Terraria, But I Can Only Use Dart Guns…

dart guns there are really only two in the game the dart pistol Dart rifle and if you include the blowpipe and blow gun that’s still only four in total let’s also be honest here they’re a bit lacking when it comes to damage and Visually a bit boring well in this video I installed a mod that adds a whole bunch of darkart guns for both prehard mode and hard mode with each one having their own unique effects this mod also includes new ammunition and accessories the question to ask now is how good are these weapons are they strong enough to defeat the final boss Moon Lord and will I be able to collect all the weapons needed for the Zenith dart gun stay tuned cuz you’re about to find out all right here we go let’s gather some wood first and then I’ll be making my very first dark gun that should be enough wood for now 218 so to make my first dart gun is very simple all I need is just one material and that is either copper or tin so let’s try to find a cave to mine those materials okay found a cave here are some copper going to need a bit more than just 12 though I think that should be enough copper now but I’ll stay down here a bit longer to see what else I can find ooh that’s a lot of sapphire no way are you kidding me I’m going to going to have to go back down there okay made it back give me those Sapphire oh yeah that’s plenty for a hook found another chest armored Hermes boots and gravitation potions I’ll gladly take those and I’m dead okay that should be good enough for now let’s go craft my first weapon all right the first weapon I’ll be making is the dart zapper it has five range damage which isn’t a lot 4% Critical Strike chance and has a small chance to spawn a lightning strike on hit let’s craft it and then with the remaining copper bars I can craft some darts 300 to be exact and finally I can start killing some monsters there we go 3 2 1 uh where’s the lightning oh there it is that is so strong what honestly for the first weapon this isn’t bad at all the chance for lightning to actually trigger is a bit low but when it does that’s a lot of damage let’s also craft the Platinum pickaxe and the sapphire hook now it’s good that I finally have a weapon to start out with but I’m going to need something a bit more reliable if I’m able to find a wooden boomerang then with some darts I can combine it to craft the darang and this has much higher damage so let’s explore the surface of the world to see if I can find it doesn’t seem to be a boomerang on the left side of the world let’s try the right oh there it is let’s make some more darts and now I can craft the darang 2 range damage right click to throw the gun as a boomerang which will shoot darts on its way periodically let’s try out the left click first okay very standard nothing too special and now the right click oh so it’s able to shoot out two darts before coming back in and it does use up my ammo but damage wise oh wait there was a special sound let’s try again on the Slime damn I think it deals more damage too 24 damage on the bunny and then right click 46 yeah that is double the damage that’s pretty good I can also make special darts the Flaming Dart and the frostburn dart so it has seven range damage compared to four chance to inflict on fire and spawn explosions on hits and for the frostburn darts same thing seven range damage chance to inflict frostburn and spawn Frost explosions on hits let’s make both of them flaming DART First oh that was two hits in a single click and now for the frost burn darts I think I like this one a lot better oh my God the frost explosions deal three hits oh never mind the Flaming Dart also does that yeah okay let’s head to the Jungle now to try to find some more Life Crystals and accessories found the eglet ooh ancient Cobalt helmet I also found out that with some jungle spores Vine and Stingers I’ll be able to craft this weapon The Verdant stalker and if you take a look at the damage 51 that is so high so while I look for some more Life Crystals and accessories I’ll also be farming the materials needed to craft this weapon and of regeneration and the suspicious looking eye okay that should be enough materials 12 Stingers five Vines and 14 jungle spes okay well I found a house with an anvil so I might as well craft the weapon right here then The Verdant stalker 50 range damage chance to spawn a leaf on hit which chases up to three nearby enemies oh I’m excited for this one here we go 3 2 1 oh oh wait okay the attack speed is really slow though and there’s knockback what when I shoot it pushes me back a bit okay that’s something I have to get used to