I Looted 100 Vaults in Minecraft

today I’m going to go around to a bunch of trial Chambers and unlock 100 volts to see what Epic Loot I can get but in order to find myself 100 volts I’m going to need villagers to sell me their trial chamber Maps we’re going to try and get a trial chamber map at our base and see if that will work will you kind sir give me what I’m after yes okay sweet perfect okay there is one not too far away apparently nice all right well I guess we’re going into our first chamber let’s freaking go I guess I’ll just have to dig straight down because that’s always a great idea in hardcore isn’t it I’m actually so nervous oh boy okay we’ve freaking found one oh my gosh we are in a trial chamber oh my goodness okay I I guess we’re going to get straight into this okay what do we got to lose an entire hardcore world and stuff yeah that’s that’s totally cool ow I’m getting attacked already die Bring It On stray your slowness arrows don’t make me afraid die die get out of here ha let’s go get out of here there are so many of them oh what do we got chicken yes I can’t believe I won chicken that is the best oh yes a key oh my gosh our first key get out of my swamp well this is actually your swamp or whatever this is you suck all right let’s unlock our first Vault what do we got ooh we got wind Chargers let’s put these bad boys in all the loot that we’re getting in here hello we got spe idors die get out of here easy yes another key let’s go let’s just go and use that straight away oh diamonds heck yeah oh no not baby zombies get out of here red wow amazing all right what do we got in here oh my God is that my grandpa grandpa is that really you yes grandson it is I Grandpa what the freak are you doing here man you must invite your grandmother to play the tricky trials update with you well I’d love to but I don’t have a 1.21 server to invite her on to well did you know that 1.21 is available on WIS hosting.com uh what oh yeah thanks to wise hosting’s powerful and reliable servers my grand and I get to combat the tricky trials together where are we going for as cheap as $5.99 a month wise hosting provides the best service you need for hosting a Minecraft server including 24/7 customer support watch out Grandma’s mobs oh I’ll get it for you Z oh jeez oh no there’s also a brand new game panel that’s super easy to use and offers full control over your server including a version changer which lets you change your server to different Minecraft updates in just a few clicks what’s this lovely looking beverage grandma don’t no Grandma stop oh no Grandma you can even install your favorite mods plugins and entire mod packs on your wise hosting server so make sure you head to WIS hosting.com and use the promo code cringy to get a whopping 25% off your first month and enjoy hosting a server to conquer the trial Chambers with your friends or even your hecking Grandma let’s get back to the video oh my gosh it’s a freaking Breeze he’s so cool but now he’s dead rip Bring It On Breeze yeah oh yes another key let’s go ow you don’t deserve to be alive although you’re already kind of dead you’re just Undead oh my gosh three skeletons at once get out of here give me your keys to your car and your Vault a freaking potato okay what do you got we got honey and arrows and more honey and an axe okay not too bad gosh we’ve already filled up like a whole Shuler box it’s a bit dark here let’s light it up yes very nice wow is that seriously when I got the wax off enchantment what’s in here ooh this will be good for later oh dear this room looks kind of deadly die get out of here oh my gosh there are more of them die oh I’m freezing yes let’s go another key oh freaking baby zombies again no go away I’m just going to let you kill yourself on my Thorns armor foolish children give me a key yes okay sweet give me a key give me key give me key give me key give me key freaking chicken okay what’s with all the baby zombies in this room man what’s in here ooh an ominous bottle very good we needed one of those but first we need to make the most of not being ominous and just do clear out all the easy stuff yes another key okay die Breeze get out of here give me that let’s go let’s unlock this bad boy give me oh yes another bottle very nice these guys all just spawned in and started shooting each other like what are you guys doing yes another Vault all right o Diamond again nice gimme gimme I love honey that’s just so good that the bees made so much honey for the trial Chambers okay I’m pretty sure we’ve cleared out the trial chamber so that means we’re ready for the freaking ominous bottle let’s go come at me all freak they have swords now oh my gosh they do so much more damage that that is already deadly this is instantly way hard I want dogs with me or something oh my gosh now they’ve got strength on them so that’s just nice and overpowered isn’t it oh dear this guy’s got a freaking punch bow this is instantly way more deadly than before they’ve like buffed ominous trials and made them more deadly than last time I played them in my other world oh dear not baby zombies again no go away go away I hate these things so much this is the worst ah go away spiderweb oh yes an ominous key okay Sweet let’s see what’s inside our first ominous Vault oh my goodness I got heaps of emeralds and a golden apple and a banner pattern okay we must keep fighting for more keys so let’s go go away oh my gosh it’s got a diamond sword and strength go away go away go away