just because I don’t want to like make them cost so much more but I did change the name of the tools that have like you know silk and then also Fortune just so I can tell the difference of them at a quick glance and then for our last tool just 24 okay okay good good good good okay we are actually so close and then we can actually go have fun in Minecraft H it feels it feels so weird to like almost be able to go do something other than this like I I I I feel like like it’s a crime to not be dealing with these guys I’m a little tempted to do this but I don’t know if this would be a better way to tell uh what each villager does like all of their trades but what if I just use a name tag on them instead of having a a sign cuz do signs I don’t know if like I’m pretty sure signs don’t count as entities but I don’t know if they do or don’t because I’m just really considerate about lag because that was one of the big reasons for ending the hardcore series was because it was so just laggy oh my God wait you’re not master oh my God I won’t lie if he gives me a diamond pick trade I might get rid of that one down there I might I always say that but I never go through with it but like I honestly might this time okay you guys I gu a cake cake honestly let’s just buy cakes uh like let’s just level you up let’s see am I able to carry all of them nice and yes amazing let’s actually just buy as many as we can just because it is at a discount but um sweet okay well now we have the best food in the game and that is going to be exactly what I’m going for uh once I finish all the pumpkin pies and cake I’m doing this on the second channel series as well but I just I don’t want to waste any of the food that we buy I don’t know why I can’t tell you why and I will not tell you why but yeah uh so you know here we’ll just do this with all the cakes we’ll just make like a tower out of it and then yeah here’s how much cake that we need to go through oh my God this is so much cake I don’t know if I’m going to be able to go through all that D am I going to get diabetes or something by eating all this stuff stuff jeez that’s a lot okay uh but at least we have these I don’t care for you put you away uh I don’t know what else to get R of honestly why why have I not put that down there we go okay that should be good I I don’t know why I still have this and then here just for you guys you can play with the rotten flesh okay yeah have fun with that okay but oh wait oh my God I I have enough XP uh you boom boom and then you are fortune and boom what a weird feeling yeah we’re we’re actually done with that I think that took me like three or four episodes on the second Channel and we just did that all in the first one uh okay wait wait wait okay I need to not forget I need to get my bed and let’s go on a little Adventure so now that I have some fortune on me that’s actually so weird yeah we have everything so weird okay but now that we actually have Fortune I want to go through the the Stony Beach possibly over there too but I want to collect all of the iron and the coal that we can just because like I don’t have an iron farm yet we might build an iron farm this episode I feel like I can still go further in this oh hello you uh for once in my life let’s actually just collect this stuff because you know building blocks why not at this point I just I feel like collecting everything because we don’t have anything so anything that we think we need we most likely do need because we do need it I don’t know what I’m saying I I just I Yap a ton but I think you guys enjoy listening to me Yap so it’s like I might as well just keep yapping like don’t get me wrong copper is really cool but can I find something other than that uh you know have having over four Stacks when I only have three iron little little sad it’s a little disappointing you know I I I would much prefer the other ores that you know actually have a purpose in this game other than just making really cool medieval roofs just saying I’m just putting that out there I’m trying to manifest you you know some uh useful stuff especially since I do need a lot of um Hoppers there you are hi beautiful yay there we go woo it was two I mean even though it is just copper that I’m getting I’m still pretty happy that I decided to wait until I had Fortune just to go and get all this like super easy uh pickings I feel like that was definitely the right choice because oh my God if I didn’t have Fortune just to get this amount of stuff like but we should like I’m trying to think of how to use copper in a futuristic building way cuz like I’m not using it in ceilings that’s most likely going to be stone or concrete most likely concrete but I don’t think I should use white concrete this time like maybe we do uh gray it be like like a different color cuz I’m trying to think of like what’s the most futuristic looking one but then it’s it comes down to which futuristic type do we want to do you know you have like the futuristic dystopian with like Ryan Gosling or we can go the futuristic of Halo to where I think that one would be more gray and just super Stony with like a little bit of uh blue glass but everything just looks more like natural in a way like more I I guess more like military cuz it’s just metal stuff because you don’t care to make it look too beautiful dude it is so nice to have dep Strider I can’t believe I never put that on my boots in the last series wait I’m I’m full really jeez okay I mean like we barely even went through this oh my God I’m