Security House vs CATNAP.EXE in Minecraft – Maizen JJ and Mikey

there’s been multiple sightings of a tall ghost known as the Phantom nearby if you look the Phantom in the eyes she’ll attack you at nightfall she makes a laughing sound like Po so be careful if you hear anything like that signing out that’s scary H I’ll bet we’ll be okay if we’re careful all we have to do is not look her in the eyes right that shouldn’t be a problem H what’s that noise huh that’s the Phantom oh no Mikey we looked her in the eyes what do we do huh she’s gone where’d she go uh she just vanished huh we’re in trouble aren’t we when night falls the Phantom will come for us we saw her eyes right we’re in real danger we need to build security to hold her off yeah we only have till Nightfall let’s go so let’s hurry we don’t have much time come on let’s get ready but yeah how can we defeat the Phantom can she be beaten I’ve heard rumors about the Phantom’s weakness apparently it’s salt I think we’ll be safe if we put down a salt barrier around the house a salt barrier but we don’t have any salt actually Mikey there’s plenty of salt over that way where I don’t see anything all right we’re at the ocean H the ocean isn’t far from our house Mikey and sea water has plenty of salt in it so let’s scoop some up let’s collect sea water we need lots of it scoop scoop scoop yep all right more more scoop scoop got to move quickly that’s quite a lot now this should be enough seaw water for all of us is it enough all right we have lots of sea water so next we need fuel to extract the salt sure we should take lots of lava with us and luckily there’s a huge pool of lava right there that’s great careful not to fall in one wrong step and it’s all over okay let’s gather some lava okay we’re collecting lava let’s hurry yeah we really don’t have much time all right okay let’s go this should be enough good we have sea water and lava now what see these machines first we need to pour in the lava to act as fuel okay then then simply dump in the water and now see what happens what look at it what is it the sea water is boiling away leaving the salt behind of course let’s go pour in the fuel okay and then pour in the seawat sure just like this can’t forget these two okay the seawat slowly evaporates away so keep adding more we should start seeing some salt soon how’s it going going looking good keep adding more sea water oh wow it worked now we have a pinch of salt amazing yep still we’re going to need a lot more right keep collecting more salt sure M top that off good now we’re getting plenty of salt good good okay so next yeah we’ll take nine p of salt all right put it together and look that’s how to make our purified salt amazing so you’ll use that salt to make the barrier yep but first we need to collect lots of salt let’s get some more there’s the sun we still have time yep but we have to hurry let’s go it takes a while to make this much salt faster well Mikey we’ve made lots of salt yeah now where’s the sun oh that took a long time we’ve lost a lot of time the sun is getting low so let’s make our salt barrier quickly let’s move okay let’s put a barrier around the house lay out the salt like this oh to make the barrier okay just like this good all right [Music] okay okay is that for the barrier it’s done okay the barrier is done now how to activate it a it’s activated it absolutely activated amazing our salt barrier is complete Phantom can’t cross it right it’s powerful we can still get through it but the Phantom can’t we have nothing to fear when she attacks but H just to be safe if she breaks through we should make an emergency shelter oh if we avoid the Phantom the entire night the curse should be lifted got it let’s build yeah cool all right let’s build the Tower over here you have to remember the Phantom is really tall so we’ll need a tower that’s even taller than she is that way even if things go bad yeah if she breaks through we’ll wait up there until the curse is lifted great y let’s build a tower all right well it needs to be big enough so she can’t reach us let’s make our Tower super big oh okay H how tall really tall is this tall enough W this should be yeah tall enough looks [Music] [Music] good okay now to do this part okay the Tower is done yeah so if the barrier fails us we can spend the night at the top of the tower the Phantom isn’t tall enough to reach us so we can stay up there safe and sound until morning sure let’s make a way to climb up okay let’s put the entrance over here we should hide it yep so the Phantom doesn’t find out how to get up there how about we use this h oh yep a secret