How to Build a TINY SECRET BASE Inside a TREE in Minecraft

Milo it’s been ages since I’ve seen you what are you doing in here uh hey Milo what’s going on go ship this is the funniest movie I’ve ever seen oh no it’s happened you’ve finally gone crazy Milo no I haven’t look look at what wait a minute Milo what is this yeah this is my tiny land room and it has a TV and a LNG and it’s really awesome wo Milo this is amazing aming hey wait a minute this gives me a really good idea we should build a tiny one of these and live inside it let’s do it oh man that would be so awesome and guess what I had an even better idea what’s your even better idea Milo we could build it inside a tree wo that’s an amazing idea Milo I have the perfect one let’s go okay let’s see the tree it’s just in the forest near our houses and look I think I see it here is the tree we need to go inside to build our brand new tiny base yeah this tree is perfect now Milo the way to get inside this tree is to Ender pill right at the bottom area near the roots oh yeah boy let’s go to the tree oh boy I really hope this works waa Milo it totally did I’m now inside the tree it looks huge from inside here come on you got to end up PE in as well hey wait for me hey Milo you made it in a this is crazy chip this is is the perfect place for us to build a tiny house I agree come on Milo let’s get building we need to start by building a giant staircase in the very middle just like this it’s got to go really high up that way we’ll be able to reach every single level of our secret house inside this tree oh man we’re going to be able to fit so much stuff inside here and the best part is no one even NOS that we’re inside the train exactly it’ll be a total secret and because it’s so tiny we’ll be able to fit so many different things inside this is going to be the best fitting base ever yeah i’ love this chip I can’t believe we didn’t do it as ages ago I know me too all of these trees are just going to waste and Milo it kind of makes me wonder maybe a bunch of other trees around our house also already have other tiny bases in them oh my gosh imagine if everyone had a tiny tree base that would be crazy I really hope it’s not true though that would be a little terrifying imagine if you went to go mine a tree and everybody was inside and just started spilling out oh man I would think that they’re bugs and I don’t really like the bugs what’s Milo you’re a bird are you sure you’re not meant to like bugs well no I just like eating the birad seeds not the Bugs yeah I guess that is true I also don’t like bugs so it’s good to know you do not like them either I don’t want to walk in here and find a bunch of little creepy crawlies around that would be terrifying that would actually be kind of funny not going to lie it would be really scary though I don’t like bugs at all my least favorite is definitely spiders but silverfish also really creep me out well I kind of sometimes like the spiders actually I’m kind of friends with them what Milo is that why a bunch of spiders keep ending up inside my room yeah because I invite them over for dinner Milo you can’t keep inviting this spiders over for dinner I don’t like them at all and also look this staircase is looking amazing come on let’s keep adding blocks to it this way the staircase can be a real spiral one yeah that can be really really really fun to get up and maybe even slide back down yeah maybe we might be able to slide down this staircase although if we can slide down it that means it’s not very safe we are going to be inside a very tall Treehouse and even though it’ll only be a couple blocks tall in real life it’ll still be thousands of blocks tall for us cuz we’re so tiny yeah and also safety is the main priority yeah exactly Milo it is very important to be safe and that’s one of the reasons I think it’s great Liv inside a tiny Treehouse nobody can rub us and nothing can really go wrong when you’re this small we’re so tiny we’re super far away from everything and we don’t even notice because we’re so small we can fit everything in here yeah that’s so true and trees are really strong if you don’t already now yeah trees are definitely very strong the trunk can handle absolutely anything it’s actually very amazing wow Milo this staircase is going so well we’re building so much of it very quickly soon we’ll reach the the top of the tree I’m really excited for that time because at the top of the tree you get the best view of the whole place yeah exactly you can see the entire world around trees are very tall and this one is the tallest because we’re so tiny inside all right I think that’s a good level to build the spiral staircase too now we need to actually make it a little bit wider this spiral staircase can be seen from every single room inside this house that’s why it is very important that we make it look really good otherwise it’ll look really embarrassing yeah I’m chip can I please invite my friends over to the tree house of course Milo that’s part of the fun of having a tree housee you can have any of your friends over we can swing in the branches or have any amount of fun that we want what sort of friends do you want to invite well I want to invite my snowman friends and also my spider friends wait what Milo did you just say spider friends yeah because they like to sell me hats what Milo why does spiders sell you hats that sounds like a scam it’s just a professional oh my gosh I didn’t realize spiders sold hats Milo are you sure you’re talking to actual spiders yeah the real ones there’s one called Jerry Jerry the spider oh boy I really hope I never meet him spiders are so scary but your snowman friends can totally come just make sure they clean up after themselves they always leave snow everywhere and it can be a lot to clean up and I really don’t want snow getting inside our Treehouse What If it freezes the tree yeah they are pretty much the messiest guys I’ve ever met yeah exactly they to Lally are they’re so messy you can tell where they’ve been just by looking at how much snow is on the ground it is very funny it’s so funny and maybe we could even have a snow room for them oh yeah that’s a great idea but first we’ll need a couple other rooms now that we’ve made this staircase so tall I think we can actually get started on some of them oh yeah boy let’s start making the rooms the first room is going to be a very advanced technology room this way we’ll be able to keep our Treehouse safe and because it’s so tiny will be able to fit a bunch of Technology inside I think we need to make it right at the bottom level that way the second we end a h inside we’ll be able to use this technology I think we need a bunch of cameras and a bunch of other systems to keep ourselves safe since we’re so small yeah I I know how to use all the technology really Milo I’m just making it down here are you sure you know how to use it all yeah I do and I’m going to jump down to show you okay I’m a little nervous and wait a minute Milo where did you get that hat from oh my fancy hat I just remembered that I got it for one of my spiders when we were talking about it Aria Milo spiders is so creepy did the spider weave that hat for you out of silk or something yeah and it’s really pretty uh wait a minute Milo I just had a scary thought what is it because we’re really tiny inside this tree and spiders are already half a block tall we might be seeing some giant spiders if the security room doesn’t work out we need to make sure we build the security room really tough so we we don’t run into any giant spiders yeah but I would be good because they’re my friends I don’t know Milo spiders eat tiny little bugs like flies you’re a little bird so when you’re this small you might look like a fly to your spider friends wait that’s actually really true okay yeah we need to have a good security room then yeah we definitely do it’s also important to protect from players because I do know that people do go mining around these pots we just have to make sure that nobody tries to mine our Treehouse but I think will be fine our tree is very tiny and very far away I’m sure nothing will go wrong all right now that we’ve made this epic wall we need to stop placing down some light blue concrete oh yeah boy that is my favorite kind of concrete yeah why don’t you do it from the other side Milo that way we’ll be able to get this done so quickly you got it buddy oh Milo you called me buddy that is so nice I hope I’m more of a buddy than your spider friends yeah you are pretty much my number one best friend but last week you were actually my number two your best friend for a little while what how was I number two Milo that’s so mean you’re always my number one best friend who replaced me wow I’m a place to with jip chip for a little while oh we go snowman friend jip chip Milo he’s a crazy guy he’s so insane he’s always writing out my name in the snow I think he’s trying to say chip I hate you but he