today we’re doing a friend statue Build Challenge the way the challenge works is in this dispenser you will hit the button and you will get a random person’s name and whoever’s name you get you have to build a statue of them and you better make it good cuz that person is going to rank it so for example if I’m building Roxy Roxy is going to rank at the end and whoever has the highest score is the winner bab this is going to be so much fun maybe you can build me oo and maybe you can build me it could be like a couple’s Build Challenge hey not so fast I’m going to build you cuz you’re my hubby buns oh no Emily what are you doing here wait Crystal don’t freak out don’t freak out Emily who are you guys this is not good Roxy Crystal sounds like a dinosaur right now she’s Wilding she’s Wilding she’s beating up Emily hey you’re just jealous I stole your mens oh did did you just kiss me you just do what I think you just did oh I away back up I’m hitting the button and I’m going to get my hubby boo what Emily the chances of you getting ohms to build is literally zero it’s statistically improbable who did you get oh my gosh I got oh it’s my hubby bear what oh Krystal are you okay oh no what why are you throwing me who is this girl well Crystal while you were gone like there’s like this new crazy fan girl and she’s really really weird you’re not taking my spa you’re not taking my spa oh my gosh okay Crystal relax we have to see who we’re building Roxy hit the button see if you’re going to be building Lo certain than someone who do you get I got Lily oh match madeen heaven so roxxy’s building Lily your turn Lily let’s see who you get I wonder if it’s going to be Roxy oh mg I got Roxy no they couple twined no are you saying whoever gets each other are couples well that’s not necessarily what I’m saying I’m just saying like Roxy and Lily are a couple and they got each other I’m not I’m not saying you’re saying that you and Emily are a couple no that’s not at all what I’m saying wait listen it’s not what he said but it’s what he meant okay Emily you talking like that is really not helping at all seriously crystal is crazy and she what do you Crystal no don’t put her in the void chill so chill hey you’re going to have to deal with being in second place girl my watch girl you wait Roxy she’s about to throw the point I already I already covered it oh thank you I appreciate that are you going to save me boyfriend gosh all right Alexa hit the button just ignore ignore everybody just it’s your turn yes let’s see who I get I got l oh my gosh I was right everybody’s getting their oh my gosh byebye Crystal dude dude okay hi Crystal she survived at least Emily’s now gone forever she’s never going to come back cuz she’s dead uh SS look behind you I’m right here babes let’s take a selfie no oh my gosh Emily back away back away all right Luke let’s see who you’re getting I’m assuming you’re going to get Alexa with the luck that we’re having right now all right let’s see bow I got SS what oh wait Crystal no just kidding just kidding I got Alexa Oh I thought like you could get the same person twice so I thought that there was a chance we could still be together Crystal it looks like I’m about to have to be married to Emily now sorry Crystal what are you doing what what are you doing what what the what bye bye girl she just ninja kicked her oh my God okay Fox having too much fun with the trolls all right uh Heather it’s your turn I wonder who you’re going to get and weirdly enough you’re being super peaceful today cuz I’m super in love with you and let’s see what I get okay um Crystal don’t beef with Heather two you can’t fight two girls at once ooh I got omy what oh no Crystal Heather and Emily got me that means you have competition like in the the Bild challenge not not like what why is she why is she making those get back uh um can you handle your little puppy please what do you just call Crystal she is not my puppy she’s my girl she’s my she’s she’s my friend that go she’s just my friend that’s all I have to say all right did did everybody go do you guys have Who You’re Building already uh yes sir wait I did go oh yeah Crystal still needs to go all right let’s see who you get Crystal B I got you yes oh my gosh Luke that means Crystal Heather and Emily are all going to be building me oh whoever builds the best one gets to marry ohms forever and ever what the girls are not agreeing to that are you serious oh my goodness I can’t wait yes oh my gosh we’re going to take so many selfies oh my gosh all right fine whoever builds the best homes gets to I guess date me but um it’s my turn let’s see if I get Crystal and let’s see if it’s a match made in heaven I’m hitting the button and oh gosh H I don’t want to say who I got I’m just going to start building everyone start building start building where you going is it me handsome boy no it’s not you Emily B who is it then uh Crystal promise me you won’t get upset if I tell you who it is I W I won’t I’m I’m chilling now them okay Luke when a girl says that they’re chill are they actually chill yeah you should be good oh okay um it’s Emily Crystal I think that means we’re meant to oh my look oh my God to build me cuz I’m prettier than you it’s just chance it’s a gamey why are you spling the girl is my mans is my man wow how did I end up in this situ get CHR I’m building I’m building wait Emily I have to take a good look at you cuz I’m not very like understood with your skin don’t look at em at all are you checking me out I’m not checking you out Crystal I have to look Crystal I have to look at her Crystal I have to look at her for the Build Challenge Crystal get out of here my boyfriend’s trying to look at me I said no he’s my boyfriend girl he’s my boyfriend you really want to go