A cozy playthrough of Sunnyside (Stardew Valley in Japan)

welcome to the hottest new Farm Sim this one is really good I hope you enjoy this video you can tell by the length that I got really into it and this is a nice big cozy First Look playthrough of Sunnyside a game where you go to Japan and build your farm there is a life Sim side to this there are 25 characters to romance this is a good one and I hope you enjoy it please do hit like And subscribe if you’re new here I play Indie Games cozy games and games you’ve never heard of you can get recommendations on my Instagram my Tik Tok and check out my bedtime podcast where I read books to you to help you fall asleep but for now let’s dive in to Sunnyside oh oh I already love the music you’re listening to late nights with morph welcome to the show coming up later famous saxophonist pipes Pippen coming select your preferred game mode before you move to Sunny Side select what type of homesteading experience you’d enjoy the most game economy set to normal battles are simple easy there’s battles XP gain rate is set to normal rate item drop increased RPG complex battles XP rate no cozy we won I don’t like stuff when it’s a cozy game being a grind no that’s the thing with some of those farm games those story of Seasons ones takes too long just give it to me now grow the turnips one step at a time and it’s a Little Acorn for the loading screen that’s very cute bird I’m a bird guy now I like birds you’re making the character I don’t know why this didn’t occur to me it’s the first thing would be happening hello Edward Cullen Edward cullin me after a busy period with lots of work same [Music] diff I was actually kind of tanned as a child and um I think like my natural skin is kind of olivey but um I see the Sun so infrequently that I’m pretty pale not this pale I will say that but kind of naturally become paleo and um which sucks now because if I do I mean I don’t enjoy sunbathing but if I do try and enjoy well if I tried to tan I wouldn’t say I’d ever enjoy it I just burn I’m just like my skin is so unused to the Sun but I mean is that really a bad thing the sun’s bad for your skin anyway people say I look kind of young for my age age which is like ouch but um you know I feel like that’s mostly because I haven’t seen the Sun for 10 years pretty much the the 10 years I was streaming just didn’t see the sun anyway should you do should I make myself should we Face [Music] Reveal let’s hello let see I’m not very good with creators so it’s not actually going to look like me wow the mouth can I make the lips bigger got pretty big lips I think I can it’s like giving me lots of Sliders but all it’s giving me the ability to do is to make the character’s face worse I’ll be honest I think I need to like get some color on you just so I can have some definition I actually can’t see you when you’re that pale yeah I don’t enjoy the sound anyway you know when you’re somewhere that’s hot or with people that want to sunbathe you feel like you should like my brother absolutely loves getting a tan goes away just to get a tan one of those people and uh yeah I just I can’t do it I’ll try and after an hour I’m like it’s too sit under an umbrella read my book right we have hairstyles I like how these are done with the images here sometimes you have to kind of like click through all the like this to get an idea of what the hair looks like but here you can kind of really tell just from the image alone how about you do you like tanning do you like the Sun at my age it’s probably best I stay out of the Sun as much as possible do need that vitamin D sometimes though what hair should we go with [Music] there’s never really anything that is kind of like my hair in games I have to say let’s [Music] see this might be the closest we’re going to get is something like this it’s not that long at the front though but that is cute cut it not too long ago it was a terrible decision regretted it instantly we’ve all been there so let’s see we can really change the colors up and I like that you get this kind of gradient effect down the hair it’s not quite letting me make my hair as dark as it is it’s basically almost black but I can’t can only do very dark brown it seems ah ahuh pure colors which or not it says Pure Color but it’s not pure black at all oh God where’ the hair go we’ll go with this one it’s cute but how do I ah it’s the there you go there you go but pure looks weird so we’ll kind of have it mix in with a brown there we go it’s kind of about it to be honest right [Music] eyebrows do have quite defined eyebrows I was forever accused of plucking them not that that should be something to be accused of if you want to pluck your eyebrows pluck your eyebrows I’ve never plucked M there we’ll go with um those [Music] ones probably those brand brand eyes is it oh no is this what is this what my eyes look like they look like I should be standing at the end of your bed in the middle of the night ready to eat your soul with those eyes can we have a lighter brown there we go that’s a bit better I think red eyes want to make a deal make a deal with the devil mine aren’t this light but I’m going to make them this light just for the game what do we got some chokers and some necklaces and stuff that’s cute cute different style styles that you would normally get in a uh farming Sim guys is this the next Stu Valley I don’t know it’s my favorite little in joke with myself is that anytime I cover any game which is farming and all pixel art I just on my short videos on Instagram and Tik Tok I throw in uh is this the next stardew Valley guys this might be the next stardew Valley if you love stardew Valley and without fail always the comments like um actually no actually no it’s not and you shouldn’t say that so I I do it every time now even when I don’t think it is I just kind of like winding them up what if we have pink glasses is that weird listen when I grew up as a teen colored glasses were like the coolest thing what did I have I had some with some blue lenses in I think I was like 14 I think this is the coolest thing thing ever in the new metal [Music] era we’ll have them clear like that mine aren’t quite that big but I am du a new pair had the I’ve had my pair of glasses for couple of years few years now I need to um get them tested Harry Potter it’s literally Harry Potter given Master given Master’s given Toby a sock [Laughter] [Music] don’t need to watch this thinking about watching all through through them on my Movie Club Channel but plenty more to do first need to get some more under my belt before I do like another franchise I don’t know why I started that Channel with a full uh watch through of a season of singles Inferno that took me so long to do that was like a 2 to 3 month in my spare time editing that I look too much like Harry but this doesn’t look like me I have fa I’ve failed to make myself completely ah is it the hair I don’t I can’t Harry Potter oh dear maybe that’s less it’s it’s my hair’s a bit thicker that one might do that one might do that one it is looking too Brown sorry you can see why I usually just show a time lapse of my character creation and not the actual character creation it’s the the character looks too young to have a big beard like that I think there isn’t actually an age thing I guess it’s part I guess it’s stylized facial hair in games it’s never good oh eyelashes oh wait what’s this I like ler M but actually looks so good with some guideliner on uh we’ll go with that I think I’ve done everything I don’t want any piercings we’ve been over this before growing up everyone told me I’d look great with an eyebrow piercing and that was that’s the one time that it sticks into my mind where I nearly succumb to peer pressure I’m not like I’m a people pleaser but I don’t succumb to peer pressure if people tell me to do something I don’t want to do it but I’ll always be trying to do stuff to please people but when my friends were like you look really good with an eyebrow ping I was like really what this is it guys this is the glow up I’m going to get my ey eyebrow pierced join squirrel today collecting friends like squirrels collect nuts [Music] take change photo oh my it’s cute already it’s cute already wait there’s filters oh my gosh filters are such poison why would you take the picture here in this shop I don’t know I’m sure we can change it later hey guys I’m a buny weapon got to go with the hearts got to have some kind of filter on can’t go unfiltered [Music] change the expression [Music] too is this still like the angle what angle are we doing selfies at these days as someone who never takes selfies but it used to be like this back in the day and then I think sometimes it’s like this now isn’t that like the next generation is it’s like the opposite or something or this is also like Boomer Facebook profile picture usually like on a couch chin tucked you know let’s go with uh a mad there we go it’s morphe om lelay username Papa Bear Papa Bear bio uh [Music] I I don’t what’s this character I don’t know sneaky advert farmer to be first of spring or you can choose what SE you can choose what season it starts in my voice didn’t go high for no reason uh and then you’ve got a gender expression thing hyper feminine well it’s been said more feminine than the average these are all things that have been said very in touch with all sides of myself you are squarely masculine a bit more masculine than average you are very masculine you are hyper masculine here’s the thing with this being a gender expression slider it doesn’t necessarily translate to me as like a pronoun thing or a do you know I mean I feel like it’s supposed to be but then I I actually kind of feel like I’m not hyper masculine as a person but in terms of like pronouns and stuff like it is just he him like just standard but I would never like say I’m anywhere else on here but then because it’s saying you are hyper masculine I’m like no I’m not oh God are be discovering something about myself here today just go create the [Music] account m [Music] not much of a guy’s guy Akira you finally did it I [Music] did Welcome To The Future it’s not that exciting is this me finally joining social media my only sibling finally joins the world of social media it’s exciting H besides I need to keep tabs on you somehow not a child [Music] no but I still care about you and still can’t believe you’re doing this I know but we talked about it it’s still crazy so what’s the town like don’t know train dropped being higashi I’ll have to catch a bus from here a bus so to the middle of nowhere plan’s cheapap probably the only thing I’ll ever be able to afford it’s an opportunity sometimes you have to LEAP when opportunity comes is this when I finally make the leap to buying like a cottage in the middle of nowhere with a garden with a pond with ducks in it just cuz the listing was cheap doesn’t mean you’ll win only one way to find out I’m here for you no matter what happens thanks secure what a big SI full let me know how it goes I will [Music] oh am I in control no [Music] sorry uh Loi girl in the window referance there’s a referance I know loving the soundtrack honestly it’s great get in the bus the worst one step out of time guys I’m so masculine such a manly man actually didn’t notice a if there was a body slider there didn’t seem to be one just thinking about how skinny my character is isn’t my body shape at all pretty tall guys pretty tall and Broad got that Harry Potter lean slenderness going on [Music] [Music] Sunny Side isn’t that like how you like your eggs a fox I made friends with a fox recently a cow I haven’t seen a cow in a long time [Music] uh Sunnyside and my name is morom lelay how do you like me Sunnyside Up [Music] what is that my house new song unlocked welcome everyone thanks for being here my name is mayum and I’m a member of the Sunnyside city council the SEC we’ll start the auction in just a moment we appreciate your patience wait don’t we get to see the place I do I even know if I want it or not the landour was yesterday it was listed in the advertisement who are you this is Hera he’s also a member of the council you expect me to buy a property sight unseen all right everyone let’s begin what a waste of my time dang I miss the proper tour oh well how bad can it be here goes nothing all right everyone starting price is 350 cup cupules do I have 400 anyone for 450 600 600 650 700 700 there anyone for 750 800 800 in the corner this is getting expensive 850 850 900 8850 going once twice uh I feel like I’m supposed to get it what happens if you don’t though it’s like game over 900 to my friend in the back 950 once twice sold see hero to finalize your property deed hey congrats name’s Gabriel myi says I’m supposed to give you a ride to your new place once you’ve settled up the taxes and paperwork uh all right I’ll wait here come find me when you’re ready to go is that always in your mouth H movement and interaction eat to interact wasda right click got it me this is me we need to get some trousers because the these are not legs that should be out for us you know looking like Christopher Robin over here many tutorials some will appears pop ups all these tutorials sure like why can’t I why couldn’t I have more of a build like this what what if there was a body slider and I just missed it cuz that’s the sort of thing that I would do congratulations sign these documents please Farm name I’m lay farmington’s all set welcome to Sunny Side thanks I noticed your phone’s cracked come by Tech her later I’ll get that fixed up for you thank you that’s so kind neighbors need to support each other right I guess so your phone your connection to many systems been Us in the game press f I need a new phone I’ve been saying that for months now I just can’t be bothered to go down the rabbit hole of what phone to get it’s so annoying just be one phone so it’s spring one new in town kindness of strangers talk to Gabe get phone fixed at Tech ah hero works at Tech hero I like it [Music] oh and now we’re friends with hero there my big sibling is a humble artist living in the big city 4.3 million [Music] followers you ready hard [Music] like the art style digging [Music] it nice art style nice music well here it is here what is your new home but but what where’s the house huh isn’t there a house on the land um there was but it fell apart years ago what where am I supposed to sleep all right Council gave me a tent to build for you hang [Music] on there we go you’re all set welcome to Sunny Side neighbor neighbor yeah I got a ranch on the the other side of the river got me Ranch on the other side of the river hope you like animals you may hear some moving occasionally moving what have I gotten myself into yeah that ain’t the cows either that’s me I like to roam my Woods at night let my let my workhouse hide out you know your what side my workhouse side you ever move at the Moon why do you think they call it the moon boy uh uh you all right no clearly not this is overwhelming I get that anyway I think there’s an old shed by the water pump I bet there are some tools in there to help get you started anything you don’t find in there you can probably get from Ishikawa or S yeah s’s family owns the Garden Center in town seeds watering cans watering cans what is this 1996 what is it not not6 we might be in the country it’s not an 80 period boy there’s a hose in that like a normal farm right cuz this is all normal guess that’s it if anyone asks I did my part and showed you my place the place yeah what’s with the accent changes don’t you worry about that you’ve been helpful thanks uh well now hang on let’s be clear let’s be clear I’m not some night and shining armor okay just cuz I helped you out don’t mean I’ll be running to your Rescue all the time you’re going to have to work hard if you want to last longer than the others you got that sorry did I offend you you didn’t but I just need to make sure that I’m playing my part or the role is kind of you want to change me you know I got to have a tough exerience so we got we got some character development to have and we get to know each other a little bit better you know what I mean you got to you got to crack through my hard shell here in Sunnyside if I was in an if I was an egg I’d be hardboiled you dig so you got to you got to get a little spoon you got to Pat the top you make of that whatever you want it’s an analogy what you patting what you spanking I don’t know but you going to open that up you get a little spoon take the top of the egg off you scoop inside I’m s running eggy Yol that’s when it’s sorry no it’s just I got my own place to look after you know but a look at