entrance the Phantom won’t find it yep I’ll leave this here to hide the door from The Phantom sure now we need a way to climb to the top of the tower we’ll use these updrafts to make it quick and easy there oh it’ll work like this now we can reach the top we’ll be at the top in no Tada check it out it’s so cool it’s a car I just bought it I’ll leave it here we can flee by car okay our security is almost too perfect I doubt we’ll need it I hope so but in the worst case scenario we’ll blow everything up and Escape by driving through the night oh right I almost forgot what is it I need gas oh fill her up yeah okay I hope we don’t need it we’re prepared now we’re done oh right one more more thing more Yep what the most important thing of all it’s too dangerous to look in the Phantom’s eyes yeah here let’s use these goggles thanks these will save us from looking directly into the Phantom’s eyes let’s put these on tonight now our preparations are Beyond perfect I’m not afraid of the Phantom anymore the sun is almost set it’s almost night let’s get ready yeah Mikey night has fallen and the Phantom is out there she’s here but we have the salt barrier so we should be safe Mikey it’s completely safe you’re forgetting something huh your goggles all right thanks let’s go now we’re really safe we’re safe inside the barrier yep well will it work let’s get close closer she’s coming no get inside she can’t cross stay inside oh we’re safe woohoo we are yep look at her amazing check it out she can’t cross a salt barrier wo she really [Music] can’t now all we have to do is wait until morning well I hope so yep H H Mikey something’s what it looks what part of the salt barrier is black but why why she couldn’t there’s no way we’re still safe right I knew it oh hang on she broke through the barrier the barrier run hide inside the tower we’ll be okay if we climb the tower calm down it’s safe at the top all right she can’t follow us right nope hang on blow it all up here she comes we’re out of options I’m blowing it up get down that must have stopped her right did we defeat her we must have did did we beat her I think we did seriously what hang on Mikey she’s still here for real she’s alive hurry Mikey hurry get in the car yes I’m getting in get in Mikey I’m in I’m in go go go go go we have to keep going if we drive all night then the curse should be broken we have to keep driving away from the Phantom drive away can we make it this far hey she’s coming let’s go W all right let’s go today we’re visiting a resort that Mikey found I made the reservation for us and you’ll never believe the price it only cost a doll so cheap huh wo really yep for a place this beautiful a dollar that’s right isn’t that suspicious it’s too cheap no way oh there is one rule before the sun goes down we must absolutely no matter what be inside our house our rental you mean that one we have to go inside it before it gets dark yeah exactly and we have to stay inside until the sun comes up huh we’re not allowed out until morning that’s weird I want to go home what just because of a curfew I went through all this trouble finding a cheap Resort don’t leave now seriously oh man I guess I’ll stay but what happens after Sundown why the curfew hey look over here yeah wow cool this is a high dive wo it’s so tall let’s climb yeah I think this is the tallest one I’ve been on it’s crazy wow look how high we are it’ll take a while to reach the top wo go wow nice we’re here amazing wo wow just look at the view yeah so that’s where we jump off yep let’s try if you fall that’ll be a long climb back up totally oh I made it you got this Mikey careful don’t fall I made it nice so high it’s amazing can you really dive from up here this Resort is awesome yeah it’s great I’m glad we came okay I’m first wo wo so cool come on the water’s perfect here I go yay jump wo wo that high dive is a lot of fun wow this place is the best I want to jump again ah campfire so toasty and the meat is yummy I’m really glad we’re here oh Mikey look H we have to hurry back the sun’s almost down but I want to relax a little longer by the fire I’m still hungry it’s so nice being near the ocean uh Mikey aren’t we cutting it a little close huh really um look it’s fine huh huh just a little longer come on but what about the curfew I have a bad feeling about this a well I guess you’re right let’s head home yeah let’s go it’s already dark woah hold on what huh you see that it’s like there’s someone standing there right H who is that maybe another visitor yeah let’s go say hi hey how are you ow wa hey he hit me wait Mikey oh JJ help look at it Mikey that’s a