right here is good Roxy can you please pick up pick up Crystal she has a good oh my God okay to you know pink boots white shorts the pink shirt and white stripes and glasses B my gosh start building guys Emily’s literally blowing up the set everyone to your side and you’re not allowed to peek over and wait Emily do you have a bow tie in the back of your head yo yeah wait turn your head turn your head turn your head take one last good look I know exactly how it look cuz I think about you every day and night blue blue really you know exactly how I look are you serious Crystal wait you don’t know what I look like Crystal I thought we like we go on a lot of dates and stuff no I know how you look I’m just getting the exact Colors oh okay well you can’t peek anymore everyone go Emily pink boots white shorts pink white stripe bow tie in the back bow tie in the front glasses I know what I’m doing Luke I’m later what what did you just say when I win you’re going to be my men’s and I’m going to kiss you later okay wow where is this girl Crystal you have to build cuz guys there’s a timer we have 10 minutes so Crystal you do know if you don’t win then I actually have to oh wait Luke what what do I have to do if I lose you have to marry them and I’m going add a smooch to make it even more juicy all right why would you do that now Crystal’s going to like go crazy Crystal chill just relax is that Roxy sound that’s crystal that’s Crystal oh wow oh my gosh Crystal just yeah N I hear it Crystal I know you’re fuming right now but just know that I’m already almost done you are not already almost done there’s literally no way I’m still starting on the feet and I have to make like her little shoelaces cuz you had like boots is that what they are yes and they’re very pretty make sure you make them pretty just like me oh my gosh you’re not pretty girl Crystal don’t call a girl not pretty that’s very rude oh my gosh I don’t need you to tell me I’m pretty SS tells me I’m pretty all the time I’ve never what all right all right stop why do I hear okay guys stop all right Lily you’re just bandwagoning you did not actually want to say e you’re just doing it cuz everybody else said e chill right now everyone this instant we all have to relax I already finished my outline okay Crystal okay we get it you really want to win but I’m not going to lie I think you have some serious competition cuz I just remembered Heatherstone the competition too Heather are you try Harding or you just goofing off I’m literally almost done me too wait oh wow well Crystal I’m already almost done okay Roxy I’m not smooching you bro what are you okay yes you are hey no no I have three competitions oh my gosh okay yes you are Roxy please please oh my gosh just let me do my shoes in peace guys but wait low key I’m not going to lie Emily your booties are coming out not your booties your boot like your boots okay he checking her out no I’m not is it obvious he has a crush on me no I don’t have a crush on you I meant your booties as in like your shoes not your booties talking about boot Bo okay you guys all know exactly what I mean you’re just trying to make it sound know okay you guys are trying to make it sound suspicious just let me do her legs like this and actually low key it’s looking pretty good right now I’m not going to lie this is actually amazing and I’m about to put the white dress and wait it had a pink outlining so I have to do the pink I actually remember Emily skinin very very well why what do you mean why for the Build Challenge why is that for the Build Challenge I just answered why for the build why what do you mean why I just said for the Build Challenge Crystal are you trying answer me right this second okay for the Build Challenge I made Emily have I memorized her skin very Welling do you have a crush on Emily no I don’t have a crush on Emily it does Emily get ready to get your butt slapped okay what are these consequences uh well anyways I’m already doing her skirt right now and I’m making it white and it’s actually coming out quite awesome sauce now it’s time for a shirt and Emily your shirt was pink right yes thank you for remembering handsome okay oh my gosh please please just stop cuz I don’t want people to think like the wrong idea and then they might think that we’re actually in a relationship Emily and that’s just not what it is actually we’re dating SS I’m coming in the conversation all right really oh my gosh but I have to do her body so I’m just going to set the two positions over here then I’m going to set it to some pig and wow Emily the body is looking so good I’m not going to lie I snapped on this and I remember that you had white sleeves right oh my gosh you remember me so well thank you handsome hubby bear okay do not call me handsome did you forget somebody was around now uh Crystal actually technically you’re not around because you’re not allowed to look at each other’s builds until they’re done well she has nothing built no Emily do you actually have nothing built are are you serious right now sorry I was just daydreaming about what we’re going to do when we’re married okay oh my gosh wait yeah but that’s not going to happen if you have nothing built so you better get on it girl oh no wait Crystal I’m already done Crystal’s motivating her that’s actually so positive crystal that’s so sweet of you yeah Emily no that was really bad actually okay Emily just do your best that was a bad compliment okay Crystal stop being rude relax for a second and wait no she’s ugly oh my okay Crystal you can’t say that about people Emily you’re girl you’re just not my type okay all the fans think that we should be together what are you even talking about we look so good together oh my gosh we do not look good together because you’re