Terraria’s CLICKER class is AMAZING…

in this video I tried beating Terraria s the clicker class and here’s what happened so recently I’ve been watching a lot of idol clicker game videos and it got me thinking I wonder if I can do this in Terraria and yeah I found out about this class called the clicker class that’s centered around these clicker weapons that deal damage when you click on enemies it sounds simple but trust me this class is insane in terms of mods and this play through the only big mod we’re using is theorum mod because Thum is one of my favorite mods and the clicker class was also made by the same developer as thorium joining me in this play through are my friends Aris and Loy who are going to be using separate classes Aris is going to go with the JoJo class and Loy is going to go with the b class our goals are simple beat the moonlord and the primordials the Final Bosses of thorium and also to just have fun and not develop deep rooted hatred for each other and that’s all from me will we be able to complete this play through before I develop crippling carpal tunnel time to find out this video is pretty long so grab some snacks and drinks and let’s get right into it we spawned in and already ran into trouble since it took like 10 minutes for all of us to get into the world by the time we started progressing it was already almost night I made a workbench and used that to make my first weapon a wooden clicker but before I could test it out we ran into another issue My Stream went offline you’re offline where did he go what happened what what happened you you disconnected by the time I fixed that it was night so I was able to test out my weapon which at this stage of the game was quite bad since it only dealt two damage per click after that I got wood and started working on housing it’s fine it’s fine I I’ll work on houses I got you Eris I’m going click on him I can just have him stuck oh wow this class is actually low kind of broken there’s no door over here why would you do that why you know what take this wood do you do you you do you buddy I’m going to do my own thing in the next Calamity video bro I’m say I swear oh this is so hard at the very beginning my hand is already hurting part Squad is easy and it gives a all right that’s a good idea thank you thank you thank you publicly stupid for being so smart I spawn on my weapon you guys going to get hit of the game actually yeah great job guys amazing progression good work team it’s really what is happening I just get like banned from the entire world what happened my stream crashed again I don’t know what’s happening get back in get happened it never happened before I’m getting jumped oh I’m my finger one thing I realized while exploring was that the clicker class was really bad with crowd control are you uh do you have water she did not have water no let me go on the right did either of you oh my finger that’s that’s he’s already getting carpal tunnel after that I ended up getting this voodoo doll which will be important in a second try turn my noise GE off so you guys hear the he vooodoo doll Harry Potter What The Hell by what what does that even mean mean means Harry Potter I’m sorry I’m nervous I’m shaking I can’t use my keyboard effectively yet what what was that something hurt me something hurt you we didn’t pass by anything I headed to the left and ended up finding this cave in the cave I was able to get a lot of ores and also realized something interesting a warm drolet it seems to react what the hell was that how did how did I survive then what happened so basically before we started the playthrough we installed this mod called voodoo dolls so we didn’t do any research on it and just installed the mod and we didn’t realize that this mod adds voodo dolls for a character that you can randomly find and depending on Whose voodoo doll it is the person takes damage when you take damage ER I’m going back underground oh I made a laps in Dungeon oh my god oh no my clicker my clicker I keep switching off my clicker oh my hand oh wait why do I like negate damage every now and then like it just oh yeah I see like a cloud and I take no can I just take no damage why are you taking damage yeah I’m not taking any damage okay I I got is taking damage wait wait a minute do you take damage when I take damage hang on take damage yes holy sh what why wait what is it a voodoo doll oh sh is it Harry Potter is Harry Potter doing that is it har Harry Potter why am I Harry Potter Harry Potter doing this bro I am PR ressing you guys are losers out by progressing he’s using like an immunity are you still taking damage beu like at all no like when I when she dies I start taking damage SS voodo doll Harry Potter try throwing him in let me put it in lava see what happens is Harry Potter what the a the doll disappeared did I drop it somewhere no no after dying I made some crafting stations and by using those I was able to make upgrad first I made the next clicker weapon the tungsten clicker which had a special effect on it called double click which every eight clicks deals damage twice and it also had a bigger radius then I made an aquamarine hook for movement a tungsten bullwark which gave me a 13 Life Shield that regenerates over time after taking damage and finally I made a grand flare gun and to go along with that a storm flare the grand flare gun and storm flare are used in the desert and they do something interesting My Stream broke someone’s computer Ah that’s funny guys look at that why is the other person a literal ball of light you got to ask him then it’s not light it’s honey Okay Melt them yeah so we headed to the desert and then quickly set up an arena all right guys I think we’re ready guys I think we’re ready guys I think we’re ready ready for what what what what I got to go to the desert does it only work in the day oh only in the day what are you trying to do right now uh we got to wait for day I’m trying so hard he’s trying really hard well why why AR they here why AR they here God since the flare gun only works in the morning we decided to go mining while we waited what is wrong with you guys know what you talking about there’s one small rock just like right above the water yeah what are you doing you forgot about the small rock trip it would have been Mind by now if youring voodoo doll didn’t kill me every 5 Seconds no no no no no that’s part of a better caves Rizzle me this gut man what is happening in your chat right now let’s assemble a name for you guys right now what is this thing a guys help help what happened here wa where did he go oh oh oh no no no no no that’s good that’s go take it take it take it it lands me in the M shaft holy holy [ __ ] what what no there’s a there’s a there’s a shimmer trap above there in case you’re wondering what just happened well that trap was added by the better caves mod which is a quality of life mod made by my friend vervine that changes up the cave generation and adds more traps to the caves one of those being the Shimmer traps that phase you through the world the Trap I took ended up phasing me right into a m shaft which is also added by a quality of life mod by vervine called archid M shafts that adds these new structures into the world that contain a lot of enemies and also a lot of loot if if you’re interested in these mods and want to see more I got some good news for you because vervine is working on a whole new class called Guardian class right now and by some persuasion I’ve gotten early access to the mod so I can make a video on it so in case you don’t want to miss that you can subscribe to our channels and turn on notifications or join the Discord both will be linked in the description P got goon napped shut up hey that’s my life Crystal go away Aris no no no yeah good luck Good Luck Good Luck Good Luck Good Luck fighting that good luck good luck GIS that’s what you get for steal oh no no no no I’m I’m going to go back and get that get that voodoo doll no no no no no no this is my revenge for the voodoo doll that was unprompted oh I got a clicker Fe you you you got a clicker for me hello here you go clicker seven damage that’s insane thank you so much well in the M shaft Aris ended up finding a clicker for me called Hardy clicker which is a pretty rare clicker that has a one and 50 chance of being dropped when breaking Life Crystals this was a great find because its special effect drops a heart after 20 clicks that heals you for 10 health and it also deals seven damage per click so this was amazing are you Batman yes or no Batman never said oh another Shimmer Trap God damn it vering you piece of it killed me get good actual idiot how do he do