I Transformed the END in Hardcore Minecraft 1.21 Survival

hey folks H here and welcome to a brand new adventure within my Hardcore Minecraft world I’m on a mission to transform the main end Island which involves killing the dragon 24 times going through the process of tearing down all of the obsidian pillars TNT bombing away the entire Island and then constructing a tree floating in the void which is looking a little lonely so now at present day I want to create an entire nebula of colored glass to make the tree look like it’s floating over a Galaxy but this crazy project is going to require well over 100,000 stained glass to obtain that I’ve broken this down into three steps first I need a factory to mass produce stained glass second I need a way to acquire the hundreds of thousands of glass to then die third I need to actually build the thing floating above the void please click that like button if you enjoy my content and be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss out on future videos today we start stage three of this project trans forming the end over the last 200 days in this Hardcore Minecraft world I’ve been gearing up for this project building an automatic Stained Glass Factory as well as jumping over to the desert to build a grand library in new Papyrus which is filled with Librarians who all trade glass for emeralds with 48 Librarians in here I’m able to buy well over a 100 stacks of glass per in-game day every round of trading I do with these villagers turns into all of this glass and well it takes about that many emeralds sure this has taken like 40 hours to build the library but it was a lot more fun than Gathering sand the entire time to just smelt into glass now onto the build to make sure I can do something beautiful in the end I’ve actually learned how to use Axiom for building even reaching out to my friend M swamp to teach me how to use some more of the crazy commands you can get and after nearly 20 hours of Designing I’ve come up with something I am so excited to build before we get ahead of ourselves I do need a 40 shulker boxes of different types of glass and well we’ve got four in a bit yeah nice with each Emerald turning into four glass blocks that means I need 10 Sher boxes of emeralds to purchase the 40 shers of glass desperate times call for desperate measures and well I don’t actually like using this Farm too much but a while back I did make a raid farm for insane projects only with 1.21 releasing very soon this thing is going to completely break and no longer work so I need to collect all of these emeralds before this project becomes like 10 times more grindy every three stacks of blocks of emeralds here is going to be for shers of glass once we break them down and trade them all out which means that is 24 shers of glass that we can currently buy uh we we we have four already but uh that’s a little short we’re going to be about 12 shulkers of glass shy so so far but uh at least we can get started now oh wait wait wait wait wait hold up here how many blocks do we have here that’s another 4 8 12 oh with all these we actually have enough I’m going to be almost completely broke on emeralds but that’s enough to buy all the glass I’m out in the end for a bit as I need a just a few empty suar boxes slowly over the course of a Minecraft series I lose Shuler boxes I’ve already been out here to gather up quite a few stacks of shells throughout this series and I thought I’d never have to go through a double chest full of empty shulker boxes but here we are needing a lot back as I have run out and I can’t put this off anymore no matter how much I want to that all being said been pretty safe and we’ve got just over two stacks of Shuler shells and some goodies to go along with it how the heck oh no oh we left one behind I’ll take that now how the heck do I get back home and finally after way too long flying around I found a gateway so we can dig this all the way back home to the middle of the end where we’ll be back I wish I could say soon but I’ve got a lot of stuff to craft home sweet home with many boxes and many many more emeralds in hand we can finally return to new Papyrus I guess I just need to lay down all 40 of these boxes so we know what we need to fill up as a little treat right here in the middle are the filled up ones that’s a lot of box boxes that’s a lot of lot of boxes with that it is time to flip our speed beacon on yes there we go now we can fly on through and get all of the glass we need just going to be a few hours of this lots of hours lots of hours of this 226 right now what level are we going to get up to now is the part where the grind is really setting in and it’s difficult to make content out of this so instead here’s a montage of me running around the library and trading with all of the villagers to slowly amass these 40 Sher boxes of glass that I then have to go back through and dye all of them in the different colors this is really the good and bad of Axiom it’s so easy to scale up builds and make them bigger and grander and all that stuff without realizing how many materials go into it making some good progress here and a small update as those five shulkers are filled and that is 18 19 20 1 2 3 24 Shuler boxes is full of glass yeah we made a lot of progress here we have locked out for the day though and off that that’s probably like 2 minutes of time to chill there’s a slight problem that has unfortunately slowed me down the first day that I came out here I was able to get three rounds of trading done if I started early in the morning and you can use this trick to change up the Minecraft villager AI to allow them to unlock their trade an extra time only on the first day they’re basically using yesterday day’s trade lockout unfortunately this doesn’t work for the following trading days as we’ve already used it meaning I can actually only get about 80 stacks of glass per day instead of 100 so that’s adding another few days I need in the mix and here go my last Emeralds from the entire Shuler of blocks that we had filled up this thing is fully empty minus the shells thankfully we do have these which will power us through the rest of it but oh we can fill those into the Sher box here this one is full and and that brings us to justest over a chest of shers of glass I’ve also to pass the time just slowly every single day been going over and getting a new fish to throw here in the pool so it’s just going to symbolize how many days I’ve spent trading with the