you you’re going to have a rough few weeks all right come by my house for lunch today that’s already happened cracking that egg at least the neighbor can do is feed you I guess but you just said I’m sorry for what I said I’ll text you around lunchtime okay guess I better look around I look like a child there we go like is I a people romanceable is that going to be a ro like a rable person it would be strange I look so young um get phone fixed at Tech hero I don’t even I mean my character is old enough to buy maybe it’s just how I made the character I don’t know I didn’t see an H slider let’s see PP Pump Pump It Up sorry if the unhinged Voice work it’s been a while certain games are just going to bring it on so there’s tools tools are how you gather resources and farm on your homestead use tab open your inventory use click to select a tool then click place it in the tool wheel some tools like the fishing W have attachments drop attachments on the top of the tool wheel pull up a wheel choose your tool choose your tool okay so tab aha he ha he ha ho [Music] hey don’t you be wasting water now you here sorry okay so we hold that a digging Fork a n aluminum bucket aluminium pumping right wait for text get phone fixed what’s that a [Music] raccoon hey friend let’s be friends come here it disappeared got a text so I did it you made it safe no I mean I bought the place what for real yep holy crap why is so surprised didn’t think he’d actually do it I know this is hard for you no I get it you needed a new start it was time you know couldn’t rely on you forever true there’s nothing wrong with sticking together maybe not but I don’t want to hold you back I need to do this when this place is thriving and I’m a successful Homesteader I’ll invite you over okay I guess I’ll see you in 10 years then rude JK looking forward to it you know for the longest time and I still do I read JK as joke but apparently it means just kidding but I thought it was like a shorter version of saying joke like joke joke joke I’m joking it means just kidding which I don’t I don’t when I when I read that I see it as joke yeah I don’t know just me J me could be don’t know all right let’s get into it is this where I’m going to build this doesn’t seem like a house maybe it’s an extension that’s like a dock or something so what do we have get phone fixed at Tech hero I don’t know if I should start on the farm or go explore the town probably into town let’s be running along and then there’s a fox at the top of the road okay so here’s the map Farm parcel box Farm uh open shed is there like a fast travel there’s Tech hero open now open till 7 so I set a waypoint doesn’t seem to be directing me there access the world map oh it’s going to tell me move around the map select different map locations find out about them Place pins to make finding your destination easier thanks I thought I set a pin I do have a pin but I can’t ah it’s that little red circle I think okay sorry giving Forest [Laughter] Gump Jenna gets hit by a car game over now why did I even give that boy a lift if he going to go running all the way back to town like some kind of track star so we got to text now still on for lunch I’m on my [Music] way this looks great thank you eat the burger it’s not much but you can always count on me for a good burger and some grilled veggies and it looks like a great lunch are they a favorite you know not really no but they’re easy to make and bring back good memories how did you cook this it’s Smoky on the charcoal grill pretty common for vegetables here in Japan but Burgers not so much very common in the US though is that where you’re from yep couldn’t you tell by my accident I moved to Japan with my father when I was barely teenager you lived in the city though honestly I wish you’d taken us somewhere more like Sunnyside life’s what you make it I guess how long have you lived here been in Sunnyside about 15 years now how about you where are you from the capital ooh it’s a big change just a bit what were you doing before you bought that old overground plot like for work yeah uh I don’t want to talk about it I did some really bad things for money um Hitman On The Run retail office job why isn’t content creator here let’s just say we worked retail we’d had a enough of our soul crushing retail job the stress was getting to me oh definitely a big change then regretting the decision yet to buy the farm no I’m looking forward to the challenge and the new start ah so like our conversation picks our dialogue we’re getting pluses and he likes hard work and you know you aren going to last as long as the others so by me being like no I’m up for it I’m not regretting it gave us plus so I assume if we said we were scared or not liking it we would have got minus relationship you going to need all the help you can get luckily Sunny side’s full of good people you’ll find your way that’s kind of you to say oh when I first moved here gosh back when Lucy was no taller than my knees I’ll tell you this property was a mess former owners abandoned it towns folk were good to me really helped me fix the place up get started most of them have moved on now h I guess it’s up to me to help you then I I wouldn’t want to impose oh it’s the right thing to do well first two things you got to figure out of food and shelter going to take a little while for your first crop to come in you’ll probably need to get food from sackers for now or Naka you can also have forage for things like berries and mushrooms shelter you got that tent but it only last you so long we’re going to need to figure out how to get you a house next thing you want to figure out a water and electricity uh should I be taking notes sorry I guess I’m dumping information on you don’t want to overwhelm you how about we start you off with a small camping stove pretty sure you can get one from the outlet in higashi Outlet yeah a big appliance store they’ll have anything you need when it comes to Furnishing your uh tent I guess you know how to cook right yeah sort of I can make sandwiches all right maybe we should set you up for some cooking lessons with Hina just in case wait you don’t have a farming background do you no did you even bring any seeds no oh boy I’ll be right back that should help get you started potatoes what am I supposed to do with these well I can’t tell you everything now can I if you got the farming spirit in you you’ll figure it out and if I don’t well I guess you’re not going to last long no matter how much I have that’s reassuring got a good feeling about you morphe I think you’ll be fine is he I thought he was reading a book but I think he’s just on his phone definitely seems like the kind of guy to read like survival stories and like Special Forces books about snipers and stuff oh hi push her in the intrusive thoughts they win I didn’t realize anyone had bought the place come to think of it the tent was a little weird who’s this sorry who are you all right some random girl shows up at your tent I guess I’m Katherine Takahashi everyone calls me cat though hi cat pleasure to meet you nice to meet you too sorry for dropping in randomly it’s just this area is beautiful I like to come by and paint or do homework here it’s never been a problem cuz no one owns the place but I don’t want to bother you it’s no bother you’re welcome here anytime I didn’t say that thank you the breeze over that Hills just so refreshing I’m glad the view isn’t going to waste going to waste anymore my grandma was really good friend friends with the original owners a long time ago the kids moved away when I was little and I guess their parents passed away a few years back Grandma used to say they never showed any interest in the place and that the property wouldn’t stay in the family I guess she was right Natalie says that a lot of families have been leaving Sunnyside for better opportunities in the city not me though I love it here so peaceful same that’s why I moved here right exactly I’ll admit the trees don’t seem seem as vibrant as I remember and there aren’t nearly as many wild animals I guess even nature moves on but you haven’t moved on nope Sunny Side might not hold opportunities for everyone but there’s a lot here for me anyway you’re a farmer not exactly what do you mean this would be my first time you bought a farm but you don’t know how to grow anything yeah How brave I don’t know about that seems courageous to me thanks Gabe seemed pretty concerned he was helpful though I think he gave me some potatoes I’m not sure what to do with them Gabe gave you potatoes but didn’t tell you why such a jerk do you have any idea is a bit harsh had me around for lunch I should be defending his name here I can’t just let Gabe get dragged watch your mouth Catherine my guess is he meant for you to plant them I didn’t even know you could do how I didn’t even know you could do that yep I don’t really know anything else about growing potatoes though but I know a ton about growing strawberries we finished planting more for the season we have some extra seeds if you want them I can bring them by tomorrow morning on the way to class kind of you thank you crap I got to go I got an essay do tomorrow I haven’t even started it yet bye uh bye cat she’s interesting what are you doing little raccoon oh I don’t know why I didn’t expect to fall in there well I was trying to save the raccoon now I’m soaking oh no this is how I jump but I did the masculine slider all the way into the masculine I’m a manly masculine of masculin nness I can’t jump like this [Laughter] I can’t be seen frolicking in my Fields like this I’m a manly man Harry Potter and the frolicking in the [Music] fields imagine if the slider like did actually change how you jumped and walked and stuff it’ be great um what are we doing get phone fixed plant potatoes right let’s go up to the farm let’s plant these TT now let’s work it out digging Fork is probably where you want to start but you’ve got to get rid of all of this long grass before you can part your potatoes why did you stop I’m still pushing the button right here and you’re not hitting grass Dancing Queen you’re the dancing queen why I don’t know why it’s not doing anymore there we go to reselect it we’ll grow the potatoes up here don’t oh there we go I was just going to say I don’t seem to be collecting anything for doing this and we got some grass in our pocket this would be helpful hey suffers of which I am one and every time I sneeze it makes me unreasonably angry I used all of my energy oh but wait it’s coming back up it’s not like a daily stamina thing it’s slowly going b b b here we go [Music] dig dig so what did he give me in terms of potatoes only two so how do I can’t put them in there plant a potato plant okay and then probably water it man it’s getting dark for 400 p.m. I know it’s spring but okay there we go that’s how you watered I wonder if I can make it to the phone shop in time where is uh okay that’s where my well I did that really far from I Didn’t I thought my house was by the shed for some reason I wonder if I can get a car or some sort of vehicle would be interesting I’ve kind of like kept half an eye on this one but as always with games I like keep an eye on them but then unless I’m posting about them I kind of just leave them so I can experience them blind and fresh for a playthrough this hasn’t been one that I’ve been like digging into so it’s all going to be new to me I I genu I don’t know if there’s romance I don’t know if there’s cars I I don’t know what there is I will be digging into it later today though cuz I’m making a video for the Tik Tock so I thought I would record my fresh first look before I do anything else is that my Waypoint I think it is this is the store [Music] door oh hello again hello hero how was the property awesome it’s going to be tough to bring back to life but I’m looking forward to the challenge great I wish I hadn’t missed the toy yesterday I didn’t realize there wasn’t a house on the property that’s H I know it’s not much but I could fix your phone free of charge maybe help there you go fixed I gave you some free apps too they should help keep you organized and such Why You installing spyware on my phone one of them is actually a utilities app that I should have given you when you bought the land it’ll help you keep track of water and electricity technology comes easy to me if you ever need anything come to Tech hero see you around can I have one of these ring lights cuz I think I’m going to have more success dancing on the internet for money than uh planting potatoes I got to say buddy what else do you sell in here copper wire mini computers plastic battery boosts drone modification drone stuff thermal imaging drone camo huh I guess we can get a drone oh goodbye running a homestead requires utilities like water and electricity these natural resources provide necessary infrastructure to your farm can be track through your utilities app as you gain experience running your homage you discover new ways to collect these Val of resources some new methods may include BL and water turbines for electricity water pumps irrigation the more you build the more you learn probably should have paid more attention to that I have a habit of reading tutorials like out loud to you but they don’t they go into my brain you’re like yeah morph we know we watch you you see how things go what me clueless unheard of Frolic in these fields look at this beautiful frolicking [Music] 100% this is a do not go on the grass situation like if you right click when you jump you can do a little spin oh someone’s coming can’t be seen FR King huh and then they said what a manly man you are hello hey hi new in town or just visiting new in town bought the Old Farm oh one next to the post office so we’re like neighbors neighbors yeah I work at the post office across the street oh cool we should hang out sometime oh uh that sounds nice got to go text me uh okay immediately my avoidant side comes out and I’m like no we should hang out sometime no making no plans I’m busy I’m booked up like if someone said that to you that quickly would you not just instantly be like what do you want what is this some kind of prank some kind of Ploy everyone wave to Gabe what are you pulling here huh me receiving compliments raccoon didn’t mean to jump on your back my darling just excited to see you as I tuck in for the night at 8 p.m. sleeping is used not only to progress in the next day but also when your game is saved interact with your tent you’ll be able to build a new Sleeping Point any you choose your property you’ll always wake up the place last s you going to sleep before pass [Music] out there we go our first night on our new land pastures new Fresh Life fresh milk just Gabe hey I’m back with those strawberry seeds great I can show you how to plant them if you like or do you think you can figure it out um pretty sure we’ figured out planting stuff right but help me anyway I have no idea what I’m doing see see what see what it’s like you know farming honestly it’s pretty simple if there are any weeds in your way clear them first they’re really just plants that will fight your strawberries for nutrients and water there any n in the shed cut them away using that once the weeds are gone loosen up the soil use a digging Fork it’s kind of fun plant the seed give it a good watering add fertilizer too if you want get that from what tab store well that’s it now you just wait water it every day if you forget and miss a day might be all right miss too many plant will get stressed out and dry up and it’ll die that’s bad yeah it’s bad but once it grows some fruit you can pick it and eat it even better some plants give you the ability to grow more plants later like strawberries dry them out collect the seeds use those seeds more strawberries I’ve heard there are also plants that like have flowers that produce seeds grandma called it the seeding stage I got no idea I’ll have to try it and that’s what’s neat about strawberries they won’t produce fruit in the fall in the winter but if you leave the plant it will start producing again in the next year plants come back the next year only some of them they’re called perennials you have to be careful when you plant those they’ll kind of be around forever Grandma used to say every pant was different and had its own personality farming sounds hard I think it just takes patience a willingness to fail you’ll get it I can’t wait to see how they turn out there we go just speed read the tutorial strawberries are versatile they’re great and baked goods when you harvest your first batch you can make some strawberry muffins never had a strawberry muffin you need