What Your Favorite Terraria Biome Says About You! #terraria #shorts #gaming #gamingshorts

what your favorite Terraria biome says about you if you like the forest biome the most you’re chill you just like the classics and the forest is probably the most iconic biome since it’s the one you always start out with if you like the desert biome what is wrong with you I genuinely despise the desert the enemies are so annoying rolling cactuses make me want to gouge my eyes out and everything about it just makes me want to leave the game if you like the snow bi the most there is a guaranteed chance you can bench press at least 600 lb if you like the Jungle the most there’s a 99% chance planter is your favorite boss also you love going into the B very early onto the game to get your loot I won’t lie though it’s a pretty good pick cuz the jungle is awesome if you like the corruption or Crimson bomes the most you smell like chicken broth if you like the ocean B the most the only reason you like the ocean bi is Duke fishron that is legit the only reason to like the ocean if you like the dungeon the most you are an absolute gigachad the dungeon is by far the best B Because scalon is by far the best boss obviously no bias whatsoever trust me fall for more shorts like these


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