Librarians for every single fish that will be in the pool for those of you who have seen this video you will you will know whenever we revisit this we’ll see how many fish are there yet another fish to add into the pool here but thankfully we are down to just over 4 Sher boxes remaining and I’ve got enough emeralds to see it all the way through and that Sun is setting which means it’s almost time for another round of trading oh boy this is so fun so fun yeah [Music] uh-huh these right here should be the final glass trades that I’m going to need just to max out that stack and that should another Half Stack and this right here should fill off the last box we need and that right there is 40 shulker boxes full of glass blocks that’s that’s so many blocks right there and we still have some emeralds to spare thankfully I do however still owe one more fish so I’ve got to make another trip out here who’s going to come home with us today another clown fish sure why not here go buddy you can hang out with everybody else now I just need to figure out how I can transport all of these shulker boxes full of stuff back home with me that one’s going to be a box of stuff and if I can at least get half we’ll just set up in front of the factory yeah oh easy very happy to be flying away from that structure I have spent the last few hours in there trading glass and here go the last of our 40 shulker boxes of glass brought over here sitting out in front of the Glass Factory where I have H found a teeny tiny super sled super not a big problem issue I I found an issue with this whole thing so we load the Dy into there ooh that should not be on then it all comes down through what why do I just have almost four shulkers of glass sitting here we’ll deal with that in a moment that’s just bonus extra glass we’re talking about that as extra glass right now not that I did a lot of extra work it’s just bonus glass but coming over here are into the color storage room we have our glass storage here down at the floor and you might see the issue right here of I have an entire barrel of GL right we did the test last when we finished the factory woo that’s good but the problem that we do have is that this right here is only two barrels or two shers worth of storage for the entirety of that glass and then it just goes into overflow which currently uh just backs up to uh somewhere right back over in there so if I were to just set up the autoc crafter and leave it running uh all of that glass is just going to despawn cuz it’s going to fill the two barrels so um I don’t know how useful this Factory is actually going to be cuz in the time it would take me to build a new system I could probably dye it all by hand I mean it does look cool so there’s that taking a look at the material list I have I need uh maybe that and maybe that for now for all of the different colors and then we’ll uh we’ll get to the rest of that mess here in a moment inside die storage what do we got in here let’s take sure let’s do eight stacks of that where’s my saan yeah that should probably do orange glass I actually already have a full Shuler sitting down here so we’ll just keep that and save regular glass which actually don’t have a storage for so we can make our yellow glass we can make cyan and lime take some green of course a little pink for the glass storm and a little magenta right so these two black Shuler boxes here are going to do for the different colors that I need and this right here well all of that is going to be um light blue stained glass yeah I need a lot now since we’ve already got a ton of light blue dye earlier I decided to turn the autoc crafter back on and let it work in the background even though I can do it manually faster over time it’ll help me accomplish more which will save a small amount of time except it is doing this I ran it the entire enire time for a big old test like an hour and nothing got stuck and constantly we’re getting blocks stuck here what’s going on I’ve got an idea that might work to patch the hole if I were to get rid of you no not the barrel just that and then we do this and we put our Barrel back in there that creates a wall that should make it fall a little closer and yes now it’s going down okay that should hopefully fix it now for my next problem I’m out of die we are six shulkers down already ready though which is very good we just need a lot more shers of glass thankfully we can head out to the swamp and get a ton of our light blue flowers just a quick flight all the way away from my city to where I’m really wishing this has an auto collection but no I’m going to have to sit here and watch it all go but uh I’m not I’m not not dealing with that not not today peace and quiet out here in the swamp we can fill that up with a bunch more bone meal and that can get to work for us and then probably probably two stacks we’re going to need a lot of stuff then for all of the seeds that we are going to get out of here I might as well make them uh work a little bit better for me as I don’t need that many seeds and that’s nope thank you fully fill that up and we should start getting a little extra bone meal so that a lot of these things will start to actually help us out here pausing the machine for just a moment here as we’ve got a full Shuler and nearly a second filled up with our dyes and the bone mealing is going uh very slowly but it’s getting there I’m a little worried that we are somehow running out here in the middle so I just wanted to check on it yeah okay I was like this is going at half speed something something’s wrong here we’re we’re fixing this now it looks like it uses bone meal faster than Hopper speed good news as that means the farm is really fast but bad news as means uh oh why we yeah it just okay we it was just very very backlogged now we should get super speed Farm yes that’s more like it there we go four shulker boxes full of dye here and some change in my inventory already but we’ll bring all this back with us collect our bone meal we’ll leave this system here cuz uh it needs a lot of time to run through all that and something tells me I’m going to be back back and now we can all watch the magic as ow ow these sugar boxes move over there wow so fancy just like that yes these are all full of our light blue stained glass now and this thing uh unfortunately is still having problems it looks like it’s fixed right now but I keep catching instead of it being on that this side where it’s stalling now some are getting