can never finish it before the rain comes and washes it away that is Chip Chip’s mostly funniest prank what oh my gosh that’s just mean and wol look Milo the security room is looking great so far we’ve already made the first wall but now we need to grab some monitors and some technology we can grab some Sonic security systems and some cameras as well as some monitors there we go just like that now we can start placing these security cameras all over here but we should leave a big space in the middle of this wall wow these cameras are high tech yeah they’re very high tech and they can look around this is the camera monitoring wall these are our spare cameras and it’s where the camera can come to charge up we’ll also have cameras on these walls as well although wo Milo if you place the cameras above on the ceiling they turn into really sneaky ones these are already tiny but because we’re super small inside a tree these must be the tiniest cameras ever what these cameras are actually kind of creepy chip if I didn’t know they were there I don’t think I would see them at all yeah it’s pretty insane and since the camera lens is blue and the outside is a whitish gray it Blends in really well with this blue and white this is going to be really really good I am loving this security area so far me too but there’s more we can add we can add a giant monitor screen up here out of black concrete and on the outsides we can of course use some more quartz blocks we’ll use quartz pillars for this one we’ll place them like this because now it looks like it’s a giant TV screen sitting in the wall wow this is nice I could even watch a TV show on there yeah you totally could but you’re going to watch one specific TV show on here this is the camera monitor TV show it will be able to show us all the areas outside that we can monitor using our security cameras wow that is really cool chip how did you come up with this smart idea well it’s to help make sure that nobody can sabotage our amazing tiny base we’re about to build I just want to protect it because I know how epic it’s about to be speaking of how epic it’s about to be and M is in screens we need to now build a cinema room Milo oh yeah boy back going to L the m yeah now this one’s going to have a little bit of a Crazy Design but you’re just going to have to follow through with me on this okay well I’m not going to follow through if it’s a bozo idea no way Milo it is not a bozo idea first we’re going to need to place a giant black concrete screen up here this movie cinema is going to have its very own TV and it’s going to be attached to the main staircase W that is a little bit weird CH don’t worry Milo it’ll all make sense soon because we are building in a tiny tree we need to be very smart with our space that’s why I’m going to build an oak plank ring around this quartz ring we’re going to only build it one block thick and I’m going to do the same for the other side except oh wow you’re doing it right now great job Milo now I’m going to place some Oak planks right over here I’ll need to make sure they go pretty far up but we going to leave one Gap in between each of these Oak plank stairs what is that going to do well it’ll make sense when I build them all the way around this is about to look so good Milo you can trust me on this one well I half trust you what you only half trust me but look Milo I’m totally doing it Mom yeah this is actually pretty cool it kind of looks like it’s going to be a staircase for sitting on yeah exactly Milo it will be a staircase for sitting on that’s a very impressive guess oh yeah boy I’m a genius today yeah you totally are it’s going to be the same on both sides that way no matter what part of this room you’re sitting in you’ll be able to watch the TV we’ll need to make sure that it is possible to enter this place from any area otherwise things get pretty cramped pretty quickly I’m going to make sure we add more slabs up this way because this movie theater is about to be so epic now it wouldn’t be very good if the screen could only be seen from one side that is why this movie theater will have multiple screens no matter what direction you are sitting in you will be able to watch the movie we can invite all of our friends over and have a really big movie night exactly Milo that’ll be such a fun thing to do inside this tiny Treehouse all of our friends love movies even jip jip likes a good movie his favorite movies are the Christmas movies because he is a snowman after all yeah and snowman really like all the Christmas stuff yeah it makes a lot of sense they are kind of made out of snow hey he’s not made out of snow what’s he made out of Milo awesome stuff like friendship aome stuff Milo he’s not made out of friendship that’s crazy hey I thought he was he told me oh Milo he probably told you that he’s your friend I don’t know how you thought he was made out of friendship oh yeah that is kind of confusing I can see how I got confused yeah me too don’t worry Milo I’m sure lots of people get that messed up CH this design is too complicated for me what Milo you don’t like it no I like it I just don’t know how to copy it oh it’s okay let me help you Milo you just have to place these slabs one box slightly over to the left and then you just have to make the stairs go around like this yeah but the stairs are really confusing blocks because they go this way then this way and then this way yeah they are a little bit confusing but it’s okay don’t don’t worry Milo I’m here to help you this way we can make sure we build the best seating area ever and we can both enjoy it thanks for being the helpful guy you’re welcome Milo you can always count on me to be the helpful guy oh yeah boy what sort of movies do you want to watch in this movie theater Milo well I mainly like to watch two things wait a minute what two things Milo well the first thing is the animal documentary oh yeah that makes a lot of sense because you are kind of a little birdie yeah and I like to learn about all the other animals wo what’s your favorite animal you’ve learned about so far well I really really like the sloth W Milo is that cuz they super duper slow yeah they’re slow and sleepy and I also really like the eagle the eagle Milo the eagle is a huge terrifying birdie are you sure you’re not scared of him yeah when I grow up I want to be an eagle uh Milo I don’t think that’s how it works I think you’re a little buddy and you’re probably not going to become a big eagle what but that’s my main dream oh uh sorry Milo I didn’t mean to crush your dream uh yeah I’m sure one day you definitely will end up being an eagle oh I hope so and anyway de a thing that I like to watch as he watch s oh yeah that’s totally true you are a massive fan it’s kind of insane sometimes yeah and also I like to watch the Mr beaste oh yeah he’s your other favorite too we can totally watch him on our Cinema I have a question what’s your question mil love do you think if I asked Mr Beast to hang out in the treehouse with us would come over uh yeah of course Milo if we lived in a normal house he would probably say no because Normal houses are really boring but this is not a boring house and it’s not a normal one either if you asked him to come and hang out inside our Treehouse he would say yes a thousand times yes oh yeah but I miss the Beast time exactly Milo oh wow it’s going to be so cool living in a house that everybody wants to come visit because it’ll be so cool everyone will enjoy it so much and we will have a lot of very new friends yeah like Elsa uh what Milo Elsa can’t visit this house she’s a cartoon what I thought she was real oh what um you know what yeah I’m sure Elsa can also come visit someday that is really good because that is awesomeness hey Milo look all of the seating area for this movie cinema is now complete wow this is awesome chip we can have all of our friends over to our tiny secret Tree House B yeah we totally can and I think we need to build the next section Milo we need to build a food and storage area W that’s gonna be really good because one thing about me is I love munching on the third yeah you totally do come on Milo let’s build it right now we need to get some smooth quartz blocks and then we need to build a little shape in each of the corners just like this W what’s this going to do chip this lets us know exactly where to build our wall then we need to build our wool going up to about here I’d say we need to link them over across this giant void in the middle of our Treehouse hey this is a design yeah it totally is a design Milo and it’s a good one too now I’ll make sure that these are properly linked up and that not a single block of air exists between them all right this is looking great now we also need to make sure we place down a different type of conrete in the other section we placed down some light blue concrete but to balance it out here we’re going to use orange a that’s yuy what no orange is not