really full uh okay well that sucks well uh let’s run back home then hopefully that stuff doesn’t despawn back there most likely will jeez I can’t believe this amount of copper that is actually mental to me okay well we’ll just let that go and cook probably should make more blast furnaces but I mean we might be hanging around here for a little bit doing random things so with the blast furnace you know it’ll be going a lot faster so we I know we might be able to go through all of it oh my God I just checked I actually have been playing for 10 hours straight yeah I think that’s a pretty good solid second day you know not not too shabby especially if I record for three or 4 days like am I just going to beat the entire game become a God and begin a mega build or something like I don’t know what the goal is for this episode oh wait that’s right ooh okay so it shouldn’t take too much time but honestly I’ll just do this and cuz I I was going to do the uh the water bucket lava bucket uh Strat just to make ourselves like a little nether portal but hey if I could just take these and make it an ease I’m down why not and sweet okay well we can now build a NE portal wherever we want which I’m a little tempted to because I don’t want to make the Nether Portal Mega build right now so maybe we’ll place the portal in the location that we want to make Mega build but then yeah I think once we do make the mega build we’ll just destroy the portal and then like replace it and then we’ll just really hope that it relinks to the one in the nether or else once we go into The Nether we’ll just destroy the old portal and then boom bada boom bada bing there we go dude this place does not have any iron whatso I haven’t even seen Iron this run this is actually insane usually you would find iron here man I’m hoping in the newer versions that they actually reduce copper spawn rates because this is a bit ridiculous I’m about to have a double chest of just copper when I don’t have anything of the other uh ores well at least I’m collecting enough coal to cook all of it so that’s a good [Music] thing Jesus Christ almighty oh my god oh dude I don’t know why that just scared me so much oh my I’m like half asleep right now please don’t do that to me oh my god dude I I I think it was just just the sound like I was hearing the footsteps and then like I I knew something was there but then I wasn’t registering that something was there if that makes any sense oh my god did that actually okay yeah that that just woke me up I need to go to sleep I I I need to stop playing no no no please come over here please yeah no no yeah right there okay well I wasn’t expecting you to land a hit on me but thanks okay well at least we were able to go and check the entire Stony Beach area right here but yeah after that I just I need to go to bed you know like I just I need to go uh I would like to think that I accomplished a lot you know I went from a basically a brand new world up until a god tier armor and tools in one go so I I would like to think that I accomplished a ton in here and at least now I have all of the very boring mundane stuff out of the way so yeah now we can actually get to the fun oh my God is that iron I can’t carry you well that sucks for you you are going to join my Army but not anymore I I say that I’m going to go to bed but basically what I mean is that I’m going to go watch some twitch streams while I read berserk for a few hours and then probably become like a potato for the next like 8 hours and then fall asleep I’m trying to fix my sleeping schedule I don’t know why I always try I always fix it for like maybe four five days and then after that it just goes away again like it’s just such a repeating cycle I don’t know how to balance anything in my life but I just just hey at least I can stay up for like 22 hours a day so I guess that’s a good thing let’s me get a lot done but I like how day one it was basically just looking around and then it was stealing all of the villagers from that Village bringing everything here beginning the trading stuff and then today I completed everything else and in case you’re wondering like how the days went yeah yeah I’m pretty sure that’s how it was it was I did a few stick trades and then I began all of the Librarians today God what a gorgeous view I love this distance mod so much like I’m not even lying or joking at all when I say that having this distance mod actually like makes me want to play Minecraft because just imagine if this was Vanilla just being able to see like an actual world like an actual giant place and you can scope out like oh yeah I do want to go to a Savannah or I do want to go to a jungle all the way back there like a I I love this mod it’s so good guys are still making them nice huh I didn’t realize you had food I’m just not making more I mean you know we do need to go for all of the enchants which I think I’m like probably maybe halfway done with them so I should really probably uh like start making more but whatever also there we go okay let’s just start using those two furnaces okay but not bad not bad okay at least we’re done with today uh yep I will see you guys tomorrow in real life woo okay I think I’ll make this the last one cuz I feel like at this point the video is probably probably like crazy long so it’s probably best just to end it pretty soon and then you know go to the next one um okay so for you guys you guys are you’re you’re doing pretty decent but I do need a lot more villagers so let me actually replace all the