caught over here so if you have any ideas on a fix for that but please let me know I mean I could just connect it as a tube all the way down to the ground with like light gray glass or something but that’s not fun thankfully though a good amount has ended up over here so we can fill up two more shulker boxes and now I need to count how much I actually have to see if I still need more I don’t think I can even fit all these in my inventory but uh we’re going to find out I cannot I I I cannot all right so this is about 45,000 that I had in my inventory and we are still about 21,000 shy where I don’t think this is quite 21,000 nope it is 17 ,000 so we need uh another three boxes of light blue stained glass and I’ve got four here oh boy and I still have die last round of this and I can finally get into placing blocks today oh boy no more just constant crafting oh my gosh what was [Music] that who’s breaking my door that’s so noisy ah you just broke a copper door I didn’t know they could break copper copper doors also Mojang why does that have the sound of breaking a wooden door when you’re breaking a copper one I I’m just saying something’s off in The Matrix I’m a little worried how that dude got in there because that means he spawned inside but we do have three more shulkers of our light blue stained glass so that should be enough that should be enough with all of this do you think this is enough enough blocks of glass maybe I should get another Shuler yeah you’re right I should just to be safe we should get another Shuler you know some will fall into the void probably and we’ll we’ll need some extras and there before I go to the end Dimension to never see sunlight again I got to plant a field this episode has been something that I’ve been wanting to do for so long since I first transformed the end Island into the giant tree floating in the void it always felt a little unfinished and it’s finally time to get right back into the project and finish it off but of course I need to plant a field here in the world as we do with every single episode if you’re still enjoying the hardcore series leave a comment down below with your favorite build we’ve done so far and maybe click that like button and consider subscribing if you haven’t already this Little Flower Patch is looking fantastic down here next to the Sweet Berry Vineyard but it’s time to get back to work inventory has been cleared out and I’m going to start here by grabbing up all of the light blue glass shulker boxes that I can take with me you can come back for the rest later quickest way to the stronghold is down through the nether so we can head on down here and a quick trip away from the another Hub we have the portal uh right down here to this very um grand entrance into the end that we’re just going to ignore for now for now I’d like to lay out all of our shulker boxes just here in the middle of the tree as I know Enderman can actually spawn on top of them but I think it’s bright enough in here you know what I’m not going to be lazy I’m going to go get the rest too here is everything for stage one of this upgrade and to start off the glass storm I want to create a massive Ripple starting under the tree to reach the Ripple we need need to come all the way over here place a water bucket in and use some dirt to just pillar downwards and now I want to work up to the Ripple nipple to uh build a safe place to build off of here we go this should be plenty enough space to land on if I ever need to come back down here I’ve just got to really make sure I always have plenty of rockets on me bringing the Ripple back here with light matica again I want to start by extending ourselves out this way to create a full line going all all the way out so that it’s something that I can build off and do loops on later and then we can more easily see the scale of it all coming in here together but I’ve been thinking this light matica schematic I made is pretty cool and all but I think we can actually modify it cuz I was looking at it and when I made it I didn’t realize that this was level with the next point and I want the Ripple to slowly get smaller and smaller as it goes and just bring this maybe one or two blocks wide and goodbye glass in the middle of this guy and then then we can just keep that Loop going around here so it makes this one one taller The Middle’s a little shy but maybe I mean we’re going to have a bunch of stuff floating over the top of it so it’s probably okay now the other problem here is I have to keep coming down placing a dirt in and then a glass and then we have to just keep rinsing and repeating that all the way across and I hate it and that was not supposed to be glass I got to make sure I remove the dirt otherwise I really really regret that later to help my brain from turning into mush the schematic here was done with math and now I can just copy my own homework to add it in I definitely need to remember the important parts of removing the dirt though otherwise this is going to get extremely spooky down here if Enderman can spawn on it it is really cool to see the scale of how far this is going to reach out though now oh I’m so excited for it I definitely need to keep an eye on that ectra durability that’s already down a good amount I decided with the tens of thousands of glass blocks to place down and my life at risk right above the void what better thing to do than to turn on my stream and get to work with 3 hours of dedicated time I want to see just how much of this ripple effect I could complete if you would like to see me live I’m multistreaming currently on both YouTube and twitch so turn on notifications on whichever you like more by clicking the bell and you can see when I go live I was originally doing this the very slow Way by crouching and going backwards to place the glass as I don’t typically like using like light manica easy place mode but chat said I was just wasting a ton of time and for something this large scale I should definitely just turn it on which allowed me to place in the blocks a lot more quickly from our schematic I had originally scheduled the entire day IRL to build this Ripple but somehow going with the easy place mode I managed to complete it all within 3 and A2 hours which is amazing to have this completed and it’s looking so good Bing into the end you walk up and now see this which is so so cool for the first phase to be done and every single one of these Sher boxes right here is completely emptied for now we’re just going