Let’s Pump Up The GREENHOUSE!! | Stardew Valley 1.6

welcome back to the channel and welcome back to the stardew valley 1.6 playthrough series it is great to be here and I hope you’re doing well today my friends so we are back on the farm it’s the 11th of fall a fine Thursday and if you caught the end of the last episode right we did some work in skull Cavern got all the way down the floor like 58 I do believe got the dark cowboy hat that’s right just looking fancy now and we also got some AR more got an A of all these other products as well so let’s get some order right let’s peel ourselves out of bed let’s get some order and let’s get some work done while we’re peeling ourselves out of bed here my friends if you are enjoying the playthrough series please give the video a like that really helps me out please give a comment let me know how I’m doing and if you’re new here please consider becoming a subscriber as well thank you so much also just as a tiny little end note here I do have the Discord server up and running so if you like STV and you want to interact with the channel more feel free to stop on into the Discord as well Link in the video description all right so what do we have weather reports here clear and sunny Al day okay fortune teller we have neutral spirits and living off the land typically just uh skim right on over that Channel all right so we have a letter in the mail you did it I’m very impressed enjoy your reward key 10 G’s from Key Well thank you Mr key must be a rich man indeed so yeah yeah 10 G’s we’ll certainly take that all right so we have a bunch of stuff here looks like we have some things to sell so let’s get it sold and what are we doing today my friends well I think it’s an appropriate time to let’s get the pickaxe upgrade right we’re going to keep going back to skull Cavern to keep collecting that fine aridium ore that lurks on the lower floors right so we’re going to keep doing that and obviously an upgraded pickaxe is going to benefit us rather well and while we’re in town we might as well you know stop by Gunther to donate a bunch of stuff let’s get some geod processed right let’s just do all of that fun stuff that I’ve kind of been uh putting off I’m not going to lie I mean a lot of things kind of took priority over uh or a lot of things I guess took the back seat you know in place of skull Cavern as soon as that place got unlocked right so let’s get some aridium and iron for smelting here definitely why don’t we take care of that right now the idium literally takes all day to smelt so let’s take care of that right now let’s continue to promote order within our inventory here just getting all this random stuff put back caviar I’m going to sell that straw hat that will go in the dresser here we’re going to have a nice laxidasical day I do think although there is work to be done right there is always work to be done here here on the farm my friends all right so the Curiosity lure that will go in the fishing chest which I just skipped over okay there we go nope not the caviar what am I doing man what am I doing all right coconuts so let’s sell the caviar I think the coconut is a good giftable spicy eel is a great dish to have um so let’s do this bombs I mean I don’t really need them in my inventory I’m going to keep this artifact on me I’m going to grab this tibia as well just to sort of remind myself to go to Gunther right don’t know how many times I’ve been into town and don’t have anything to donate because I forgot it all right tiia so it looks like we just have these two things here okay fine that is fun it’s progress right so spicy eel dish let’s go ahead and get this put in the appropriate chest here we have the Coconuts as well I don’t know why it’s in this chest let’s transfer it to this chest instead I think they can be gifted like I was saying and then for our weapons of war here right our bombs our armaments let’s put them right here in this chest actually no I changed my mind I’m going to put them in this chest here it’s just fitting all right so tools what do we need do we need the axe at all I don’t think so let’s get get the animals taken care of so how we doing my animal friends I’m coming for you just give me one moment so duck egg let’s get our eggs processing let’s get the fruit off the tree the fruits of fall here my friends and on into the barn we go what do we have going on here in the center of the barn looks like a little party how you doing how you doing Hampton you’re going to find me some truffles today I sure hope you’ve been on a dry spell look like pton is uh far too young yet Gary pton that is of course got Gary pton and Chan Camp here all right so let’s open up the door and let them graze of course and into the chicken Coupe still incubating is the egg ches Shire 7869 got Purdue fine looking chicken craw Dinger shout out to craw Dinger just read your latest comment thank you kindly very nice words you’re uh a fan of a person with a large vernacular right that is great Proto you will uh find no shortage of that here on this channel I like big words j marie shout out to you as well saw your very kind comment thank you very much little foots shout out to uh Land Before Time right if anybody knows of that uh Cartoon used to watch it while I was grown up all right so the animals are loved up on and in in a good mood in good spirits right can’t ask for much more let’s get some mushrooms drying here I want to see red