FIGHTING MUZAN FULL POWER!?! | Demon Slayer: Bounty Killer [#15] – Minecraft

hey guys and welcome to the final for Bounty Killer I know a little sad to know that this is coming to an end but don’t worry because that just means Islander Kuma is right around the corner now when I say right around the corner Max a month away we’re organizing all the people and everything but that’s a whole another topic of conversation today we doing the things we need to do to end this series off first things first I figured out how to actually activate those portals in those weird structures that I’ve seen a million times if you guys have no idea what I’m talking about um is is there any near me I don’t even know if there’s one near me hold on let’s see if I can find one real quick finally found one one of these things this thing right here also cool structure right next to it but this thing right here should have this portal inside now I for the longest time couldn’t figure out how to even use this portal but as you can see it says this portal needs more orbs of the deep well uh turns out you don’t just need orbs of the deep you can actually make all the orbs ORS required for this and you can choose what orbs you even want to make in the first place all you need is a couple IR Enders a couple blaze powder and uh yeah everything else uh you pretty much just need to kill mobs for so if that’s the case let’s uh I should have hopefully A Way Stone here and uh let’s just put this down and go Rogue dungeon it would help if I could spell there we go but we will be jumping in and actually attempting one of these today and along with that we are going to find this island island auma I don’t know where it is I don’t know what the answer to the riddle is but you guys seem to give me some really good ideas plus some really cool theories so we’re going to be testing those out and hopefully finding the island and if we find the island we’re taken on muan that’s the goal today that’s the goal for the final let’s just jump in and see if we can actually start off by getting this portal activated and for that we need to go back home first now I couldn’t figure this out in the past when I was in this like water dungeon but as you can see here we can find a lush vessel I can read a lush vessel of vision which creates a dungeon somewhere in the world that’s uh I think Lush themed I don’t quite know that yet and then we just make up one of these there we go and now all I should have to do is I hope this doesn’t break the game here we go new dungeon has formed okay and this should allow me to find said dungeon so that dungeon found right click to power up okay right click there we go and now that should teleport us over to it please work oh I’m scared of this this is all new and I know I’ve done it in the past but please please yeah oh well we’ve gone and there it is there’s the dungeon okay so now I can grab you right or should I just leave you there oh I probably should have left that you know it it should be fine there we go we found this new dungeon so let’s just quickly enter this and I’m going to hopefully uh yeah sup buddy be able to get all the things I need to inside here I don’t know if I need to enter through the top I mean I did last time but screw it we’re going in okay uh yeah I made a little boo boo I went to a dungeon that I apparently had already really been to so instead this time I made a quartz vessel which is a nether dungeon this is definitely new so hopefully in here we should be able to find what we need and it’s a new experience the last one was a stupid water one there is no way there could be a water dungeon in the nether oh it’s lava um damn if only I made those lava Walker boots son of a gun okay that’s fine I can just avoid it for now and I if it wants me to go under lava oh we’re going to be in we got to be in some trouble boys that’s all right let’s see if I can find exactly rooms like this I need to find these things but I need the keys I have some keys you know I should just go up and get the keys that I have and then I’ll come back and while I’m back here apparently if I do this then that and then a lead yes we can make a key bag and this I can chuck all of the keys I have in it there we go so we’re definitely we’re definitely missing a few Keys here but as you can see we already have a bunch as well we’re missing this red one this one all of these ones up here except for one and then yeah these are just chalks so now we have that though let’s uh go back to the Nether and actually get this adventure started we need to find these orbs cuz your boy wants to try one of these dungeons before we head off to the island uh so dungeon nether here we go all right inside the mouth of the Beast let’s go just keep searching just keep searching is this a boss spawn oh oh oh oh oh he just going to give me keys I mean what is it a key spawner are you a key spawner is oh hello y you guys jump scare me here but at least I got a bunch of keys thank you I’ll let you guys know if I find anything cool at the moment it’s just going to be searching until we manage to find the boss room and in that boss room that’s where we can get those deep deep eyes no the eyes of the deep that’s what we’re looking for mainly this is cool oh okay a lot of traps on the floor but what’s this um can I mine you oh yes I can what are you uh spy crap oh no it doesn’t work oh man I want to get impaled thought I’d never say that honestly wait a minute wait a minute oh it’s one okay it’s one of these stupid things aha it is one of these things where you push the block maybe ah okay so I need to move you over to this thing right like that did I do it oh well the things disappeared are there more did I won did I won ow ow ow spikes oh starting to think I didn’t won but I wanted to one okay you know that’s fine I thought I found something the devil’s ballot oh this is another one of these stupid riddles to tell me how to solve this puzzle room yeah this definitely ain’t working I’m look I’m trying but it’s just not working oh man this place is confusing I’m just glad I’m not underwater the lava’s relatively easy to avoid I don’t know I don’t even know if there’s a downstairs area surely there would be it’s just hidden it’s just hidden from me ow yeah thanks spikes okay keep searching hey big boys all right hold on hold on on give us a second thank you and oh you’re just going to spawn more piz sake anything over here this looks a little different oh and there we go the staircase down okay we didn’t find any bosses or anything on that floor but one staircase down there we go the fury tomb or the fury the fury