yucky it’s my favorite yeah but it’s kind of sad on my eyes sad on your eyes Milo you trying to say that orange is not your favorite color yeah Milo everybody has a favorite color we built your color into the security room so now it’s my turn oh I’m fine you can have some orange stuff here but oh man I just had a scary thought wait what was your scary thought Milo well you know how we’re building a food storage room uh yeah exactly well we’re probably going to want to get some food delivered here right uh yeah of course getting food delivered is so good but chip how is is the food delivery man going to find us if we’re in a tray oh well we’ll just select the Ender pear option on the delivery app wait that’s an option yeah of course every secret little Treehouse has one oh yeah boy this is great yeah it totally is now we’ll place a bunch more concrete along the side just like this then on top of this platform is where we can place down a bunch of chests and shulka boxes and barrels that’s where we’ll keep all of our food it’s about to look so cool in here we’re going to have so many birad seeds in so many melons yeah we totally will I know those are your favorite foods Milo so we can totally have a bunch of them inside our food storage area yeah pretty much like a million yeah exactly wo great idea Milo we can use this little area as a secret area to store the food and in here we can throw all of our grain reserves yeah grain reserves is a really funny thing I’m going to grab some hay bales and I’ll just pop them down in here wo look there’s so much of it we need to fill these sections with hay this way we can help make sure that we will never run out of food we’ll leave a little bit of air so that the hay doesn’t super duper compress and then get way too heavy that would be a bit of a disaster all right this hay is looking pretty good now Milo I’m going to feel like a little bit of a chipmunk trying to bury this oh Milo why are you building a melon Tower um every good place needs a melon Tower uh okay Milo maybe we can build a melon room somewhere up in this treehouse but I don’t think having a melon Tower is a great idea what if it falls oh I’m going to be sad Milo yeah so you better make sure you use your melons wisely so that they don’t topple over and break into a thousand little watermelon pieces fine get rid of the melon Tower thanks Milo we can totally have another one somewhere though we just have to think of a safer spot I don’t want to see you lose all of your melons well I don’t have any more melons since I destroyed the tower now what Milo you have a bunch more melons down there I can see you standing next to them yeah CH these are some fake melons wait what they’re fake melons Milo why would you put down fake food in the food storage area I don’t know I’m just lying to you what wait so they’re real melons yeah Milo why are you being so tricky just feeling a little bit Lonesome Lonesome oh Milo Lonesome about what hang on I’ll place down these hay bells and why are you feeling so sad well pretty much since we’ve been here and don’t get me wrong it is really good but I’m really missing my friend chip chip oh oh okay Milo you know what we can totally spawn diip diip down here that way you can bring your friend with you yeah that’s awesome I have the perfect place to put him as well because melons and pumpkins go together so well and Snow Golems are summoned with pumpkin heads you can totally put jip jip in here next to the melons oh yeah that’s awesome thanks chip you’re welcome Milo now we can grab some Oak planks and put them right above the hay bales this way we seal them in and make sure that nobody can shrink down and come inside here to take them it’s a pretty good strategy if you do ask me but uh-oh we still need to link this thing over to to this super cool spiral staircase I’m going to build a little section over here just like this and we’ll make it out of this super cool smooth quartz oh yeah this is about to look so good I’ll make sure that the oak planks come over here and Milo you better spawn in jip jip before the oak planks cover these melons I did I did and you haven’t even said hello to him yet oh sorry Milo I didn’t notice he was here hey jip jip how are you doing oh Milo look he’s smiling he must be really happy yeah he really likes that treeh house and he says you’re doing a really good job a thanks jip jip wow this is so cool I have a feeling you’re going to like it all right jip chip don’t worry we’ll give you your own room where you can be safe in you know what I’ll even add a little ladder for him this way jip jip can climb out if he really needs um I don’t think that’s a good idea wait why not Milo well because pretty much if he gets out here put snow everywhere remember H yeah you know what Milo I’m feeling generous today I think that’s a risk I’m willing to totally take okay now I need to place a bunch more Oak planks down just like that and over here we’ll use some Oak slabs instead oh this is about to look so good the oak slabs can come along here and oh wait jip jip escaped a chip told you this was going to happen oh yeah you did Milo wow placing down fences is a great idea all right jip jip can have his own little section of our superal storage area I think I might make it a little smaller just so we have a little bit more room for our chest and I might even just push him over here this way sorry jip chip excuse me just coming through I just think there’s a place I really think you might enjoy it’s actually down this hole with the ladder um chip I don’t think he wants to go there I think he actually just wants to stand here right now oh wow he fell down the hole that’s crazy and yep I think he’s definitely enjoying himself down there CH you just blocked him up oh it’s okay he can totally break out if he wants I don’t think that’s true but moving on sure Milo over here we have our smooth quartz and we can just Place one more slab right over here wao look at that now it is looking so complete CH what is it Milo what is your favorite block in Minecraft oh that’s a really good question I do really like the color of this orange concrete but I also like diamonds although I do wish they weren’t so blue I think my favorite block is probably a netherite block because they’re so rare and so strong yeah this one’s good wait good about what it’s good for looking at yeah it totally is hey we should have it inside our storage room yeah that can mean that it’s really strong and Rich yeah exactly we’ll put it right in the middle and we’ll put a diamond here and just there I’ll put down an orange concrete l five me too Milo now we also need a bunch of chests to actually keep inside a bunch of food I think we’ll store the chests over here on some Corner sections I’ll need to make sure we place down smooth slabs as well and then we can have the chests going in front of them they can Cascade down just like this he we can have shelves of stuff exactly it’s a great idea and then we’ll just have some barrels nearby wo this looks awesome we can even replace some of these quartz slabs with barrels as well that way we have storage on the sides this is so awesome I can’t believe how amazing this base is looking that’s fantastic I’m not really going to want to go back to my normal house after day yeah luckily we won’t have to because this tiny secret Treehouse base is going to be so secure trust me Milo nothing bad will ever happen to this place I also want to make sure we have a bunch of armor in here let’s put down some armor stands we can have two on each side I’ll add one over here just like this and another one over there as well now we definitely need to give these am stands some nether right armor it is my favorite after all I think we can each have two sets of netherite that way we’ll be double protected against anything that might go wrong and because we’re so small the netherite is so cheap because in real Minecraft this netherite is only the same size as like a single Pixel cuz we’re so tiny yeah that’s so true and it’s still going to be really strong though I’m also going to grab some netherite swords and pickaxes and axes and shovels this will be a bunch of our equipment because we might need to do some construction or some mining or some tree chopping or some fighting anything we have to do will be able to do it here we can also grab a bunch of potions I think swiftness potions are very important and so are some leaping potions that way in case we need to jump we totally can I think we can also grab some instant health potions and lastly I think some strength potions are definitely a good idea I’m already pretty strong yeah but Milo everybody could use a strength potion they are so tough look every single potion will get its very own chest the chest that I just filled is a strength potion chest and this one is a health potion chest then we’ll need to put a bunch of potions of Leaping inside this one oh yeah these