to get some flour and sugar from y down at the Mill I guess you could also put them in a nice salad like the one Grandma used to make I can take do the recipe later wait you still don’t have a house it’s been a day you’re like surrounded by trees build one I wouldn’t even know where to start I don’t have an axe good point that NATA definitely won’t be able to handle trees maybe Master Ishikawa could help he’ll talk your R off best avoid him for now I think hero will be the best place to get started I heard Natalie talking about some new project hero was working on she said it was for some big Architecture Firm in the city something to do with building planning honestly I zoned out but I know hero is always looking for people to test his crazy inventions ask him did you finish your paper yeah it took me all night but I got it done I don’t want to be late for class good luck with the stobs what’s your best favorite way to have strawberries I would honestly just dip them in Sugar I I would done that for a while now i’ do it to avoid the sugar to be honest but only way I’ve ever had them or like squeeze some honey on them or something just good on their own really strawberries I always just buy apples cuz it’s kind of like the easiest way to have some fruit though cut them with a knife have it in slices can’t really buy into them find it like hurts get stuck in the teeth and all that but sitting with an apple cutting slices off with a knife plus you feel cool doing it you know oh I should plant these strawberries actually um I will put strawberries here by the S side for now oh we have 10 strawberry seeds hang on I guess I better clear a thing she’s Tex uh this is morphe right yep great it’s cat I forgot to tell you about Sunny seed it’s a super awesome company that sells seeds online in case you don’t just want not to grow strawberries and potatoes how do I get [Music] that also I’ll send it to you they also just released a companion app so look up the information on seeds AR in season great thanks end of [Music] conversation a plot for strawberies to grow on my farm you are the strawberry Queen my long and lean in the farming scene hry Harry Potter in the strawberry seeds that’s that’s not 10 I can count okay so we do this plant it that’s your phone put your phone away this generation honestly can’t focus on even planting some seeds for 2 minutes without pulling that thing out of your pocket I’m talking about your phone [Music] you know what I like about the hose is that it just sprays everywhere because it’s kind of annoying right these days the kind of like walk up to something click water click water click water like that actually is such a dated way of doing it so I appreciate their little call out of like what is this the EO period with a watering can and because you would just do this and it works great in terms of the game just being enjoyable and relaxing and chill and not um yeah like the Click wait for the animation The Click wait for the animation I get that there is kind of a um meditative property to that that can be enjoyable if you enjoy those games big like back in the day my introduction to farming games was Harvest Moon on the like Super Nintendo and I loved that I loved to chop the trees clear the farm water the crops everything else but we have moved on and games like that do exist and in a game like this I’m happy to just grab the hose spray it everywhere and then move on so thank you for that Forest gumping just imagine just seeing someone sprinting at you who you good Gabe what’s up man you poo yourself you have an accident buddy are you walking like that sort of seemed like you’re a frolicing like me animals are so much happier on days like this how about you what about me I’m always happy right Gabe AKA e or oh bother actually my favorite voice to do when I was reading the wi the Pooh book I wish more Winnie the Pooh books were in public domain there’s like I think I’ve read all of the Winnie the Pooh stories that I can read and put out on the main podcast without it being on the patreon and I didn’t do a full Winnie the Poo voice which is funny because everyone says the old lady voice sounds like Winnie the Pooh but also I didn’t want to do that I felt like if I tried to do a Winnie the Poo impression that guy’s voice acting is so perfect that it just wouldn’t compare so I just did like a general kind of I would think are wi the Poo voices which is hard when you’re doing a book for such an iconic character because an audio book um because you you feel like people are going to disconnect if you’re not doing the voice like at some point I’m about to start two towers and like Golem’s going to pop up you know like am my but it’s for sleep so I’m going to have to find some sort of way to do a sleepy voice that sounds like Gollum um you know but e or I did do like a all kind of like there cuz that’s like easier to do and get the vibe of than like doing a full we need the pool kind of thing hello hey do you live around here yeah you a tourist can I help you with something no I just moved here yeah by one of those old Farms I did cool hope it works out for you thanks I live across from the mill if you ever want to hang out I’ll keep it in mind you should meet everyone right that’s on my podcast by the way down to sleep where I read audio books that’s what I’m talking about you can get it for free on Spotify everywhere you get Podcast it’s got two YouTube channels we just hit 100K on the second Channel got another play button coming wow someone needs to clear these Pebbles out man people are slipping uh it’s got down to sleep and down to sleep extra and there’s a patreon where you can get all of the recordings like Twilight and house moving castle and Lord of the Rings and everything hey hi name’s Ryan hello Ryan I’m new to town oh but you bought that property by gab’s place I did it’s great he could use a neighbor see you around good luck with the farm this meeting everyone yeah I guess cuz like mainly people are going to be listening to it in bed also like I haven’t done that voice on there yet like you’re trying to sleep Hello darling Hello I’m old lady be like sir we trying to sleep here oh there you are so we’ve already met but we haven’t met hello hi are you lost no it’s all right if you are it’s common for people to wander into Sunnyside by accident it’s not like that no no I just moved here I bought the farm near the post office that’s right I see well if we’re neighbors it’s only right I offer you assistant should you need it sorry if you need guidance you can call on me thank you you’re very welcome have a good day hideo where’s the clothing store that’s really what needs to happen is get me out of these shorts honestly won’t somebody get me out of these clothes already new song unlocked so we got to attend the Farmers Market on Sunday day it’s not Sunday today though can I GTA a car let’s take a look in here in the shop Let’s explore the town and see what’s going down in the town Sunnyside town you can use the vending machine if you know what I mean that’s not an inuendo I’m just really Keen to get some snacks hello well if it isn’t the young farmer hello farmer hi you’re at the auction right that’s right my name is Sako I’m on the sunyside Town Council that makes sense it’s nice to meet you I’m morphe lovely to meet you it’s nice to have a fresh face in Sunnyside you’re never too old to have purple hair I really hope you make magic with that land you bought uh Magic sure bringing life into the world and caring for it it’s pretty magical don’t you think I hadn’t thought of it that way anyway welcome in my shop anytime thanks see you okay what a cute little local store we have jams and Breads and vegetables and welcome so looks like ingredients for cookie romance chocolate this is definitely chocolate given as a sign of romantic interest on Valentine’s Day parmesan wedge show you tamari sources sleeping bag cardboard [Music] potato okay lots of different things here oh sorry [Music] goodbye food shop people along here is this where people fish [Music] hi hello so Gabe’s my dad oh okay you’re our new neighbor yep I was wondering if he was a dad when he was like when Lucy was this High I was like who’s Lucy In My Head you know I thought he’s probably a dad what happened to Mom that’s the question I hope you like animals why we have a lot of them okay bye I love animals did you know clouds are snow I thought they were water I mean okay some clouds are made of ice crystals and some are water but they’re always snow to me I think Lucy might be on the Spectrum and I love it spring allergies kill me anti-histamine and to battle congestion caffeine peels peels caffeine pills to battle of drowsiness I actually took my first anti-histamine of the Season yesterday you can probably hear I’m like just a little bit today I went out to the Ducks yesterday and it was raining it was beautiful but um yeah sniffly I might have over done [Music] it literally me I managed to to not sneeze when I’m out and about I mean I got some loud sneezes at some point we graduated to the dad sneeze and so I don’t really want to be doing that at the pond and scaring them but yeah it was so busy the goslings are getting so big there’s three swans left three baby swans from a from a brood of six so many goslings and they are huge I’m going to post it on my my Instagram um and whenever you see this video you can see it cuz I have a highlight called Ducks which is just my obsession and adventure with the duck the local Ducks near me and the foxes and the birds and anything else that I see that’s Wildlife related to Ducks but it’s just under Ducks cuz that’s always how I talk about it and yeah they grow so quick and they look like they don’t look like Canadian geese yet they still look kind of fluffy but not they’re just like these Brown dinosaur looking things I was surrounded by the pigeons and had like four malards circled around me and it’s one of those times where you know that oh wait I’m like starving I need food run back to the shop well you know when you like throw the food out you’re just going to be absolutely swarmed and I was like trying to get it to the ones that seem to be ostracized I always like to feed those ones so there’s like two ponds and at one of the ponds um the swans have taken over but like one Goose lives there as well and all of the other geese live in this other pond at the moment whereas usually they go between them but I think whilst the swans are in that pond they they’re very kind of aggressive in saying like this is our territory stay away when they were first there they were doing this thing they do this thing called busking when like the male swan really aggressively like patrols the pond and he kind of like dips his head into himself and his wings go up it’s crazy to see and chased all of the geese off but there’s this one Goose that still lives there on this other pond so I was feeding him or her yesterday I’m just kind of like I’m like oh you’re the little Outcast you know I got to take carry [Music] you let’s see how do I eat do I have to like put it on my thing how how ah there we [Music] go drink puffy sticks wonderful let’s explore a little bit more meet some more people I like the nighttime Vibes don’t usually get nighttime Vibes in a in a farming game like they just go it just goes dark and it’s like time to go home but this really feels like you could take an evening stroll and go and do things and meet people and it’s nice you know like an evening walk [Music] sometimes but you can tell when you’re feeding them like some will just go straight in like you can see the hierarchy some you even with the pigeons with the malards with everything like they’re like thear area and they’ll like Chase the others off and some have just learned to like stand back and not get the food so I always try and throw it out to them because I think like you’re probably starving and other people might not notice and they might just feel the ones that come up to them so I want to make sure that they all get fed hey my name is myumi Ard pleased to meet you I’m Mor just want to say I’m happy you decided to move here thanks it’s a nice little town you’ll love it if any of the residents give you a hard time let me know that’s not going to happen of course but just in case I’m the only doctor in town if you need anything the clinics on the Main Street can’t miss it thank you remember it’s important to maintain your health don’t wait until there’s a problem feel free to come for regular checkups are we flying I mean I will thank you I like to do yoga in the park across the street in the morning right you’re welcome to join or just watch sorry that’s very kind thank you doctor please call me myumi all right see you around we want to kiss right [Music] now cat he bun oh cute little or Tre she was flirting with us right it’s not my imagination what’s this this looks cute is this a bar a restaurant ah wow tough uh uh tough going huh gash upon five [Music] Kus okay what have we got whatever we get I’ll get a tattoo of oh it’s a drone skin what the hell oh give me something good whatever I get I’ll get a tattoo of drone charm give me something cute whatever I get I’ll get a tattoo of right okay this is a waste of my time I also wasn’t going to get a tattoo I have no tattoos can I play the never fret Pub an arcade can we play please oh my god this is my favorite I spent so long playing crane game in Yakuza I love crane games and games and games and games and arcades and games [Music] a come on man crane games would be so good in real life arcades but you know what they I don’t know if you’ve been in one recently they’re so expensive it’s like $5 to $10 for like two goes on the crane it’s ridiculous because you know you’re not going to win too you can’t play these ones damn only crane game I don’t want to I will spend all of my money I need to leave before I do I guess they’re not [Music] open no one in here can I just like go into people’s houses knock [Music] knock wow nice [Music] house wow nice bed who would live in a house like this oh I oh stuck [Music] okay one of those little towns where no one needs to lock oh well they’ve locked their door okay that’s Point proven Force isn’t it oh definitely nothing wrong with a guy just sprinting at you at full speed in the middle of the night hello hi you know that new farmer everyone’s been talking about oh no people are talking about me I guess so great to meet you name’s melody hello Melody our characters so dry nice to meet you I’m melody hello Melody I own that hael on a Main Street you ever need a trim or a glow up or just a good chat you come see me yeah okay thanks don’t mention it stay [Music] safe there’s got to be a cloth shop somewhere I mean it’s probably closed now it’s 9:20 we should be getting back I think we’re going to pass out I should have just looked at the map but it’s fine it’s nice to just explore and see what we find rather than check the map every time time to Forest Gump at home we do really we really really run like Forest Gump and I love it one of the greatest movies pretty sure this is the [Music] way can anyone else just like not hear anything but Dancing Queen when this is playing now I feel like it’s the exact same cord progression got to get back before we pass out can’t be passing out in town what will the neighbors say then all sorts of scandalous things got to be the worst thing about living in a small town that’s all I ever hear from people who have lived in small towns when you ask about small town living they’re like everyone knows your business hate it everybody knows your business and I don’t like it you know they say sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name well I sure don’t hey hi I’m Passa hi P what’s your name morph great to meet you thanks what brings you here I bought the Old Farm that place hero was auctioning off yep great for you welcome to town anytime [Music] well get back to Forest gumping now like I do my walk all the time and I start have started to see the same people all the time in particular there is like a person and like sometimes another person on this bench on the way and they’re always there like I see them so often that I’m like you must sort of work right near here and this is where you go every time you have a break for like a sneaky schmoke break but you’re always there when I walk past like nine times out of 10 and I’m now feeling like I don’t like how much you’re seeing me walk past and knowing my schedule you know and I walk back at all different times I’ll go whenever like I might finish this recording and then I’ll have something to eat