that I survived is there anything down there this is Ving bro he made that [ __ ] on purpose look at that look at that also in the M shaft I was able to find a good pickaxe and then it was time to exit the mft I got some diamonds and a new thorium or called life quarts both of these will be important later once I returned home I realized that it was almost night so we didn’t have a lot of time we quickly rushed over to the desert to use the grand flare gun so we could spawn the grand Thunderbird wait click get clicked on get clicked on get clicked on I’m going to click you what the fu is wrong with you we need your help use your stand awen your stand no problem this is no problem you got to waken your stand Aris take it out we got to use the power of friendship oh no I’m dying I didn’t say anything oh what are you talking about hold on I know what to do yep oh my God I’m no it’s totally care careful careful totally chill no I know what I’m doing I’ve got boots okay we got this fine I got this I’m going to click all over it I’m going to click all over this bird it’s be time it’s it’s time there we go it’s over oh he’s crying dumbass the Thunderbird dropped us two cool items firstly Sandstone ingots which we could use to make some equipment and also this hook called zephyr’s grip which allowed you to grab onto air by spawning in this bird to hold your hook and this is by far the coolest Taria hook I’ve ever seen but this is also insanely useful since you can always negate fall damage by hooking onto the bird I need gel I need gel stop yelling at me me we give you so anyway spicing the Sandstone ingots I made a Sandstone helmet and feet and then also a tint chest plate so I could have complete armor then I headed to the Crimson so I could craft the spawner for the next boss King Slime I headed home and worked on a pretty Arena while we waited for everyone to get ready I realized that by using the diamonds I had found earlier I could start working on the magic storage but I didn’t have enough resources to complete it so I went mining for Tungsten since you need a lot of tungsten to set up the storage Loy I got REM it all idiot idiot time it’s time it’s time it’s time it’s time it’s time no no I’m you died I’m right by two Life Crystals you dumb ass whoopsies after mining for a bit I had to return home since we had a traveling Merchant arve Who Sold clicker class accessories the first one was a soda which reduced the amount of clicks required for a click effect to activate by one and the second was a button mes we just told you how many clicks per second you do zero clicks per second five clicks per second eight clicks oh I’m I’m goed I’m goed 7 8 9 10 clicks per second oh my God I’m going hey flying I’m flying again I’m not taking any damage I wonder why yeah I oh yeah while once again mining I found an enchanted pickaxe which was really cool and then I had to return home once again since everyone was ready I made the arena slightly L and then spawned in King Slime where did that come from who did that look are you using your hone weapon no oh I didn’t throw the doll in lava I forgot D the voodoo doll oh whoops I good luck hey why am I not taking D damage yeah I don’t know man I spontaneously died don’t worry after we got to get this guy out of here got enough of this after this I’ll I’ll throw the voodoo doll in the lava do not throw it in the lava do not throw that in the lava I lost it I lost it I was like oh I’m taking damage hell yeah hell yeah I’m shpping his I’m taking you’re taking his um I believe in you good job AIS you got this I believe in you you got this it just claims to stop being so no no no no oh God okay we still off an attacking boat I’m spamming so hard oh my hand I’m going to die I’m going to die you’re not no you’re not you’re going to live you’re going you’re going to be fine you’re going to be fine you’re going to be fine just fine no problem the hell what’s the best BW in anime oh I killed it I killed it I killed it from the King Slime treasure bag I was able to get the ninja helmet and chest plate and then from Aris I got the legs so with that I had the complete armor set I then started working on the magic storage again it’s on your what is that what are you doing oh my God she’s chasing him she’s like I’m must you’re so weird why are you still a squirrel I’m going after him I have to hide a I have to hide in a tree then when I was transferring over the items from the chest over to the magic storage I realized something we had an eye of cthulu spawner we have that yeah you know I’m spawning that we could I’m like I’m so far away from what is wrong with you I don’t have anything I don’t have what is wrong with you I can’t de any D the power of friendship whose explosions are those it’s so loud it’s so loud I don’t know why it’s so loud stand here oh God damn it you have the heres boot go heal go heal my brain is so overwhelmed right now I usually have no problems playing this game but there’s like so much on all my yeah shut up why is there a click Lester voodoo doll oh y thank God I got that it was just in the chest one of you guys holding that hostage yeah me I I did not have it oh yeah uh yeah now that we had taken out the eye I was able to get Crim taine and use that to make the Sinister clicker the next clicker upgrade the special effect of the Sinister clicker makes it so that after 10 clicks the siphon effect activates which deals extra damage and restores the player’s Health by five then I went mining again so that I could increase our magic storage while doing that I was able to find a new ore called thorium ore and you can probably guess what mod that’s from I Min for a while until I ran into a life Crystal mimic oh there’s a fake life Crystal mimic there’s a life Crystal mimic it’s beating my ass deserve I thought you said moved it oh then at home I made a thorium envil which I could use to craft thorium ore items for now I just made a pickaxe and then started making preparations to fight the torch God because the torch God drops a really good clicker which I wanted but I forgot that you have to make the arena underground so I did that and with that I was able to start the fight but I severely underestimated how hard this fight was going to be so before the next attempt I decided to increase the size of the Arena a bit it took me like 10 attempts before I was able to be the Tor God but even that was only because I had Loy help me lock lock what oh yeah gun I just keep on forgetting entir damn that [ __ ] does so much damage Untitled Goose game more like Untitled goon game why I’m proud of that one I’m using all of these Life Crystals right now can I no please give me some give me some I need that oh my God oh my God can you join can you join you can you join me yeah yeah I’ll save you a why I me I’m taking so much damage oh Dodges Dodges the skillful the skillful I’m the chosen one guys this stream should actually be titled the skillful Terraria player it should be titled the all knowing one this yeah this stream should actually be titled the all knowing one what else did he say I am the the of the Apocalypse Apocalypse the the stream should actually be titled The Horseman of the Apocalypse he said something like that in Minecraft too like I am the god or something that’s what he said in M yeah no Horseman of the Apocalypse was um Elden rings I don’t know what it was but it happened I got the torch clicker 10 damage I did not I did not after nine clicks it smites the new clicker called torch clicker had a special effect called Smite which activated every 10 clicks and spawned between 5 to eight torch projectiles that each dealt 25% of the clicker damage and with a damage per click of 10 this was my new main clicker so now with my new clicker I went mining once again and while doing that we had a blood moon happened but I didn’t feel like dealing with that so I just kept mining however on the surface Aris was able to acquire a clicker from an for me disconnected uh heemo clicker I thought you disconnected from the server for a second I got no heemo clicker wa for me yeah it’s for me let’s go it beat you yes there’s so much damore here please no I’m have a spunker potion Loy you B once I returned home Eris gave me the Hemo clicker which had a huge range and its effect made it spawn blood balls that lingered and gave enemies a touched garia and then after that I went mining again this is the last one for a while I swear my goal when mining was to look for thorium ore and life quarts so I could make thorium armor and Life Crystals once I had enough ore I headed home and I was able to make a whole bunch of Life Crystals which