look so good then finally in this chest we’ll give it its very own potion of swiftness hey Milo this potion of swiftness is a very similar color to you what I really want to see it please look it looks like a potion of Milo I’m going to drink it wo Milo be careful oh wait I forgot that it’s just swiftness that scared me for a second it work I can run faster yeah you totally can good job Milo this storage room is looking epic there’s just one less thing I need to add we need some item frames where we can keep some really rare Treasures I think some diamonds would be absolutely perfect I’ll put some over here and wo they look really good I’ll also put some over on this section as well I’m chill what is it Milo does it feel like it’s getting hotter in here for you yeah it is when did it get so warm and wait a minute why do I smell burning I don’t know what’s going on everyone and oh my God oh no there’s fire everywhere inside our Treehouse oh no Milo we got to put this out right now Chip what if it’s outside as wow oh no oh no this is terrible I’m going to use splash potions of water bottles but wait a minute Milo you’re right if the fire is super hot outside that means we’re going to need to put it out on the outside first all right Milo I’m going to go make sure we can put these fires out I’ll need to grab an Ender pear and leave all right I really hope this works work what is this Milo this so much fire out here what really oh man that’s silary there is a giant wildfire in the entire Forest surrounding us I’m a little worried Milo what if this fire spreads and destroys our Treehouse I thought this was a very good place to have a tree house me too I can’t believe the entire Forest is burning down come on come on I need to get rid of all of this fire this is terrible okay I think I’m making good progress on getting rid of lots of it okay Milo there is no more fire on our tree but oh no there is so much fire all around in this Forest oh man what are we even going to do all right take that fire okay Milo I’ve extinguished a really big area around our tree oh thank goodness chip okay I need to come back inside though this could be really bad I pull most of it out but look at this stuff chip help me oh no Milo this is a mess don’t worry I can help you put out all this fire just make sure that jip jip doesn’t get hurt oh man I’m so glad he’s still alive me too Milo because of how devastating that fire was we need to add a security room not just a regular security room with cameras and stuff this security room needs to be a room we can hide in if the fire ever gets too close again yeah that’s a really good idea because that was absolutely terrifying yeah it totally was it was burning our entire Treehouse and all it took was a little wild fire fire is a lot more dangerous than we realized Milo we need to be really really safe in this house if it’s going to stay a secret yeah exactly and if we want to stay alive too I don’t want to become a burnt chip yeah me too well I mean you won’t have to worry about that you’ll just become a burnt birdie you just locked me in don’t worry Milo this door can be opened from the inside and the outside luckily fire can’t exactly use levers so there’s no worry about it see all we have to do is shut ourselves inside like this and we’re safe yeah and I’m just going to put Splash bottles of water in here for us that’s a great idea Milo I’ll also add a potion of instant healing in the bottom corner just in case we need to heal up that is really smart tip all right now we can leave that area and we can add some more iron bars on the roof this will give us a little bit of a lookout zone I’m going to add in some ladders here and we’ll use andesite ladders that’s because regular ladders are made out of wood and can burn from fire by using andesite ladders to get up to this section we give ourselves a safe little Zone to stand in and throw out anything that we might need to use like potions of water to put out this fire and Chip also I have a good idea oh what is it Milo well if I see a fire I’ll just do this ready yeah what are you about to do uh Milo you can’t just play music for the fire and expect it to stop burning what’s that going to do it’s just notifying everyone like a siren oh yeah a siren is a pretty good idea it’s very important when there’s a fire to let everybody know that’s why there’s usually things like fire alarms and wait a minute Milo that really annoying sound over over and over again gave me an idea what’s one really annoying sound that plays over and over again when there’s a fire Happy Birthday song No Milo that’s when there’s birthday candles no Milo it’s a fire alarm we need a fire alarm system so that in case there is a fire it will automatically find out and let us know so we can be safe that is so smart thanks Milo come on we got to get building this right now first we need to grab some fire alarm switches this way no matter where we are inside this treehouse base we’ll be able to flip them and turn them on we also need Sprinklers and we need some smoke detectors I think we should get the loud ones and the silent ones that way we’ll put The Silent Ones everywhere to activate the sprinklers so they won’t be really annoying and we can put the loud ones in the really important places like maybe anywhere that we stay for a long period of time that way we won’t be in danger of getting burned up yeah that’s actually really true too because we’ve got to use the safety measures exactly Milo I’ll also put some near our cameras because those are very important for checking what’s going on now I’m also going to add some fire alarm switches we’ll add two at the bottom on each corner just like this we can also add some near the entrance Zone wo this is looking a lot safer already now we’ll also add some on this wall near the security section because I don’t want to be watching the cameras and getting burned cameras can be very distracting so it’s important to put them in areas where we’ll be distracted now we also need fire alarm switches at the movies because oh boy could you imagine watching a movie and then there’s a fire and you have no alarm to pull that would be so bad and also sometimes the fire alarm can be silly wait Milo what do you mean it can be silly well sometimes it goes off randomly when I’m watching the movie uh Milo are you sure you’re not just burning your microwave popcorn oh yeah that’s actually exactly what’s happening oh Milo you’re so silly you better probably stop that otherwise we might have some false alarms and I’ll probably disable the fire system cuz it gets so annoying and if I disable it and a real fire comes we could be in a lot of trouble and Milo what is that it’s just seats and cushion so people don’t have to sit on the wood oh that’s a great idea Milo wow I really like that although this wood is kind of meant to be the seats but you know what it’s totally fine I do like the seats and the cushions now we also need to add in some actual fire sprinklers they’re very small so they don’t stick out too much which is good because we are going to put these everywhere that is why Whenever there is a fire the fire sprinklers activate they can take all of the burning areas and turn them into just really soggy wet ones which means they are a lot safer and they totally stop burning and everybody inside the areas is safe yeah I like the sprinkler sometimes I use it like my shower oh Milo is that why you always light fires underneath the alarms just to set them off so you can take a bath yeah Milo that’s so cheeky that’s not going to fly here you’ve got to make sure you take these fire sprinklers really seriously otherwise they won’t be safe okay I’ll take them seriously thanks Milo now H we need to build some sort of entertainment room this whole building is getting really serious and really scary I think I know exactly what we can build we are going to build a giant Library Milo libraries can be so fun we need to make sure we add one at these higher levels up here this way whenever we feel like we need a rest or like we want to read and learn something we can go into the library and read a little book yeah like the picture books with no words what Milo that doesn’t count if a picture book has no words it’s not really reading you’re kind of just looking at it wait a second chip I just realized something oh what did you realize Milo there’s actually no even way to get to the cinema from the staircase oh wait you’re totally right Milo having fire escape stairs is really important it’s something most of the safest buildings ever will actually have in hey Milo did you just break some of this pathway yeah just a little bit cuz I’m just building a bridge uh Milo you built the bridge kind of underneath the screen and nobody’s going to be able to use it why don’t we put the bridge over here on this side so that people can actually walk up to it and be safe yeah because if we’re going to have