ah oh dear oh yes another ominous key let’s go there any ominous vaults down this way no all right what Beth in this room we got skeleton room again freak off go away oh my gosh diamond armor are you kidding me the ominous trials are intense man oh my gosh okay freaking egg this is insanely hard I need to come way more prepared next time why aren’t they getting affected by my flame arrows at all die yes another ominous key sweet and we got an ominous Vault right here what do you got give me the heavy core come on ooh I am covered in arrows okay bring it on spiders I spawn kill you give me the TR ominous key yes okay there are so many particles there oh no not baby zombies again oh my gosh go away oh I just ate accidentally ate an enchanted golden apple well well guess you guys are going to enjoy my stupidity with how Immortal I am for the next 5 minutes yes another key okay that’s good what is in here nice nice ooh wow all right here we go bring it on die get out of here die get cornered by me oh my gosh I got shot high up what shall we get from here give me the heavy core come on W wo nice yes another key let’s go yes and another key all right what is inside this ominous Vault dang no heavy core but still epicness still got two more ominous Keys oh yes I wanted that trim let’s go oh wow that was a good one oh my gosh a spider YY yes another key let’s go come here Breeze all right here’s our final ominous Vault for our first trial chamber let’s see how we go not bad we have looted seven ominous vaults and seven regular vaults I say that was an epic start to our adventure and everything is resetting oh dear let’s get out it actually we might as well collect some freaking oh my gosh the music disc okay hang on I was going to say we might as well collect some keys and then I accidentally broke a pot and there’s a music disc yes please all right we are free to go home all right we can consider that one explored this is all the loot we got from that troll chamber pretty freaking epic we’re going to be really rich like we’re already really rich but after this we’re going to be be really really rich I’ve got an extra couple Keys which will give us a head start in the next run but yes that was quite the challenge once I activated the ominous trials which I want to come a bit more prepared to the next one so I’m going to grab some iron blocks I’m going to Shear all these pumpkins and now we’ve got some Iron Golems prepared for our next run and also where are some chickens chickens are going to help me out I’ll tell you why oh hello chicken nice to meet you hi care to spare some feathers now let’s head to our Kevin Army he dogos let’s craft up some brushies and why am I at the Kevin Army for this freak you brush armadillos for scoots not dogs what is my brain armadillo train I’m here to brush you why isn’t it working silly me I’m so silly I need to do it to this little guy over here like that let me just whack these guys with brushes for a little while now let’s make ourselves a crafter and now we go to the C an army let’s place our crafter make ourselves some doggo armor and now our doggo army will be Invincible take some of these guys down to the trial Chambers to protect me against the Strays and anything else that wants to kill my face and I don’t want to take all of them down to the trail Chambers because well that might not go so well go inside Great Adventures await us apparently it works if I throw my ender pearl in now that’s so cool oh my gosh I love that hello Village how are we all doing today I would like to buy one map please thank you it is over in this direction okay here we are right beneath us is our next trial chamber all right we’re in maybe I’ll save my dogs so that their armor doesn’t get damaged cuz I don’t have any way to repair them right now and then we’ll use them at the ominous trials ah get out of here any epic rooms anywhere for me ooh there’s some vaults here I might as well unlock yeah nice sure I’ll unlock another Vault die get out of here you have no friends even that spider hates you bro yeah let’s go all right who is my next Challenger ooh this room looks fun you can’t handle the go I want to try and get that advancement that you get for deflecting a wind charge into a breeze yes straight away let’s go nice we got another key hello vault give me your best stuff there’s like four vaults in here that I can’t open I better find some more trial spawners to get more keys all right this room is going to be epic let’s freaking fight freaking die yes a key okay good we need like 8,000 more of those hey okay I Choose You nice I just realized I wasn’t recording and I opened I don’t even know how many volts I guess I’ll um have a look at my statistics 7 + 13 = 20 so I opened an entire one VT yay all right back in this big room that had heaps of vaults let’s just open them yeah is that the letter g g for Get Wrecked I finished looting the basicness of the trail chamber now let’s loot the trickiness of it come on doggos let’s go bring it on spider give me an ominous key yes okay good let’s just go freaking head and open this bad boy give me a heavy core come on ooh nice wow that was I’m not complaining that was nice all right let’s go in here and bring everything on in here yes we got skeletons the dogs will take care of them hey Breezies your wind does nothing against my epicness get him dogs can’t escape my dogs oh my gosh he he made slimes exist die Breeze oh my gosh we’re being sent flying everywhere