trying to solve Stardew Valley’s oldest mystery #shorts #gaming

who the heck is throwing rocks at lius in stardew Valley so in stardew Valley lius lives in a tent on the outskirts of town he asks you very nicely not to destroy his tent and he says people have thrown rocks at it while he’s sleeping begs the question of who the heck in Pelican town would do this starter Creator Eric Barone will not divulge the truth he told polygon I like leaving these things open to interpretations and discussions so who’s throwing rocks at lonus we have a few theories polygon culture writer Ana Diaz thinks it’s Sebastian don’t yell at us she points out that he lives in the same part of town as lus he goes into the caves at night which are full of rocks and he’s also going through this emo goth phase which does not make it cool or okay to throw rocks at people but it is possible I think it’s a hooligan from a rival town but a polygon commenter came up with what I think is the best theory you see lonus lives off the land and doesn’t spend money in town shops like Pierre’s maybe Pierre is resentful of the fact that lonus isn’t dependent on his high- price store and what’s more Pierre J French for rock crime solved

Who the heck is throwing rocks at Linus in Stardew Valley? We have a few theories, but Stardew (and Haunted Chocolatier) creator Eric Barone isn’t talkking.


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  1. I think it's just Linus being paranoid, he lives by a mountain that has at least one rockfall and an earthquake in just 3 months (spring 5/summer 3). Granted one of these is because of Joja but still 😅

  2. In support of the Sebastian theory: he will sometimes have help wanted requests for things that he can "throw at the mountain." So he may just be chucking rocks but not even aiming at Linus.

    My personal theory is Lewis. He's always out late at night emptying my shipping bin and he gets angry about people doing things to lower property value.

  3. Unfortunately, if you sell stuff to Pierre instead of shipping it, Linus will mention buying stuff just like other villagers, so he uses it at least some.

    Related mystery: who tf is robbing you when you pass out at 2am?

  4. I doubt any member of the town is doing anything. He lives nearby the train tracks from what I can remember and if your nearby when the train passes through you will notice that geodes and stones fall off the trains and end up on the sides of the tracks

  5. Theres a theory that Marlon, Linus, and M. Jasper were adventures in the mine together and M.Jasper died. The grave that says Mona is M. Jaspers. I believe in this theory and the reason Linus chooses to be homeless is because he feels guilty about her death. I think the dwarf is the one throwing rocks at Linus since he used to disturb the caves he lives in / the dwarf lives close by the cave

  6. It's also important to remember that the main characters aren't the only characters in the game. It's possible it's a vagrant/traveler or as you said, someone else from somewhere else in the valley.

  7. I personally thought it was Vincent. Mostly bc i think that throwing rocks is something a little kid does, and given that Jas seems to care more about living things, I just assumed it was him. Ofc i kept thinking of pebbles being thrown instead of tent-destroying rocks, and i don't think it was done maliciously, maybe just implusively.

  8. I definitely think it's Demetrius. I've got a theory that Robin is the one that doesn't mind living there but Demetrius does. Totally fits the crazy dad narrative for him to not want a homeless man near his daughter

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