EVERYTHING In The Minecraft 1.21 Tricky Trials Update! (update out now)

new feel extra good to say this today good morning everybody it’s me Waddles at last after 8 months of development Minecraft 1.21 the tricky trials update is out now over the course of today’s extravagance we’re going to dive in and check out every feature and talk about what it means for Minecraft down below I simply need to know what is your single most favorite feature in all of Minecraft 1.21 tell me all about it down below tap that like button and let’s go oh and channel members great news you’re looking to get up close in person with the update I’ve got you there’s a world download of this exact World we’re using today out right now tap that join button and check the community tab for more so you know I’m not going to lie I had a real tough time trying to figure out exactly where to start today’s video from but then I smelled a strange swampy smell making our way over to the local swamp biome for this one one of the two brand new baddies added to Minecraft 1.21 is known as the bog the bog is nope way no seriously it’s very very bad as you can see right there it’s a poison skeleton now the dev kindly so generously because this thing is so dangerous with the whole poisoning thing well it’s actually going to have a little bit less Health than a normal skeleton cool thing about the bog you can Shar it and it’ll actually drop the mushrooms on its head but the bog is in more places than just the swamp you’ll be able to find this poison skeleton and some of the trial Chambers as well but more on that later because I kind of can’t believe it but the day is finally here and now that it is it’s time to get the old crew back together and jump down into the trial Chambers to make the gang happy and to pull it all off off at an affordable price with a 247 uptime at Bedrock or Java wise hosting is the way to go out today alongside the brand new update is their brand new intuitive easy to use Game panel that will allow you to switch quickly between versions with essentially the tap of a button but it’s not only like numbered versions 1.20 to 1.21 it’s also vanilla Minecraft to forge for some kind of modded experience wise hosting’s 24/7 uptime also extends to 24/7 support time too just the thing you need for those romantic late nights in the chambers whether you’re Bedrock gang Java gang it doesn’t matter host a server with wise hosting and use my link in the description and code Waddles for 25% off your first month thank you so much to wise hosting for sponsoring this video let’s get right back to the update while we’re at it let’s take a look at the other bad guy added to Minecraft 1.21 it may be the boss of the trial Chambers this thing over there the breeze from a distance away you could tell as soon as spawns in oh it means business with those diseased yellow eyes and the Angry Eyebrows yeah definitely very very bad now the breeze is sort of like the blaze if you’re familiar with other Minecraft mods combat with the breeze is an entirely unique thing you see the breeze it doesn’t deal up close melee damage instead it’s projectile damage and a projectile it actually doesn’t really deal very much damage at all instead the real problem here is falling from the wind charge when you get hit by the breeze stop it I guess a little bit of good news here the breeze doesn’t have very much HTO total at a total of 30 Health however by default every Breeze spawner will spawn two Breeze total one at a time so as soon as you take out your first Breeze head back in and take out the second one when you take out the breeze you’ll be rewarded with a brand new item called The Breeze rod and maybe if you’re lucky something extra special from The Trial spawner 2 now aesthetically the breeze Rod it parallels The Blaze Rod functionally this thing is for one thing well two things and two things only instead of the crafting table by itself one Breeze Rod will condense down into to Four Wind charges that math is insane you’ll also be able to use the Bree rod for something very handy but stay tuned later for that now it’s great news that this Breeze Rod condenses down into so many wind charges because the wind charge is so cool this thing is essentially what the breeze was just shooting at us in combat a second ago however once I get a hold of it you know how it goes standard Minecraft you could jump up one block but with the wind charge you get it just right and forget about jumping one block those are the olden days even if you get it a little bit wrong like you’re still going to jump quite a bit of space for even more on the Wind charge how to use it perfectly every single time and check out the breeze everything to Know video next yeah which by the way 1.21 is a wide load of an update I’ve got individual guides that go even more in depth on a lot of the features so check the channel for those anyways moving on the crafter oh wow that’s a strong mustache those eyes as well the crafter is a beautiful aesthetic Block it’s also a rotational block which makes it great for building inside of it it’s so familiar but also so strange looking too on this side we got the oldfashioned crafting grid if we tap on a slot we can disable it over here we’ve got an arrow and then we’ve got a locked slot I will never be able to take anything out of it the crafter is a unique Block it’s going to craft things for you automatically and is the first block to use a crafting table in its recipe now back over here if I tap on the slot it’s going to be locked that’s a little bit more useful when I use hoppers and things like it if I were to put things in here manually then I will see whatever that thing is if I get the recipe just right but like I mentioned a second ago I can’t do anything so red Z voila here we’ve got it we put a crafter down right there if I power this I’m going to begin a redstone circuit this thing is going to pulse around and a uh listen really quick aha it’s a brand new sound you can tell that the crafter is trying to work by that sound but it’s not doing anything and that’s because nothing is inside of it right now so let’s get a little bit more fancy with it why don’t we we put a hopper up top and then inside the hopper I’ll load up bamboo let’s say I wanted to make maybe solid bamboo blocks for that recipe I don’t need to disable any slots at all give it a little bit of time it’ll fill up and then when it’s pulsed with redstone I don’t know if you caught it there but but when this thing has all of the ingredients inside of it