Having a DARK LIFE in Minecraft!

where am I right now good morning son L who’s finally awake and wait what who are you guys are you guys my parents was I just born yep I’m your dad and this is your mom I literally just called you my son whoa and wait a minute hold on why is everything in this room’s so dark wait Dad you’re wearing a black shirt mom you’re also wearing a black shirt and hold on I’m also wearing a black shirt huh well you were just born into our dark family of course yep uh we have a lot of jobs to do but you’ll learn them eventually wait what dark family jobs wait what do you guys do as a dark family I’ve never been a part of a dark family before oh we’ll explain that later but it’s morning it’s time for breakfast plus you got to meet your brother and I have a brother oh heck yeah let’s go I can’t wait to go meet him all right where’s this breakfast room at it’s downstairs just follow us into the kitchen oh yeah right I guess a breakfast room is called the kitchen I don’t know why I called it a breakfast room and wait you must be my brother wa wait you’re also wearing a black hoodie wait who’s this Mom Dad I is this one of your friends our friends uh no he’s the same age as you take guess who he is oh it’s my brother that’s who you guys were talking about and wait wait mom if I’m the same age as him then doesn’t that mean he was born like 20 seconds ago too well you guys aren’t exactly the same age uh he’s a little bit older than you a man how old are you 2 days old oh wow you’re like a dinosaur you’re old what no I I was just born I’m not a dinosaur okay okay I’m sorry but who okay I’ve never been a part of a dark family before everything in this house looks so dark and gloomy what do you guys do around here well as a dark family our job is to make humans do bad decisions and bad things and wait what hold on hold on that doesn’t sound very good what do you mean yeah our job is to go down to the human world and tell humans to do bad bad things and sometimes they do it what the heck okay okay well hold on that doesn’t sound very good why don’t you guys tell them to do like good things telling them to do bad things seems like a pretty bad idea right what that sounds so boring we tell humans to do fun things like video games over homework or something what but doesn’t that sound bad shouldn’t you do like your homework before video games no we’re the dark family after all we have to tell them to do bad things yeah you’re 2 seconds old you should probably just listen to us okay okay I guess I’ll just listen to you guys I don’t really know anything about the world yet oh speaking about messing with humans we should go down right now before school starts ooh wait Dash will have a nice time looking at everything and wait what go down huh to to the human world are we not on the human world right now and whoa what the why does the grass look like that uh it’s not the grass we live in the clouds what the we live on the clouds wo so we’re like up in the sky now hold on hold on I want to go take a look outside and no way we’re on the clouds and wait what’s that house over there I hate them oh that that’s the house for the light family oh so there’s like a light and a dark family wait what do they do they make the humans make good decisions like um helping people cross the street and stuff yeah they’re always trying to like do the right thing and stuff it’s so annoying and oh wait that actually doesn’t sound too bad wait why don’t like we become friends with them and then like we can all do good things no you can never be friends with the the light family yeah we shouldn’t even talk about them like that what okay okay all right well come on let’s go down I want to go ooh we should go get that Kyle guy again oh Kyle oh man that’s your favorite human isn’t it and wait wait what hold on we’re going to go mess with a human named Kyle wait do we have to go down from this Cloud how are we going to get down whoa it looks like we’re very high up in the air right now oh yeah well going Down’s not as hard as getting up see going down is just a simple as we and oh oh you’re just going down oh I guess there’s water down there all right should I follow him yeah you should follow him wee let’s go wo okay hopefully this water doesn’t hurt let’s go splash oh well that was pretty awesome wasn’t it son that was sick but wait wait how do we get back up now I don’t see any stairs or anything yeah we we we’ll worry about that later um first let’s go find this Kyle okay okay I guess we’re just going to go look for him do we have to like sneak around him so he doesn’t see us uh no not actually humans can’t see us already and wait what the humans can’t see us yeah they can’t see us but we can see them clear as day ooh so we’re like ghosts okay okay it’s really funny when they pick their nose cuz they don’t think that anybody’s there what okay I guess that is pretty funny but hold on you said that we have a human named Kyle we have to go mess with him right now yep we’re on our way to go mess with uh Kyle he’s our assigned human for this year and wao okay so you guys have like a different assigned human every year yep we have to make sure that people do just the wrong things okay okay I guess I’ll just follow you all right usually he’s around here according to the schedule and okay wait we know this human schedule and everything of course it’s part of our job and wait hold on I think I see someone over there in the distance is that him over there yep that’s him that’s Kyle he usually goes fishing at this time whoa okay okay well uh what are we going to do how are we going to mess with him are we going to like uh put an anvil at the end of his fishing rod so he thinks that he found a really big fish and then when he pulls it his fishing rod breaks wow you’re natural but uh not quite uh not really more stuff like uh spawning sharks in the water so he stopped fishing yeah that’s good and what you guys want to spawn sharks in the water but isn’t that like a little dangerous what if the sharks like jump up and try eating him nah it’s fine it’s our jobs and sharks are nothing they can’t come out of the water so it’s usually just fine oh yeah yeah let’s do it let’s do it um okay okay I guess we can go spawn some sharks on him wait how are we going to spawn in sharks with these of course whoa what are those are those shark spawn EGS how do you have those uh we get all of these assigned to us at the beginning of the year oh oh you just got a bunch of prank items at the beginning of the year all right all right well okay it looks like he’s just right over there right now it looks like he’s just having fun fishing you guys ever feel bad for messing with humans like this this doesn’t seem like a very nice thing to do to people what no it’s so funny to see their reaction whenever we prank them it’s awesome yeah we feel super bad in a good way um okay I guess if you say so all right let’s get these sharks in the water and okay okay but