spectre no run Retreat to the house oh it’s following us no why me stop JJ hurry okay get in it’s coming no I’ll shut the door I see him H hang on what it’s following our movements really yes are you hiding I knew it Mikey huh this place is haunted just look at the Spectre outside oh yeah like he’s waiting just outside the door for us Mikey man you think he can break in I’ll hold the door let’s keep it shut I’m counting on you Mikey keep that thing out got it yikes scary this is really bad Mikey we’re trapped it’s morning huh where is it did the Spectre really disappear That’s good I’ve been holding the door all night I didn’t sleep hold on it might still be outside it’s gone right open wow what a relief that’s better you were up all night holding the door but I was too scared to sleep yeah I’m exhausted you saved us but our vacation is over yeah the two of us are going to secure this place and deal with that Spectre let’s get him all right let’s start with a trap I want to catch that awful thing let’s do it once we TR trap the Spectre here we can push the button and pour lava all over it good idea I doubt even a spectre can survive swimming in lava I feel good about this security system don’t you or maybe First Security System huh huh the first one why would we need more if there’s only one Spectre we didn’t sleep last night and I’m exhausted JJ come on a Mikey you sure it’s fine well that’s true we didn’t sleep last night right let’s take a nap yeah we need to rest to catch the Spectre oh what’s wrong the Spectre uh Mikey it’s night time we need to check outside for the Spectre oops I fell okay let’s take a look let’s go all right are you ready 3 2 1 open it’s there in the same spot as last night can it see you I’ll lead it over Mikey okay got to get closer hey you go no it’s fast but I’m okay go Mikey in get in close it right in its face nice I see it let’s drop in the pit okay if it’s in the right spot it’ll fall down once we pull the lever I hope so it should be standing right right in front of our door care to do the honors really please do 3 2 1 got it it fell right into our trap let’s lock it in yes wow got him we caught it yeah now I’ll push the button wo it’s working if the lava works we won’t have to worry about the Spector anymore we actually beat it yep we won m that was easy totally all right the resort should be peaceful again we beat the Spectre nice awesome yay what’s wrong w Wait no way no I see them it’s not just me it’s not a hallucination how how is this real the they it can’t be wait where man suddenly we’re surrounded by a swarm of specters but are we completely trapped in here what do we do I thought there was only one is this the end for us no it can’t be why is there anything we can do what else is there search the house for anything we can use beds fireplace uh crafting table uh furnace huh H hang on I think I found something what is it there’s a lever huh look I’m going to pull it do it ready yep okay here it goes bummer no look behind you w what is that no way it opened up a secret passage it looks dangerous I don’t trust it what if there are more specters hold on Mikey this might be our last chance to escape otherwise we’re doomed I guess there’s no way we can fight them but what’s down there I’ll take my chances careful I’ll be okay I promise let’s see oh is it safe huh mushrooms what is all of this oh wow look full sets of diamond armor can you believe it awesome check it out huh I think it’s a rocket launcher wo no way awesome plus there’s a pickaxe oh some bread and ammo for the rocket launcher I think we’re ready to take on these specters let’s get them yep wait St you can’t leave through the front door that’s what they’re expecting that’s true they’re out there waiting for us we can’t go this way way is there any other way out I don’t know oh hold on I have an idea the chimney oh we can make it to the roof through the chimney really careful yeah there’s even a ladder in here huh I’m climbing up all right oh yeah come on up okay here I come good you made it now what where are they what the specters oh I see them ohike there are so many look I’m going to blast them with a rocket really of course I’m going to slay them all here I go wish me luck [Music] Mikey look at the crowd following me I don’t want to blow up the house though I’ll aim here careful ready La wo I got blasted so much fun today now that the specters are gone let’s enjoy the sunset with some barbecue so relaxing H this is delicious yeah wow it’s wonderful totally how nice it tastes great I love barbecues I wonder what we’ll catch huh hang on huh what huh what’s