I Survived 100 Days in 1.21 HARDCORE Minecraft…

Minecraft 1.21 adds new Mobs new blocks new structures a new weapon and cool new features that you may not have even known were added and I’m going to survive 100 days of Hardcore in 1.21 and check out all of the new features although it doesn’t matter what update you’re playing in wood is always going to be important and so are cows cuz of course I’ve got to be able to eat we’re currently buy a bit of an ocean probably a good way to explore and find some of the new features and I reckon the first one I’m going to try and find is the bogged this is a mob that shoots poison arrows at you probably not a good idea considering I have zero armor but hey what’s the worst that can happen more food will always be useful you can’t hide under the mountain and look at this pigs Gore all right baby sheep would you like to be an orphan well here you go I’m sorry I I I shouldn’t have done that I feel obliged to now raise this little fell he has nobody left in the world except for me I didn’t actually mean to press left click I was going to do it as a joke but yeah I just slightly messed up with that didn’t I also on a positive note there’s iron here one piece even better though copper yeah copper that useless block nobody cares about well Mojang is determined to make us care about it which is why they’ve added loads and loads of copper variants such as the Copper Door the copper trap door that they’re both very similar they wer like the wooden versions and then there is also the copper great but I I I don’t have enough copper to make that so come on little fell let’s safely get you onto the open River oh there’s more copper and iron I’ve got to grab it I really feel like I just waste the whole day on mining copper and orphaning children anyway let’s just continue down here I kind of feel like I’m in the area to possibly find a swamp but I kind of have to stick to the rivers so that this this little fell can come with me and on a side now I I definitely need to make a bed and I see sheep ahead okay okay little fell you might want to look away that’s it look in that direction and then I can get a piece of I’m just kidding I have learned from my mistakes we just share them now then nobody can be upset and that is day one successfully out of the way already I’ve seen some new features and we’re about to see one more you’ve grown up right before my very eyes you are now able to fend for yourself I was just basically getting you for wool wasn’t that I don’t even need the wool I just thought i’ I’d Sher you really is rewarding to see your little baby sheep all grown up and now we can craft yet another new block the copper grate which is really really cool it’s kind of like the glass version of copper it lets light through but it has a very nice look about it as well I love it and it might actually make me end up using copper for builds at this rate and so now my main focus can turn to exploring new lands to finding that swamp to finding new Mobs I do also of course want to check out the new structures like the trial Chambers get the new weapons get all the new paintings there’s music discs this there’s so much to explore and find but I’m going to start off with a village granted there’s not really anything new to be found here but if I want to find a trial Chambers further down the line I’ll need a cartographer also on a side point if you only stand on three blocks a Golem can now reach you so make sure you build up four blocks for them and so this is going to be my little Hub I’ll always remember it and it’s right by a shipwreck a shipwreck hopefully with some Treasures no no okay it’s just potato es instead well in that case I’ll keep exploring to try and find that swamp and because I haven’t done a video on the 1.2.6 features such as the wool Farmer and the armadillo will also be checking those out which means I need to get one of the new pet wolves oh yeah cuz there’s now 16 different types of them isn’t there that’s quite exciting I found another Village up ahead but other than a bit of free Iron there isn’t much here for me so I shall instead continue exploring the land I’ve not found a normal swamp but I have found a mangrove one and a turtle too hello there buddy and I’ve just looked at the wiki and it says that they can indeed spawn in one of these biomes and so can frogs too sorry about that that wasn’t very kind of me was it so once it gets dark and I find a bugged I’m going to show you a secret feature with them as well oh it it connects to a normal swamp anyway okay well all of that research just meant nothing that’s kind of the story of my life isn’t it use this spare moment to make an iron pick then grab a little bit of wood to make an iron axe shovel and shield and it has now gone dark which means this is the moment without a doubt wait you’re not a bugged I thought it was only bugs that could spawn not normal guys there we go in the distance so the difference with these guys is they will shoot poison arrows at you which does make them a little bit more dangerous there go I’ve been poisoned they do have a bit less Health though than a normal mob which helps out but now I’m going to show you a secret feature I’ve just got to find another one here we go one is successfully being spotted so they’re quite dangerous they’re probably more dangerous than a normal one because of the poison arrows picking a normal one let’s go ahead and get rid of you first and if I take some shears I can Shear off the mushrooms from him how cool I’m going to die to that slime but how cool is that okay it doesn’t it doesn’t really do much else I actually am going to die if I don’t get out of it but yeah it doesn’t do much else you can only Shear him once but it is kind of a cool way to get a couple of mushrooms so yeah I thought I’d show you that it looks quite mcky and then we go like that and he looks 10 times cleaner anyway I should just get out of here now before I get taken out look at me no armor in hardcore that’s not a great idea I’d say I really am feeling quite Naked and Afraid and it’s interesting that not every skele that spawns in a swamp is a bog probably a good thing to be honest it could be a disaster otherwise and probably later on I’ll make a bog Farm because that then technically makes a tipped poison arrow Farm possible but before all that I can’t be having another night where I nearly die so I’m going to focus on getting more food and some armor as well which is going to require a cave that is better than this one having said that the coal is probably going to be useful quite useful to cook all of this food and there’s even a bit of iron at the top of this mountain as well bit of iron let’s say a lot of iron we got six pieces at this rate I might not even need to go caving for armor I can just explore the mountain with all that I can make a chest plate leggings boots and would have liked to say helmet but we’ve only got one piece left so I reckon the next stop is to find a cave and try and find some diamonds I also want to know if bogs spawn underground as well when you’re in a swamp biome that is cuz that would just make the caves a lot more dangerous so this is quite a decent size Ravine yeah there’s mobs down there I’m going to gracefully fall down no need for crazy EML just kidding Let’s do an EML there’s never anything graceful about sp737 is there and so so far based on the first few mobs I can see there isn’t a buged but there is an amethyst geode which normally I wouldn’t be that excited about but this is actually going to be quite useful what are you doing in here waa this is this is a secret place secret place where you can get the great amethyst shards I actually want to use those to craft a spy glass normally when I want to zoom in I just use a mod that lets me but since there aren’t any mods available for the new update just yet we’re going to have to zoom in the way Minecraft intended which feels pretty cool to me there is also loads and loads of all over the place which means I can make my helmet giving me full iron armor now I’m not sure if this cave actually does go any deeper which means I’m probably best doing what you never should and and and dig straight down well I can hear a bat which is which is always a good sign for a cave and I can hear mobs as well o some iron very very nice I’ve literally hit rock bottom oh I’ve reached Bedrock too by the way so this is the point where I have to do a bit of digging around okay I found a cave with one two D with multiple okay there a creeper but multiple diamonds and there is bogged okay well that answers that question I should probably be a little bit careful that I do not get overwhelmed let’s just get rid of you and then I can mine these diamonds in peace reckon the best use for these oh there’s another one underneath too but yeah the best use for these to start off with is going to be a brand new pickaxe there’s a ton of iron to be found as well and even raar iron blocks that’s N9 iron in one and to answer my final question oh a diamond But to answer my final question another Diamond anyway I need to trap that fell right there I’ll do that with Minecraft’s most powerful item a boat and then I’ve dug him a nice little hole that he should fall in now to block it off and I’m going to