Our First Time Playing Cobblemon (Pokemon Minecraft)

this mod seamlessly Blends the world of Minecraft with Pokémon and after the most recent update mjtv and myself decided to finally try this mod out and experience everything it has to offer I don’t know a lot of what we’re doing here but if we click M I know we choose our starter and that’s a pretty good place to start Mikey it is it is I got two options but it depends on what typing you choose well what are who are you thinking I’m either going to go with froy or I’m going to go with rowlet I was also thinking rowlet so you do froy y yo you throw a poke ball out that was awesome oh that’s sick oh and it’s level 10 already how do I what do I do with it how do I I I don’t know any controls what do I do with it Stone Turner is so ominous yeah I’m trying to ignore that he exists all right there’s got to be a way to get to the menu these are the things that we got to figure out m is summary we were just there that’s how that’s how we got the starter oh mine’s also modest can I get a new starter no you’re going to love that starter it’ll be your friend all right his name is Sammy Mr doctor frog okay one thing we need to prioritize above anything else is pokeballs if we find a shiny and have no pokeballs to catch it that would ruin my entire life well then we should absolutely go into the forest and see if we can find some is it yeah apricorns w a huan lilligant wait did did you get lost Marco I see you I’m in this gor I see you there’s a slacking waa figes me he was sleeping oh wait no that was a Digger’s bee I was wrong as hell oh wait I’m getting hungry Mikey I he I heard a rumor about how you get food in this game uh defeating wild Pokemon in battle promise me you won’t judge me for what I’m about to do what are you about to do oh Mikey Look Away Mikey look away I can’t look away it’s too intoxicating no Mikey look away I got food I was hoping if I ko’ed the minky I would just get some food what kind of food do you think you’re getting from a Mankey pork well I have rabbit I koed a geod dude and it gave me something mine black augite that’s how you evolve uh Scyther into cleor I’m going to the town when you when you decide to to wisen up I’ll find you there how about that all right I I do agree with the call to find a town all right this is actually mil tank a bed it’s mine where are you John I got an apricorn oh I got a bunch of acorns AC apricorns all right well you know what you bring over the things we need to make pokeballs I will see what’s going on in this town the uh the the orange leaved trees are acorn trees I found Pokéballs you just you found them bought them what’d you do I found them in a chest all right I still don’t know where this town is from the spawn point which direction do I go from the spawn point it is visible okay I really had to get like exactly to it though these doors are beautiful they have Pokéballs on the doors spiky wait a second this looks like pallat town this building is Professor Oak’s lab from the anime why are there people in a cage hey what Professor Oak does with the villagers in the town is Professor Oak’s business and if we ask too many questions we may be in a a little pen as well dude this chest in his lab has carbos zinc gold ingots oh we both can grab an experience candy if you want to just uh boost up the froy right away where did you find it in this chest oh my gosh it’s level 24 oh yeah is it evolving well I I I have to tell it to evolve I think evolve wa he’s so cool wait how did you uh mechanically how did you do this I sent it out and then I I bashed them with the candy oh you can change its moves cuz I was like wait I just got to level 24 and I didn’t learn any new moves what is this oh so we catch anything especially if they’re a high level we can change the moves immediately oh that’s amazing dude yeah I wish I had a nature mint but you know whatever do we want to take one of these houses over or do we want to make our own house near I feel like we got to make our own maybe eventually that should be a goal so we we set up a temporary shop and an Oaks lab I mean this is where the healing machine is we we need beds but uh pokeballs are also pretty important uh I still don’t have any of those uh let me make a crafting table to put in here right so let me get your bed how’ you make the beds I stole oh nice also if at any point during this recording you find me standing it’s because I’m having back problems and I need to stand sometimes but also I’m using it to promote the Playmore t-shirt that I’m wearing available at play- more. store Bubby is very cute and that’s the end of the pitch go buy John’s clothing what a pal you know what fine you can have some pokeballs what the hell is this guy doing in my bed oh there’s another one all right Mikey stealing maybe is not the best strategy unless we are willing to to commit crime yeah we got to make new beds cuz they’ll just keep coming for these I did make four rosate balls which I think are just regular Pokeballs that are pink I I am trying to sort everything okay I’m going to try and catch a Pokémon it’s not time to have all the fun without me what is it I want to catch oh my gosh John the stone shorter goes to sleep he folds his legs up under him look at his face John behold in the distance