to set up a chest over here and fill it with all of the empties cuz that was a lot of light blue glass next let’s change things up grab a little bit of our dirt here and grab the yellow glass and then right here underneath the entry platform I wanted to just kind of have a little fun with it I guess you could say of creating a few rings that are gradually just going to get a little bit larger so we got three of the single two of these really tiny ones and then right here maybe we just make it a little bit larger I think the two layers of each is going to do the trick for now and I want to try and just gradually expand them so they stay within the same line of the previous one and we’ll just expand until we get up there okay but I do actually want it to line up here with our frog lights so it feels the entire point so I think I’ve got to increase this a little little bit more right a little weird here but now this outline should be pretty perfect so we can skip that layer again and send this guy around and that’ll do it now let’s get rid of this dirt and hopefully it looks cool okay from down here that’s not bad kind of want to look a little spaces Shippy and yeah wait that actually turned out really cool you get the light casting down from here and then it just gets darker as it goes oh that’s really fun with that done I think there’s a bit more we can still add to the end on Minecraft SOS I created a massive Obelisk for spawn using the Minecraft enchanting language I’d like to revisit that idea here with some floating stones in the end but this time I want to try spelling out my name as hopefully it’ll look pretty cool so let’s grab a few shulkers here to get some blocks Definitely Maybe maybe that maybe that’ll do for this I want to go with some darker blocks as we are in the end so anything too bright will stand out a lot and I want these to be more of a background detail so we need some tough mossy cobblestone a little andesite and regular Cobble but salt for Dark Shadows and some copper blocks for detailing on top of that I do also want to grab both deep slight and Cobble deep SL so I jumped down into the mine to pick up a load of that as my storage is unfortunately pretty empty on both of these per the norm I did find eight more dundo for the stash here though and there’s one last item I need to pull off this effect and that’s endro rods but that’s definitely not enough do we have any pop chus fruit we have chorus fruit do we have any ooh there’s some popped in here and how many is that 34 let’s make a few more of these that right there should be 58 yeah that’s nearly a stack I think that’s a good starting point at least quick nap back in the Overworld and oh wait wait wait before we go to the end I I need some pillaring blocks let’s just grab ourselves some extra Moss here as that should be able to do it currently walking into the end we see this and I absolutely love what we have so far and I was thinking we could add something behind the tree as I have this little balcony built in here and currently uh well you just look at the Ring of gateways and nothingness using these back five gateways here we can use them as a little bit of guidelines to position our rocks behind those I’m creating some larger Hollow rocks to save on materials here being sure to light them up on the inside to prevent Endermen from making a Clubhouse in there yeah lighting is uh lighting is going to be very very can I just nudge you off yeah it’s going to be really important here and to not look at anyone I’ve added in two more little rocks right underneath to give it a little bit more substance and that there is supposed to be an F in the enchanting language one thing I want to grab though is we can grab a bit of bone meal here as I’ve already put a little bit of glow liing on the top but I think we can make it a little bit more fuzzy this thing’s super geometric but I think with a little bit oh it’s going to spread no I forgot about that okay let’s just be really careful for now and I’ll be sure to do this and then put the top layers of the rocks on but anyways fuzziness I think fuzzy rocks at the top will make it feel a lot more natural and unique compared to the super geometrical Vibes that we’re getting right now cuz I’ve made sure everything on these rocks is a 2X two at minimum I think it gives it a really cool feel here yep I like that one a lot okay quick side trip out to the desert here where I have this little platform of grass being in a Mesa biome the only thing that you can bone meal is Tall Grass itself meaning that we could just get a lot here real fast this way I don’t mess up the texturing I think this is going to be the least painful way to get this done shears are almost dead and that’s almost four Stacks so that should get through a good amount of these rocks I got back to work in the end building up the different rocks with one Rune engraved into each of them using the copper to highlight behind the end rods to help help make it pop a little bit more and glow like in for subtle lighting to stop those sneaky Endermen from spawning in now just to tear down the Moss scaving so we can get rid of all the Endermen oh I looked at him oh no I I think we’re okay I think I’m just going to keep on moving on totally fine all right how did you survive that fall let’s go for another one goodbye absolutely no Endermen were harmed in the making of these of rocks now we can finally take a look back at them and that is looking much better that looks really really good in my opinion it’s a little faint with the end rods but I almost kind of like the effect of it one more step we can still make them a little fluffier including the smaller rocks as well I think are going to look really good adding just a little bit of our grass on top there we have it the flip runestones floating in the void looking lovely and I am feeling much safer in here with our galaxy of glass down below to catch any Falls that might happen and those runestones floating behind kind of just popping out from behind the tree very very cool I definitely want to expand the idea further with more going back in that direction and probably in surrounding us completely but I’m very happy with this for today thank you so very much for watching this journey come together click the thumbs up to leave a like on this episode I really appreciate your support and with 1.21 arriving let me know what you want me to do next but with that I’ll catch youall on the flip side

