100 Things Added in Minecraft 1.21 Tricky Trials Update

Minecraft 1.21 is here the tricky trials update has added new weapons new Mobs new structures and much much more so today I bring you 100 new things that were added in 1.21 Minecraft 1.21 has added a new weapon the mace now the mace is a heavy weapon that’s crafted with one Breeze rod and one heavy core now how you obtain those items will be explained later on now the mace does a base damage of three hearts or 4 and a half hearts with a critical h the mace also has a unique feature called the smash attack where its damage increases depending on how high you fall when you attack with it so when falling the Mace will deal an extra two hearts of damage for the first three blocks you fall it will then do an extra one heart of damage if you fall an extra five blocks then any damage for blocks Fallen after that is kept at half a heart this means you can no longer do Insane damage to the warden like you could in the snapshots now one of the coolest features about the mace is that the player’s full damage is completely negated if you manage to land a smash attack with the mace this means you can fall from a large height and survive if you just carry a mace and hit a mob on the way down if you don’t manage to hit that mob however you’re going to have a bad time one of the main features added in 1.21 is the addition of a brand new structure that is known as the trial Chambers the trial chamber will generate in the Overworld and it’s made out of a variety of copper blocks the purpose of this structure is to provide a combat challenge for players as when you explore the structure you encounter rooms that contain a new spawner variant that is called the trial spawner trial spawners look like this and the blocks that surround the spawner act as a hint as to which mob can spawn from said spawner for example if the spawner is surrounded by cobwebs it will spawn spiders if it’s surrounded by bone blocks it will spawn skeletons another type of trial spawner that will always generate is a spawner that spawns a new mob that is called the breeze the breeze looks like this and is a hostile mob that attacks by firing wind charges at the player this attack will deal High knockback to you if you’re hit by it which can be kind of annoying the breeze has 15 hearts of health and if you manage to kill it it will drop Breeze rods which look like this now these trial spawners work differently to normal spawners as the mobs that Spawn from them will spawn in waves instead of spawning constantly once the mobs are reped the trial spawner will go into cooldown mode for 30 minutes but you’ll also be rewarded for your efforts that’s right the spawner will eject random treasure items as well as a new item called the trial key the trial key is then used to unlock a chest likee block that is called The Vault once you unlock the Vault by using the trial key the player will be rewarded with a variety of loot items but if you think it ends there then oh boy you’re wrong cuz trial Chambers get even more challenging and rewarding and here is why so if the player enters a trial chamber while under the bad Omen effect then the effect will then change to a new Effect called trial Omen this trial Omen effect will cause any nearby trial spawner within the structure to become an onymous trial spawner now the onymous trial spawner is a variant of the normal spawner that can spawn armored mobs but also grants the player more rewarding loot this trial spawn of variant can also drop an ominous trial key which looks like this you can then use that ominous trial key to unlock an ominous vault which looks like this this Vault variant will give the player some very rewarding and rare loot which includes the new heavy core item which if you combine with the breeze rods I mentioned earlier will allow you to craft the maze it’s worth noting that this heavy core only has a 7.5% chance to drop from the ominous Vault so it may take a few attempts Minecraft 1.21 has added three new in enchantments that are unique to the mace now these enchantments are called breach density and wind burst first up we have breach which is a mace enchantment that has four levels now this enchantment when applied to the Mace will reduce the effectiveness of the enemy’s armor by 15% per level this means a level four breach enchantment on a Mace will reduce the armor of an enemy by 60% now this enchantment doesn’t need to be found by looting you can simply enchant it on a an enchantment table next up we have the density enchantment which is a very useful enchant as it increases the damage dealt per block Fallen with a mace and since the density enchantment has five levels you can deal some insane damage with the mace when falling with this enchantment and finally we have the wind burst enchantment for the mace now this is a unique enchantment as it can only be found in an ominous Vault within a trial chamber when a mace enchanted with wind burst is used on an enemy it will launch the player up into the air this allows you to chain your attacks as you can hit the mob again and again while being launched up and down however once the mob dies you will then take full damage as the enchantment can no longer be used so be careful now wind burst comes in three levels with each level launching you higher and higher level one wind burst will launch you eight blocks into the air while level two will launch you 16 blocks and level three will launch you 24 blocks Minecraft 1.21 is getting a new mob the bogged the bogged is a variant of skeleton that’s covered in Moss and mushrooms the bul only has eight hearts of Health which is two hearts less than a regular skeleton having 10 hearts these guys can spawn in swamp and manger of swamps and behave similar to skeletons except they attack slower but shoot tipped arrows of poison in other words Minecraft has added a skeleton that shoots poison arrows which is going to be really annoying a new item has been added in 1.21 and it’s known as the ominous bottle now this bottle could be consumed by players to give them the bad Omen effect for 100 minutes this will allow you to get the trial Omen effect to then turn the trial spawners into the ominous variance I mentioned before now the ominous bottle can be found uncommonly within vaults of a trial chamber or they can be dropped by raid captains when they’re killed by the player while we’re on the topic of the bad Omen effect we may as well talk about the new St status effects that have been added in 1.21 the first status effect added is the infested effect if you’re under the infested status effect there is a 10% chance for one to two silverfish to spawn on top of you when you are hurt the next status effect is known as the oozing effect if a mob is inflicted with the oozing status effect then two slimes will spawn upon death when they die next up we have the weaving status effect if a mob is inflicted with the weaving status effect then they will spread two to three cobwebs when they die and finally we have the wind charged effect if an entity is inflicted With the Wind charged effect then they will release a burst of wind upon dying Minecraft 1.21 has added 20 new paintings to the game now considering we haven’t had proper new painting since 1.4 back in 2012 this is a big deal I mean it’s been over 10 years after all now here is what all the new paintings look like within the game with two of them being stand out paintings from the old days of Minecraft I mean this painting right here is of the rose flower which was a flower added back in 2009 but later removed in 2012 to be replaced by the poppy the other old school painting is the one which is named unpacked and looks like this this painting is a reference to pack.png which was an image used for the default texture pack in the texture pack selection screen in older versions of Minecraft so yeah I’m very happy we’ve got new paintings in 1.21 1 Minecraft 1.21 has added lots of new decorative blocks to the game now most of these new blocks are featured within the trial Chambers and mostly consist of copper and tough related blocks the trial Chambers are made out of an assortment of new decorative blocks uh variations of tough and variations of copper with the copper blocks we wanted to go for more of an industrial kind of feel so especially with uh the copper grates we really wanted to introduce something that we knew a lot of players didn’t have and might be something kind of fun to play with uh in different builds and stuff so yeah there’s definitely a lot of copper and tough related blocks that you can play around with in this update but one of the more notable blocks that we got was a new light source block that is known as the copper bulb so the copper bulb is made from well copper and like other copper blocks will oxidize over time what’s interesting is that the light level of the copper bulb is determined on how much the block has oxidized this means the more oxidized the bulb is the dimmer it becomes but you can reverse this by scraping off the oxidization with an axe the next awesome feature that will be coming to 1.21 is the addition of autocrafting which comes in the form of a new blog that is called the crafter the crafter is in the name really it’s basically a new redstone block that allows you to automatically craft items the crafter’s interface has slots in the form of a crafting grid that allows you to fill out the recipe of the items you want to AutoCraft you can also click on empty slots within the crafter’s UI to disable that slot the disable mechanic allows the autoc crafter to work more efficiently when autocrafting items with redstone but there you go those were some of the features added in 1.21 more 1.21 videos with changes I’ve missed are coming soon anyways bye [Music]