beds because I don’t know which ones are claimed or not and I think to end off this episode uh we’re just going to make an iron farm I think that’ll be a perfect way to end this off so then you know we got an iron farm for all of the Redstone that we want to do and then we have God armor and tools like all the boring stuff is just out of the way move move move thank you I love it how you guys are always at that door uh do I have food for you awesome I do okay uh you know what screw it let’s let’s just make like a metric ton of you guys so there you all go I’m so disappointed because I already know that the little rat probably picked up all of the oh no he didn’t okay cool cool it was one of the adults okay so I’ll block that off yep there you go everyone goes right back over there whatever okay so I’m going to be a smart boy I’m going to be an independent one I’m going to be a strong independent man not a woman um okay so I don’t think that I need to look up a tutorial on how to build this Farm because I’ve done it so much recently across like multiple different uh videos um God okay so I think right here is roughly a good location from where like you know we’re going to be hanging out a lot because for whatever reason regardless of how far I have my simulation chunks we need to be like relatively really really close to our iron farm why do I have like three beehives by the way I have one there there’s one there and then there’s one right there no there’s two right there why do I have so many of you wait oh my God I could just collect you guys now yeah cuz you have silk touch oh nice and then I’m pretty sure these all have bees in them I mean like I’m not seeing bees anywhere so I’m just going to snag these but yeah I don’t know why I’m I’m just I’m getting so many bees I mean I know why it’s because there’s so many flowers right next to all all of the the saplings as they grow but like why why I relish yeah I relish um I really wish that it would tell me how many bees are in the the little bee nest just saying that’d be such an amazing little update for it also while we’re making the iron farm we might as well just stay over here and then just stay really close to this thing so that we we can just keep on smelting everything oh my God it’s going to take such a long time to get through all this copper yeah we need to find out some oh maybe flooring o yeah yeah I think I like I think I like that idea okay so let’s see we’re just going to use Cobblestone I don’t feel like getting pretty uh blocks for this I think we just we we’ll just make two stacks of cobblestone walls we don’t have oh no no no no no no we do have glass I just remembered it’s because I’ve been trading the villag and now that I’m doing this I now realizing that I didn’t need to make any of these stone walls because I need to only use pain glass like it’ll make sense okay trust me I’m a professional on this I I’ve been doing this for quite some time and I know all the issues that are about to occur okay yeah but we need you we need to like somewhat plan out where everything’s going to be going uh I want dirt because I’m too lazy to make scaffolding uh we had some glass so let’s go buy more it’s another thing on why when I was doing all of this I was focusing I think it was you no was it you yes it was you and hello glass okay going need that quite a few times feel like I should buy more lanterns why not thank you for all of that would I have I been working on anyone else am I just a silly little Goose that just wasn’t trying to get more okay well we’ll just slowly trade with that one guy cuz we need oh wait uh do I have do I have a name tag oh hold up because I would like to just name a zombie I would much rather not have to get one okay thank God yeah I I don’t want to find a zombie that just holds a block takes like a little bit too much effort I can’t wait to make those jokes like oh that’s too much effort oh D I don’t want to do all that I’m way too lazy for this and then it’s just like the most giant build that you’ve ever seen there we go name that the zombie yes break my eardrums God I love it so much hey bud really awkward request um I need your flesh yeah I need it for some Hoppers okay it’s so I I can enslave all of your kind I think I only need nine Hoppers so we’re actually relatively close to just completing all the Hoppers so that’s not going bad uh okay so that’s for the zombie that’s the bottom area I don’t need to be holding these I can hold that don’t need that um need that don’t need that uh okay let’s see if I can go buy some more glass okay cool never mind we’re not going to buy glass please take your time I know it’s very difficult for you to do your one purpose now we need to be a little bit careful of our trees but like not really so we’ll do it this way away from the tree cuz I also don’t want it to go near the land so we’ll have it there and then we’ll go like one two three then line this all up okay so we need two more right there um I think we’re not going to put anything down here yet because I think I’m going to suck it up and actually do um quite a bit of like extra Hoppers around the edge because for whatever lame reason items can actually fall right here in between these so yeah I’m just not going to put anything there okay there we go that should honestly be perfect I think I just need 12 you know what we’ll just make 15 Jesus yep no there’s going to be a ton of you guys which I think every single episode we should honestly probably try and um you know