epic another key oh my gosh we’re getting all the keys today let’s climb this wall and let’s get a heavy core come on another trim oh wow pretty good all right who’s next how about we give this room a trial oh my gosh chaos all around oh my goodness so much going on die you pathetic spiders I’m not afraid of you I’m Australian die be gone oh my gosh get out of here doggos I need you oh my freaking egg I’m getting thrown around everywhere I’m in spider we web oh come on get out of here oh my gosh there an invisible spider what the heck you’re punished with death for existing oh gosh water I kind of need that thanks oh my goodness that was chaos and also incredibly fun dog move over here come here dog come on you’re in the way okay what do we dog why you going to be there let’s see what is inside here come on heavy core heavy core heavy core heavy core heavy core oh my gosh a diamond block and a dog wow that’s my own never mind who wants to challenge us these skeletons want to challenge us no they actually don’t cuz they’re scared of my dogs dogs get blessed by the random strength potion that appeared hey Breezies want to die need another ominous key for this Vault but I don’t have any more spawners around here well let’s just climb this wall and keep going nice I got an advancement oh this is one of those chaotic rooms isn’t it okay bring it on D get out of here you spiders you’re so disgusting and hairy ah come on give me the key dang it die get out of here you can’t run you can’t escape you’re dead dang didn’t get a single key from that entire room I think all I can do now is just wait for all the spawners to reset so that I can get them to give me Keys again cuz I’ve fully raided this entire place so I went AFK in a really dumb spot which was right on top of a trial spawner it took quicker than I expected for it to reset so I started getting attacked it’s a really bad idea to go away from your keyboard when you’re playing hardcore because well things happen and people die and well that’s exactly what is about to happen to me except thankfully I got back in time oh oh what oh okay that was probably the dumbest thing I’ve ever done in my hardcore world but yay we’ve got key we got two keys actually all right now we can drink our ominous bottle and try and get some ominous Keys once again oh my goodness this is chaotic and fun get out of here Breeze yes a key let’s let’s go oh no one of my dogs lost his armor yes a key let’s go and another key all right sweet here eat yes good wa what the heck I tried shooting the breeze and my arrow just came back at me wait is that what happen die breezes all right give us a heavy core now oh my gosh an enchanted golden apple that is great and we got wind burst one nice that’ll be Greatful when we get the mace I looted the remaining vaults in the chamber and spent as as much time as my wolves armor allowed me to fight and collect some more keys then because all my doggos were naked I headed home that one was much easier with the fact that there weren’t baby zombies oh my goodness ah lovely fresh air let’s go home all right bam we have looted another chamber and once again three Sher boxes of loot very Epic Loot getting a fair few diamonds out of all this but still even though we have looted 30 volts we have still not found a single heavy core but we have found the wind burst enchantment but we need it to be wind burst 3 for it to be epicness so once again we’re going to have to go off on an adventure and find another trial chamber give me that map heck yes oh sweet it’s practically right beneath us ah lovely we are here oh my gosh it’s the bog oh my gosh they’re dangerous and poisonous but I love them die you mushroom fungi Skelly I unlocked vaults for with Mossy bogs unlocked more vaults and found insanely good loot like oh my gosh look at this it’s insane my rocket jumping skills were tested with some vaults and it’s kind of embarrassing but this this is how it went freaking finally freaking okay while the normal trial Chambers didn’t pose much of a challenge to me the ominous trials definitely did so I built some Iron Golems to do the dirty work for me while I sat back and watched you’re a beautiful young lady man I drank the apple juice and started looting ominous Style with Jimmy the Iron Golem yeah get him this is the problem I’m going to have to like mine the entire trial chamber to get this child through the trial child chamber but it’s okay because I kind of want the copper and stuff anyway I proceeded to fight and loot the ominous trials and finally on vault 51 I found the heavy core yes oh my gosh we freaking got one I was starting to think that they didn’t exist anymore yes epic we got a freaking heavy core Jimmy look what I found I found a heavy core what do you think yeah he doesn’t care that’s sad let’s just craft a mace straight away Ching oh yeah we got a freaking mace man how’s that feel Jimmy how’s it feel looking at one of the rarest items in the game game he still doesn’t care I need friends after finding another key to unlock another Vault the chamber was fully looted so it was time to head home to play with my new toy hey C yo what’s up want to die yeah sure bro oh oh my gosh this is going to be fun who wants to become my breakfast I got the freaking mace and now everything dies at my will it is the best with the mace and my feathery hands I felt confident enough to conquer the remaining 48 volts I looted and looted and even found myself a second heavy