wrong there’s something over there there and whatever it is it keeps running back and forth what is that huh I don’t see anything come on JJ let’s focus on fishing I guess but I’m sure there’s something there are the fish done yet oh they’re done M oo mhm M yum yum yum that’s yummy these are good fish mhm but let like I can’t stop thinking about what I saw this afternoon oh anyways I’m still a little hungry so I’ll have seconds I’ll just cook one more you overthink things JJ you were just imagining it I didn’t see anything I wonder why you couldn’t see it oh well huh these fish are delicious Mikey m Mikey behind you look behind you H Mikey that’s it that’s the person I saw this afternoon no way I knew it I wasn’t imagining things I’m scared the way it moves is so creepy it can’t get inside the house right oh no Mikey this is bad huh we left the door unlocked hurry we got to lock it oh no hurry got to hurry hurry lock the door before it gets inside uh one pad luck this should be okay nice job pH that’s better is that person still out there h Huh it looks like that weirdo left I wonder where it went at least the door is locked it can’t get inside our house now right well I hope you’re right about that huh hm huh what’s that noise huh the glass windows all shattered oh no Mikey this is bad the windows are all broken quickly we need to block them all off before it gets inside Mikey grab some wood use the wood to fill in the windows lock them off yeah hurry up oh nice phew is this enough I think we should be okay now they’re all blocked up I’m scared it didn’t get inside the house right all clear Mikey that person definitely intends to attack us I’m scared let’s stay put we can keep quiet for now let’s make a run for it in the morning M sounds like a plan h Huh what’s that noise there’s a hole in the wall what do we do we got to get away from here hey Mikey why were you screaming hang on this is bad this is bad no what do I do what do I do oh it’s pounding on the door I got to find a place to hide a place to hide uh there or there oh that’s right I put a secret door here okay phew somehow I managed to hide this is terrible that strange person broke into our house and then Mikey disappeared that strange person must have kidnapped him oh what am I supposed to do now huh huh this is bad did he break in let’s check the security camera this is terrible shoot it’s looking for me oh no what do I do [Music] no it took out an explosive oh no hold on uh okay this is bad okay that’s really not good no oh no okay it’s only a matter of time before he finds me here I have to leave huh that’s right I should grab these I’ll just get myself armored up huh and oh here’s my trusty rocket launcher so I’ll grab that okay now to get out of here I can use this air vent to make it outside the house it’s going to get worse for me here unless I get out uh I should take it slowly so I don’t make any noise I think that person should still be searching that room I’ll use this time to flee outside the house here it is okay open yes it’s safe now then huh down that way is where my car should be parked so I’ll Escape in that huh oh hang on I’ve been spotted uh-oh I got to hurry to my car it’s coming for me how about take that no oh I did it oh wait my attack didn’t do much one more yes yes yes now while it’s still recovering I got to hurry to the car into the car can I make it yes woohoooo it’s still following but I can’t keep up with a car all right this is my tactical Retreat what will I do where did Mikey end up a I should eat while I can I wonder if Mikey’s okay H it’s still dark out so it’s not the best time to make my move once morning comes I’ll try to carry out my plan to rescue Mikey well guess I’d better call it a night okay it’s time maybe Mikey fought off The Ghost and came home a ghost wouldn’t turn on the lights let’s take a look huh weird Mikey seems fine mine did I imagine it I mean I should go in and [Music] check is that you Mikey yes come in h okay H uh thanks for having me wow I’m glad you’re safe I could have sworn that you were attacked by a ghost a ghost that’s weird here come have some cake and while you’re eating don’t look behind you you’re giving me cake yes okay thanks Don’t Look Behind Me yep H I guess that’s fine this cake looks good I’ll help myself to a slice huh uh uh um what Mikey what eat your cake who is that huh what huh hurry up JJ who is that h huh Mikey yes what is it um You Are Mikey right you were told not to turn around while eating cake weren’t you mhm hurry up and eat your cake JJ come on doesn’t it look good yum no something isn’t right I can see its true