100 vs 100 Players in Minecraft Superflat

in a Minecraft social experiment I split 200 players onto four teams in an empty World separated by Massive walls of Bedrock every day the teams will be given the same set of resources and this is all they get to spice things up a little bit every player only has one life so if you die you are banned of the server there’s also one block on each team side called The Core if a team loses their core they all die instantly and because I want them to fight I’ll be removing those massive walls at a random moment when I feel like it let’s see what each team will be able to create with the resource I gave them to protect themselves and fight it out on doomsday on the first day the four teams were sent on their side of the map once they were let free they noticed that a bunch of resources were in front of them this is a resource bundle the teams will be getting one every day all the teams decided on a couple players to collect the bundle to make sure that nothing was lost and everything was well split between the team apart for the yellow team I don’t know why but they all rushed to the resource bundled at the same time and started collecting it in a very unorganized manner which surprised me because this team was only composed of YouTubers I invited talking of the teams the red and blue team players are the exact same as the ones in the red blue team in my past video so this would be interesting to see after collecting the resources all the teams got to work by mining dirt um not sure why the red team had a pretty straightforward plan working on their defense pretty much instantly most the team started mining a hole under the core and a trench next to the wall the blue team did pretty much the same as well the green team who were never been in this situation before took a slower approach and started by working on a Farm by growing saplings and food for the yellow team they were all kind of spread out into their own Corners instead of working together and stole stuff from each others people are trying to like steal our stuff so we made like our little like our headquarters and then this guy’s back again [Laughter] and he walks away slowly look at that for some reason they all spread out into small groups who refuse to cooperate no matter what to the point that they had to hide just to grow a sapling without someone stealing it and had to beg me for stuff at Blue things were pretty organized they spit the team into little groups that all had their own task to work on mining the defense or farming right now as you can see Jasmine and Kal are shifting on these saplings because they need this Traer girl something funny [Music] oh oh I can’t believe it so quick wow oh W I also gave this player called Kota a bunch of sugar in secret he started Distributing it in secret and sending me screenshot every time he gave it to someone the red team them were going so fast all the teams still had a flat area on their side but they were already done with the structure of their base defense they also built a dirt sphere for some reason but some guy on their team called choppy cheese decided to build a sign saying unsubscribe to jjk and this being the highest of felonies I decided to murder him I revived him and told him he had to build the most magnificent sign that says sub to jjk instead and talking of subscribing if you still not subscrib you know you know you can make that button Sparkle after that I teleported to the Green Team to check on them and I was surprised to see that they had already lay down shapes and plans for the houses they wanted to build there had been gave me a tour and it was looking pretty promising sadly I cannot say the same for the yellow team who were still pretty disorganized but all the teams were planning on electing a leader soon so maybe this will help them out I saw that what no wait so what some of the red players also built a dirt hotel that they had to chance to visit all right well this is the lobby this is where all the action happens where up over here is are very beautiful and well made high quality pool run by lime wolf are our all right he’s he’s a bit sunber there just a little bit are our rooms are high quality the best you can get on red team oh I also saw them farming some seeds and you know me I had to bully them a little bit noing no please no the day was soon coming to its end but before that the green team had a meeting to organize themselves blue had a hole red built a castle and yellow how about one Diamond can give you something that is worth a stack of another I’m going to give you I I’m I’m making sure what the yo the session ended and everyone logged for the day at the start of day two the teams are excited to log in and progress on their bases the first thing they did is collecting the resource bundle that were provided to [Music] them this was a huge upgrade from what they had before now they were able to work on Redstone and have real progress on their base the red team did not wait and build a storage area where they will all share their items give me give me a tour so you’re currently standing in the farming District this is the pond storage area is temporary looking like this now this this is like everything right cuz you know if the call if the core goes we go right the blue team and green team were hurt at work and kept on expanding their bases with defenses farms and builds and then you have the yellow team who apparently had a player on their team use a hack line to cheat but Archer damage here took care of that for me wait wait wait wait wait don’t worry I’m about listen to me I’m about to deal with it er er I did it did it oh my God oh my God meanwhile I was searching for one of my friends called blanky who I decided I would put on a different team every day to see the reactions of the players on this team so I’ve been told that I’m going to be switching to a new team every single day so the first team he was going to be sent to is the blue team oh no wait hold on wait I’m talking of the blue team they were going to elect themselves a leader they had to many players who wanted to run for a leader so they ran a pre-election where only the top five players would run for the actual elections similarly the other teams did the