core let’s go another heavy core epic I fought many mobs I even found some good loot from chests and the mace was incredibly fun to fight with things were looking good until I ran into a problem the secret trial chamber boss of ultimate Doom a baby zombie riding a chicken he was ultimately dead okay never mind after that epic boss fight I thought I’d build some iron servants to help me with the ominous trials they kicked everyone’s butts while I sat back and watched and unlocked the remaining ominous vaults we’ve officially looted 70 volts now and well this trial chamber is all clear so let’s go home I wonder if I can use my wind charges to [Music] just oh ah come on come on come on yes yes oh yes that was epic now I found a pretty special book found a windurst book and you know I found a few windurst books in fact I think I’ve found enough to make wind burst 3 it’s going to probably be quite expensive to make this but we’re making it yeah how much is that going to cost it’s going to be okay it’s not going to be too expensive but first we should enchant the mace with whatever else we can get all right let’s see what do we got here density I am wanting density but I want a higher density than just three so density four yes that that is definitely a nice amount of density I’ll take that yeah sweet and now let’s put our wind burst on here and mending heck yeah we got got ourselves a density wind burst mace it just started raining which is kind of Epic because I can get my bad boy Trident and I can fly over here I can find myself a victim who wants to die and fly up and Bam freak bam oh my gosh this is awesome oh wow I just took so much fall damage Bring It On sheep die die at the will of the gull I need to clutch okay now that was a waste of sheep but it was also epic but now that it’s raining that is the perfect time for us to go and find another trial chamber so let’s just head off in this direction and get ourselves a map who wants to sell me a map you want to sell me a map thank you let’s see is it nearby oh my I don’t see any trial chamber on here what bro well you officially suck I’m going to go find someone else who’s useful good this one actually has a trial chamber on it there is an amethyst geode in here [Music] cool what are you recking about my new shoes don’t they look at epic I say we go and find probably just one last trial chamber and then we’ll be finishing our epic 100v adventure let’s go thank you all right looks like we just got to go down this way and then ah are you serious there isn’t one marked on this map either why does this keep happening to me we just dig down and hope that maybe I’ll find one by accident well maybe it’s glitched and it’s like on the very edge of the map or something and it’s not showing up I don’t know yeah this is definitely not a trial chamber this is something else wait I feel like I faintly hear a spawner there’s subtitles at oh okay yep there there’s something going on okay even though it wasn’t on the freaking map like dude let us fight this chamber of Trials you know because I’ve already got enough keys to fill up my 100 goal might as well just go ahead and start an ominous trial sure I have no idea how difficult this chamber is going to be and I can’t set up any safety precautions but screw it let’s make this fun die you fools either you or me and I’m not going to die today who is next Bring It On husk Army your diamond swords don’t afraid me epic let’s go go away I’m too epic for you all right what do we got in here yes oh my gosh I was starting to think I would never get another music disc finally heck yeah oh yes oh my gosh a spawner inside the trial chamber nice an enchanted golden apple let’s go freaking four baby zombies at once with fully kitted out gear is just insane what is this my gosh they took more than half my health all right our final 100th volt let’s go and the loot is kind of a all right that’s 100 volts looted I say now we found our way back home so I’ve put together all of the loot that I’ve found from our six trial Chambers and 100 volts these are all the weapons and books and stuff that I found these are all the minerals and apples that I found these are all the arrows and potions and these are all the new 1.21 items that I found can’t believe out of 100 volts I only found two heavy cores and I’m really sad that I didn’t find the other music disc but this is still epic I got an unbelievable amount of arrows through all of this that I didn’t bother putting in any of those chests down there I reckon after such a crazy adventure I need to sleep oh my gosh wait Grandma what are you doing I oh my gosh I am giant Grandma come here grandson oh my go oh remember to check out wise hosting if you’re looking to host a 1.21 server the link is in the description see you later

✅ Host a 1.21 Minecraft Server https://wisehosting.com/cringy – Use code “CRINGY” to get 25% OFF!

I looted 100 Vaults in Minecraft Hardcore, the Tricky Trials are a great addition to the game!

Thanks @Knarfy for starring in this video as “Grandma”!

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0:00 The Mission
0:38 Entering the Chamber
1:30 First Vaults!
3:25 I need KEYS
5:11 OMINOUS Trials!
7:46 SO much epic loot
8:49 Getting Help
10:39 Another Chamber
14:38 I went AFK…
16:19 Looking for the Mace
17:56 I GOT ONE!
19:20 SECRET BOSS??!?!
19:43 Enchanting my Mace
22:03 Unlocking the rest…
24:33 What I found from 100 Vaults



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