a fire plan and needs to really escapable exactly Milo if it’s not escapable then we’ll be stuck in here during the fire that would be absolutely terrifying precisely now up here on this level I’m going to build out a little platform because on this platform we are going to make it wrap around the entire building this library is going to be huge Milo it’s going to have so many books inside any book we could ever want here what about a book about eating pancakes uh yeah Milo we’re going to have a cookbook section you can learn anything you want about eating pancakes in the world if it’s a pancake we’ll have a book that’ll teach you how to eat it yeah that’s what I want to hear we’re going to be the smartest guys ever oh yeah we totally will especially if you actually learn how to read the books Milo I don’t want to learn how to read wait Milo cuz it’s a library we should probably build it out of wood because that will look really nice and really cozy oh yeah we got to do the Cozy stuff yeah we totally do look at this this is looking so good already come on let’s add the wood all the way around really quickly this is about to be filled so well yeah this is great I love libraries because I can hide in there when I’m playing the hide and seek gam yeah they totally are really good hiding places especially because everyone has to be quiet nobody can tell the seeker’s way you’re hiding because if they try and spill your secrets everyone tells them to shush wow it is really perfect but sometimes I find it really hard to be quiet yeah you totally do that’s why this might be able to be the loud Library you can be as loud as you want in here that is my say yeah it’ll be the best library ever I think you’ll really enjoy it but it’s not exactly a library until we add books let’s grab some bookshelves and start adding them all around the walls we’ll have books on every single level we can have the bookshelves be a bunch of different heights that way it’ll look really silly and kind of messy but in a really cool way yeah and I’m just going to put slabs around the edge so I don’t fall off oh yeah that’s a really good idea Milo I really would not want you to fall off while reading a library book especially if you’re not watching where you’re going because you’re too busy reading the book yeah sometimes I don’t really see where I’m going uh Milo that actually happens a lot you’re pretty bad at watching where you’re walking um well it’s not my fault I get distracted by things yeah I guess it’s not your fault but well there are so many things that distract you hey these library books are looking kind of cool let’s have a couple different types of zones we’ll have one zone that kind of sticks out a little bit like this with a bunch of little mini shelves W these are going to be cool these can have the really tiny books and maybe even little gift cards that way whenever any of our friends have a birthday or something we can just come in here and grab something from the card section wow that’s smart thanks Milo I really am proud of the idea we’ll have a really tiny bookshelf over here as well cuz we can have a little one that way if anybody’s not tall enough to reach the super duper High ones they could just come over here yeah but not me cuz I’m tall yes Milo you’re very very tall that’s why now libraries aren’t just for really good books you can also find other things inside them like you can also find paintings our library is going to kind of be like an odd Gallery it’ll be really nice inside and the best paintings are ones of things that matter like trees because we’re inside a tree right now yeah and I like to learn about trees and also look at pictures of them exactly Milo I think we should put a little tree painting in some of these bookshelves wo these look so cool yeah I think it looks really good tip you’re doing a really nice job thanks Milo wow it is so nice when we both love building things I’m feeling really positive about Stu after the fire situation yeah totally I agree that fire situation was insane it burned so much of our Treehouse the entire bottom floor went up in smoke it’s a really good thing we have proper smoke detectors now otherwise it could happen again yeah and if it happens again I’ll have to use karate on the fire what Milo you can’t use karate on a fire that’s just not going to work what but I thought you could no Milo karate is for fighting scary people not scary fire if you try and karate chop the fire you’ll just burn yourself well maybe I should use karate on you because you’re a pretty scary guy what how am I scary Milo well just sometimes you’re also growling Milo did you just say growling yeah like when I stole your cookies you growled at me Milo that was me telling you to stop I wasn’t growling you were just wearing a bucket on your head so you couldn’t hear anything I was saying no I swear you were like my stop M that’s not growling that’s telling you to stop eating my cookies I really was running out on that day and I only had two left ha you got so upset it was really hilarious it was really sad luckily I found a really cool bakery that gave me great cookies what Bakery was it I don’t know I think it was called dodos oh that’s my one wait a minute what Milo you made the dodo Bakery yeah it’s actually my bakery and I own it wait a minute Milo how do you spell the dodo Bakery FSB FSB F Milo that’s not how you spell dodos wait a minute do you run the nearby bakery called doodo yeah CH that’s all it is uh Milo Doo is like pizza dough and bread dough and uh oh Milo your bakery kind of means poop oh what that’s so funny what no it’s not funny nobody’s going to want to come to a bakery named after poop Milo well only the funny jokes as much yeah Milo and you don’t want a bunch of funny jokes is in your bakery right yeah I did cuz they’re awesome okay I guess they might be but look Milo this library is great but we need some sort of Reading area I’m going to add sofas around with each of different colors this can be my reading area over here and then you know you can have one maybe over here as well yeah and I’m just putting the paintings down wo Milo these look so cool this library is looking really epic actually looks like an ay place for a very ay guy yeah do you mean me or you Milo um well everyone pretty much true I totally agree wo this is looking so good I didn’t realize we need a library with these super cool sitting areas it makes me want to sit back and relax and eat some delicious food except wait a minute Milo the only food we have is melons and hay oh what’s up lry come and look at this uh what is it Milo I did a whole bunch of chest full of my favorite snack Milo these are just seeds oh boy although wait a minute Milo I don’t like tomato seeds but I love tomatoes and it’s the same with cabbage and melons and oh Milo I have a great idea we need to build a farm to turn all of these seeds into actual food oh yeah that’s so smart come on let’s build one right now I think we need to build the farm over here Milo we can build it attached to the walls this way we can make really good use of the space that we have yeah well I think that’s pretty good yeah it is pretty good Milo all right I’m going to add a couple more things to here I think we need to add some quartz slabs on the bottom of it just like this let’s make sure we add them for the water and to make sure the dirt does not fall out into the cinema area ah chip one thing what is it Milo this Farm is way too small well Milo it’s not just going to be this we’re going to have a bunch of them this is just the beginning of the first Farm oh yeah that’s going to be so cool to have many of them yeah it definitely will don’t worry Milo I would never make a small farm that would totally suck now we’ll just make the land into farmland and then we’ll need to figure out where to place these sea lanterns we’ve got to come up with a very good spot for them I don’t want to do them weirdly or wrong well for one second I thought you were going crazy oh because I was building the farm too small yeah don’t worry Milo I would never go crazy all right here we go this can be what we build this next part of the farm out of that looks so good I’m going to make sure we build even more of these the more of these that we have the more food we can grow Milo which seeds do you think we should put in each different section well I’ve been thinking about it and I’m thinking the wheat seeds and the Beachwood seeds and the carow seeds mainly and also some Tomatoes wait Miler did you just say carrot seeds yeah there’s no such thing as carrot seeds you just use the carrot vegetables what yeah you totally do H don’t worry Milo I’ll show you we’ll both be expert farmers in all different types of vegetables carrots or wheat or melons or anything else well I guess I’ve never been a real farmer before oh well Milo that is all about to change you are about to be one of the best Farmers ever and we’re