need some string for a dispenser I have noticed there’s some cobwebs over there so that’s probably my best bet now to craft a dispenser and carefully oh no don’t get out as I was saying I need to carefully and quickly place it down I’m going to place shears inside and I want to know if I power it will it Shear it like it would a sheep here we go it does oh a dispenser works on you as well how cool is that so an automatic bugged mushroom farm is indeed possible and I’m also now going to do something that’s slightly evil and drop gravel on the poor guy’s head at this point I feel like I know everything that there is to know about the B all there loads of them now so now I shall focus on getting more diamonds something that apparently is not hard to do because they’re absolutely everywhere so much so that I can already make a chest plate look at the size of this cave this is going to be perfect perfect for getting the diamonds that I need to craft the leggings the helmet and also the boots might as well make the extra tools whilst I’m down here too and then anything extra that I find from here will be useful for upgrading and repairing my items further on down the line I think I’m happy with the level of exploration that’s happened in this cave I’ve got so many diamonds now 10 spare to be precise plus all diamond tools and armor and considering this update is known as the tricky trials update it’s understandable that most of the new features are found at the trial Chambers so I reckon that it is now in my best interests to search one out the chances of just stumbling across one in a cave are pretty slim so I reckon the smartest thing that I can do is dig up and out of here and and keep finding diamonds as I do it apparently and then it’s operation find a village or I I I could just go back to the one that I found before but I feel like I’m miles away from them now and on a side note swamps are always absolutely full of sugarcane and I’ll be able to use that to upgrade the Cartographer to unlock the trial Chambers map I feel like two stacks is going to be enough and I’ve found one of the brand new wolves look at you little fell have I got a come on be my be if you don’t accept these what six bones what more do you want from me I don’t know found one of the new wolves he didn’t want to be tamed so I’ll just go out and find one somewhere else perfect operation find a village has been successful so right here I can create a cartographer and sell him a bunch of paper and then he’s going to need glass which will be no problem good sir I simply need to just mine up some sand smelt it and trade it all over to him unfortunately this guy’s only offering a woodland Explorer map and an ocean Explorer map which means he’s useless to me and I’m going to instead need a second cartographer they will hopefully get me the trade unfortunately to unlock the trade I’m now going to need a load of emeralds so to get those emeralds I’m going to keep mining gravel until I have two flint to make a Fletching table that way I can trade sticks to get it what are you doing up there what on Earth get out of the tree what are you crazy there’s loads of them in the tree what’s happened to you guys look look guys there’s no need to be up here all right it’s safe down down at the bottom what if I what if I water log the leaves no you know let’s just drop them from the sky and in doing so I’ve got my Fletcher now realistically getting enough sticks for all the emeralds that I need is going to take quite a bit of time so I’m going to get busy destroying an entire Forest yeah I know it’s not very good for the environment but I’ve got to keep this economy going and give this villager all of the sticks that he needs so that he can uh feed his family yeah somebody’s got to feed this little fell and it’s it’s going to be you anyway enough worrying about ethical stuff and more chopping down trees I’ve got five stacks of logs which has definitely got to be enough to get all of the needed emeralds again again the trade has not been offered are you guys kidding me that means I’ll have to go and mine up a load more trees do even more trading and this time we’ve got the map all I’m missing at this point is the compass a compass that will require Redstone to craft there we go found some up ahead it was a single or but single or is all I’m going to need to make that compass from there I can build my way back out purchase the map and begin the search apparently the map is saying that it’s in this direction from what I can tell around here is the spot and I’ll just need to dig down a little bit further it really was just a little bit further because I found it and I just died when I found it okay that was I completely missed my MLG anyway alls well that ends well let’s mine on in here we are Minecraft trials Edition straight off the bat we have loads of silverfish which is a little bit annoying cuz it means throughout the entire trial Chambers we’re going to get a lot of silverfish whil they don’t do a lot of damage because they’re so small they’re just really really annoying to hit bread I’m so happy that I got bread as a reward not really oh but we’ve got a key fantastic and right here we have a ominous Vault actually it’s not an ominous Vault this is just a normal trial Vault and inside it you can get some good stuff we straight away got the new armor trim that’s fantastic the bolt armor trim I believe there’s one called The Breeze armor trim if I’m not mistaken nope I’ve just double checked and it’s called flow also we have an ominous Vault so we can get an ominous key later on in the video then we can get the very best loot such as the heavy core to craft the mace another ominous Vault there as well good to know right here we have plenty more spawners giving me more bread great ender pearls oh there’s something new I can show you with the ender pearls in this video so that’s kind of cool also if I want to get up here I can do that I just have to get it right with perfect timing you can jump up to 10 blocks in the sky and the breeze another he can certainly jump 10 blocks in the Sky by the way but yes he is another brand new mob he’s not that powerful he doesn’t really do any damage when he hits you it just hits you up into the sky but he moves quite quick and he’s annoying and he activates Redstone all the time look at him tell what oh no he’s bugged all right SP don’t get bugged down about this but you were losing a bit of Health yeah I know that was a bad joke I thought about that one earlier and I thought I’ll use that next time I see a bug because that is very annoying because the melee mob we’re getting his husks which you know they give you hunger all the time the rang mob can either be Strays or bugged I feel like bugs are the worst one for that as well and then when it comes to Tiny mobs it’s going to be silverfish which again is is quite annoying to hit aren’t they let’s get rid of you I’ve had just about enough of you breezing about same goes for you as well you can run but you can’t out okay maybe you can out skill s sp737 there we go we got him oh that’s a beautiful hit we have some sort of pot here was it bit of regen well I’ll take that right now get rid of the water it’s just kind of annoying and there’s still quite a few more of these fellas to get rid of is that swiftness yeah I’m going to be speeding around now we have got some chicken if we want it well I’ll eat it I suppose plus yet another key we can open this let’s see if we get anything good we got that again and we got this diamond axxe with efficiency oh well I’ll take that I’ll keep the other one for safekeeping but this is slightly better is is this the third ominous Vault I’ve found by the way I think it is which is very very good to know and will be used in the future also I think I’d like to swap out my bed we’re going to go ahead and go for a magenta one plus I can get free wood too can’t believe this is another ominous Vault that’s the fourth one I thought you only got one or two in the entire place all right Mushroom Men let’s get to work also I feel like you should just break any decorated pots that you see cuz you never know what you’re going to find in them also two more keys very very useful also these are new Pottery Shard I should be taking these too there’s three new ones and I’m pretty sure all of them can be found down here ominous Vault number five it’s really annoying me now that I’m not doing the ominous TRS it could have been really really good couldn’t it I don’t think I’ve ever been in this room before it’s quite a quite a cool one it’s almost like a maze down there I also have to be careful I am I am one shot away from the end okay that was risky they took me from both sides feel like I’ve just got to run and then I need to somehow eat let’s just box myself okay there we go I think we’re good eat up and safely return to the action we got an ominous bottle oh I forgot you can get those down here we could do an ominous trial if we want to at least it’s an option yeah it’s good to know that you can actually come down here and get your ominous bottles and do the ominous trial straight away if that’s what you want you don’t have to find an outpost which is good news now I feel like the floor is designed to be trapped maybe but oh there is little