for the recipe and it gets pulsed well it’ll actually create whatever that recipe is even more beautifully if I were to say put a chest smack dab right in front of it well this thing will actually craft things and put it straight into the chest no additional Hoppers required or anything like that it’s kind of beautiful 1.21 is a big update like definitely bigger than 1.20 probably bigger than 1.19 as well however 1.21 doesn’t actually actually add very many building blocks exactly like compared to the two wood sets in the last update I mean it kind of Pals but oh boy the blocks that we’re at it are absolutely fire every one of them the tough block it was so lonely maybe Minecraft’s most loneliest block well no no no no it’s got a family it’s got a staircase sister a slab cousin and a wall as well the functionality has been taken off of the charts relatively speaking now just like normal you can craft all of these block variants inside of the crafting table but at least when it comes to the staircase nah no no n do it inside of the stone cutter for that 1 to1 ratio next up in the expanded and beautiful tough family we got polish tough wow it’s good looking and it looks so much like polish deep SL like just a little bit lighter there to craft the brand new version of tough inside of a crafting table do a little spiral or instead of a stone cutter will’ll baby just throw it in and select the block and take it out also just like the normal version of tough you have a brand new wall a brand new staircase and a brand new slab as well oh but what’s that you thought that was the most beautiful tough a lot you fool you’re mistaken tougher bricks oh my gosh my eyes water up every single time I see them still they’re so beautiful looking maybe Minecraft’s best looking brick block inside of the crafting table little spiral with the polished stuff and you get the tough bricks again alternatively inside of the stone cutter just tap on the one that you want you also get a wall you get a staircase and a slab if you’re trying to make a clean brick gradient maybe stone brick to Blackstone brick tough is going to fit perfectly in there somewhere and with those dark lines I mean it’s kind of like cartoonish looking but I love it a couple other beautiful tough blocks that shall not be slept on chisel the tough bricks you take the brick and put it inside of the middle of the block this time and put a little squiggle on the top and bottom over here and homage to the beautiful Breeze kind of has the squiggle situation going on but this time it’s Breezy on the top of this block you’ll find the Flow Design something we’ll definitely see again later on and on the top of this block I mean it kind of looks like a raw ore or something almost like a diamond block right ah yes copper the thing that was added way back in Minecraft 1.17 four updates ago now and is solely meant for building well At Last it’s actually meant for building chiseled to Copper block look at how good this block looks right here sliding not over to the subscribed chest this block crafting it is very interesting cut copper into slabs and then right there there’s the recipe on the other hand though if I’m smart I would do it inside of the stone cutter because inside of the stone cutter this is a one to four recipe one block of copper into four chiseled copper it’s an no-brainer now as you would expect this block comes in its normal version and the wax version and it also oxidizes pretty smoothly as well little build tip for you if you’re using this block maybe put a button in the middle and you have those like steampunky arrows almost pointing right towards the center even more interestingly though we have the copper grade oh this block is fascinating so this block right here you could sort of think of this block as like the glass of the copper block family clearly right here we can see right through this block copper grade as you can see here it hasn’t taken out the grass and I set this up a long time ago another beautiful thing about the copper grade is the fact that it is not a mob spawnable block which means you could have a dark room or maybe say your nether Hub build the floor out of this and no mobs will ever spawn one final thing for today when it comes to this block you could put water inside the block so you can water log it and it will stay contained inside of it as well that’s useful for machines same exact thing as before inside of the crafting table it’s one to one however inside of the stone cutter it is 1 to four so do it there m next up we’ve got the Copper Door listen to these sounds oh it’s beautiful so every single oxidization level is going to sound exactly the same you can wax these doors as well however only one of these four doors is actually craftable to craft the Copper Door the developers listen to us we Rejoice instead of using copper blocks like you used to have to use copper ingots but because there are no oxidized ingots that means you can only craft this door so if you want the other versions you need to place the door down and wait for it to oxidize on the other hand half of the door the copper trap door yeah that’s going to function the same except same cost less doors mhm yes that’s right Logic the copper trap door it’s got this whole wheel situation going on it’s so clean looking you of course have the other oxidized versions as well and yeah it’s nice you can only craft the unoxidized one though which means place it down give it a little bit of time and eventually it turns green the copper bulb so you’ve got an oxidized and an unoxidized version and then within each version you kind of have four states of it as well fully off powered off powered on and then just plain old unpowered on that’s going to mean there are kind of like 16 different copper blocks wait no math my strong point yes 32 sorry the copper block is such a fascinating one and check this out at night time it’s hard to tell right next to itself but the block it gets more dim the more that it oxidizes that’s all going to amount to The Copper bve actually being a beautiful block for building around your base and decorating especially if you’re trying to set up a build and you just don’t want mobs to spawn but you don’t want very much light then maybe use one of those two another copper bulb is similar to the redstone lamp but it’s also different at the same time so copper bulb I place it down by default it’s going to be off if I power the copper bulb it will turn on the Red Dot means that it’s still receiving power though because this