Terraria but Enemies have SPECIAL ABILITIES

what’s popping bread sticks welcome back to another banging video on the kogy channel today I have for you can you beat Terraria but every single enemy has a random modifier now you might be thinking Brad what does this mean well let me tell you enemies can spawn in with a bunch of different effects if they want to if you like this style of content make sure to smash like smash subscribe and comment down below any other ideas you have for me in the future I want to find an enemy to test out if this thing will work you know same with the last video we got to find out if this mod actually works and for some reason there’s no enemies this terrain is so bougie man like I’ve never seen a world like like how was I just in the desert and why is it this is so odd I’m just trying to find a slime man aha shrinking trapped jet trapped green slime what do you do oh holy okay wow chunky chaotic growing blue slime there a tiny one after my encounter with a tiny slime I felt the course of action was to make my way over to the right to find some ores and Life Crystals you know playing the game how is intended to be played okay I’m not going that way I should also mention that um this affects bosses as well so good luck to me I guess yeah as you’ll see later I’m definitely going to need that look explosive okay so does this guy actually just explode when he dies ow oh oh he dropped I’m coming toriel I want to see you goat Mommy I’m going to kill myself oh my belly it’s all inflated and hold that oh [ __ ] why do I have this out get out of here hello oh rip oh my God he wants me oh stay away stay away from me oh my God they got the teleport oh my the jungle slime teleports as well great hey it’s me Goku oh [ __ ] hello going to stand here with my my shank oh [ __ ] fam whoa why is he knock me back so far and he heals okay okay you know we’re going now we’re running away oh my God what the [ __ ] all right boys what we saying about the crib I have a um I have a pet with me here uh he’s just chilling he’s he’s now a permanent resident of the house uh he sells me lenses and that’s all he does why is the worm why is the zombie tiny little baby zombie a it’s so cute oh my God wait stay away from [Music] me what wait now still I want to get hit by this thing again send me oh my God and now a word from our intelligent specimen Brad now I might be thinking Brad why are you going straight for the Eater of Worlds well let me tell you my little uh cake sponge each part of the Eater of Worlds is class as an entity which means each part of the E of Worlds is going to have its own effect I need to be as geared up as possible to defeat it otherwise as some skeleton says I’m going to have a very very bad time that’s right Gamers it’s time to mine my least favorite part about this game why is it red slime whoa what am I doing you know get away from me [ __ ] oh oh oh oh my God uh oh my God hello what oh my God it’s so over oh yeah rip I’m going to die herpes boots let’s go ow yeah oh after I lost a One V one against fire I made a couple more trips down into the same cave to get myself some more Life Crystals as well as some ores and just like that boys we have conducted a successful mining trip okay we’re up to full health and we have hopefully enough ores to allow us to make some armor explosive Bunny come here haha I in fact did not having a four so I went and did some more mining to get myself full platinum armor as well as a platinum bow and a short sword and now I built an arena and I was ready for the eye of cthulu what do you want to go away why is there so many zombies oh my God I’m being jumped right anyway as I was trying to say before I’ve been rudely interrupted like three times I did some more mining to get myself like better armor and whatnot as well as finding a suspicious looking skull uh but yeah let’s get this boss fight on the road he’s explosive and he gives me weakness are you joking I mean the explosive part isn’t too bad I can deal with that oh his little shit’s also have effects don’t they oh look at that weave bro oh no I just got normal shitty arrows die please yeah oh he’s explosive okay that was not challenging at all I lied it was kind of but we have a shield of Kulu now so we can make our way over to the corruption and try and deal with uh Eater of Worlds before dealing with the Eater of Worlds though I had to make sure I had a clas in a bottle to be able to jump over him as well as the musket to effectively deal with them please don’t clone oh give me the musket that’s all I needed what what uh what the okay I think I might be able to do the year of Worlds with this like load out I have uh I am confident one clad in the bottle later I am ready to kill this nice guy