wait you guys are sure he can’t see us right now right so um he’s just there and we’re all behind him and he can’t see us oh yeah I mean try waving in his face he’s not going to see you um okay hi there Kyle oh look at me look at me I’m messing with your fishing rod yeah wait am I going through his fishing rod right now uh everyone goes through fishing rods another Lovely Day fishing at the sea I’m catching total wild life right now bro see he doesn’t notice you at all and wa okay okay I guess he doesn’t notice me he’s just like fishing here by himself all right well um how are we going to spawn the sharks in well you going into the water and you just put this on the ground like this and whoa whoa wait that’s a big shark right there it’s a hammerhead shark what the heck whoa what the heck dude I caught a p fish and a a hammerhead shark just spawned in bro oh we should try and make him cat a shark and then it’ll bite him wo W wa isn’t it a little bit too far isn’t Cal going to get hurt from doing that n it’ll be fine yeah humans are like that okay well how do we get Cal to catch the shark it looks like he’s just fishing like in the water for himself right now ooh ooh um I have an idea oh what’s your idea mom well let’s just put this sign here and say um 100 diamond award for shark and wait what but mom there’s no actual 100 diamond reward is there are you actually going to give him 100 diamonds if he finds a shark no there’s no reward for that what don’t you think this is kind of mean then no it’s not mean at all we’re just giving him a little push that’s all um okay I I I guess so well um it looks like he’s not looking at the sign right now it looks like he’s just still fishing by himself and oh it looks like he just caught another fish all right that’s 10 fish today dude oh today was awesome I think I’m ready to go 100 diamond award for shark wait I think he noticed the sign yep he read it oh wait do you think he’s going to go get the shark I guess we’re about to see it looks like he’s studying the sign um do I really want to get this 100 diamond reward I could buy so many surf boards bro oh gosh it looks like the shark is getting pretty far away if he wants to get it I think he’s going to have to jump into the water all right here we go dude and W W he’s actually jumping into the water what he’s actually going to fight the shark okay I this is not a good oh I think that shark is fighting him this cannot end well what the heck come here I’ve never Wrestled a shark before but you’re going down bro it is over f it is awesome oh God she is definitely going to get injured from doing this humans are so easy to convince oh yeah I’ve got you online boy you’re going down dude what the heck okay well uh is this what you guys just do for a living you guys just go around and mess with humans and try to get them to do bad decisions yep that’s the entire reason why we’re a dark family are you guys messing with Kyle again wait who who said that what I thought you guys liked messing with Kyle it’s the light family they’re finally here and wait a minute the light family are those that people that lived in the bright house next to us on the street yeah that’s exactly who they are I I I I don’t like them at all dad who are those people uh these are the people that I keep messing with Kyle get out of here guys why do you keep doing this and wait what get out of here isn’t that our job though aren’t we supposed to be messing with Kyle what no you guys just do it for fun a the wimps are here wait hold on if we’re the dark family and we do bad stuff to the humans then are they supposed to do good stuff to the humans yeah that’s exactly what they do ah it’s so annoying they’re always defiling our plans yep and that’s exactly why we don’t like them and we don’t talk to them okay and I’m all right oh what did you guys do this time 100 diamond a word for shark you you made him wrestle a shark what’s wrong with you wait where did he go and um um he went uh nowhere yeah yeah he um he fought the shark and one was that good guys was that a good cover up no it wasn’t they’re on to us what but seriously someone could have gotten hurt fighting a shark that’s not safe wait who’s this your son why do you have him down here on the first day shouldn’t he be like at school or something and I yeah I’m their new son you got a problem with that buddy yeah I have a problem with that you shouldn’t be down here this is evil you shouldn’t be doing this what evil no we’re doing fun stuff H he doesn’t get it can we just go back home this life family is and they’re they’re mean mean we’re the opposite of mean what are you talking about all right you know what let’s just go up they’re not going to leave us alone come on guys yeah they’re not worth our time all right all right I guess we can just leave but wait guys how are we going to get back up on our Cloud wasn’t our house like way up in the sky yeah we’ll show you our way up yeah and if you can’t do it uh maybe dad can carry you huh what what are you talking about do we have like a really high lighter or something uh no we fly up there whoa wait we can fly oh hold on this is actually sick I got to try this out let me on land let me on land okay so um how do we fly do we just like jump off over here and all right I believe I can fly let’s go oh oh it didn’t work I just crashed landed it’s not going to work like that oh man okay well how do we fly I see the edge of our Cloud up there I want to get up there well all you have to do is just jump really really high and voila you’re flying here it’s not that hard here look I’ll show you you just jump and fly and okay and whoa whoa whoa what the heck how did you grow those wings so quickly uh I get them every time I fly what the heck wait am I going to get wings like that uh maybe when you’re older but right now we got to focus on getting you back to the house okay okay well hold on a minute I really want to learn how to fly you said all you have to do is just jump and then go let me try once more oh wait maybe I have to get higher up on over here okay let me try again come on let’s go oh it didn’t work yeah you haven’t unlocked your abilities yet I I think it’s best if I just carry you back up to the house Mom you get Cam okay okay okay I’ll get him bye-bye all right too guys and W well we’re actually going so high this is so awesome right now I’ve never flown before well you’re going to fly a lot more since our house is up here oh gosh yeah why is our house even on a cloud so the humans can’t find our house and then come after us and eat our eat our babies oh oh all right that’s pretty deep but let’s go we made it back home wait that was awesome I can’t wait to learn how to fly myself one day it’s always awesome flying home yeah that probably around when you’re uh 8 years old a man that’s going to be like 8 years from now okay but anyways what do you guys do at home when you’re not messing with humans surely you guys have like some other stuff you do