same and they all had a leader election I think I’m the best leader that this team can have our team was arguing everyone was fighting but now we’re all working together and that is because of me hello my fellow blue members as I’ve been here since day one you know watching you all evolve and change since the start of all the sessions really quickly I want everyone to look at the massive Bedrock behind me we were born to inherit the land that lays Beyond them that I will listen to the people I will watch over all of you I will fight beside you all I’ll work with you all and I will build with you I do think that I have a lot of experience in this I do think that I am a good fit for this I have done this before when these walls drop we will have nothing to lose we will win there is no like subsiding fact behind it we need to unite if we want to actually make a difference here because we’re already against the world the world is against us thanks all the teams elected themselves a leader Jer on The Blue Team logical Plus on red Han on green and clown Pierce on yellow now G get back to work we’ve got a hole to dig I promise me and sunset won’t let you down oh yeah that that that suits that suits me [Music] yeah well what is there left to be said I want to thank my parents after the election the team had a meeting to plan their defenses and attack for when the walls would drop let me summarize it all for you the red team planned on building an advanc defense around their core where the Defenders would have an advantage being able to drop anyone trying to get into their core into a massive hole they also had a massive wall and flowing lava around their base this is without mentioning the TNT cannons they built and the Strike Team they were planning to send as their attack for The Blue Team the plan was to build a massive water box around the core making it so it would take a lot longer to mine it and enchanting all the Defenders with a water enchant to give them an advantage inside the water Cube the Green Team wanted to build a pyramid was a pretty simple defense inside it relying on their team members being able to guard the core and kill anyone who was attacking it meanwhile the rest of the team would be attacking the yellow team had pretty much no defense plan they would station one player above their core who would alert everyone in case anyone was near so they will all fall back and defend it apart from that they were betting everything on their attack and their High skilled players now that all the teams had a leader they were all ready to get serious and prepare everything in order to be the last team standing even yellow started working together somehow and I started getting hope in them this is until they tried going into The Nether after I told them it was disabled wait no way no it doesn’t work oh look at this ooh okay okay all the teams were Now set with their leaders and in motion they all had pretty good progress on their bases at the end of the session and it was pretty exciting for the rest of the event all right are you ready bro what the hell is blank doing blankie got green roll blank wait no are you guys like joking cuz I’ve never seen been since day one day one all right you want know what your job is what you’re going to dig out that ch right bu me well on the third day I had a different idea for the resource bundles I was going to give the teams instead of giving them the resources straight away I was going to make them solve a riddle I gave them this four blocks of bedrock and a chest filled with random items you put four wool here one green one blue one yellow one red they s about it for a little and it didn’t take them too long to figure it out okay red blue green yellow are yeah it’s SL okay give me the wall give me the wall give me the W not and now we have it now it GG’s you solv it all right what are our item after all the teams found a solution I give all of them the resources on this day I also started to get bored from just watching them build their bases so I decided to raise up the stakes a little bit I prepared those three extra bundles that I will make the teams compete for what am I the only one here who want to see them fight the first game was a PVP battle to the death I made each team choose a player to send me to fight and this is how it went you’re free to team up but in the end I want one person left no matter what I need a one person 3 2 1 [Music] the Yow team player won the fight I gave him the choice between the three resource bundles and this is the one he chose after that the reward was given to his team anyways that was really fun so let’s jump in into game two right away I think you you figured out what this is about yep first one of you to arrive at the end here when I say go will win if you fall you die you’re eliminated 3 2 1 [Music] go I don’t know if I want to do this oh yeah I don’t think I want to do this [Music] yeah come on you know what ice I believe in you you have this no he does not have this I’m not moving I’m not moving I’m going to disable my w I’m going to disable my movement Rea you got this re come on do now come on no oh yep see GG as you just saw this game was won by none of the teams red fell in the first part blue and green both got to the complicated part but managed to fall and the yellow player was too threatened to move I was a little bit disappointed because the exact same happened with the exact same Parkour in my last video even I managed to make the jump this NE is not hard look look I did it what well parkour 2 player zero I’m not going to leave you on this disappointment so here we go game three this is my friend Alex and if you don’t know him let’s say that I have a habit of making him milk in my videos this time around though he decided to moderate the event instead of playing so no one will be able to milk him H first one of you to milk Alex wi Alex you can’t escape me hey look at me bro don’t get too close okay don’t get too close you you said us could [Music] die where’d he go bro yes Green Team won this game and choose one of the re responders that I then give to his team and talking of them I got a chance to take a look at what they’ve been doing while I was busy bullying players and their base is looking pretty nice I