like that thing you know like uh uh work on the enchantments of just like unlocking all them I should really make a text document for all of them and then I could just like delete you know each enchantment as I get them would be a really smart thing to do okay so I’m pretty sure it was just these three right here boom boom boom I don’t know why but I always build this backwards okay so lava shouldn’t be able to touch down here but we’re just going to leave it open like that but um yeah I don’t know why but I always always build this backwards just so I can have the collection area exactly where I want it and then I think these three where the Hoppers are that’s where the edge needs to be which technically this is The Edge so let me let me see something here okay so this is I don’t know how tall I need to make this I got to be honest but 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 17 18 I want to say 18 that might be correct also just realized that I just came up here with like none of the building material so I don’t know why I just did that but uh bo okay so let’s see I’m trying I’m trying to calculate this I think we only need three stairs I then from the three St I do I just need 11 let’s see cuz that’ be 3 4 5 6 9 I think that’s 9 across oh Jesus oh God no uh uh I think I only need 11 stairs I’m trying to be like insanely efficient and only get the things that you know obviously that I need because we need those and then I think I need nine for the beds that I need I got that and then I got a little bit of those but wait wait I think I can go trade some more I like how I can create like this entire system and I know exactly like how to trade with them to like get exactly what I want but then when it comes to making a stupid iron farm that I’ve done maybe 10 times in the past year I’m like don’t know how to do but let’s see I God I think I think it was just three okay well I meant to do that no no trust me I that that was completely calculated I knew that I actually removed it yeah that that wasn’t a surprise to me at all no I need my dirt no don’t you dare no no come back here back back God it’s like trying to get Davis to edit um let’s see okay we can get rid of that actually wait wait okay so we don’t need to use these yet that’s totally going to get away from me please don’t please don’t thank you okay so remember okay this three I think I go back one because this this is going to be a wall so a glass wall from the Villager here and then it’s cobblestone on top and then it’s stairs so I think we go 1 2 three because this is glass or is that glass wait yeah yeah yeah that has to be glass so this has to be glass see I would look up a tutorial but I feel like this is a lot more entertaining for you guys to watch me have like a midlife crisis right now I didn’t even make the beds everything’s falling apart my world is leaving me um okay so bed you this will be air this is zombie but that wait no yeah yeah yeah okay so zombie air and then that’s beginning bet everything’s under control I know exactly what I’m doing I’m just exaggerating immensely for the camera so that you guys are entertained when in reality I would are you kidding me wait what what is that a thing dude I just lost like what five cakes wait so I need to eat from the top down what I can’t start with the bottom what you don’t want me to eat the bottom or something why are you shy about me eating your bottom like I’m so confused whatever that was dude that was rigged I feel like I just got so cheated yeah that in case you’re wondering that is 100% a pay cut to Davis that wow that was that was insane that that oh my god dude why must my life be so difficult and I hat you and I’m not sorry so from there wait why did I put the walls away I do need some of those okay so we’ll take we’ll take these two I don’t know why I put those away H can I get more glass I think I need more okay so we place you you and you [Music] okay yes we remove those now okay so we do boom boom I want all of that stuff gim me thank you so now with all of our glass we can go around like this just like that wow looking so phenomenal and then yeah yeah you go there there boom there we go see I told you I’m a professional I know exactly what I’m doing I was never confused I was just playing it up for the camera wow whoa see you know the oh oh this is why we need to build really tall buildings this is why we need to go stupid High okay then I need block block block uh we’ll just leave you right there no God almost fell okay so then I do that and then I jump this way go all the way down here to the water do that go all the way back up because I’m just so cool you’ve never seen such a saucy white guy before and then Boop There He Go so we keep his feet nice and moist with some lotion right there we don’t want any cracking or dead skin or for the the toenails to become chipped I don’t know what I’m saying okay now we go up three before I accidentally fall off and get myself un alived okay so yeah I think everything up here is done I like I think I did it [Music] correctly yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah because right here this I think exactly right here this is where the stairs go so just so I don’t forget let’s just do that now and there okay yeah I think I did it I think I did everything correctly because then this will be Cobblestone and then this goes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 dang it okay well I made one extra stair okay so I mean I could go get the