tomb what is that is that a that’s something what I was thinking I thought I was seeing a face I definitely was seeing a face okay hey buddy wow this place is I don’t like those faces down the end of the car they’re kind of creepy y hey bud are you friendly surely not oh yeah no you’re not when I see some person running at me with a knife uh just like real life I’m good thank you very much what is this place there are doors that lead into rooms that have screaming in it all right no let me out thank you okay sorry to invade you oh you guys are living in these rooms okay so is there anything in here chest some more key more keys I don’t need keys I need to find the area I meant to go to oh Pete sake this looks a bit more extravagant hi hi is this a boss I was just going to dance with oh sick it’s like a boom box am I standing next to an explosion I really hope this isn’t an explosion why does it look like it’s getting more partically I’m going to stand back oh waa hi okay oh I need that uh thank you a key of Secrets what what is what ow okay huh okay well I needed these but what a bone chest key what is this what is going on wa what was that oh I have so many questions it’s such little time all right we we got to keep moving I don’t there wasn’t a health bar or anything on that so I don’t think that was the boss it might have been just something I I I don’t know all right we’re got to keep going we got to keep looking what the heck is this now this looks like a room with something in it oh okay what is this whoa okay oh oh oh hi are you are you something oh it’s the demon voice again uhhuh yeah buddy I couldn’t agree more um bro I my Doom you say I am not going to die to you I hate to break it to you bro you’re dead Doom Golem oh hey look at you you’re such a little statue oh you are so dead buddy you are so dead yeah I’m just going to get this all okay hold on hold on okay everybody back up a little bit what the freak wait D Golem’s healing okay wait wait wait wait wait is that oh no no no no no healing bad bad Doom Golem bad bad holy balls okay okay okay you’re a little bit more flashy than I was expecting but that doesn’t mean you’re still going to die you spinning Beyblade what it be come on please just dude holy okay so you can fire lasers out the walls that’s kind of cool that’s kind of cool um what this isn’t hurting you oh there we go I was about to say my moves aren hurting you there we go hits yes now end it you’re dead you’re dead you’re dead stop trying stop trying stop yes yes that’s what we wanted boys all right we got a few things a boss room key uh the we got the trophy and yeah yeah keep talking bro shut your face hole okay yeah you preach what you want to preach I don’t think we got anything from here I can open this up now with the boss room key and that’s it I don’t think there’s anything actually here like I could break this have I just wasted my time trying to find this stuff oh come on at least now I can open this and hopefully there’s something in here okay there’s some chests okay I don’t have any of these but oh I don’t have a treasure wait wait wait no I do there we go okay please no okay what about in here please holy crap okay that’s a lot of stuff bouncing damage power swords however I ain’t seeing any of the things I actually need like I need those orbs it doesn’t look like though I don’t think anywhere in here has them no have I gotone to the wrong thing again surely not okay there’s only one place left I know that may have some of the things I need and that is is in the end however I have not seen any of the structures that I’ve seen in the trailers or any of the footage I’ve searched up in the end so we might be searching for a minute I don’t know how to use these what what can I use these with bouncing damage I don’t know screw it we’re going to the end let’s see if we can find something over there and then if we can find that hopefully that has the orbs in it fingers crossed right now how hard can looking for the one thing I need in this place be I’m looking for a giant and City looking structure except for it’s like five times bigger than those so hopefully we can find that I also just need to be extremely careful cuz I just remembered if I fall into the void your boy is dead so I’m going keep searching hopefully I can come across something soon and if I can awesome we should be sorted but if not no I start crying so we don’t want that all right let’s see if we can find anything here I have no idea where these stupid orbs of the deep SP whatever the freak they’re really called I think that’s their name but still let’s have a little look around and see if I can find anything I have searched the end already but it’s best to do another search right all right so I’ve been searching for that thing for like over an hour now and I haven’t been able to figure it out every single YouTube tutorial I’m watching also doesn’t really explain it so I am completely lost so all I have done is saved us the trouble I have been at this for so long and your boy wants to go find muan so if we go to the Rogue dungeon you’ll see ah someone’s super nicely placed all the things we needed here and all I have to do is put this in and it activates this portal now I have for the whole series wondered what this does where does this take me I am scared to jump into it now so I’m going to quickly head back to base put some of my you know what screw it no I’m not oh oh oh no what is this oh who uh okay oh I saw a message saying items can be permanently lost here I don’t like that uh can I move what the what the freak where are we I’ve got this thing on my screen okay so I think I could probably what’s this select a dungeon near the artifact huh okay ahuh okay so this actually does all do something I I know I sound oh no I’m back okay I’m confused do I go back I mean oh it said items can be permanently lost let’s let’s at least put our Sher box of all our stuff back there and you know all the other things I I’m feeling pretty confident there’s no way I’ll die unless I you know fall into the void but surely I’m back in reality right this this is real life okay hold on hold on okay we can jump back in and that takes us here which takes us back here okay so what is this thing I don’t quite know what this is this is cool like this whole thing is really cool this looks so welld designed all right so this takes me back to the Overworld good to know that this thing uh select a dungeon near the artifact altar so that’s probably this thing right oh the snake temple aha you need to be level five or high okay so snake temple that level and these are all different wow