power source is on if I turn the power off the bulb will remain on but the power goes away then one more time if I power the copper bulb now the bulb is powered you can tell by the Redstone Dust right back there but the dot on the middle but the bulb is off go ahead and turn that off and we’re right back to where we started it’s kind of a one block but update detector the recipe for the Ballo boy you’re going to be all over the place the nether down low in your world and copper now every single one of those blocks or just about every one of those ones is part of a World Generation Now inside of the big structure of a Minecraft 1.21 we’ve checked out the mobs we’ve checked out the blocks next up there’s only one place that we can go and that’s going to be none other than the trial Chambers itself inside of every single Minecraft world from time to time buried under the ground it’s relatively common you’re going to find a new structure the structure is called the trial Chambers the trial Chambers is a procedurally generated structure with approximately no joke 170 or so different pieces and it might expand in the next update the thing is actually insane inside of the trial Chambers you will actually find no hostile mob spawning at all until you make them spawn so the structure is like decently safe the structure is made up of a lot of different components some of them being Chambers corridors hallways intersections yeah there’s a lot so this room that I spawned in over here it’s one of a couple different potential entrance variants once we move into the structure a little bit more we get to something called The Atrium inside of the atrium You’ll Always Find a fountain and then some kind of cool wall art displays going on now looking a little farther down the hallway I need to be careful because I have a mob spers and actually I have a baby Satan mob spner I don’t want to deal with that so those things down there inside the hallway are called a trial spot we’ll talk a little bit more about them in a second but basically that’s where the bad mobs come from inside of this structure once I get myself within a couple of blocks of these spawners that happens and then it’s going to start to spawn mobs and I just I don’t know I can take a baby zombie on no problem piece of cake but yeah just trust me we’ll come back carrying on throughout the rest of this structure more baby zombies I think carrying on throughout the rest of this structure you have a giant like essential maze with parts that go up parts that go down and from time to time no no no no no no from time to time you will find rooms with treasure I missed my jump now zooming out a little bit here to look at the bigger picture the trial chamber structure is actually quite large down there that room with the Potter snow that’s what’s called The Chamber usually the chambers are the combat Arenas however the corridors sometimes as you can see right there will be combat Arenas as well the trial chamber structure like I said it’s got 170 different pieces which means every single trial chamber is going to be different let’s say you found a trial chamber that was somehow exactly identical like the chamber was laid out the same which definitely won’t always happen well also you’ve got diversity when it comes to the mobs inside of the chamber as well you see we’ve got four categories of mobs inside of the trial Chambers every single chamber can have the breeze category and probably will then we’ve got ranged mobs which are going to be skeleton stray or bogged every single trial chamber will pick from one category of ranged mobs so let’s say skeleton like we have here that means no bogged or stray here then we’ve got melee mobs the melee mobs you could potentially find are the spider the zombie or the husk and then like we found in this big room a little bit earlier on you have small melee mobs as well and those ones are essentially baby Satan you have cave spider you’ve got baby zombie silverfish so yeah that’s just great and wonderful and then slime which to be honest maybe isn’t that bad every single thing inside of this update just about other than the crafter and the new paintings we’ll be taking a look at relates to the trial chamber in some way this is the most focused Minecraft update that we have seen in literally years this is absolutely one of those things that I cannot go into too much depth here because if I did this video would be so long in fact I made a video going over every room in this chamber and it was 30 minutes long alone so yeah if you want to know more about the trial Chambers and all of the details to make it up check out that one next now before we talk about all the loot that you could find inside the trial chamber let’s go ahead and head over to theart museum we we need to be quiet in here this is a nice and quiet peaceful place inside of the art museum we will see 20 of the brand new mcraft 1.21 come on you were so close one more painting really come on lazy we got 20 paintings the first painting since 2012 first off we’ve got Baroque then we’ve got humble I love this one perfect for a village breeder meditative Prairie ride I love that one as well and unpacked that is pack.png now these paintings are all done by Sarah booving the rest of the paintings are done by the OG painting Creator and japa so zet stren and japa work together on a backyard that one is called Nintendo switch inside of my mind Bou and a lot of these paintings have like a very ominous creepy Vibe like the person sitting right there I don’t know about that we’ve got cave a bird which more looks like a a cliff a cliff tragedy or something like that with gunpowder I guess changing it’s simple and it’s beautiful and by the way some of these painting sizes are brand new sizes that’s 3×3 I don’t think we had any before Pond oh that’s terrifying I don’t know about that but I’m going to need to slap that buddy all over the wall say with the like standing one from before o o that’s creepy it’s a lady burying somebody inside of a pond no thank you we’ve got passage right there the passage of time I lemons it’s kind of a beautiful kind of mysterious that’s definitely like a lemur or something though or which is such a creepy scene for my childhood of walking around at night time why did I do that that was weird low Mist I swear that was on my mantle growing up finding which is very cool it’s kind of like a Roman Vibe Fern which is so similar to Cave bird actually with a whole the dark circle situation going on and boss whips out the free Mason