villagers in here now but like which way I move okay yeah yeah yeah we have so much time so yeah what we are going to do is just do that so boom no boom take that one I don’t know how I got an extra one but whatever okay uh so yeah let’s just go get us some villagers God I love feather falling so much oh I just feel so good to break my ankles and have arthritis by the age of 27 all righty who wants to go have fun I mean the likelihood of me picking up a villager that has food is actually like pretty astronomically high like we could just wait and I just go AFK for a little bit and I just wait for them to breed even more and I let that cook uh that might be smart I think we should do that yeah yeah I think we should do that why not plus then I can also wait for nighttime so I you know yeah I think I talk to myself into it we should just wait for night time and then I’ll get the zombie up there which I should probably kill him so he doesn’t kill the zombie hey bud I need you to go I like how I can hit him away so far that he kind of just forgets to come after me I also wish that Iron Golems dropped uh XP when he killed him feel like they should oh wait that’s totally right I also needed to do this so I can make some more Hoppers completely forgot about that okay so it’s finally night time we can finally go for our zombie so while we were winning for night time I just kept on focusing on all of the Iron Golems so very luckily I think I was able to make about uh four oh my God I didn’t prepare a staircas oh Davis you messed up oh my God how did you forget to tell me to do that man oh no uh we don’t really have that oh we don’t really have any dirt um I didn’t even make a trapo oh my gosh everything that can go wrong is going wrong oh no it’s all coming down to a crashing blow oh why must my life be so difficult wow I actually almost made that the uh the perfect distance it’s a little crazy uh okay well let’s just use some Cobblestone then really don’t want to but whatever okay so I need a trapo there here okay so I’m going to show you guys a very secret technique called the most confusing way to make this uh yeah but everything other than practical so there we go so instead of just making it super easy and clean and straightforward I just have to make it the most confusing crap ever because that feels very on brand for me oh dude you look sick oh yeah you’re the one no no no don’t don’t hurt him no He’s Mine He’s Mine that’s my boyfriend no no you cannot have him we will not share no no no no I know you guys will shoot him oh my God oh my God no no no I think they just shot him oh my God Yep they’re already shooting him God you guys suck there we go no no no buddy buddy buddy buddy buddy buddy hi there we go okay yes come this way and he’s so cool that he’s holding flowers so like he’s already he’s such a kind guy don’t worry this one time I’m going to make sure that a nice guy doesn’t finish last so I need you to come up here like a zombified villager that has Enchanted gold armor on almost complet does he have pants on I think he has Diamond pants on so I think he has the full get up oh my God I almost just walked in there okay you oh my God he does yeah he has full diamond he has full gold armor on was me okay so we’ll just name tag use awesome I really wish that you could actually see name tags through glass I don’t really understand why you can’t but eh whatever oh hey whatever just say that you suck why don’t you well if I’m here then I’m going to take my time and clean up this entire place so ha what what a like what a cool zombie to have for our area I actually love it that he’s that decked out okay so I think I removed everything I think we’re good I also realize that at some point I need to remove that dirt pillar right there and I’m not entirely sure how L sir I’d like to sleep please don’t touch me no no no please don’t I can hear you hi I like how I actually got some iron from the uh the zombies okay pH so I’m still a little scared to take out a random villager on a date because like social interactions but I’m also scared to take a villager up there and just in case they have food which I don’t know why I’m caring so much like it’s not like it’s difficult for me at all to get food for them okay let’s see I think I’m skilled enough to where I can actually remove that and then like fall down into it I think I can clutch it so I just found out that cannot oh wait no wait okay watch this I’m going to show you guys something like really sick oh my God I’m so cool I don’t know how I do it okay then uh I can jump so I can jump but I’m just not going to jump because that would have been too easy but I can totally land on it from here yes perfect everything went according to plan God I’m so skilled it’s just insane hey can you like not wait under there like that like a freak oh my God what oh my jeez what is your bow oh also here uh if I uh this is awkward get get back in there back back back back back back no no stay in stay St oh my God no no don’t die but stay in there oh my God okay so what we’re going to do is we’re just going to remove all this I love working with bees they’re so peaceful and not nice Jesus Christ I’m like oh no I just wanted to come out here for this flower instead of going in there for the sapling okay I I need you to guys go back in there come on okay there you go go follow your wife come on thank you there Jesus oh nice so I guess there’s three bees in there okay so we got four of those to mess with whenever I decide to go and