and I’ll go for a walk and see the Ducks and then come back just like a quick hour if it rains I’m going to go cuz I love it when it rains cuz no one else is around it’s quiet anyway I’m like in a pretty quiet Village but it’s just I like it when I have it completely to myself when it’s raining and I can kind of chill out more like when people it’s I know it makes me sound bad but like when people other people are there especially with kids and stuff it’s like not as relaxing it’s not chill when they’re like chasing the pigeons or whatever mostly the kids are well behave but it’s just like I much rather have it all to myself um so anyway I always see this girl like sitting there having having a smoke break and it’s like I don’t it’s you know and I always just throw on the same outfit I just have this same hoodie that I wear cuz I’m just going for a walk I you know it’s not a fashion show and also I’m not going to lie I I don’t even know if they see in color but I just want I’ve been wearing the same one like since I’ve been going for the year because I want the animals there to recognize my silouette and just that it’s the same outfit so they can kind of recognize me as the person that goes there like every day and feeds them I don’t even know if that works but it work you know in my head it does so that’s why I just and I like that hoodie and it’s easy to throw on and I’m comfortable in it so and I’m like you can’t be seeing me this that this is the main thing I’m like you can’t be seeing me this often and I’m always in the same clothes okay like this is I have other clothes but but you’re just seeing this one hoodie and like I’m they must think it’s like The Truman Show like I’m an MPC at this point in their Truman Show walking past at the at the same same time every time you know like Anyway totally uh avoidant Tendencies on occasions where it’s just now I want to walk a different way and when I see you it’s like oh god there they are again I’m in the same you [Music] know all right everything’s watered we need to talk to Hero at Tech Hero Let’s go man I got some Rambles today huh it’s been a while since I played something where I got to ramble I feel like the last few videos have been really game focused cuz they’ve been you know story games spooky games which is good sometimes I’ve kind of been in a place recently with recording where I didn’t really feel like I had much to talk about so it was I was very happy to have games like that where we could just focus on the game but I I I hoped people didn’t miss Rambles too much I just haven’t felt very rambly until today in this game been a bit burnt out to be honest with you had a lot of work on recently and done a lot of stuff so that’s why it’s been a bit kind of maybe not as great but you know it’s you can’t and just for this is a message and also for like something that I saw which I’m taking on board and is relevant to this game is that like different plants and things in nature aren’t don’t bloom all the time and they don’t Bloom every season all year round so you shouldn’t expect that of yourself either you know Bloom sometimes and in the offseason it’s okay to have your little off seasons and not be forever flowered but it’s it’s hard I am someone that likes to be at 100% giving my all all the time maybe May if I wasn’t doing three or four channels and projects that would be easier but I just want to give my all all the time hey hey people pleasure what you doing so it is what it is man like to work hard and try hard and it’s not even cuz I feel pressure from people cuz you guys are always telling me like chill out and I’m like no don’t know how hello hi hero how’s the farm I wanted to talk to you about that oh I wanted to add some buildings to the land cat said you’d be able to help of course she did was she wrong not exactly it’s just technically no one’s supposed to know about it Natalie must have told her I’ve been working on a prototype survey drone that uses AR to plan large building projects I call it the aerial building assistant or Abba Abba Dancing Queen Abba am I psychic it sounds pretty cool it needs a lot of testing though I could help I don’t exactly love sleeping in a tent I know what you mean it’s not really designed for small property give me a phone why I’m adding an app it’ll allow you to interface easily with the Drone open the app the interface will allow you to control the Drone this will help you plan out where you want to build oh I nearly forgot you need a laptop you just gave me a laptop uh the laptop completes the system you can’t use the drone’s build mode without it only problem is I don’t have any blueprints they’re added by the architecture of the project I’m not really an architect you’re not no but Philip hang is really he used to be his house is a bit hard to find let me see your phone I’m pinning his house on your map your phone’s fully connected to Abba anytime you place a pin on your map the Drone will something what does it mean you’ll see there’s a few modes free fly building I add more later hope you don’t mind bye bye I got it it’s a drone can I like just I wonder if there is is there even a clothing panel don’t tell me I’m in these clothes forever please how do how do clothing probably got to buy a wardrobe or something [Music] so anyway point being I’m glad to play this today and I’m glad that it’s bringing out some Rambles about stuff cuz I’ve missed just hanging out and talking with you I uh yeah just I know sometimes you just burn out and don’t want to chat I [Music] guess let’s say hello wait I’m morphe and uh do you like need something no I was just introducing myself I’m uh nude Sunny Side that sucks good luck or whatever wait are you going to tell me your name nope bye wow I mean girl Alexa to play romantic [Music] music hey hi skinny Seth Rogan do you live in town I do something I can help you with I just moved here oh hey welcome to Sunnyside thanks I own the only bar here in town called The Never frat it’s on Main Street drop by sometime anytime we walk on the voice it’s fine please drop by literally nobody’s ever [Music] here all right let’s take a look at the old Mappy poos oh oang estate there it is so I’m like close to it isn’t that who I wanted to go see how do I set away point it’s not oh wait it said set way point hang on I see it I see it I’m by the salon Melody’s home well they’re just giving away everyone’s information here I don’t see anything that says clothing shop I swear to God if there’s no clothes in this sunny side but there has to be there’s no way oang estate wayo there we go I think it’s this one [Music] we going to be in here M it’s big old fenced off area isn’t it hello hey there hello I’m Stephanie thank you I bet you’re a new farmer huh I am awesome hope everything is everything you’re hoping for hello o bang one Kenobi anybody home I’m not good enough friends to enter the room yet wow boundaries Finish the build station blueprint let’s see we have attend the farmers’s market here I said it would project a blueprint for me to finish I guess that’s what this laptop’s for it’s sako’s birthday on Friday the farmers market is on Sunday for the kindness of strangers no messages or nothing just take pictur CU whenever we want [Music] they with the beautiful pink Cherry [Music] [Laughter] bossom oh and we can do photos like this too cool you can switch him around I like that [Music] let’s see what else is going on then uh uh uh uh uh uh uh the salons there maybe they have clothes in the salon Town Hall blacksmith Clinic Pub Park [Music] what’s this what’s that mean Oak and Waters like an onson or something what is what is this what is this I do not know Sunnyside prominade mechanic Bait and Tackle okay that’s [Music] fishing as’s my farm the post office groceries none of none of this caves none of this is looking like clothes is it let’s try the salon should be right next to it if I was a salon where would I be cutting edge saling this way there it is how can I help you get a haircut no change my mind bye all right let’s go Frolic our way home maybe clothes are like rewards maybe once I build a home maybe I’ll be able to order stuff wait let me see the apps actually to-do list plant daddy what why is the app called plant daddy companion I don’t want an app called daddy companion on my phone this makes it look like something else drone cool I’ve never flown a drone I would crash it let’s be let’s be honest oh look it’s the mean girl just like hey what’s all this noise out here what’s going on okay oh out range so we got to I got to be at my land to do it all right let me drone it up here then drone in so we go up and then two I guess is build oh all right stick path stick fence stick Garden barrier so this is what’s currently in the Drone for building stuff we can also do camera mode mode drone thought I got skins there we go thought it’ be red put a little snowman on the top why not okay I don’t think this is actually what I was supposed to do I think I I think I was supposed to go find o bang but he wasn’t at his home so I’ll have to do that I think it says finish build station blueprint am I in my shed what hang on let’s see let’s see here now huh oh oh oh no right cool cute crafting gotcha Crafters companion 2.0 and cash Battle Pack oh yeah I forgot it said about battles what are the battles going to be like all right great let me hit an early snooze and sleep cuz I need to like make some food and then we’ll come back and we’ll carry on sleep all right we are back back back back back in Action back after a snack look how gorgeous that looks that view up there in the plants like the trees and everything it’s nice isn’t it so I just had to um make the Tik Tok for this that’ll be going out as a sponsored thing so I was using some of the fge that I had already done and I’m pretty sure I’m pretty sure and if it’s true you guys are going to roast me for it in the comments as you always do I’m pretty sure there was a button to change the body size and height and stuff I I was going I went back and I used some of the footage from what we had done already like my character creator to um to make the video and I saw a little button that had like a body I don’t know how I I don’t know how I miss this stuff when I’m actually playing I have like a 24-in screen I prefer 24in screens to the 27 29’s like I I like that side because I’m quite close on my desk to it but maybe it’s still maybe it’s too big and I’m too close and I’m missing things or I’m just blind I don’t know I’m an old bear guys I don’t know what to tell you I don’t pay attention too busy rambling about life fox fox fox come here Mr Fox I wonder if we can tame you come here I want a fox friend it just disappears better be a way to uh feed wildlife in this or something so let’s um wait I think I can just order seeds and stuff on here hang on not plant daddy if you want to do some farming yeah okay let’s get some potatoes let’s get some bunching onions some chives strawberries we’ve done let’s get some cucumber only spring summer autumn I mean that’s fine I don’t know how deep we’re going to get into it look at so many crops and I know from making that Tik Tok that there are 130 different crops believe that and 30 romanceable companions crazy feel like every character we’ve met so far is probably remble corn purchase grow fruit wait what ah this is summer oh okay so I just want to get those okay try Royal highest quality seeds delivered to your door for free spend a th000 more to join your order is on the way um all right what’s the weather going to be light rain today it’s not raining today here nope let’s see when the delivery comes [Music] watch the body button have all the clothes and stuff and like now I’m just stuck like this cuz I don’t pay attention looking like a Countryside Harry Potter I wonder if it’s like next day delivery [Music] H chop should probably start trying good stuff oh we go just take these first two though cuz I kind of like them being like a boundary line and let’s see what we have in our joural joural ah talk to Phillip at hosi Woodworks that’s where I was supposed to go hosi Woodworks is is hosy hosy Hy wood works there okay did I go to the wrong place [Music] before and I saw making video that you can get a bicycle so I’m looking forward to that though it is quite cute just Forest gumping everywhere running down the middle of the road in the countryside running probably feels really good if you’re fit you know there’s probably something about running that just Taps into this part of your brain that’s like yes this is how we used to get around running everywhere this is how we hunt and gather I I’ve gone too far haven’t I have [Music] I uh no keep going um but it’s not for me I’m too oh hello game there we go rose up far too Too Tall and to to be running it’s you know pretty nice breeze today perfect for drone testing same with bike riding I’ve said it before I look like Donkey Kong and Mario Kart on that hello okay so talking to people each day unless there’s something to say doesn’t seem to do the automatic like push the relationship up [Music] it’s like a sort of garden center but I bet it feels [Music] good different kinds are working out for me and frolicking this is this is this is what’s for me not running frolicking this is how I get around why that’s why I don’t like that the girl keeps seeing me on the way to the pond CU this is how I get [Music] there I feel like this is where I went before and they just weren’t home or did I go in the I think I went into that house and I was supposed to go here yep what can I help you with I’m looking to add some buildings to my property hero gave me a cool drone to help me plan but you need building blueprints if you’re going to plan anything is that about right right and he mentioned I used to be an architect right good old hero always looking out for everyone I can help name is Phillip I don’t have a bunch of Farm building blueprints lying around I’ll need some time although when we first moved to town I was inspired by that old Tea House on your property tea house yeah it’s a bit ruined now it used to be quite lovely I messed around with making a blueprint of it years ago let me see if I have it around here there we go I made a few small design adjustments but it was good practice for me in my younger years seeing it built would be nice everyone in Town’s being so kind thank you so much Phillip it’s my pleasure we like to help folks around here even if there are fewer to help every year I’ll start drawing up some ideas for you first few are on the house happy to support your business designing buildings isn’t my business I’m a carpenter so when you need processed lumber for those builds come to me don’t go chopping down any cherry trees around town though I don’t have an axe I don’t process metal go see Master ishala the blacksmith oh we saw him but I didn’t speak to him pin it see you later nice D [Music] buddy that might me just having a look at what you’re working with here seems pretty cool to me all right black Smith is over there so automatically put it a pin for me [Music] lovely making my way to see the blacksmith going to get an axe to chop some trees with does blacksmith rhyme with with I think it might do if you feel feeling blue do a little song and a rhyme it’ll make you feel better in no time sing your worries H yourself sorry control myself just for someone who doesn’t like musicals I am too much like a musical character at times surely got those Disney princess Vibes apparently if my messages are anything to go by every time I post my swans and duck interactions people are like e Disney princess like yeah I am blushing Emoji me rests chin on hands and curls hair and flicks feet around for being a Disney [Music] princess H good how can I help you Philip said you were the to see for forged metal hello been oh God hello wow that one doesn’t get as much use as the old lady does it bit Rusty are you he would be correct good man Phillip how does this work quite simple really bring me raw metal ore and I will smelt it into whatever shape you want sometimes I even have already made pieces available they are might more expensive sounds easy enough I don’t suppose you have an axe for sale I do not oh I have a machete order was cancelled after I’d made the Billet oh how much for a young farmer looking to live an honest life no charge my gift to you really yes helping you start your journey would be an honor it’s not the strongest cutting Shore it can’t handle the hard of wood but it should provide you with a good start if you’d like anything more durable I’ll need time and materials like raw metal or correct