Minecraft Chickens Aren’t Actually Chickens πŸ”! #shorts

Minecraft chickens are built different everything about them seems normal they have feathers they cluck and they lay eggs but the weird part comes when you go to breed them they don’t just lay another egg they produce a live baby chick one of the definitions of birds is that they don’t give birth to live young so this shouldn’t be possible right turns out the answer is actually yes kind of see there was a case in Sri Lanka where a chicken did indeed give birth to a live chick it had incubated the egg internally for 21 days and it hatched inside the mother however the h did die of internal injuries because fun fact their insides aren’t designed to have sharp pointy beaks poking around but since all our Minecraft chickens are alive and well after breeding their insides have got to be made of something else maybe that’s where all my iron went I suppose the other option is they’re actually some kind of lizard the three- toad skink is known to both lay eggs and give birth to live young and the New Mexico Whi tail is an all female species of lizard that can still reproduce and I don’t see any roosters in Minecraft do you so either these birds are actually some kind of weird feathery lizard or

In real life, chickens produce chicks by laying eggs, but in Minecraft, it’s a whole different story! They’re able to drop a live baby chicken, no eggs necessary. How is that possible?!
Writers: Tom Robinson and Daniel Zemke
Editor: Axellent
Sound Designer: Yosi Berman
#Minecraft #MinecraftBedrock #MinecraftShorts #MinecraftMemes #MinecraftPE #Chicken #Eggs #Chickens #Rooster #Mojang #Theory #GameTheory #Matpat #Tom


  1. But when you throw eggs in minecraft, sometimes they make a baby chicken, so it might just fall on the ground and make a baby chicken

  2. Simple answer: when they reproduce, they do lay eggs. Except that in that instance the egg shoots out at such incredible speeds it breaks immediately. And because it was from reproduction, the probability of hatching from the egg getting β€œthrown” was 100%.

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