do bees stuff all righty boys I feel like you’re safe to yoink got to get this show on the road okay I know that there’s about six figures of people that would just absolutely hate if I were to upload an 8 hour video of me adventuring around here so we got to make this fast okay don’t want to keep those people waiting for stuffing and I’m going to no no no come come here get get get a little bit closer there we go few yeah I feel like you’re also going to be a safe butt you give loner Vibes so I I can just tell it’s like a bat signal Batman signal there we go Bo Boop like who needs shins anyways I’m actually shocked how fast we’re going through the cakes but it’s also because they don’t give you any kind of a hunger also I’d like to heal if you know the game would allow me to do that that’d be really cool God no wonder I never use no you know what no wonder no one ever uses cakes I never realized that they were this bad like I was always kind of aware that they were pretty bad like they would go super duper fast and like they’re not the easiest to make but like damn okay uh here you seem like a loving par parent so I’m going to take you and snatch you away from your children and then lock you away in a tower forever with no access to them or the outside world or any socializing so I think you’ll be a really good candidate for the last room and bada Boop okay perfect so now if my memory is correct which it always is cuz I’m always correct but I’m pretty sure we just need to go through do one little layer right here but before I forget we’re going to put a staircase there I wonder if it’s a bad thing that I always leave the trap door right above the zombie like I wonder if I don’t know like somehow it just has like a negative effect for some reason you know okay I think this is all correct then we just bring you over not like that and then we just continue this am I going crazy I don’t remember collecting all this Cobble oh no no no okay don’t even put that in I’m going to look so stupid yeah I just remember that never mind okay uh but yeah I think I think this is all correct I think this is exactly how you’re supposed to do it and then we go to all sides like this we put down some walls God I think this is correct I’m really worried about this part right here about the uh the Iron Golems getting stuck on it but like I I I think I did that correctly you want the signs there I don’t think I need to put it back or like down right there I think this is okay the corners look all right like I think I did everything right if not you you already know exactly who is going to be getting a pay cut but like I think that’s all correct also now if I can just oh boy uh can I get to the water yes I can and then you go right there God I’m just I’m so skilled like how do I do it literally the greatest Minecraft player ever actually no no no scratch that literally the game the I just shut up what a galactic scale like terrible time to ever have a stutter oh my god dude I let’s just delete this video we don’t need to upload it anymore I don’t need the world to see this never mind okay I believe all of you are down correctly or else I wouldn’t go like this let me just put you there snatch you slay over here I think this is right like I really don’t think that any of this is wrong like I’m I’m pretty positive that I’ve placed down everything properly oh God wait can no no Iron Golems can’t jump never mind okay yeah they can’t get over the wall at all oh that looks all good like if I were to go let’s say you know I spawn right here I’m just like we I’m an iron golem woo doing 360s okay so you get stupid crazy slow no matter what I think we’re just always going to hit this yeah which then I have to walk out a little bit then boom boom I think that’s fine if anything I’m kind of tempted to bring this out forward a little bit but I don’t know if having the signs right here causes this effect on the uh the wall but then you fall down here and I think I think that’s good I think everything is okay also don’t want anything to spawn under here so we’ll just do that think I think we’re done I just need to raise up that a little bit but I need to go find some lava uh okay well we very luckily don’t need to go far to find some lava because wow look at that there’s some lava oh wait no dang it ah stupid Oh my Jesus Christ I thought you were something else sorry it was really long and I got scared okay so we need to put a Waterway back up there so I can actually get back up here because the last last time that I checked I can’t swim in lava and stay alive I mean regardless what anyone tells you you know if you want to go swimming in lava and real life you can definitely do that but you can only do it once okay so we leave you there go away gosh I’m so cool it’s a strange looking fish now let’s see can I get up here without having to like break anything and yoink yoink okay good H at least I kind of clean up the land a little bit Ah I didn’t jump oh my God I made it I just ran forward didn’t even [Music] jump okay at least from here I can actually easily place this down so put it right in the center and then you should start to span out like that and yeah the Iron Golems should very easily fall into here I don’t think there’s going to be any issue of them Landing it uh that’s all clean I this looks good to me I mean it looks really ugly but that’s besides the point but it looks done done and ugly okay let’s see uh I need to start towering up here so let’s just go and remove those little