but where do I find that oh now you’re asking the right questions is a nwork of abandoned caves near Old Hana Gardens rich with all occasionally I will venture in there oh that oh shut up boy it’s me it’s my line occasionally I will venture in there myself for a bit of mining I even have a spare pickaxe you can have you know a few industrious companies from the city try to turn those old caves into mines metal you know one of the oldest and most important materials in the history of the earth my own family’s been smithing in sunish light for eight Generations father’s a Craftsman and father for him stay in listen time to go all stay in listen as much as I was thinking yo old man stories that’s so interesting oh I think so yes it would be nice to hear the history old or land their family originally owned that land of yours but the last of them past years ago has WR the property de to town ownership and quite a few owners since now it’s you now it’s me you seem unsure I guess which seems you’ll soon find out have you met my lovely wife I’m not sure find any gemstones in those caves give them to CH she’s the best Jeweler if she likes you she might take custom orders thanks very welcome I hope you’ll come back and chat with me right there we go pickaxe added we got a machete they called him machete let’s see what we have now machete if I want an axe I need ore guess I’ll get to go check out those caves as it added it we did see them before for the old cave post there we go has been added good we’re doing a lot today running to the caves hanging out in caves instead of raves I’m a young person with a dream trying to make my life trying to make it better trying to farm trying to get weather here in the country side I wish I had a cow that I could get milk from these are some pretty Gardens here but but but but beautiful hello hi who might you be I’m morph oh new neighbor that’s right new customer uh where are my manners my name is soda my wife and I own lady ladybugs Delight oh farming tools you can come by the shop any anytime tools seeds Plants garden decorations come and see scoo the cave should just be up here exploration points 108 XP to the next level I think where is it this [Music] road also like my shoes kind of the tan bit at the front makes it look like my toes are poking out which I hate oh is it up through [Music] here this totally looks like the start of a horror movie if I if someone tried to take me here in real life I’d be like I’ve seen The Descent are you insane this is how accidents happen I’m just a boy I can’t go into an old mine oh and as the music faded away as did the light suddenly morphy lelay found himself in a deep dark cave oh I did not mean to almost run in there stay on the bridge dink I’ll add my own sound effects don’t worry about it so we get a cut scene of mining do we not actually mine sure oh what did I say dude Rumble Rumble Rumble Rumble Rumble Rumble Rumble I’m an idiot get to running why would you just stand there the heck someone call name on one is that my phone beep sound effects [Music] what what are you spa spa spa spark [Music] spark spark is that your name wow wow did you rescue me wow thanks I can’t believe that happened where did you come from Shu I see we should get out of here no oh my language systems have updated good you may leave but I must continue my mission wao whoo wait stop why this whole place is probably super unstable after that cayon if you mess with the walls it might make things worse you make a sound argument we should get out of here you can do whatever your mission is later a couple of days well probably days there is no way to know how long I’ve been inactive I refuse to wait another second why are you so cute stop you just agree this place isn’t safe you make a sound argument I know let’s get out of here ouch are you injured I think so are you scanning scanning scanning scanning scan and then just’s like this is just an another light it didn’t even do anything several of my systems are not working properly I believe we both need Medical Aid okay luckily I know a doctor the Clinic’s probably closed if I was out for a while I don’t get any service in here I’ll give her a call when we’re outside service yeah on my phone oh device in your pocket leave man hey what are you doing interfacing your friend is very interesting hey Sparky consent for you interface with my phone in my pocket primitive by my standards but impressive for humans I wonder how long I was caught in the rubble year 2020 that doesn’t mean anything look I don’t want to be in here anymore there could be another collapse or an Aftershock this is set in 2020 or you were in here in 2020 I don’t know can we go right yes do you require support that would help yes oh the lights have gone out not a problem spark is cute you’re lucky your injuries weren’t worse what were you doing in there what is that thing this is Sparky uh I am Sparky is it some kind of companion drone yeah right well you’re lucky you’re not dead and nothing’s broken I’ll give you some meds for the pain and some tea to help the healing they take it easy for a few days maybe stay out of the caves that’s the plan no wait we agreed it was too dangerous hey uh thanks I guess the mean girl is stuck an umbrella over me what’s what’s wrong with you right yes it’s late I need to sleep we’ll go back later okay your argument is sound Sparky cheeseburger robot friend [Music] good morning did you just watch me sleep of course not I went into low power to the caves Sparky no why do you want to get down there so fast what’s down there while we’re at it what are you I am spark attic survey drone number four my prime directive is to collect human intelligence to determine their nature their nature the nature of humans is to be studied data is needed my Prime director directive is to collect human intelligence to determine their nature Sparky uh Sparky are you okay what happened you went robotic what an odd feeling it seems what did you do to me me I didn’t do anything I remember nothing what do you mean how did you find me the earthquake what did you do did you touch me I mean I remember touching a blinking light robotic gosp you did I did what you rebooted my program I’ve never been so violent sorry it’s no laughing matter Sparky I’ve never been so violated what to touch a zans reboot button button unfathomable I didn’t mean it I should hope not sorry you should be now then seems you initiated my reboot sequence when you asked what I am and I suspect sitting in that Rubble did some damage that I’m unable to repair on my own how long was I in there your time system confuses me in the caves I’m not sure the tree we passed yeah is that kashiwa tree by the caves I think it’s called the cashew Shrine so yes it’s enormous yeah it’s probably been there for like a thousand years uh thousand ah thousand Sparky Sparky you’ve been here for a thousand years hero oh wao yeah Mike can you help sure what is that it’s uh it’s are you all right yeah it kind of died died we were talking and then the eyes went dark talking is it some kind of robot it’s said it was a Zant or whatever that is I haven’t heard of that brand you say it ran out of power it didn’t come with a charger no probably one of those knockoff Brands okay I might be able to think of something I’ll have to see what kind of charge board it has thank you hero no problem might take me a few days wow we just going to leave this thing here hero yeah there’s a red button near the base don’t touch it oh it’ll reboot all the programming and make it useless right bye you just found a crazy robot and you’re like here you go have this for a few days let’s see what you’re made of new friend friend well order and receive an axe I guess I have uh or now after being down there it was an O frolicking I know I think spring is my favorite time of the year new animals birds singing Chio starts throwing Flowers in her hair right why did I think this is barbecue what are you seing I am seeking an axe why won’t you make me an axxe you don’t have an option for an axe it’s probably under Services yes it is perhaps an ax I love this receipt This is So Co should off it for tomorrow what you think oh sorry I should have just walked into the L shelf door there [Music] [Music] day 28 there is still no sign of any clothes to buy anywhere little morphe on lel’s legs are [Music] sunburnt he is now known as the kid in the shorts look how pretty that is oh my [Music] gosh cute honestly I’m kind of happy that I missed the body button if there is the body button there because it’s given this character some character to be a little skinny Harry Potter like I dig it it’s fine anyone to talk to anyone new to meet what up Gabe oh so with you I do get a little plus by talking to you ah okay so just taking a little e on people does give you a little plus point for people you maybe for only romanes what’s that in the field are these your animals Gabe you got cows and pigs and geese the goose oh oh and chickens hi goose can we pet sh leimen no and a duck no luck catching them swans then a sheep a b a moomoo oh a baby MooMoo RM this could be ours this could be our I keep thinking the brown uh cows are like bears like in your peripheral looks like a bear doesn’t it you have a pond you have so much land Gabe mm whoa am I secretly a m look how fast I’m going oh no I can’t get out uhoh no I’m not kidding I can’t get out Gabe help me what is happening your Ponder is secretly a pinball machine damn it I had to return to last sleeping spot well order and receive an axe does that wait did that like rewind as in didn’t count my axe order no I did order it it’s midday I woke up at like 6 what’s this my seeds cool what’s happening what’s the beeping my phone what’s oh it’s this how do I just take quick move shift okay there you go what is my pockets full what are you doing why can’t I take the potatoes okay weird blink let’s get these planted then [Music] can this machete take out no okay switch to the old digging Fork we got some more potatoes to go in six Tes one two need to cut these energy what and I’m starving will my energy still go back up even though I’m really hungry slowly was that all that running am I not supposed to just Sprint everywhere me see damn oh I guess I’ll they did say there were like berries that I could live on right am I supposed to have found some oh it’s a sit down button hang on you just chill where you want cool do I have any food I guess I could take the tea good at that ah okay so we hold all and then we can rotate through stuff can I not take the tea maybe I can’t have it where are all the berries man’s hungry a it man needs a snack you get me starving marving oh this is going to be our tea house awesome ah I have to deposit this stuff for it to be built right okay so I’m going to need to get planks and stuff off of you I need to buy these things I suppose okay I’m just going to sleep I don’t really see anything that looks like oh wait consume I can eat grass I feel nauseated all right don’t eat the grass don’t eat the grass but I do have a little bit more energy now oh and there it goes there goes the energy oh I’m just going to sleep it’s a new dawn it’s a new day guess I’ll try not to run everywhere shave and sleep sorry just opening my phone and Tik Tok was still open uh updates to podcast Spotify [Music] turns press kit no nothing new 6 in the morning gosh it’s dark do I have a light Gabriel asks if I’m free today bro in love with me what’s up meet me in hi higashi right now yep where are we going I’ll tell you when you get here okay 6:00 in the morning dude I know we’re Farmers but [Music] please hopefully you’re going to buy me breakfast still starving don’t know why I thought sleep would fix it wow look at the sky look at the oranges oh my gosh there’s like a painting look that’s beautiful get the filter off okay let’s do a nonfilter one wow beautiful what about just one of these I’ve kind of thought about buying like a real proper camera I it came into me like when I was thinking about cuz I’ve been like pretty much documenting the wildlife growing up since spring but I feel like maybe I’ve left it too late now they’re not babies and stuff and everything’s just on my crappy phone but maybe if I get one then next time I want to like go on walks I can take it with me and take some nice pictures and stuff I’ve kind of always felt like I could get into photography but then I just don’t take enough time with stuff and it takes so much time and getting stuff developed so it’s one of those things where I’ll think I’ll get it and then I won’t use it so I be more thoughtful I guess cuz I also think about getting like an old kind of film camera like a super rate or something cuz that would be really nice and fun to do I don’t know man I like I pick up new hobbies all the time and then never do anything with them cuz I just work so much uh uh uh uh uh like it’s hard when your hobby is your work like I love recording stuff I love making audio books for you guys and I love making playthroughs I love making Tik toks and it’s only so many hours in the day oh is this for me [Music] nice oh wait hang on where’s thingy I thought I was I thought this Waypoint was to higashi where is he where’s Gabe uh higashi wait higashi is over here how do I get there he wants me to meet him in higashi what [Music] work on other things in the meantime take the bus to higashi I guess I’ll need to take the bus oh um where can I get the bus [Music] from and I keep telling myself I’ll take more time to do things and I mean I’m I’m still taking time for walks and the wildlife and that stuff really matters to [Music] me but uh yeah I guess there’s just busy periods and I’m one of these people where I never take anything for granted I always feel like my next video is going to be my last you know feel like the next job’s going to be the last job you never know how long things I don’t recognize this person to say hello to you will last oh no I do we have spok here in this world so I always just want to like make the most of it you know eventually the ride comes to an end uh bus stop bus stop bus stop ah I have to run all the way up there okay it’s completely the other direction which is probably why I work so hard a I enjoy it B I like to you know be of use and make stuff that pleases people and helps people and see it’s like this just I don’t know how these people do it where they like like these channels that put out like one video a month I’m like huh just every time I every time I upload as it is I feel like everyone’s going to forgotten me you know some some some ones do like a video every 2 3 months just how it’s very they’re very lucky that it works for them you know [Music] I think because I think a lot of my stuff isn’t me because I’m not on camera so it’s kind of I really live and die by like the quality of my last thing you know other people can just kind of be them but small price to pay for the anonymity of not my face not being on this video right now yeah brother anyway just rambling filling time as we run to the bus stop like why are you talking about this one shut up sorry let’s go get the bus [Music] well we’ve got an amazing robot who knows what else could be in this game I wasn’t expecting that travel to higashi kicha Ohio it’s probably a place called kicha Ohio in America since all of your town names are just named after other things uh London New [Music] York hey hey Gabe what’s going on text was kind of cryptic yeah it’s better that way you said something about outlets in higashi is that why we’re here uh no I just wanted to introduce you to someone right what is happening I mean Hello Gabriel how are you this fine day hey man good to see you and cut the crap this is uh this my friend [Music] Mor well any friend of the Dragon is a friend of mine don’t call me that idiot right sorry Dragon don’t push it right what’s up what can I do for you just wanted to introduce you to morphe’s new to the area understand got it if there’s anything you need that you can’t find come and ask my friend here maybe don’t ask too many questions right like what kind of things I don’t know stuff that’s not easy to find in Sunnyside like hey you’re still walking everywhere right yeah hey got any bikes only the one right now what’s wrong with it got some kid’s name carved into it man why don’t you just grind it off it’s too deep going to damage the frame oh you want it half price you’ll give it to me for free see as you can’t sell it anyway ah you always get me with that crap fine here you go I got a bike already you sure no problem thanks man see you around see you next time D Gabriel it’s just