a Pokemon Center I don’t actually know what they have oh three poke healers do they work if you destroy them well I’m going to destroy one we’re going to find out my gosh yes wait that means we can carry a poke healer with us anywhere put it down and break it again did you use a pickaxe or did you use your hands yeah I use a pickaxe I’m going to keep one in the middle cuz it’s going to look better that way and we’ll grab the other ones wow dude things are going incredibly well we both got to catch a Pokemon though I know I just don’t know what to pick cuz I like don’t like any of these is that a weird deer I’m sneaking cuz I don’t want to wake it up 43 oh okay I would die immediately oh man it looks sick John I found a swib wait what do you want swib yeah I would like s up where are you where directly behind the Pokemon Center there’s a Swinub and a pilo swine wait what level is the pil swine at pil swine’s 36 where did the swib go I lost sight of it no 20 works with my team a 20 and a 24 yeah I’m all in let’s do this all right don’t kill it with a water gun don’t do it no water gun on a snub that’s lower level than you with a water type obviously you were going to kill it no this swib is going to live this swi up is my friend the swi up died pyo swine I actually you know what I wanted a stronger Pokemon you’re right Mikey yeah you’re right yeah and then you might be able to make it a mammo swine immediately wait you get to run around and throw the Pokeball at it like when you’re in battle oh that’s so sick Pat rat’s eyes glow this is the coolest Patrat has ever looked I got it yeah wait what was what were one of the woolly mammoths named nice age like what was the the girl Mammoth named the the boy was uh man Fred I will name this woman Fred woman Fred seems ready to evolve oh my God I cannot believe you named it woman Fred how did you get it to evolve already I gave it ancient power oh my God Mikey you have to see how cool woman Fred looks in this game okay I will I will do that oh my gosh this is crazy I’m going to come find that soon I found uh a Pok Mart one gu sell TP sells type boosting items like the miracle seed and the Never melt ice uh the other guy sells Pokeballs and Potions all right Mikey you ready for woman fr oh I was not ready for the size that’s sick it’s so cool can you ride it no that’s not in this game you can’t have tiny Pokemon on your shoulder like a parrot I don’t know how you do that or who oh I should have tested that before I evolved my rally there’s a lot of things we could do uhoh I need to follow you so I I was at the Poke Mart yeah um but there was something else I saw nearby that I wasn’t sure what it was I decided I would go there after the Pokémon March wait what is this oh wait I think this is like a an ice town oh it is a town this is just the edge of it wait so if I steal these people’s beds will they follow us I don’t think they’ll leave the town I’m stealing their beds when you threw a Pokeball that catched you right click or left click a right click I caught a Garian me mou oh that’s actually very cool yeah we need to hope we don’t get lost so we can go back to our home by our home I mean the professor Oaks mudre 39 dude why is this mud bra so shredded been working out all right I say we go to this forest look for more apricorn trees once we have a home base we can go on adventure so yeah let’s get the apricorns I see an apricorn tree I’m uh going to it fine mine I got a pink apricorn Sprout we have like a hundred love balls well they’re not love balls they’re rosate balls which are Pok balls that are pain waa a Trevenant no way you can catch it right now I’m catching a Trevenant be my friend yeah I got it wow what level was it 35 I do think I should start heading back to the lab because um I have no no edible food yeah I need to be careful too I don’t want to catch any more Pokémon because on the very small chance we find a shiny oh sapling oh yeah I mean once we can make pokeballs we can start going on Expeditions once we go on Expeditions eventually we’re going to revive a fossil I finally found a swimming Pokémon Magikarp that’s level 20 so I only need to raise it one level and it’s a Gyarados nice wait no I don’t I don’t have to do that at all it’s ready to evolve wait I found you it’s enormous yo that’s so sick dude this game is beautiful I planted my pink apricorn yay go go Mikey I also don’t know if I had to hoe the ground but I did I can get rid of these beds and we can put new ones so that the the annoying people do not bother us and there’s the people that Professor Oak wait shiny shiny shiny on the roof shiny on the roof where where are you shiny on the roof it’s golden oh gosh it’s going away it’s going away build up oh it’s so cool do you have Pokéballs oh I have net balls even oh amazing yeah let’s go I’m like not even upset because I like this was a foregone conclusion well we we did make sure we added a mod in this where you can see the Sparkles weird that that’s not default evolve Metapod oh it looks so cool I I almost don’t want it to be a Butterfree but I mean it’s got to evolve oh wow this actually looks good in this game the wings are pink Mikey look look at my butter H sorry I was making pokeballs behind you behind you behind you a nice I’m going to name this free shinies