Fooling My Friend With Scary Lies Until He Notices…

today I’m plying my friend Chase with fake scary Miss starting with the corrupted Fortress well at least that’s what my friend thinks and I tested this seat by the way it is a 100% real but he doesn’t know that I’ve given him a fake seat that will not work all right so Chase just logged into the world now I have this command that you can only hear if you’re in the nether but Chase is going to hear it while he’s in the Overworld which is going to freak him out before we play this I want to get as close as I can to chase to see his reaction 3 2 1 Preston gave me another scary myth to test and this one is what was that oh look at him look around well the myth is called corrupted Fortress I’m already hearing stuff but I’m in the Overworld now the real question is does Chase realize that like this sound should only be heard in the nether not in the Overworld we all know fortresses are in the nether so I got to build a portal he’s trying to build this portal to the nether but the moment he tries to ignite it I’m going to break only one block of obsidian all I got to do is light this portal and see what a corrupted Fortress even looks like okay I didn’t do that did I do that okay this time I’m not going to break a block I’m just going to break the actual portal itself I think I’m misclicking I just changed my DPI so who knows okay and let’s go wow he tried to go straight in thank God I was fast for that okay I’m going to try this one more time go I got it okay now that chase is in the nether I can show you guys what I’ve in store next I think I see a fortress yeah that’s a fortress Chase is literally flying away so this is the custom skin I have for when he gets to the Fortress it’s terrifying everything looks normal about this Fortress okay are mushrooms usually just on the tile all right look at this skin I’ve got ladies and gentlemen okay so the moment that chase goes by this window I want him to notice me and the moment he comes back to do a double take I’m going to unequip it all right let’s explore the Fortress let’s see what’s corrupt about this not seeing anything oh wait whoa whoa what and disappear what was that oh I think we nailed that seriously what was that was that a gas he’s got to be confused and terrified at the same time now can you guys rewind for me since I’m I I can’t do that right now because this I’m doing it live can you rewind it and tell me what that was wait a second this is perfect Chase is going through all the chests in the nether fortress right now wonder if we can beat him to the Future chest and put some terrifying items in there these videos are hard because you have to do this all while not getting spotted by your friend ooh oh I see a chest know what what’s usually in a a fortress the items are in let’s see his reaction definitely not can’t is this an update oh yeah he’s he’s confused right now are C are red candles usually in fortresses there’s no way there’s wither skulls in here okay he’s looking in this chest which is perfect I want to go put more creepy items in this chest up here wait why there wither skons here wait what if instead of putting items in the chest we surround this with red stone Okay so we’ve seen gas that disappear and we’ve seen some random items and chests then we got our Twizzlers on the ground he’s coming up he’s coming up okay got to fly away drink my potion okay all right okay so I see why this place is considered corrupt oh wait don’t kill me he’s got to know something is up with these Redstone torches man Redstone torches do not naturally spawn in Nether fortresses like this oh wait no I’m in creative mode nerd okay why are there why are there red Redstone torches he knows something is wrong with the seed without a shadow of a doubt okay no one else is in the server I don’t is this naturally spawned okay well this looks all right nothing’s in here now it’s time for us to corrupt the nether so with this tool and this command we’re going to make that a reality so obviously spheres should not be appearing in the nether wait if we give it four legs it might look like a ghast oh dude tell me that doesn’t look like a gas’s legs wait just for reference let’s get a gas spawning over here make sure we got this right gas have way more legs than I remember now like Jason is not the brightest okay I love him to death but hopefully he gets the reference that these are gas legs coming out of the nether okay there we go we have our corrupted gas legs in the nether all right now time to drink our invisibility potion put back on our corrupted skin and we’re ready to go y are these UDS when did when did the nether at up Minecraft utters okay he definitely notices the strange terrain generation in the nether but does he realize that they look like gas legs is this normal is this vanilla yeah what do they look like Chase huh all right I don’t know if these are UTS or t