going to be doing it together we’ll be such a good farming team I just know it we’ll be able to farm any vegetable and you know what we can even have animals in here too I’m going to call this place Farmington Farmington okay that’s a great name I really like it this can be the Farmington area Milo I’ll add a little bit where we can place a sealant in and I don’t want to place any more any further down than this actually we’ll Place more on the opposite side yeah over here over here exactly Milo I’ll keep Hing up this land if you want to make some Farms over there too oh fantastic yes this is about to be so cool all right now that everything’s looking in order I’m going to quickly grab some seeds from the seed chest you made is that all right Milo yeah but you have to replace them obviously lne okay I’ll grab some tomato seeds and all right I think this chest is full yep it totally is now I’ll also grab some not melon seeds but not pumpkin seeds oh beetroot seeds would be perfect now I’ll also grab some cabbage seeds perfect these vegetables are great choices now I say we can go over here and put down some cabbage seeds in this top section well we’re about to bone meal these cabbages and make them really grow wo look at that this is real fresh cabbage can I tell you something oh sure Milo what do you want to tell me hi used to think it was called crabbit crabbit wait Milo like a crab the things that pinch you in the ocean yeah Milo these are not crabbit they’re cabbage it’s a really yummy vegetable and it’s kind of like lettuce but it’s a lettuce that you meant to cook what is that you meant to cook that sounds weird bro what it’s not weird at all it’s so cool even though vegetables aren’t really my favorite thing and I much prefer cookies I still kind of like it look Milo we’re even adding a beet section just like you wanted see if you know what I like to do with the beach what do you like to do with it Milo I like to paint on my face with it what Milo painting on your face with beachr is crazy you know that stains a lot right yeah and it makes me look like a funny clown Milo you kind of look a little bit silly all the time yeah that’s kind of mean sorry Milo I don’t mean to be mean it’s not bad to be silly being silly is cool sometimes yeah but not feeling rful about it Milo don’t feel rful about it look if there are rats they’re going to definitely want to come in in here now because we just made the best farm ever and wo you’re building it on the other side too and you know what Milo there’s actually a really cool trick you can build these a little bit bigger in each layer that way we get way more vegetables is that what you’ve been doing yeah I’ve just been doing it on the other side look what the what that’s crazy it is really crazy I’m going to get rid of the seeds from my inventory because I’m about to pick some totally new ones to plant over on this side you did say you wanted wheat right Milo yeah the wheat and all the other stuff as well yeah having wheat crops is perfect because there’s something for me because I love wheat when it’s used to make cookies and there’s something for you because of the bird seeds um I actually made a rule tip uh what’s the rule Milo no cookies allowed here wait a minute what Milo that’s a terrible rule are you sure that’s something you want to put in yeah it’s just my rule and if you don’t like it then you can leave Milo why did you make a rule saying no cookies allow because I think it would be funny to see what happens if you don’t have any cookies Milo that would be so mean I would go crazy I would probably lose my mind and I might even start a fire just out of Shia craziness oh I didn’t know you were a crazy pants hey I’m not a crazy pants that is if I have my cookies if anybody takes my cookies away then I might lose my mind oh yikes yeah it is a little bit of a Yik but Milo oh no be careful your water it almost got everywhere oh no I didn’t know what was happening oh my gosh Milo you almost flooded the entire Treehouse I just managed to save it that would be pretty bad because we don’t have water alarms in here no we don’t it’s a really good thing that the only thing we’ve got to worry about so far as fire and not water speaking of now that we have water we should get a bunch more crops I’m going to grab these melon seeds and these pumpkin seeds and we’ll also grab your favorite the wheat seeds even though Milo are you sure you really want to ban cookies yeah I want to ban them okay I guess we can try Banning cookies I’ve never tried to stop them before I always just figured it wouldn’t work but you know what my I’ll try stopping cookies and if it doesn’t work then oh I guess that’s just a bit sad and I’ll have to lie about it to you um well I don’t like when you lie that’s naughty yeah lying is pretty bad I’ll try not to but Milo what can I have instead of cookies you can have the seeds what Milo I was thinking like cake or something are you sure seeds are the only thing other than cookies I can eat well you can have a pumpkin pie oh actually that sounds like a great idea I love pumpkin pie and Chip I just got to say something really nice oh what is it I’m really excited to hear whatever nice thing you have to say well I’m really liking this space so far but I’ve got something else to say now what is it Milo how we going to get to the farm oh that’s a really good point hm well I actually have something in my inventory right now that just may come in really handy for that like elyra no Milo but it kind of does rhyme with elytra it’s a ladder this ladder is going to go all the way up the sides of the Farms this way we’ll be able to reach the top and hey we can also add ladds on this side too oh yeah I’m going to be a farming guy uh yeah Milo do you mean a farmer yeah well then yes I think you definitely will be a farming guy all right this is so cool I’ll add lettuce to this side like this oh boy this is about to look so epic hey this is perfect now we also need to make the animal farming section yeah we got to have all the pets we totally do now I think I have the perfect area to make it first we’re going to need to grab some white terra cotta and some regular color terra cotta too it’s pretty important we grab both of these colors first over here we’re going to make a little section like this this can be for the little cows and the Sheep too we’re going to have so many sheep inside the section I actually don’t think we need any cows Milo cows take up a lot of space and they need fresh fields of open grass that is why sheep should be our main animal priority can we have at least one cow uh okay sure Myer we can have one cow in the Sheep pen this is a little bit of a small pen though yeah it is but that’s because Wes small as well we’re still tiny inside a tiny Treehouse so the sheep can be tiny as well okay that’s 12 this is about to look so cool and now we just need some glass this way we’ll be able to see the sheep and have so much fun with them I’ll also add some bone mealing here so the sheep have some nice long grass to eat and now it is time to spawn in these sheep oh boy I’ll grab a sheep spawn egg just like this and boom look at this Milo we have so many sheep wow they’re so cute I agree wow they look so cute and so happy now we also need another animal section and that is what the regular terra cotta was for this is going to be a chicken coup chicken chickens I love chickens they’re so funny to watch and look at yeah they totally are and one thing that’s going to make them even funnier to look at is if we keep them inside a giant egg which we definitely will this egg will be so big and we’ll keep all the chickens in it just like this we’ll also make the top of the egg look like that and wo this really is egg shaped now I’m going to grab some more gloss and in inside we’re going to need to grab some little levels this way inside each of these little platforms the chickens can stand on them and have a bunch of fun being silly little chickens that is so cute chip yeah I think it totally is all right now we just need to figure out a good way to do this all right I’ll place down the glass like that wo that is perfect then I can also add a couple more of these platforms up here wow this looks so epic the chickens are definitely going to like this one now we’ll just place the rest of this gloss in and start spawning these chickens will’ll spawn the chickens on the very bottom level but uh-oh I need to grab a chicken spawn egg otherwise I wouldn’t be able to spawn them and I just spawn sheep by mistake right there we go we have chickens in the bottom section now we now just need to add chickens up here and then we’ll place this and add the chickens in the very top oh boy these chickens might Escape but hey luckily they’re all staying really safely inside that’d be loving at you if you put the shapes in there yeah me too especially because these holes are not big enough for a sheep to