around here like H do you guys play like uh video games or or like tag or any games like that by any chance no usually we just sit here and come up with new ideas of how to torture the humans and oh oh all right well that definitely sounds like something you can do yeah um speaking of new ideas and putting them in your head uh you two boys need to go to school what school aren’t we literally powerful flying beings that are invisible to humans why would we need to go to school you need to go to dark School silly yeah I went yesterday it was actually really fun who okay well what do you do at dark schools well you learn lots of strategies for messing with humans so it’s really important that you go to school and okay okay I guess we can go to school when does it start uh let’s see uh it started 20 minutes ago 20 minutes ago hold on does that mean we’re late yeah of course it means you’re late why why do you ask um aren’t you supposed to be on time what we never show up on time we’re the dark family not the on time yeah if you go to school on time you lose points what the heck okay um well that’s a pretty interesting school we should probably go now though right since we’re like already 20 minutes late we don’t want to be more late do we yeah I’ll show you the way follow me all right all right let’s go bye see you Mom and Dad it’s okay if you want to skip school I guess I’ll go since it’s my first day I want to see what it’s about yeah it’s really fun and ooh you’re going to love this one class we just literally just throw stuff at humans and here we are and waa wait this is our school this place looks pretty nice all right well do you know what our first class is I think it’s time for gy and whoa whoa whoa what are you doing no no no no no no no and what what do you mean no no no no no aren’t we supposed to go inside yeah you’re going through the wrong door you have to go through the dark side oh wait hold on is this school for the light family and the dark family uh yeah we only have one school we have to share it sometimes they they’re too nice to get on my nerves and oh oh all right I guess we can go through the dark side and wo it’s like two separate schools literally just connected to each other wow yeah our side is way better though and we should probably get to class follow me this way and all right all right let’s go you said we have gym class first ooh that sounds super fun what are we going to do in gym class uh we usually just like uh learn how to throw stuff at people and oh oh all right that makes sense H who’s that wait what who are you I’m the gym teacher and who are you oh wait you’re the gym teacher well okay uh my name actually I don’t have a name yet uh call me Dash that could be my name I’m new here o great name and I I guess your brother’s cam here and yeah yeah we’re brothers I was just born into the family today yeah he was born today I’m just teasing him the ropes you know excellent well you’re late that’s perfect yeah yeah yeah Mom and Dad told us we should show up late I think we’re like 30 minutes late now that’s pretty good right ooh great great on your first day that’s excellent okay okay yeah thanks thanks H hopefully I get an A+ but anyways what do we do in gym class I’ve never been to a dark school before so I’m not really sure o follow me this way I’ll show you what to do in gym class oo let’s go today we’re going outside this is my favorite teacher he’s one of the best in the school W okay okay let’s go I’m excited for this gym class and ooh this gym looks awesome we got like basketball hoops and everything yeah this Gym’s perfect for all of the dark families all right first exercise you’re going to get some warm-ups in who wants to see me climb a rope and what climb a rope you can climb ropes doesn’t that seem kind of hard well Andy’s putting rope on the wall yeah I can climb a rope what the heck yeah what is this guy doing I don’t know but I love every second of it oh yeah the top of the world I am what the heck okay this is the warmup you said yeah this is a slide warm up now climb the Rope okay okay I guess I’ll give it a shot oh gosh I’ve never really climbed a rope before oh let me up oh wait I’m actually doing it oh y this is actually easy yo guys you seeing this I’m climbing the Rope oh yeah get it Dash let’s go I hit the top okay now I just got to go down here we go here we go boom I made it to the bottom that was sick now that’s what I’m talking about oh heck yeah wait cam now you have to do it oh yeah my turn I got this I’ve been training there we go wao it looks like you’re just eating that rope because you’re just looking up that’s kind of funny yeah yeah I made it all the way to the top first try cuz I’m a pro let’s go let’s go that rope was pretty easy okay oh yeah that’s what I’m talking about do you want to see me climb the Rope again but this time I carry one of y’all and what what wait you can do that you’re going to climb what the dude I love this I love this I love this I love this yes you chose me what the oh man how how are you doing what okay hold on your arms are holding cam but how are you climbing the Rope are you using your legs no I’m using my butt cheeks what the heck oh man I wish I could get to that advanced level of climbing ropes one day all right I’m coming back down watch your head oh that was insane I loved it I love it I love it it’s so awesome okay well hold on is that all we do in gym class just climb up ropes wee oh no that was just a warm up but for our next activity we’re going to throw balls at humans and wa throw balls at humans okay that sounds um kind of fun I guess it’s going to be like a dodgeball but like with humans on the other side yeah except for they don’t throw the balls back we just throw it at them okay okay and did you just throw a snowball me how do you have a snowball that’s like super warm outside no we keep these in the freezer uh this one has ice in it let me spawn in some human dummies the and oh oh you’re going to spawn in some human dummies okay do we just have to like throw balls and try to hit those guys yeah I’m going to give you some balls to throw at the human dummy okay okay this G’s pretty simple enough wait cam have you done this before right I I no we done something different yesterday we played a a tag with a flint steal what the anyways uh here take some snowballs uh who okay okay I guess let’s grab some of these snowballs okay so we just have to hit all of these human dummies that seems pretty easy I’m actually pretty good at throwing snowballs I think um let me just aim on this guy in the middle over here and boom take that oh oh I almost hit him in the head I missed oh it looks like you missed uh don’t worry uh you got this uh yeah come on Dash look you just got to aim and and oh oh nice one you just hit him like straight in the stomach okay hold on hold on I’m going to go uh for the one on the left over here head shot boom oh did you see that I hit him in the mouth oh that was a good one yeah