go waa was that the gas was that the guest why is he panicking hello he’s acting like he just saw something terrifying and it wasn’t the leg all right all right I’m done with this okay okay I need someone else is on the server who is here wait is he on to me I have Robo I’ve been in spectator mode this entire time so it couldn’t have been me that he saw all right guys okay I don’t think anyone’s on the server so let’s just um let’s just keep on looking for another Fortress yo rewind this video in 0.25 and tell me what Chase saw because I’m not seeing what he saw all right let’s oh wait I see something what is that what is that oh it’s a Bastion Chase is investigating this Bastion and if you remember in our video our Bastion turned into another Fortress which is exactly what I’m going to do to this Bastion that chase is investigating once he turns away nothing is too weird about this but I see another chest and’s see if there’s any weird items in there he’s in the chest right now and going oh dude there’s no way there’s ancient debris in there okay not only is he going to be super freaked out that a nether fortress randomly appeared as he was in the chest but it made no sounds because we’re using world edit wait was this here before definitely is realizing something’s up now he’s probably saying wait guys was this here before please rewind in 25 speed and tell me oh okay I don’t like this I don’t like this I don’t like this okay I need to get Chase I need to make this nether fortress as corrupt looking as possible so while he’s still investigating how this thing appeared I’m going to be making it even more terrifying okay well uh maybe this seed it’s not just corrupted fortresses but also bastions get the Redstone oh we got to paint this bad boy up to look like there’s some blood going on over here dude what would be terrifying to put in this cage something that doesn’t spawn in the nether naturally maybe a villager if I saw an iron golem in a cage like this I would run wait then we can even put something else in this cage okay here we go yeah baby villager going down in this one so if you right click it with a spawn egg it should turn it into a baby okay come on there we go now we got the baby okay sorry Father you need to go you are a liability to my my my pranks wait is Chase coming oh shoot wait I don’t have my potion on I got to suck that down this this Fortress brick was not here before so something has to be around this Bastion they they call it the corrupted uh seed for a reason so let’s see let’s see why that is whoa wo wo is that Redstone all right it looks like Kool-Aid or blood and I don’t know which one oh dude you know he’s terrified of this Redstone cuz if he’s terrified of seeing Redstone like this just wait until he sees what’s at the end of the trail oh it looks like someone was slaughtered I can’t tell if he’s is he placing these pickles down to remember what’s behind him is this a baby villager I I can’t get lost I’m going to have to get this baby villager in a train cart back to the portal where are my pickles yo I placed pickles down can’t track your Trails of pickles if they somehow keep magically disappearing can you is that an iron golem are golems ever in fortresses God I okay I swear I got to read the patch notes all right while he’s investigating this Iron Golem it’s time for our final surprise can you hear me hello all right here’s the game plan we’re going to build a massive nether portal right here while he’s still investigating that Iron Golem guys is he acting like a regular iron golem okay so the point is here is like I don’t want to light this cuz I want Chase to be freaked out and like the portal himself the final plan is me being in here transforming into that terrifying gas and killing Chase as soon as he lights the portal okay but seriously guys I’m still trying to figure figure out why this place is a corrupted Fortress usually there’s someone doing the corrupting so I have to find the source of the corruption and right now this is my big Target and he’s behind a cage okay timing is everything he’s making his way is that obsidian yo that’s that okay that that’s a trap that is an obsidian portal like cutting off the room oh okay this is it this is as far as I want to go all right for Minecraft science let’s see what’s behind the scary Portal 3 2 1 oh it’s nothing it’s go time baby oh no no no I do not recommend this scene all right the corrupted Fortress Is Real perfect execution if you thought that was crazy wait until you see what we have planned next for Chase it’s so much better I sent Chase fake evidence about blood Steve and we’re going to listen in secretly on Discord while he watches the evidence this myth is called the blood Steve now someone on our very own Fire Nation Discord submitted a thing called blood Steve and sent us a video let’s check it out all right full screen it okay so this is like a ritual okay so