1. Bro jelly you basically cheated while doing the task's that Josh gave to you in the prison instead of doing it properly like a normal person you wanted to cheat But I still can't believe that you think that you're innocent for blowing up the vault out of everyone in squid island you have caused the most amount of damage in the series and you think that everyone is going rogue just because you don't agree with whatever

  2. Linkering potion without going to the end lol.

    Come on body we all know you guys add stuff from creative. But atleast make it believable..😂

  3. Bro you got ur own armor why ' borrowed' someone else's stuff while you things that are good not really presenting urself jelly come on man be dependent in you what happen to making urself the strongest and protecting self I know of but using other people things besides the good stuff u got is not really good I'm not being mean but I thought my word should be heard honestly

  4. You should make a raid farm and a railway that transports the emeralds to your base through the nether while keeping it hidden from everyone else and also put a chunk loader

  5. jelly emerald blocks are hard to obtain mainly due to shortage of emeralds itself. So I propose you to build a raid farm, not only you will get tons of emerald, but also Totems. YEAH ITS OP

  6. It’s ironic that jelly gets mad when other people do stuff but he is literally stealing and using other people’s items with out permission and literally decided to let himself out of prison and cheat his tasks this shits pissing me off

  7. Hey there jelly make a infinite string farm and the turn a villager into a fisherman and the you can trade the string to them and get emeralds from the trade

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