but this weapon is pretty strong I’m pretty close to Max health so I’m just going to stay here until I reach it just need two more found be cloud in a bottle oh my God ancient Cobalt breastplate I almost have the full set one more to go anklet of the wind ooh that means I can make lightning boots later on cuz I do have the egglet and found the magic mirror oh and there’s my last life Crystal there we go Max health I am going to grab one more though so that I can make a heart Lantern for Life regeneration there we go I think it’s time to get out of here now I did manage to mine enough critin ore to craft 12 critin bars which is enough to make the Crimson Cobra which has 32 range damage chance to inflict the blood butchered debuff and spawn a bloodthorn projectile on hits repeated attacks will cause the debuff to stack sounds interesting it also just turned into nighttime so I am going to build an arena to spawn the a cthulu there we go a single platform is good enough let’s go ahead and summon the boss and I’ll also be testing out the Crimson Cobra here we go 3 2 1 oh look at those blood thorns and then there is the debuff the eye is bleeding oh did I just see it dealt 20 damage per tick eight damage eight damage okay let’s stack it up second phase as well oh yeah I do see the 20 damage for the debuff I think I’d much rather prefer this weapon Over The Verdant stalker it shoots a lot faster too almost done here there we go I also do have a enough fallen stars now to craft the Stellar frenzy which requires five fallen stars and 15 iron bars but I do need the sky Mill to craft it so I’m going to drink a gravitation potion and try to find some Sky Islands found the first one lucky horseshoe second Sky Island there we go there’s the skymill and for the last one the shiny red balloon okay now I can craft the Stellar frenzy 17 range damage chance to spawn a star from the sky on hit let’s test it out on the zombie oh yeah this isn’t as good as the Crimson Cobra of course I think I was meant to get this earlier on oh but the attack speed is a lot faster oh the amount of stars that are falling sucks that the Stars can’t pass through the platforms though yeah that doesn’t make it very good I also didn’t know that I could upgrade the dart zapper with five fallen stars I can upgrade it to the enchanted darkart Caster converts darts into Enchanted darts Enchanted darts accelerate over time and spawn two more Enchanted darts around the Target on hit o we got Deli on it too let’s see oh damn wait a second this is unexpectedly really good even though it only has 11 range damage I think I might prefer it over the Crimson Cobra let’s see one shot from this uh okay and then this one okay maybe not maybe I’m a bit delus into thinking that this is better now luckily I do have a mod that can convert the critin bars into the equivalent which is Demonite bars so let’s do that and now I can explore another Dart which is the Violet vigilante 14 range damage occasionally creates shortlived slash of Darkness on hits oh this is a machine gun oh damn this weapon is going to use up my darts so quickly but that’s okay I did mine a bunch of copper from earlier on so let’s make a lot more I now have 5,000 darts let’s build some NPC houses and then let’s make my way into the Crimson to take on the brain of cthulu Arena has been built let’s go ahead and break some Crimson Hearts to spawn the boss there we go last one go up and it begins oh God taking way too much damage here oh my God I’m so slow too okay let’s switch it up okay we regained our composure creepers are almost all gone here we go second phase and it’s actually really easy to tell because of the blood that’s spewing out of the boss well kind of almost done here all right bra of cthulu has been defeated a bit rough at the start but it’s okay okay I can now craft the death ringer pickaxe and the arm stealer is selling a new dark gun the Lil Kraken has a measly four range damage half squid half dart gun completely stunning it has insanely fast speed so I assume it’s kind of like the mini shark in a way let’s see yep I was right I don’t think it’s worth using because because of its little damage and basically has no special effects let’s make my way to the dungeon now to take on Skeletron okay arena is all done let’s talk to the old man to summon the Boss 3 2 1 go go go hands first ooh and a meteor is falling going to have to check that out later okay that’s one hand down and that’s two just ahead now let’s actually try using the enchanted dark Caster see if that’s any better okay 50% Health now it’s really hard to tell which one’s better 1 th000 more