he’s placing down campfire he’s putting some pillars on it okay an End Rod there’s only one thing you do with an End Rod you put it into a mob yes I knew it okay so okay so it’s it’s like a it’s a pit roast it’s a pig roast is he watching the same evidence that I am oh no he’s doing dinner bone all right so he’s typing in dinner bone he’s going to flip the the the pig while on this thing yep up down up this this part of the okay this must be part of the ritual Co what is it disappeared oh it disappeared what the heck okay he’s typing something in how are we going to find him I think he believes this is actually going to work which is the best part about this this is a weird weird ritual do I have to do all this I’ll do anything for Preston but this is taking it yeah that’s right you can be in creative mode that is allowed he’s getting a pig maybe you have to sacrifice tons of pigs to get the Blood steeve Out Chase has clearly never investigated scary Miss because there’s a lot of things you have to do that might seem weird but they actually work out in the end those are footsteps wait something oh oh something’s around him he went from this is weird to like wait this is actually real I’ve got to test this out person wants me to find this okay I have to go find this thing okay all right all right okay I’m going to die so now I have to replicate everything that that guy did in the video starting with making the pit roast or the pig roast we have tons of animals around so that’s good to note we might need some of them for this it was three tall I believe and then an End Rod to stick into the pig I’m going to S my fingers all right I’m going to do all the work to get it on there ready so now Chase is trying to recreate the evidence from the video that he just watched and while he’s doing it we have some things that we have planned voila that took way too long so in the evidence when he looks down and then up again the pig disappears but instead of making the pig disappear what if we made all the other mobs disappear okay so now what was the next thing he uh shook his head upside no dinner bone dinner bone this command is going to get rid of every single mob except for the pig so the moment he looks down we run the command and he’s going to be terrified boom all right we have a tag now let’s flip this pig yeah okay come on now follow the evidence look up look down Mr dinner bone oh and then uh the next part is he the guy in the video starts looking up looking down looking up looking down there we go up boom looking up looking down wait does he really not notice it how do he not notice that the other mobs are dead looking down nothing’s working it didn’t work okay uh all the animals were slaughtered around okay so Chase is investigating why the mobs disappeared now we’re going to move his Pig we’re running this command oh dude okay the question is will he realize that his Pig hasn’t moved we moved it about five blocks from where it originally was while he’s been investigating how these mobs died all right let’s just come back here oh here he comes surely he’s got to notice he’s got to be wondering man did my pig move yo what is in his butt oh that’s the End Rod yeah Chase kind of suspicious that the pig just moved huh okay okay so I guys uh I don’t remember if I moved this or not I’m pretty sure I placed it like right here did wait okay so blood Steve not only can kill things but move things around you guys realize he’s probably watching us as we speak right what happens next in the evidence is in the ground I spelled out subscribe but I don’t even think he noticed it and I think he just thought they were random holes so if he watched the evidence correctly that’s what he should be doing next um okay okay Chase think think think think uh uh uh video what what what did he do he made oh oh he dug all the whole and put the pigs in there I don’t know why but I guess I guess if we want to see the blood Steve we have to do everything that they were doing yes he actually paid attention the question is will he spill out subscribe or is he just going to make random holes breaking news I just made four brand new shirts and they’re available only for limited time at fire okay guys we all know no one likes to have their time wasted so I’m going to dig these holes and uh uh we I’m going to I’m going to snap again and we’re just going to skip the part of me off camera digging ready guys that took way too long I I don’t even want to say how long that took okay but all the all the holes have been dug the next part of the evidence Chase is already doing which is spawning in pigs and while he’s doing that let me show you the skin I have to terrify Chase because Chase is supposed to be investigating the myth of blood Steve I may or may not have a command that’s going to turn us into this handsome lad right here come on tell me this skin isn’t freaking tough I would spend v-bucks on it