form in the mirror hurry the ghost shape shifted into Mikey I have no choice I have to use my diamond equipment to defeat him okay huh aren’t you hungry I knew it you disobeyed my orders I have no choice I must eat you you won’t take me that easily yes I did it I was sure that was the ghost I defeated him but Mikey’s not here where is he where could he be Mikey Mikey huh sounds like the noise is coming from the ceiling h Huh looks like there’s a ladder hang on didn’t Mikey’s house have an attic this is probably it oh huh [Music] H oh Mikey JJ save me please Mikey you were locked up here all along yes I’m free thank you today we’ve come out here for a picnic but we might have to cancel I can hear thunder really but we’re surrounded by Nature it’s beautiful well how nice let’s go find some cover we’ll still have our picnic yay we won’t let a little rain ruin our day it won’t be so bad this place is great you’re right it is beautiful and thunderstorms are exciting let’s have our picnic here yeah H hang on what’s up I found something you did huh what is it JJ oh no what huh what what happened JJ I’m scared I have no idea I’m freaking out something terrible oh man there’s something here there’s boots and emeralds here take these Mikey okay I’ll put them on wait a sec it’ll be good for the rain uh where’s the body it’s really weird did we imagine it no did it just disappear something is wrong we need to find help yeah I think there’s a village around here let’s find it good idea let’s get some help H there’s a house huh it’s a missing person sign looks like a kid that’s awful we’ll keep an eye out for him uh hello hey anyone there’s no one I’m getting a bad feeling same let’s see there’s meat oh here have a jacket thanks that’s nice yep okay stay on alert all right this place is weird oh hold on oh there he is the missing child is it him yeah we found him huh huh no way what it’s just a head there’s definitely something wrong here it’s seriously scary in the woods and now here it’s bad let’s find someone careful we don’t know what’s out here that scared me why is he hanging there like that there’s definitely something wrong here no no this is creepy I’m getting scared this Village is messed up definitely what is that I don’t know whoa the well who did this they’re on Stakes what happened man this is all so wrong what happened to this Village everyone was tortured let’s keep moving Mikey wait huh what’s with this gate weird look h a house oh and there’s smoke coming from the chimney I see it oh I know what happened a monster attacked them but someone escaped into that house they can help us I know it oh that makes sense the survivors must be inside that building we should go inside too yeah a but the gate is locked so What Now search for a key okay let’s see H over here nope any monsters not yet there’s a chest oh is that the key yes we found it let’s go inside all right if we can get inside that building then we can get some answers someone must be living in there let’s open the gate oh no let’s go H what is it I see someone Mikey that’s perfect maybe they can help us wait a sec something doesn’t feel right huh well what if that person is the culprit what now that you mention it they don’t look very nice they might be the culprit that person could be the one who destroyed the village and hurt all of those people right I think it’s going to be up to us to take down that awful criminal Mikey really I’m scared but he hasn’t noticed us yet let’s try to take him down before he sees us we can do it no we have to do it okay let’s sneak in and take him down quietly don’t make a sound all right be stealthy like this I’ll be careful he hasn’t noticed yeah that’s good let’s keep a low profile in the house ready you bet aw the door won’t open it’s locked we can’t get inside oh there’s a button H this button should open the door 3 2 1 open Mikey that was the doorbell now they know we’re here no way run away we have to run go hurry he saw oh no this is bad Jeepers we made it through the gate so are we safe now or is this far enough yeah it has to be the door it opened is it coming are we safe what is this I’m scared it’s getting dark crazy person who keeps attacking us wa really H hey that guy is locked up in there Mikey oh what is it huh is that him the Enemy No but something doesn’t seem right Let’s Get Closer hey are are you sure oh wao it is him hold on he sees us creepy Mikey he’s not the criminal that is Dr Victor what he says he’s been locked up no hey I just realized something yeah this person has dual personalities what he turns into the criminal really he says he made