I used to max out my health after that I realized that the confused zombie NPC had moved in who sold a grim pointer which leads to a boss so I bought that and we decided to go fight the VIS be you yes be you be you look at me oh what the hell why do you have a sword you’re the b class oh yeah it’s actually made of be’s before we fought the boss using the thorian bars I made thorium armor which gave good defense and its set bonus increased damage by 10% and with that we were ready so we went looking for the blood chamber this isn’t a shimmer trap uh that is a shim well time to find out no no did that get you with you right in front of me once we reached the blood chamber we realized that we needed Unholy shards to spawn the boss thankfully we got a lot of those from the blood moon so we were able to spawn the boss however before we spawned it we decided to get some obsidian since it was nearby but that led to some issues yep open the gates why why did you open the door more open the gates open the flood games I said it first we’re out of lava Dr Loy I’m going to die oh my God Loy Loy burn oh just for that hey what’s up re you we can’t fight like this oh we can’t there’s water everywhere now whose fall is that mine ah the blood okay I can’t I don’t know what’s happening he’s going to shoot his his projectile his projectile is called Ripple and it kills you it hurts so bad I’m St I’m stoned bees go crazy mode they’re not doing it they’re not doing a damn thing I don’t know why just throwing this thing what’s wrong with me what am I doing what are you doing we got this healing but it makes it so much easier to see where the boss we all ended up getting our asses handed To Us by the Viscount and since the Viscount didn’t really drop anything too useful or necessary for us we decided to skip it and move on B I started working on another NPC tower for us while Loy went to the Crimson to make an arena to fight the brain am I the alpha of the pack hell yeah I don’t think so was actually the youngest one here no I’m not yeah you are no I’m not you are or old heads yeah how about you go water your bones or something yeah it is about bone water in time once I finished the tower we headed to the Crimson to fight the brain of cthulu Ona the walls no no no no oh yeah I forgot how many how long do you have 3 minutes did we fine they we fine look look look look we got we easy bro God damn holy [ __ ] there is no brain there is no brain oh my arm my arm hold on all my stuff is like crazy homing and whatnot I can double click us both my fingers wait what there you got to watch out the brain is getting kind of close which one is it oh that one I don’t it doesn’t not matter oh is it I think it’s it’s it’s what the [ __ ] is it doing with the brain absolutely demolished I was able to get one of the best accessories in the game the brain of confusion after that I realized that the merchant sells a clicker class accessory a cookie which in case you missed is a reference to the popular game Cookie Clicker and what it does is it causes a random cookie to fade in and out in the player’s clicker radius and if you click on it it gives you the cookie buff which increases click damage by 10% radius by 20% and also makes you regenerate two Health every second while the buff is active so this accessory was amazing and it lasted me quite a while after that I went looking for the metor ride that we had spawn into our world after we beat the brain once I found it I decided to head to the ocean so that I could hopefully find a goblin Scout since we still didn’t have the goblin arm respawn but unfortunately I had no luck finding one with the meteorite I was able to craft a space clicker which was a really sick clicker that made stars fall at the cursor’s position every eight clicks all right what are we doing now guys uh Queen be on skibby bro let’s go do that did you say on skibby no then in the jungle while looking for the hive we ended up finding a mini boss called corbs Bloom and as you can see the clicker class war is really starting to catch up to me yeah click on kill it wait I didn’t hit it there we go once we found the hive we made some renovations to it and then spawned the boss holy [ __ ] we’re so strong guys come out here we not in the you yeah Hey listen I See Stars coming out of your projectile cursor they’re not hitting it they’re not hitting it you have to click more accurately I’m I’mma click on you bro I’mma click Les you all right you can’t do that that’s not okay oh oh oh I forgot I’m low oh we’re all low I forgot that I it’s time to wrap it up it’s time to wrap it up I’m dying just at like she just just doesn’t Dash all right it’s actually fine bees defense mode bees Ed him Beast don’t do that oh my goodness gracious ah ah ER we got this uh I’m I’m stuck I’m stuck I’m stuck Eris Dodge Dodge good job Loy I’m back I actually survived that death yeah it’s fine Loy n that’s on me baby that’s on me click click click click l Fu wasn’t here these Edy ski got and R it up I I don’t understand what that means man you got to get with the times Loy I can’t I actually can’t like what is happening oh you have to win you have to win have to Wi have to win you have to Wi you have to Wi your gra you have to win is the only way click on the be click on the be it’s how you beat the game cck on the be good I please oh you guys came back yeah we won oh we won after defeating queen bee we instantly decided to move on to the next boss we made our way to the dungeon set up an arena and spawn Skeletron click clicking time are these in attack mode yeah they are you got to set him to attack mode yeah that’s fire actually what’s happening I’m uh shooting shooting him with my 13 damage don’t die don’t die I’m dying I got this it’s not doing nearly as much damage I don’t think it’s actually doing a ton of damage all right uh all hands are both hands are gone holy holy [ __ ] I’m not firing the gun there’s just Stars dropping on him for free Eris stay away stay I don’t know what the plan there was but yeah deal damage after the Skeletron fight I realized that I had a new clicker in my inventory called dream clicker I thought I got it from the boss but it turns out that this clicker drops from the sky with fallen stars randomly which was extremely cool not only that but the special effect star slice was also one of my favorites we started exploring the dungeon and instantly we were able to find the mechanic and she sold a couple clicker accessories and a clicker but I couldn’t afford any of them right now after that we just explored until we died so what happened nothing guys pop over to me real quick no oh that’s the viral meter that’s AIS that’s yours that’s me get it jump in just jump in hop in get it oh does it not do damage fine I’ll get it for you if you insist Gamers I think we I think we need better pick it’s this I’m pretty sure it’s this one I’m going to need some different armor oh thank you Eris time to see time to see what happened oh is that for me again oh that’s right that’s right yeah yeah you have to be strong I’m not worthy I’m not worthy we started working on our elevator next because we believed we were ready to take on the wall ow once we eventually made it to hell I realized that me and Aris weren’t high level enough to break the hellstone so we just left that to Loy and returned home a will to destroy oh my godie yeah turn on PVP what’s happening to me what are you doing cut in half what’s happening I’m beating his ass oh we call that Beast Droid then I ended up getting loy’s Queen be treasure bag drops due to some glitch and included in those was a beekeeper Shield which gave me a really good Dash in not just two directions but allowed me to dash in four directions so I kept this since I really liked it before we fought the wall I decided to look through the boss checklist and see if there’s any bosses we missed that drop useful Loot and yeah there was the Buri champion who drops Wings which would be useful in not only the wall fight but also in early hard mode so we started making our way to the marble biome since that’s where you fight the boss when we got there we had to wait for an entity to spawn called bizarre rock formation once it spawned I broke it to spawn the bury champion the boss has spawned the boss has spawned in wall inside of wall can’t hit I’m focus on clicking on him I’m going to use my Mana blast oh I’m going to die uh it’s got a second phase by the way where it like Place 3 I shouldn’t Look Away you you good oh yeah pleas siphon honey from that guy mode he’s shooting arrows oh I got bounced into it by a vering trap oh my God what’s it doing what’s it doing