because everyone knows when you sub the bm7 you find more shinies it’s it’s like they’re free oh he did the sub plug once we get to a million I mean the shinies are going to be flowing even more I’m just saying uh all right John hold on stand still um I’m going to give you the citrine balls yo those look sick dude I also going to give you um uh two Ultra Balls wow okay that’s hug two Safari balls which are 1.5 times outside of battle so I think you can just throw them without initiating a battle and that’s all I’m going to give you more than you need to I appreciate that so much thank you I get I’m keeping quick balls for myself um I think the big thing now is just figuring out what Pokemon drop what so we can get some good food there’s a Mart on top of floating Mountain wait are are you getting distracted and going far away again no I’m I’m still in view of the town oh wow did you find a new Mark it’s on like a floating thing are you finding anything cool it’s it’s uh going to take a bit to get up there I mean I’m just training up Pokémon and getting some food okay I finally made it what do you sell you sell the normal things and you sell Pokéballs die die die see if I can get into the water from there I can a little spooky there for a second but I didn’t die I may have enough food at this point where if we cook it all we may be ready for an expedition all right I can roast some leaks if we’d like you know it’s not that I I don’t want the leaks it’s just I don’t want you to use them all on me you know all right all nine leaks I got is a pretty good amount of food yeah I’m definitely going to want to catch a fighting type as we’re out all right so looks like we’ve got um pretty sign 23 cooked mutton one of us could keep that stack and be perfectly fine I think it’s time to explore which way do we go we haven’t gone this way yet oh I can finally Sprint now cuz I have food oh and I can grab some or berries for the trip oh hey our apricorn trees oh nice they haven’t grown any apricorns yet but they did grow did I screw up by putting mine in hod ground I did I did I got to fix that before we go do you want to go down the river oh oh can we get in the boat together yeah hop in woohoo wait is this a river or a tiny little baby stream it’s a river I’ve decided I I want it to be a river oh wow this actually is a river you were right I was uh not familiar with your game is that a nether portal oh it’s a broken portal well okay uh there’s two obsidian can’t you like sell gold to the shopkeepers yeah they take gold as payment but you also use it to craft certain kinds of pokeballs we we are not prepared to do this right now we don’t even have iron and I think you might need like diamond to like break obsidian all right we will we will maybe someday remember this looks like this is a different kind of forest now we want to poke around in it yeah no absolutely let’s see what spawns here B Gorge I’m descending oh cool oh what is this oh I got a moonstone just a straight up Moonstone wait just like from a block yeah I found diamond I think cool we can’t mine it uh well I got didn’t you get iron ingots oh and aren’t we also like at a m shaft so you can get wood to make a crafting table a Gastly okay I actually have wood on me I’m I’m actually just extremely dumb maybe somewhat we need to make a decision do we keep exploring or do we go up and then explore caves later let’s go back up remember when we found these woods and we said hey let’s explore these Woods to see what Pokémon spawned yeah that’s what I’m doing I’m about to catch a rookie oh cool evolving it into kis Squire where did it go I forgot to do that in the Overworld I guess it doesn’t matter cuz it’s not like an animation or anything yo yeah bored I have three flying types this isn’t even a team sky video and I end up doing this crap I want to find myself a fighting type are we going to venture far from Shore or back on the boat what’s our what’s our plan here I think we just go through the woods now heyart wow that was out of nowhere oh my gosh well Marts aren’t as useful as centers unfortunately so I can get iron nuggets and I can buy things oh like antidotes and stuff like very oh great balls and Pokéballs wait hey here you go now you now you can buy things almost 44 big spender uh I got five grape balls and six potions wait there’s a GameCube oh yeah sorry I didn’t mention that cuz I’m pretty sure it’s just a decoration I want the GameCube all right yeah that’s in I think all of them Mars wait can I put this on my head what oh my God is it providing you armor no I have a GameCube on my head now C brawler on the beach hello wait that’s a fighting type oh awesome I caught it with a quick ball all right and it’s not going to evolve for for a long time you know what I have uh actually no I’m not going to say it I’m not going to say it look at these Beach poke there’s a krabby wa Sharpedo oh wo don’t hurt me buddy you’re having too much fun without me what’s going on I mean I just found a beach it’s a biome we’ve yet to find are you in the middle of the water I saw lava blocks I got excited do I also get a crwler I kind of want to get something else it might be worth at some point too figuring out the experience share I know you were thinking about that it’s uh it’s not easy ooh ninjas