announced to all the teams at the start of the event that the best looking one would be getting a reward and I think they’re going for that the other teams were also hard at work blue team built a central storage area and started working on the water Cube for their core defense red built a second spere made in stone this time and even yellow built two houses and the start of a wall defense for their core I was done with my games for today but there was still one resource bundle that none of the teams got and I didn’t want it to go to waste yellow got one green got one so I decided to make red and blue compete in a game of Flint paper and shears to decide who would take it blue came Victorious was a classic Flint versus shears The Blue Team claimed the last resource bundle and it marked the end of day three day four the day started pretty calmly I gave the teams their resources and they started collecting it what is this lovely building you have here so this is a little like Distribution Center so I’m just sitting back here and when people need items I just walk back grab the items and go to them through here I see so they request stuff and you like keep everything here uh yeah after visiting the Green Team storage room I TP to blanky so I can send him to his next team and to my surprise he was in jail why are you in prison bro oh I don’t know why well maybe cuz they come here come here I’m have to jailbreak bro look at this look what they wrote is it oh after breaking him out I sent him to his last destination the yellow team who’s this blanky guy oh oh this wait this guy is on our team hey yeah know I’m a day one yellow bro you’re a n something that I found pretty interesting is that all the teams apart from yellow of course built a trench in front of their side of the wall fun fact the blue team had the largest trench I had a lot of fun with the games yesterday so I still had two of them prepared for today the first one was pretty simple four players the first one to the top wins I thought they were going to have a hard time playing it and pushing each others but in reality it was a lot less dramatic red won the game and claimed the resources it was pretty good for them because the red team had still won none of the games and they used to be behind on resources but now they were back in the race talking of the red team one of them built a statue in honor to the player who designed their core defense who couldn’t play anymore it also looked like the dirt Hotel I visited on day one got a little upgrade I went to take a look at what the blue team was doing and I teleported at the perfect moment because they just started flooding their core defense I don’t know if you’ve heard about our defense oh speaking of Defense oh they’re dropping it what is this I don’t know that why are they putting it in a why are they putting the sheep in a house later I went to the yellow team and this player called Arch was begging me to give him stuff he said he was ready to do anything so I thought he would tell you about my wonderful public server called santor you should play on what’s the IP play. s.net net now what is onplay do s.net jjk it’s a great server where they can create their own Nations they can make their own lands their towns oh Nations just like this oh my God jjk that’s in that’s crazy on a more serious note centor has a server where you can create your own land meet people go to war role play and a lot more we put a lot of time and effort into making this server great so if you want to try it out the IP is on screen and in the description all right Arch a deal is a deal all right we still have one game to run so let’s get to it for this one I collected the four leaders and told them to choose one player from their team to bring with them who I put on a block above the void and the yellow team had to pick my boy oh no blanky the game is split or Ste in teams red blue versus green yellow but there’s a Twist if both the teams go for steel I will drop all their friends in the void so going for steel is a lot more risky if it’s up to to their teammates dying or them giving us the diamond blocks they’re going to choose their teammates dying cuz that’s such an advantage that is huge it’s a little sucky because of blankie yeah clown gives no craps about blankie um I say we go steal and we tell them like hey we picked split all yeah yeah yeah yeah our decision is to split split because like yeah let’s be honest you guys don’t believe us right but we actually want to split cuz what’s the point of losing our teammate just for all of our sakes for all of our people’s sakes we keep you know we keep everyone alive I guess you’re not really losing much but um what are you talking about you shut your goddamn mouth you don’t talk about blank listen to me listen to me he’s he’s a betrayer that’s all I care about no he’s not he’s the bravest person on my goddamn team no I don’t want to split with this guy anymore oh my God clown clown split with me clown clown okay here I’m sorry for my harsh words I didn’t mean any of that you know I got heated in the moment you’re the first one here to apologize for my action take off your armor and and start shifting and big okay ain’t no way so red blue drop first all right down you can go all right let me check guys that’s not looking too good red blue steel green yellow steel the leaders were a bit too greedy and they all picked steel no one won any of the diamonds and they all lost their friends apart from yellow because they picked my friend rest in the void blankie all the teams were now starting to feel like the end was near and doubled their work to finish off the last bit of work on their bases the green team dropped their lava walls and finished their core defense same for blue red and yellow in case their core defense was obsidian and you know maybe they were right about finishing their [Music] defenses on the fifth day the teams were given the most resources that they ever saw they instantly started collecting the diamond armors and distributing them among the best ppers on their team by now the teams were convinced that today was the day they started enchanting their armors and preparing their fighting gear also making the L changes to their bases to be ready to get attacked so