a totally different color than me you’re like pink and I’m light blue we can never work I’m sorry that’s perfect it’s like the boy color and the girl color wait actually lowkey Roxy she might be on to something kind of just like how you and Lily are pink and red so maybe I could get like a pink and blue thing right but babes but babes I’m cyan yeah but cyan doesn’t really hit I’m not going to lie oh no oh no are you sure you want to say that what say what it’s not like Crystal could come to my side it’s completely illegal you you like that girl no Crystal I don’t you say you like her color more than me no that’s I’m not I’m just saying by the way it’s magenta not even pink what wait are you magenta Emily what color are you I’m just like a different shade of pink hold on hold on hold up I just click tab yo Roxy’s cheating no he put on the Lily skin to cheat that’s actually smart you’re wearing Lily skin it literally shows in the tab you never said any rules about changing your skin oh no blood left the game El treater bro why is he cheating LS you can’t hit the play or hit the game brother oh my gosh ain’t no way but wait Emily I’m making your arms and you’re like waving on one side and on the other side your arm is just going to be down this is actually looking very very swag let’s go and Alexa I haven’t heard from you how’s your Luke statue coming along is it slay yes it’s actually giving I’m going to give him a big butt okay what oh my no bro yes sir my thing is danging ew what that is so SS I’m going to give Emily a giant butt it’s going to have a giant g l what’s up Crystal what what happened no you are not what do you mean no I’m not what I’m giving her period I said period what what does that even mean when a girl says period it means period what okay guys can you all relax right now you know what I’m going to say it thank you very much Heather for being polite today cuz normally you’ll be whing out but you’re actually being super chill I appreciate it that’s cuz I’m so focused on making the build so I can make out with you all right wow okay that took a gigantic turn okay I’ll pretend like he didn’t say that but my Emily is looking so good oh my gosh let’s go and now I have to make her face and Minecraft faces are eight blocks so 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 and eight now 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 and eight bow now fill it in oh my gosh this looks so good and then I got to make it out a little bit no Luke I’m not going to lie Emily’s looking like a baddy like like not like not like a baddy like like she’s not bad she’s not looking not bad let me help you you you think the build that you’re making of her looks good cuz you’re making it accurate yeah that’s exactly what I meant I didn’t mean like Emily herself she’s not my type cuz I have a crush on a different girl I won’t be revealing who though it’s me that’s what you think oh my gosh it’s not you Crystal but Emily I remember you have light blue eyes right yes how did you know do you look in my eyes a lot no it’s just cuz you have really goofy a glasses so sometimes I look and they’re black so I’m going to put your glasses around your big head a you think I have a big head you have a big butt what hey yo oh my gosh my butt is not big it’s very average but thing is stanging all right Roxy yes all right yo Roxy Lily stop trying to be a funny combo right now it’s not thinging it’s a normal size booty but I’m giving her glasses right now and I’m not going to lie Emily for a really popular girl you lowkey look like a nerd these glasses are are fake I just used them for like are you serious oh my gosh you’re one of those but wait I’m cheating right now I’m lowkey going get the tab so I can see what your face looks like you have brown and blonde hair let’s go hes you’re cheating right now I’m not cheating bro don’t hate the play I hate the game and Roxy didn’t even change his Lily skin no no no no yes yes yes blood is cheating bro thought we wouldn’t catch OD are you cereal right now Roxy really dude really you cheating I mean I do like cereal cereal hits oh my gosh what is bloody yapping about but wait I’m giving her hair like super duper good Dimensions it’s super long and it’s actually very pretty looking not you Emily just my build it’s looking super duper snazzy I don’t want you get the wrong idea you’re too much I love when you compliment me I said not you and stop talking like that cuz I’m afraid Crystal will over here but I think she’s actually over being upset right crystal get your booty are you okay are you okay Emily is Crystal attacking you right now uh no she knows better cuz I’m that girl and she’s not yeah cuz I haven’t made it there yet what is this wait Crystal you can’t peep at her bill wait is it bad it’s a bu bad you look like a Teletubby I am not a Teletubby I’m what the are you serious right now wait Roxy wait is Heather’s bad too it’s good it looks great it look like an elephant I am not an elephant I’m a dog look a Smurf a Smurf bro wait Heather’s the one that made me look like an elephant Smurf oh it’s like an elephant Angel Smurf okay Heather what is an elephant Angel Smurf and how did you somehow pull that off what are you doing to me bro actually he looks like a chipmunk baby all right can you guys please stop okay you have a big nose Emily you’re the best girl here at least Emily’s not a bully guys cuz I’m not a Teletubby elephant I’m not I’m not I’m not a I don’t get distracted off of my baby boy handsome cheeks all right I take yeah mine is actually accurate unlike yours wait Crystal did you make me look super slay yes sir I didn’t even put a y what you didn’t put a what what word what did you just say a y oh like you didn’t give me a big butt uh yeah even