that’s kind of cool oh wait w whoo who who whoa whoo Mikey Mikey Mikey big big big b b big over here over here doesn’t mean anything if I can’t see you John over here I’m yelling there’s gimme ghouls where behind the Poke Center okay there’s your name whoa and there’s a tinker Tonk but that’s whatever that that’s not oh the gim ghoul Tower I think okay but okay let do we do we beat do we beat these guys up I don’t know I didn’t look at any of the mechanics all I beat them up what do I get out of it okay oh I get a coin I get a coin I got a relic coin what do we do with the gimmig coins I’m not sure they’re probably needed to evolve one of them I I caught a gimme ghoul I don’t know this is like brand new oh there’s the chest okay I’m battling the Gimme ghoul of the chest I got 32 Relic coins oh my God there’s a hone Edge over here yeah I am definitely catching one of those I this is awesome so like yeah how do you how how does it work to get the gold oh this chest has so many cool things well how did you get the chest exactly we found this and then I climbed up and then the chest at the top you actually get to keep shell Bell that’s awesome expert belts ice stone wait an ice stone brother I have a crwler here you go here’s an ice stone buddy crawler seems ready to evolve okay so you use it on it and then you can go to the party to evolve it kinable kinable oh that’s so awesome dude it’s amazing you found an ice stone for me so quickly I was convinced I was going to have crwler forever I always get agis slash I kind of want to have a fairy with a giant that’s fair there’s a du blade over here oh okay that might actually change my thoughts yo that looks crazy cool it does it does my heart wants to see Aus slash in this game I’ve already seen what tinon looks like oh my god this is my first time seeing your Trevenant I didn’t know it was so large I got it nice do you remember how to evolve D blade dusk stone ah boy now I’m going to get that very quickly we’re just going to get lucky it’s going to be awesome yeah all right where we going lift lift lift right LIF was that a Dy bye-bye John brother there it is wait why is it under the water cuz there ghosts of prehistoric creatures who lived under the sea I did not know that oh I got it I got it yo let’s go dude can we complete this portal I mean I guess what I could do is it will take a second but I can just mine all this obsidian and then we can make a portal back at home that probably makes more sense actually okay I’ll uh look for a Pokémon oh wao a shinja I’m going to kill him there’s a boulon on the Pokémon Center roof I still want to get one fighting type before we make our way back I’m just having trouble finding a variety of biomes might be good to go up the mountain usually you can find some cool things on mountains wa I found something oh it’s uh remember those those evil guys that come and beat you up Team Rocket no not in Pokemon oh the thugs the the illagers the thugs I don’t know why yeah man the Minecraft thugs this Tower can’t have like illagers in it right uh hey we’re I will find out you already inside oh G me ghoul yo that’s so awesome also wait didn’t you say we wanted to find a a icy Mountain Top uh yeah I mean it might just be more ice types like in the icy area by the uh base but haraba wow level 42 harama all you are going to be my new friends oh hey I got it let’s go you are so much more powerful than me my highest level Pokemon is 26 I’m going to name Harry it’s butcher because it’s it’s going to be in charge of getting the food for us oh I found a a village maybe that’ll be my last stop before we we head back home I’m working on catching up to you Link cable yo I got a Link cable that’s sick got try and catch this Teddy Ursa oh get an Ursa Luna maybe oh that’ be crazy I don’t know if blood moon whatever is in this I don’t know if blood moon whatever when just describing the Pokemon look there’s a lot of new Pokemon I do my best I got the ten homes sweet home at some point soon we’re going to have to plan our actual home well I was thinking a nice Farmhouse hey man you were the you’re the engineer you can do the old uh you can come with whatever construction oh my gosh a town like a like not a village like a Pokémon town oh awesome holy crap much like the other Oaks lab there’s a lot of goodies in here and my inventory is full we could also go to the the nether next I really like getting quartz to make um homes I’m going to give an experience Cy to you cuz my Pokémon are way lower level than yours and now he can evolve oh who’s evolving my uh dartrix deui Ice Cube Lapras oh yo it’s enormous that’s crazy oh no my dis is sinking oh I think I may have found a firestone oh don’t die don’t die I caught the Lapras yeah that’s so cool oh I got a Sunstone actually nice all Mikey when you get a sun curtain I can turn into a sunflor oh yeah top priority Pokémon for me when I think em J TV I think sunar oh Abra I’m actually kind of intrigued how is th this ocean is enormous boom I got Abra nice what are our home coordinates how am I not close to them trying to decide if I should just make the executive decision to put the the portal down without you but I feel like that’s it’s wait for me brother I wish to go with you oh I I wouldn’t go without you but I feel like wherever we put