yeah all right I’m aiming for this one I’m going to hit him in the head oh I hit him in the stomach that one’s got to hurt oh heck yeah let’s go throw snowballs at these dummies is so fun oh yeah it’s even more fun when you do it with real humans I don’t know about all that doing this on real humans would be pretty mean I don’t want to get anyone hurt nah you won’t get them hurt uh if you really want to do some damage you got to put a rock in the snowball what the dude that sounds a b job that’s the point all right it’s time for us to use the gym are you guys done yet and what the who are those guys oh this is the the light side of the gym class and oh those are the light people and wait their gym coach is called Miss is good it’s like the opposite of ours what do we have to use the gym while you use the gym are you serious no uh you could get out of here if you want I’m teaching my students uh what do you mean it’s our time to use the gym there’s no specific time for bad people whatever we do what we want when we want uh Ruby come with me we’re going to use this side of the gym yeah wait hold on isn’t the gym like split up into two sides we get this side you guys get that side you better stay over on your side Punk but it was our turn to use the entire gym today oh yeah keep throwing snowballs at them and wait what is it just a little bit meat guys are you sure we should be throwing snowballs oh yeah perfect practice guys it doesn’t seem very nice guys they just wanted to use the jam hey what are you doing ow ah here take some snowballs hey stop that right now this is not what you’re supposed to do you’re supposed to share with us cuz that’s good are you going to make me I’m never going to share guys guys guys okay how about we just break this up and how about we all just be um we we just share the gym you guys get that side we get this side we have plenty of room here to throw snowballs at our human dummies and you guys can do whatever you do on that side uh why can’t they just sh share this is why we stay away from Mr bad’s class you know what Mr bad’s class is the best yeah take snowballs yeah yeah snowballs snowballs ow what are you doing stop throwing stuff at me and whoa whoa whoa guys guys chill okay no need to fight everyone everyone settle down look the gym is split up into two halves for a reason you guys can get that side and we can have this side we can share like I said earlier there’s plenty of room for everyone oh are you breaking up my fight that’s not what you’re supposed to do bro well yeah but come on we have to get on with the class we don’t want to be wasting time arguing all the time in the world we’re the dark side we don’t have to like obey the rules and stuff why don’t you guys just leave the gym for 5 minutes and then we’ll be done you know what uh everyone could go home class is dismissed uh I’m going to go climb my robe oh oh class is I think just like that all right well um I think that was a pretty good first day at school what do you think yeah that was all right you shouldn’t have broke up my fight dude I was totally going to win that yeah but okay come on I just want us to be fair with the other people all right we can’t just take up the entire gym like that dude we’re not fair we’re the dark family oh man okay well my bad I guess just go home now wait wait wait check this out look at what I got wait what you got the snowball still yeah I know this is my favorite thing to do I do it all the time wait follow me this way wait what are you going to do I also have some snowballs still we’re going to go to the light people’s bathroom what the what are we going to do we’re going to clock their toilets with snowballs what wait aren’t the snowall just going to melt though no they clog pretty well oh oh I’m guessing you’ve done this before and wait are you sure we should be doing this doesn’t seem like very nice um they’re not going to have any toilets to use what dude are you sure you’re feeling okay like do you have a fever or anything what yeah I’m feeling all good you know what here I’ll just throw these last few snowballs um uh over here yeah there we go all right well it’s it’s time for us to head home come on let’s go all right yeah let’s go that first day of school was pretty good yeah Mr bat’s my favorite teacher he always speaks so funny all right finally we made it back home wait do you think Mom and Dad are going to be mad that you got in a fight what no they’re never mad that I’ve gotten to a fight oh oh all right I I I probably should have expected that but anyways Mom Dad we’re home oh welcome back kids early day and yeah the class got dismissed early a see you weren’t skipping school yeah I got into a fight ooh what happened well pretty much the light family came into the gym while we were in the gym and then they wanted us out but um the our gym coach didn’t want to go out so um there was a little bit of conflict there uhhuh yeah and dash broke up the fight wait what Yeah I broke it up I didn’t want to cause any trouble you broke up the fight why did you do that what what was I supposed to do just let it happen yeah we’re the dark family we start fights we start making chaos what okay well that doesn’t sound very good does it doesn’t starting fights with was a lot of time couldn’t we have just gone with the gym class normally but no we don’t care about time with the dark family we do things when we want to not on a time limit yeah I was hoping that you won the fight not stopped the fight um well if it makes you any happier I guess we kind of won the fight um everyone went their own ways and everyone won what there’s no winners unless the other person is knocked out well I mean we kind of lost we lost the gym we were supposed to stay there for like whenever we wanted to and then dashed stopped the fight and then our teacher got mad and sent us home a man oh well well I guess that next time you see the light family you’ll have to get revenge and ooh wait that gives me an idea oh wait what what’s up we supposed to have dinner with the light family tonight oh yeah that’s today I forgot wait what we’re supposed to have dinner with them aren’t you guys like Rivals though don’t they hate us and we hate them yeah but we’re technically business partners so we have to sit down with them sometimes oh gosh okay well that’s going to be a bit awkward the the kids’s got in a fight today Cam and their kid oh you know what we should do we should set up a prank yes that’s exactly what I was thinking oh yeah we could put mushrooms in their food and ooh what if we set up like a a lava dispenser underneath their chairs so they get a little bit of spice underneath them you know and guys guys aren’t they coming to our house for dinner isn’t that kind of messed up aren’t you supposed to like serve your guests well what yes of course we’re going to serve them well look at the fridge um wait what do we have inside of the fridge do we have like really good food in here and what there’s