um okay why am I shooting down there what wait Not only was the boss bugged with only two of his segments actually spawning there was an effect called the black hole this made it so projectiles went towards the entity in my case with the eer of world this was very bad because he’s made up of multiple segments meaning I’d most of the time be shooting through the floor oh my God why are my bullets slowing to one point is this guy Gojo what is this yeah it’s going to like One Singular point he’s also just throwing Boulders at me as well cool wow I don’t think I’m going to be able to beat this boss so I’m going to have to like just Farm the shadow scales from it because this is like practically impossible like look my bullets just going places again like bro I can’t even use a ball of hurt because it’s just going to know I’m going to shank it come on wait oh 400 damage right okay oh my God right Mark it down to skill isue what you want but I don’t think I’m doing this oh this guy go away what what what what what is going on what what what is this game I’m playing what game am I playing holy it doubled it’s 155 segments that is not being done I I’m sorry I I just need to do it enough times so there’s enough Shadow scal for need to use to make a pickaxe all right so we’re sat on six shadow scales uh I don’t know how many more times we have to do this oh my God looks like I’m just aimbotting but and there’s a goblin ony how cute oh I just need the shadow scales man that’s all I need to do all right so for the sake of my sanity I’ve turned some of the modifiers off specifically the one that draw in bullets because I actually like play the game and be able to use my weapons oh oh ah oh ah I suppose it’s probably just the case of getting lucky with like what modifiers you get I don’t even think the game knows what it’s doing that you got projectiles that just come from the he [Music] okay give me oh I need it the [Music] heart oh my God [Music] no all right how how much more how many more please just say I have enough yes yes no more I can leave oh I’m back please Demonite please I yes my torture is over call me a fraud all you want for not beating the boss but I’m not going to lie that was probably not going to happen with my newly acquired pickaxe I decided to start digging to hell and prepare for the wall of flash fight all right chat we’ve now made it to hell we got to do some Mining and get pommed by every single Monster yeah we need to get hell Stone uh so we can actually do damage to things one hellstone mining trip later all right I need see if I have enough heal stone for my items uh maybe 88 okay yeah that that should be enough so I did a bit more mining which is how I’ve got like all of this stuff now uh a beautiful crafting interface now my storage system is nice and organized Next Step make carve area build platform Wall of Flesh and I set out to do exactly that after 1 hour of torturous mining all right so I have now carved out my massive straight line which is what I’m going to use to uh build my platform on by doing that so this is just going to be the whole platform the entire way across but I spent about an hour doing this so I hope I actually use it unlike the last video and now I have a giant platform spanning pretty much the entirety of Hell let got to wait for a Voodoo Demon and we should get be able to get this shot on the road here’s something oh let’s go there we go booty demon BOS so just before I fight the Wall of Flesh I did some last minute adjustments for example I got myself some Spectre boots I made everything warning I got a bunch of potions uh so now I reckon Wall of Flesh should go down easily if this doesn’t work I will make sure to get the star cannon to make life easier I’m taking one damage okay might have been a bit overprepared but you know you got to be safe and sorry hungry effects haven’t been too bad at the moment oh he says that and then one teleports behind them oh wait yeah this is easy oh god oh what oh I’m confused keep an eye on that confusion time CU if once that RS down we have to hold a again so now no way he’s so quick I’m too slow I’m actually too slow but that is doable I’m just somehow too slow with everything so I might have to get myself an aget of the wind as well and an anklet as well right so I’ve put a lot more potions on this time as well as got myself lightning boots and an aget of the wind as well so I should be able to out run this guy once he gets to the later phases of his fight as well as tank and damage cuz you know why not we love damage tanking are these guys teleporting stay away from me hungry oh yeah I’m I’m chilling look how fast I am ow if I don’t get knocked back I just tank is damage as well there we go all right easy D after the easiest