the attack strategy is we’re going to take a flying machine that generates water behind it and just send it towards an enemy base when we’re about to attack them he going to flood them yeah it’s going to create a halfway right over all their defenses if you remember I said earlier in the video that the best looking base before the walls drop would be getting a reward and me and the staff flew around and decided that the green team had the best looking Bas let me know in the comments which one you would have picked I gave the Green Team their reward and they were very excited about it the other teams they tried they built they made but you guys you built better yeah [Music] ni what’ you guys say I think they’re ready I think they’re ready yeah we’re dropping this Alex why do you look like this no comment all right boys let’s do [Music] this when the walls drop all the teams got to work the red Attack Force Bridge up to the top of the map to have a good view on all the teams at once once they arrive up there they got distracted by the green team who are trying to do the [Music] same meanwhile the yellow team was trying to rush The Blue Team who was doing everything to not have anyone get on their side that TR is wild dude what the heck wait [Music] after considering it for a long time a blue player decided to risk it all and make a run for the yellow core knock them down knock them down I’m in yellow territory after a long face off against The Blue Team yellow decided to started rushing red as well before they managed to get to them first they started ridging to the top of the world and trying to get them but red are going to stand their [Music] ground while they were fighting somehow one of the red players managed to make it to the center of the yellow core defense but he got [Music] spotted it’s looking very bad for yellow who has getting targeted from all sides but somehow in the middle of all of that I over get over oh my God they actually died from nice we actually hit them all did we get they managed to take out half of the red team Fighters by dropping them off the platform they had no time for a break because blue was about to launch their greatest asset [Music] yet The Blue Team managed to create themselves a water canal that they were able to use to easily advance in yellow territory but yellow having an amazing coordination managed to push all of them [Music] back the yellow team fought was The Blue Team inside their defense for a very long time and were forced to realize that they had the best defense so far right trying to M their core while players were around was out of the question it was almost impossible and without a plan they were forced to retreat but while they were going back red team realized that yellow was busy with blue and in a last stretch of hope they took all their pvpers and decided to storm the Yellow base the Green Team realized what was happening and decided to back up the red team into taking out yellow [Music] even though two teams just attacked them yellow were by far the most skilled players and managed to take all of them out killing all of the red team ppers including their leader and made the Green Team fall back once that was done their leader gathered all of them up and they went instantly back to attacking The Blue [Music] Team meanwhile the Green Team realized that very little red players were left Al Al and they all headed to their [Music] [Music] baits let’s go dream took out the rest team and they were now all dead but while they were busy doing that clown was hidden under their base ready to mine their core but as soon as he tried to he got overwhelmed by the green Defenders and had to fall back clown realized that nothing could be done before blue was out he assembled all of his team and they had one goal destroy the blue cor okay gra this him this guy’s the one that killed me kind of I see all of you guys fighting in the [Music] water in the middle of all this chaos somehow while blue and yellow were fighting a green player made it inside the yellow core defense the Yellow Guard stationed above their core was too high to hear the blocks breaking and when he realized it was already too late oh he’s doing it go bro I’m so stressed oh my God [Music] the green team had pulled the Impossible by breaking not one but two of the cores but that had caused too many casualties on their team and not many players were left blue who were now not under pressure of the yellow team anymore realized they had the most Manpower and rushed in okay so we leave three on our call and then we send everyone else so we out yeah I’m going okay watch [Music] out oh he does I’m pulling up do car we getting that bro oh sh I see we got to clear the water we got to clear the water got Push by entire and we not not to have congratulations thank you everyone this was the perfect team blue Forever Blue in one of the coolest battles I’ve ever seen in Minecraft the blue team was the power of their genius protection were able to withstand all the attacks of the strongest team on the server and strike when the opportunity came but what I think is beautiful to see here is how much all the teams managed to build together all the bases they built all the attacks they did together and all the people they met along the way green team had never played this challenge before and did not have many pvpers like the yellow team everyone thought they would be the first one to get out but somehow they managed to come second and break two of the core defenses by attacking at the perfect time but that was not enough to stop the blue team who finally came Victorious together until the end we brought our best ideas we have brought the absolute Pinnacle of technology in this war we had the best defense we had the best offense but we could have had none of it if we didn’t have the best players as well thank you it’s been a pleasure to meet you until we mind their core and killed all of them thank you for watching if you enjoy the video and want to support my work consider becoming a channel member by clicking on the join button below and if you want to play in those events you can join my Discord server on this it’s been Ray and I’ll see you next time no one will ever know that without you I am forever blue [Music]