Health all done let’s see what I can find inside the dungeon oh what is that Katana Kazi give me that okay that’s a lot of words let’s get to a safe space okay 23 range damage 7% Critical Strike chance spawns slashes on hits right click to swing as a blade instead if a hostile projectile comes in contact with the blade while swinging it is pared parried projectiles are deflected back and three bolts are fired off in the direction of the cursor parrying a projectile gives you life regeneration and swiftness for a short time a maximum of two projectiles can be parried per second damn that’s a lot so in a way this is kind of like the merasa okay let’s test this weapon out so I just need the dark cter to shoot at me okay here we go um why isn’t it working if a hostile projectile comes in contact with the blade while swinging it is parried yeah that’s what I did per I guess I’ll figure it out later on but here’s what the regular attacks look like yeah it’s basically like the merasa found the Cobalt Shield Shadow key yeah there doesn’t seem to be anything else new here so let’s go back home Bo let’s start Ming down to Hell now so that I can get ready to take on the wall of flesh o there’s a mushroom biome and I believe I can craft another D gun using the glowing mushrooms oh yeah I can craft the Spore flinger using 15 glowing mushrooms and five iron bars but I’ll craft it right after I mine down to Hell okay finally made it down to Hell let’s start mining some hellstone and try to find some Shadow chests got some meteorite bars and a life force potion okay I’m good on hellstone I mined 431 ooh and there’s slime falling from the sky I might as well take on the King Slime but before that with my healthstone bars I’m going to craft the blaze Brer 26 range damage inflicts the onfire debuff on hits chance to spawn an explosion on hit so with this then I don’t really need flaming darts anymore let’s do it oh unreal oh that’s nice okay let’s see oh yeah same effect this has some pretty decent attack speed too it’s a bit unfortunate that I got unreal on this thing cuz it’s not going to matter anyways since this is a material and with these other three dark guns it can be transformed into the dysphoria which is basically the knight’s Edge equivalent so let’s go to an alter to craft it okay here we go the dysphoria 21 range damage chance to spawn four homing dysphoric bolts around the Target on hit Let’s test it out 3 2 1 oh wow that’s pretty good and if I pair it with some flaming darts I’m sure it’ll be even better I’m now going to craft the Spore flinger as promised 12 range damage chance to spawn three mushrooms around the Target on hit let’s see oh wait they don’t go away okay they do after a while oh but once they make contact with an enemy then they disappear this would have been pretty cool to have earlier on here we go King Slime has a awoken okay King Slime has been defeated let’s open up the treasure bag and we did not get the Slime Mount now let’s go search for the Fallen meteorite oh and it’s right here somewhere there it is with the meteorite bars I can now craft the astral amalgam 12 range damage shoots a piercing astral laser every four hits ew okay um that’s fine I still have plenty more meteorite bars let’s craft it again there we go let’s see how it looks like 3 2 1 oh okay the laser does not Pierce through but I wonder how much damage it’s going to do it’s almost nighttime so I guess I can test it out on the ey cthulu there’s also a new accessory that I found out I could buy from the merchant and that is the dart license 10% increased Dart damage and 5% increased Dart Critical Strike chance it is now night time let’s go ahead and summon the boss here we go um I mean it’s okay but this weapon probably would have been really good against the eat of Worlds if I did have a corruption World against single Target bosses uh it’s not so great all right with the rest of the mate bars I’m going to use them to craft meteor darts nine range damage can either Bounce from a block once or Pierce through one enemy chance to spawn a meteor above on hitting enemies or bouncing from blocks oh 7,000 of them Let’s test it out 3 2 1 oh okay I’m definitely going to use the meteor darts on the wall of flesh I’m not going to summon the wall of flesh just yet cuz I really want find the goblin tinkerer to combine all of my accessories together and because the Goblin Army hasn’t arrived yet I’m going to have to summon them manually so let’s go to the edge of the world and farm some Goblin Scouts for the tatter cloth so that I can craft the Goblin Battle standard okay that’s enough tattered cloths let’s