fWhip TRANSFORMED THE END in Hardcore Minecraft 1.21 Survival!! Click the LIKE button and Please Subscribe!

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  1. Thanks for checking out today's episode! This has been such a fun project to complete. Hope you enjoy the build! Leave a like on this episode if you did!! Appreciate the support ❤❤ BONUS CONTENT. Definitely not missing footage… nope not at all! For this video is now up on the second channel! How I built the glass effect: https://youtu.be/rshl1lsBLWc

  2. I think my favorite build so far has been the dwarf village underground, but I’ve been loving the grind builds as of late. They’re really satisfying to see come together!
    I’m excited for the college campus build for the city! And to see more of New Papyrus!
    Thank you for sharing all these awesome builds with us 😊

  3. Big fan mate, for a long time! I’ve just started my Minecraft YouTube channel 2 days ago and growing fast! Almost 50 subs already! Hope to reach your heights one day as a 30+ adult playing minecraft!! Cheers mate.

  4. Only thought I have is do you have a chunk border right where the glass is coming out? Once one piece is stuck it will cause others to "group up" on it.

  5. This is amazing! I love how you used the enchanting language to spell out your name in the End. It's a creative way to add a personal touch to the build. Plus, it's not every day you see a Minecraft YouTuber take the time to plant a field after making a massive galaxy! You're really showing us what it means to have a balanced Minecraft life.

  6. You can fix the glass problem by having it fall through a cobweb which will align the items in the center of the block and they shouldn’t ever get stuck on the sides

  7. The best way I can think of to stop your stained glass from being "caught" on the block – surround the block-space for item travel with more trapdoor, you basically want to avoid any gaps where items can get caught on a ledge and stuck there. Enjoyed the video.

  8. This is such a cool build! You've really outdone yourself with this nebula effect. I'm definitely getting some serious space vibes from it. It's like a whole new dimension of Minecraft! The way you incorporated the rune stones behind the tree just adds to the whole otherworldly feel. Can't wait to see what you do next!

  9. Awesome video fwhip! Very enjoyable to see. Even though you did SO much in this video, the slower pace really makes it more interesting to watch, for me. That tree looks amazing.
    SOS25 please 😀

  10. This is such a cool build! The galaxy of glass is amazing, but those Rune stones behind the tree are the real highlight. It's like a secret message only the coolest Minecraft players can decipher. I'm definitely adding this to my list of things to build in Minecraft that are way cooler than my current house.

  11. For the glass factory tube you could break the block its getting stuck on and have a piston on a redstone clock to push it back into the tube. This would give the factory a more mechanical factory feel.

  12. adding fish to the library pond for all the traiding is such a fun touch and the end build with the ripple and enchant language ruins is looking fantastic so far!! fwhip you always put an insane amount of work into these episodes, make sure you take care of yourself too

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