Today I bring you 100 things added in Minecraft 1.21 Tricky Trials Update. 100 new features such as trial chamber structure! New mace weapon and enchantments! New mobs such as breeze & bogged! New trial spawners & vaults! New items and blocks such as copper and tuff blocks and more! Leave a “LIKE” Rating for more Minecraft 1.21 videos!

#minecraft #update #things #features #trickytrials

Minecraft Bogged Model by:


  1. If 1.22 is the end update…We will be too excited cause the last time we had an end update was 8 yrs ago. If 1.22 releases in 2026, which would be exactly 10 years after 1.9, I would be surprised.

  2. the bogged has such a cool design, and it spawns in the coolest biomes, new favorite mob lmao. anyway, great vid as always!

  3. 1.21 was such a good update, despite no longer having the armadillo and wolf armour because that was a separate update, it still has a lot more features than the past few updates and I personally think it's the best update since 1.16.

  4. This update is a gold mine for Minecraft players! The mace is awesome, especially with the smash attack. I can't wait to try out the new trial chambers and see if I can snag that heavy core. The new mobs and blocks are also pretty cool. Can't wait to see what other surprises are in store!

  5. This update is straight outta a dungeon master's handbook! The new mace sounds like it's going to be a real game changer, especially with those enchantments. I can't wait to see how people use it in their builds and battles.

  6. The first thing I thought of after seeing the Mace's unique ability was the Final Fantasy VII scene where Sephiroth kills Aerith and I don't know why

  7. The mace is a heavy weapon that deals more damage the higher you fall before you attack! This is a fun new element to the game – just hope you don't miss your target!

  8. I am going to say I am slightly disappointed, wolf aumor and the armadillos don’t even count for this so all we really got is nerfed librarians and nerfed raid farms, a couple new blocks like the copper and tuff and 2 red stone components, definitely a bit lacklustre, basically everything in the Minecraft live was given and nothing else despite them saying they’d follow the same thing as 1.20

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