Vibe with that checkered floor coton which actually has an accent over the a I just couldn’t find it on the keyboard and last but not least we’ve got sunflowers which surprisingly is all about sunflowers that’s beautiful just planted one in real life and then we’ve got Tides it’s so sad I like to think of Tides as a continuation it’s a continuation of the sad Cliff scene going on right there sorry about the museum curator jumping over the bench and all yep that’s my bad all in all though I can’t complain instead of doing like a bunch of blocks for Builders a wood set in this update they’ve done paintings which I think it’s such a creative way to like kind of like get at that side of the community is beautiful all in all all of these paintings are so stunning all right now next up this next category of items are all going to be things that we can find inside of the trial chamber either a sitting inside of some of those big corridors or B some of the loot inside of the chamber for the pots right here these shirts you’re going to be able to find these shirts on the pots inside of the large corridors inside of the trial chamber this one is called flow it’s kind of like that pattern on the Block this one is is called scrape and then finally we’ve got Guster one of the coolest names in the entire update Guster I love it speaking of Guster you can get the Guster Banner pattern from unlocking the plane normal volt and the flow Banner pattern from unlocking an ominous VT now these things and a lot of the other cool loot from Minecraft 1.21 is going to be rare like you’re not going to have a huge insane chance of finding this stuff so you’re going to have to take your time in the chambers but how could we how dare I I don’t even talk about the new chest in Minecraft 1.21 the The Vault the vault is the brand new chest that you’ll be able to find inside of the trial chamber and it comes in two different forms you’ve got the normal Vault and the ominous Vault this is done using different block states which makes me think in the future we might end up seeing more vaults like say an end Vault inside of a different structure using the whole block State stuff but with the vaults there’s a catch you can’t walk up to them and interact with them and open them instead you’re going to need either a normal trial key or an ominous key now these Keys you’ll be able to get them as reward Bo for complete excuse me you’ll be able to get these Keys essentially win them from taking on the trial chamber challenges sometimes these keys will drop out of the decorated pots inside of the main hallway sometimes they’ll drop out of the trial spawners after you take out the mob sometimes they’ll come out of vaults with a normal key I can use it out of vaults get an advancement and unlock the ball I give it a second and I get a little bit of a loot maybe if I’m lucky I get good loot if I’m unlucky I get yeah whatever lot but that Vault to be honest was like the less good Vault out of the two vaults VA that you could find the better vault is called the ominous Vault with the real deal loot however the ominous Vault needs an ominous key in same way the other way around the ominous key is a little bit more rare we’ll talk about how to get it later but it’s basically from The Trial spawn the ominous Vault oh no flipping way you can make this stuff up the ominous Vault I just got the the the the cre of the cop of Minecraft 1.21 things all right the beautiful thing about the vault is the fact that it remembers 20 players that means I unlock the Vault but if my boy were to hop on the realm over here with me he could walk over to the vault as well use that key and unlock a reward however it is not guaranteed to be the same it pulls from the same loot table but the loot is kind of randomized these vaults are strategically located all over the entire trial chamber structure in this structure the plain old vaults will always be found in a pedestal that looks something like this meanwhile the ominous votes will always be found on a pedestal that looks something like that with the red candles and the red terracotta next up we’ve got the trial spawner a brand new type of spawner that you’ll be able to find generating inside of the trial Chambers and only inside of the trial Chambers inside of this update now there’s kind of quite a bit to this one we already talked about how there’s different mob categories and whatever we’ve also got a couple different block states with this thing we have the normal version of the trial spawner where if we use a spawn egg on this trial spawner you can turn it into any spawner you want so this is a normal trial spawner if I cycle it over to ominous now it gets red eyes and blue flames and blue Corners as well well the ominous water is a lot more dangerous but has a better reward and I keep that ominous stuff in mind because this kind of advanced and we’re going to come back around to it a little bit later on from the ominous Vault not the spawner but the Vault you’ll be able to get the bolt armor trim one of the two brand new trims inside of 1.21 this is how you craft it the bolt armor trim with diamond on every single set of armor this is what we’re looking at when it comes to the aesthetic it’s very very steampunky I find that the bolts trim looks really really good like it pops with redstone as the color I mean overall it’s a very nice looking trim and I think it’s better than some of the ones in 1.20 also once you see it you can’t un seee it there’s a face on the back of it it’s a long wide smile some creepy pasta stuff meanwhile from the normal Vault you get the trim that I think is the better one the flow one this is also the first trim to duplicate not with the block but an item instead the flow trim with a diamond on every single one look at those designs the swerve that’s so cool looking looking at the back of this thing it’s like a heart on the helmet oh adorable my Valentine’s so sweet yeah this one is so cool I think out of the two this one is more my favorite one I also just love the color the icon itself like I put that in an item frame all day long and stare at it it’s so nice looking I can’t believe that I got it earlier but the heavy core this thing is rare inside of an ominous Vault on both Minecraft bedrock and Java a 7.5% chance to get it that means on average you need to check 13 volts to find it I hate to say it but that’s going to send you all over your world the single standard trial chamber that does not have 13 ominous volts inside of it usually it’s more like