cute Cobblestone blocks that’s blocking all them from socializing it’s up you guys ready for a fun time boom this is looking pretty good to me yep I just saw him fall nice now the reason why I have them like this is because in the past I think it was my one block Sky Block I’m I’m pretty sure it was 200 days on that one and I had an issue with the iron golem somehow going up and I think it’s because on the bottom I had uh Cobblestone walls and then I had the glass panes on top and then the Iron Golem would somehow get on top of the Wall go up a little bit he’d be on fire just like that and then the items would burn but doesn’t look like we have an issue okay then the next test actually I need to see once he dies how much are we at okay so actually no no here I’m just going to take all that so now we’re we’re just going to hang out over here for a little bit uh very luckily I think that’s like all that we’re going to be doing like I don’t think we have any more uh any more task to do for this episode and then I’m kind of just curious like if I’m over here at least oh yeah okay so we shouldn’t have an issue like on U Skies 2 you know we have an issue to where no no no I know you can hit me over there I’m not stupid okay I think you guys are done breeding I think I can remove this and like not have an issue but on Sky I have an issue to where like I guess it’s because like I built it so far away if you go watch the series you’re going to know exactly what I’m talking about but I I always have an issue to where my iron farm just doesn’t work and uh I think it’s strictly just because of the distance that I’m always at from it but it’s just a little stupid that that’s how that works so I think from here we shouldn’t have any issue with iron golems not spawning in but I think we also need to stay on top of the Iron Golems just spawning around here because there is a limit there’s limit on how many can spawn in and we need to make sure that we never hit that limit oh also I never talk about this on uh on this channel so I’ve been talking about on the second Channel if I should have a uh subscriber based name and then since I’m unofficially known as SKS now because of you know the one comment from someone and then it just blew up huge uh for all of us so since I’m known as SKS um what if I call you guys the skewers you know like for for a really cool fan base name so originally I was thinking like the limit or the clouds you know things I would go along with the sky but then it seems like you guys are really into the idea of just being known as the skewers because I’m skew so I’m very curious about your guys’ thought process on that you know if you guys want to be known as the skewers instead of like the clouds or the limit I always thought that that was pretty funny I don’t know how we like really ended up in this situation but yeah and then that iron farm right there is only going to stay there until I get to the point where like I’m making Mega builds and we have enough material to actually make those because just like the second Channel why did I get one poppy that’s weird that’s such a weird item to get from him like it didn’t even give me any iron oh wait I need to put these down but once we actually get enough material to actually make some uh Mega builds see see right there I’m not going crazy boom that’s why we only had the those poppies that’s why I’m going around and putting all of these boys it’s worth it also you know what here I’m just going to use these why not and then for this series I just want to do everything just massive I I want to do very big builds I want everything to be the auto inator size I think I have a futuristic idea for an iron farm like we’re we’re going to make a mega build strictly just for the iron farm so yeah that that’s the stuff to come uh from the series dang it I completely forgot about these I mean Davis completely forgot about him but whatever but oh man but very fun things to come for the series I hope that you guys are looking forward to that let’s just turn this into planks I think I just need four boom boom to you God I just want to put down all these Hoppers just so we collect all of our iron I don’t want to miss any and then if you want to see a world for me that’s a little bit further along heavily like I I know I talk about it a lot I’m just you know I’m trying to let you guys know about the really cool series but yeah if you just go over to my second Channel I’m just saying you know there we we were’re a few episodes in like as of me recording this we’re already on episode 6 over there so I have recommend you guys to go check that out because it’s a pretty good sneak peek to what to expect from this series okay one more Hopper you know what I think I’m just going to keep going until I finish all the Hoppers for this because why not and then I’m positive that there’s going to be a few of you that are really annoyed or sad or mad whatever you know just not a positive attitude about me doing this series instead of just continuing the hardcore series it’s just that world is so old that everything was just kind of annoying on there and pretty laggy and also just how the series was going you know how it first started with um 100 days and then it went episodic and then I took an entire year off from it so it’s just a lot of you don’t remember it it was just all over the place hard to follow along and just a lot of people didn’t even know about this series so I feel like it’s best that I just ended that series