secret rooms as well anything in the chest oh we’ve got another place for a key we just don’t have anything to put in it that’s a shame instead we just keep getting potatoes there seems to be an ominous vault in every single room now by the way there’s another one up there I feel like I could get a few not apples and heavy cores from this particular trial Chambers more iron ingots I’m also going to take the poison arrows I feel like they are useful and the wind charges are just fun oh look at that who needs Rockets oh we must have timed it perfectly basically the moment you press jump you have to do that and you don’t take any fall damage like if I do it too late you’d only go a little bit but if you like kind of press jump and thingy at the same time by that I mean jump and use one at the same time you will go absolutely flying copper grates are a very cool block by the way I really really like them here’s another room that I don’t think I’ve been in oh no maybe I have isn’t it cool how there’s like a spider’s face in the wall of one of these this looks to me like somewhere I haven’t been I I can’t even get past this don’t block me out and I’m guessing yeah this is bogged the mushroom oh there’s stuff everywhere how many spawners in the middle get away from me you okay that didn’t actually work as well as I thought it was going to be but you know what will work okay that didn’t work either I’ve got one more trick up my sleeve craft these into wind charges see you later ladies and gent okay we just went out of a dangerous situation to where there’s more mobs yeah that was all a little bit crazy maybe I should just calm down use my shield and and systematically get rid of these mobs it’s kind of easy enough until you get someone like this shooting you all the time oh hey you fell down that’ll teach you seems like every single mob is down there so I’ll have to work my way in and find them so that I can defeat them one by one I love these wind charges it just lets you get around hey what are you doing my key that’s not yours at all I need that I don’t know who do these guys think they are stealing my precious keys of all things now we can use this and we are going to get more iron more arrows and and more arrows and well we got a lot from that one didn’t we this one is going to give me another ominous bottle and some emeralds the annoying thing is this ominous oh hold on a second I can put these shields together by the way this ominous bottle is a different one to this one so I can’t stack them I don’t know if they stack anyway I also still need to try and find the final Breeze who is hidden through there yes I see you how I get to him is another question actually don’t know I could mine through but I feel like it’s more exciting if I go like that this actually might be how we got in here but we got another Breeze Rod which is good and we’ve got yet another Breeze to contend with I shall not be defeated they move so fast you’ve got to have really good aim aren’t you but we have got chicken I’m I’m I’m so glad that I bothered with that I really feel like you almost don’t get enough keys for all of the vaults in these places sometimes but after 30 minutes if you didn’t know you can do the ominous Tri spawners again you can’t use the vaults again but you can you can use the spawners so we could get more keys anyway if we come back in 30 minutes time oh there a key inside a chest I didn’t even know that was possible and if I go up these stairs here it connects to another of these vaults that I saw and so glad I made the journey for three bottles of honey and a shield yeah I will be keeping the honey when will Minecraft learn that that nobody cares about it especially when I’ve got bread to go at and at this point I’m pretty sure that I have fully explored the entire place I haven’t said that wait are these resetting cuz I have definitely been in here yeah cuz look I I placed blocks but they’ve reset I’ve obviously been here for longer than 30 minutes which is pretty good to know because it means I can get even more keys now or bread you know yeah y spread useful as well I guess I definitely think that some sort of way to farm the keys could be made like it wouldn’t be the quickest cuz of the 30-minute cooldown but if you found a load near each other you could kind of go around I I’ve I’ve got ideas in my brain don’t you worry just a shame cuz I don’t know if the vaults will be farmable cuz I think once you’ve opened them once you can’t open them again unless 20 players okay these ones haven’t reset but unless 20 players in a row open a vault then you can open it again cuz it can only remember up to 20 different players but that’s what I learned in a watles video so if it’s wrong blame him and don’t blame me also having to wait for the cool down of these other ones to reset so I I think in the meantime I should dig some sort of easy way to get in and out and then I can keep coming down here and keep gaining more and more loot nicely done I’ve successfully made it out you know what this this could be the spot that I could make a nice little base I flattened off quite a bit of it it’s also a thunderstorm which is why so many mobs are spawning at daytime and my plan is to build a house using only blocks from the update so I can only use copper blocks and the other new items which you might have got a little bit of a glimpse of in the the trial Chambers also I’m just going to sleep there’s definitely just two mobs around here for me to be able to build but yes not only has the game added a look what on Earth is that okay it’s a normal horse I I thought for a second it was a skeleton horse cuz there was a load of lightning but no we’re not that lucky they’re all just normal boring white horses and brown ones too all right not don’t forget those but yeah not the ones that I was hoping for having said that skeleton horses aren’t exactly that useful either anyway as I was saying not only have they added copper blocks but they have added a load of tough ones as well so copper and tough is going to be the main thing that I build my house out of and on a side point I have completely run out of food so the cows are on the menu to rectify that issue and of course pigs will be useful as well there’s operation get loads of food complete so let’s now head down here to try and get even more ominous keys to try and get even more trial keys because the spawners have indeed reset and we got one already fantastic like this Bree is trying to escape that is not for you to go up good sir quite a lot of keys already from this room and most of these vaults I I didn’t open before I also said that if 20 players open a vault it will forget and you can redo it I must have done this one before well I was wrong it’s actually 128 players that it can remember so you would need a lot of friends to be able to reset it but in theory it is possible not possible for me cuz cuz I’ve got zero friends so I definitely won’t get close but anyway I’m going to focus on these little silverfish oh a banner pattern that’s good cuz that is one of the new ones there’s two in total and I want to get both of them I remember this room being one of the trickier ones so I’ll have to be careful with it honestly right now I I feel like I’ve just done the opposite being careful i’ I’ve got cornered thankfully I have a strategy for this situation strategy is just to hide in a corner beneath some blocks see when you get rewards like that it’s not too bad you know Iron emeralds and arrows well I certainly can’t complain anyway here’s a question for you can you put a breeze into a boat I bet you can you know yeah let’s let’s see you escape now there’s literally nothing you can do and so that ladies and gentlemen is the newest counter and after a while pretty much all the loot that you can get from here starts to get less useful which is why you should really just be doing ominous trials after your first run round so I shall clear out the rest of this place and get music disc oh that’s brilliant I think there’s three new music discs in total so that’s one of them down which is great and I’m now happy to get out of here before I do anything like the ominous trials down there get the cool new weapons all that good stuff there are some other new features of the update that I definitely want to check out such as one that I bet you didn’t even know was added it’s a Cool Secret feature and I think it’s going to be very very useful although to actually make any use of it I’m going to need to find some lava so that right there is my next Quest successfully found one bit of lava maybe I’ll have more success at finding some down here let’s test it out we can jump in the water and we’re down at a deep slate dead end ah we’ve got La now we just turn it to obsidian and get busy mining it all up 20 pieces should perfectly let me do what I need to do and don’t mind if I grab a few diamonds as well I’m so good at the game guys look at me go these are actually very very useful who’ have thought that Minecraft would had something useful that isn’t just a complete gimmick and now that I’m back here I can build a nether portal and show you something cool although way I’m going to need a little bit of Flint to do that so just give me one second then I can craft that light