a six or something given the fact that there is so much variation in these things generation though you could always have more now the heavy core is a brand new rare item that is actually stackable it’s also one of the first things that is only used for crafting but can also you could you could place it down and listen to it oh yeah that sounds heavy for sure now if I were to use a pickaxe on this thing I could break it a little bit quicker than I could break it with my hand however I don’t know your situation but maybe you lost a pickaxe no big deal you break it with your hand and after like half of a minute of time you’ll get the item back now the heavy core on its own it’s kind of like you place it down and it’s a bit of a trophy however inside of the crafting table with the old Breeze Rod that we talking about way earlier on today you combine them one and one and you get a brand new weapon oh the mace now the maze this is going to function a little bit differently on Minecraft Java in Bedrock due to the inherent baked in combat differences so over here with a couple willing and test subjects a big stress emphasis on willing here if I put a villager down and climb up with the mace in hand jump down I build up a tack of damage the more blocks that I fall I onot a villager that usually doesn’t happen in fact it definitely doesn’t happen with the mace because it has a total of six attack damage and check this out the mace’s cool down speed I mean that’s pretty slow as well the ma is a pretty insane weapon where also if you land your hit you cancel out all fall damage as well that means using the mace I mean it’s going to take a little bit of practice practice for sure but once you lock it and get the use of this thing just right I mean it becomes insanely powerful the mace has 500 durability and has quite a few enchantments that can go on it including three brand new ones that we’re about to talk all about a lot of these enchantments however are mutually exclusive with each other so like you can’t really have Smite and breach on a mace and you can’t have breach and density mace enchanting on Minecraft Bedrock is so much more enjoyable throw the buddy in an enchanting table and look at all of the enchantments you’ll end up getting mace enchantment number one it has four different levels to it it’s called breach this is an enchantment that you’ll be able to get from the enchanting table now on a normal mob like let’s say a sheep the breach enchantment doesn’t seem to do anything different because it doesn’t but if I had a mob with armor like let’s say this fully Diamond armored cow okay yeah yep definitely diamond armor and I hit it well each level of the breach and Shon will ignore 15% of the armor protection for a maximum of 60% ignoring next up we’ve got the density enchantment which has five separate levels it’s sort of like sharpness for a mace each level of density increases the amount of damage built up when falling a block by half a point that means the density 5 mace is pretty strong let’s see if I can land it the first time density 5 mace about 20 blocks Iron Golem oh almost not so fast H and now the most fun one this is a treasure enchantment you’re going to have to find this from The Trial Chambers inside of the votes in a change that was made very late in the 1.21 cycle each level of wind burst makes you jump seven blocks up into the air when you land your hit check this out I’ve got a Target over there and I’m two blocks up in the air if I jump off of this block and land that hit 21 blocks up into the air oh boy and that doesn’t cancel fall damage so be careful that all adds up to honestly wind burst one just being like pretty much good enough and cool already maybe pair that with like a damage enchant and you’ll be able to onot a lot of stuff and to jump around in a cool way too all right next up let’s go ahead and head back over to the museum sh quiet again and then this time let’s walk into the soundproof Lodge in here I don’t know if you could tell but it just got good in here we’ve got three brand new music discs inside of Minecraft 1.21 we’ll listen to a little bit of these discs of course if you want to hear the full sounds jump in game and check them out first off we’ve got Aaron sherov it’ll have a signal of 13 when hooked up to a jukebox with a comparator you’ll find this rarely instead of normal bolts [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it’s nice it’s fun it’s action-packed next up we’ve got Creator by Lena rain this is bound in the ominous Vault and will have a redstone signal of 12 [Music] for this one I feel like I’m walking around in like a haunted maze or something like that it’s pretty sweet then really cool and probably my favorite one out of all of them we’ve got Lena rain Creator music box version you’ll be able to find this inside of those pots with the cool shards on them inside of the trial chamber very rar and that’s the signal of 11 [Music] [Applause] listen it like takes the creepy vibes from the last one and UPS them all the way to the max that one has got to be my favorite but what is yours you let me know alongside those beautiful the branch new music discs you also have tons of brand new songs inside of this update as well that are going to play ambiant ambiently throughout your entire world now you can check the soundtrack out on streaming right now if you want to like listen Sound by sound or you could just explore and game and hopefully eventually you hear them all overall I would say this update has one of the best soundtracks out of every update but now let’s go back to the trial Chambers because oh boy how in the world do you find that buried structure oh that’s right you use the map the tri chamber map if you’re looking for the structure itself can be purchased from a cartographer villager at the journeyman level and only at the journeyman level that means unfortunately sometimes this map it won’t be sold by the Villager and you’ll have to find a new one I find that more often than not the trial chamber map when you buy it you’re like pretty close to it using it is pretty straightforward look at the map look at your pointer icon and go over to that new crazy looking one M now a brand new Advanced mechanic inside of Minecraft 1.21 we’ve got a rework on the bad Omen effect and essentially how raids work and alongside that there’s something called the ominous bottle now the ominous bottle is going to have five different levels to it each level is going to do something a little bit different now there are a