a special poison that is going to kill off the other personality and not him oh wow he’s telling us to give him the poison let’s do what he’s asking so we can kill off that Evil Personality come on let’s find that poison for him where is it it’s in here somewhere okay H where is it up here there let’s find it for him quick keep looking maybe this way yeah let’s check huh H does something seem off about Victor a little this is bad Mikey the good personality has been overtaken by the bad personality the criminal is in control no way just when he was finally a good person oh my now he’s ordering us to hand over the poison that would destroy him no no I think the poison is in this chest over here it’s in there I’m pretty sure there’s no way we’re handing it over definitely see here’s the poison you’re right Dr Victor left a note saying not to hand it over we’ll keep it safe we can’t trust it with a Criminal right let’s grab it and run go quick let’s go if only we can find a way to make him drink it he’s coming after us we need to run away is there anything in here look he took over the cameras no wao what are those security cameras I don’t understand this evil personality but I think it was born from Dr Victor’s negative emotions I see this is bad because it’s evil it wants to destroy everything uh-oh let’s see what do we have here it’s a letter from Dr Victor oh there’s a gas chamber in the Mansion the plan is to take the poison he made and pour it into the gas chambers’s Machinery that should be enough to destroy the evil personality but we only have one chance to do it all right are you ready we only have 2 minutes let’s go let’s do this let’s find that chamber come on uh-oh the bad guy got out he shot me oh no this is really bad run wao he’s coming the gate oh no get in hurry okay I poured the poison in to destroy the Evil Personality nice the gas chamber’s ready I think we can beat him really no wao that did a lot of damage absolutely wow so it worked I’m not sure let’s keep moving I think the poison gas finished him off so we just need to escape looked scary but he was a nice guy yeah he saved us was he Dr Victor’s child uh probably not H let’s make a break for it let’s go we can’t hang out around here you’re right come on all we have to do now is escape yeah let’s leave this place oh okay finally a door it says Exit we did it if all right let’s go today we’re visiting a resort that Mikey found I made the reservation for us and you’ll never believe the price it only cost a dollar so cheap huh wo really yep for a place this beautiful a dollar that’s right isn’t that suspicious it’s too cheap no way oh there is one rule before this the sun goes down we must absolutely no matter what be inside our house our rental you mean that one we have to go inside it before it gets dark yeah exactly and we have to stay inside until the sun comes up huh we’re not allowed out until morning that’s weird I want to go home what just because of a curfew I went through all this trouble finding a cheap Resort don’t leave now serious iously oh man I guess I’ll stay but what happens after Sundown why the curfew hey look over here yeah wow cool this is a high dive wo it’s so tall let’s climb yeah I think this is the tallest one I’ve been on it’s crazy wow look how high we are it’ll take a while to reach the top wo oh wow nice we’re here amazing w wow just look at the view yeah so that’s where we jump off yep let’s try if you fall that’ll be a long climb back up totally oh I made it you got this Mikey careful don’t fall I made it nice so high it’s amazing can you really dive from up here this Resort is awesome yeah it’s great I’m glad we came okay I’m first wo wo so cool come on the water’s perfect here I go yay jump wo wo that high dive is a lot of fun wow ow this place is the best I want to jump again yeah campfire so toasty mhm and the meat is yummy I’m really glad we’re here oh Mikey look we have to hurry back the sun’s almost down but I want to relax a little longer by the fire I’m still hungry it’s so nice being near the ocean uh Mikey aren’t we cutting it a little close huh really um look it’s fine huh just a little longer come on but what about the curfew I have a bad feeling about this a well I guess you’re right let’s head home yeah let’s go it’s already dark whoo hold on what huh you see that it’s like there’s someone standing there right H who is is that maybe another visitor yeah let’s go say hi hey how are you ow wao hey he hit me wait Mikey oh JJ help look at him Mikey that’s a spectre no run Retreat to the house oh it’s following us no why me stop JJ hurry okay get in