it up and you can now ride entities through portals including boats look at that isn’t it great say what else is great the portal is taking me right next to a fortress and here’s another thing see I need to get out of here quickly well just throw an Ender pear through the portal and you’ll TP out yep it’s pretty cool that also counts for horses you can technically ride them through if I get a saddle I’ll show you you never know because there might be one in the Fortress times like this I wish I had those windurst things they probably be useful for getting up down would they but anyway in the meantime we can get blaze rods not to be confused with Breeze rods I found the spawner I’m also getting stabbed in the back by someone this this could get a little bit hairy if I’m not careful but now I shall just focus on getting the rest of the rods that should be perfect and I’ve also found the inside section of the Fortress which means in theory I should be able to find a saddle yep we’ve got one fantastic and I don’t think there’s much else for me to find in here I’ll check this final chest just well spare saddle never hurt any and some armor but yeah I’m not really going to spend much more time oh well you know what I’ve literally got everything I need now there’s definitely no point wasting any further time here let’s head back to the portal so that I can go home tame the horse and put a saddle on and and you know what you can have the armor as well and from there I can ride my horse straight through look at that seamless it really is a cool way to do a bit of traveling and then well if if the bone block wasn’t in the way I could easily go straight back and I can’t really put this next bit off any longer because I’ve still yet to get a pet wolf and I’ve yet to see an armadillo yes they were technically added in the previous update but I’d still like to check them all out there a couple of wolves here they just look really get out the way horse yeah they look very very cool stop running away I’m trying to have a look at you as I was saying they look very very cool and cute indeed don’t they so what I’d like to do is tame one of the wolves from a Savannah Biome if I can find it cuz that’s where the armadillos are as well so it’ be cool to have both of them from there I might see another variant that I like the look of though we we’ll see what biomes we kind of find along the way I tell you what this is 10 times better than walk it’s faster and it uses less hunger well it’s nice to be out the forest I feel like I’ve got an open road ahead up ahead I spy a ruined portal with nothing too exciting in it except for a golden apple I sadly had to leave my horse behind to cross an ocean but we have found a Savannah Biome will I find the armadillos that I’m looking for will I find any wolves well I suppose time will tell for this aha we’ve got one well an armadillo anyway he looks a little bit scared no need to be scared mate but I am going to do something like put you in a boat because every now and again they will drop a scoot it pretty much works exactly the same to how chickens lay eggs roughly every 5 minutes we’ll get a new scoot from him so I’ll leave him there to drop those so I can make some wool farmer and look at this there’s another one here as well I wonder if I can push all these loads of them there’s three in that case it’s got to be boat Gore isn’t it come on little fella both of you are in there I’ve just misinformed you guys it used to be in a snapshot that they just dropped scoots randomly but that was changed now to get scoots from him you need to do something slightly different something slightly different which involves getting copper I’m also going to require a feather yep sorry guys but there’s no other way to get these from there I can craft a brush and every time you use a brush on them they drop a Scoot and you can literally just get loads of scoots really really fast by doing that you just need a load of brushes now the good thing about brushes are that they are so cheap to make so if I need a wool farmer with loads of armor I just don’t see that being a problem look at that look how fast we go like this and then we can pick them all up and we’ve got 21 scoots I’ll also release you from the boat yeah you guys can stay in it I’m just kidding you can all be free but if I can make a feather farm and a copper Farm I could get so many of them and then to make the wool farmer you do something like this so we can make three of them and all I literally need now is a wolf we’re in a savannah Plateau which is a place they can spawn although that doesn’t seem to be any so I’ll keep searching if we find a wooded Badlands there’s going to be one of the Wolves there as well so I’ll have a quick look to see wait can these guys spawn in this biome as well indeed it can just check the wiki any Savannah Biome and any Badlands biome it can spawn that looks like a wooded Badlands up there to me but will it have any wolves well we’ll have to wait and see just a lot of armadillos you guys are everywhere ah mission accomplished how cool does this one look it’s almost got that like coyote kind of feel to it okay let’s get some bones nine bones if you don’t accept that I will put you in lava one two two is enough fantastic and you can get wool farmer now can I take the wolf armor off no once you’ve got it on you’ve got it on and it really does protect him against anything anything yep well let’s put it to the test first of all an axe crit oh you’re absolutely fine your Tail’s still up next we’ll try fall damage I I just kind of need him to teleport up here there we go and absolutely fine all right do we’re not going to do it again to you we’ll gracefully go down this time I do kind of feel evil I’ve just got this guy and I’m literally testing out if he can survive all these terrible things I’m going to call you Survivor cuz you seem to survive everything and just know that I I do love you okay there’s a pork chop and now Survivor let’s go home it’s a long way in this direction and I need to make sure that I pick up my horse on the way yeah I went through a lot of trouble to get that horse and I I don’t want to lose him now also later in the video I’m going to try and build a trial Chambers farm that in theory will allow me to get loads and loads of loot without having to battle any mobs at all so you’re going to want to see that later on we’ve got some armor trims why not grab those and gold fantastic we have got bones so if we do see a wolf we’ll take another one cuz you just never know do you I just remembered I’m pretty sure you can dye these wool Farmers as well should we grab some cocoa beans and and and put that to the test yeah look at that so this could be brown if I put this on you will you will it swap or is there just no way to get it off once it’s on it’s on for life okay well that’s great and if I die you your your color will go Brown you know what let’s just go with a brown color can’t believe we actually have wool farmer in Minecraft it’s been a mudded thing for so long and they’ finally headed it oh we’ve got some other woles some jungle ones oh we’ve got to tame you as well come on then here here we come I don’t know what I’m going to call you maybe Coco because I dyed your arm oh my godness that looks so cool but yeah I dyed his armor using coco beans we’ve got Survivor and Coco I’m not picking you up as well no we can’t have every single dog that we see but isn’t it great that they show up in so many more areas now I’m loving it and I believe this is the massive ocean that I had to cross without my horse before I have no idea how I’m going to get both of you back I mean one of you can come in the boat and You Coco you’re probably going to have to swim a little bit it really is the world’s slowest swimmer isn’t it oh well we can’t wait him forever but I’m sure he can teleport to me on each different bit of land and at the spots where there is no land well I can just go and pick him up in a boat and do two trips if I had a lead I’d be able to pull one of the boats with a lead that is actually a brand new feature in the update just like in Bedrock you can pull boats with leads in Java you now can as well but unfortunately I don’t even have any leads so that plan isn’t going to work and with that out of the way I can now continue on land and get back to my horse and now I can just travel back to base camp with a few new f friends there it is up ahead home sweet home yeah it’s not much of a home is it but at the very least we do have a load of pets here now and before I take on the ominous trials down there get the mace all of that I think I’d like to get better gear I could probably be fine doing it now as I am but I I like to get extra stacked I like to do Overkill so I’m going to go to the end get all the good loot from the end City then I’ll have loads of op items and I’ll be able to explore the world much more easily since I’ll have the elytra also I thought this bug was patched I think it might be back in this update if you hold right click and hold your Shield up while you’re going through through and then let go of it your Shield is then permanently active even though I’m not holding it it just carries on working but then unfortunately if you eat you do have to accidentally use