In this video, I put 200 players onto a flat empty world separated into 4 teams. The players only had one life and had to defend their core a block linked to all their lives. At one point the wall separating dropped and they had to fight it out. Who will win?

⭐ My Nations like Minecraft server:
IP: play.santoria.net
Website: https://santoria.net/

➢ Socials:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jjkay03
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/jjkay03
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/jjkay03

➢ Music used:
All the rest of the music used in this video is from Epidemic Sound.
This is a playlist with all the songs in order: https://www.epidemicsound.com/playlist/jluvaxqrsyoukigxbhc6r1c0a6zccjz9/

➢ Time codes:
0:00 – Intro
0:36 – Day 1
4:55 – Day 2
9:31 – Day 3
14:49 – Day 4
19:44 – Day 5
28:45 – Outro


  1. Just my take on the results of the battle.

    I would say Yellow won, they face everyone and lasted to long, they fought blue and (in my POV) were winning, red tried their best but fall first due to them pushing and getting half their members killed. Green was going to help red but when they seen that most of red is dead they decided to eliminated red, then preceded to eliminated yellow to fast, they could have let yellow fight blue a little more or intil they won or loss, then destroy the core.
    The blue defense is pretty good compared to the other defense in which that is my bases for green killing yellow, they could have even join yellow against blue.
    But overall all of them did pretty good and I can't complain about blue winning to much.

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