Everything NEW in Minecraft 1.21 Update

moang has just released a new 1.21 update called tricky trials which includes many new blocks mobs and even a new structure I will show you everything that is new in this update so let’s get started first is the new structure that is called the trial chamber it can be found underground anywhere in the Overworld but you don’t need to go digging to find it all you need to find the trial chamber is to visit the Cartographer villager who needs to be on a journeyman level and from there you can buy a trial chamber map this cost you 12 emeralds and a compass the trial chamber itself is an awesome looking structure it has many big hallways corridors and Chambers in these corridors you can also find chests barrels and decorated BTS which all contain some Loot and there are some dry out spawners that make looting the corridors just a bit harder but every Corridor eventually leads you into the combat chamber that has even more spawners these trial spawners here spawn all kinds of different mobs and you can identify the spawner by looking at the blocks around it for example mosty Cobblestone means it spawns zombies stone block means it spawns cave spiders and so on this is a good way to identify how dangerous it actually is 1.21 also introduces us two new Mobs the breeze and bog first let’s talk about the B who can be found in the swamp mro swamp and in trial Chambers B behaves and looks very similar to the skeletons but they shoot poisonous arrows that deal three points of damage which is a bit weaker than the regular skeleton who deal four to five points of damage bog has 16 points of health and skeleton has 20 points of health so it’s also a bit easier to kill when you kill the BG it will always drop arrows and bones but sometimes also poisonous arrows you can also see they have couple mushrooms growing on their head if you want those then take some shears and give them a hair gut and now you got some mushrooms the other new Mo Breeze is much more interesting Breeze is a new boss mob who can only be found in the trial Chambers and you can identify his spawner with the Chisel tff being around it the breeze has 30 points of Health and Deals only one and a half points of damage which is less than one heart so he isn’t the strongest boss mob when you kill the breeze it will drop one to two Breeze rods but killing him isn’t as simple as you think since he Dodges all the arrows and Trident so you need to go up close and attack him from there he also tries to push you away when attacking him and once the fight has started there will not only be a priest but also waves of other mobs those Spawn from the spawners in each room and the amount of waves you get depends on the number of players that are nearby this is designed so you and your friends can have a lot of fun while fighting here here in the combat room you may also find some help with the dispensers on the wall those dispense items like arrows snowballs Fire charges potions water buckets and so on but sometimes those dispensers can actually work against you because the breeze can also click buttons with his wind charge attack once all the mobs are defeated the spawners in this chamber will start dispensing you different items and then they will go for a 30 minute cool down the amount of items you get also depends on the amount of players that are nearby so playing with friends get you a lot more Loot and right now it’s the perfect time to start a brand new 1.21 world and do it by hosting a server on wise hosting the best Minecraft server hosting site built by us just go to WIS hosting.com and pick a package then select the version 1.21 from the game panel and you are done the server is ready to join but the best part is that I made a special discount code called update to get you huge 25% discount we have a brand new interface that is easy to use 247 support to help you out one click mode installation and much more check it out at wi hosting.com and remember to use the code update to save 25% now let’s continue with a part of the update that I really like after the wave the items that are thrown out out of the trial spawners can be any of these and you may even spot that we have a 50% chance of getting a trial key this can be used on the new item called wult vaults are located all around the trial Chambers and when right clicking on them with the key it will drop you all kinds of different items these items are chosen from the three different loot tables that all look like this they’re also pretty good items but I want to go back to activating the trial spawners because there is a way to start an even harder fight that gets you even better loot for that you need to have the bad Omen effect and then activate the trial spawner which then turns into an ominous trial spawner now the fight is a bit harder but as I said the reward is better so when you kill all the mobs you will get the ominous trial key this key can be used on ominous vaults and these vaults are located in harder to find places they can be up in the air just like this one but usually they have red candles around them and the loot that you can get from the ominous walls is significantly better just have a look at this list but there are many new items that you can can get from the regular or ominous WS let’s start with the craziest item which is the heavy core this can only be found in the ominous ws and you have a 7 and 1 half% chance of getting that the heavy core itself isn’t doing much but when adding a freeze rods onto the crafting recipe you can get the mace mace is an incredible close combat weapon that deals more damage the higher you fall from before the hit and with a successful hit you you can completely avoid any fall damage yourself it’s definitely a unique weapon that’s actually hard to use because how often do you find yourself falling down and hitting someone but it is possible to make the mace even more powerful by enchanting it we got three new and special enchantments for the mace one being density that increases the damage dealt by mace then we got breach which reduces the effectiveness of the target’s armor by 15% and finally the wind burst enchantment that launches you back into the air after you had a successful smash attack with the mace you probably wonder is it possible to one hit kill the warden with this and yes it is with a non- enchanted mace it would take you 321 blocks high fall or 95 blocks with a fully Enchanted mace it’s a pretty long P but it is technically possible then we have two new armor trim templates called bolt armor trim and flow armor DM that look like this both can be found in the tri Chambers with bolt armor being in the standard ws and the flow armor trim being in the ominous WS I personally really do like how this look 1.21 also introduces three new music discs that can be found again in the trial Chambers the precipice disc that can be found from WS the Great which can be found from ominous vaults and finally crator music box that you can find from the corridor BS I think they go pretty hard this time so let me play a quick sample from two of them [Music] [Applause] [Music] the new items in 1.21 won’t stop we got three new Pottery shirts flow Guster and scrape they are all naturally generated in the triy chambers then we got two new Banner patterns that look like this one being the Guster pattern found in regular vaults and the flow pattern which can be found from ominous WS what’s really cool about this update is that Mojang is adding new V variant to many old items and they are even giving us four new potions infestation which causes silverfish to spawn next to the entity that gets hurt then oozing that causes two slimes to spawn after an entity’s death weaving this causes CBS to spawn after an entity’s death and finally wind charge which causes an entity to release a burst of wind upon their death all of these new potions are made like this and I can’t remember the last time they added new potions so that is really cool about 1.21 but we also got an item called the ominous bottle which gives you the bad Omen effect after drinking it you can’t craft it or Brew it so this is exactly like the XP bottles the new ominous bottle can be dropped by raid captains or find the as loot from regular ws and ominous WS these bottles have different levels from one F exactly like the bad Omen effect has and I find the ominous bottle to be really helpful especially when I think about turning the trial spawners into an ominous spawner since you need the bad effect for that to happen the last time Minecraft added new paintings was in version 1.4.2 where they added the Wier and now 1.21 is the new version where we finally get some more and not just one or two we we get 20 new paintings here are all the new paintings shown and five of the paintings are made by Sarah and the other 15 are all made by Christopher the boats are now leasable this may seem like a small thing but when you want to transport many items by sea it becomes very useful another thing that got an update are the portals now you can ride a mine cart through it or basically any entity for example you can go with a villager in your boat or go through with an horse or even better throw an ender pearl and you are instantly teleported on the other side you got to admit that this feature is pretty cool then you might have noticed from The Trial chambers that we have many new blocks and that’s true Copper got a huge upgrade and now we have gisel copper copper doors copper grates copper drors and copper bulbs the most interesting one for me is the copper bulb different oxidation states have different light strength so when adding a button on the Block and clicking it once it stays lit up and clicking the button again it goes off so it’s an easy way to make a decoration lamp 1.21 also made the do blocks more usable since now you can CFT all kinds of different Duff block variants that look like this I’m really glad that moang made this boring block much more usable then another new item is the wi charge which can be crafted from freeze rods this can be used to throw a wi charge yourself or put them into dispensers and throw them from there you can use it to bounce away mobs click buttons or bounce yourself up into air giving you the ability to do some pretty cool parkour I can’t forget about the grafter which is for autocrafting items the grafter itself can be grafted like this when opening the grafter it looks exactly like the crafting table but here you can choose what slots you want to block so for example if you want to autograft chests you can block off the middle one and now when we input planks through this Hopper it will fill up only these slots and to get a crafting just give it a redstone signal like placing down a lever and flicking it the crafter opens its mouth and spits out the chest it’s pretty cool but simple items like chest can be crafted faster manually but I do see a good use for the Crafters in farms that are producing a lot of items you can compact items by crafting them into blocks like in Gold Farms you can make gold blocks iron farms for iron blocks and so on I like the new 1.21 update even more than 1.20 and now it is your time to check out all the updates in 1.21 and do that by hosting a brand new server on wi hosting we got 1.21 available and don’t forget get use the code update to save a huge 25% thanks for watching see you [Music]