climb through only a chicken now I’m going to grab the smooth quartz blocks and build them just like this around the egg this is going to look so cool Milo I just know it love how all of the farm is are themed exactly for the animal exactly me too wow I wonder what else we can add I know I’m just going to add a little item frame with a little egg inside just like this oh yeah this build is so epic our tiny tree housee is coming along so well this base is the most epic place ever champ look at these amazing PL Milo yeah it’s so nice wait what’s that why do I hit Thunder oh my gosh that was really scary wait it’s coming from up there and wait a minute Milo our tree it’s leaking is that water a chip what if there’s a storm that’s raining on our house oh no I think there is based on the Thunder and all that water coming down oh no it must be a really heavy rainstorm this is Bad Milo the water it’s heading straight for our builds oh no what are we going to do this place is going to flood we need to stop it somehow except oh no the water’s just going over our barricades wait this is terrible how are we going to stop this we didn’t prepare for this we only prepared for a fire oh no oh no this is terrible Milo we need to go outside and do what we did for the fire which is fight this problem at the source okay let’s go right come on we got to get our ender pearls and leave this place come on chip we don’t have a lot of time yeah let’s go w why is it flooding out here as well this is terrible Milo the water has completely covered our tree and a lot of the other trees as well is a crazy storm happening what are we going to do we need to dry up this water somehow but I don’t think sponge is going to work it’ll get too heavy and the tree will collapse and Milo where are you I’m just over here I’m FL of water oh it’s getting so hard to see you know what Milo we need to grab some wool I’m going to use orange wool to cover up this tree so that it can stay dry even through this storm hey that could be protective barrier but first of all I’m just going to soak up some of the water with the sponge yeah good idea Milo oh boy just make sure it’s not on top of our tree we need to cover it well don’t wor I’ll just break it afterwards okay Milo good idea all right now we just need to cover this bit really quickly we don’t have a lot of time we still need to clean the water from inside the tree this is actually really freaking me out champ we got to go back inside and fix everything I’ll just cover up the final areas oh boy I really hope we can still end up H inside even through all this wall oh man let’s go let’s go come on okay it totally worked thank goodness but oh no Milo there’s still so much water inside a come on we got to clean it up we need to get all of this cleaned up quickly all right Milo I’ve got my sponge but H the water just keeps flooding down from the very top we need to go right to the source of where all this water is coming from oh wow I can see all the leaves this is crazy we really are inside the tree come on this needs to drain properly and wo Milo I can even see the wool I placed what it it’s right up there that is insane come on Milo we need to drain this water really quick before we run out of time and wait a minute Milo I think we’ve gotten it now we just need to make sure we speed up the water going down there is still a lot we haven’t built yet like any sort of fun area yeah but I really need to M the roof first oh yeah okay Milo if you fix the roof I will quickly drain the rest of this water okay sounds good to me right come on come on this water needs to be drained quickly wow there’s a lot of sponge oh no we’re going to have a serious cleanup job on our hands yeah it’s going to be SpongeBob SquarePants ever yeah it kind of will Milo that’s actually very true come on this water needs to drain I don’t even know how a flood could be this intense this storm is absolutely crazy how is it firing and storming in the same area is it wet or hot you got to make up your mind I didn’t know that building a tiny base inside a tree was going to be this dangerous yeah when I you in your room next to your tiny little movie cinema I thought it looked really fun and easy cuz it was so small but I guess building small has its own set of challenges but we don’t have to worry about it Milo I’m sure no matter what the challenge is we’ll be able to handle it okay Milo we managed to get rid of all of that sponge and water and even the gloss as well we did it we did it now we get to build our fun rooms yeah we totally do H I think instead of having the staircase continue we should get some Soul Sand and make a little bubble elevator up to a really fun area yeah because we can’t let the water scare us we got to use the water for our advantage exactly let it teach us a lesson about what not to let inside our base we are not going to let any water or any fire in here again unless the water is going to help us make a really fun zone uh then I think we can allow it exactly chip thanks Milo I’m so glad you agree wow this is going to be the best and most fun area ever I think this is the perfect type for it now let’s just make sure we also add some smooth quot slabs on top and then we can add some water inside oh boy I really hope this water doesn’t turn out like the last stuff a same here but what y I think it worked wo and it also makes a super cool bubble column all the way up to the top that’s epic wow I really like this but now that we are up the top it is time to make a Fun Zone and I think we should make a parkour to get to it first we’re going to need to add some blocks of diamonds like this then we’ll need to make the diamonds go over here whoa this looks so fun chip you got to make it kind of easy because I’m not too good at parkour okay I’ll make some easy spots just like this is this easy enough for you Milo yeah this is pretty good and W I nearly fell W make sure you don’t fall that would be crazy that would be very silly and Milo did you just break the parkour yeah well it can’t be that easy okay I’ll make it about this easy is that okay yeah that’s Perfection W perfect and then this parkour will lead over here to a target practice Arena this way we can shoot different bows and arrows to practice the Target we’ll have a diamond level one here then we can have a gold level one and H that’s another one oh we can also have an iron block level one too even an emerald maybe yeah great idea Milo we also can add an emerald level Target block I’ll just place down the iron one like this and emerald block it is here we go we’ll place the emerald one H maybe right over here pretty far away to make it very difficult that one is really difficult Mama Mia yeah it totally is and we can also grab some chests and we’ll just put them on a little platform this way you’ve got a little bit of an area to move around in and we can put the chest on this side I’m going to grab a bow and we can also grab some arrows too this way we’ll never run out of ammunition yeah and I’m just going to put a really important sign down real quick oh good idea Milo it’s important to make sure that everybody knows what this room is so nobody gets confused while you do that on the other side of this room I’m going to make a little trampoline Zone this is because we need a fun little bouncy house inside our tiny treeh house I think we can get some orange trampolines and some light blue ones those are such cool colors when they work together we’ll add blue trampolines here and the orange ones like this wo the trampolines can make like a stas going around that’s so cool wow this is really epic okay I want the signs waa you did all right Milo I’m going to make these trampolines go up and around so that I can take these trampolines as a way to come over and see that’s a great idea I can’t wait to see what your sign says once I reach it these trampolines are going to form the best little bridge over it’s going to be fun because it’s not like a regular bridge where you have to walk ew that would be boring this bridge is fun because you get to bounce your way over yeah and also jumping is really fun and it makes me feel happy yeah me too Milo finally I’ll just add one little trampoline down here that way we’ll be able to jump off from this really tall bit down to that bit down there without taking too much damage really smart and wait what do these say this says don’t shot the library oh that’s a really good point Milo we don’t want anybody accidentally bowing and arrowing the library and what is the other someone say only the targets oh yeah Milo only the targets that’s a great Point let’s see if this target practice area can actually work and oh I don’t even need to take a bat I already have one H let’s try the iron one first and wo I almost hit a bullseye then we’ll try the gold one too and wo I’m getting so close I want to see if I can hit a bullseye in the diamond and wao we’re getting so close