go ahead and summon the Army [Music] now golin Army has been defeated let’s go search for the goblin tinkerer now oh and there he is let’s buy the rocket boots and workshop I’m also going to reforge the dysphoria and try to get unreal on this thing if possible there we go oh much faster now I can make lightning boots the blue horseshoe balloon and the Obsidian Shield I’m also going to use my remaining Crim bars to craft the full Crimson armor sets there we go I am officially ready to take on the wall of flesh made it to the end of the world let’s drink my potions and toss in the voodoo doll to summon the boss here we go oh yeah look at all those meteors good thing these darts can also Pierce through 50% Health now 2,000 more health and I am officially in hard mode that was pretty easy I won’t lie is there anything new in this treasure bag nope doesn’t seem like it okay let’s go back to the crimson and break some Crimson Alters to spawn in the hard mode ores we’ve got padium orc alalem and Adamantite let’s craft the molten pickaxe and begin mining the hard mode ORS that’s enough Palladium onto the orac Calcom that’s enough orac Calcom and finally let’s mine the adaman ties and that should be enough adaman ties with the Adamantite bars I’m going to craft the full Adamantite armor now that I have a full set of hard mode armor it’s time to get my hands on my first hard mode Dark Gun and that’s going to be the Onyx storm which is made from the Dark Storm two dark shards and 10 Souls of Knight to get the dart storm I’m going to have to create a graveyard biome and when I do I’ll be able to purchase it from the Arms Dealer so it’s time to kill myself and I’m going to have to do this a few more times there we go it is now a graveyard biome let’s talk to the Arms Dealer and now I can purchase the dart storm I won’t be using this by itself of course but this is is what it looks like there’s got some knock back to it let’s go get the dark shards first there’s one and there’s the other and that’s enough Souls of knights now I can craft the Onyx storm 54 range damage 26% Critical Strike chance shoots a spread of four darts along with a single Black Bolt projectile that explodes after a short time let’s test it out 3 2 1 okay this is very similar to the Onyx Blaster some could say it’s pretty much identical next up the mechanical bosses but before that I’m going to need myself a pair of wings so let’s go up to a sky island to kill some wyvern for their Souls of Flight damn wait this Onyx storm is actually really good especially if I pair it up with the meteor darts look at the damage oh okay I have more than enough Souls of Flight just going to need a few more feathers okay that’s enough feathers let’s make angel wings now I also managed to farm a lot of ier so I’m going to craft some ior darts and then I’m going to convert some into cursed Flames to then turn them into cursed darts okay got 1,000 each let’s check out the cursed darts first 12 range damage drops cursed flames on the ground oh these would be really good especially events like the Pumpkin Moon Frost Moon mobs that are just on the ground always next up the ier dart this one has 13 range damage burst into multiple darts oh oh I know why the Onyx storm is basically like a shotgun and because it shoots out four darts at the same time then each of those darts bursts into multiple darts that’s why there’s so many all right it is already halfway into the Knight so depending on how fast I can kill Destroyer then I might be able to summon one more mechanical boss let’s find out 3 2 1 go go go to the clumped up part oh look at my DPS over 10,000 damage per second okay let’s test out the curse darts [Music] oh damn that was strong the ior darts definitely were way stronger since that went by really fast I do have time to summon the next mechanical boss which is going to be the twins here we go Jesus each shot I’m dealing like 2,000 damage but that’s only if I can get all of the darts to hit at the same time okay spasman tasm is down and there goes the Reaser it’s almost almost the end of the night but I’m going to risk it let’s go SK on Prime I’m just going to have to focus the head right away come on I can do it 10,000 more health 2,000 and all done let’s open up the treasure bags okay I’ll take that much better wings oh what’s this Seeker spy glass oh it’s an accessory weak points appear on nearby enemies shoot these weak points to deal 250% damage and 150% knockback I’m going to have to test that out later on but now that I have all the souls from the mechanical bosses and some Hollow bars I can craft the Euphoria and the volatile