mushrooms right no we’re not going to eat the red mushroom okay so that doesn’t dry got it all right how about the moral what does this actually sell for right that’s kind of what I’m interested in exploring okay so here’s some aridium milk we’ll definitely kind of monitor that cuz you know we had that gr display coming that the Grange display or whatever the the fair that’s coming up and I definitely want to get an aridium large milk for my presentation so let’s get some more iron absolutely looks like we have some honey here and what do you know my friends we have the yam very nice so this is going to go tremendously that means we can get the greenhouse finished today so add that to the task list right let’s get into the community center do we have any other crops to harvest here no we don’t notice a few open field spaces that kind of bothers me so let’s take care of that right now got a few pumpkin seeds here got two open spots here so let’s grab two of these fall seeds as well and let’s get this fixed up so right here right Max Capacity is what we’re looking for here my friends so let’s get a pumpkin in place and I don’t have I do have my watering can never mind fall seeds let’s get them planted those are already watered and then there’s another spot right here an easy one to miss indeed all right now we’re good now we are at Max Capacity at least as far as the field layout I have here is going so let’s go ahead and let’s get the lava eel row aging as well sell the rainbow trout row sell these uh Trace items here let’s sell one yam exactly and donate the other wild honey I’m holding on to that I’m going to put that actually in this chest here so we can make these warp totem to farms in the future right super useful item and then continuing on here let’s let’s see uh so I’ve got the artifacts I do want to grab the geodes I don’t want to grab the whole sack but I’ll grab like let’s grab 41 of them let’s grab let’s grab like seven magma geodes that sounds about right regular geodes you see sometimes the the fish ponds request these right so I don’t want to just take them all mystery box will certainly grab all of those as well so Clint is going to have his work cut out for him let’s grab five gold bars for the pickaxe upgrade as well and then I think there’s some cloth hiding in one of these chests here that I can sell uh yep right here so I think I’ll hold one of those on hand just in case you never know okay good yeah we’re going to have a pretty productive trip to town here my friends going to push this forward in the right direction okay so what am I looking for um apples and pomegranates where are we uh storing these okay right here got all right so I think we’re good to head into town suppose we could explore the mushroom cave as well do I have anything to gift if we run across somebody let’s grab these coconuts here who doesn’t like a nice coconut right especially from a far away desert land right all right so I think we’re looking good with this Arrangement that we have here I can drop the water and can off on my way out of town or out of the farm and into town I should say let’s sell the dried mushrooms as well all right I think we’re good actually since I’m going to be gone for a little bit of time let’s get some more mayonnaise processing got nothing but time today here my friends all right so Luna is of course barking at something and Luna you are in charge while I’m gone so let’s go looks like we have a Blackberry a Wild Plum maybe I can gift that to somebody as well here’s Pam hey Pam you like a Wild Plum you did good with this one kid hey you’re welcome let’s make sure you’re uh driving that bus sober Pam it’s [Music] important all right so let’s go to the community center first the long awaited Greenhouse is about to be finished so this is exciting stuff definitely that means we can get our red cabbage seed planted right and then I’m going to have to figure out what I want to put in there right definitely like we’ll have a bunch of spaces open I’ll have to make some more sprinklers so we will do that tomorrow it will be an eventful one tomorrow another bee house certainly take that and the junimos come out of the shadows and scare the crap out of me all right you are welcome junimos I’m just doing my job here I’m doing what I committed to all right and on down through town here we go so yeah I’m going to have to get like a full sprinkler Arrangement the question is do we use aridium or quality so you do lose some field space in going with quality sprinklers but I’m also not Enchanted by the idea of you know using my precious arid on a bunch of sprinklers right so I’m leaning toward quality I just m we lose a little bit of field space but I I don’t really think it’s all that much to be honest so let’s donate this cool looking [Music] mask it’s a good spot for in the prehistoric tibia we do get a new reward as well tremendous and what do you have for me Gunther sloth skeleton R very interesting name there so I think you can actually hold on to that for now pal because we might be overloaded and I forgot to sell my cloth darn it and there’s always just something to do here it’s always something to forget I suppose more like all right so let’s process the geodes first right so let’s get the Frozen geod to free up the inventory slot all right stone that looks like a new one what is that ghost crystal yeah that’s definitely new got some gold ore very nice and what’s this