though you do have one all right my gosh Luke be honest with me bro cuz low key I’ve been starting to think that my butt actually might be big is my but big bro keep it a bean stack 2,000 don’t cap dude it’s ginormous do you really go to the gym and only hit leg all right really no you know me very well I’m actually like a boxer I’d be going in like to get my muscles up no bab so yeah yeah whatever you say that thing is stinging though oh my gosh but hold up I just finished Emily’s hair and I’m not going to lie this is my favorite feature about Emily cuz it’s super duper cool looking it has multiple colors it has the blonde and the brown and wait all right bab you can stop now no no no I’m talking about my build it’s looking so good and I better move for you can still stop I’m just saying how good my build is but I have have to lower her eyes zip it lock it and throw it out the window you didn’t even say put in my pocket I can’t even put in my pocket I’m accept the compliment anywhere but what I’m going to say is I like you very much for your clout and your like a popularity what wait you don’t even like me for me come on did I just see crystal is looking at my build are you serious Crystal I’m adding poop all over Emily’s okay that is not allowed that’s vandalism of builds dude yo L I do not care Luke stop her right now bro this is illegal Joe Crystal you might get disqualified and actually lose homy bear Hubby Bear all right all right I already B up Hubby Bear okay W stop talking everybody what did Lucas pukas just call me I said tubby bear bro cuz you look like a bathtub okay I don’t look like a bathtub Roxy are really is that wait are you talking about one of the builds who made me look like a bathtub it it was Emily Emily NE are you serious oh that’s a good idea I’mma put you in a bathtub cuz you need a w whoa wa hey yo don’t booty B oh my gosh do not show my booty B wait oh my gosh hold up I think H her eyes are still not low enough why do you have this odd-shaped head Emily what is wrong with you what did your parents do they made me with very much love and actually I was made perfectly you said that all the time oh my gosh bro what what why is Okay Roxy I was about to say why is Lily here but it’s Roxy stop cheating bro that’s something not allowed oh my gosh L troll by Roxy but hold up hold up hold up this is actually looking quite fire if I just break this and then I got to Boop and then Boop oh yeah I finally got it right after like a million attempts of doing your head bro b boomski that’s looking so good and I could just move your glasses over here like that then over here like that yeah no this is heat now I got to do your little bow tie and luckily I could just click Tab and I’m just going to need some pink and white so for the bow tie it just got to be one block over here two block over here put that white in the middle and then one over wait is that right uh no that’s not right that’s not right ly I’m messing up right now bro Oh no you’re folded in front of your crush Emily are you serious why are you instigating she’s not my crush my crush what was that sound who who’s your way he was about to say who his real crush is uh well no crystal wants to say something Crystal you could talk instead of me talking I don’t want to mess up and say something wrong how dare you call her your crush well she’s not my crush I’m just like I’m just talking to her as friends not looking as s I’m poop what oh my God sorry Emily’s gets troll what did Heather Heather’s being chill Crystal stop oh my gosh but wait I’m giving her her back bow just like this Crystal what are you laughing at what are you oh my gosh oh no she really wants to go no I’m actually mess up her now since she wants to play games I’m always build she’s peeing okay what is girls stop oh my God what why is there Bedrock on your side Roxy what is happening here so no one can see oh no bro was on lock down but wait Crystal I want to see okay all right why are you you peeing on okay someone’s peeing on me and ooh Luke I like your Alexa so far and my gosh Heather um okay maybe Emily’s don’t look don’t look yet please oh my gosh the girls are disrespecting me and you guys are adding so much extra stuff mine is lowkey looking super basic but I know how I could snaz it up I’m going to make her Hollow on the inside yo this is lit and I could do her entire body Hollow so I could go all the way down over here and I could set the first position like that then I can fly all the way up wait actually I need to set it higher cuz it would cut out her leg if I did it over there so I would have to put it over here wait oh gosh let me put the first pause over here then go outside and I’ll fly all the way up and then I will put the second position up just like that and then I’m going to set it all into some air now her entire inside is hollowed out let’s go so we can make the entrance over here and oh my gosh I just cut out your entire back I am so sorry Emily oh my gosh be nice to me please uh why is she talking like that yo Heather why is she talking like that she wants to smooch you oh my ew wait Heather I thought you wanted to smooch me too do you not want to smooch me anymore cuz that would save me a lot of trouble actually I’ll smooch you in secret okay wow um not my watch no no you won’t okay um Luke what about you bro let’s talk about some boy stuff cuz I I can’t take all the smooch words anymore oh yeah yeah we should talk about farting I love farting okay that is not what we should talk about sing of farting look ey your build uh okay what I look my gosh you know what I don’t even care I don’t even care I literally don’t even care who did that who did that the why oh my gosh I don’t care it’s funny I don’t care I literally don’t care