are those footsteps so the next thing that happened Happ in the evidence is all the pigs that are in the hole disappear but I need to get Chase away from the pigs before I can make them disappear oh it’s getting closer what is happening what is happening okay I think we’re far enough from Chase so this is the plan of the room out I’m going to see if I can hide a bell in this little area right here it’s probably just pig noises we’re going to hide a bell right over here and then ring it I’m hearing some weird things will this bring Chase over here I don’t know man [Music] come on he had to hear that okay that ringed like five times I think it was this way okay okay I just heard I just heard a bell ring yes he did oh perfect okay now we got to go we got to kill the wait where the pigs wait the pigs already dead did Chase kill the pigs they were literally right here okay now this is freaking me out this is so strange okay well let’s let’s check back on Chase okay uh uh okay I just destroyed uh I think I just destroyed blood Steve’s uh Bell I’m just going to go back to the pigs okay wait did he break the Bell dude so many weird things are happening now I have a bad feeling that a bunch of Bacons was just made please be here please no they’re gone we definitely know blood Steve’s around how am I going to see him I think he’s invisible how do I see someone who’s invisible oh yeah he’s confused as he should be because so am I cuz the pig should be there I’m not good at Minecraft okay I’m not good enough in Minecraft to know how to see invisible people but Preston does so what did Preston do I I I never like to resort to this but I think I have to pull up Preston’s video about this this myth okay I know I chases AFK he’s looking at the evidence oh my gosh my invis just ran out which means we have to be extra careful so main reason is because in this evidence piece you have to have hit boxes on and if you don’t have the invisibility potion on you will show up as a hit box blood 142 once you’re inside turn your hit boxes on immediately cuz blood Steve the rumor is that he’s totally invisible this is the only way you can I knew I knew was box has turned on let me show you what I’m talking about okay check this out boom cows spawn you can see the h but if you turn it no hites over here we have to get blood Steve and we need to catch him so we’re going to let’s try it listen you can see invisible things with hit boxes all they got to do is turn the hit boxes on and I get to see what the I get to see this Blood Steve okay there he goes now he’s moving now he’s moving the next thing that I did when I was testing the scary myth is I built a ton of bells with pressure plates that way I could see if the entity was nearby AKA blood Steve just go in here and all we got to do is uh build some uh Bell uh Bell pressures I’m going to do the same thing I did last time all right you don’t want to see me doing all this myself so I’m going to do it off camera show you that it works watch this see that so he might if he’s running towards me I’m going to hear this oh this is perfect so Chase has all the pressure plates and the bell set up to catch blood Steve what he doesn’t know is that the moment I press this button which is connected to an absolutely ridiculous amount of command blocks it’s going to ring so many bell sounds and break everything he just built first of all all we saw was a shoulder blood Steve what’s his face going to look like is he going to have a runny nose is he going to be bloody ah but before we do that I feel like we got to make Chase believe that his traps actually worked which is why I’m going to turn into a pig here we go here we go going [Music] in that’s a bell where was that that was this way we we got him we got him okay quick quick quick oh my it’s just dude it’s so hard to act like a pig you’re like the only Pig who survived and you’re ringing my bells okay stop stop okay but we need Chase to be closer to our button that’s set up wait I got an idea I got an idea now we’re a freaking cow baby let’s go remember I need chasing to be as close to my button trap as possible there okay wait I I hear it again there’s another belt are you kidding me it’s a cow this time no listen I’m not going to kill you cow but I’m going what is he doing to this poor cow okay literally there’s no mobs around but yet there are some that just my belts my cow is trapped oh man all right it’s time to press the button 3 2 one Bingo time oh that’s terrifying oh my bells if he quits the game we know that he’s panicked and he’s done investigating I’m I’m done I’m done that was the scariest noise I’ve ever heard disconnect I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m uninstalling Minecraft I’m quitting you know what’s crazy we still have no idea what happened to those pigs but anyways we’re moving on to the next prank I told Chase to log in the server that has a.exe on it but what