we have aite very cool all right flame geode let’s go give me something good dwarf Gadget okay that can go on our little dwarf table this actually might help us get the donation requirement for good things to happen in the museum looks like we got another dwarf Gadget [Music] all right Limestone hey there’s the dwarf helmet it is the day of the dwarf here my friends some copper certainly take that 10 stones I mean could do worse another dwarf helmet my goodness just getting all kitted up in dwarf stuff for sure jber right got some iron and we got some elamites okay Mystery Box let’s bust this open warp totem to beach very nice love me some warp totems what’s this shrimp cocktail it’s kind of a random addition I’m not going to lie warp totem two mountains very nice five bombs yes you know I’m a fan of the bombs 10 hardwood certainly take that we got a ring aquamarine ring okay eight pumpkin seeds not bad it’s fall after all and a fried egg and you get a random assortment of stuff so let’s go ahead and start busting these Omni geod open as well we’re going to run out of inventory space undoubtedly but that’s all right we’ll see how far we get we’ll run down to Gunther [Music] quick we’ll donate some stuff and we’ll come right back got nothing but time today friends all right Gunther’s let’s see how about a dwarf computer let’s put that on the end there that’s a nice little cap let’s put the helmet there got these fancy minerals back we might have to run back to the farm my goodness burnt offering obsidian vase okay so we have decorations shrimp cocktail plus one luck and plus one fishing very nice Critical Strike Chance by 10% what am I rocking for bracelets aridium band and Immunity band yeah I think it’s kind of hard to put that one on over these two things yeah so I’ve got all kinds of stuff here my friends what do we do I think I unfortunately have to run [Music] back just came a bit overloaded with stuff so let’s run back in fact we can do that by way of Minecart here so back to the bus stop see how Pam’s doing Sam how you doing and let’s get back to the farm and offload some of this stuff I guess when you bring like 70 geod into town to get processed things happen right and let’s see let’s put some stuff in this chest here all of these duplicate minerals and artifacts get very good ancient doll got warp totems throw those in here here okay looking good going to keep 10 Omni geodes on my person here well in the chest that is limestone looks like this is a dupe as well okay let’s get that put away got the ring wonder if that can go in the dresser maybe maybe not not sure pumpkin seeds get those put away blackberries let’s just eat this one we need some energy what the fried egg as well sure thing got some hardwood let’s get that put away as well my copper pan shrimp cocktail so that’ll be a nice addition to the red chest here and then I’ve got all these mushrooms in here as well so I will transfer them on upward a bee house we can get that put down you bet might as well grab this stuff while over here right mushrooms go here now that’s my that’s my rule now right I think I will stumble across another milk between now and next week for sure so let’s go ahead and get that processing in the cheese let’s get 25 units of gold processing and then let’s head back into town actually I lied just 10 units of gold all right mayonnaise sell it cheese sell it coconut I mean is it too ambitious n let’s hold on to it maybe we can run into somebody freed up a lot of space here so let’s sell it you bet and back into town we go here my friends all right so let’s go by way of Minecart it’s simply just faster we got to get this transaction done before Gunther closes up all right Clint I’m back it is me again got some more GEOS for you to process my friend lunarite got some clay another dwarf helmet we got some geminite some bland Stone what is this Jago whites that looks like gold to me pyite yeah pyite Fool’s Gold aridium very nice we’ll take some more of that if if you got it Clint how about a prismatic Shard what do you say bar rights that’s a new one [Music] kenites wonder what concerned ape was thinking when he was naming all these right I bet you he had some fun with it six aridium ore [Music] beautiful another dwarf helmet my goodness this is the day of the dwarf I swear malachit another unit of aridium ore nice we have an even 10 now let’s two more bars certainly take that some coal always can use that more aridium ore yes don’t mind if I do clay uninspiring stuff that’s a new one what is that neptunites [Music] iron we got Stone we got an Earth crystal that’s perfect like stocking those clay gold more aridium very nice that’s a new one what is that soap stone looks like soap that’s a dupe more gold that’s a new one is that petrified slime yes indeed elamites all right so we got a bunch of new stuff to give to Gunther here he should be impressed by our efforts all right so not so fast Clint oh man I put my gold back you got to be kidding me game come on all right so back to the farm we go we absolutely have to get our pickaxe upgrading especially if I am going to be busy with the greenhouse tomorrow right it’s just the right time apologies for the backtracking my friends it happens from time to time fact while I’m here right as well get some more aridium going all right gold bars we got it aridium bars I suppose we can put our dupes back here as well oops that is a bomb not a piece of