but I made the ladders going up to this floor over here and this could be me and Emily’s living room so we could like hang out and stuff I’m not saying like I want oh can you make a little date room place please oh yeah that’s a good idea I’m going to use pink sofas so we have like a little date area but not like like that type of date just like a friend type of date you know what I’m saying Crystal like nothing sus or anything oh no you got her charged up my boy Chris are wow oh my God gosh that’s kind of annoying how is she doing it for so long Chrystal are you okay it’s just a d all right so uh how do we calm her down um let’s talk about the weather guys uh uh wait actually uh Emily are you good with strawberry ice cream for the food of choice for our date how did you know that’s my favorite dessert I can kiss you now okay yo chill it’s a friend day bro none of that sus activities but wait I I need to make a bedroom Crystal should I make a bedroom for me and Emily no well what should I do cuz I have to fill up the inside of her so what do I do nothing what do you mean it’s like completely empty in here I already have the make a bunch of farts wait actually I’m going to make a fart cuz I’m around where her butt is that’s actually really really smart are you serious you know girls don’t actually fart especially not really pretty ones unlike Crystal no no only Emily does oh no but wait I’m actually perfect I’m about to make a giant fart cloud and Roxy I’m going to leave in your poop just cuz I think it’s funny oh no bro was enthusiastic about it but wait Roxy check out the fart I’m making it’s super duper like awesome sauce it’s so big and Shorty’s making like a wave of farts oh yeah that’s lit are you the fart actually no I’m not the fart are you actually the fart I’m not the fart bro I the poop okay yes I know what you’re trying to say Roxy I’m not the poop nor am I the fart but do you like have why is she farting cuz girls fart cuz Chris said only Emily does it so I had to make it right and wait I’m going to make it so you can actually see so I’m going to make the backside over here all out of one way glass but Roxy how’s your buat coming along brosi it’s going going along great it’s super nice ooh nice job dude but wait let me put the oneway glass all over here and luky what about your build how’s your buat coming along home s bro I’m making it look so good I’m about to smooch my build yo okay I don’t know why I just asked ly that wait is it actually that good I’m pulling up to your sides take a peep it’s not cheating cuz like we’re not like hey wait wait no I’m not actually ready for you to look at yet let me see that oh oh my gosh what is that bro Alexa n he violating you right now I’m not going to hold you I’m not going to hold you what are you talking about ly always makes my build look great uh sure yeah good job Luke good job that that’s not bad but wait Luke I need some Inspirations can you pull up and help me on the inside over here dude uh yes Siri okay so right now I already got like a little date room for me and Emily and since I’m trying to get the highest score possible I need to make things that she would like so what should I put in this room over here ooh I know you should make like a little Tik Tock room bro Lucas you are actually a genius homie yes a Tik Tok room would be so lit and we could grab a normal security camera we could put on the wall and then one of these cameras that I could be like yo Luke do a dance do a dance I’m recording I got you this is what I call you hitting that bro that’s fire okay okay so right over here we can have like a little camera stand and this is where we can do the Tik toks and I’m going to put a little block to show where the Tik toks are going to be recording the videos yes sersi you guys could kiss on camera and get so many likes okay I am not going to do that ly I’m only making the build good just so that you will give me a high score and I’ll smoke the entire competition OHS on top oh no respectfully you’re going to get second place did you not see how good my build was bro your build don’t even got a head home slice but wait what else do we add in the Tik Tok room we have this camera that we should actually put on an item frame so it has easy access but everything else in here is completely empty we need a green screen bro bro you’re a genius cuz with the green screen you can put any background you want okay okay let me put a green screen over here just like that and then check this out ly with the green screen now we have a flat canvas and boom look we could do anything wa we’re like in a magical painting that’s what I’m saying bro it’s so lit dude look at the environments we even got the dude peeing this is the best one yeah and she can even make it like your honeymoon after you guys are dating okay yo get back over here Luke I need more helps bro cuz I still got her giant head dude this thing is gigantic homie yeah she got a nogin on her yeah look move out of the way bro okay okay I’m about to make all this turn into air okay but you have to help me out what do we do up over here right you already put the date you put the Tik Tok room what else does this girl like wait wait I know I should put a date up over here for me and Crystal it could be my sneaky date oh no bro got sneaky link yes sir okay wait I’m trying to fill it all to air let me put it all the way down over here wait okay wait look this is very complicated Ju Just like just like this and then set it to air did I fill up the entire area right is it good now yeah I think so yep it’s perfect oh let’s go and we have so much room over here and wait we should make it so we could see out of her eyeballs oh yes so you could observe the beautiful view mhm okay okay Bo wait oh