This Terraria 2 Reveal is Insane…

do you guys remember when the Terraria developers revealed what the Terraria 2’s map possibly could look like Terraria 2 is constantly hinted at by the developers of the game so when concept art of this map came out this was honestly mind-blowing possibly introducing tons of new biomes like a whole Space biome dedicated to Meir stuff or how about the whole entire volcano biome with a giant Cave System underneath it we also can’t forget about the Neapolitan ice cream biome or what about the more mysterious biomes like the giant key floating in the top left or the random little Island floating in the void in the bottom right I think my favorite out of all these biomes though is the new looking corruption but what’s your guys’s favorite biome from this image let me know in the comments

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  1. I'm gonna be honest… at first, i thought Red had somehow announced that Terraria 2 was actually planned to be developed soon going off the title alone lol

  2. I honestly can't wait for its release though i hope its not too much like an adventure map currently it just looks too neat it has to be more cluttered

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