the portal is going to be near our home do you want to build our our home close to the town or close to the Pokémon Center see now you’re you’re you’re asking good questions I don’t know if I have the answer I am home my friend he’s back pointy can evolve pointy pointy pointy the cat the cat the cat the fuing cat car all right you got the uh the flint and steel uh I do have one yes all right let’s go where where are we putting this maybe just a little bit ways in like a field like the beginning of our house Pokemon in hell all right we’re in the Crimson Forest I wear the Pokémon oh wor I don’t see any yet daraka hey look at this dude look at this little dude I got to catch this guy he looks hilarious oh there’s a Fletchling oh gosh I think I threw an Ultra Ball and just missed horribly I just wait I just saw it I just picked it up all right well now it’s yours as soon as you said it I saw it fly across my screen all right daraka you better be worth it I’m finding a Larvesta boom all right I got it all right it was worth it I caught a Vesta I feel like there’s got to be something cool in here aha I knew I would reach a new thing eventually and it’s just more of the freaking vist I will find the treasure that I so desire the spawn we got is making it harder to get to like other nether biomes I’m trying to find you a new biome because you seem so uh distraught oh no I’m burning I lived I didn’t I didn’t live I’m burning yeah my bad um there’s a Pidgeot in town if anyone’s wondering we made the executive decision to keep inventory on because there’s no mobs that should kill us did not realize anyone would fall in lava well so I didn’t fall I tried to jump over a just a lava like spill and did not jump far enough and so I got stuck ooh but I found a sizzlepede oh oh and Magmar see I found something new I found new stuff wait John I found your Bridge wait no way I haven’t found you but I found a very man-made structure oh I think I found like a stronghold or something get over here and we can explore it together oh I found you there’s your big old mamama swine W it’s a charet oh that’s sick get an armor Rouge I love armor Rouge you do that I’m going to start exploring I guess any of the blocks I’m getting over here uh we may find them in the the home officious armor Mikey oh is that the one for armor Rouge I’m pretty sure I just caught the Char ENT dude there is so much stuff up here I’ve got a lot of room in my inventory I have gold armor now oh my God failings ah I’m on fire I’m on fire I’m on fire I’m on fire oh no I’m sorry buddy John burned to death oh man you know what maybe this was actually a good thing so we have so much to drop off are you ready for the coolest house ever made to be made that would be cool cuz I’m definitely good at building houses in Minecraft I’m going to make an armor Rouge evolve little friend oh that’s so cool you got to come show me it come along armor Rouge where are you flattening the land behold John armor Rouge yo oh that is so cool and then failings wow now some are saying the decisions I am making are going to take more time than they should take are you using quartz and gilded black Black Stone yeah I mean it looks kind of cool but you might need to just make this the fancy entrance and then wood behind it we make the fancy beginning right right right right and then then we hide the rest of it party in the front disaster in the back John I found your favorite Pokemon yeah what’ you find Chingling why did they make there’s so many other Pokemon they could have made before Chingling why is it in the game this early I can make you feel better no I can’t I lost it I was going to kill good news uh the house is done you mean it’s done see now I I I’ve uh I I figured this out yeah and now I can put wood it’s going to look ugly look no no it’s the it’s the foundation you’ve made the foundation you’ve made the front no oh and now we can have tasteful flooring you know I I need to go get more glass I’ll be right back yeah no no no I I I I can’t wait to come back and see the results all right so it’s not quite symmetrical but I’m also out of w you got you’ve got to fix that yeah the the roof I’m realizing I didn’t quite do it right what do you mean you’re just realizing what what do you mean by that well like the just the roof on one side’s not quite the same as the roof on the other side I uh I labeled our sides we’ll call it the uh the Dual Dome I was going to call it the chatau Deon the mustard no not like the mustard you know this is why they call you Michael okay what’s wrong with Michael I say there was anything wrong with Michael I just said this is why they call you Michael oh all right this looks so ridiculous from the other side it is a functional structure let us not forget the functionality of the structure you know I I actually feel pretty good about the house I what I like most is the little touches like the bushes and the moat okay we don’t have every block we need but the thought is here and the blocks can be replaced later exactly yeah no this is this is superb so what should our Target be now should we go diing all right friend are you ready to go on an adventure Ario do oh that spooked me spinner what happened oh no oh he’s been impaled all right I’m ready to find stuff now can I have some of the