he’s blue now Eris are you live yep oh no oh yeah he alive all right you got this little okay I’m on I’m on defensive B mode leave me alone we’re good we’re good we’re good I’m all on honey siphon mode there we go wings wings only a couple of deaths not too bad the wings all of us got wings from the Champions but once again before we fought the wall I realized something I could make my first clicker armor which I had completely forgotten about and to craft that I needed wires and a lot of tungsten so after making a new hellstone clicker called red hot clicker which had an effect called Inferno that activated every clicks and created an explosion I went on a pretty long mining session for Tungsten once I had enough tungsten I was able to make the motherboard armor which gave me some really cool Buffs such as 12% increased clicker damage 20% increased radius and its set bonus allowed me to place a range extender by right clicking so this was a really nice addition to have and with that I felt that we were ready to take on the wall so we headed to hell again I first looked around for a shadow test because I could find a clicker in them and in my first test I was able to find the umbrell clicker a clicker that causes lashes to spawn as it special effect and then we started setting up an arena once we were done with that we realized that none of us had a voodo doll so we spent a while looking for one but to no Veil however since I was streaming this Tad reminded us that we could spawn in the wall by using the guide so we started making a quick house to have the guide move in I guess I’ll just myself or like what what the is the wall of bronze eat this eat my shorts I’m going to use my blade clicker class is is what is actually good but ALS oh my God carp T and with that we’re already in hard mode now from here on out things are going to get a lot more intense and also the quality is going to go down for a bit why because some of my footage got corrupted and I had to use the live stream V for a bit from my ball of Flesh treasure bag I didn’t get either of the two items I needed for my class the clicker emblem or the burning Super Death clicker so before I fought the walligan to get those I decided to make some upgrades I first headed to the Crimson so I could break the alter there and get hard mode ore in our world once I did that I returned home and made myself a Molten Pickaxe so I could mine Cobalt I also stole some of the Cobalt my friends found and made a Cobalt clicker using it the Cobalt clicker effect activated every five clicks and gave me the haste buff to increase my movement speed and jump height with that I made my way to hell so I could try and fight the wall but I was having a lot of difficulties finding a woodoo doll why is no woodo okay let me try throwing Loy Voodoo Donal in lava wo whoo wo wo wo oh that’s why I’m taking damage cuz you’re fing dying did that kill you yeah that killed me I then remembered that I still hadn’t gotone Hermes boots so I got a generous donation from Aris and was able to finally buy Hermes boots from this NPC oh with my new boots I was able to scour hell a lot more efficiently and was able to find the voodoo doll and with that it was time to fight the wall again uh any of you guys want to fight a wall I have the spawner I’m trying to m I’m going to burn I’m going to burn I’m going to burn I’m dying you beat you I need a better hook I need a better hook you love this hook you said this is best hook is it is it is oh inside voices guys my oh my bad oh oh can you kill that can you kill that kill it Aris hey buddy inside voes okay how’ you die how’ you die to that oh he was there La well if somebody didn’t drop me into the lava in the first place maybe I would have had enough I’ll give you this I’ll give you this I’ll give you this so before we went down again I decided to make even more upgrades since I clearly needed those so I made a Cobalt pickaxe and went mining for orac Calcom while doing that I stumbled into a spider’s nest and realized that I could use the fangs to craft a web clicker but unfortunately I perished to the spiders before I could get enough no then using the or Calcom I got I made an or Calcom pickaxe and also an or Calcom clicker which had an effect called pedal storm that caused five pedals to shoot every 10 clicks and with that I went looking for titanium and spider fangs to make the final upgrades for now the web clicker and titanium clicker the web clicker special effect web Splash it just stopped smaller enemies but the titanium clicker was amazing and by far the best early hard mode clicker since it special effect Razor’s Edge shot out saw blades every 12 clicks that dealt 50% of the clicker damage those saw blades made this clicker amazing for dealing with bigger enemies or crowds of enemies with our new upgrades we gained a lot of confidence and believed we were overprepared to take on the wall for now uh all right there we go uh lava oh it’s coming from that side oh no what the you got thisy you got this okay I’ll go back and fight the wall of it’s gone it’s gone and then while looking for another voodo demon we finally had a goblin army spawn I keep yeah finally gosh oh holy [ __ ] after taking out the Army we instantly went looking for the tinkerer and when we finally found him I was able to buy a clicker accessory from him called mouse pad which increased my clicker radius by 25% then I bought rocket boots and upgraded my shoes to Spectre Boots the next big upgrade was wings so I built up to the sky and started farming harpies well at least that’s what I was planning on doing I quickly got bored of that and headed the responsibility off to AIS instead I decided to go to the underground crimson and farm for icar since by using that I could make a really good clicker once I had enough I was able to craft the Crimson clicker which as you might have guessed had an icar related special effect called infest that shot eight homing icore streams every 10 clicks this was an extremely good support flicker since it inflicted the iore debuff on enemies then I upgraded my shoes to lightning boots and headed to hell to fight the wall again anyways any of you guys want to fight the wall with me no give me a second you’re actually weird I don’t need you guys anyways yes I do yes I do yes I do yes I do hey Aris thank you AIS you’re better than ly yeah he’s being mean to ush Aris come on not my fault I Blame You beu Aris don’t die no why didn’t you go back and heal it’s fine I got this i got this don’t worry ah I don’t got it Loy this is all your fault this is a we’re playing a three-man game with two people exactly Loy come on Loy you’re just building at home you’re just yeah after yet more failed attempts I went to the underground Halo so I could get Crystal Shards because Crystal Shards are one of the materials needed for my next armor upgrade the other being rainbow bricks which are dropped by rainbow slimes a rare enemy that spawns when it rains in the hello so that part was completely dependent on luck what is that farty FY Nimbus oh yeah no no trust me buy it by I actually want to see your reaction to it but don’t use it at though don’t let me come home let me come home all right why he look like that he’s so short he has that disorder that makes like that gives all the dogs really short spines then while at home I was pondering about what the next step was and while doing that we had this happen so we tried setting up as much of an arena as we could before it spawned oh on Discord oh yeah that was me I oh oh oh yes I’m sorry I can’t stop I can’t stop one stop oh my God bro I am not a clicker I’m not the clicker take this guy’s and give it to me oh my God it’s so hard to click no no not helping in the boss title huh be you yeah yeah shut up shut up shut up yeah okay buddy I’m genely trying so hard yeah buddy okay yeah sure I’m terrible it’s you click you good oh buddy am I the last one no not anymore no oh I I’m doing an insane amount of damage if I uh combine this my I car clicker boss have defense is bad oh oh it’s chill come on guys you got this the booss is lagging a ton oh my gosh there it’s fine yeah let’s go give it a yes yes from the loot I was actually able to get a clicker accessory called bottomless box of paperclips which is a really good accessory that causes matter to build up when you damage enemies and once the meter is filled up it releases a fountain of four paper clips and each paperclip deals the same amount of damage as the clicker then I also realized I could make another upgrade which I would have and should have made in prehard mode had the Goblin Army spawned the gamer crate