couple of ways you can go about getting your hands on the ominous bottle inside of your world the way number one oldfashioned Banner head check this out when I take it out I no longer get the bad om effect by default instead it drops an ominous bottle with a random level of bad Omen alternatively you could win the ominous bottle from the ominous and the plain old normal trial spawner you can also unlock them inside of the vaults so inside of a trial chamber structure let’s say I was taking on this challenge right over here with the zombies if I walk up to it like normal it’s going to spawn a set amount of mobs I have to take the mobs out to win the trial right now these mobs are going to be like relatively basic mobs the trial spawner will only spawn so many mobs at a time and it’s meant to only spawn one type of mob however I do find that the zombie one can sometimes accidentally spawn baby zombies too those mobs are going to be PR assistent which means if you pass away while taking on the trial well they’re still going to be here when you come back eventually after completing that trial I am given a reward and this spawner actually goes on a cool down for 30 minutes later on after 30 minutes I can come back and take the challenge on again if I bring people with me to the challenge like when it’s still active it’ll actually spawn more mobs and get a little bit more challenge the reward that you get from the spawner 2 it’s randomized so you’re not necessarily always going to get a key like next time I take it out but now with that thing completed it’s cool down that was a plain old normal trial however on the other hand if I drink this bottle an ominous bottle with bad Omen to I’m going to get a branch new effect and the bottle’s going to disappear that effect is called a bad Omen okay so I guess not entirely new but anyways if I walk over close enough to the spawner even if it’s on cool down boom it’s blue now and look at that these mobs are way more dangerous now the the zombies are now actually geared up with Enchanted gear sometimes and like dangerous sword is very very bad and while I’m taking on an ominous trial different effects are going to be dropped on me and the mobs in here too hey come on guys I need to back up it’s going to drop effects on you and the mobs and also like as you saw there like an arrow shot down it’s not going potentially pretty dangerous you can see the effects popping in in the air too is pretty cool but more often than not you’re going to be busy taking on the trial so uh you buddy goodbye are you the last one I I think so that was the final ominous mob now you can see though this effect is going on still it’s called trial Omen for each level of the ominous bottle that you drink you get 15 minutes of it so level one is 15 minutes level two is 30 minutes and so on I got a key oh that’s beautiful like we talked about a little bit earlier on you would now be able to take these keys and unlock the vaults inside of the structure now while I have this ominous effect I can slide over to a spawner that I never took on before and this is going to be a terrible idea the skeleton ominous trial is dangerous but you can slide over to a trial that you haven’t taken on the normal way and upgrade it instantly to ominous you don’t have to do the other one first what I find at least with a skel one maybe one of the best moves you can do is have the skeletons just fight each other because these bows are usually Enchanted and you get like the other effects dropped on you that will talked about in a minute yeah it’s not exactly like the most enjoyable experience it’s pretty tricky now one thing here is that the ominous trial plays completely different or the normal one too they both play completely different on Minecraft to bedrock and Java again due to the combat differences little bit of time later and oh wow look at me I got the keyed I got a little bit porcupine going on but a lot of keys to now over here in the craziest Savannah Biome Village that I have ever really seen we can check out the other thing the ominous bottle does all right so let’s say I was me and I was wandering the world maybe I took out a banner head and I got myself one of these bottles maybe I want to take on a raid if I drink this bottle outside of a village I will again get the bad Omen effect for an hour and 40 minutes that’s actually identical to how it worked before however now if I move close enough to a villager like into a village that effect converts over instantly into the raid omen now I’ve got 30 seconds to decide in these 30 seconds the villagers have no clue what’s about to hit them they they don’t know they don’t freak out if I wanted to I could drink a milk bucket right here like a milk Drinker and get rid of the effect that means I basically just canceled the upcoming rid on the other hand I could go ahead and drink the bottle wait 30 seconds and begin the raid the different levels of the bat Omen will give you different levels of raid Omen and then from that point on it’s all the same as normal a raid Omen five means a longer and tougher raid raid om in one I mean that’s like your standard old fashioned raid wherever you are when you drink that bottle and activate the raid is going to be the new raid center point so bells are a little bit less important now next up let’s take a look at the four brand new potions in this update so flashback rewind a second ago when we were taking on the ominous trial there was like that charge up noise and effects being spat on that’ll happen every couple of seconds a lot of the effects that are being spit on me and the other hostile lobs are these new ones that we’re going to talk about that you can turn into I so first up we got the potion of wind charging or the wind charging effect in general if you want to brew this one up inside of a brewing stand with awkward potions already queued up I’m going to throw a blaze a breeze Rod I keep doing that I’m going to throw a breeze Rod inside of this thing and let it Brew now the wind charging effect that’s kind of fun if we go ahead and splash this cow with wind charging when it walks around you can see it kind of has like wind particles popping out of it and I got some too so yeah I just have like wind popping out it’s kind of cool when you take the mob out like it goes away it it farts next up we’ve got the potion of oozing to brew yourself up a potion of oozing inside of the Brewing sand with awkward potions we put a slime block a full solid one kind of shocking it’s not a slime ball for