Gabe man right sorry wait what else can we buy from them b Shake in it got some more shady stuff there huh Gabe yeah who was that guy old friend why did you want me to meet him I know how hard life can be on your own promise I’d help you I know he doesn’t look like much but you got to have all the support you can get yeah I guess anyway you want somewhere to lock up that bike sure you can just stick some I’m sure you can just stick some bent rebar into the ground for now you good yeah I’m fine great I guess we should check that outlet out huh let’s go [Music] thanks for doing this yeah you don’t have to buy it for me it’s okay but it’s not like you have the money right yeah why have you been so kind to me I guess I don’t know maybe I feel sorry for you oh no that’s not it I relate that’s all I know how hard it is to set yourself up for Success the People The Sunny Side help me me so I’m passing it on speaking of which I’ll talk to H about getting you some cooking lessons thanks for the trip no problems hope you didn’t have any trouble with the bus it can be a pain but it’s kind of the only way to get to higashi Lucy takes it every day I think the Takahashi gos do too I found it okay good you shouldn’t have any problem getting back if I don’t know back here I don’t know you want to buy better appliances or clothes there’s also a pet rcy you might want to check out dogs are great for keeping foxes why would I want to keep foxes away if you’re interested oh I hadn’t thought about it good to know anyway more stuff to do in town see you around clothes clothes clothes I have $14 to my name but let’s hope we can buy some pants coming through sample movie name I’ve been wanting to see this for ages ah one ticket for sample movie name please let’s go to the cinema I want popcorn do you guys like buttered sweet toffee do you want to get a mix what do you want what do you drink I’m going to have a Diet Coke and a uh sweet and salt popcorn please thank you and a box of old teasers let’s go I’ve never used one of these before I’m a Country Boy how does one escalate just stand still maybe no that doesn’t work either ah terrifying man Japan Motif Graphics is that the latest quint in tantina I can’t wait I’m so sad that it’s not an actual working Cinema oh hopefully they like update that that would be so cool to go in and watch a little film right I love stuff like that in games [Music] this looks like clothes right Deon I’m Debon let’s [Music] go what do you got I need it yes $50 oh my gosh what people pay for clothes these days that’s not even expensive oh my God everything’s 50 get those toes out of here okay well now I have a reason to make some money short shorts what’s the shortest scar probably that one or I guess a dress would really be the shortest thing wouldn’t it that would be the shortest thing would be having nothing just my pants can I run around like this hey guys just embracing the uh country Vibe just trying to see what the different types of socks like oh God they’re terrible aren’t they [Music] [Laughter] he’s a pretty boy all right I’ll be back when I have money I [Music] guess what else is here deire real good films fantasy wait it says it as a shop real good films and Fantasy Records got got nudes what that’s got to be a noodle place what pain no attention to the fact I’m sprinting there I’m trying to get to the film place so is this the fil ah wait that’s the records this it says films open till 11 luxury Cinema available activities see a horror movie see an action movie see a comedy wait how do I maybe you have to come here on a date hey hello can I get a ticket there’s no vendor icon in here help me help me I want to see the cinema show me to me please I think it’s supposed to be this person but it’s not working there activities it’s my kind of my kind of place my kind of people I collect records sort of hobby that involves very little effort on my part and just literally buy stuff it’s perfect so I’m guessing this is where we buy new music to listen to and a record player cool I like that and we probably put it in our house listen to them okay what’s the nudes let see the other side of town do know it be great karaoke bar here would be dope Pet Rescue we can get a pet I didn’t even CL H he said there’s a pet rescue place um this is a noodle bar of course it is if you thought it was anything else that’s your brain not mine it’s udon it’s not ndon let’s see what the other ones are how cool to have like a city area in a game like this you know so vibrant okay so what kind of stuff can we buy in here uh kettles ovens for cooking freezers [Music] okay and then Pet Rescue I want to adopt a cat was that it what’s happening in there an argument of some kind you arguing about what pet to get $50 for a [Music] cat oh and they have different personalities and a dogs we need money it’s [Music] raining hey guys what’s up I’m Vlogging Here my first time in higashi it’s your boy it’s your boy first time farmer longtime content creator here on the streets look at people running from the rain they don’t know what we used to out here with the rain we loves it we likes it when it be raining um I’m going to be getting the bus back now to the farm and I’ll catch you guys up there hopefully I’m going to be what’s that you’ve noticed them outside Pet Rescue I’m going to be adopting some pets soon I catch you in the next episode make sure you hit that like And subscribe and check out the videos on the screen so we can go on another adventure together right now see you fam awesome almost died almost got hit by that car right so how do we what happens if I get hit by a car that’s not good okay let’s go I got to get the bus home a university but it doesn’t look like we can do anything in there should we go have a look whilst we’re here anyway and then where even is the bus stop I don’t know here go G she just realized what the thing saying the music is this the uni oh hang on building there’s a house icon a place of learning how do we get in I want to learn I want to do a learnings can’t even afford food Lear University you got any food in here can we just like go in here and buy food oh but you can’t buy anything yet that’s cool living Moss wall I like that you can even go in there though is this a vending machine oh but I can’t get to it what the hell [Music] Mirage I should just buy a bunch of snacks we’re not always hungry we’re probably going to sleep when we get in wait no that doesn’t help with food and I need to eat okay there we go perfect the snacks are super cheap so no reason not to really honestly perfect weather love the rain so much okay hey do you guys know where the bus stop is everyone’s a fig of my imagination this looks like a bus stop oh it’s a bike [Music] rack if I was a bus stop where would I be deep in the heart of hiashi nice dude cute little city nice I like it oh thought it was a cat it’s a raccoon so how do I uh take my bike out do I have to build the stand first is it in my phone for some reason no didn’t teach me about getting my bike what’s this it’s my parcel box but this isn’t my farm is it Farms further along uh where where am I where is my farm why is why do I have a farm box oh wait uh oh I’ve gone the wrong way campgrounds wait there’s all other stuff this way we have to go to the farmer’s market if I oh I’ll sort my bike out and we can come and explore this way maybe this is somewhere you can expand to why would I have a post box there I think I took a wrong turn is my like here no oh I’m just running along with the machete in my hands that doesn’t look good at 7:00 at night this be really fun to ride the bike now in the rain let’s get ourselves back I suppose if I wanted to fast travel I could just escape and do go last place slept but I’m forest gumping and amassing and running my way around it’s fine it truly is the dream to like be somewhere someday where I can have animals though but at the same time I want them to be semi- wild because I’m such a warrior and I will just worry so like I want Ducks but I want them to be like perhaps wild ducks if I can have a pond and attract ducks a family of ducks to it because if they’re mine I will just I just worry when I have a pet 24/7 worry worry worry what do I need an iron ah look bike nice that’s so cool so much quicker oh my gosh I can jump can pop a jump what do you call a jump on a bike just a jump I suppose or an ollie SC wait I can’t see where to put it back there it is sweet walking around Sunnyside can be timec consuming there are various forms of transportation you can use each vehicle requires storage on your main Farm before you can use it each vehicle has a storage compartment to carry extra items there’s a little moped some vehicles require charging between uses Cool time for the farmers market tomorrow our first one the first week complete after today okay attend the farmers’s market I wonder if I’m supposed to have grown something for him right like I’m a farmer now so I don’t just attend a farmer’s market without a harvest let me take this one my first vegetable all right we’re [Music] getting Gabe said you needed help Chef Nakamura who is this [Music] oh sorry he and I are in the kna the restaurant by the lake oh did Gabe give you my number he did sorry uh it’s okay I guess he said you wanted cooking lessons yeah that would be great good come by the necka I’ll give you a free lesson really yep end of conversation invite to hang out ask out romance already I got to go to the farmers [Music] market these people we’ve met so wait hang on if I just like click someone Yukio pinky I can just oh my God I can just ask anyone to hang out just like okay who be mean oh Melody the hair stylist ask out all right we’re going to be doing some of that all right farmers’s Market there were messages popping up and I don’t know where I’m supposed to read them said something about bring something like an open stool or something ah Sunnyside Council good morning don’t forget our twice monthly Farmers Market held today at II Park for a new farmer and empty Booth is waiting for you across from the Gazebo if you’re interested in selling your goods damn it I was supposed to grow something in my head I was like oh Farmers Market sounds nice walk around buy a bits you’re the farmer stupid you’re the one meant to be selling stuff oh nice little Farmers Market on a Sunday afternoon one play that is I don’t see farmers markets but I like have this habit of stumbling across like artisanal markets in places where they have um little arts and crafts there’s one like all the time in the village like it’s like every last Sunday or something and um there is one in another town I go to sometimes when I catch it at the weekends where they have like food and stuff and again it’s more like crafty things though than um farmer stuff but I guess they just show up to it it’s always like a dut thing like a fried dut one these places right wait this isn’t the right place o Park actually I think it’s literally just right there but I keep my bike with me anyway [Music] whoa that is an aggressive [Music] break check the map I can’t check the map whil riding a bike the hell really I have to get off the bike to check the [Music] map kna for cooking [Music] lessons ah it is further along okay I’m not crazy here we go how cute the little bike ringing there we go now I see a wayo look [Music] out how I masterfully dodged [Music] everyone hey R go oh it’s a beautiful day isn’t it perfect for gardening or fishing or going for a walk or a bit of rollerblading oh I’d love there to be roller blades in this I love days like this nothing like exercising in the Park roller skating is like why is that so attractive and ice skating like very attractive hobby don’t know don’t know why but there’s something about it it’s the look it’s the vibe it’s also like you going to have pretty good you going have a you have a good lower half if you’re in that all let’s be real um yeah I don’t know it’s cool chill Okay so we’ve got this must be Hena that’s NAA they’ve got a little thing the shabata mill is here the oak tree groceries place to just buy from everywhere all in one place everything everywhere all at once chicala jewelry get some popcorn Mind If I Do every two weeks Sunnyside holds a community Farmers Market a stool has been set aside for you to sell your goods Place whatever you’d like to sell and Booth storage open your booth for sale items sold sale for a slightly higher price than if at vendors you have some slow days some busy days make sure you have enough on hand I have two potatoes two potatoes $450 Riverside Ranch it’s not me just animals walking around chilling hey neighbor hi I’m Shady I’m Shady nice to meet you hi Shady I’ve heard all about you you have of course small town and all that besides my husband and I are thrilled to have a real farmer around why is that we are ladybug’s Delight the garden center always happy for a new customer come visit us take care [Music] hey Melody people want a fresh look for the new year man I don’t even know who I’m going to try and romance yet Melody is cute though who are you no one I like your outfit though hey I’m morphe I moved to Sunnyside welcome to town I’m Blake nice to meet you it’s not the most exciting place but I’m sure you’ll like it here hope so you’re nervous a bit moving to a new town is scary I know there’s not much to see around here but if you ever need a tool hit me up thanks Blake no biggie this seems like a handy place to meet everyone too there’s hero University field lab shop is closed do look closed Gabe selling some stuff from the Riverside Ranch hello hello hi don’t mean to be rude but unless you need something oh I don’t need anything I’m just saying hello to my new neighbors neighbors did you buy that old Farmland in the auction what just happened over there that’s right good for you it’s good to have some fresh faes in town have to go I met soon hope to see you around have a great day hi doctor I’ve got this pain in my chest every time I see you Every Spring during golden week there are booths that sell chocolate covered bananas doctor absolutely delicious yo minks hello hi there are you are you the new farmer I am right good luck with that all right I rude what are you selling [Music] artwork you want to know the best P spring cherry blossom day nothing prettier than all Petals in the air it’s my second favorite holiday what’s first my birthday obviously is like hey what you doing what a nice [Music] day hello who are you morphe I’m anahita nice to meet you same are you lost or no I just moved here oh old Farmland right that’s right my parents own a garden center in town if you need anything thanks cuz good [Music] luck hey hello Kyle nice to meet you he’s got a hamia hi I’m morphe just moved to Sunnyside that’s right how do you like it so far it’s great I’m glad you EA thing don’t hesitate to ask I’m great at fixing things or a friend to hang out with I’m here that’s so kind [Music] anytime I am I love giving a my characters a hamia when I make [Music] them what are you selling ah holistic Clinic all right [Music] oh hi you’re the farmer welcome to Sunnyside you’re very welcome I’m kada I maintain Sunny side’s kashua Shrine nice to meet you you as well I don’t look like a priest I know I’m okay with that I didn’t mean to be rude not at all let me know when you need something [Music] thanks hey hi Sebastian nice to meet you hi Sebastian I’m Mor nice to meet you too you new around here I am you’re not that new farmer are you I am huh you don’t look like a farmer you just look like you hey you hi I look forward to seeing you around town hello you let’s um where’s my booth man maybe that was my booth is this my booth is this me no this is me okay got guys I have popcorn for sale and I have some snacks and I have uh uh six potatoes and 10 organic matter all right we’re [Music] open get your ganic matter here how about this one a how about this one I’m coming back it’s a busy day I managed to sell most of my stock I made zero cupules today no one even bought my [Music] potatoes [Music] what someone stole the popcorn I didn’t even I didn’t even like what [Music] got ripped off thank you for watching that’s what we’re going to put a pin in this one so let me know in a comment if you want to see more if you’ve made it to this point of the video the code word is banana and that way I know you made it all the way to the end and you get an extra special respect and points there’s not much else I can do for you there isn’t an actual prize but I will absolutely appreciate you thank you click one of these videos on the screen to go on another adventure with me right now good night