coal all right we still we still got time still making good time all right Stones good on those all right now let’s go back let’s do it again let’s just keep doing it until Gunther is happy and gives us what we’re looking for we’re looking for something specific from Gunther so let’s go Gunther what’s up second time you see me today well third I believe we’re filling up your museum with all kinds of interesting artifacts from the past some pyite some soap stone lunar [Music] right oh come on nothing new Gunther really how you going to do me like that [Music] man well appreciate doing business with [Music] you all right let’s get the pickaxe going here this will be a pretty penny should be ready in a couple days cost 10 grand in five gold bars but my friends that is the key to quicker success in skull Cavern of course all right who wants a coconut is anybody looking for a coconut here fact let’s take a look at this Prismatic jelly we’ve already tried an ectoplasm quest for the wizard Prismatic jelly K Patrol slay 50 bats in 4 days I’m just not interested in it all right Gus what are you selling you selling anything good here Sashimi raw fish yum how bought some coffees though let’s grab a few coffees just love that speed boost right all right Evelyn summer squash oh my that looks wonderful you are very welcome thank you feeling some positive vibes from the squash you remembered my birthday okay I actually didn’t though hey little kid you want a coconut for me wow thanks you bet I am the gift that keeps on giving to this community let’s go kind of strike me as a coconut Enthusiast you got that for me thanks you’re welcome you are welcome Sam all right so let’s think about this so I’m going to be growing the lone red cabbage right believe I got eight pumpkin seeds from Gunther so that is nine if you go with a quality sprinkler setup if you go with that in the greenhouse which will be available tomorrow right that is 108 slots for plants right I think getting a pumpkin harvest is probably pretty smart given they sell pretty well so if we can buy 99 pumpkin seeds we can get you know another pumpkin harvest that’s not time sensitive at all so I think that’s good and then we can kind of work in more of the ancient fruits right we can work in more of the maybe rare seeds right star fruit stuff like that that sells better but let’s do a pumpkin harvest in the old Greenhouse let’s make that kind of our inaugural crop beyond the red cabbage of course so let’s buy 99 pumpkin seats yes 99 splurging big time keeping pier in business here spending that cash but it’s going to pay off for us for sure this is for me marvelous Elliot you’re welcome Carolina have already hooked you up might as well go forage the beach here it’s been a while Penny you like coconuts thanks this looks nice make sure you break it open first before you eat it [Music] though I think I’m my way back well actually I don’t have the axe on me right yeah I don’t what is this thing anyways burnt offerings Furniture can’t be placed Outdoors it’s pretty hideous looking I suppose being a burnt offering guess you might expect that right all right let’s grab these sea urchins and clams and coral all this stuff can be used use for crafting in the future here and then I think I’ll swing through Cinder snap and let’s keep getting hardwood I’m going to need hardwood for our mushroom log Arrangement speaking of which I haven’t really checked how that’s growing right so maybe I can check that out too so why don’t we leg it through the farm First grab the axe and then head to Cinder snap Pam we already hooked you up today just hooking everybody up today so let’s go that is the power and spirit of the dark Cowboy here right we become a more charitable person cuz we’re wearing the Hat now all right grab these fine Artisan Goods might as well get some more Mayo going given spending the rare time on the farm right normally don’t spend this much time on the farm it’s usually other things to be doing let’s ship a coral and an urchin and the clam not sure if I have yet but for the sake of you know shipping things we can get it shipped let’s ship a unit of clay and a muscle let’s ship the gold muscle actually mayonnaise and then we got all these artifacts let’s put those in the chest put him in the chest fact we’re going to need another chest real soon here obsidian vase oops let’s get uh the lunarite in there as well all right let’s see let’s Spruce the place up a little bit huh plants do like me some plants indeed however we have sloth skeleton r so that looks good maybe we make a little art room don’t even know what to do with this hideous burnt offering right it’s not letting me place it down oh must be placed on a wall I see okay I saw the word furniture and I was like okay so it’s definitely got to go obsidian vase right there make the place feel a little more at home right [Music] just cuz it’s a house does not necessarily mean that it’s a home oops what am I doing we’re going to smelt some gold and then I’m getting the axe and going down south so let’s go all right steel axe let’s go might as well offload any of this random stuff that we have we got some more decor too a large futon bear I mean that would look good in the old house too bear statue yep all right I’m in on this we’re going to start putting the stuff in the house I’m in on it so this is kind of you know it kind of looks triangular right so what if we wanted to Lounge in our