which is a combination of four clicker accessories that you get in prehard mode and is crafted at a tinkerer’s workshop and and it gives a bunch of Buffs such as increasing your clicker damage by 10% radius by 50% and reducing the amount of clicks required to activate the clicker effect by 20% not only that but you can also bind a key that turns on auto click for you but that does reduce the max click rates you can get look I can just hold my finger and it does this automatically non carpal tunnel mode yeah no that’s weak dude now with this we once again went to hell to fight the wall and this time we were able to actually beat the wall and right after that we decided to fight a thorium boss called the Fallen Beholder hey be you yeah he you spawning fighting a boss boss fight here this is kind of just a greater enemy it feels like what the is that come here L I need help go go go go go AR Go he killed me uhoh I can uh physically see your click speed damn he does so much damage he hit me with one yeah I got stuck in his little like Cave thing and I I didn’t know what to do H one shot and I died so after we lost I was talking to some NPCs and I ran into this guy called Darby which is an NPC added by the Jo mod for Aris and well he’s from the show JoJo’s bizar Adventure right and in the show he’s a gambler which is why it makes sense that you can gamble with him in Terraria so I tried gambling with him but unfortunately for him I know the H nean method and after that this happened all right let me bet eight seven gold coins eight gold coins accuse I can also accuse him of cheating okay before we start another gamble let’s finish this one first okay so flip I’m assuming 3 three thanks for he took my money how do you do this I can’t exit out oh my God this stuck on my screen I’m stuck in a Gamble I’m stuck in a gamble no no no no no uh click on the uh trash can in the top right corner I am I am clicking on that he took my money too what just happened you didn’t gamble you got scared dude I can’t even exit out what is this it glitched it glitched me where am I on your guys’ screen just leave can you guys leave so you don’t lose your character’s progress yeah you you you you so yeah first he made it so I couldn’t exit then he froze my game then he made my PC crash so that’s why the footage was corrupted in case case you’re wondering now with 3 hours into hard mode it still hadn’t rained so I just paced around wondering what to do since I really needed a hard mode armor set because my defense just wasn’t cutting good oh can I have it come here God I was looking at the item while I once again waited I decided to go look for the Shimmer since I wanted to see if I could Shimmer the emblems into the clicker emblem and once I reached the Shimmer I realized that reaching the Shimmer would be quite hard Loy is very that’s what you get for being mean dude yeah man on we were finally able to access the Shimmer I found out that unfortunately you aren’t able to transmute the emblems into a clicker emblem so I completely gave up on that and decided to try finding the wall one final time but when I was about to do that it happened I have it’s raining it’s raining it’s rain oh now it’s my time you do your bestp regular show who the [ __ ] was that what character were what character was that while in the ice Halo biome we also ran into ice Golems which was also really good since we could use it to get some good wings and also a blizzard clicker which created a cloud for its special effect every 15 clicks that rain hail onto enemies during the rain I was able to find two rainbow slimes and then after a while we found a boss called The borean Strider okay same guy oh there he is boss boss boss boss I’m low I’m hang on hang on I’ll be down here okay enemies are spawning where’d he go on the left he’s coming to get me he killed me oh no yeah watch out the the spiders here uh we killed him I got a Glazer oer then we spent a while farming ice golems and looking for more rainbow slimes but we weren’t able to find one however Loy had an amazing Revelation you can just buy them from the architect what rainbow bricks really yeah oh my God so yeah this NPC called the architect sells blocks and one of those blocks were rainbow blocks which is what I needed I was kind of frustrated at this because it took like 4 hours for me to be able to craft the armor but it’s the outcome that matters because with this I was able to finally make a hard mode armor set no more dying in two hits for me oh yeah I also made Frost Wings the armor set is called RGB armor and it gives some really good Buffs first off it increased my clicker radius by 50% next it reduced the amount of clicks needed to activate the clicker effect by one and then finally the armor like the clicker also had a special effect that activated every 20 clicks called chromatic burst chromatic burst released seven orbs that would rush towards your cursor and each orb deal 33% of the held clicker damage so all in all this armor set was quite nice the next upgrade I made was ter spark boots and once again I was able to acquire the materials from this NPC and with the upgrades completed it was now time to move on to the next bosses the twins why would you do that it’s night time by the way why would you do that ly ly L that’s ski ters of you good night come on Loy come on LY come on Loy come on Loy come on Loy come on Loy come on Loy come on LY come on Loy come on Loy you know I’m starting to hear that a lot of different come on Loy I love coming home with no Health just to fight something and have no Health yeah I think our armors are like super like uh UNT thany mine and Aris we have like the same defense bro I love this NPC Tower they’re all throwing at him what happened to Auto clicker oh yeah I forgot I can do that oh hey that feels pretty mode oh I have Lo voodoo doll I forgot I’m like hey wait a minute why am I not taking any damage oh hey sorry ly but is that why I’m taking so much damage perhaps is fine you’re tanky [ __ ] it’s not fine I don’t have tanky armor I take so much damage I take so much damage I take so much damage I both you die it’s on you I’ll defeat him with the power of all right I’m alive it’s fine I I got this I’ll pee on him and then I’ll throw my blades on him oh my God I’m melting him I’m doing so good I’m so proud of myself I love myself how much do you love yourself I it God I threw it Loy I Threw It come on Loy I want to make the arur clicker I’m not going to make promises it’s fine bro my my godamn my titanium clicker my titanium clicker is broken against this you’re Shing it dude holy [ __ ] the titanium clicker like creates like a titanium wheel and nutty okay I might die but yeah laser I think it’s the only piercing attack I have but it takes so long say who carried say my name me that is not my name bro here you go here’s another B weapon yeah dude now with the mechanical bosses down I was able to make the next armor set called the overclock armor and also a new clicker called Arthur’s clicker the overclock armor was okay since it didn’t do anything too flashy but gave good Buffs and its set bonus cause you to get the overclock buff for a while every 100 clicks and what the buff does is it reduces the amount of clicks needed to activate a clicker effect by half but it also decreased your damage by 25% so this wasn’t bad cuz it gave good defense but it wasn’t too great either especially since I had just gone my RGB armor so I was kind of Bittersweet about this the Arthur’s clicker however was good since it’s effect holy Nova activated every 12 clicks and hit enemies with a guaranteed critical hit then we tried fighting Queen slime because it dropped a clicker accessory on attempt one we lost however attempt two we were able to beat it and I was able to acquire the clicker keychain which was a great accessory that covered enemies in slime every 15 clicks and also had a great upgrade that you can get but unfortunately I quickly forgot about this because right after the boss fight I went farming for Souls of light because I needed it to craft another accessory do you drop soul of lights no you don’t they only drop in the underground Holo I am in the underground hello by the way for your information you think you know a person heyy can you do me a favor I’m sorry no you little you little sh what do you want so like the life rots they start spawning after you beat the first mechanical boss so there should be a good amount they do once I had enough Souls I returned home and by using Souls of light and night I made an a metal and F metal then by using the mechanical boss souls I was able to combine the two metals