Minecraft, But It’s ONE BLOCK vs BadBoyHalo

yo how’s it going guys welcome back to another video so in today’s video I am with bad boy Halo Cy yeah where’s the rest of the world uh the rest of the world is just the one block that we’re on and we are playing bedw war on one block scab me I’m way over here I know so your objective is to break my bed over here and my objective is to break your bed okay well good luck doing that how do you have blocks wait I want blocks give me blocks this isn’t fair okay I’ll give you a hint try and break the grass you’re standing on okay oh wait that’s crazy okay well you’re going down Sky cuz I’m getting a lot of garbage I just got an axe you’re going down ooh netherite all right so all I need to do is stack up and get as many blocks as I can possibly get oh my goodness I’m getting really good stuff okay what type of good stuff are you getting I’m actually getting good stuff you’re done for okay hold on hold on I’m about to get full netherite there’s no way you’re flipping sitting on full netherite I need to expand my bed it’s not big enough I’m literally stacking over to your bed right now no no get away get away you can’t come here I’m on my way that’s against the rules oh yes finally okay I got it this is what I was looking for I just got armor no yep oh oh my dude some of the stuff I’m getting is pretty good but I’m still missing one thing all the stuff I’m getting is trash sucks to sucks gy ooh come on give me good stuff yes finally oh my gosh this guy is what I was looking for what did you get wouldn’t you like to know I got wood okay I see your island is expanding slowly wait you spent all that time for wood yep I needed wood that’s it that’s what I wanted so bad okay I just need to slowly make my way over who his bed using the weirdest blocks I can possibly find you know what I just realized like why bother coming to you you’re eventually going to have to come to me anyway yeah but okay good luck with that I’m going to stack upwards okay well I’ll just wait for you and eventually you’ll come over here yeah but that’s not going to work like that okay well it might you can try it if you want to but I’m just saying if I make a staircase you’re muffin what are you literally going to do Sky I’m way over here you literally can’t get to no I just do a really good item off the map oh I fight you fell the oh my God I almost tried to stack using gravel got to really good idea actually but but I can’t do it right now what what are you going to do oh nothing no flipping way I just got a really good item oh you are so flipping done come on I need better items soon as I get there you’re done for you’re way over there you’re not even close I’m making my way over no I have the ultimate strategy and I’ve already figured out like how to beat you okay what is it no I’m not telling you because then you’ll do it to me no way he has an actual strategy whatever he’s saying right right now is not real and it’s not going to work I guarantee you yo I got a pickaxe wait I know what his strategy is he’s just going to keep stacking up and wait for me to stack over cuz then I’d lose more time probably getting op items that’s what I think his strategy is but I genuinely don’t think it’s going to matter cuz I’m better than him at PVP and I’m getting closer here’s the strategy I’m going Tower up using this chest I can get basically all the good resources look at that I got another one I’m going to do something something like amazing I’m going to take my stuff and I’m going to put it in here so I’m going to like speed run like just tons of stuff and then once I get enough blocks to Tower up I’m literally going to Tower and then I’m going to send Sky essentially to the void I’m going to use a boat to fly all the way over there and paddle over to Sky and kill him and break his bed breaking it anywhere close to me and that is how I will win and I just got a diamond block let’s go sk’s done for I just shared my own I I know what your strategy is what is it well I’m not going to tell you but I know what it is no you don’t know what it is you’re just saying that to try and trick me okay fine I’m going to tell you what I think your strategy is and if I’m right you have to tell me if I’m right okay okay I think you’re just going to wait for me to come over and you’re going to take all your time getting op items and stacked up as much as you can while you wait for me to stack over that’s not exactly it now that you’ve said that I feel like that’s a better idea than when I was playing oh my God I just got something really good it doesn’t matter whatever your strategy is does not matter no trust me I’m going to win this oh but there’s so much garbage there’s so much garbage I just want netherite blocks it’s pretty much over for you no it’s not it’s not even close to over for me it is basically over Sky how is it over for me I just have the ultimate strap really like my plan is too good wait I just realized I should probably actually defend my bed you’re in trouble now no I’m not I’m telling you I’m going to win this if I lose I will be shocked just like that perfect bed has been defended oh my God I just realized I blocked off the grass I need to mine no way I got an ender pearl oh I’m going to be op bad you’re done for I’m telling you I’m so stacked right now it’s not even funny I’m so stacked it’s all over for you nuh-uh I’m going to win I’m feeling it no way oh my gosh Come on yes there it is okay that’s what I needed let’s go you’re not even trying to stack over to me yeah good luck getting over here what the heck you know things would be a lot quicker if you made a bridge too yeah well I don’t need to cuz I’m going to win okay and you’re all the way over there so why would I stack over there that just doesn’t make sense to like for me whatever I don’t need you to stack over good I feel like it’s better for me in the long run play your games like that I’ll stack over there all right bring It come on over and I’m going to have enough blocks to do it we have tea and cookies we’re basically ready come on over whenever tea and cookies I’m stacked you’re done for no no no you’re done for okay I just got so many blocks so this should be a lot of progress right here we’re going to stack with all these blocks and he’s not going to see it coming I do not see how you come out on top of this you’re done I’ve got my ways your ways are done Sky done no way no way what I don’t know if I should tell you I might have got a barrier block oh that’s crazy he can’t like that’s literally insane that’s just like what even is this game then who can get barrier blocks the fastest yeah pretty much I have a surprise for you when you get here so I like surprises oh you’re not going to like this surprise Sky trust me why not cuz it’s a angry surprise I don’t like Angry surprises