it’s coming I’ll shut the door I see him hang on what it’s following our movements really yes are you hiding I knew it Mikey huh this place is haunted just look at the Spectre outside oh yeah like he’s waiting just outside the door for us Mikey man you think he can break in I’ll hold the door let’s keep it shut I’m counting on you Mikey keep that thing out got it yikes scary this is really bad Mikey we’re trapped it’s morning huh where is it did the Spectre really disappear That’s good I’ve been holding the door all night I didn’t sleep hold on it might still be outside huh it’s gone right open wow what a relief that’s better you were up all night holding the door but I was too scared to sleep yeah I’m exhausted you saved us but our vacation is over yeah the two of us are going to secure this place and deal with that Spectre let’s get him all right let’s start with a trap I want to catch that awful thing let’s do it once we trap the Spectre here we can push the button and pour lava all over it good idea I doubt even a spectre can survive swimming in lava I feel good about this security system don’t you or maybe First Security System huh huh the first one why would we need more if there’s only one Spectre we didn’t sleep last night and I’m exhausted JJ come on a Mikey you sure it’s fine well that’s true we didn’t sleep last night right let’s take a nap yeah we need to rest to catch the spect oh what’s wrong the Spectre uh Mikey it’s night time we need to check outside for the Spectre oops I fell okay let’s take a look let’s go all right are you ready reach 2 1 open it’s there in the same spot as last night can it see you I’ll lead it over Mikey okay got to get closer hey you go no it’s fast but I’m okay go Mikey in get in close it right in its face nice I see it let’s drop in the pit okay if it’s in the right spot it’ll fall down once we pull the lever I hope so it should be standing right in front of our door care to do the honors really please do 3 2 one ha got it it fell right into our trap let’s lock it in yes wow got him we caught it yeah now I’ll push the button wo it’s working if the lava works we won’t have to worry about the Spectre anymore we actually Beat It yep we won that was easy totally all right the resort should be peaceful again we beat the Spectre nice awesome yay what’s wrong wait no way no I see them it’s not just me it’s not a hallucination how how is this real uh the they it can’t be wait where man suddenly we’re surrounded by a swarm of specters but are we completely trapped in here what do we do I thought there was only one is this the end for us no it can’t be why is there anything we can do what else is there and search the house for anything we can use beds I fireplace uh crafting table uh furnace huh hang on I think I found something what is it there’s a lever huh look I’m going to pull it do it ready yep okay here it goes bummer no look behind you what is that no way it opened up a secret passage looks dangerous I don’t trust it what if there are more specters hold on Mikey this might be our last chance to escape otherwise we’re doomed I guess there’s no way we can fight them but what’s down there I’ll take my chances careful I’ll be okay I promise let’s see oh is it safe huh mushrooms what is all of this oh wow look full sets of diamond armor can you believe it awesome check it out huh I think it’s a rocket launcher wo no way awesome plus there’s a pickaxe oh some bread and ammo for the rocket launcher I think we’re ready to take on these specters let’s get them yep wait Su you can’t leave through the front door that’s what they’re expecting that’s true out there waiting for us we can’t go this way is there any other way out I don’t know oh hold on huh I have an idea the chimney oh we can make it to the roof through the chimney really careful yeah there’s even a ladder in here huh I’m climbing up all right oh yeah come on up okay here I come good you made it now what where are they what the specters oh I see them oh Mikey there are so many look I’m going to blast them with a rocket really of course I’m going to slay them all here I go wish me luck Mikey look at the crowd following me I don’t want to blow up the house though elain here careful ready we had so much fun today now that the specters are gone let’s enjoy the sunset with some barbecue so relaxing mhm this is delicious yeah wow it’s wonderful totally how nice it tastes great I love barbecues

Security House vs CATNAP.EXE in Minecraft – Maizen JJ and Mikey

This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters.

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