gosh oh okay it’s very hard to do oneway glass with these blocks okay wait just like that and then look I just got to grab my hand and then I could just reverse it now I can see outside ly oh yes you cooking my boy yeah and wait let me see on the outside if it’s looking good Luke are you putting the oneway glass over there yes sersi it’s really hard though oh gosh wait it’s kind of cursed on this side wait uh boop boop okay it’s looking really good now it looks completely legit on the outside and if I go on the inside it should look good as well waa let’s go this is so cool dude I could see everything and it actually makes for some really good Windows Yeah Siri we could sort off with the little sign I’m going say sorry for all of the family stuffff wait what s oh is this like written by me cuz I’m apologizing to Crystal oh oh this is genius so she’s going to know that I’m only doing this just to get a high score and I’m secretly in love with I’m not going to say who I’m say it Crystal come on let me finish the sentence Alex up hey yo bro chill sorry sorry I’m just kidding Alexa’s gross and annoying and not my type at all she’s really really ugly and Whoever likes her as a loser I heard that St I’m kidding that was a joke that was a joke Luke Alexa is perfect for you home slice but wait I’m going sign this so she knows that I wrote this I’m about to make her say wait how do I spell OHS o h m bro Z are you serious you don’t know how to spell your own name wait am I okay wait I got it I got it okay that looks really good sorry for all the Emily stuff OHS and I’m going say just don’t look at this go love you hey don’t just don’t look wait come on don’t look hey stop looking what are you looking at I’m going take a picture of it hey no CH oh my gosh wait does look give me that photo right now bro give me that photo right now I need to see how incriminating that looks is is this bad oh wait no you can’t even see it dude you got an L photo wait let me check this no this is 4K I’m not going to lie pass that back I need that can you stop okay you know what we should actually display this somewhere how do we display images it’s an image frame my boy oh slide that over right quick slide that over I want to see if we can actually display it cuz if so that would be mad silly can I oh no I can wait can I make the image bigger if I combine these things oh nope I can’t I can’t I can’t are you sure about that my boy yo wait I just need a boob hit it like that bro I can make it bigger dude oh my gosh wait wait wa wait wait wait wait wait hold up you think I can make this entire image just the note I wrote wait hold up okay okay now let me see if i y no this is crazy this is crazy that way we know it’s for real Z’s oh my gosh that is actually 4K Ultra HD wait I might have put some glowstone around so it’s actually Alum oh oh my Luke I’m sorry I’m I might have broke everything put the glower on I got it I got it I’m fixing I’m fixing it oh gosh let me just give it some space thank thank you Loki okay wait let me just make sure it’s really big okay and then I’m about to put the boom Y come on oh my God sorry I misclicked I misclicked I misfired sorry okay okay I’m going do it again ly and this time I won mess up I Pinky Promise dude no BS I’ll believe it when I see it oh well you just saw it bow this is lit bro so now she knows that I’m the one that rode it but now we need a way to get up over here so in the Tik Tok room right over here in the corner we should have some ladders yes sir so we can get into the SS Plus Crystal sitting in a tree room really bro that is not a thing me and Crystal actually have never kissed in a tree before isn’t that right crystal no we do it every day all day all right my gosh you didn’t hear that but now Loki we actually have to set up a really good day for me and Crystal cuz Loki I feel like she’s getting upset about this whole Emily thing so I need to make her love me bro I need her to love me bro uh why would you want her to love you so put the camera away and I’ll tell you why bro hey you’re recording no I’m not oh my gosh well it’s just cuz I think she’s a pretty cool person but let’s grab some tables and I’m going to grab light blue and can because canan’s her favorite color and boop I’m about to put this can right here and sign right here and like blue and light blue and Luke you could be like the waiter dude that gives us our Foods yes sir SC I even put on a tuxedo for that oh you a go for that home slice boom I got us some food now we need some seeds what should we add for the seats bro o put some fancy John so it’s a fancy dinner dude that’s actually so smart I’m about to put royal seats that’s so heat dude oh my gosh Luke you’re looking official bro you’re looking official yep and I got my bling bling on oh my gosh dude yes and wait we need some entertainment Roxy can you come to my side please yeah up dude uh pull up inside the head bro we’re making a secret room come can you change your skin back to Roxy please I need my brother back bro not no Lily activity that’s sus all right are you building a brain cuz you’re inside her head no no no we’re not building a brain I’m actually building a little date area pull up inside I’m about to close it off I’m about to close it off check it out this is where me and Crystal going to be chilling this is a giant poster of us so she could see that I wrote that this word I don’t want to say it out loud cuz it’s sus let me see that don’t read it don’t read it it’s embarrassing I love you um s for all this the Emily stuff yeah yeah sorry for all of the Emily stuff yeah like this whole I want to say that okay Roxy stop running around you’re perfect for the entertainment you have Roxy come down I say that’s a crystal what okay dude he’s