I Collected ALL 4,500 Armor Sets in Hardcore Minecraft (again)

I am obsessed almost a year ago now Mojang released the brand new armor shms feature and I immediately fell in love and not in the normal way where you pick out your favorite outfit and call it a day I had to have every single one of them so after hundreds and hundreds of hours of grinding I finally completed my goal of getting every single possible armor Trim in the game until Mojang decided to add 500 more of them now do I need 20 more full sets of netherite armor no is this one tiny little part of the update worth making an entire video out of probably not but I must have my precious so how do we actually get these new armor trims well it’s simple really all you have to do is bribe a local official to give you a secret treasure map leading you to the remains of an ancient civilization then violate those Remains by forcing your way in ruthlessly slaughtering all the undead Guardians you so rudely Disturbed and finally pickpocket their tombs for a key to unlock the most precious Treasures for you to steal and then just do that dozen or so times until you finally find what you wanted easy at least I think it’s easy I honestly have no idea how this new update works because I’ve been trying to avoid the spoilers but I do know there’s a map a new structure a key and a treasure Vault of some sort so we’re just going to wander and aimlessly and if I can’t figure out what to do I’ll just text my roommate for help that being said we’re still going to need to fly out thousands of blocks to find a cartographer you see even if we were able to find a cartographer around these parts the chunks are all already loaded so the chances of us being able to find a trial dungeon is not very high so to maximize this we’re going to fly thousands of thousands of blocks in uh that direction all right so this should be far enough and we’re about to enter 1.21 chunks all right so my next objective is to find a village and speak with the locals hello everybody has anyone seen a giant structure potentially sworn by the undead well I guess we def find a cartographer then who is your local cartographer the only one I usually don’t care about I don’t even think they have a cartographer who is the local cartographer I’d really appreciate I would really appreciate a trailer and map sir a woodland Explorer map nobody sh that all right let’s try leveling up this guy oh there it is a trial Explorer map oh this is like right next to the Village all right so it should be up this hill somewhere I’m not sure if there’s going to be like a gate or something so apparently it is right here I’m guessing we’re going to need to dig down to find this thing oh nope huh we’re already into oh what is that thing are those new blocks ah I am under assault oh okay now I’m on fire stay back you’re all ugly what is that thing oh okay I need to leave right now well that was a terrible experience okay so there’s going to be a lot of mobs out there and I just need to start swinging okay I have no idea how to get back to where I just was I actually don’t I don’t even know what I’m supposed to be doing but I assume if we kill everything we’ll figure it out okay what is this thing what are you I’m an idiot break the spawner is it breaking okay I don’t think that breaks what is oh I have two a trial key it looks like an old man look his little eyebrows ooh oh Breeze I’m not sure like what my objective is in this room um is it this it oh I got another trial key H I don’t really know what to do with these Keys oh the mob is gone oh okay so when you kill a certain amount of them the spawner stops spawning them interesting okay so where do I go now okay so there are stairs oh what is this oh this room is massive oh no not silverfish no oh oh okay so you can get loot from these things there’s a lot of mobs in there I really don’t like that water there I need to go and remove that let me just me there we go nope nothing in there I’m still trying to find any of the trims but I haven’t so much as even seen one oh oh that’s what I wanted to see right right all right what do you do what is this can I break it this looks different than the other ones what is that diamonds emeralds oh is this like the oh I saw something I saw the trim in there how do I get it do I I right click it oh is this what I use the keys for uh no I’m confused um let’s let’s do a bit more exploring around the trail chamber maybe we’ll get like another hint on how we’re supposed to do this oh I found another pathway where does this go here I come Winden charge oh you can throw it well I guess maybe it yeets mobs this looks like a new area ooh a music disc that is definitely new I have not seen that one before okay so I just had a big brain thought if there’s an advancement linked to this key I wonder if it’ll tell me what I’m supposed to do step in front of a trial chamber unlock a vault with a trial key what is that 50 Hearts oh I feel like I’ve heard about this they added a weapon that was like insane how do I get that unlock an ominous Vault with an ominous trial key huh oh this is so confusing I don’t understand oh no NOP what the does that open when I get closer oh I have to find these for the key this is different than the other thing oh oh I get it I get it oh wait wait wait okay so if it opens I can use the key on it otherwise I can’t for some reason oh okay this one does open ooh mending that’s pretty decent loot this is the one that didn’t open before oh now it opens oh okay I’m confused I don’t know why I can’t use that on there so I can use it on some of them and not all of them and I don’t know which is with or why great ah here we go that’s what I need ooh bolt armor trim All right so I wasn’t able to use all the trial keys inside of that trial chamber so I think our best bet is to try and find another one a good distance away I think if I trade with any more of these villagers they’re just going to give me the same map to the same location so let’s go this way I found a jobless man oh this one’s right next to a village too I’m almost wondering if you you don’t even need to trade the Cartographer if you just go to a village mine down near it h we should test that later I’m tempted to try and drink this but at the same time I’m in hardcore and if this like poisons me I should probably Google it before I drink it or oh gives me bad Omen well that’s [Music] useless okay what did I just trigger oh all these mobs have armor oh I instantly take that I I take that oh oh oh no oh no I’m gapping I don’t care okay these mobs are a lot stronger these ones have diamond swords okay as long as they don’t touch me oh why are the old men looking grumpy now all right we defeated one of them this is so much more difficult than the last one was ooh what is that oh so different trial Chambers offer different Keys ah really a potato give me a key yes yes yes give me another key now we know how to get the keys we just have to find a trial chamber that gives us the ominous thing all right let’s see if we can get get the next trim now emeralds wind charges crossbow okay so it looks like the chances of us getting a trim from one of those is really low oh nice this room has a lot of spawners hopefully we can get a couple keys from [Music] this got another key which we can use on this come on give me the thing I need give me the trim give me the trim well we didn’t find the second armor Trim in this Tri chamber so we’re going to have to head off to another one tricky TR let’s go [Applause] did they put a lullabi into [Music] Minecraft oh this is kind of cool okay I have a theory I have a theory before we go in here see the last time I came in here I drank one of these and and I have a theory about it so it gives me bad omen or maybe I was wrong I thought this like did something but maybe I’m stupid oh it does do it okay so for some reason batt this this like triggers bat Omen that’s how you get the second team here okay so we only have two objectives inside of this trial chamber we got to find the last arbit trim and if we can we got to figure out how to get the hammer give me the trim oh I got it the flow armor trim okay now before we apply this trim we need to make some duplicates and I don’t actually know how to do that now usually to upgrade an armor trim You’ place the armor trim here place your diamonds like this and then Place some sort of item in the middle I just don’t know what that item is I wonder it’s a piece of copper oh oh it’s a copper block let’s make a few copies of these all right and then we need to duplicate that I have no idea what that would be maybe a diamond block it could be prismarine maybe no reason I’m thinking that is