Terraria Review – Greatest Video Game of All Time?

warning finally presentation contains cold hard truths that might change the way you think your discretion won’t do you any good now attention all viewers we’d like to enter up your playing of video games to bring you this dire announcement the time has come for you to know about terraria or to Rory of ural I mean British bastard now if you’ve played this game you will definitely appreciate this video if you have not heard of this game Oh get ready for some [ __ ] because by the end of this video you will understand why this is one of the greatest video games ever made now this game is not for everybody I’m sure there are people who are just not into this type of gaming experience but I wanted to make this video for three reasons one it’s one of my favourite games in the world – the majority of console gamers have still never heard of this game and three most of the videos on YouTube of this game feature a really jolly British guy hello everyone my name is by the GB and welcome back to another episode of my terraria some of the plaything hello this is 2b and welcome to a terraria let’s play video I love all these guys I really do because I share their excitement and love for this game this is some exciting now let us begin the analysis of the awesomeness terraria starts you out with a character created feature and a create a world’s future you can have up to six different characters and sixteen different worlds at once and all of your characters can share worlds with one another so everything you make is shared it’s pretty cool when you first enter your new world you’re given the three basic tool items the sword the pickaxe and the axe the sword is used for attacking enemies the pickaxe is used for digging and removing objects and the axe is used for cutting down trees and harvesting wood which is used for building the core of this game is all about manipulating your environment to get around sometimes you’ll have to build platforms or stairs to cross large gaps or build a rope that you can climb down instead of falling to your death the physics in this game are excellent and using items like the grappling hooks and climbing boots that make exploring a lot of fun even in the early parts of the game way before you get the wings or the hoverboard come on I mean this alone is just amazing god I love this game the first goal is to build a house so get enough wood to do that any small room with one table one chair a door and a light source will do and you got to have walls of course the reason you want to build a house immediately is because by nightfall a lot more enemies come out and they can be pretty tough with your starter equipment you stink the more houses you build the more NPCs slash shop vendors will move into your settlement to sell you items you’re gonna need some of these guys handy at all times especially the nurse and the arms dealer you don’t have to use different building blocks every time you build a room I just did that to be cool once you’ve built your home base this is basically the game in a nutshell you explore the land and mostly dig underground you collect a bunch of awesome you do this until you either get killed kill yourself or just teleport back to base on your own you take all the stuff you just found you put it all away in chests and you go and do it all over again until you end up with all this is that not just an awesome gaming concept and I guarantee that you’ll find a bunch of new items every time you explore there are that many different items in the game you can either continue down the tunnel you were digging through or start a whole new one they give you an insane amount of land to cover and this is considered one of the small worlds at first I recommend making a tunnel from your basement deep into the ground similar to the tunnels of the deep underground military bases that the US is secretly building with a long rope for quick and easy access to really deep layers of the earth in the beginning you want to focus on finding as much of this rare or / metal as you possibly can it’s hard to imagine it right now but pretty soon you’ll be doing stuff like this the two main things you do to advance in this game are building / crafting as much as possible and exploring as much of the map as possible you’ll never get tired of opening a chest and finding a new cool weapon to play with once you’ve dug deep into the earth a few times and explored the surface area you’ll start to accumulate slightly more powerful weapons and a lot of his metal which can be crafted into basic level armor also you’ll start to pick up cool and quirky little accessories that allow you to customize the way you play the game not bad but being a little quirky digging might be a relaxing endeavor but fighting enemies can be some edge-of-your-seat and the bosses in this game are epic in terraria you don’t just summon a boss and fight it especially in the beginning boss battles are a huge undertaking I remember times I had to construct an arena with adequate platforms for fighting a particular boss and also built a house nearby the arena and moved to nurse end so she can heal me during the battle some of these bosses take some serious terrain preparation if you just fight them head-on with no potions that are no plan you’ll find that they’re extremely difficult but if you take the time to prepare a good arena and have the right weapons armor and potions then the boss has become a lot easier if you dig far down enough you’ll reach what looks like hell where you can fight a boss called the wall of flesh and once you beat the wall of flesh you transform your world into a hardmode world now this is where it gets good this spawns a ton of new enemies on the surface and in the underground biomes new dungeons to explore a ton of new and different metals to collect meaning much stronger armors and weapons to craft and of course a bunch of awesome new bosses to face hard mode is where the game gets zany there are many different crafting