your Shield so then it it does go I don’t know why I’m speed briding over lava obviously I’m in a bit of a risky mood or a confident mood should we say but yeah my main goal right now is to try and track down a Bastion well in the meantime I could trade with this fell idea okay that was that was a little bit terrifying for a second I just popped out the hole there was a gas there Hest side point I got nothing good from you you are useless so I’m going to drop gravel on his head I need to stop doing that to everyone I can’t just start keep dropping gravel on every single mob’s head that annoys me and now try not to F fall in lava too much let’s just get out of there before it’s too late yeah I really should be more careful anyway the Quest for the Bastion shall continue one has been spotted and it’s a treasure Bastion so it’s the best one it’s going to have the best Loot and it’s got the most gold blocks so I should be able to get all my pears there’s also loads of piglins in there okay right you know I’m going to get rid of you let’s call them let’s One V one slightly annoying cuz there’s a brute in that hole somewhere what I’m going to do is grab gold chook it down to him and then I think no that’s the wrong guy okay that’s a brute okay we got pearls nice let’s let’s keep hitting this guy okay stop shooting me just just just trade for gold I got one of them there’s another one in there as well not him that’s you okay we’ve got him fantastic right we’ll just keep hitting him then and now it’s just normal piglins I’ll give those normal piglins all of the gold I can get rid of more brutes and end up with all of the good stuff obsidian netherite upgrade a fancy new diamond pickaxe oh there’s some really good loot in these chests next I’m going to grab a bucket of lava because it’s time to enter the dangerous part of the Bastion where I’ve got to get rid of people like you I think I’m safe here I think I’ve dealt with all necessary piglins I’m going to pop a fire resistance just in case and let’s have a look straight away it’s a better chest plate and a slightly better who’s hit what on Earth I don’t know what’s it me was it just was it just getting pinged by magmas what’s what’s going on is it you little guys all I know is my health just disappeared in an instant there I actually think this update their range has increased yeah they can hit me from further away no way that’s that’s annoying I’m going to sple the hoglins and then I’m just going to steal all the gold from there I can trade it all to these guys and hopefully get the rest of the pearls just got four more pearls fantastic that’s all the gold gone I’ve managed to get 17 pearls which is pretty good so now I can build a nether portal get a sub space bubble and start hunting for the stronghold I don’t know how many blocks it’s going to be in this direction but considering how far away I am from Spawn I could have a journey of a few thousand blocks on the cards also I he a wolf another new type of wolf I mean I’d love to tame you guys but I I I don’t think I can first of all because I don’t have any bones and second of all it’ be a disaster waiting to happen for them to come to the end and I’ve got enough dogs all right we can’t keep getting loads but it would be a cool side quest wouldn’t it to get all nine types of wolf I’m also going to grab sugarcane when I see it so that I can make firework Rockets in the end and the same goes for creepers because I need gunpowder and I’m also going to spend time getting pigs because I’m kind of low on pork chops yeah I need loads more of those okay I found it the the IE ofender has just gone underground which means this is the spot although having said that before I go down I am going to need to get a little bit more food I reckon that is just set myself on fire but I reckon 37 is going to be enough food pretty sure the stronghold yeah was somewhere in that direction so this is the spot I started digging down before at and I’m hoping as I go down I do actually come across the stronghold okay we have fantastic we we’ve done very well there and now let’s see what we can find especially in this room there might be some good books and paper is also useful because obviously I can make loads of those firework Rockets I’ve also just realized that I haven’t brought a bow and considering just how handy bows are here’s my plan I’m going to craft a a couple of ender chests and then put some of the stuff in here that I don’t actually need then I’ll craft an envil collect up some string and make a bow that has power four on it and from there I think I’m ready I’m sadly going to have to lose that ender chest and I need to remember to change this to water oh we found the portal room as well right there there’s an ender pearl in this which is kind of nice and I’ll take the bread let’s slot in all of the Eyes of Ender and head on through you can technically ender pearl through an ortal as well but I didn’t really want to risk it and fall in the void there it is the dragon itself oh look at that we got we got an advancement for looking at it anyway let’s go ahead and start getting rid of these towers I can’t really see all the end crystals all I can see is the explosion of the stop when I hit it nearly all of them have gone just got to blast that one and finally this one and now we can really get going the axe will do all the damage for me as well as the power for bow whilst he’s flying I do plan later on in the video as well to use the mace to one tap the Ender Dragon I think that’ be a really cool thing to do wouldn’t it but for now I’ll have to get rid of him the oldfashioned way and there we go ladies and gentlemen Ender Dragon defeated and all the beautiful XP is mine Al completely forgot I’m still wearing gold boots oh well not to worry because it is now time to head to the outer Islands what a stupid island to land on looks like there’s a lot of bridg in ahead for me I may benefit from grabbing a few ender pearls so that I can get over gaps like that a bit easier okay guys you know what I I should just keep my eye on the game because that was a stupid stupid thing to do I assumed it was all flat to ring cuz I couldn’t see that Gap there earlier so I thought oh that’s a good time to just run drink tea but you know this time I should keep my eye on the screen down to half a heart and nearly in the void that could have been disastrous n city spotted sadly don’t see an end ship but I’ll cross this Gap anyway just in case there’s any good Loop oh look at this that looks like a better end City at first glance I don’t think this one even has a single chest in it that’s how bad it is but this one oh it has everything that I need I’m glad I bridged across that Gap now I will take out these shers just for the extra shells because the Sher box is very useful right about now and then I must cross this G so that I can get the elytra and loads of good loot as well there’s a little bit of loot in here a sword well I I guess I’m going to leave that but I’ll take the shovel and then I’m going to float across here I’m assuming I can reach it you know I just about got in thanks to the water a little bit of quick thinking needed from me there wasn’t it nice to have some boots with feather falling four that’s really really good a few more diamonds another pickaxe and the elytra the elytra that will allow me to explore very very easily and find many more end cities looting three sword that’s worth taking and I found yet another elytra this is a massive entity I think this might be the final one that I visit cuz I’m going to end up with so much loot from it I feel pretty stacked with all the loot that I’ve now got and this means my main quest now is to find an End Gateway before I run out of firework Rockets yeah not not got many left although I could always grab a little bit of extra loot when I see it I’ve sadly now run out of firework Rockets So operation find the Gateway we’ll have to continue on foot finally I’ve found one let’s head through and get back grab the dragon egg and look at this this is a new feature the credits are on this background now not not the old brown one it used to be oh well that that still doesn’t make me want to sit through them all apparently I broke my bed so we are back at spawn I’ll be glad when it’s night time so I can get some gun powder and fly back because my home is about 6,000 blocks away from Spawn yep unnecessarily far also this has looting three and fire aspect so I can now get so so much food which is very very handy looting three on creepers is going to mean I get loads of gunpowder which which means I’ll actually be able to start flying back home and take out any creepers that I see along the way it sure is great to be back hello doggies I’m going to add an ender chest and a dragon egg as well as place down a couple of pieces of sugarcane now I do have a load of spare paper in here so let’s make even more rockets and I reckon I don’t delay anymore well Al than upgrade my horse’s armor so that it’s Diamond because I reckon I have everything that I need now for the ominous trial granted I know my armor isn’t currently perfect or my sword but I think it’s good enough for me to be able to handle myself and be fine I think maybe the only thing I am missing is a shield and I also think