this one to get the potion another potion of oozing this is another interesting one and it’s a fun one too the effect is going to happen every single time a mob passes away so with this mob with oozing it kind of has that whole like slime effect thing going on when I take out that cow two medium-sized slime will be spawned every single time now a slime what if I had a slime with the potion of oozing if I take a slime out that has oozing Well it can’t have oozing slime it it doesn’t work for them the Slime that are spawned are plain old normal slime other than the fact that they’re always medium which means decent source of slime ball the weaving effect oh this one is a fun one I like this one to make the weaving a potion you will in a brewing sand again awkward potions first put a cob whip let it Brew up before the weaving effect if I have a mob with weaving check that out it get like a almost like a little bit of like cobweb particles or whatever when I take this weaving boy out aha you’re right where it passes away you get cobwebs and these cobwebs if I myself had weaving as well I actually move quicker through cobwebs as well so it’s kind of like a double-edged sword so far out of the three potions we’ve taken a look at that actually provides a decent use for weaving potion in survival in your world but uh I was just looking at infestation so let’s talk about that one I hate it inside of of a brewing sand in Survival Minecraft infested stone with awkward potion you would put it right up top for whatever reason it doesn’t seem to be working for me though but yeah infested Stone now the potion of infestation is the only potion out of those ones that works differently this one isn’t about what happens when you take a mob out instead it’s about what happens when a mob takes some damage so this mob with infestation has tiny little particle effect when this mob takes damage every single time it has a 5% chance to spawn one to three silver fish wherever it is now 5% chance that’s not very much however this is by far the most dangerous to deal with effect inside the trial chamber like imagining yourself trying to deal with like baby zombies and then boom all of a sudden surprise silverfish as well yeah no thank you every single one of those Brands new effects and Potions comes in the normal potion variant the splash potion variant and a lingering variant as well and for a fan of tipped arrows there’s one of you out there I’m sure maybe you want to make tipped Arrows with these news potions well yeah you could absolutely do that as well to let’s take a breather uh how you doing this is the longest update video that I’ve made in a long time almost as long as the nether update one I think but yeah we’re almost done next up we have four Branch new cave sounds let’s listen [Music] [Music] speaking of sounds the Piston sound has been made quieter in this update not different but quieter I don’t know if you can tell but yeah it’s been quieted down a little bit we’ve got a skull sensor update inside of this update Frost detection here I’ve got my good old pair of Frosty Walker with these boots on I walk and make the Frosted ice and the skull sensor would hear it if I had a comparator hooked up to this buddy it would give me a signal strength of 13 mob panicking has been adjusted instead of panicking for 4 seconds the mobs will Panic for 2 seconds now much shorter like I don’t know you can notice that right there it comes down really quick I hate to do it to you Bedrock gang but this is a Java exclusive update I think that last one was as well too but witches they got a huge buff inside of Minecraft 1.21 when I take a witch out every single time it will drop 4 to eight redstone dust and those amounts yeah those are totally affected by looting you can increase the amount of witch drops like insane I don’t know about you but I love me when the devs actually take a farm like a witch farm and buff it inside a Nerf it now you know me I usually make these update videos for updates say like 1.2.5 and speaking of 1.2.5 there was a gigantic spawn chunk change in that update that I completely missed this one is pretty significant too if you haven’t been playing the game for a while maybe you’re coming back to it and you like to use the spawn chunks for Farms by default the spawn chunk area has been decreased by a lot right here inside of your world settings spawn chunk radius by default when you make a new world it’s going to be two I think it used to be something like 10 or something so keep that in mind oh boy technical changes oh man take a seat because we would be scrolling on these things where we will be for days and days and days Minecraft 1.21 brings a whole lot of new things like trial Chambers is really cool and everything but so many technical changes as well a lot of these technical changes are making it easier to add things in the future that makes me wonder if we’re about to enter a new golden era of Minecraft updates with like more updates coming out quickly again I would love to see it some of the technical stuff in here that we’re looking at is like datadriven enchantments attributes and stuff like that yeah new tags there’s just so much technical business going on inside of this update and I understand all of it of course moving on beautiful change right here right near the end of the list today lead lead boat a par change all righty so this one is beautiful we have a Minecraft vote we place it down we put a lead on that boat and yeah the lead actually goes on the boat all you need to do is walk around and you can pull it what if I had say two boats and I wanted to walk around and pull it well no big deal you can attach multiple leads to multiple boats and move multiple boats at the same time this is huge for moving things in boats across land because look at how much quicker that moves instead of like sailing it I mean you’re still going to have a problem with going uphill but whatever what whatever now a huge thing huge reason this is so good is villagers maybe you want to move villagers around in your world easier than ever before well a lead boat look at how easy that is I can just drag this guy off into the sunset goodbye like oh it’s so great and a pull it off again all you need to do is use a lead on a boat and it just works ooh now speaking of entities and boats keep that in mind for a second next up let’s take a look at some really amazing portal changes that have gone down in this update so first things first we make a portal and just like normal we’re going to go