to it and yes I hit one now I’ll see if I can get the emerald one this one will be a little bit more difficult except wait Milo I just hit a bullseye wow chip you’re so smart you also came very close to hitting a bullseye too Milo yeah but I’m really not very good yet it’s okay Milo don’t worry you’re super doer great and so is this trampoline Zone oops I just fell off a little bit it’s a little crazy in here but once you let it give you a nice bounce up you can totally make your way upwards yeah but I’m going to test it now yeah totally do and wait did you fall up as well it’s actually pretty hard don’t worry Milo you just got to time it really really smartly yeah smartly is not my middle name what no Milo your middle name is still oh I fell again that’s pretty moosey if I do say so myself but wait a minute Milo we’ve built a security room a storage room a cinema and a safe room as well as Farms libraries eggs sheeps and even parkour and target practice we’ve forgotten something really important yeah and all this builds make me pretty sleepy Milo we can’t even sleep anywhere because we don’t have a bedroom because of all the fire and the water flooding in here we totally forgot oh man we really need a bedroom what are we going to do with that one we need to build bedrooms for each of us very quickly come on we got to go our bedrooms can be at the very top of this staircase except we’ll need to make a ladder cuz we’re running out of time Milo I’m going to build one bedroom on one side and you can build a bedroom on the other yeah and I building a bedroom for myself yeah totally here I can have this side of the semicircle and you can have the other side I’ll build a little area for you so you know exactly where to build and so you don’t get confused yeah thanks I’m always a little bit confused yeah kind of H Milo do you want me to make it out of a really strong block or do you have something else in mind I want the netherite oh netherite waa that’s really strong okay sure you can have netherite blocks all the way over here yeah because I’m trying to be really cool lately and I think the netherite is going to make me seem cooler yeah it totally will netherite is so epic and oh yeah this is about to be so cool it kind of looks like a Pokémon Bowl CH can I decorate my room however I want yeah you totally can I’m just going to make sure I decorate my room too I’m going to grab some orange beds and some orange bedside cabinets I’m going to put it right over here wo this is so cool as long as I don’t go over the semicircle I can do anything I want here that’s because outside the semicircle we’re going to have some glass keeping us safe and Milo this isn’t a bedroom that’s just Diamonds oh you don’t even know what I’m doing yet oh you’re building a diamond bed frame hey that’s pretty cool yeah are you jealous a little bit H I’m going to have some books though I don’t need Diamond bed frames or anything fancy I have enough diamonds in my own personal storage and the parkour as well diamonds are actually not that rare inside this treehouse cuz of how many we have w we have so so many everywhere yeah we totally do and now I’m just going to add some nice little carpets inside hey these look so lovely now I can also replace some of these quartz blocks in the Middle with netherite and wo this looks so epic hey Milo do you want me to make a compet for you as well yes please sure I totally can I’m going to add some light blue compet here and wait a minute I can make a clean divide right in the middle oh yeah this is about to look so cool I’ll make sure that we each have one carpet like this and then we can have a matching one on the other side this looks so epic wao it’s like actual opposites and Milo are you copying me with the books no it’s just cuz I’m trying to be smart and cooler okay oh it’s cuz you’re trying to enchant things that’s actually really cool Milo I like that a lot yeah see I’m not such a silly guy all the time yeah sometimes you have really good ideas like when you invented the light bulb that was very impressive and real high point for you yeah really high oh yeah look at this this is so epic now I’m going to do the thing that I promised and add gloss going all the way around it’s a little confusing about whose side is who if I didn’t have orange colored Furniture it would be very very confusing because normally you build out a diamond and ie bu out a netherite well everyone knows that this is my side because I’ve Got The Boiled cream treats what Milo why is it you always have these boiled cream treats have you ever tried one no I haven’t they look really gross and Milo you’ve had them for years I think they’re really old by now no they’re not these are fresh ones and they’re delicious wait if they’re fresh where did you get them from oh just my pocket what Milo ew I’m not going to eat something that’s been in your pocket how long have you kept them in there for well 3 days but I don’t want you to have them anyway cuz I want them all for myself ew Milo that’s gross yeah I think you can totally keep them okay thanks you’re welcome Milo and now I’m going to add some compet are on my side just like this and hey this is basically complete care po bedroom so frun wow this is so epic Milo we need to look at everything inside this treehouse that we’ve made it’s so tiny but there’s so much come on let’s go take a tour my favorite area is definitely the security area because it keeps us so safe we can use our cameras to watch for threats from any angle unless those threats are storms or fire they don’t work great for those yeah that’s true but I think we did a really really good job on this area me too and I also really like the staircase It Go so spiraly around and wait Milo look we’re already in the cinema room and your seats look so nice and they’re very comfy to sit on this is my favorite area because I love watching the movies wow this is amazing you can watch movies about shrinking down and going inside a tree and look Milo when we go up this way we can see the Farms it’s so cool oh man I love being a farmer inside the tray yeah me too it’s kind of weird you’re growing vegetables inside a giant plant now let’s make our way up you can even see the TV screens in the cinema from the back that’s kind of funny but Milo I love the storage area too it is so epic and we even have our armor as well there was really so much stuff up here for us I love looking in the chest when I get bored yeah wow I love having so much storage space to keep all of our things in Milo I also really like this super cool safe room if there ever is a fire we can totally come in here and be completely safe yeah this safety room’s making me feel extra good about everything me too but Milo there’s even better rooms up here we can’t forget the library of course this library has some of the best books ever and as promised a cookbook on how to make pancakes and we pretty much put so much effort into this Library yeah we even have little sitting areas for each of us I can see you from my seat yeah you totally can and Milo look if we go up to this section it takes us to the Soul Sand elevator which wao takes us all the way to the Fun Zone oh yeah boy fun time this fun zone is so cool but Milo we still need to go up and see our bedrooms come on let’s see them that’s actually pretty much my favorite place and everywhere because it’s really about our personalities yeah exactly the bedrooms are so cool I really like it here look we can even jump around and hey Milo I’m going to add one more bookshelf here that way it turns into like a parkour then I’ll put the bookshelves back in my bedside cabinet a chip did you hear that hear what wait a minute something’s wrong with the bottom of our tree I I can’t see it that’s weird except wait a minute Milo our tree it’s being deleted what why is that happening oh no something is seriously wrong right now this is really bad Milo it’s not stopping it keeps deleting further and further up w we need a check outside yeah we totally do quick use your Ender pels before it’s too late who Milo look hey it’s Steve Steve what are you doing mining our a tree hey he thinks that tree is a normal tree for him to get wood for oh well it’s definitely not look Milo I’m going to get netherite swords here you can have one as well let’s get him come back here Steve I can’t believe he destroyed our base get him

Can Milo and Chip Build a Tiny Secret Base inside a tree and hide from the evil mobs?

#minecraft #minecraftbuild #miloandchip


  1. ………,love seeing Principal Steinbeck return. The fact that Cody being in kindergarten is an arc reminds me of Junior going to summer school which was also an arc.😍

  2. Chip I hate spiders too 😱👎👎 In fact in my Minecraft world I found a village then I left to eat but when I came back it was nighttime and there spiders I was so scared 😨 that I quitted my world forever…

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