Contraption okay so the Euphoria first 54 range damage chance to spawn swords around the Target on hit okay let’s test it out oh and there is the weak point let’s shoot it oh 110 damage oh and there’s a swords that spawn let’s try it again oh if it crits it deals 280 next up the volatile Contraption 51 damage 49% Critical Strike chance shoots darts followed by mechanical bombs and a controllable and chargable Laser these bombs explode into mini probes mini retin laser and mini spaz on hits the laser deals more damage at your cursor so I basically have the power of all three mechanical bosses then there’s a laser boom oh this thing is insane oh I definitely prefer this over the Euphoria damn 830 damage what let’s make the pickaxe Axe and then let’s go to the Jungle to try to find the planta bulb and mine some chlori ore okay I think that’s enough chloride for now 192 with the chloride bars I can combine it with the Euphoria to make the true Euphoria it has 72 range damage chance to spawn swords around the Target on hits energy builds up over 15 seconds which can be used to fire a special projectile by right clicking on hitting any enemy this projectile will spawn a web of lasers around the enemy interconnected by revolving swords hit the same enemy again to activate these lasers when the lasers and swords disappear an explosion occurs that’s a lot of effects let’s do it oh wait we have a bar okay let’s test it out three two one oh there it is oh but they died so fast I can’t really test it unless it’s on a boss maybe on this tortoise don’t kill me boom okay I’ll get a better picture when I do use it against a boss okay finally found the plant bulb let’s start making the arena there we go the arena is all complete let’s summon planta 3 2 1 and I’ll be using the volatile Contraption first here we go laser boom woo that’s a lot of damage okay next up the true Euphoria uh it’s not oh was that the explosion wait where the what where did the planta go no way did that explosion just blast plant her away like that oh God I’m about to die no blow up blow up blow up please oh my God wait plantur actually got killed I was so focused on my weapons attack that I really wasn’t paying attention to planta okay and there’s the treasure bag let’s open it up and and see what I can get Rosemary and time 59 range damage insane knockback shoots three darts in a burst chance to spawn many plantas on hit which periodically shoot leaves at your cursor Let’s test this weapon out against Golem okay this is a very narrow but wide Arena a single platform Arena should be good enough let’s start it up oh oh my God how many mini plantas can I summon out and they all shoot with homing projectiles that’s one fist down already and you’re done oh that was close anything new oh deadly scatter hook 47 damage shoots a random spread of 5 to eight darts chance to spawn Golem fists on hit which attack at your cursor when you attack oh damn oh okay so if I don’t click it’s not going to throw punch and then when I do Click Boom oh yeah I wonder how insane this would look like if I switched over to the ior darts let’s see let’s do Golem one more time oh that’s a lot of darts that has got to me over 20 and look at all my fists oh honestly I still think I prefer the Rosemary and time a lot more just these weapons that have knockback to them they’re not that good yeah they kind of mess up my dodging it is night time once again and I am going to defeat Skeletron Prime one more time as well in order to craft the true dysphoria I only have 15 Souls of freight so that’s why oh my God wait this is like a boost oh my god look how fast I’m going okay I might keep this for dodging attacks especially against Moon Lord there we go let’s grab our dysphoria and then make the true dysphoria 36 damage chance to spawn those four dor bolts yep energy builds up over 15 seconds okay so same thing as the true Euphoria and then once I hit a right click then this projectile will spawn a magnet on the enemy while the magnet is Active Green dysphoric bolts will spawn SP instead which will fly to the magnet when the magnet disappears all the absorbed bolts are spewed outwards and an explosion occurs I’ll use this against the monsters in the solar eclipse cuz I do need the broken hero sword anyways to craft the serenity okay it is daytime let’s start it up okay let’s test it out on this nail head right click okay it’s drawing in the energy it’s going to explode soon right boom oh okay I also want to get a better look at the true Euphoria didn’t really get to see it when I was fighting planta here’s another nail head shoot oh I think I missed yeah