literally nothing what poisonous potatoes what do you think I’ve been doing all day dash um I don’t know I I’m probably not making poisonous potatoes you’ve made these Dash son what do you think I’ve been doing all day turn around wait what what else do you have over here huh what is this this this is my cooking pot for potatoes specifically you cook the poisonous potatoes I thought you only just like get them from the ground if you’re unlucky um I have an art form that I’m maintaining all right yeah mom makes the worst poisonous potatoes it’s the best oh thank you son okay okay well guys I don’t know about all this I’m not sure if pranking the light family when they come to our house for dinner is a really nice thing to do they’re coming to our house for dinner and they trust that we’re going to make like good food and like have a good experience with them they’re not going to want us to prank them I wonder what we should do the LA idea is pretty good oh what if we set up some stuff so we can dye their white clothes like a another color that could be nice ooh wait we should spill juice on them oh yeah yeah good one mom we could put a the red juice in their cups but it it always spills and what are they really talking about how they can mess with the light family during dinner okay this is kind of messed up you know what hold on I got to go warn the light family about this I don’t want anyone to get hurt tonight and I actually feel so bad for what my family is doing tonight that light family did nothing wrong and my whole family is trying to mess with them okay I need to go warn them good thing their house is really close to ours but oh wait a minute I probably shouldn’t just go and knock on their door I don’t think their dad really likes me I remember how he reacted when he saw me earlier with the human okay maybe I could go around and uh look for their kid yeah maybe I could talk to their kid I’m pretty sure that’s the one I saw at the school gym earlier today hello anyone around here and wait I think that’s sure hello hello wait hi there Ruby uh I’ve got something to warn you about uh wait what what are you doing here I’m not supposed to talk to the dark family okay well I don’t think I’m supposed to be talking to the light family either but pretty much you guys are coming to my house for dinner tonight but my family is planning some uh messed up pranks on you guys uh that kind of usually happens wait what are they doing this time they plan to put poisonous potatoes in your food and like pour lava on your seats and stuff um I’m not sure if that’s farther than usual or what oh what that sounds a little bit worse than usual I hate poisonous potatoes oh gosh yeah man I can’t believe our parents are always like fighting like this why do the two families have to be at a constant rivalry why can’t they just work together yeah my family hates the dark family’s guts oh man yeah that sucks if only we were all friendly together and wait a minute hold on I’ve got an idea why don’t we try to convince both of our families to be friendly to each other at dinner tonight since we’re all going to be together in one place we can like uh convince them somehow well that sounds like a really really good idea but how are you supposed to do that they’ve been like this forever um I don’t know let’s see let’s see we need to convince them some somehow that um being friendly to each other and not hating each other is good H well let’s see what’s something that always brings people together what about movies wait a movie what do you mean what if we make a movie about how our family should get along wait a minute that’s a great idea and then we can play it in front of everyone at the dinner tonight yeah yeah yeah and we should convince your family to be good so that we don’t get pranked and yeah yeah that sounds like a good idea but um how are we going to make a movie do you have a camera or anything I don’t really have one right now I was just born today oh oh I have one of my room just to hide and I’ll sneak out with it and all right all right I’ll just be hiding um right over here oh gosh I’ve never snuck out before uh I’m going to do my best okay all right all right good luck okay I just have to sneak up here and grab the camera uh dad I’m going to do my homework outside bye I don’t think I was caught oh my gosh I think that was the weirdest thing I’ve ever done let’s go okay okay but trust me it’s going to be worth it once our families are friendly and that we’re all neutral with each other it’s going to be all good but anyways what type of video are we even going to make how do we convince everyone to be neutral and like like each other um I guess maybe we can show your family that good things aren’t bad and ooh okay okay that could be good all right well uh what sort of good things should we put on this video what what sort of good things can we take a video of um maybe we could do good things to that human Kyle and ooh okay okay but uh actually I’m not sure about all that my family hates it whenever good things happen to the humans well maybe if they’re fun good things and not boring good things they’ll like it okay okay I guess we can give that a shot hold on I haven’t even better idea why don’t we take a video of a dog doing something cool because everyone likes animals more than humans that’s right everyone loves dogs right all right well that’s the plan we have to go down and get a video of a dog uh doing something friendly but wait hold on should we get my brother camman on this he’s back at my house maybe he can help us uh do you think that he would understand um I don’t know there’s only one way to find out I guess hold on hold on let me go ask him all right here we are at my house um Ruby I think you should probably just hide somewhere over here I’m not sure if my family would be too happy to see you I’ll just go inside and ask my brother if he’d be down do you think that would really work you’re the first nice dark family member that I’ve met um I don’t know but like I said earlier there’s only one way to find out wish me luck all right um hello anyone oh Cam there you are what are you doing here oh uh I’m setting up a machine mom and dad wanted me to do this what what’s up what’s this machine going to do oh it’s going to splash potions on the light family and make them levitate it’s really funny oh oh um it’s a pranking machine I see but um cam I’ve come to ask you something so what do you think of the dark family and the light family uniting and and working together and being friendly with each other um that doesn’t sound okay what are you what are you saying no no no hear me out imagine a world where the two families could coexist in Harmony and um that we could all be friendly to each other what that doesn’t sound good at all well why not because we’ve always been like enemies to each other we’ve never been nice yeah so there there’s a first time for everything well but I don’t think Mom and Dad are going to