snitching all right Luke we need someone else for entertainment who do you think could be entertaining I can double up I’ll just switch into a clown outfit oh yeah that’s fire bro you could do like a cool act okay so let’s reenact it so pretend like Crystal’s right over here she’s uh I need a Canan block she could be this Canan block and I just need to make sure that you know what you’re doing okay L I’m going to go for this outfit actually all right okay okay okay so waiter waiter can me and my date get some drinks please uh by the way Crystal you’re oh of course I’m in my White’s outfit sir I’m talking to my girlfriend why are you overt talking me sir I was literally just talking to my girl what’s good with you bro sorry mate uh would you like some AWA no let me finish my sentence with my girlfriend Luke what are you doing bro are you trying to make me El Rizo sorry bro it seems very unprofessional right now yeah yeah okay okay make it for real put on The Tuxedo bro first we need the waiter all right so Crystal yeah yeah yeah I gave my friend $100 million he had a little small thing to go to I didn’t ask for the money back oh waiter waiter over here waiter waiter over here please how you doing young man yes may I offer you some water oh yes please christop what would you like open up I’m driving I’m what is going on in there what the what is your problem ly what type of dat is that I said water not drown us are you okay babes okay she’s good bro said bab smooched and called him his girlfriend triple sus sus sus you didn’t see that okay anyways give us our water ly sorry bae you know the waiters could sometimes get a little goofy just Roxy stop bro come on this is what I do in my free time there’s some water for y Crystal sit in a tree k i s s i n g all right Roxy enough cuz um s the wat is delectable do you mind showing us some entertainment please oh well yes of course let me call in my boy okay so Crystal yeah you’re looking so gorgeous seriously I can literally kiss you right now oh my God what did I just on uh uh entertainment uh so what do you have for us sir first I’m going to start off with some moves okay let let’s see it bro let me see some moves dude let me see some moves all right this is my favorite one it’s called Watch Me Whip hey not watch me neigh neigh you’re not even doing the emote Luke there’s no emote happening right oh I see I updated oh yeah now watch me na okay that’s it that’s it that’s see all right that that’s he I officially think we’re ready for our day Chris is going to love this dude and wait we need to make a way out of here so what I could do is I could just grab some ladders and then we could put on side over here and then we can make it so we could easily get out over here just like that and we’re now on top of the head let’s go everyone time is officially up meet back up in the middle babes I’m going to win this like it’s nothing yeah we’ll see Crystal but first no one peep first no one peep we’re starting off with Alexa’s build Alexa who did you build today I built ly Pooky okay Luke pull up bro you going to be raing it it’s all the way on the left oh my gosh I’m so excited I wonder how good I’m going to look Luke don’t look don’t look Luke stay over there oh my God Alexa what is this bro Luke’s going to be so disappointed what are you talking about it looks very accurate oh my gosh Crystal Luca is going to be so sad Luca is going to be so sad bro looks like a lion oh my gosh I look so cute wait what you actually like this bro did bro just make out with the Statue this is garbage look what are you giving this out of 10 home SL I’m going have to give it at least an eight what an eight are you you’re just saying that cuz you like Alexa bro that that’s that’s L that’s an L bro be honest thank you so much ly you’re the best oh my gosh all right well Alexa got a eight I got to mark down the numbers so we keep track okay got to make an eight got to make an eight got to make an eight okay boom eight okay next up we have Lily’s build Lily who did you build I built amazing Roxy oh that’s my n Lally run us through this build right now this is actually the most heater build I’ve ever seen in my life bro right right now we have his diamond and gold crown all the way at the top yeah bro no that’s fire ly shorty made him a king as he should bro as he should that’s King Behavior seriously his long hair with his dinosaur eyes on the side [Music] Roxy’s actually mad excited relax bro I’m trying to see what’s happening gold diamond and Amethyst chain no wait Luke does that pass the diamond tester bro pull up bro pull up bro pull up I need to see if that pass the diamond tester let’s see if it beeps let me test it beep thatn valid no it’s real Lily you got bread bro you got bread and is that a sword mhm made out of real diamonds you know I love PVP no a Roxy what are you giving this build out of 10 homie two skit a 99 n which is 9.9 all right thank you I was about to say how we going to build that but bro Lily you literally got a near perfect score bro you’re a goat no caps yes sir ski I never go down oh my gosh all right point and then Crystal put the nine right over here I outlined it for you but Crystal you’re up next are you nervous bro skia not at all oh all right let’s see so got a eight and Lily got a 9.9 next up is Crystal and wo Luke she made me exactly perfect she it’s so cool and I like the little Rainbow in the back oh my gosh attention to detail cuz I’m such a joyful person Crystal this is Amaze balls it’s literally exactly me did you cheat or something there’s little sparkles oh okay I don’t care about if you cheated cuz you distracted me with sparkles wow and look over here wait what’s this over here looks like there’s trampolines yes sir you have to do this