exactly come on give me better items it just gave me a better item as soon as I said that well good for you feeling really confident about this how are you feeling so far um kind of annoyed and upset cuz the items I’m getting like are bad oh my God there’s no way I just got that I’m not going to tell you it’s so good oh my God to SC it’s the rules okay okay okay you tell me what your weapon is right now and I’ll tell you what mine is netherite Axe what okay I just got a netherite sword that’s pretty good I mean you’re still going down but h a command block okay no no no you can’t be using command blocks so command blocks are off limits that’s really the rule now yes command blocks are off limits that’s crazy Sky I can’t believe this so no command blocks no using blocks oh my gosh that’s so good I got an elytra no you did not I literally did skep I can literally come and visit you whenever I want now R do you feel confident I feel great I feel really good all right I just need to sort through all these items once again and I think it’s time for me to stack over yet again oh my god I’ve made so much progress on this bridge I feel like I’m going to get pretty close now with the blocks that I have you’re about to have a bad day scabby no still feeling good okay my fridge has come so far along I just need to go for one final push get some more blocks there’s only one thing now that I’m like looking for oh yeah what’s that it is oh wow you are really close actually maybe oh my goodness come on come on come on I’m getting really bad stuff Sky you’re so lucky nervous no I’m not nervous sounds like you’re a little bit nervous for what’s to come gosh come on okay time going to stack over yet again I don’t think I’m going to have enough blocks this time but I think I’m going to be really close you’re so lucky all I want is to win the game it need to get stacked up one more time this is pretty much the end now I don’t like my bed placement oh oh my God yo yo yo yo yo yo what the muffin what the muffin what the muffin is this dude dude this what is this oh my God luck oh my god oh you I got him I got him no wait you got both of them oh my God what was that that was crazy you had a warden spawn egg yeah did it almost did but I was able to break the bridge fast enough ah so is it on the bridge still no it’s dead no way no you’re done you’re done you’re done I win I win I win it’s game over it’s game over just give up now I’m not giving I’m so hyped I’m so hyped hey hey scabby what’s going on just making my way over the bridge cuz you’re too lazy I am lazy too bad oh I’m so close get away so lucky I need to go back one more time it takes so long can you just stack over a little bit no you come over here okay fine I will if I have to I have a really strong potion wait do you have like an invis pot or something maybe n you don’t you can’t get my bed if I move it far away no no no no no it needs to stay on your Island no no no no one said anything about that yes that’s the rule I Technic nuh I can technically keep moving it backwards dude you need to keep your bed on your Island that’s the rule uh I don’t think so I think so well don’t care no I Hey where’s your bed I don’t see it oh nowhere don’t worry about it what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing I’m not even a threat I’m not even a threat I’m not even a threat yeah no I’m just chilling I’m just chilling you ready to go come on hold on hold on it let’s go no you feeling confidence I’m ready jump will fight how about that all right all right I’m coming no you’re not back up I want to jump down oh no the lava your lava got me no no no bro oh Sky guess where I am you’re so lucky I could have got your bed if you put that lava down I’m stacked now I’m even more stacked than when you came over hey SK I’m coming are you excited here I hold on hold on hold on where are you I’m nowhere where are you you’re not even here don’t worry about it SC I am worrying about it you know what they say sky life is too short to worry about stuff I’m worrying about it where are you and what are you doing right now there has to be good stuff here wait I know I’ll put a fake bed right there and he’ll think it’s my bed and he won’t realize and my real bed’s just going to be hiding he made this rule so it’s not my fault I see no way for you to to win this like I genuinely don’t I just need more blocks I got a command block but I’m not going to use it all right all right all right that’s good that’s good Skiby using that would be crazy oh fudge you’re here you’re here hey what is up hey what’s going on Skiby I am just chilling right here that is all I am doing yeah now I see you oh fudge oh yes yes yes yes yes no no no no no yes I got your bed oh no oh my god did you really yeah I did are you sure yes I literally broke it I win oh you did you no no no no no no no no fall oh my god oh no no that was the wrong bed scy what do you mean it was a red colored bed yes my main bed was on the main island underneath those blocks you were standing on oh what yes I got you good thing I didn’t die Fudge get in the vo get in the vo exactly no I didn’t I didn’t tell you get into it you oh my gosh oh my gosh the real bed no no are you serious you still have to kill me this is bedw Wars rules you still have to kill me I’m going to break your bed now good luck I don’t think you will come here get away from me come here ah ah no no stop h no no no no no yes die come here why should kill me where is it where’s your bed Sky hello sky where is it where is it is it back there I bet you it’s back there isn’t it what do you mean I’m just going to kill you he checked uh I don’t know around my base no yes where’s your bed gby it’s not this one right it’s not the blue one it’s the blue one oh it’s this one oh wait did you find it I found it I had too Eco event to that’s that’s crazy you son of a gun under the DI son of a Yeah Yeah Yeah I broke that bit you son of a gun yeah I can wait I can block the water off I can block the water off and I win don’t do it sky is that really how you want to win yo yoy where did you come from run I need this Swit no no no mine now look what I got no no no you can have it you can have it cuz guess what ohud oh it’s over no no it’s over for you you yes yes oh my gosh you’re kidding I win no no no no I win SC me wait no jump in the void jump in the void SC me please fall SC me do it for me come on dang it you son of a gun SC yes GG oh that was so close I can’t believe we both came up with the decoy I want you to see it thank you for watching I hope you enjoyed if you did subscribe and also subscribe to Bad Boy Halo even though he [Music] lost bye

Minecraft, But It’s ONE BLOCK vs BadBoyHalo

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My Server IP: Invadedlands.net


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