like it okay follow me over here um I’ve been talking to this kid from the light family and we’ve got a plan all right Ruby um I think in I didn’t say I was in you just dragged me out here and saying you had a plan wait wasn’t this the kid that I FR earlier and yeah all right you guys are going to have to make it up to each other and apologize uh just settle your differences and uh let’s get down some business I’m sorry wait you’re actually sorry I think he’s throwing up I’ve never said that before wait are you sorry for throwing stuff at me wait that kind of is really nice thank you yep no problem I need a minute oh gosh I think that was his first time doing something nice but all right I think he’s in here now we have to go make this movie to convince our families to be nice to each other here let me close the door all right let’s get down to it all right all right okay I have an idea let’s get a video of us feeding a dog treats and ooh all right all right yeah good idea for the first video cam are you coming I still got V my mou well we’re going to go playing with the dog so come on all right all right here we have to go find a dog I guess we can just go down over there ooh it looks like there’s a planes by him down there I guess let’s just jump down who punched me hey you shouldn’t punch people that’s not nice dude we’re trying to like be nice now okay come on now it was just a joke come on there you can’t always be nice you got to have a little fun what do you mean what if he got hurt huh yeah what if I landed on the sand over here but it’s fine it looks like we’re all down now we have to go around and look for a dog in yo Ruby what the heck is that what my dad tells me the always leave the house with a parachute you have a parachute oh man our parents just like throw us off the cloud okay well that seems nice but anyways now we have to look for a dog we need to find a dog somewhere around here okay well there’s a lot of animals around here so I think we’ll find a dog yeah yeah there’s some horses over here let’s see wait you found one a skunk what the heck we are not feeding a skunk that that that’s like not as cute as a dog ooh there’s like a panda here though that’s a fox oh same thing oh wait guys I found a dog and wait you did let’s go perfect all right all right well um guys anyone know what dogs eat um uh Vengeance Justice I don’t know I’m pretty sure dogs eat really good things like uh clouds and stuff what clouds you can’t eat clouds clouds are just like vaporized water it’s just like water that’s like hot what does that even mean uh I don’t know maybe we can just try different food yeah I guess so we can try a bunch of different foods and see what’s compatible with the dog ooh why don’t we try feeding the dog the skunk all right here guys let’s take out the skunk whoa whoa whoa whoa what are you doing stop stop not oh god dude it’s farting on us ew gross gross gross this is why you’re not supposed to punch skunks oh my gosh I’ve got na for 10 seconds okay okay fine fine maybe we shouldn’t feed the skunk maybe the dog the the dog probably wouldn’t even like skunk me anyways okay what type of food can we feed a dog that we can easily get oh I think he’s trying to wash himself off after being skunk spray C get up here I think I Dr too much water okay okay but Ruby what was your idea um my idea was going to be to give him something like a dog treat they’re always shaped like a bone so maybe a bone will be good and ooh wait a minute yeah we can try feeding the dog a bone but um and anyone want to give up a bone um anyone got any spare bones they can give up yeah here just take my finger here I’ll set it here you got it there you go no dude I meant like if you have any okay never mind never mind we’re not going to chop off your finger but uhu guys how about we look around for a skeleton I’m pretty sure there’s skeleton mobs around here maybe we can find one and take it out and then have it drop a bone okay okay you guys do that I’ll follow you and I’ll hold the dog and oh yeah yeah bring the dog with us cuz we do not want to lose that all right well uh let’s see any skeletons around here hello um H what if we feed the dog a flower I don’t think dogs can eat flowers o guys it looks like there’s a walrus over there you think walrus has dropped bones that’s a seal no it’s not that’s a walrus that’s a seal that’s a rock okay okay well hold on this guy’s looking pretty big I don’t want to fight him he looks like a big man see lion how about we try going in this biome over here and wait guys there’s a skeleton here I just saw it spawn underneath the tree oh heck yeah oh get it get it get it get it all right let’s go beat this thing up come on come on give me your bones give me your bones give me those Bon come onow bow bow much does this thing have Ruby get over here and help us in wait wait hang on hang on there’s another skeleton behind you there’s another one dude it’s like skeleton City over here guys help me take this thing out I can’t I’m holding a dog remember what the dog down for a second what if it runs away it’s not going to run away come on we just got to beat up this skeleton quick and okay there we go we got it and you got the bones let’s go go let’s see if this is enough bones there should be enough bones but wait Ruby you got the camera ready we got to take a video of this okay okay I have a camera and the go wait wait guys we’ve got three bones we should each feed the dog one bone no no no I’m holding the camera I’m holding the camera I’ve got to get this angle right okay okay well hold on hold let’s move the camera down over here we can have like a nice ocean background and all right Ruby stand over here and get ready to get this video okay okay I got it all right all right let’s feed the dog in 3 2 1 and dude it’s walking oh my gosh come back here dog see what I mean about the dog walking away okay let me try once more three 2 1 action okay here we go and look at that we got it we got the tank you get the hearts I got it I got it let’s go let’s go all right well there we go we got the shot of the dog what else should we add in our movie we can’t only have one scene okay um I don’t know I have to think of ideas what do you guys think H what’s something that humans can both agree on food everyone loves food okay so what are we going to do with food what if we make uh like a what if we make like a dinner like ourselves and then record it and then we get a long in the video and ooh yeah yeah we can show ourselves all working together on it and then our families are going to see that we’re working together and then maybe they’re not going to hate each other as much and then we pet the dog at the end of that clip okay okay well uh what type of dinner are we going to prepare H we can even serve the dinner at our family dinner tonight O Let’s have a uh Brown mushroom soup well we have to find somewhere to cook first and uh where could we go to do that we could sneak into one of our houses