New cozy game! Lets play Sunnyside, getting started and taking a first look at this new FARMING LIFE SIM. Better than Stardew Valley!? Set in Japan this cozy game has lots of potential and is super cute and wholesome. Like & subscribe for more! Follow me below!

✅ All my links & info: https://MadMorph.com
✅ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/madmorph
✅ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@madmorph
✅ Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/madmorph

🟡 I read books to help you sleep here: https://downtosleeppodcast.com
🔵 Watch movies with me here: https://www.youtube.com/@MadMorphMovieClub


0:00 Intro – What is Sunnyside?
0:40 Character Creator
12:22 Getting started in Sunnyside
27:00 How to farm
50:00 Exploring the town, meeting the peeps
1:41:00 Mining, DRONE ROBOT TWIST!
2:04:00 Going to town! THE BIG CITAY!
2:33:00 The farmers market, but i’m the farmer

WHO IS MADMORPH? Content creator, gaming YouTuber, Audiobook Podcaster, Twitch Partner, & TikTokker, I find, recommend and play indie games, cozy games and hidden gems. Playthroughs have chilled commentary, a relaxing & cozy vibe with a side of unintentional ASMR. Got a game you’d love to see me play? Let me know in a comment!
COPYRIGHT: This recording and commentary are my own content, created and edited by me, this is the official YouTube channel for MadMorph and this content is not reused from anywhere else. All gameplay and footage is recorded by me, other footage is always fair use ,with unique commentary, review, reaction & edits made by me. For the purposes of entertainment and educational content.
TAGS: madmorph, gaming, cozy gamer, cozy gaming, playthrough, walkthrough, full game, cozy, chill, relaxed, long play, lets play, new game, indie game, best game, madmorph game, madmorph plays, asmr gaming, asmr gamer, relaxed, relaxing, morph, gaming, comfort, madmorph twitch, madmorph face reveal, gaming recommendations, games to play, best games, top games, sunnyside playthrough, games like stardew valley, farming games, life sim games, how to play sunnyside, sunnyside release date