large futon bear got the skeleton guy standing geode good stuff and this bear statue is very very large so there’s a bear in the kitchen my friends be scared no I will take some time to kind of customize and update a bit just been focusing my energy and efforts and time on other tasks of course like things that will drive the needle forward and help us complete our goals right so that has kind of been the focus but I want to get some nice uh paths in here as well can probably do that during winter I obviously want to get some things decorated looks like we have some broccoli here didn’t even see that then this creep how’s the u m mushroom log formation going okay it looks like one tree is grown so that’s good that’s encouraging let’s check the mushroom log well not the mushroom log sorry the mushroom cave maybe we’ll find something nice we’re kind of just relaxing and having fun got a big big day tomorrow indeed all right Cinder snap let’s go maybe we can find some forgea bles oh you bet we can at all these blackberries any Moss around here not seeing any Moss traveling cart will be here tomorrow of course so we can certainly stop in there and see what’s for sale see you later slime Get Wrecked bro all right hardwood yes blackberries yes we’ll take them it’s free food got a common mushroom there that’ll go good in our dehydrator one shot the Slime again Get Wrecked mahogany seeds in hardwood some more blackberries you bet few more back here as well we’ll be coming for you soon here statue man real soon missed a blackberry plant over there that’s okay so I actually didn’t know this but you can sneak into this little sub area right through here didn’t know that saw somebody do that in a video and I was like really man the things you don’t know right all right so why don’t we just kind of mess around a little bit longer here in the forest see if we can forage anything find some Moss find some blackberries and then let’s get to bed at a decent hour and get to sleep got a long day tomorrow indeed some of this fiber to I spent a lot of it on grass starter going to have to start refilling the reserves of that for sure common mushroom yes blackberry bush yes got the Hat Mouse you selling anything cool these days Governor’s hat you’re not selling anything as cool as the dark cowboy hat I can assure you of that but I hope business is good I hope it’s boom in there hat Mouse I still remember that cryptic letter you sent me that one day early on in the game well-written letter all right so yeah we got a bunch of blackberries here my friends 54 a couple of gold ones as well all right so let’s get back let’s close the old doors on the barn and Coupe let’s get to bed a little time to spare for once hey look at that Hampton found a truffle he’s been on a dry spell he certainly has but look at this we got we got a couple of them that is lovely feel like I haven’t sold truffle oil in a long while [Music] so let’s do some auxiliary things before turning it in like oops let’s go ahead and get let’s get some iron processing 1 2 3 4 5 let’s go any eggs left you bet all right let’s do that while we’re here 1:30 is the time got a diamond from our crystarium mayonnaise yeah was like why am I in this chest here quick shipping bin get out of here man at 150 we’ll figure the rest out in the morning so let’s go to sleep for the night should have turned in a decent day of sales but here we go the junim Moos have repaired the greenhouse and it looks like a raccoon jumped out of there really okay so we certainly don’t want a raccoon in the greenhouse I can assure you of that but strong sales for the day here my friends driven by that cloth wow eight grand for that cloth suppose that is the the power of our profession very nice all right 18K in the bank day 12 Dawns and yeah Greenhouse let’s go so it’s going to be another day spent on the farm here there’s a bear in the kitchen yikes beautiful sunny day tomorrow fortune teller very displeased all right I think I chose the right time to get the pickaxe upgraded so this is good hey here we go Gunther oh good morning I hope it’s not too early well I just wanted to stop by and thank you in person for all the wonderful artifacts and minerals you’ve discovered you’ve done so much for one person in fact I’ve just received a letter from the office of the regional Secretary of artifacts that’s a very specific office we’re being honored with the coveted golden shovel award for our significant contributions to the field and it’s all thanks to you well I shall let you get back to your [Music] work now you came here for something Gunther oh I almost forgot yeah I was about to say you almost forgot something butd I have a gift for you it’s an old key that’s been sealed in the museum Vault for at least 100 deers it’s a little rusty but still a be got the rusty key it’s been added to the wallet all right thanks Gunther now don’t expect to see much more of me in the near future here nothing is more satisfying than cooking with fresh vegetables from your own garden Caroline hooking up the parsnip soup recipe very nice thank you Caroline and again from jod here okay fried calamari that is very nice so that is the power of you know friendships of [Music] course want to stay friendly with the locals so let’s grab the watering can and let’s start things off here by getting the Luna machine taken care of we have priorities here my friends we just do and Luna is priority number [Music] one