but guys first we’re going to need to get some materials I like the idea of brown mushroom soup how about we do brown mushroom soup with a side of steak Yeah yeah ooh steak is going to be pretty important for this yeah yeah we’re going to need to have some protein but uh first things first we’re going to need to find some brown mushrooms does anyone know how to cook brown mushroom soup no but what are these um I don’t know hold on can we put these in the soup what is this oh these are beetroots maybe we can make beetroot soup maybe maybe oh I just got a beetroot okay okay yeah everyone grab some beetroots maybe we can put this in the soup but uh let’s keep on looking around we need to find some mushrooms and Oh wait we’re also going to need some bowls hey you get the stuff for the bowls I’ll look around for some mushrooms I’ll look around for some cows wait wait get this get this shot get this shot there’s a fox family okay okay okay I got it I got it wait there’s a fox family oh heck yeah put that in the movie put that in a they’re so cute they ran away though no no every just move over here look it’s like the the kid fox and the parent Fox they’re just chilling over here okay okay I’ve got the shot I’ve got the shot okay well nice we just added another clip to the movie but guys here let’s keep on looking around I just crafted us a crafting table let me go ahead and make a few bows and okay I’ve got four bows how many family members are they’re going to be at the dinner in total uh four for the dark family and then what two for the light yeah yeah yeah my mom’s on vacation oh okay okay perfect that means we’re only going to need six bowls in total let me just go ahead and craft a few more there we go and all right nice I’ve got more than enough bowls okay now we need to look for some cows yeah we need to find some cows and some brown mushrooms and I think that should be pretty easy I think brown mushrooms are pretty common in this biome oh let’s get rid of these bushes so it doesn’t hurt the dog oh all right yeah I guess so there’s also some more food over here we got sweet berries we can serve this alongside the dinner wait my dad really really likes sweet berries maybe he’ll like you more if you give them to him o yeah wait hold hold on I got an idea Ruby get a shot of me picking up the sweet berries yeah yeah yeah all right all right you got the shot going all right now we going to have the dog next to me and then uh me picking up the Sweet Berry yeah look at that harvested a Sweet Berry right there okay got it let’s go okay okay enough sweet berrying now we got to go look around for some more brown mushrooms hello any brown mushrooms around here well there’s a seagull can we put that in the soup uh no I don’t think seagulls are edible h i I’m seeing some more sea lines and wait there’s a one of the forest biomes right there one of the what come on let’s see if there’s cows in there the forest biomes that have the mushrooms in it wait there’s mushrooms in this biome oh heck yeah let’s pull up and there should be cows in here too yeah let’s go there’s some yellow flowers here can we put these inside of the food as well and oh guys there’s cabbages oh heck yeah we can use the cabbages I didn’t get any cabbages I only got seeds did you guys get any and yeah I got a few cabbages I only got one but guys I also got six carrots oh heck yeah this is definitely going in the soup and whoa wait is this where we get brown mushrooms from yep right here we just got to mine all of this and I just got some I got uh two oh let’s go all right all right everyone let’s mine down this big brown mushroom over here we got to get as many pieces of mushroom as we can what about red mushrooms oo okay okay I guess we can throw a little bit of red mushroom in there we can just make this soup like a blend hopefully our parents actually like the soup and oh I just got a mushroom too oh heck yeah let’s go I’m at six what the how are you at six I’m only at one right now okay cuz I’m the goat hold on wait I’m going to look for another big mushroom plant ooh wait there’s a red one over here Ruby are you grabbing stuff from this yeah yeah yeah you can grab stuff with me okay okay here let’s grab some of these red mushrooms oh wait wait hold on Ruby record this record this we need to record ourselves grabbing the materials for it actually I’ll record you you haven’t been in the movie yet wait wait I have an idea uh can your brother get over here and yeah wait Kim pull up Ruby’s got something to say yeah yeah sorry I was I was minding the rest of the mushroom I have nine now all right you hold this camera and you film um me and your brother working together to get these mushrooms and yeah yeah we got to show a video of the dark and light family working together yeah hold on let me get a good angle oh right here in between the trees this is perfect okay okay nice and make sure I have the dog in between as well dog is um dog is good dog is neutral all right ready yeah I’ve got to good angle stay action whenever all right ready and action all right all right let’s go we just got to uh record ourselves breaking the mushrooms oh yeah grabbing so many materials for the dinner and then um we should stand next to each other like we’re getting along yeah yeah yeah like we’re chatting we’re just like chilling as friends yes uh-huh yeah did you get that oh yeah this soup is going to be sick yeah I got it awesome let’s go all right that’s going to be good for the movie all well anyways I think we just need to get a few more materials o there’s a sheep over here but we need a cow if we’re going to make steak how many mushrooms does everyone have um I at nine brown mushrooms okay okay wait nine brown mushrooms oh heck yeah that’s going to be more than enough and Ruby how many red washrooms do you have uh like 32 what the 32 oh okay we definitely have more than enough and also if we need any extra there’s another Brown mushroom over here guys everyone pull up to me it’s time to start cooking the dinner well The Soup part at least the other stuff we’re going to need an oven all right I’m here what’s up all right all right here everyone hand me over your mushrooms I’ve got the bowls I’m guessing I just have to like put the mushrooms in the bowls and like stir them together um how do I craft this uh I don’t know have any of you guys ever crafted any soup um wait I think I know how hang on hang on hang on can I have those ingredients and yeah yeah here you go take the mushrooms and the bowls okay thank you all right I’ve got everything my dad says never to go anywhere without preparing to make lunch so uh here we go and what why do you have this on you what doesn’t everybody have this on them no no we don’t carry around a big pot and a campfire on us how was the campfire lit when you put it down oh it’s just a really really special one my dad made for me yeah but wait hold on I got to get a good angle of this I got to get an angle of all of us cooking