okay sure and then and then do I activate this need an orb of corrupt what the freak’s an orb of corruption no all right well I can at least make this I got the items for that one oh I have to go back to my base first oh man killing that weird Enderman like creature back in the other dungeon gave us this so I should be able to just do that and then that orb of corruption there we go corruption yeah or corrupt I should say okay you know what screw it now we go over to this and insert oh oh oh wait a minute yo what is this doing holy crap what that is insane oh okay do I jump in scre it go it oh oh oh my goodness okay so I’ve got a there’s a time limit thing what is this you don’t have enough gems you need and then this oh what take two so we got to put that in okay so it gives us 12 so 2 minutes 2 minutes to do what 2 minutes to do what what do we have to do I love this animation this is so cool it’s crazy and then boom dude and then we can jump in Okay jump back in then we land wait okay there we go now we’re here can I like grab this stuff I can Okay small gold pile uhhuh so I’m assuming this is a we’re rich what uh blue aric carpet what the Torches okay I can I like shred this all up no okay medium dust pile more gold things what it just Blends up the gold okay the thing’s about to shut so I’m assuming we can only be here for a limited amount of time but this is this is confusing like what is this oh I need more time okay uh blue arrow carpet ticket okay so that’s just a that’s just a carpet thing I don’t even know so putting the dust in this gave me more time what am I confused yes should I be more than likely okay I can’t break things that sends me back that thing just Blends up stuff what is it want me to do I don’t know I don’t know I got to get out of here I don’t want to be stuck here in Cas oh screw it we’re going back okay all right so assuming if that timer runs out you’re done that’s it GG boys okay that is confusing all right well I’m going to need your guys help with all this stuff this is all completely new to me I have no idea what this is but wait lever oh wow so there’s a the City of Gold oh wow that sounds like there’s some cool stuff here but we have to leave it we have to go and figure out where muan is we have already so much left to do I’m glad we made it here I know I couldn’t figure it all out myself but guys this is crazy I I want to actually figure out more of this this is so cool but for now we’ll just stay back here and we got some blue arrow carpet to show our success yes sir okay well we haveed a lot of this blood and from what I knew of our last thing was it this book that had the story no was in here this is probably the book this book tells me everything I needed to know to get to island aruma now I can’t h oh man why am I suddenly feeling so tired okay no Goblin Troy we’re kneeling done Fly Through It Fly Through It Fly Through It Fly Through It what the I just why did I pass out that hasn’t happened in a while the only time that seems to happen is wait where’s all my stuff what the fre wait no wait wait no where where did all the blood go oh no you I swear if I open this and it has anything to do with muan thank you for the blood M that’s Sneezy little roted he took all my blood oh that bastard wa how wait how did he even get here did he oh for Pete’s sake oh my goodness okay fine you know what you know what is my stuff here uh yes okay some of my stuff’s here that’s my armor that’s my armor okay okay bet you know what mov on all right bet you want to play that game do you bet I’m on my way to that Island I’m going to figure out where the freak that island is I’m going to figure out how to get there I just need my stuff screw this we are you know what we’re taking our weapon take this take some some food that’s all I need I you know I may as well also take the other blade there we go screw this mother trucker I am going after him I don’t know where he’s ran off to but we know for the most part we need a sacrifice if I’m correct though he probably wasn’t smart enough right yeah we still have this Blood I don’t know if this is enough but it’s better than nothing you know what with that let’s get a I’m going for this I’m going to figure out where the freak this bastard has gone we’re currently where are we we’re currently at oh yeah why we we have a long way to travel you know what bet I’m going to start traveling cuz I have a gut feeling that the answer to the world’s border is literally the world’s border I don’t know how far that will be but if I can use my traversal skills which I’m pretty good at right now I should be able to find the island and on my way out there hopefully we can maybe find a waist Stone I am just theorizing right now but if we can if we can manage that we should be sorted let’s see if we can find anything off we go we have plenty of golden carrots as well we should be fine let’s keep traveling and if we find this island I’m going to kill him he’s got to be on the island surely o ooh that is pretty wow that is that is really pretty um hold on how far have I gone so far pretty far could that be something I don’t surely not that’s probably not anything but I mean I may as well go check right we are out in an ocean out in the middle of nowhere there’s no way that’s Island auma islanda would be way bigger than that uh I just got to get up there somehow all right I need some blocks this should be plenty of blocks to hopefully climb up there all right hey whales say what’s up all right surely this island has something I don’t see any health bars or anything so I could definitely be wrong of it actually being something but second my my Health’s about to start copping in a little bit that’s all right keep building keep building keep building there we go wait health bar Mo on wait there you are you bastard you took everything for me and don’t pull it down be like I don’t even know who you are I don’t give a toot you bastard you know what I ain’t even going to let you speak your mind this is where you die right here right now I’m confident enough to fight you it’s time for you to finally go down I don’t know what you’ve done where this island is I don’t even know if this is the right Island you got you got nothing to say to me today you got nothing to say this time usually so talkative it’s kind of a little stuss I’m not going to lie okay what’s the matter M why don’t you want to actually look at me now huh activate my Mark I don’t need you to say anything I can get the jump on you let’s go oh oh I iy just stole your ow okay all right you’re a little problematic but you’re not killing me as quick as you did