and I just started this just so we can start over and then all the episodes for it are going to be like this one it’s just going to be episodic and then most likely you know it’s just going to be whatever I want to do it’s not going to be some super massive lame project that’s the meta for hardcore series so I feel like this one is just going to be a lot easier to follow along for everyone especially since I’m just going to be uploading this series and then every now and then there’s going to be like a oneoff video or whenever we’re all getting bored of this world or if I’m getting burnt out you know then I’m just going to go and make like a new series just for a little bit it’ll be like a little side series like uh Wy how he was doing that uh that wall series and I also just think it’s going to be a lot better if I just don’t have so much variety it it was fun doing 100 days for you know that year and a half and just having all of that kind of a variety stuff but yeah I I think you know I’m taking the channel in a way better direction that all of you are going to love especially since it’s so widely you know successful and loved on the second channel so I I think we’re going in the right direction I just wanted to reiterate that stuff over here okay but we’re almost done with the Hoppers how did you get up here how did you do that no Iron Golem has ever been able to do that like nuh you guys should not become sentient and smart and boom okay we should be completely good and I don’t think there’s any yeah okay good good none of the Hoppers are incorrect this I mean I’m a little tempted to remove the chest right here and then put it out here and then we have like one little Hopper right there so then like there’s Hoppers all over the floor but I I’m I’m I’m scared of jinxing now cuz it’s like what if what if iron actually does end up right there I’m kind of scaring myself you know what no I will do that because now that I said that I just spoken into existence so now there’s actually going to be a time to win Iron L right there and then I’m going to miss out on it the hard part is going to be actually placing it actually wait no right there yeah I think that’s I think that’s correct and and perfect okay good good there we go now we should never ever lose any of our our iron finish that little project yeah like wow we actually managed to complete so much just for the first episode so I hope that you guys enjoyed today’s episode I hope you guys are excited for this world and you know especially just getting all the boring stuff kind of done on episode one and for the first time ever this is really weird for me to say this um yeah I’ll see you guys next week uh on this series so yeah very exciting stuff to look forward to youo turn on uh the uh the sub notifications if you if you haven’t cuz at least now you can actually expect exactly what to see next week and yeah I hope you guys enjoyed thank you so much for watching and I see you guys next time see you

What a Perfect Start in Minecraft Actually Looks Like! #1


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This series is inspired by Wadzee and Luke TheNoteable Hardcore Minecraft Series, as well as Mumbo Jumbo and Grian on the Hermitcraft server. However, instead of it being Wadzee, Luke, Mumbo Jumbo or Grian, it’s actually just Skyes, POG. I like to make Giant Mega Builds, and this is similar to a Custom Minecraft Challenge video, except the Custom Minecraft Challenge is to survive. You could call this Minecraft, But Survival.

The Perfect Start to Minecraft Hardcore
The Perfect Start to Minecraft Survival!

#100days #survival #minecraft
Current Subscriber Count: 1,359,157


  1. I hope you all enjoy the new series! Going to try and only upload this and focus on making it last as long as possible!
    Leave a like and subscribe for more episodes!

  2. hey guys, it migth be a dumb question, but i just got a new pc and want to play minecraft, wich one is the better version to dowload, java or bedrock? so like, i can get mods and things like that

  3. 9:14 doesn't want to go into mediaeval again, plays mediaeval music😂
    32:03 maybe for the 100×100 hole, make it a quarry build. So you have a build for it, but also very functional
    38:28 perfect place for the quarry

  4. I am looking forward to this series! I think you should build bridges to the other side of the water and other places connected to your base. I think being called skewers for a fan base is extremely funny. New fans would want to know why they are being called skewers. XD XD XD XD XD.

  5. Skyes, I really do hope there is a return of the autonator… Sleek, ramped down, and only has the essentials in terms of things from farms and ores. Building supplies could be in a backpack/shulkerbox/chest. I loved the autonator and hope you can find time to bring it back as an homage to the last series.

    OH and a bee structure! Bring back bumble!

  6. I find it funny that I'm watching this video and he is just gushing about Berserk as I'm flipping through the pages of my delux edition 3rd book XD

  7. Dear Skyes, I think you should play with shaders, since you are a youtuber im gonna assume that you have a pretty beefy pc , i really recommend Complementary Reimagined r2.1 or r5.1 because its really up there being one of the best looking shaders with alot of options and customization while still being suprisingly good with preformance, plus its pretty easy to install oculus/iris

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