uh let me put this down and oh yeah yeah put the camera down somewhere and then just have it record us can you like angle it so it’s facing us yeah yeah there we go perfect that’s not even facing us dude that’s facing the tree over there give me this thing how about we put the camera down um right over here yeah yeah this is going to be a really good angle there we go now we can all be in the video oh heck yeah okay uh wait did you give me the beetroots give me those too and oh yeah yeah here you go take the beetroots do you also need the cabbages and the carrots and the sweet berries I don’t know maybe all right I guess just take all those just shove them in we can make um a delicious concoction of all of those materials all right I have all this stuff and it’s cooking it’s cooking in the pot let’s go all right all right now we got to get a video of this everyone uh stand stand in front of the camera yeah yeah let’s get a video of this just us cooking the food I’m standing in front of it woohoo we’re cooking yay let’s go hold on let me bring the dog with us oh yeah the dog can be in the shot tooe let’s go oh yeah the dog can eat food uh hang on hang on uh we just made some cabbage rolls ooh it’s so healthy and yummy oh yeah yeah really good cabbage rolls W those look sick yeah right uh we can also put them on the ground for the doggy if they want it oh yeah yeah look we can feed the dog the cabbage rolls oh no he can’t he doesn’t like them maybe you should eat the cabbage rolls I’m not hungry right now I’ll give it to me then I I’ll eat the cabbage rolls all right you going to have the cabbage rolls but guys do you think that’s enough to get our families along hopefully after we show them this video hopefully they’ll be chill and uh not going to argue anymore and then at the end we can serve them this dinner as a big surprise oh yeah that’s good all right well uh now we have to go back and show them the video yep that’s right let me go ahead and pick up the camera I guess we don’t need to get the steak anymore I think this soup already has um more than enough materials yeah oh we have extra soup here but maybe we can just leave them in case someone gets lost and they’re hungry in the forest yeah yeah that could be good that could be good well um in that case I guess should we just head out I guess we have to get back home though yep let’s go we got to go edit this movie and then show it to our parents yeah my dad thinks that I’m doing my homework right now I can’t believe I lied to him oh gosh but it’s okay it’s for the greater good right yeah hopefully none of our parents get mad yeah so our families get along all right finally guys we made it up to the cloud but oh gosh it’s like really dark now hopefully we didn’t miss dinner I think we’re just in time let’s get going oh gosh if I’m late my dad will be super mad at me oh gosh okay okay well let’s pull up I’m pretty sure the dinner is happening at our place over here so hopefully we’re not late I don’t think we’re going to be that late if we are oh gosh is my dad in there already if he’s in there then he knows that I’m late um I don’t know I guess we’re about to find that moment of truth and oh hi guys oh uh finally you’re here what took so long and oh oh um we were just uh nothing nothing we were just um pranking Kyle the human yeah uh okay are you guys ready for dinner now uh wait wait Ruby were you partaking in this pranking of the the human what no yeah yeah yeah we weren’t uh together at all ruby just uh we we all arrived at the house at the same time it was a coincidence yeah just a coincidence right sure all right well let’s just sit down and have dinner all right all right yeah sounds good ooh wow I can’t wait for dinner this is going to be uh so good all right everyone sit down I cooked everything super nicely tonight okay but wait a minute guys before we eat dinner um us kids prepared something could we play it on the TV in front of everyone if that’s all right uh you kids prepared something were you lying to me and what no a I was kind of hoping you were Reby were you guys hanging out together or something what’s going on here um why don’t we just go go watch the video that’ll explain everything and yeah yeah hold on is there a tv anywhere in this house uh uh is this really the only TV we’ve got come on is there not a bigger one I mean we’ve got this one but I didn’t want to place it down cuz it seemed too fun what okay okay well this TV will do here let me just go ahead and connect the camera real quick there we go and all right it should start playing any second now what exactly are we watching Dash you’ll see in a moment everyone just sit down all right okay okay okay this better be good here we are feeding a dog wow a it’s so cute oh my gosh look at that fox it’s so lonely wow look at this fox so friendly and look at us all getting along with it a it’s sleeping wait the dog and the fox are getting along wow so friendly you’re rubies Dad look I got some sweet berries for you a gift and now we’re all working together to get some food for the dog wow we can work together so well we don’t hate each other at all and now we’re using all the food we collected to make some soup wow this soup is so awesome and look at that dog we also made some cabbage rolls cabbage roll party and we had a great day with the light family and the dark family all together a what was that what what do you guys think that was good right you guys want to be friendly together now you are doing so many good things together it’s giving me the heie jebi what ruby you were hanging out with the darkg family that’s unacceptable well we were hanging out with the dog and being nice to the dog together yeah we were all doing good stuff still this is unacceptable we’ve talked about this but but but I just want to be friends with them is that so wrong why were youing mushroom soup that settle down settle down I have an idea okay I have a a proposal to make how about we all just be neutral and let our assigned human Kyle make his own decision a that actually doesn’t sound like a bad idea that’s less work for us H wait that actually seems like an okay idea I’m actually up for that we can let him make his own decisions but what do we do in the meantime wait what if we can all get to know each other and hang out and be friends and yeah our families can all like coexist and we can all be friends oh fine it’s going to take a while to get used to it though you guys are going to have to get used to some pranks maybe a little bit less but still some that was pretty crazy and if you want to watch the next video then click on the video on the screen right now

Having a DARK LIFE in Minecraft!

This video Dash, Ruby and Cam are having DARK LIVES in Minecraft! How will be like living a dark and evil life? Watch till the end to find out!

#minecraft #MinecraftMod #dash


  1. Dash. Is 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

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