right we got all kinds of stuff here looks like we have a sizeable crop Harvest as well so let’s get this taken care of get the animals taken care of and then let’s get into the greenhouse I want to make some fertilizer we’re going to do fertilized pumpkins I’ll have to check how much uh fertilizer that I have I’m going to do quality sprinklers fertilized pumpkins it’s going to take most of the day because we have to water everything up but cranberries this will be a nice lucrative little chip in of cash right the fish are happy man things are just good life is good here on the farm my friends all right cranberries have been harvested got some more corn here Corn’s kind of hard to see sometimes when it’s grown up you know it’s ready to harvest looks like we have our trees coming up over here as well that’s good really looking forward to getting that mushroom log down so I can check the power of it let’s get the cranberry sold mayonnaise dried mushrooms yes let’s hold the broccoli actually let’s ship one piece of broccoli see how it does on the market got a diamond throw that right in here got a got a spot for that all right let’s get the animals taken care of quick give them a little more time to frolic in the very small field that we have all right Hampton you are the MVP you found two truffles yesterday he pal way to go very proud of you large milk looks like uh Gary Payton has grown up matured into a adult cow very nice so now we’re going to get that good milk all right stretch the legs my animal friends let’s go and into the coupe do we have a new member we do not not quite yet that incubator is looking close close to bursting though ches Shire I need you to get five Hearts here need that rabbit’s foot from you if you would please don’t make me take it myself no I’m just joking all right duck egg idium quality milk so let’s do this last if [Music] necessary get some more stuff processing how about some mushrooms you bet wonder if the quality increases if you use increased quality products we’ll certainly find out all right we got the pumpkin seeds so let’s put this random stuff back and let’s get into the greenhouse start some planting want to craft some fertilizer first I want to check how much fertilizer I actually have so got a few things to do yet but we’re getting there my friends we are getting there all right so all of this has been put away um Quality fertilizer we have 30 units so let’s grab this right the red cabbage seed so exactly 108 is here so 30 so let’s get some regular fertilizer then and for that of course we need sap so let’s craft some 953 sap very nice our sap game is strong all right so let’s craft some basic fertilizer here let’s get 78 units so there’s 100 and then 78 okay very nice all right we’re looking good looking [Music] good should the SE yeah the SE goes here what am I talking about all right we’re going to have to refill our little water jug as well but let’s get into this glorious and spacious Greenhouse all right water jug is full grab some pinear sure you bet all right so look at this so this is a plot of land right here if you are unfamiliar you can grow whatever you want in here year round and doesn’t matter the season right so that is obviously the appeal of the greenhouse and it’s going to be the beginning of a really strong operation I think future State we get a bunch of ancient fruit in there and start a wine making operation especially with our skill set right The Artisan right it’s going to make wine well wine will essentially make us you know a millionaire for sure easily so let’s get the necessary materials we need to craft so gold bar refined quartz iron bar I need 16 of these quality sprinklers all right so that is a lot of materials of course but I don’t know I rationalized it I was thinking about it we could do aridium right but you still need six of them I don’t have the boosted aridium sprinklers right just got the basic ones so you still need six of them that’s six aridium bars that’s a lot of aridium so I’m going to go with the quality it’s fine we just lose a little bit of capacity for our crops so let’s go ahead and get our sprinklers in place let’s get these seeds down and let’s get them watered and then I can figure out where I want to move this sprinkler or this sprinkler this greenhouse to that is all right looking good all right looking good and also looking good you bet you can actually put trees in in here too you can plant trees on the outside like the fruit trees so maybe we can do that future state right let’s get the red cabbage actually we got to till it first don’t we yeah so I definitely uh have been putting off upgrading the hoe in fact upgrading a lot of my tools to be honest with you but that’s all right I’ve kind of already marked today as the day that we make this whole thing happen so that’s all right the spirits are displeased anyways you know fishing isn’t going to be very favorable to us obviously skull Cavern is a death warrant the mine is going to take forever to find a staircase so what better things to do then you know just chill out in the greenhouse right all right so let’s get this all fixed up here get the fertilizer down first got a sizable watering task to do as well but that’s okay got the time got nothing but time let’s till it up then like I said I want to start I think for the the first ancient fruit that we get depending on when we get it suppose I could use it for the Town Fair