  1. Everyone wants a face reveal. But i think i bumbed into you once and if you knew that i knew who you were. Than you wouldn't of been as genuine and sweet.

    So maybe keep your privacy for now. And gift your identity to someone special who deserves to feel comforted everytime they look at you.

    I mean…Look how the internet treated dream with his face reveal, and he was a little cutie. The internet is troll city.

    I think thats why Raptor wears sunglasses. Hes got a lazy eye that isnt even bad. But he probably knows how the internet is and its bonkers.

    Im considered a beautiful girl and i did well on social media but i had to stop cause the men are savage. And it was affecting the way i saw the world.

    So its been over 4 years without social media and the only thing bad about it is fomo and i miss seeing peoples face whenever i want.

    And everyone asks me if im on it and if ive seen so and so post this or that?

    I also have to wait in awkward silence when someone is checking it once every few minutes. Lol

    Their really is no other way to communicate comfortably anymore. Back in the day we at least had caller Id and answering machine messages to look through at the end of the day.

    Now a days. I just have my contacts list and old text messages to scroll through and ponder over while im considering who i need to call when im bored.

    And you need a good reason why before bothering people nowadays with a call. Sad

  2. The accent change in the beginning for Gabriel!!! If I didn't know any better I would have assumed it was someone else. Love the video btw💖

  3. You did miss the body slider and also the changing clothes tab. I'm not sure if you were worried how long the character creation was taking, but this stuff always takes a while. Still enjoyable listening to you.

  4. I have been watching and waiting for this game for so long. Played the demo, so excited for the release. And now one of my favorite YTs is playing it. Good day

  5. This video was posted at the perfect time, by the perfect creator, with the perfect background music.
    I've been doom scrolling on YT for hours trying to find something to play in the background while i work.
    And VOILA!

  6. Farming Sims are not life sims. I keep getting my hopes up when someone says something is a life sim only to find out there are no kids, no generational play, and the game lacks the basic life needs as fundamental gameplay.

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