he doesn’t realize is I’m the player that is guiding him to his death Preston sent me this new IP apparently this has a a a scary entity called the error.exe I don’t know what that means is it Sonic related who knows but apparently this server that I just logged into is from a different country that’s the only way that you could find it don’t know what this entity even looks like there wasn’t even a screenshot to be found all right let me type in chat see if anyone’s on the server to see if uh you know if they know anything about this if we run this Command right here I’m no longer TB andr frags I have a new skin and my name is creeperman 22 who who hey hey wait there’s someone what’s up dude creeperman 22 maybe he’s a Preston fan is this not the most basic skin Please Subscribe if you think my skin is better it’s so much better than this what’s up dude I he can’t hear me hi hi okay he keeps it simple now remember I need to not talk like Preston as much as possible first before I ask question questions about this scary thing I just want to get to know him do you watch Preston plays do you watch Preston plays dude is Chase a bot my gosh no no no question mark Chase is asking some weird questions so I’m just going to tell him I’m going back to my spawn who wait wait wait wait wait wait oh wait he’s he’s he’s running he’s running he’s running come back come back come back come back oh he’s following me oh wait oh he’s in creative mode he’s he’s the leader stop following me okay I think he’s the owner of the server he must know what’s going on I need to ask you something important why would I want to answer this guy’s question this guy’s so freaking awkward have you heard of the error.exe never mention that name clear your chat now F3 plus d don’t want him to see this okay he’s being weird stop don’t ask anymore apparently this entity can see the chat what does the chases not get this huh maybe don’t ask use cryptic messaging list I’m I’m just trying to observe these myths but I think I can help this guy clear this entity I’m telling him I’m leaving if he’s not going to speak cryptically to me about error.exe I’m not even going to give him the time of day hey stop it why is he why are you running why are you running like literally if he doesn’t speak in cryptic messaging he’s going to hear that’s the entire lore behind a.exe he wants me to speak in cryptic messages have you seen any poison potatoes this is it have you seen any poison potatoes and where can can I find said potatoes this is his form of cryptic messaging please follow me to the farm okay are you sure you want to see the farm I need to make sure Chase is committed to investigating this entity okay just take me to the farm okay this is perfect so as I’m leading him to the cave or forest wherever aode is I have a command I’m going to run that’s going to only lower chases render distance but of course I’ll be playing along as if mine got lowered too it’s just a little further down this way yeah okay look who’s look who’s a bad typer now okay this is the perfect time we’re going to lower his render distance Chase now has terrible render distance yes please don’t mention that anymore I’m whoa whoa render distance why did wait why did it just change where’ he go chase is probably freaking out right now because I just magically disappeared this is the perfect time for me to place these signs with crazy messages on them at the end of the road okay okay okay uh I don’t know why my render distance just changed maybe it’s a server thing I’m going to change it back don’t enter Last Chance render oh yeah two chunks come on I’m I’m a chunky guy I need at least 12 do not look for the creepy snow cave Mr creeper dude okay so now he’s like freaking out he’s like where did I go I’m at the end of the path I’m at the end of the path Y is he just glitching out do not look for creepy snow cave he did okay this guy’s asking me if I put these signs down okay so obviously this is where the path was supposed to lead but for some reason there there’s no Farm or evidence of the a.exe entity so I’m going to tell Chase I think we should look for that snow cave all right okay so now he wants to look for the snow cave all the evidence here has been erased now at this point in time Chase has got to be getting a little bit suspicious of Creeper Man 22 I know I would if I was in this position wait wait wait what wait why are you saying wait I think I remember where a snow biome is take me there daddy oh this is is it dude oh dude I can’t wait for you guys to see what happens at the end of this all right oh snow we found snow okay so now this is the moment I need to act really Panic like I don’t want to go into this cave and I need to put Chase in there first so I can block it up behind him this is the only snow biome cave I don’t really want to go in first oh come on dude no no no no he wants me to go in first no no no no no no I’ve