through the portal and load it on the other side however if I didn’t go into it first other entities can do this now let’s say I had that villager and I wanted to push it through the portal and I didn’t go through the nether well no big deal it theoretically could work now back over in the Overworld the brand new one right here ender pearl we throw this into the portal and yes sure enough the ender portal actually or the ender portal goes into the portal we can go ahead and do that both ways um excuse me all right well it’s a little broken sometimes ender pearls work with portals this isn’t just the nether portal too it’s the end portal as well and entities ridable entities work with portals as well maybe we had a mine card and we want to send it through the portal yeah no big deal we could do that if we were riding it it would work as well maybe an entity with two entities and it’s so like a boat with me and a villager well we can do the same thing we can sail that boat and the Villager right through the portal clean and easy you could also pair the lead boats of change that we were just talking about with the nether portal stuff going on on and actually yeah you could drag a villager come on come on I think I did it you could drag a villager or anything inside of a boat with the lead like right into the Overworld when you do that the lead will be dropped right on the ground bug fixes are always a huge component of any Minecraft update and when it comes to bug pixes we’ve got quite a few inside of 1.21 in fact approximately 220 bug fixes inside of this update that’s crazy 250 bug fixes is a whole lot a lot of these bugs have to do with new 1.21 stuff but some of the stuff has to do with older stuff as well the oldest bug that was fixed in this update has to do with the whole portal passenger thing that we were just talking about it is bug number 67 and was reported on October 24th 2012 and you actually have a couple of bugs reported from 2012 that are in here and fixed as well another one coming from October 27th 2012 last but not least we have advancements inside of Minecraft 1.21 we’ve got quite a few to get our our first 1.21 advancement all you’re going to need to do is locate a trial chamber structure and move into it while you’re here inside of the structure take your time find a key and unlock a vaults to get the underlock and key advancement while you’re here maybe take even more time inside of the structure at some crazy generation find an ominous key unlock an ominous Vault to get revolting maybe inside of the trial chamber you got lucky and found yourself a wind charge use a wind charge to jump eight blocks or more to get who needs Rockets this one’s a little tricky to do but to get blowback you need to take out a breeze with a wind burst that you sent back at the breeze my big tip here is patience persistence and practice probably inside of a chamber use an axe to scrape a copper bulb to get the lighten up advancement using the mace and a single hit deal 50 or more damage to get over Overkill and finally this last one I mean if you can automate it that is crazy like good for you but you need to be near a crafter when it crafts a crafter to pull it off just set up the recipe inside of it put a lever on front of it and craft a crafter to get Crafters Crafters Crafters I can’t believe it how did I do it back over on the main menu the true spot that the update actually begins so that brand new menu Panorama check this thing out now when you see it in game it’s going to rotate a little bit slower I went ahead and sped it up for you but yeah it’s basically a shot inside of an Atrium room of a trial chamber you get the angry breeze on one wall you get a shot of the chamber and kind of just like basically what you’re about to dive into wow and so at this point I had to go and check it this video is officially my longest update video ever this video actually ended up being even longer than the 1.17 caves and cliffs Part One update video and that one was huge if you haven’t yet I would love to hear what thing that we talked about today is your favorite down in the comments below and if you’d like to get up close and personal with this update remember there’s a world download out now tapping that join button or at the least tapping like And subscribe helps me continue to get to make videos like this one for you this one was a lot of effort so in total everything in 1.21 this chest boom this next chest boom and then one more chest right there wow there is so much new thing there there are so many new things inside of this update and this isn’t even including waxed and non-waxed versions too and all of those copper bulbs wow anyway if you made it to this point in the video I’d like to sincerely thank you so much for picking me to join you on the deep do into Minecraft 1.21 I’d like to also send a huge thank you to wise hosting for sponsoring today’s video remember to check out my link down in the description and use my code for the clean discount keep your eyes out on the channel because over the next coming days weeks months I have so much more cool content planned that I’m cooking up for you actually beginning right now the second you’re watching this video it’s been me wles 1.21 forever goodbye everyone [Music] oh [Music]

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Minecraft 1.21 is here!! The Tricky Trials Update brings new copper blocks, more tuff blocks, the crafter, the breeze, the bogged, new sherds, 20 paintings, wind charges, and a LOT MORE to Minecraft! Most of the update can be found in a cool new structure called the trial chambers which is a new challenge! Today we take a look at everything in Minecraft 1.21 for Minecraft Java and Minecraft Bedrock Edition!

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if you read this comment “tricky”


  1. I think the reason the potion uses a slime block and not a slime ball is so you cant infinitely dupe slime (honestly in my opinion trading your blaze powder and nether warts seems like a fair trade)

  2. Fishing time reduction is notable. One of those little “quality of life” tweaks that won’t be talked about but will be appreciated.

  3. Seing this game evolve since the 360 days makes me think back to humble beginnings
    Im looking forward to the future of this game .

  4. 46 MINUTES WHAT. This update is insane! I personally love the crafter more than anything else in this update. I feel like it got kinda overlooked with all the mace stuff.

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