Wall of Flesh fight in my life I made my way over to the corruption to smash the altars to make my world blessed with all the wonderful ores harassment holy already got mechanical ey W’s then just a case of doing a lot of mining for all that Paladium mithil and Adamantite Paladium pickaxe bang mythal Amil boom myth roll pickaxe sweet oh fortnite oh oh hi there’s a giant wizard down down there and there’s a thousand mobs bye-bye wizard you’re gone should now be able to make and Adamantite Forge Adamantite yeah and then did myself some more mining to get myself a full set of Adamantite armor and Adamantite repeater oh oh oh oh oh my God bour shagger I was doing this to get wings but I didn’t know where the spawner was the reason I was killing queen bee now is because I thought to get the Leaf Wings you’d have to have a witch doctor in at underground hard mode jungle however this would proved to be wrong cuz you actually have to kill planta as of 1.4 there we go now we can get that witch doctor I just need to build a SC in the jungle for it so I’ve made my beautiful house I think it’s good enough yeah okay now just got to wait for my glorious King to arrive oh my God the witch doctor yes my glorious King where are you oh look at him I just need to bring him to the Jungle then I can get some wings but so we’ve arrived at the crib now if we just bring him here we should be able to oh I need to kill planta don’t I oh all right so your boy done some grinding I now have myself an Uzi as well as some uh wings uh so once the Knight actually hits I will hopefully be able to to defeat The Twins and whilst I wait I can farm for some more Souls of Night for the other Mech boss spawner so I have the mechanical worm uh the only problem is I can’t get the mechanical skull because I haven’t killed Skeletron yet uh so let’s just know why is his hand so [Music] huge oh right okay he just doesn’t want to die I guess there we go I then made my way inside of the dungeon to get some bones for the last spawner I needed and I was ready to begin fighting all the mech bosses so now that we’ve got all three spawners as you see here I think if I’m quick enough I should be able to get at least one of them done oh my God uh [Music] oh he’s back he’s back what who all right um let’s try that again yeah luckily I got some more so hopefully he’s not growing this time there we go chunky that’s better really got to focus retin A bloke because he he’s um vampiric means he heals when he hits me for a lot as well by the looks of it a little home slice bread slic boy ow don’t shoot me at Point Blank that’s rude please there we go and now you I think bullwark means he takes less damage because I’m doing a whole lot of nothing to this guy there you go he’s only just enter rage mode yeah I should doing 40 damage but I’m only hitting him for like 20 if I could alsoit no way man okay so I’ve done some grinding uh whilst I was waiting for all my NPCs to respawn so now I have three of each spawner okay um I’m gone I guess bull walk again are you serious I don’t really want to fight you I can’t lie I might just let myself die yeah attempt number three I’ve just realized I got to do Destroyer after this oh no and retina is dead there we go right we we’ll try Destroyer we’ll see how bad it is right now no not happening all right I’ve just devised a strategy um I need to talk to you and get some explosive powder as well as talking to the Arms Dealer um for some empty bullet casing so I can make exploding bullets with this upgrade to my Arsenal I was ready to have a crack at the Destroyer again cuz these bullets should be good enough oh [ __ ] oh my God wait hold on let this yeah bro bro this is absurd oh it’s so over it’s so over think if I deal with the proo and get harassed should be fine might be a case of getting a d yes Fallen star my goat Kaio K what no way I did I forgot what undying did Noah no way bro I really need to get better accessories because I’m just using threee hard mode [ __ ] oh it’s on daytime in it [Music] y oh all right I have another two mechanical worms hopefully he’s small now he’s not dying though so we’re fine now he will actually die when he reach zero Health like a boss is supposed to wow stroke that theme czo oh my God FU oh crap mod s’s house wait is this piece that flying actually never been more in my whole life oh my God wait oh [ __ ] wait wait no no okay oh I almost through that oh oh hello I might miss his head you know I might need good aim to hit his head here oh [ __ ] his hit box is bigger yeah enough okay potions we need potions we need potions I remember when cell was lurking looking for the Androids just searching found them all oh God and skeleton Prime is the wait theread there we go huge all right now it’s