seen too many scary movies all right first person always dies I can give you a stone sword iron or bust I know he’s got an iron sword dude you want the stone sword or no yes I I want the stone sword give me the stone sword I never get scared is that true audience does Chase never get scared cuz I have a feeling that that is false information okay nothing looks scary blocked up the cave no snow though that is weird there’s no snow in here the cave just blocked up the cave just blocked up what is that what what is this fortnite uh that doesn’t happen I don’t have a pickaxe did you place these do you have anything to break these I have bread and a St St sword all right all right okay he’s going to mine the top I’ll mine the bottom you really didn’t place these no I didn’t place these okay he’s okay no he’s acting weird am I the weird one or is he the weird one all right now I’m going to put this I’m going to block it back up again but this time with snow blocks uh why you saying H now there’s snow okay well let’s what’s on okay so now here’s what we’re going to do while Chase is investigating the snow wall that magically appeared we’re going to put a bunch of player items on the ground to make it look like a player died here let’s get some apples on the ground too literally right here we got to go quick though I’m having some suspicious thoughts about Creeper Man Okay is he at the entrance I’m right here what the how did you how did he I just ramp I was literally here the entire time okay guys we got to we got to keep a close eye you guys have to tell me in the comments if he does anything else weird okay now he’s going in first I’m going to I’m going to see if I can trick him to go in first so I can keep an eye on him every time I turn around he’s doing something weird what is that dude yo okay diamond sword who’s is this why are there player items on the ground are you good at parkour am I good to well we all know the answer to that don’t we ladies and gentlemen I’m probably the best parkourist out there yeah we know that’s not true buddy okay so this Command right here I’m about to run is going to damage me over time I’m essentially going to be faking my death so I can set it for the final surprise oh we made it okay now I’m going to run the command woah woah woah wo what was that did he just Why am I taking damage did you punch me did you punch me I didn’t punch him did I punch him at least punch me with your fist and not the sword dud I promise you it wasn’t me okay so now I’m going to get chased to believe that every time he makes a jump in this parkour I take damage so wait for him to make the jump hey that wasn’t me that wasn’t me wait don’t jump I think every time you make a jump I take damage wait really I think every time you make a jump I I take damage let’s see if that’s true oh this freaking guy just killed an innocent player literally tells him don’t jump on the Block and he jumps he said wait he has an idea oh um now that creeperman 22 is dead we can prepare for the final surprise now we’re turning in from creeperman 22 into error.exe tell me this isn’t the craziest skin you’ve ever seen now the real question is has Chase even made it past the parkour he did wow he made it past congrat congratulations Chase guys can we just please can we please just put put some Fs in chat for creeperman 22 now he’s asking about me I’ve been dead for like 5 minutes and he’s now he’s checking on Creeper Man 22 okay this is one of my best surprises in these videos yet the moment I press this button not only is it going to terrify Chase but it’s going to continuously teleport me right in front of him where he just barely can see me I have to do this for creeper I’m putting on the armor I’m using the diamond sword I’m getting to I’m getting to the bottom of this what was that that fell right in front of my eyes okay we I can’t remember how they how they fall naturally come on ches setting to Stone oh baby don’t like this patch of dirt kind of dirty oh no no the crew okay there’s a there’s a there’s a mine okay we need him to enter the M shaft once he goes in the M shaft we’re clicking this button okay okay courage courage courage I could have sent creeper man if he didn’t die here he goes pressing in what’s an entity it’s glitchy oh okay no it’s running towards me oh I’m walking at you buddy oh he’s terrified now dud there’s more there’s more hey Diamond that’s nice okay but I don’t have time and I don’t have a pickaxe he’s got to be getting scared dude he’s not even looking the right direction oh it’s running at me this way okay okay so now that we’ve ran out of enough times it’s time to kill him no no no no dude we were nailing this the real question is how long can I keep doing this without Chase noticing that it’s actually me if you want to keep watching click this video right here I promise it’s worth your time


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