stations that you can unlock throughout the game that all have a different purpose some stations are just for making different types of armor and weapons other stations are used only for making furniture and some are only used for making special items like boss summoners and since the latest patch there are now several thousand items in the game it really is mind-blowing how many different types of armor weaponry and building blocks there are in this game it’s crazy I mean there’s a lot of I don’t think I’ve seen all of the items in the three playthroughs that I’ve done of this game take the wood for example there’s so many different types of wood that you can build with and acquire by cutting down all the different trees that you find you might not even see all the wood in your first playthrough there’s so many different types of wood wood I would what is good I hope you’re starting to see why terraria is such a massive achievement in gaming for a game made by two tiny little companies 505 games and Ahri logic it really is mind-blowing how much gameplay they fit into this little $20.00 package and I literally built everything that you see on the screen every room every little torch that you see I built that wooden plank platform I gathered the water and dumped it into that hole to form this little pool I dug up a bunch of clay and crafted pots for this greenhouse I put up this nice grassy wall I gathered woodland creatures and trapped them in little glass terrariums this is the effect this game has on you this game is actually a lot like an acid trip not just visually but also just the fact that this game and LSD are the only times where you can willingly sit in the same spot for like over 12 hours straight you can really lose your life into this thing I guess it’s more like heroin than acid but the point is it should be on the scheduled one controlled substances list there’s just so much to do at all times am I crazy is this not amazing rated LR for life-ruining I asked some people on the terraria community forums what they love most about the game and the responses show that it’s impossible to pictures one thing many people enjoy the simple act of digging or mining for ore as it’s not only kind of relaxing but there’s always that really exciting promise that all this ore will be turned into stronger armor and weapons that excitement never gets old and they sustain it well throughout the game as you mind for all these different types of ore and unlock the better equipment many people praise the variety of weapons that are in the game anything from swords to bows and arrows guns magic weapons that are of course the coolest ones of all and a lot of people simply enjoy the controls and mechanics of how you navigate the land the wings and flight gear make it one of the smoothest and most versatile platformers ever made there aren’t as many shoes as some people might have hoped for I think that my personal favorite thing about this game might be the fact that you’re always collecting items there’s never really a wasted second in this game even if I just pick up a few dirt blocks and some sunflower seeds that still feels like an accomplishment the fact that you’re constantly collecting and building your inventory makes you feel like you’re always gaining something and that there’s never a wasted moment collecting is 24/7 and the building look what people have built in this game look at this look at this look at this look at this it’s just amazing I could look at this stuff for hours it’s like porn I mean good lord if you don’t think this game looks incredible you’re either just not into games like this which is fine or you’re just an [ __ ] I mean a real [ __ ] you know what I don’t even know what to say to a person like you what a disgust you know it’s people like you that make other countries want to attack us it’s people like you that allow the government to walk all over us it’s people like you who allow them to hide the truth about aliens free energy technology and these two companies deserve way more recognition than they’re getting and until this Terraria other world and the fabled terraria – are released you have : get to hold you over I’m just gonna do a rapid-fire list of some more amazing things about this game the amount of enemies is almost something you can’t keep track of the amount of furniture and decorations is astronomical the amount of updates that the game receives regularly is amazing the multiplayer is ridiculous the graphics are amazing the soundtrack is amazing the sound effects are amazing the price is amazing asking after areas worth playing is like asking if marijuana is worth smoking or if beer is worth drinking it’s not a question of whether it’s good or bad it’s a question of can you handle how good it is thanks for watching now go buy this game you

Part 2:

Part 3


  1. I just whatches this video to hear someone spit out facts about how this game is possibly one of the best survival 2d! Games

    7:48 me when someone asks me if i like terraria

    9:44 i agree

  2. so you’re basically encouraging people to drink alcohol and do drugs. wow what a cool kid you are. what an amazing message

  3. I commented it years ago but i would love to see a update review now that terraria will gets its very last update i believe it or not but your review video why i think so fondly of this game thank you bro 😮‍💨🙌🏼🔥

  4. This video its one of my fond memories of fun with one of my daughters, just divorced and visiting her we used to watch this video and play the game (on god mod, she is was only 5), we still say TEwWWWRARRRIAAA to this day….

  5. Hey i know it’s been years since you actually made on terraria but I’ve followed your channel for years would you be able to make another great video like this I keep showing my wife this exact video year after a year even after the game has been well and done and she loves it thank you and I appreciate you 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼

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