that’s coming up if we get it in time not sure if we will but if we do I can use it for the Town Fair but I kind of want to turn it into seeds and hope that we get multiple seeds right and then we can start planting multiple ancient fruit plants so that’s the goal that’s how you create an empire it does start off small and it does start off kind of long right takes a long while but once you get there my friends you’re there so let’s use basic fertilizer with the red cabbage seed quality fertilizer in the leftward zone here this will definitely be for the pumpkins need those nice and plump and ready to sell for a high price all right looking good so first flier the rest of the way Show Me The Way fertilizer let’s go so yeah ancient fruits uh do let me know in the comments section if you think I should consider some other crops right obviously we’re going to grow a round of pumpkins here quick but yeah let me know what else you think I should grow in here um I’m thinking ancient fruit I’ve had a lot of success and made a lot of money doing so right so it just feels like the right move to me but let me know is a sweet jberry worth it right takes a long time to grow I do know that is the star fruit worth it I think we have access to more starf fruit seeds in the desert right let me know your thoughts cuz we’re going to have a little bit of time here here while this pumpkin harvest kind of grows I’m going to have a little bit of time here maybe to collect some additional ancient seeds or at least get the fruit that is produced turn two seeds but obviously we’re going to have a lot of space left over right it’s going to take us a while to get to a full Greenhouse of any one product right that you can’t buy that is so let me know what you’re thinking would love to hear from you right now I am of course the men doing the playthrough but I mean I like engaging with the community right what do you want to see what do you think I should do I think it just makes it more interactive and fun of course and I’ve also been thinking about live streaming stardew I just think uh we could probably get a lot of work done we could Advance the days a little bit further by way of live stream right now I understand that that’s more of a Time commit for folks and and I want to be conscious of your T but I’m the type of content creator that will always you know post the live stream and I don’t know it just feels like kind of with this game and it being Long play like like it is right it just feels like an appropriate game to live stream as well as just create videos on right so let me know your thoughts on the old live stream and if you’d be interested in maybe popping in someday to catch a stard live stream I obviously don’t want to do it if nobody has any interest so do let me know I’m sure it depends on availability and schedule like most things do all good but if you want to see you know maybe a full week right a full week in the playthrough knocked out in a live stream we can certainly do that so let me know all right so we’re getting short on on energy here and for good reason we’ve been working hard so let’s pound down a summer Squad get that energy back to a serviceable level and let’s go refill our water jug again it’s 6:00 we’ve been at it since the morning right we’ve been really getting after it today we’re sewing the seeds of what I mean I I don’t even suppose it’s an easy math equation but I mean 107 pumpkins selling quality silver or better right think about that it’s going to make us rich and boy I must admit I do not miss watering my goodness what a tedious task watering is but got to do it early on all right so the sprinklers are in place everything is looking good I suppose I can make some I wonder if usually you make like a a floor zone for them so you don’t knock them up when you’re hoing your surface I think we’ll be fine yeah we’ll be all right all right so moral mushrooms those are still drying out uh let’s go with some trash yeah some nice trash let’s get some eggs going let’s get this aridium milk going as well Luna is captivated by something you can hear her parking what did you find girl and if you’re not aware of Luna well Luna is my dog in real life right she’s kind of modeled after the dog here in stardew she’s the best dog ever for sure I love her very much and good to feature Luna in a farm game right absolutely she is a beast on the farm she chases the squirrels and she has a whole lot of fun in real life she likes playing toys and chasing squirrels as well for sure so let’s cut down the encroachment of this grass here just don’t like it we’re full on Hay so I don’t need to use Masai but I don’t want to inhibit the growth of this tree here I want these to get up and I want them to get strong so we can get our mushroom log formation in place speaking of seeds get out of here bat thought you could sneak up on me man give me a break all right any of these tappers going no doesn’t look like it do need some more of this fiber let’s grab that got some Moss that’s nice maybe we can find some more moss on the farm can always run down to Cinder snap and grab some more hardwood as well the big job has been completed here for today here’s another Moss Tree yep you bet that get out of here another mosery right here in fact we have a hardwood log right here that’s always a good find what you get from one of these get 10 hardwood tremendous might as well grab some seeds right let’s do