this sharpness 3 is going to be better than the Looting three and fire aspect 2 so that is a couple of shields corrupted and let’s do it let’s take on an ominous trial and try and get the mace because then I want to fully upgrade the mace on the enchanting table get it completely maxed out and put it to the test on all the boss mobs now straight away these are going to start up with normal ones and it’s it’s already 10 times easier than it was before just goes to show you get half decent gear the trial chain is not much of a challenge basically just feels like a cookie clicker simulator and now that I’ve completed all of them and got a single Tri key okay that’s not too bad I now don’t have to wait for these to finish their cool down instead I can drink an ominous bottle this will initiate the ominous trials as you can see I’ve got that effect they’re now all blue and the mobs that spawn all wear armor as you can see I I don’t really think the armor is that impressive personally I don’t think that the ominous trials are hard enough but you can see there’s all sorts of effects knocking about like you just get random potion effects all the time like I would say it’s a little bit crazy okay yeah it’s very crazy as bud just eat up theb the poison is also kind of annoying but you just you just go for it all right you deal I mean this must be one of the harder rooms okay well we spawn all these in okay they’ve got some some decent swords I’ll I’ll give them that much the silver fish are kind of annoying but you just see bit by bit systematically we we we deal with it it’s the bgs which are pretty much the annointing I would say but that’s not because of their fancy armor it’s because of the poison arrows and anyway let’s get rid of the breeze it’s just kind of annoying me let’s get rid of you yeah the effects that come down are kind of annoying but yes now we have a trial key and we should get some more rewards as well once I defeat all the breeze that is if he comes down here and stops hiding in the okay he’s jumped down hly these guys are very very quick I’ve got to be on me on me toes you know if he bursts you upwards but there we go we got him and there’s another one are you kidding me now we’ve definitely got him right and we got another ominous key that’s great they look very very cool compared to the normal trial keys don’t they I reckon it’s possible to build a farm for them to and the ominous Keys come from here now this is where you can get the very good loot including the heavy core from the ominous vaults so let’s do it oh we got an advancement as well revolting we got windurst we got windurst we got windurst and we got a book are you kidding me that kind of sucks the book is multishot I don’t even care about that I mean 32 wind charges is kind of useful I don’t know why I keep calling them wind burst but anyway I’ll grab another of these Keys oh they’re everywhere we got loads of them and I know where there’s another ominous Vault because I’ve already explored this trial Chambers yeah there’s another one up here let’s see if we do any better with this this one okay we got an armor trim which I don’t think I’ve got before it’s the flow one yes that’s brand new fantastic and I believe somewhere around here there was a third ominous Vault well because I still have the the trial thing wait am I did I leave these guys okay no he started a trial thing okay let’s do it hly just kill the King of the Hill if I knock them all down what are you going to do fellas that’s right the annoying thing is just the potion effect that keeps appearing above your head every 5 seconds I mean sometimes it’s a good effect like this one it’s infested so if any of these get the infested effect and you take them out they spawn more Silverfish that’s that’s probably where the silverfish are coming from yeah I didn’t even talk yet about the four new potion effects we’ll Brew them later on but they’re pretty cool cuz they’ let you make some brand new Farms as well I got another ominous key and a potion of strength I’ll open this Vault up right here we’re getting so many wind bursts by the way oh a diamond okay that’s not bad and a GLE I mean it’s pretty good loot I kind of get the feeling that it’s not really worth coming here unless you do the ominous trials the ominous trials are much much better loot in comparison to normal so my recommendation would be don’t bother with normal trials just do ominous ones this time I I just got steak from all of them how much steak does it give you two yeah it’s it’s not really enough to get excited about is it I don’t think there’s an ominous Vault up here is there oh there is I’ve just spotted it let’s add in a key come on heavy core don’t let me down sadly not we did get a chest plate though let’s see what this is all about FR two Unbreaking one it it’s not as good as the one I’ve got so it’s staying here I you know what I’ll change my mind I can probably grind Stone it and make it better so it’s coming with me so got 5 minutes 40 of the effect and I know there’s at least one more in here yeah over there that I can open maybe even two if the game gives me another the key and it didn’t okay we don’t we don’t care about that and this time A Notch Apple another ominous bottle okay you know what that’s not too bad but I’m still out here waiting for the heavy core and there’s only one ominous Vault left I believe it is down here somewhere so I shall take all of these Fellas on oh man they’ve all got the using effect that’s really annoying it’s just spawning a load of slime and if I’m skillful I can do that bet you didn’t see that coming did you okay well he just got me back down but I bounce right back and in theory I should hopefully get a trial key yes we did an ominous key I mean I keep getting them mixed up and I’m sure there’s one more ominous Vault somewhere I just need to try and remember where it is aha I’ve found it and I first got to deal with this there’s anop normal one here as well that I could use and get some free emeralds got another ominous key fantastic come on heavy core don’t let me down please oh we got a music disc that’s kind of cool but no heavy core density two book as well that’s kind of rare isn’t it it’s something that can be applied to the mace so I suppose it’ll be useful down the line but if we want get the mace I’m going to go and have to find another trial Chambers which is a bit of a shame I thought after five bolts I might have a better chance I think I’m pretty organized with everything that I need so I’m going to steal these cartography tables and find another village where I can trade for a trial chamers map hello good sir no trial Chambers map from you so I’m going to get rid of you oh no where did where did he go what happened oh he’s gone my Electra have unfortunately broke so I’m I’m hoping to get some Phantoms tonight so that I can do the necessary AR repairs well it’s not much of a repair but it’s it’s better than nothing oh my goodness did you not watch what happened to the other guy yep let that be a lesson to all of you oh and we’ve got another budding volunteer I’ve just got to go and chop loads more trees so that I can trade with him all over again and we’ve got it fantastic so let’s head over to where it is oh look there’s a trail ruins there anyway that’s the old update we’re more interested in trail Chambers now aren’t we Trail ruins are so last year anyway we need to dig down right here and then operation mace can be in full flow start by drinking this and there’s cave spiders in this one that is just really really annoying I can handle them I just hate poison the game spawning strength which is meant to help those mobs but it’s me that’s getting it which kind of makes defeating the mobs a bit easier ominous Vault number one has wind charge and arrows that is absolutely terrible probably get better loot from one of these normal ones yeah I have done and so ladies and gentlemen I give you the floating Vine literally suspended upon nothing it’s crazy surprise ladies and gentlemen where are you at I actually really really they do love the wind charges even if I do want to keep calling on wind burst all the time for some reason ominous Vault number two still no heavy core about an idea I’ve got Flint I’ve got iron so using the flint and steel I’m going to light all of the ground on fire and then any mobs that spawn are going to be on fire too see that does kind of work but really it needs Netherrack to work properly here we go again another not chle are you kidding me but no heavy core this is actually a pretty good way to get not apples though isn’t it I believe this is the last of the ominous vaults I think I’ve checked everywhere else and since I got no m let’s get out of here a wondering Trader this is great oh excuse me nothing good to trade but if I can get rid of him I get free leads and you know what I can do with the leads a brand new feature added to the update we can take a boat anywhere we want with us it’s very very useful it’s going to be even more useful when I need to transport mobs such as this creeper I just pull him along and before you know it we’re a proper Convoy this is a great new feature isn’t it wonder if it stays attached if I try to away oh it does look at this we’ve got them both in this is great mytra