when I was a demon I just don’t understand why are you so quiet usually you’re so talkative okay that’s fine I’m not going to question why the fact you’re not talking to me either way you’re dying come on let’s go come on that hurts a little bit but with these apples not apples carrots I know what I’m talking about I should be fine okay nice nice you know what I I can compliment you a little bit you know what that’s fine that’s fine that’s fine yeah yeah yeah keep using your moves I don’t give a let’s go let’s go use Dance w how did I miss you how did I oh oh look how ugly you are let’s go ow oh you poison me ah okay okay I don’t like poison where’d you go oh no where’d he go oh there you are okay okay no no you don’t you’re not knocking me off the island no that would be an easy way for you to end this match wouldn’t it okay okay you know what I might actually have to focus on usually oh God using the totem oh my gosh you’re actually really powerful okay um yo m it was just a joke it wasn’t no it wasn’t a joke I’m killing you how long’s this poison last this poison last so long okay I think I think I can use this tree as a little bit of a standing point so as long as I don’t let him hit me don’t let him hit me there we go keep the range keep the range oh he can heal so quick oh crap we just have to go in go in go in okay why am I doing such little damage you know I have to I might actually have to just screw it we might have to awaken let’s go what you got what you got M on I don’t even care I can probably take you down look at this I’m not doing any damage to him why is he damag so high okay okay maybe flame maybe oh maybe flame is going to be the best move I can use because flame might burn him or something and stop his heal factor and go yes there we go we hit him we hit him but it did not much it didn’t do much okay okay okay okay that’s fine that’s fine that’s fine yes okay you’re about at half Health you’re about at half Health just need to focus focus Troy Focus oh my goodness he does so much damage ow ow ow ow that that was okay okay okay okay okay okay things are getting a little scary now things are getting a little scary now okay okay okay I I am actually kind of scared this is this is not good oh okay and go oh my goodness dude he is so strong put my carrots in the food there we go put my carrots in the food off hand get him there we go there we go Clear Blue Sky okay okay as long as I keep all of my main attacks damn it okay I need to keep some good big attacks coming through all right Summer Sun yes okay okay okay Dragon Holo dance let’s go W okay just make sure I’m not close when he uses that stupid lightning ability I don’t know what hurt me then but that lightning it does a lot of damage I just don’t know why you’re so quiet today usually you’re just talking my ear off of all your torns and there we go there we go there we go there we go jump out jump out jump out we need to heal need a heal need a heal okay we’re doing good we’re doing good we’re doing good okay we keep hitting him keep hitting him keep hitting him no no no jump back jump back for a second okay uh fire wheel fire wheel and fire wheel oh that was pathetic oh my goodness no no no no no look my demon slay marck it’s deactivated there we go reactivate it there we go that’s why I was taking so much damage then I was like why am I taking such heavy damage and wheel no I used the Rogue sword oh okay okay come on M come on bro oh my goodness you’ve gotten even uglier I didn’t think that was possible I can’t breathe I can’t do my breathing oh oh he’s so low please please please I just need to jump back for a second just need a focus just need a focus okay make sure my demon slay on active get him oh I need to get that hidden it’s so hard to hit him cuz as soon as I get close he just counters me okay jump back a little bit jump back a little bit if I get hit with another one of those Lightnings I am stuff and Flame dance there we go okay that’s fine that’s fine he’s so close to death come on come on and come on get him there we go there we go there we go okay focus focus focus and go okay see what I mean that is so dangerous you have to wait and get him dud get him get him yes let’s go H yes sucking M on okay did we do it did we do it felt like we did it holy crap was that it was that actually mo why why didn’t he say anything was that muan I am no get rid of this crap I don’t need none of that blood what I have a feeling that that wasn’t muan oh no oh no was he just a that wasn’t a distraction that he was so strong he almost killed me like three times oh no hold on I’m going to keep traveling for a second I’ve gone so far already this is the first thing I’ve really encountered there’s more land up here hold on what’s out this way I need to keep following the ocean it’s an island after all surely there’s something hold on a minute what the what the heck yo all right hold on bat yeah no I’m I’m a bit busy what the what is this this is um crazy looking look how it stretches on for ages what um wo this is is trippy woo okay um yeah why does it kind of look like fog like really dense fog you know what let’s uh let try and sail into it I guess maybe something will [Music] happen well there we go guys that is the end of this video I know a bit of a cliffhanger but you might be wondering why is it a cliffhanger if you haven’t been paying attention throughout the series this is a setup for Island Akuma and well I’ve sprinkled a few little hidden things throughout this whole series that’s going to tie in to moments that are going to happen on island ofuma I can’t spoil much more but all I could say is thank you guys so much for the support on this little series I thought it would just be a little bit fun and I thought it would also be a great incentive for me to jump back in and try and get some cool little law things said and done obviously not everything is going to happen but some of the things you guys have suggested as well in the comments of story based decisions those are going to come back around in island ofuma but all I can say again is thank you so much for watching this little series my name is Troy and if you want to see Island auma then be sure to subscribe and stay notified because it will be coming out very soon don’t expect it in the next week it’s it’s nearly done but yeah we’re getting a few things organized getting the groups all together and we have a few things left to plan and then it begins but I’m very excited this one’s going to be awesome so I hope you guys did enjoy this video/ series and I’ll see you guys in the next one see you guys I’m very excited for this go