I missed let’s wait a while and then it should explode okay 668 damage and there’s the broken Heros sword let’s quickly make the serenity okay 75 damage chance to spawn two Serene bolts on hit that accelerate towards the nearest enemy energy builds up right click yep lightning bolt strike on the path of the projectile as it travels upon hitting an enemy this projectile will Mark the enemy Serene slashes will attack marked enemies periodically right click again to recall the projectile releasing a fury of slashes okay let’s test it out on this nail head boom oh okay so that was the right click so once the enemy does die then it just returns back to me automatically the attack speed on this thing though is pretty nuts okay the eclipse has finally ended and a blood moon is now here that’s the third blood moon now let’s head to the dungeon now to take on the lunatic callest oh yeah fast traveling let’s go oh my God and just like that I have arrived here we go oh okay thank God the weak point Mark is on the real one almost done here less than 5,000 health and you’re done let’s go destroy the celestial pillars now but the first one I’ll be starting off with is going to be the vortex pillar and the reason why is because that’s the only pillar that I’m able to use the fragments with to craft a weapon and that weapon is the carbus okay Vortex pillar has been destroyed and now I can craft the carbus wait what is this Skyla oh I guess I missed one okay so there’s actually two weapons I can make with the vortex fragments 95 range damage shoots a random spread of s to nine darts darts are sometimes replaced by Vortex beams right click to shoot out a controllable hook you can move while the hook is out click again while the hook is out to retract it preemptively pulls in small enemies to you and pulls you towards large enemies on hits automatically fires a round when you reach the hooked enemy and for the carbus 63 damage builds up shooting speed as you fire darts are sometimes replaced by Vortex Beams I think I’m going to like this one better nice plain and simple here we go o yes okay D okay now this thing is a machine gun oh and I’m dead and then for the Skyla oh a shotgun oh then right clicking wait right click oh my God that’s so funny funny okay I’m having too much fun damn this is like fishing okay for weapons like these I think the chloride Dart is going to be insane because of its homing so this one has 13 range damage homes to nearby enemies and spawn spores periodically chance to spawn three spores on hits these spores home onto nearby enemies after a bit oh yeah I was right okay startus pillar has been destroyed two more to go look at all these spores oh my god there goes the solar pillar there goes me and there goes the last pillar time to get ready for Moon Lord here we go oh yeah solid 2,000 damage per second ooh almost went up to 3,000 wait this hand’s already dead oh my [Music] God okay let’s focus this 10 now [Music] fly [Music] over yeah the chlorified darts were a good good choice teleport they are doing some work okay almost there we go two hands are down just the core [Music] now 10,000 more [Music] health and you’re finished now is there anything new inside this treasure bag oh there we go laser therapy 178 damage hit enemies to charge up a powerful pink lightning strike the lightning strike splits up to four lightning bolts which Target different enemies Let’s test it against this dummy it is now charged up here we go three 2 1 oh okay that was pretty cool the video isn’t quite over just yet it is now time to craft these sticks which is basically the Zenith version so I’m going to need to acquire a few darkart guns the Stellar outrage from moonl Lord Martian Marksman from the Martian saucers Halloween Hex from the pumpking and the Bumble barrage from the queen bee let’s start off with the weakest to strongest so the Bumble barrage first here we go boom okay there it is sluggish Bumble barrage four range damage shoots A random assortment of one to three darts and bees rapidly uh it’s not that great next up the Halloween Hax so let’s start up the Pumpkin [Music] Moon and there it is the Halloween Hex 92 Range damage hit enemies to charge up various attacks spawns a damaging ritual Aura around you after five hits after 10 hits five Jack lanterns start revolving around you on 15 hits these lanterns go to your cursor and explode oh here’s the aura okay not bad the visuals are really nice though okay Pumpkin Moon has finally ended onto the next one and that’s going to be the Martian Marksman so let’s go to either ends of the world and see if I can find a martian probe there