time for planta I made my way over to the Jungle found a Plantera bulb and carved out an arena for planta a get me out of there ow 80 damage and now I’m blind as well all right if we can’t do it this time this Arena needs to be changed what yeah right GG’s wait there’s so many things on the screen vampire caffeinated poisonous plant oh my God it’s so over look how fashy is in base what the [ __ ] I’m in my base form I can go very fast watch this like she’s a [ __ ] race car please I just want to get to half to see how oh God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God all right let’s not get four different status effects on plara yeah I think all Berserker is a knock back right yeah so in some situations it can benefit us but this that be the freest boss fight ever don’t die now and she’s gone nice all right Temple time Temple time after plant Swift defeat it was in fact Temple time quick unstable clunky Golem head true oh that that fist is quick see look how easy Golem is when I don’t have the infinite uh the no invis R man but I can actually deal with him and the arena isn’t like 2 by two this is such a brief oh well okay why is it no no no no no no no no no 255 regen all right that’s chill that’s chill I’m doing more damage than any regen for anyway it doesn’t really matter boom all right lunatic cultist baby this is what do like once the mechs were done this has been like Smooth sailing pretty much shrinking quick binding lunatic oh wait does he get smaller on each shot oh he does uh-oh all right well whilst I was waiting for this guy to spawn again I decided to get myself some shite he’s in the floor okay well I doal with this gu first excuse me come out the floor growing growing how F can growing G oh he’s hitting me from all the way over here he’s got me in a corner let me away run you just keeps throwing me away oh wait he has a limit on how big you can grow all right well off off we go off we go off we go wait I want to go no let me go back this way no oh [ __ ] and he is dead there we go easy all right pillar time after the easiest lunatic CST fight of my life I swiftly took down all three pillars and was only left with the solo one go go go go get the pillar get the pillar kill come on come on let’s go impending doom approaches o I’ve opted to make some more um some chlorified bullets I can just he’s undying oh Poo oh I won’t survive this you’re not going to survive this un dying oh [ __ ] I need to stop taking unnecessary damage like that my Strat of running away doesn’t work okay [Applause] ah that that first hand is almost down but so am I cuz I just keep being knocked by oh [ __ ] off I’ve just walked into it I’m such a [ __ ] all right so I’ve devised a strategy right I have done a [ __ ] ton more grinding uh and I now have beat a llama because defense so I can just turn my brain off and um run circles around the Moon Lord and hopefully the massive boost in my defense should allow me to um tankle his attacks because I can’t be asked to get the accessories like the good ones anyway so just deciding you know what we’ll sit in the jungle farm for it and then now we have beat L I have the Recon scope as well which is why the screen was moving I I need to start utilizing this Nurf method more cuz I didn’t like know about it until I tried it it [Music] worked Nur [ __ ] come closer you stupid [ __ ] okay so we’re already down like over half almost half my health huge oh he just teleported okay oh he’s he’s teleporting he teleports it scares me I don’t like it I I don’t like being hit by nothing n Nur n Nur please you hey ricecakes it’s me again uh I have now I’ve now got myself a tabby as well as a Cobalt Shield so now I will not be knocked around by nothing and I will actually be able to play the game nurse nurse nurse nurse go go go to the nurse run oh [Music] [ __ ] Bry look it’s your father he’s been hit by a Straight Energy block yep everyone can die [ __ ] [Music] off I will not let you destroy my world [Music] [Music] and he is [Applause] dead woo why is this game so easy chat come on let’s freaking go boys that was really fun I I actually enjoyed that even though I was raging a little bit the the enemy modifiers is really good so J and lent on that note yes you can beat Terraria when all the enemies have different modifiers if you enjoyed remember to smash that like button and comment down below any ideas you have for me in the future regarding Terraria content and I will see you guys in the next one peace [Music]

I made it so every enemy in Terraria INCLUDING BOSSES has a SPECIAL ABILITIES. These effects range from ice abilities to enemies growing in size when they are damaged. For more content like this subscribe and leik

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