cuz it’s color oh I makes sense all right since the armor is blue I think the best color to add on to it’s going to be red I think I like this one better this one’s a little bit too dark for me but maybe if it was a different color m nah I think this design is [Music] nicer now that I have both of the trims I need to worry about duplicating them and collecting the armor which means I had to collect like 20 more sets of netherite diamond iron gold chain maill and leather armor and of course don’t forget the turtle helmets not to mention I’m going to need around 250 Breeze rods and 20 50 copper blocks to duplicate the trims and on top of that we also need like 3500 diamonds is to duplicate all the trims which is more than a shulker box so yeah it’s a lot of supplies but before we can even collect them we need to worry about where we’re going to store the armor once we get it since right now it um wouldn’t fit in this Temple which means we’re going to need to go grab some other resources and expand this Temple a little bit to fitle the new armor trims to expand the temple we’re going to need to collect some polished Blackstone we have a little left at the base but I’m I’m probably going to need to get more the only thing we really need to do in here now is to expand the platforms to fit the new armor which means we just got to destroy a little bit of the glass on each of the sides oh well that’s a safety hazard best just uh cover that up so no one sees then we just build the platforms out one block more on each side nice now that we have a place to put all our new armor we need to get the new armor the easiest one of them is probably going to be Iron since we have have a ridiculous iron farm from when we built the iron Beacon nice now we probably have all the gold we need as well at the Gold [Music] Farm nice now that we’re done that we can get on to collecting some of the other armor types I think we’ll start with leather since that should be pretty easy instead of killing cows like a peasant though we’re going to trade for them but in order to do that we need to find a new Village leather trading is a little bit annoying since they’re all going to be dyed but we can undye them later using a cauldron and some water I have made a friend and I have named him estaban the wandering camel he doesn’t really wander anymore though so if you come across him please feed him cuz he might die I haven’t seen him move this whole time he’s been here while we’re here though we can also use these villagers to trade us for some diamond armor instead of having to craft it I’m already dreading collecting the 3500 diamonds for duplicating the trims and I don’t want to collect one single Diamond more than I have to villagers are also the only way to obtain chain mail armor at least with any sort of speed so we’ll grab that while we’re here too now that we have the diamond leather iron and gold collected we need to get my favorite one Turtle helmets thankfully we have this Farm I built a few episodes ago when I first collected all the armor trims so it won’t be that hard but it’s definitely going to take a while you see first you need to breed the turtles then their young turned into these square- shaped candy looking things after suffocating in their tiny homes for a while they break free falling into this watery trap and when they grow up their scoot drops into this chest and the turtle is um disposed of all right well that took way longer than I expected but now we have all the scoots to make the helmets and there we go we’ve collected every single type of armor minus the netherite but we’ll do with that later that we need to be decorated with all the new trims now we have to do is get all the colors to decorate them with and then the diamonds but we’ll deal with that later too to get all the trim colors possible we’re going to need to collect 50 of each color option 50 copper ingots 50 Redstone Dust 50 golden ingots emeralds quartz lapis nether right 50 netherite ingots and now we just need 50 amethyst which we could go in the mines and look for it but I think I have a better way to find some oh yes would you look at this suspiciously large hole with giant cavities that have Amethyst in them I wonder why someone would make make something like this definitely has nothing to do with what I haven’t posted in the last 4 months how convenient don’t mind if I do well that should be all the amethysts that we need and now that we’ve collected every color we can begin making all the trims on the armor yo this actually looks sick I thought it was lame when we tried the red on it but with purple now I’d love to keep going but we kind of have an issue and we we have no more diamonds to duplicate them with and in addition to that we only have about half of the breeze rods that we need and like no blocks so that can’t make anymore but since I must have every single Trim in the game we’re going to need to go and get those resources now the first item I want to deal with is getting the rest of the breeze rods which means I need about 100 more but rather than having to go through a bunch more trial Chambers to get them oh I think I have a way to automate the process with a farm but to see if it works we’re going to have to go back to one of the old trail chambers that we were at before all right now if I remember correctly the trial chamber for this Village was somewhere along this hill ah there it is all right oh perfect it goes right to a Bree spawner and a zombie spawner and I don’t have a sword oh no oh no mistakes were made oh what is that oh I made of hey leave me alone no oh oh oh oh oh uh-oh uh-oh uh-oh uh-oh uh-oh uh-oh uh-oh ending my oh oh y that was terrifying I was trying to say that that baby zombie was not going to end my world but then he was attempting to a little bit too strongly so I couldn’t get the words out all right so first we have to clear a little area right beside the spawner and then we place down a couple hoppers on either side of the spawner we want to Place Oak planks like this and now we just have to fill in the area what we don’t want is the breeze to be able to fly out in any direction now to avoid being hit we’re going to do two things first we’re going to make a composter and put it right there we’re going to sit in it all right and then to avoid the wind charge is actually hitting me if we put a piece of string right here we should be good now even though the spawner has expired this Farm’s still going to work something I noticed when I ran through the trail Chambers the first time was that all the spawners restart after about 30 minutes which means if we sit here in just AFK in about 30 minutes or so we should get some new [Music] ones okay okay so so there’s an unknown amount of mobs behind me and I have 5 and 1 half Harps including absorption so what I need to do is turn and hit them but I am scared as you can see my totem is floating here when it should be down there here we go here we go here we go here we go here we go here we go oh I did it I am amazing you have never seen such a good gamer did you see that Matthew I’ve still never seen a good gamer all right this should be the last round of mobs we need before we’ve collected all the rods now if you’re going to build this Farm I have a few things to note firstly the spawner doesn’t spawn anything unless you get out and walk past it then you can get back in your little composter bucket now sometimes the breeze will come into your composter bucket just beat them back it’ll be fine now normally the spawner would spawn anywhere from two to four mobs however it’ll only consistently Spawn Two in this Farm Design This should be all the breeze rods that we need and now all we have to do is collect the copper blocks all right that’s the last of the copper blocks which means we can now get out of this terrible Place ow ow oh I almost I don’t have a totem that was really dumb all right with that put all these in here as well and we now have all the resources collected as well as an arrow in my forehead all the resources that is except for about 60 stacks of diamonds that we need to duplicate the trims with well guess we should go and do that now thankfully we still have this environmentally cautious Diamond Board that will only destroy half the world’s core while we search for some more diamonds that we totally don’t need and are only used as a status symbol now we just need to do this for the next 6 [Music] hours all right so that should be all the diamonds that we need now it’s time to head back and apply all the trims to my non- excessive amount of [Music] armor this is [Music] fun and with that we have every single armor Trim in the game again