Torches you were impaled on a stag Mite no what the hell I’m ready to find stuff do you jump and land on one yeah you’re such a dummy okay uh watch out for the watch out for the pointy rocks I found diamond wait really yeah I thought you were joking I I’m going to make a diamond pickaxe if we can get this we get the stuff for the experience share and for the fossil stuff and with that in mind I decided to keep playing even once Mikey was done for the day with one big goal in mind find an amethyst geode and after a few hours of mining I found not just one not two but three amethyst geod guaranteeing we would have all the amethyst we could possibly need for one last big adventure together well the house is the same what did you think I was going to like change the house fully I fully expected you to get rid of the wood uh if you go over here uh I got us all the materials we will need oh you got amethyst I got a lot of amethys you got you did so much mining I did do one extra thing just to make it feel like this is this is our nice little world uh I spent too much time making a house for the nether portal it’s pretty it is and it’s nice we have so much amethyst my plan is now that we have all this stuff we can get the experienced shares that you were hoping to get we can make sure we have food and we can go on at least one more big adventure to see what we can catch see what we can get stronger aventures are the best part of Minecraft we have enough amethyst where we can make every fossil machine thingy that we want wao wait what is that is it a shiny I think it’s a shiny in a tree yes it is miky it’s another C Caterpie come on Caterpie friends Caterpie friends Caterpie friends look at that I completed the challenge lucky color I do also think I saw some things about gimme ghoul Gaba goul gimme ghoul of like oh did you figure out how to evolve it oh whoa pava why Lea yeah I got it and Dr frog is ready to evolve oh I want to see this yeah look at that cubicle tongue I don’t know if I have seen a non shiny Caterpie I think they only spawn in trees I was about to say yeah wait they do only spawn in tre oh shotty shotty centr shotty Cent as I said that oh my God W look at you little guy actually didn’t even see the little sparkles I just noticed the red are we getting lucky today or did we get unlucky last time I I don’t know I don’t know woohoo okay so I am getting everything I need to make us two experience shares should I have all my Caterpie you’re about to get experience share so yeah I mean it’s already of the level to evolve oh I can just click on the button and then experience share nice oh I never saw your shiny Metapod it’s so much more rust colored here you go buddy and now I can give you the experience here do we just want to make this now too what is this Resurrection stuff might be good to make that first yeah if we can all right fossil analyzer boom done so you made the fossil analyzer yep and the data monitor all right so now we just need a revive for the restoration tank I have that I just made that so if you toss me the thing you made I think I can make the final thing cool I how do we what do we do with all this stuff do we just put them next to each other we need fossils before we can do anything I got way more amethyst than I needed to get all right well everyone is going to get an experience share cuz there was no reason not to there we go my whole team has experience shared up where are we going pal I think we go this way see now we have all the tools we have a quest I mean what could be better and I had my whole party level up from koing that that Prime yes woman Fred learned earthquake Oh yay wow I am so glad we have the experience shares I told you it was worth it yeah I found a swamp I don’t think we found a swamp yet wait where did you find a swamp I was right behind you where are you oh there you are over here you keep saying over here but like I cannot over here ow you stop doing that o quava is ready to evolve oh I’m seeing hone Edge and Tinka ton or Tinka Tink oh that’s big oh tyia looks crazy cool oh my God I found a gimme goal beat it up and take its coins yeah okay I I see where you’re at and I see all the things there’s got to be a structure somewhere so there is I found it sorry I was distracted by the give me G uh do you see this oh wao what is this I’m not sure how do I open this door I think we need a button why don’t I just do this this is sick ow oh that hurts so bad um oh but there’s there’s stuff in these little uh coin pouches dude why is this so cool this is extremely cool there’s a skeleton head hey Mikey ooh o do you want to go further into the swamp or just continue in this Forest let’s actually let’s go through the swamp we haven’t seen all the Pokemon that even spawn here I think it’d be cool yeah cuz a lot of them were the ruined Pokemon oh hello Tad look at you little buddy first holy world yeah look at this guy nice once you’re done with that would you like to go boating nice dude I love quick balls you’re the best God to help ow quit hitting me all right what about poison mom poison I am actually now actively dying if I reset back to the freaking base we’re poisoned together buddy okay it ended finally Jesus wait why why is yours done mine I all 50 seconds maybe cuz I ate like four steaks