Heyyy Guyyyss & welcome back to Demon Slayer: Bounty Killer, an evolving series… meaning EVERY EPISODE things change in a new or big way!! Though the series we evolve as a Demon and get bigger and bigger challenges as we play, all for the setup of my next BIG series… Demon Slayer: Island Akuma!!!

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Also check out ya boi @koopekool

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#minecraft #demonslayer #minecraftseries
❗️ Please do not steal or reupload this video without permission from @ButterJaffa.


  1. butter pls welcome box deity to the island akuma he almost has 15k subs and hes a great youtuber i sugggest you allow him to be in the next island akuma box deity is not telling me to say this im saying tis on y will because i think hes a great youtuber (on the side note wher did koopekle go)

  2. The leader of the demon slayer couldn't defeat muzan. But hashira butterjaffa defeated him. If there was a rank higher than hashira, that would be butter's rank.

  3. Truly the end of an era.. But that means we can now move onto a new one.. an era full of demons, pain, pleasure, success, defeat, and loss. The island may be difficult.. but rewarding to those who dare.

  4. HEY BUTTER I WOULD LOVE TO BE IN ISLAND AKUMA MY Minecraft username WILL BE IN YOUR EMAIL BY TONIGHT SO JUST CHECK I WILL APPRECIATE if you will think about inviting me to come and play I will be very active on the server

  5. Butter is the demon palace a extra mod and if so could u please make a video saying what mods u use and links to them and there names a and link to the full mod pack

  6. One more time so i can gaurantee you see this, i think a good idea would be the islanders learn of your demon origins. That way we get a new plot developnent between everyone and you

  7. If u read my message, u know the drill, how can we get selected, do u choose random from subscribers or what, can u replay or choose me?😅😂 btw good luck with island akuma

  8. Watched this entire series because I am super invested in Island Akuma. Hoping to get in as a creator, no matter how slim my chances are. Keep up everything Jaffa, actual GOAT.

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