are going to break but you know what this is one of the coolest things ever oh there we go oh no they’re going to land on top of me wait get out of there espb yeah you guys you can you can stay in that boat forever and then I’m going to get back to the Village grab another map and keep trying for a heavy [Music] core yes we got it finally I was starting to think that they didn’t really add the heavy to the game and they just lied to me but it is done we have the heavy core in Minecraft and so now we can craft the mighty mace and put it to the test notice how this sword has seven attack damage this has six attack damage but I haven’t even added any enchantments to it if I had those it does do more damage than even a sharpness 5 netherite axe would do so if I do something like this and land on the M yeah look at that we do more damage just got density three from one of these ominous vaults that’s awesome if I’m properly going going to upgrade the mace we’re going to have to set up a little enchanting station around here like this we go and unfortunately I only have four lapis yeah that’s not going to be great let’s see what we’re going to get anyway we can oh get on breaking three that sounds amazing and breach streak you know what that’s not terrible but yeah I think if we’re going to do this properly we’re going to need to head down to a cave grab more diamonds because we can and grab a bunch of lapis over 100 pieces it’s got to be enough next I can craft a nice little grindstone and get to work getting the best mace possible density five that’s exactly what I was hoping to do that’s the max level of density that you can get is is that all we get on it you know what that’s good enough for me so to this I could add Unbreaking three mending fire aspect and wind burst 3 now all of those I can get books from a villager except for wind burst 3 you need from an ominous Vault we might be able to get that later on there is also the breach enchantment which you can’t have on at the same time as density breach is useful if you’re against players with armor so I would probably use that in Friend or Foe to take out people because density is just useful for incre ining the damage you do as you fall so with density five on this horse look at that one tap no problem since I have a lot of emeralds and I do want to get Unbreaking three for my elytra as well I think it definitely makes sense for me to grab them the normal books and then I can do this with a villager until I can get that fully maxed out mace you can also get Bane of Arthropods and smite on a mace but you can’t do that if you already have density on density is better in my opinion so that’s what I’m going to be going with oh we just got mending straight away by the way 38 emeralds I think I’ve got to take it because who knows how long it’ll be until I get mending again it’s a little bit annoying cuz it cost me so many emeralds to do the trade but we’ll just have to keep going un breaking three fantastic just the right amount of emeralds too which means all I really need to do now is save up on emeralds so that I’ll be able to get fire aspect to and at long last I’ve got fire aspect so I can do a bit of combining with the Anvil and I’d love to get wimbur 3 but yeah like I say it’s only from ominous Vault so here is what I’m going to do first things first I need a bunch of Netherrack then I need some Hopper mine carts as well as Stone to craft walls then I’ll just simply activate some of the trial spawners that will spawn mobs easy enough to get a victory then what I’m going to do is mine out the area around this spawner place a hopper Mine card on top and then a collection system below so anything that goes into that mine got Hopper goes into this chest next the entire floor needs to be Netherrack I light every single block on fire and with that the farm is now done every 30 minutes the trial spawner will spawn mobs and the items will fall into this chest so that’s great but there’s still five other spawners down here and I’d like every single one to be a farm and then I’m getting five of the loot every time I do it I’m hoping that makes sense the only problem I’m going to have with this is possibly not having enough Hoppers the area is definitely coming together so I’ll get a load more wood to make all of the missing items although that does mean topping up on iron and Netherrack as well since it’s been half an hour they’ve all come back guys I it’s not ready for you yet just hold your horse it don’t be shooting the mine cart either I’ll quickly get all this L on fire cuz it is so close to being done oh we’ll know though if the loot went into the chest actually there’s nothing like having a quick unexpected Farm test and yes we got a key in there now you can see this one it’s working perfectly and it should be the same for this one right here although the cool down yep it is working fine in fact and also this one above me in the corner should also have gone off now the issue with the breeze is obviously I haven’t done that yet what I would like to do is try and get a Bree which is going to be a challenge but I’d like to try and get a Bree into a boat if I can let’s have a look come on come down here and see me there we go we got him now the reason for this is if you hit his little projectile thing back at him you can damage him now okay I just broke the boat oh no I just moved the boat away interesting I’m going to just do a little bit of damage on him but basically one of the advancements is to defeat a breeze with his own thing kind of like the Return to Sender Now it only does like half a heart of damage every time I actually hit him back so I’m going to have to do this quite a few times you can see I’ve got a very good little setup up though for it there we go we got him and we did it as you can see I’ve just gone I just went under here had him in a boat and we got the blowback advancement interesting name but okay let’s go and have a little look and see we got bread from that Tri spawner bread from this one nothing from this one wait did this one actually not activate oh it didn’t maybe you need to be on the same level as it maybe that’s where I’m going wrong but now as you can see it is working very well and we got another trial key from it fantastic let’s CH that in there finally and I just want to farm the breeze bit as well now I could make it so they go through portals and then I’d also get the breeze rods from them but I’m not really too bothered about that and there we have it the breeze Farm is also done I didn’t want them to escape but I also wanted to able to see inside so so this is what I came up with I’m also going to Glass this off so that the bugs can’t shoot me cuz when they can it’s it’s just really really annoying and now I want to put something to the test because they’re still in the cool down phase for the normal spawners but if I go and drink this it should there we go you can see now we are farming the ominous trials so we can go over here that’s going to work should do the same for the breeze one I I don’t know how yet the breeze just go in the fire they get taken out and it’s the same for these guys down here and that means I don’t actually need to be near them it’s just going to be working like from it’s going to keep spawning more and more mobs even if I’m not near them so I can just go up here and work on another project such as building a house and as I said I want to build everything only using the new block so we’ll go ahead place down a couple of doors and then for the walls I’m going to use tough bricks alongside other tough variants but to do that I’m going to need to go and mine some tough blocks that should be pretty easy just got to find one of these deposits and get to work also I think all of the ominous trials are finished as you can see we’ve got ominous trial Keys as well that is really really cool if I was taking this Farm seriously I’d have all the Hoppers lead to one chest this is more just of a quick little farm to kind of show you what is possible Now using the stone cutter I’m going to make a few chiseled ones and they’ll be like pillars and I’m going to go for copper grates as Windows I think that’s a really really cool little thing to have isn’t it the roof isn’t going to be anything fancy it it’s just going to be very practical with slabs all the way around the outside going have my bed in the corner here I also really want Copper bulbs I think I need to go and get some of them they can be crafted with redstone and blaze rods but that’s kind of annoying so I’m just going to go and and head straight down because they’re everywhere in here are the copper bulbs so I I’ll just I’ll just find a load in another room especially when you consider that they’re all already waxed which is is is very handy I just want to get the ones that haven’t really degraded I don’t know if I can actually take the wax off I don’t know how how you normally oh you can do that I just can’t do it with the shield but anyway I’ll stick to the waxed ones and then I don’t really have to worry about it now the interesting thing with making these the floor is at the moment they they don’t look very good do they actually to be honest with you they do look great even even the way they are they look fantastic however