all right well let’s go don’t worry I do have I have more poison I love that love to hear it oh wa look at all these Pokemon I’m going to fight this lony lais look at the magestic Berg might up a top the pillar in the storm whoa relicanth what ooh dud I got to catch this relicanth right yeah I got this I’m definitely not going to drown I’m going to get a relicanth and it’s super rare and everyone’s going to cheer yeah I got it nice where’ it go dude we want to move onwards and upwards I think so yeah look at the darling on the is that a oh my God a lolan Ninetails do you want that oh yeah I love a lolan Ninetails where back oh crap I see you yeah a level 51 alolan Ninetails dude I got this oh no oh no did you throw that ball in it thank God get away get away I didn’t know I could do that when you were in B oh my gosh I wasn’t in battle yet you buffoon oh I was about to say does that mean if one of us found a shiny the other could steal it cuz that’d be crazy I got it in the quick ball nice oh let’s go dude that’s awesome yeah it is thanks for uh shouting that out I saw maybe a shiny Sparkle oh my God yes I did yes I did wow you that was like at the same moment if you saw it as I said that I’m good with you going for it no it must be you what a pal let’s go I can’t believe I saw that I saw one Sparkle yeah I got it at a boy are we the best Cobble moners ever I think we’re the best friends Pokemon Center did you find one no I’m just begging the universe for one Pok Center oh nice aha there we go merro and then also yeah I did have a dusk stone for this let’s go that’s so awesome you had that on you wow because I killed one du dude things are just working this is great all righty I have my level 51 Ninetails now oh you are ready to go let’s keep going in a random Direction Lush cave brother oh you found a lush cave yes do you see where I am no but I I think I might be able to find you find the Kass at 241 minus 1868 oh yeah so the Lush cave is down here yeah this is what I was talking about I wonder if any interesting Pokémon spawn here actually this place is sick best new cave by far dude Onyx looks crazy the rocks move it looks so Majestic down here oh Ferrothorn oo I found joled Ferrothorn I’m killing you for experence and you’re going to have to deal with it oh it goes even further down oh my God John that goes basically down to bedrock dude this yeah this actually does go basically to bedrock this may genuinely be the coolest cave I think I’ve ever seen all Lush caves rule man why I get a potato from killing a Doug Trio is Doug Trio Irish so cool all right yeah I’m going to go to the surface cuz I am very worried I will fall otherwise yeah I just need to get back to the uh oh Aeron wow I haven’t seen one of them yet so nice to emerge and it’s daytime as well I always loved playing Pokemon Minecraft mods but this one just makes me happy Pokemon just look so good you know they look so good well it it’s yeah it’s just a really cool one of one experience there’s not a Pokemon game where it’s like you’re surviving the world let’s see what’s over here H uh wait oh it’s a village wait I’ve never seen a village that looks like this before can you imagine if I just gone I can’t see this really one of one cool Village that I’m pretty sure like based off of a Pokemon town as well which makes it so much cooler I think we got some stuff to consolidate I got some is that an obstagoon that’s kind of sick dude you look so sick if we can find a desert that would be so clutch that is like the one thing we’re missing oh look at this huge field wait wait hold on John wait hold on get in the boat woohoo oh my God oh my God that ended so quickly way you can skin these that was actually kind of sick I didn’t even know you could do that wa hilan Zoro AR yeah it’s crazy cool what dude look at this thing oh my God mamos swine what he’s just on a fillar oh I see him oh actually your little ice boat could go crazy far I’m going to run back so I can catch up with you and we can ice boat our way oh my God [Music] okay you in ye I am having trouble steer oh swine I’ve got us oh oh oh all right may maybe the boat is no longer useful the boat is Stellar I just need to practice uhhuh uhuh so I think I just broke suspicious gravel and it just didn’t give me a fossil cuz it made a different sound when it broke so you have to like dust it I think you just have to destroy it I think you right click to dust it really there was suspicious Gra that other place I didn’t know you right clicked it I thought you destroyed it oh well at least now we know how to find it wait it looks like suspicious gravel down here yeah you’re the suspicious gravel man I got something oh wow this is it this is it yeah I found some too wait nothing came out no I’m finding something I got something wait I got destiny KN Pottery Shard wait wait is this it wait I got a coin okay so finding one of these places gets us what we’re looking for oh so we want to find gimy goul Towers okay I won’t destroy any more suspicious gravel right no more breaking gravel will this be where we find our Glory wao brother terra cotta spires desert that’s so sick we found the desert and this and a wild neoc king get in my ball oh I am way more hyped than I probably should be this is awesome dude there’s so many cool Pokemon