some things that we haven’t done in a while cuz we’ve been busy with more important things but yeah let’s get some Moss let’s head the cinder snap as well that Greenhouse though right looking good I’m excited decided to get a full scale operation going in the greenhouse but it’s going to take a while it certainly will traveling cart we missed it but that’s all right the red cabbage is ours there was more important work to do we’ll see you on Sunday all right all right so the stumps let’s take them out and here comes the Slime literally out of the woodwork Get Wrecked slime another one here let’s see if we can get some Dodge going oh yikes one behind me as well these slimes man I tell you all right the stump is eliminated and harvested let’s get some more hardwood here looking good all right looking good 11:30 so let’s just get back to the farm let’s smelt things if they’re ready to smelt let’s kind of put a nice little cap on a very productive day well a day where we kind of Paid It Forward right this is going to make a difference for the future finances of the farm here my friends got a woody secret there that’s that’s nice let’s clear out the old inventory so I don’t have to wake up and do it maybe and I don’t condone this but let’s pound down a coffee right before bed all right let’s go we’re running low on energy anyways as well all right here we go let’s grind it critical hit that’s right get racked slime all right sturgeon row yes valuable product there when processed into caviar of course not seeing any crops that are left over got the door closed already forgot I did that let’s get some more of the wonderful and savory trash process mushrooms still going uh okay cheese and mayonnaise yes Woody secret okay looking good there let’s put the seeds back let’s just get the inventory all figured [Music] out all right so I’m going to move I’ll move the row up to this chest as well either that or we can make a new chest should I just make a new chest for this row stuff I think so it’s kind of randomly placed everywhere yeah let’s do it let’s make a new chest why not let’s get Woody Secret in here where it doesn’t really belong but it’ll work and let’s see for a chest that was a chest where would I put me I mean I guess right here it’s not a great spot but whatever and let’s see what is the color of row I guess I guess it varies in color let’s go with silver and I might be sleeping on the farm here tonight my friends because my indecisiveness is going to work against me here we’ll see all right let’s go let’s book it coffee is still in effect let’s [Music] go all right at least we got inside and we got in the bed very nice very productive day very productive episode right got some geod processed got the pickaxe upgrading made another 20K got the greenhouse built and got it you know arranged properly so it’s going to start making us money in the near future looking good feeling good the playthrough is going well and folks we can continue to grind toward our ultimate goal of year one Community Center we’re getting closer and closer by you know the the end of each episode essentially so I do want to thank you for viewing thank you so much I really do appreciate it if you are enjoying the playthrough series give the video a like that really helps me out you know help push this to more people right uh please subscribe it to the channel if you are new here and you’re enjoying the content would really appreciate that and last you know know if you want to correspond and interact a little bit more the Discord server is up and running it’s looking good Link in the video description uh there’s a bunch of people from the community in there really great people really awesome people I think you’d enjoy them so with that said folks I’m getting on out of here thanks again so much we’ll be catching you in the next video thanks a lot [Music] [Music] [Music]

Folks, SDV 1.6 dropped and we are starting a BRAND NEW playthrough on the new FARM!! The farm is the meadowlands farm and it’s an animal start. Follow along on this epic journey!!

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#stardewvalley #stardewvalley1.6 #farming #roguelike #farminggame #rpg

Game Description from Steam:
You’ve inherited your grandfather’s old farm plot in Stardew Valley. Armed with hand-me-down tools and a few coins, you set out to begin your new life. Can you learn to live off the land and turn these overgrown fields into a thriving home?

Get this AMAZING GAME on steam for yourself:

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All music in my videos is either game sounds or recorded and produced by me.



  1. I wish I could get into into stardew just not my favorite game ever I’ll still like it man I respect the grind hopefully another video comes out before I go to bed 😭🤣

  2. You mentioned needing another chest, you can buy a big chest recipe from Robbin and place the chest right on top of your existing chest to transfer everything into it nice and easy

  3. on greenhouse, ancient fruit is the best and u r gonna need them for golden clock. but it takes a lot of seed making. until then starfruit is the best option

    about the Livestream, i'd love to watch stardew live but i might not be able to catch it in time 😞 good thing about video is i can watch it whenever i m free from duties. i can watch the VODs but it's not the same as watching live

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