and create a new accessory called s metal now what this accessory does is it creates these three stupid circles around you that you have to hover over to fill these bars and each bar does something different the blue one increases the radius the red one is for critical hits and the green one reduces the number of clicks required to activate the clicker effect this accessory was good if I had used it correctly but you know me I I barely used it I did try getting used to it but I just couldn’t next up we made our way to a graveyard biome that spawned next to the dungeon why because this is where you fight the next Darian boss called the lit I got loy’s woodoo doll yippe right before we fight the boss pleas your turn on PVP you’re not winning this I can already tell you that buddy out I’m not winning this yeah you change teams oh you you’re not uh there we go I had to wait for the cool down I’m telling you bro you’re not winning this he might be right he might have a point I forgot that my stuff doesn’t home in on him neither does mine I just have a big ass radius I don’t have a big ass radius my entire classes on homing stop stop moving stop moving right now there something very important to give you bger thank you you can have this you can have this and it’s exchange I’ve been saving this up I’ve been saving it up I’ve been saving it up no here you go it’s trust me you want get away from me you trust me trust me you want this get away from me get away from me get away from me man here you go here you go trust here you go you can to have that see now isn’t that isn’t that good say sorry for running away we set up an arena and then once it was night we spawned the Lich by using pumpkins at the altar I’m speaking of grave mistake oh [ __ ] it spawned where is that I’m proud of you I’m proud of you guys Teamwork Makes a dream work baby and I’m creaming huh this is awesome I love this game this game is sick no he’s getting really bad oh [ __ ] he’s he’s bald he’s balding no I don’t think he anym he’s chasing you he immediately just ago onto you AIS you got this Aris please survive 5 Seconds 8 seconds don’t let him hit you with are you just running away I don’t see any damage to the boss he’s healing where where you at I don’t know where he is oh lit is no longer God damn it you guys want to fight it again yeah yeah so yeah when you get the L down to 25% Health it starts a new new phase where it’s extremely fast and aggressive and we really struggled against that so before the next attempt we cleared out the graveyard biome so we could have less difficulty being able to see and that helped a bit there we go Z is that better yeah he’s teleporting he’s teleporting baby hey Loy it’s up to you again I’m not very good at dodging yes I did thank you good job I’m proud of you I’m so proud of you he’s got it let me fill my bars up real quick no it’s time bad oh my God he does so much damage bro I I I don’t need to heal I need my honey to regen there we go I got it I’m going defense mode he didn’t care he killed me in one hit from Full HP jungle teleportation potion let’s go win the jungle pleas so we gave up on the list for now and decided to go fight planta but before that I first got chloride so I could craft a chloride clicker which was a really good clicker that had an effect called Toxic release which just released a huge asart every 10 clicks that poison enemies then once we found the pl terrible we started working on creating an arena after creating a sufficiently sized Arena we spawned in planta I think we might we might be good farting I I I get fired on it too guys oh my God P I don’t think there’s actually bosses in this game oh I don’t know about that one that’s just you buy oh I’m spamming this give me my my arm Vera bro my arm’s going to have so many veins by the end of this play through your arm gets more veins stronger oh he’s goed wait wait he’s goed guys that was all me did you guys see as soon as I came back he died that was all me yeah yeah he did that I headed to the dungeon because after beating planta enemies down there started dropping ectoplasm and I needed that to craft a new clicker after farming ectoplasm for a while we found this mini boss in the dungeon killed it and got this magic hand that allowed us to grab NPCs so using that we tortured some NPCs burned Darby alive as revenge for crashing my PC and then we once again went to fight the Lich since Aris had unlocked a time stop ability and we believed it would help us a lot against the Lich we were wrong guys check this out ah you stopped time attack him attack him attack him attack oh I don’t feel like how I get him off of me so with that we gave up on the Lich because it didn’t really drop anything we wanted or needed and that last phase was kind of hard instead we just decided to move on to the Golem but before we headed to the Jungle we realized that this NPC sells life Roots so we all bought some and then headed to the temple wait do you happen to have the the key to the temple from planta uh SK no let me go and get let me go and get want to die Loy put me down the sick help I can’t stop but before we entered the temple I remembered that I never made the ectoplasm clicker so I headed to the Denon once again to get in enough ectoplasm to do that and also to get all the materials for a master ninja gear what the what what you I don’t consent to being in this video anymore I don’t want my name attached to this these smarts aren’t making in the video anyway it doesn’t that’s even worse dude this is for nothing just for nothing well how stupid do you feel right now on a scale of 5 to four you thought that would get me but I’m too observational baby yeah oh God once I had an ectoplasm I made a spectre clicker which was a special clicker since this clicker didn’t have a radius because of its special effect phase re which activated every click and let me hit enemies anywhere even if they’re behind walls then while down there sis ended up finding a key called dungeon key which led me open this special dungeon biome test added by the clicker class and from that I got a new clicker called Mouse clicker the mouse clicker effect trap activated every 10 clicks and it spawned three traps that lashed onto enemies and deal damage over time another thing we found down there was a glass of milk which was an accessory that increased my clicker damage by up to 15% based on my amount of Clicks in a second this accessory was really good and I replaced a box of paper clips with it but one thing I didn’t realize until editing this video is that this accessory actually has two upgrades that I completely missed ah a I wasn’t a you you bastard what I’m on five life I’m I’mma break your house you know what no no I really hard on that dude that’s mess with the you get the [Music] bow you you’re such a rat you know that play I’m going to replace this box you watch out ly you’re a horrible horrible man so with this we believed we were ready for the go now we bought a temple teleportation potion which teleported us straight to the Altar and first thing we did there was try and get rid of all the traps but while doing so I killed some enemies and got solar tablet fragments and I realized that I could use those to not only make a new clicker but also new armor I didn’t have enough to make the armor at this point so I just made a lizard clicker which had an effect called solar flare that spawned a lingering Sun projectile that damaged and inflicted the Hellfire debuff on enemies I tried farming enemies for enough fragments to craft the armor but before I could do that Loy spawned the Golem check it out I’m dead oh oh it’s Miss Frizzle I forgot I forgot I had the texture back on I’m glowing with the power of the sun check it out I can’t shoot it how do I shoot my laser he’s lagging so bad okay my bees are in siphon mode my bees need to be out of siphon mode hang on I can’t do anything he’s so laggy uh Eris are you live a survive barely live He’s clipping everywhere so before the next attempt I farm for solar tablet fragments and once I had enough I was able to make the precursor armor which obviously gave good Buffs but its special effect was really sick since it major cursor leave behind after images that dealt 25% of the held clicker damage on attempt two we were doing better kind of even though the explosion and clicker after images helped a lot it was really confusing to tell what was happening so we all lost before attempt 3 we bought a bunch of potions and also maxed out our life by buying life fruits from this NPC again ow stop damn you good no he keeps on his fist keeps on spawning on top of me I can’t avoid it