here siped Durant scarm oh and there’s a poke center nearby if we like need to heal this is amazing oh my God I found one the coordinates oh see I knew if we could find a desert we’d be able to find everything a little bit easier we’re not guaranteed fossils unfortunately no but now we know what we’re looking looking for I got a bone I got a bone to pick with you that’s raw copper seems like there’s a lot of spots here though which is nice they have to have gravel or sand as part of them that’s basically the giveaway gackle little Minecraft dude wait Minecraft dudes in Minecraft yeah I got to catch a Minecraft dude in Minecraft I found another gimme ghoul Tower oh that’s huge wait is that a prehistoric structure right next to it oh my God it is I think I’ll Trust you for this one big guy I got a fossil I got a helix fossil let’s go you got a helix fossil prise helix wait I just found one too I’m pretty sure I did oh wait I didn’t find a helix fossil I found a rude fossil the achievement icon just had a helix icon I think this might be a fossil no it’s a big rot everything’s bad I got a rude fossil sorry did I get a fossil here yeah you got it I got an armor fossil let’s go dude oh this is so exciting oh wait I got another fossil oh what you got I haven’t figured it out yet I can’t pick it up hold on wait does arbach have different faces this one is a helix fossil yeah we did it oh my gosh amazing Mikey I am very confident that Arbok has different faces oh my God they did make it so Arbok has different faces there’s one right by me and that’s not its normal face I want to catch this thing just to be able to show you this one’s face I’ll I’ll do this one wait does yours have yellow eyes with black dots in them uh yeah but he’s smiling I think we might have the same one and like little like black lines like on the outside of the eyes uh yeah he he looks like he’s yeah he’s got eyebrows arbot capturing is going badly and I’m giving up I am good to uh to head back home you’re ready for that long journey I think we can just we can just get head back I Mikey now that we’re finally back is this one of the things it might be but there has to be gravel or sand there’s gravel oh my God it’s one of them no and you just got a fossil immediately no way no are you kidding me we’re idiots we just traveled the entire map we’re idiots yeah we deserve this ow ow ow no the Gimme ghl coins we actually have a lot do you want to give your gimme ghoul the coins first or move on to the other stuff first I very fine with either I can we can give to my gimme goul I’m intrigued of like what it’s going to say it’s coin stash is now at 607 oh my gosh 60% of the way there okay I have my I have my fossils I heard a noise oh we have to put like stuff in right let’s do Helix first that’s the most exciting oh do we have to put something in there I don’t know uh they said 64 organic material I have 64 orangeberries I I have an apple and I’m trying to put it in but nothing’s working eat the oreberry wait it’s doing things though it is doing things oh so as you put in more stuff the tank on the right side will get more filled with blue liquid it’s growing it right now okay you can see it in there look oh yeah you can oh that’s so cool he’s just a little embryo right now but soon he will be Lord wait I want to catch one of those Pokemon I can put on my shoulder said it was going to take a while for this to revive oh there’s five blocks no oh what what’s wrong I’ll I’ll show you there’s a shiny hey shiny Durant how do you do this I don’t know this is amazing this is so cool I was going to catch a stupid Jing and instead I found a Durant this is so much better yes I saw Al andite get bigger yeah I got it I’m way to go buddy yay jtic it’s so much cuter screw you jingling no one likes you can I do that oh my [Music] gosh it’s amazing I got it I got the ammonites but he’s still in there I know let him out let him out yeah Lord Helix yeah I did the Chingling did help me find a shiny I feel like I I owe it to the Chingling it looks so happy to be here it’s just upsetting me I think we’re the greatest cobon players of all time that would make sense okay don’t no need to have all the shinies out hey we’re having a good time here I’m putting my other fossil in you can’t stop me wait a second it’s my turn to revive a fossil now I got to wait and waiting’s not fun so look on this video it’s going to be way more fun I promise you that that this is a good time waiting for the fossil it’s it’s Malarkey in a word I don’t think that’s the right word you should still click the video though

PM7 and MandJTV try out the new Pokemon Minecraft mod Cobblemon together!
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Edited by @TylerTinted
Thumbnail by https://twitter.com/guyrodwell_
Music: @ludandschlattsmusicalempor6746

#pokemon #minecraft #cobblemon


  1. Omg!! I’ve only seen 8 seconds and I’m so excited!! I was a fudge fan of the Minecraft collaboration series you and your peers did, so I really hope Cobblemon becomes a series too! ❤❤❤

  2. One time I was waltzing around Pokemon violet and found a shiny excadril. Then I went to an outbreak of varoom and found a shiny varoom. Then I thought “I’m glad I subbed to PM7”. End of story…

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