JJ FAMILY vs Mikey FAMILY TREASURE MINE DIG Challenge in Minecraft – Maizen

good morning today is a cool day I wonder what I can do today hm maybe I should go to Mikey and ask him what he’s going to do but first we need to have breakfast I think and I need to plan out today uh-huh good morning son hi Dad look what cool toys I have Pikachu is my favorite toy well that’s great well done play it hi darling how are you what do we have for breakfast today down at the table now you’ll see everything what a wonderful day and what a good family I have it’s a great start to the day guys please like this video And subscribe to the channel this will help make this day Unforgettable and have a great time with Mikey or my family I wonder what we have for breakfast today toasts scrambled eggs H Mikey what is he doing there hm strange I have to find out everything he’s obviously going somewhere but where I don’t know Mikey hey Mikey hi JJ what’s up where are you going JJ we’re going to the mine with the whole family to find a lot of resources after all I’m the best extracting resources in this Village it’s me and I’m sure my family would have found more resources don’t talk nonsense JJ you and I know that I’m better at mining resources you’ll see Mikey I’ll prove you wrong and don’t you dare say that you’re the best family follow me oh stupid Mikey what makes him think that he is the best at extracting resources what kind of nonsense is this well no I’ll I’ll prove him wrong we will prove everything to him I need three picks for the mine and my family hey family get dressed we’re going to the mine we need to teach someone a lesson what happened why are you so angry did you have a fight with Mikey again it doesn’t matter oh JJ tell us everything there’s nothing to tell we are going to the mine to extract resources and we will be better than Mikey’s family a few moments later hooray we are miners so cool we are real miners Mikey and his family are already here well it’s okay we’ll still find more resources well hello again JJ have you decided to come and look for pebbles in this cave don’t even think you’re going to win Mikey we will find more resources than the youu and we will win do you understand me you’re going to beg me to share the diamonds with you JJ good luck to you nothing like that and so we are ready for this battle family we must do everything in our power to collect as many resources as possible in this m I understand you we must find gold iron and diamonds diamonds diamonds diamonds diamonds we definitely need to find some resources if I find the diamonds I will be praised come on where else we definitely have to find something Mikey doesn’t have to beat me got tired ofing they would rather home to watch the series I’m like a superhero I’m a minor it’s so cool this is my road no this is my road oh I’m glad to see you me too but the boys will be mad are you a minor too yes are you a minor too [Applause] [Music] yes 2 hours later follow me and be brave we have definitely chosen the right direction and we will definitely find something valuable JJ will never think that it was possible to go this way are you sure we’re going in the right direction I think we’re going somewhere wrong no this is 100% the right way okay [Music] ah [Music] help I feel that the diamonds are somewhere nearby I swear to you I feel diamonds they are nowhere to be found I don’t know where to look for them anymore it makes me angry if you feel that they are somewhere nearby then trust your feelings I already want to go home and eat Dad let’s dig in the another side okay no problem that’s it I have a feeling that I need to dig down but I do not know why do you think Mikey has been here before I think we’ll be lucky today I have a good feeling about this WOW hooray Diamond you were right guys we found the Diamonds the next day so Mikey how many diamonds did you find in the cave today not a single one they just weren’t there I’ve searched everything and I’m very angry we found so many diamonds Mikey so who is the best resource getter you’re making me angry JJ you’re just lucky Mikey actually I know it’s just luck and I don’t want us to fight take half the diamonds we all did a good job today you’re my best friend Mikey wow JJ thank you very much I am pleased guys please support us like this video And subscribe to the channel this will help us continue to find a lot of resources in the cave and never quarrel after all friendship and family are the most important things in life Mikey come over for dinner tonight let’s all spend time together what do you say it sounds great we agreed dinner great today was a really good day Dad Dad Dad Dad Dad hello what is needed dad wake up let’s go for a walk you promised to take a walk with me Dad come on hi but I don’t want to go for a walk I want to sleep you really promised us you’d go out in the morning let’s go for a walk get up wash your face brush your teeth have breakfast and let’s go Dad come on you’re not sleeping anymore anyway family I love you very much but I don’t want to go for a walk I don’t feel well and in general I will be very angry if you force me to go for a walk I’m tired tired go for a walk without me but then when you come back we’ll go to the store and buy you both something cool Come On Son father doesn’t want to go out great thank you very much ph well why did they have to wake me up it’s it’s crazy guys please like this video And subscribe to the channel this will help me get a good night’s sleep and then not quarrel with my family and right in the comments are you angry when you need to get up early in the morning and forced to go somewhere now I can relax and go to bed come on son we’re going to have a great time with you yeah I agree let’s go to the pond and feed the Ducks hooray we’re going to feed the Ducks mom look what is so beautiful there wow it’s a diamond shiny why did you decide to pick up that diamond oh honey I don’t know but we’ll get out of here soon everything will be all right um are you okay what what’s happening where are we what is it are we trapped mommy am I scared it’s okay calm down someone decided to arrange a prank for us yes my mother and I also wanted to pick up the diamond and JJ will find out and punish the one who did it 2 hours later H what is it oh did my family forget to take the keys to the house yeah this is the second time they’ve woken me up what’s the matter h j everything is very bad our families are gone what happened my wife and my son went for a walk in the morning and I was busy and didn’t go with them and now I’ve been trying to find them for an hour and they’re nowhere to be found and I know for sure that your family is missing too so I need my sword and we can go in search of them I still don’t fully understand what you mean but but you can tell me on the way I’ll tell you everything someone stole them they’re gone we have to find them JJ we’ll definitely find them Mike a few moments later I see something red and something green some buildings of JJ it seems to me that these are laby but why is red is bigger than green I don’t know JJ but I’m going to save my family Mikey wait stop Mikey um he never listens to me so well look the red maze is much bigger wow and how can you find where to go there what should I do what if my family is here JJ JJ I’m here everything worked out my family was here I sa W Mikey I am very happy please help me please save my family the red maze is very big and there are probably a lot of dangers there oh JJ I cannot I have to take my family home see you later but Mikey um Mikey help me how is that why did he leave and I thought I could always count on my friend’s help okay I’ll handle it myself what if I fail who will help me I’m very scared okay I will be brave wow this maze is gigantic how long will it take me to complete the entire maze a lot of hours yeah 2,000 years later I got lost or not I’ve been walking here for so long um oh no Lava um all right let’s go carefully so yeah oh oh no papa and the last jump ah Sho it turned out oh my God I was so scared but I did it all right 75 years later I can hear the voices of zombies it’s bad ahuh take it get the evil zombie I’m doing fine take it oh I am a good warrior take it ah take it take it oh no help me oh no how can I be saved finally I thought I couldn’t do it guys I was so scared guys please like this video And subscribe to the channel this will help me find my family as soon as possible and save them I’m so tired I want to sleep I already think I might have gotten lost I’ve been here a long time I wonder if Mikey is looking for me great you found I’m so glad I knew it hooray I found it Dad is a superhero great I’m going to let you out now so everyone come out hurry up oh I’ve been looking for you for so long come out I love you so much thank you I love you Dad you saved us you are our hero I love [Music] you go go go go go go go go go yo go go go hustle out hustle every single day I’ll be making moves still I’m buried in my grave told the system I don’t want to be a slave I’ve been doing my way

JJ FAMILY vs Mikey FAMILY TREASURE MINE DIG Challenge in Minecraft – Maizen

This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you enjoy our videos. Have a great day!

Original Maizen Channel – / @maizenofficial

#minecraft #maizen #jj #mikey #jjandmikey #mikeyandjj


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