all right uh take out the left the right fist done my attack’s home I can’t decide why can’t I use my my honey laser do I need more honey we did it wait what the hell that was it wasn’t even at half Health he’s he just disappear he disappeared well I got one two three four five six six shiny stones and nothing else an 130 Beetle H what the hell treasure B was that Holy sh here you go you can have that but what the hell wa wow that’s a beekeeper itemer what the actually made of be actually if you look really closely it’s actually made of bees zoom in on that editor zoom in on look at all that noise in there it’s actually made to beeso we’re almost at the end now only six bosses left now that we had taken our Golem one of The Alchemist NPCs started selling all the items I needed to craft the master ninja gear once I crafted the ninja gear I also made a pumpkin Medallion so we could fight the Pumpkin Moon because you can get some nice clicker items from this event the clicker I was looking for was called the lantern clicker which is dropped by the pumpkin and had an effect called incinerate that created eight Sparks that burned enemies right after we finished the Pumpkin Moon we started the solar eclipse because Loy needed the broken hero swords oh I see it yeah I don’t know if that’s better than it might be better thanin might be better thanin you know what I mean what the hell was that after an incredibly painful time with the solar eclipse I keep dying I’m baby that’s what you sound like that’s what you sound like that’s what you sound like I’m not the one doing that right now God I went and talked to the tavern keep so I could buy the old ones Army some items from him because the next clicker I wanted was dropped by bety I flattened out an area for the arena and then I set up hkes around the crystal which you can use to kind of tease the Old One’s Army since you can only pass through a hoik from one side and the other blocks you off then once we were ready it was time to spawn the Old One’s Army the first couple of waves were pretty easy and it was going really well since the hes were working against the ground enemies the only problem were the air enemies but those weren’t a huge problem as long as all of us stayed alive once we all died the flying troops got to the Crystal and we ended up losing so before attempt two we bought sentes and started doing a lot better and we were actually able to reach the Betsy wave but unfortunately we weren’t able to beat Betsy before it destroyed our Crystal and since we didn’t want to sit through the boring ass event again we just performed a ritual to call Betsy to our world without the need to go through the event again Betsy where did Betsy come from what that’s crazy after taking out Betsy I was able to acquire the draconic clicker which is by far my favorite looking clicker and it’s Effect called by Le’s Roar was amazing too because it summoned manyi dragons that would swoop in and spew fire at the mouse’s position and that fire dealt 200% of the clicker damage the next boss up was Duke fishron who dropped a clicker so we went to the mushroom biome to look for truffle of arms and we were able to find one quite easily then we set up an arena at the ocean no why’ you do that and then spawn the Duke Duke oh she stopped time there you have to scream a catchphrase whenever you do that the world yeah please please please every time you do it oh God we did we all die the world oh amazing voice acting the world he’s down he’s down AIS he’s down Aris hang on hang on hold second F second yeah now no no no no no no no W you got hit ah what the hell why he start moving before I did security uhoh guys it’s up you with theing Pepsi NATO me guys it’s up me no no no no just you’re what the hell was that what wigs do you have what wigs do you have I’m going to die soon just letting y all know the world what that it spawned a tornado on me while I was frozen sorry I thought I saved you turned out I just killed you the power of the brain Rod flows through me the brain Rod never lets me down I was born in the brain Rod ER are you in can you freeze time freeze time freeze time freeze time H I don’t have it I don’t have it I don’t have it 8 seconds oh you killed good job I never I don’t know why I CL W from the Duke fish r treasure bag I wasn’t able to get the clicker so I went and talked to the operator NPC and bought the treasure bag from her since I didn’t feel like fighting the Duke again and from that treasure bag I was able to get not only the seafoam clicker but also a soul anchor the seafoam clicker effect C- spray inflicts the seafoam buff onto enemies that slows them down and also heals you a bit when you damage them but more importantly the soul anchor is an extremely broken item that lets you anchor your soul when you right click so basically what this means is by right clicking you can create a safe state for your character and if you left click your character gets sent back to that safe State reverting your health to the same as when it was first used and you can’t use it again for 5 minutes after using it which is a pretty small drawback to be honest next up was the emess of light because again she drops an insane clicker and you already know the drill we headed to the hello set up an arena then spent a while looking for a lace wing and when we finally found one we killed it and spawned the Empress of light and let me tell you something a projectile heavy boss in an already confusing playthrough like this is not very easy world godis [Applause] loyy surv probably doesn’t even do that much damage dude that time stop really messed me up all those homic projectiles came on announc it the world okay there we go oh is he on second phase now yep she changed no no no no no no no no no hey look I I I healed with Max our tempt was honestly going pretty good but then this happened what the hell what where’d he go yeah I still don’t know what happened there but at the time we thought it was cuz we left the biome so we made the arena a bit smaller before the next attempt then we just slept while we waited for night all right this is going to be mine and L’s bed Aris no no you you go in this one oh no your bed is over here you did how’s it going I see her coming over no no no no where’s the other one I put it down on the left mon AR it’s right here Aris do you not see it nothing no no no gaslighting me she’s gaslighting me you don’t got a bed no bed for you fine I’ll sleep over here you just scared me really bad stupid ass yeah yeah get dumbass burger then once it was night we spawned in the empress again and this time I had loy’s voodoo doll on me so I was doing great yep I healed I healed Max life baby Max life Max life use my soul anchor nice one Aris get it get it get it get it get it get it get it I got a lot of her health down come Onis get get her get her beat her ass woman on woman beat her ass you got her got her yeah the empress thankfully dropped the rainbow clicker which honestly has my favorite special effect called rainbolt and what it does is it creates four rainbow fragments every eight clicks that home into enemies and even though the damage wasn’t anything too crazy I just loved using this and with this we only have four bosses left or we would have if we were going to fight the Forgotten one which is a thoran boss that you fight in the Aquatic depths biome but since it doesn’t drop anything we wanted and is also not too crazy of a boss we decided to skip it and go to the cultist before fighting the cultist I decided to upgrade my wings to Subspace wings so I could have somewhat better flight for now cuz the Frozen wings were not cutting it then we went to the dungeon fixed up the arena a bit and then spawned the cultist yeah I’m dead oh you died how you die he shot me with a wooden Arrow all AIS Gus is up to us oh my God damn we’re doing good why am I not taking any damage I’m about to die I wonder why I’m not taking any damage oh where the Dragon come from so bright everything is so bright I can’t see it get the right one you got it we got we got it we got it everything up I’m going to throw my stinky flas time is Frozen What The Hell holy that damage what the sigma oh my God oh my God I’m going to die U get the right one my defense is starting to show through I can’t see anything did you kill it hey treasure bag yeah damn Maris just carried that with the cult is taken out we now had access to the ancient manipulator and using that we were able to craft a new material called terrarium core which is a thoran material crafted using pretty much every vanilla bar using the cores we can make some crazy good upgrades the