What’s with the big hole?: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlvvXtY9LxudtoA0_f0PqaSBODrfLPoBY&si=UpUjBDUdJu5pC5jS

I Collected ALL 4,500 Armor Sets in Hardcore Minecraft (again)! With the new armor trims hidden in the trial chambers released in the 1.21 Minecraft update, I had no choice but to go in and complete my set of having every single armor trim in the game. This is a shorter video than normal which I made really quickly in time for the update. Not as big of a project as I usually do but I haven’t posted in a while since I have some BIG things in the works (currently working on multiple videos at a time).

Full VODs will be released on my VOD channel in due time. I have a LOT of backlog VODs to post so it will take a while to catch up to this video here.
All my Hardcore World VODs: https://www.youtube.com/@muddierflaps/featured

Breeze Farm by Rays Works: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PI3XvJBWF9w&pp=ygUVYnJlZXplIGZhcm0gbWluZWNyYWZ0

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➤ Download My Builds: https://www.patreon.com/mudflaps
➤ Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/mud_flaps123
➤ Business Email : MudFlaps@mythictalent.com
➤ https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John%203%3A16&version=NIV


  1. i think bad omen 2 lets you get the blue key
    not just that different chambers give you different keys, you just need the effect from the potion

  2. Well I mean you're still missing all the leather armor combinations which equals 1,028,418,840 (Poor leather armor always getting left out :C)

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