Minecraft Tricky Trials 1.21 Update is Here With NEW Blocks, Mobs, Structure and much more! Showing the Breeze, Trial Chambers, the Crafter and every feature this update includes!
✅Host a 1.21 Minecraft Server https://wisehosting.com – Use code “UPDATE” to get 25% OFF!

Instagram & Twitter – @ShulkercraftYT
Business email: shulkercraftyt(at)gmail.com
Music from Epidemicsound: https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/11jn8r/


  1. its a very good update. autocrafters alone change so many things about farms. and im interested if people can find a way to farm these test chambers (like the villager raid farm)

  2. The automatic crafting table will change this game FOREVER!

    we will be on a new era of tecnology of Minecraft. I can't even wait to see what guys of Hermitcraft will do with this mechanic xD

  3. Hi Shulkercraft. I wanted to ask in ur video 9 ways to host a server, do we need to be in the same network to join a Lan Server

  4. Minecraft is no more fun.

    Spown > iron farm > auto craft iron block > unlimited iron golems > trail key > mace > one short Warden 😑

  5. Fuck this shiet, mojang do nothing significant, the game is not even fun without mods any more, and the problem is the players, who settle for so little, all of you and this game can go fuck yourself, not even nostalgia is enough to make me play this shiet.

  6. great video, very well organized and put together. super excited for this update, one of the best we've had. You gotta turn that ding.mp3 down in the future though lol

  7. As per minecraft world this update is niche….it's like obligation to survive in competitive world 😢… Please as early as possible start focusing on other games as well high school cannot save the dismissing effect of this game 😢

  8. does this mean that with the potion of oozing you can make an even beter slime farm from a mob farm like the zombie pigman farm but than make them fal into a box where you kill them and then slimes spawn

  9. Shulkercraft ur just awesome for explaining all this instead of me going to read documents on the update so ty ik the hard work to did to put together this video tgt and yesterday everyone I recommend buying the service he had the host it is very good I had no lag and I over 500 friends join and there no lag

  10. Things I don’t like about Minecraft:

    There’s a stupid chat filter

    There’s no smooth stone stairs

    There’s no fireflies

    Armadillos don’t drop scutes when killed

    There’s no calcite bricks but there are tuff bricks

  11. I would love to convert these trials into a peaceful mansion. I think It would be really cool. I like the new recipes. I accidentally made 4 stacks of copper bulbs.

  12. Bro the new music is to much, the simple c418 music was way better. Like, one of the songs had electric guitar in it, in my opinion, the new discs suck

  13. i have a realm that’s 1.20.4 how do i update it to be 1.21 i use lunar client if that matters if anyone can help me please and thank you 🙏🏽

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