upgrades I made were new shoes called terrarium particle sprinters and new terrarium Wings then after reforging my equipment we first headed to the solar pillar since that’s the one we usually struggle with the most and after taking it out we realized that the pillars were dropping a new fragment called mice fragment which is a special material for the clicker class we didn’t get enough to craft anything as of right now so we moved on next up was the nebula pillar and this experience was truly reminding me why I hate the pillar so much after that we headed to the Stardust pillar and once we took it out I finally had enough mice fragments to craft one of the two clickers you can make with those I crafted the mice clicker I chose the mice clicker over the astral clicker since its special effect Collision seemed a whole lot more useful because it activated every 10 clicks and each bolt dealt 75% of the clicker damage all right I got your booted all dude mine yeah all right buddy don’t do this to me hey no stop it why why are you taking so much damage I hope you learned your lesson while I was reforging my equip again Loy and Aris ended up going to the vortex pillar the final pillar and taking it out so with that it was finally time to fight Moon Lord there you go he didn’t do it Eris I think I’m going to die I think I’m going to die no hold on I’m holding my honeycomb out on his hand I’m going to die [ __ ] honeycomb is ridiculous what the I’m dead by the way dead hi dead I’m be you it’s fine I’m at actually so good I don’t I don’t think he actually likes you if he hurts you no it’s a it’s it’s like a it’s like a abusive relationship but like he loves me you know I just know it the eye is on me that’s not Sigma who’s out here making moves like me bro oh never mind oh I’m going to die this is called my trick I so hard oh it’s lasering it’s lasering why you would be safe here guys let me know when it’s safe for me to freeze time no no no no no going we’re going to be safe thank you Aris oh that little mental break you gave me was really good did I die on purpose no I know I’m gone hey Aris can you survive oh my God after that horrendous first attempt I magically acquired some mice fragments and using those I crafted the astral clicker which had an effect called spiral that creates a spiral galaxy that draws enemies in and then explodes this one wasn’t quite the best weapon for bosses though since it SM for multiple enemies and with that it was time to try more attempts Celestial Sizzle let’s go quick who did that who did that guys stop PE peing I said grapple the FL really quick not the best time to pe oh my God oh my God oh my God I’m going to die guess it’s up to me [Music] again oh mhm mhm guess who’s alive and carrying right now guess who’s about to take out this eye on the right now guess who guess he’s about to die I was going actually was not going to die if uh if my fingers had cramped up at that last second I would have been able to switch to my soul anchor look the gravity oh the gravity oh guys only only top only top left only top high left I should have Frozen time oh my god oh don’t say that voice okay let’s go the other way my HP is I don’t like that we did it a bunch of attempts later we fixed up the arena by removing the platform in space so we wouldn’t be constantly finding any zero gravity and also by adding more platforms to the arena then we bought a lot of combination potions from this NPC which are basically a bunch of potions condensed into one potion hello oh I keep getting hit my RO projectiles because the boss keeps on trying to get to you guys aing oh where did that laser come from it didn’t make a sound I’m actually my hand is cramping bro I don’t what the oh guess who’s carrying again don’t die who do you think you’re talking to uh freeze time ah falling why oh ooh I survived that that was pretty cool oh my God all right hard hard hard hard hard guys for this we’ve gotten yet don’t give up guys one last push go home and heal Loy go home and heal right now go take a now hang I I’ve never heal the nurse in this play through oh whoa whoa whoa what the hell is happening there why is everywhere what is he why is he like vomiting you saw that what the [ __ ] we’re almost there we’re almost there we’re almost there we’re almost there guys guys guys oh go who stop whoa I can’t be doing that all right this is it this is it literally I’m you know I’m just going to stand still I I believe in this okay oh no the hard went under the ground we did it we did it freaking go from moonl Lord’s treasure bag I got the large clicker and using the luminite and mice fragments I was able to craft mice armor and the scroller Wings then I bought a bunch of moon Lord treasure bags because I didn’t feel like fighting moord again I needed another clicker Moon Lord drop that had a 20% chance of being dropped and after a while of buying and selling treasure bags I was able to get the clicker the Lord’s clicker had an effect called conqueror that created an explosion every 15 clicks which dealt double the damage of the clicker and guaranteed a critical hit the the clicker had a special effect called The Click which activated every click and caused the clicker attack to deal damage equal to 1% of the enemy’s maximum life so what this means is basically I can click on an enemy 100 times and they’re guaranteed to die if they don’t already die from the 130 damage per click this clicker dealt the mice armor gave me 70 defense 30% increase click damage and some other insane Buffs but more importantly it had a set bonus which let me teleport to my cursor every second by right clicking and finally the scroller which was a set of wings that was just insane as you can see the acceleration on these things genuinely left me baffled so as you can tell I was pretty overpowered now but were we overpowered enough to take on the final challenge of thorium well time to find out I crafted the Doom s’s coin and once it was night we spawned in the primordials [Music] hey guys uhoh oh wow nice one thereis you’re welcome oh my God that really was nice that wasn’t a thing at you that was actually I don’t know what I’m supposed to be like trying to find we’re melting it oh these bosses are supposed to be soy down they’re supposed to be so tanky what the hell I need to oh my God God damn oh well um guys sigas we might be a little bit too overpowered right right now I’m it’s it’s juggling me get away from last oh everything is RG oh yeah that the first phas was the easy one this is the real face where is where is the boss why are you over there get over here I don’t know how to come Downes know how to come down oh my God oh my God the only thing I come down is with a rare case of finish yeah finish that joke for Monday uh it’s over guys a little laggy I don’t know what okay I’m dead do it matter do it matter do it matter do it matter cuz I’m going I’m I’m goed first try you look at the death animation get it get the death animation and recording error I’ll send it to you thank you I could always just steal somebody else’s footage so yeah that was a clicker class I really like this class even though I wasn’t able to get the complete clicker experience cuz we did this in multiplayer I still really enjoyed it this class is super polished and unique which definitely made this a memorable experience if you’ve made it this far might as well subscribe cuz I got some huge projects in the work right now that you hopefully don’t want to miss also make sure to check the other guys out to see their perspectives thank you so much for watching and have a nice day

In this video, Me , @eris4870, and @LoaffyEHEHE are going to be trying to beat Terraria’s Thorium Mod, but ALL of us are going seperate new classes, with Eris going with the Jojo Class, Loaffy going with the Bee class, and with me going wiht the CLICKER class. Can we combine our 4 collective braincells and beat this game, well time to find out.

Edited by https://x.com/Zengane_Editing?t=AiPTHC7M1GMvNGE05X5Baw&s=09
Feel free to comment what you thought of the video it really helps me and the channel grow.

Stickers used in videos were made by
StalebreadH20 :
babydollinkz :

PokeTrio- https://www.instagram.com/p0ketrio

Socials –
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/bijounga
Discord: https://discord.gg/HbsHxG3j5A
Twitter: https://twitter.com/bijoungaw
Second Channel: @Bijoonga

Outro by @SwitchIGuess

0:00 Intro
0:55 Pre-Hardmode
11:54 Real Progression Time
28:46 Hardmode
47:33 Halfway Through Hardmode
1:06:07 Post-Moon Lord
1:08:44 Outro

#terraria #thorium #clickersimulator
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