if I go ahead and grab a redstone block you can see if you apply power to it it turns on and then it’ll stay on you can do the same with the button technically but I’m just going to go ahead and use this redstone block to light up every single one there we go all of it is done and that is my copper and tough house yes not too bad for a little job is it and on another note I cannot play in the entirety of 1.21 without making an autoc crafter it’s literally the feature that I’m probably the most excited about and I haven’t even made one I’m going to grab 14 Cobblestone and to craft this as you can see it shows up there this is the recipe we’ll make two of them and I kind of wish I could hook it up to some sort of farm but I can’t really do that even the trial chamber oh we can get an ominous bottle from those guys but as I saying the trial ch chamber Farm doesn’t really have anything to craft from it so it’s not exactly that useful but hey I suppose I can make a nice little block compressing station so I’ve come up with something like this I’ve just run out of redstone though which is a slight problem a problem that can be quickly rectified by doing some Mining and so ladies and gentlemen after a bit of testing I give you the mighty block compressor so we Chu them in there and as you can see it fills up and then every now and again the pulse crafted and it goes into the hopper so you can see the timing’s AR perfect but okay well didn’t work too well for the iron nuggets but generally speaking it works perfectly for the iron in fact the timing is bang on look at this the second it fills up it crafts and if you have it go directly into a hopper it works even better cuz you don’t have to worry about it flying out anywhere and I think in the time Ming with the autoc crafter these vaults have now reset so we can set off each and every one of them get the loot from that and then if I drink the ominous bottle I’m hoping that it it just does it all over again yes it does what a great little farm this really is and there you have it more keys it’s fantastic I don’t know if I’m going to have time to go to another trial Chambers to try and find the windurst book because i’ would love to test out this maze on some powerful mobs but to do that safely I probably need some totems you know if I’m going to go against the warden or the Ender Dragon and drop from really really high in the sky I need to have some sort of way to not die right we are going to need a few more emeralds then I can buy a map and head to where it says it is also has the icon changed for the Woodland Mansion it just looks smaller I could be wrong it could be something that’s changed that I and maybe I’ve noticed it or maybe I’m just making it up finally I’ve reached it I’m telling you it was absolutely miles away I’m now around 20,000 blocks from Spawn yeah that’s crazy anyway let’s let’s find the entrance or even better forget the entrance sneak in the window build a tower because they think you’re hiding only to realize they’re going to get landed on top of same goes with you spawn your vect okay I’m not even going to get up there am I now I should have brought the wiers I I need these okay anyway let’s let’s just do this yes I’m on half a heart okay that that works it just um don’t get smacked in the face as you’re doing it somehow I’m a Survivor I don’t know how I don’t know how yeah I need I need the the uh the wind charges to do this properly thankfully I’m pretty sure I have some in this sug oh yes let’s do it we’ll put these in the off hand and then we can go like this and oh yeah this is going to be brilliant where are you I also have a totem now I should be kind of holding that but I I I I need the the wind charg in my hand here we go are you ready ta he didn’t stand a chance creeper goodbye you goodbye I’m sorry but how cool is this mace I’m just out here one tapping everyone everything the wind charges make it even cooler cuz you can literally just Bounce Around wherever you want to take things out this is definitely going to be really cool for PVP it’s going to change things up so much and for fighting General mobs it’s just so effective a shame you can’t add looting three to it as well that would make it even more powerful I just say the main thing you’ve got to worry about is that you do not miss your hit as long as you as long as that’s the case then I I think you’re fine but it is possible to miss you know I’m getting the timings down perfectly it is brilliant I think I am ready to take on a warden I’ve got loads of totems I’m just going to get rid of you and also you as well with your fancy armor cuz I need a little bit more XP so I can actually fly to where a warden will be that should be good enough let’s go ahead and fly out of here and hopefully find an ancient city this looks like the kind of biome that you generally find an ancient city so I’ll dig down and see if it’s true well it has led to deep dark but not an ancient city so I’ll head back out and Dig Down Below Another Mountain okay we found one fantastic and I’ve already set off a shriker well this could be where we get the warden I’ve worked out that I need to drop a 100 blocks onto the warden to successfully defeat it I think this height here is good enough I now just need to dig an actual hole all the way back down and my elytra broke what an awkward time this is I need to XP well the one’s about to spawn anyway I probably need to like get him in a bit of a hole if I can which might be slightly scary to do oh we we’ve done it and it’s very convenient that I’m in a place with loads and loads of XP so these can be repaired there many other players is it that whilst the W is coming out of the ground we’ll just casually dig him into a hole I must be one of the few anyway we’ve got a ho we’re not we’re not going to take forever doing this let’s Chu these diamonds back in and collect XP the proper way now obviously this is pretty dangerous the worrying thing as well is that I’m not going to be directly above the warden he’s a few blocks that way but hey I’ve got totems I’m sure I can make this work so I am going to grab the mace here we are day 100 one sh of warden in hardcore mode come on SB so we drop okay we hold forward see I’m too far away from him I I don’t stand a chance from that I need to be on this line though now look at him doesn’t even know he’s being watched oh he’s climbing back in the ground after all that okay well a new one has climbed out in exactly the same spot this is without a doubt going to be the best spot I’m going to get out the mace and let’s do it okay let’s just try and I missed hey big fellow don’t mind me I’m just going to run away not sure how I’m still alive but let’s try again I’m falling it’s kind of hard to see what you’re aiming for doesn’t it I missed again are you kidding me and I got me in my bucket of water this time as well that’s not good I just I just have to swim back up I made it so there’s an easy way to get up and downb don’t have you a lightra active just get out I should refill my bucket shouldn’t I I made it so that I could swim up and down using this but I didn’t have any here we go again don’t miss this time yes we did it we defeated the warden in one hit and we just spawn another one well I think I should probably get out of here although having said that it is now day 101 so I’ve done it 100 days in the brand new update I didn’t even make the new potions I did experience them in the trial Chambers but didn’t get to make them couldn’t even max out the mace fully cuz I couldn’t get the winb 3 just yet but I’m pretty happy with what what we did and I’m pretty excited to play this update a bit more especially in friend or fo and LIF steel those are going to be two very very cool times with the new update but thanks so much for watching yes that was 100 days in Minecraft 1.21

►I Built 100 FARMS in Minecraft Hardcore – https://youtu.be/b3184f1xODI

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In this Minecraft video I survive 100 days in the new Minecraft 1.21 Tracky Trials update!

100 Days Videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWJikipm2MTa_zCPAj5TKJ9ocpDNNpNqN

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  1. Trial key farm seems to be pretty useless. Every player can only open each vault once

    According to wiki, in Java Edition, the vault can remember 128 players, so to refresh it will need a big server

  2. SB737 you are the biggest goat ever! You have consistently uploaded for 11 years now and have gotten so far! You are truly somone to look up to as a person and youtuber!

  3. hey SB just so you know the heavy core is like a 1% chance or 8% i don't remember which one so you need quite a lot of luck but in any case i love your content and have been watching ever since your first hardcore ep of your series 🙂 also God apples are 20% from the ominous vaults and heavy core can't be gottn from regular vaults .i wanna see in your hardcore world every wolf but snowy is 1.5% chance by itself no pack in grove biome RARE so in other words this ubdate should be renamed PAIN

  4. Hi SB! My brother, Mitchell Thompson was on a zoom call with you today! I just wanted to thank you for going out of your way to talk to him!❤

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