we go activated the Martian event okay here’s the Martian saucer oh get destroyed and is that it I think so yep Martian Marksman 118 Range damage hit enemies to charge up a powerful lightning strike here it goes boom ooh wait a minute oh I died it’s basically like the laser therapy I do like this okay martians have been defeated and for the Stellar outrage I’m going to have to fight Moon Lord one more time well well hopefully one more time let’s make another Celestial sigil here we go here we go oh yeah oh my God one hand down already from just one charge up attack and and you’re done will I be able to get the Stellar outrage oh yes I will 159 damage shoots five darts in a burst darts have a chance to be replaced by large Stars these Stars spawn Trails of damaging Stars while traveling chance to spawn what FF a85 SL Stellar slashes on Star hits don’t know what the ff8 85 is chance to spawn large stars on hits from above on all hits this is how the normal attacks look like and then against the dummy huh I guess this weapon is good for dealing consistent damage while the laser Theory needs a charge up but when it does charge up then it just deals insane amounts of damage especially hitting on the weak point to like just look at that but yeah that should be everything let’s take them out of my chest I’m going to have to craft another Dart zapper cuz I used it for the enchanted Dart Caster okay that’s everything sticks 37 damage spawns a damaging Rune around you while you are holding this weapon various start guns from your journey revolve around you and shoot when you do damage scales based on distance from the target you deal more damage the closer you are multiplier ranges from 0.6 times damage to 1.5 times [Music] damage o did you hear that sound oh oh kind of gives it that Airy Vibe ooh and it does follow my cursor how much does it cost to reforged though 25 gold not bad can we get unreal on this thing that would be great I’m only seeing deadly come on is deadly really the only one or the highest that can go up to yeah okay not going to waste any more money oh my God okay that’s the damaging aura about 1,800 damage per second just the aura itself and now it’s time to shoot 3 2 1 oh my God 7,000 damage per second if I get closer um it’s kind of the same yeah yeah about 7,000 8,000 now is 49 luminite bars enough for the full Vortex armor yes it is okay I am maxed out now so for this set bonus if I double tap down it toggles stealth which is like the shumai armor I believe and when I do do that my damage basically doubles so my sticks should now have about 600 damage oh yeah there it is 614 it’s time to do Moon Lord one last time there we go God damn okay that hand’s done can I kill it before it shoots out laser nope teleport okay I got hit by that heal up just one more hand to go oh wait no they’re all dead what okay and that’s it just like that so there you have it that answers all of my questions the we were very good they’re all special in their own ways they are most definitely strong enough to defeat moonl Lord and I was able to get my hands on all of the darts to craft the sticks personally Round of Applause to the creator of this mod everything was honestly perfect plenty of preh hard mode darts to use same can be said with hard mode and just visually stunning if you guys want to try this mod out for yourselves I’ll leave all the mods I’ve used in the description below if you’ve enjoyed the video don’t forget to leave a like comment down below if you have any other mod or video ideas you want me to try out and of course subscribe to the channel I’ll see you all next time peace

Darts guns, there are really only two in the game, the dart pistol, dart rifle and if you include the blowpipe and blowgun that’s still only four in total. Let’s also be honest here, they’re a bit lacking when it comes to damage and visually a bit boring. Well in this video I installed a mod that adds a whole bunch of dart guns for both pre-hardmode and hardmode with each one having their own unique effects. This mod also includes new ammunition and accessories. The question to ask now is, how good are these weapons, are they strong enough to defeat the final boss Moon Lord and will I be able to collect all the weapons needed for the zenith dart gun. Stay tuned cause you’re about to find out!

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Mods used:
DartGuns+ created by: itstruce & team
Link: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3204841848&searchtext=dartguns%2B
Boss Checklist
Recipe Browser
AlchemistNPC Lite
Vein Miner

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