big jump all the way up here all right yeah I’m getting motion y I got motion and I skipped the two jumps easy okay Crystal this is fire and I have to rate it I’m giving you a 9 out of 10 Crystal good jobi have fun being that Heather and Emily specifically Emily oh no Crystal’s not even beefing with Heather no more but low key I don’t know if you should Heather is your build good does crystal have competition my build goes crazy all right well so now are Lily’s in first chryst’s in second and Alexis in third and next up is roxan wa that’s heat bro is this Lily yes sir I know you give me with this street just like I gave you one a crown what the what all right Luke are they like reading mindes or was Roxy cheating cuz Roxy Loki did like a similar thing to her oh no they’re connected seriously n that’s he bro and there’s even a rainbow over here that’s so cool and of course Roxy had to sneak in some rare items like gold bro could have just used yellow but yellow’s piece I used gold oh that’s smart Lily do you like this build my boy no I don’t like it at all what up you don’t like it at all zero about to cry I rate it a one out of 10 she wasn’t even kidding nah that’s crazy I saw that coming Luke I saw that coming from a mile away Lily what do you actually give it wait wait before you rate it Luke we have to use a diamond tester just to confirm right Lily yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah all right put the diamond tester home s run that up bro run up if I don’t hear a beep oh no no beeps nah that’s crazy wait no oh okay he hit it right I was about to say hit the diamond right all right it’s legit it’s legit now Lily what do you rate out of 10 now I give it like um maybe like a nine a n 8.9 8.9 8.9 oh 8.9 all right 8.9 good job Roxy that’s actually very very impressive but wait let’s put the hey eight L can you do the0 n please it’s so hard to do all this bro point you I I’ll just do it I’m just that guy oh yeah okay 8.9 there we go now next up is the m side and I built Emily Emily check this looks gross all right crystal come on bro I built it come on I don’t looking oh my God OMG it’s so pretty just like me y yeah y whatever wait crysto stop the yaps cuz bro no I snapped this is literally you Emily this is literally you this is exactly you are you proud of me oh my gosh even from the shoes to the back are you serious oh gosh oh don’t look back oh go Roxy get rid of it get rid of it I got to get high scoore get rid it oh my God hey stop oh my gosh ignore this Emily ignore this come on come inside cuz I built a little something cool over here check it out if you go up here this is a date area I made so me and you could hang out and we could eat ice cream they’re very pink and delicious can we kiss right now no only if you win the competition Chrystal are you okay it sounds like you’re about to poop yourself seriously girl you’re intruding on I don’t care Emily you’re not even with him Crystal chill there’s a surprise for you at the end just be low key I don’t want Emily to find out but then over here Emily this is a Tik Tok room so Roxy stand on the red and you can do dances oh my gosh Roxy put you my ti in the toilet a hey fire so yeah we can make Tik toks in here and that’s about it for the build so Emily Roxy Heather you guys could all leave chrisal just stay but Roxy leave them no no not up there Roxy not up there em don’t go up there I want to see what’s at the top oh gosh oh no this is not good this is not Crystal thank you for eating her nothing’s up here guys nothing’s up here oh let me just close it close it Crystal close you’re acting incredibly th no no no no no no no Crystal did you close it did you close oh my gosh no she’s coming up oh Emily just stay down stay down stay down Crystal this is a day area I made just for me and you oh my God this is for us yeah yeah yeah look I have this whole poster and that’s literally me Roxy what are you doing bro don’t worry I won’t tell anyone oh no did you tell Emily where this is no okay Emily here no oh my gosh I don’t think she heard it’s one way she right over there she just teleported in front of my face excuse me in my build you’re going to make something for Crystal I’m go no crystal that’s just proof that he doesn’t like you okay he only likes me so get Crystal stop talking you’re not helping my Cas at all right now wait Emily what are you writing hey Emily what are you writing let me just fix that up okay I love you Emily oh gosh this is not good okay girls girls enough enough everyone out Emily out Emily stop what are you writing on the sign what are you writing on the sign just let me finish uh okay let’s see what she’s writing it says sorry for Crystal she is annoying oh gosh I’m out of here bro like die what okay no don’t off you creepy girl did you just eat her off I I’m falling help me my gosh nobody wants to talk to you Emily cuz you’re just annoying oh my gosh I think she’s dead guys wait Emily respawn I need to score before you actually die forever what do I get out of 10 I’m going to give it a perfect 10 s I got a perfect 10 ly let’s go that means I’m in first place BR and I’m winning the competition BR she only gave you that cuz she has a crush on you no the build was actually very impressive but let’s see who’s next ooh l oh no oh my gosh dude are you serious where is her face that’s what I’m saying Alexa do not look over here do not look over here you’re not going to be impressed bro I was helping you out oh here wait I got you I’ll give her a face I’ll give her a face let me just uh eyes eyes uh I can’t wait to see my build does it look good uh yeah Alexa it’s not it’s not bad um oh fix it up what are you doing I fixed it up I your face why do I look so like dumpy and like why uh how do you respond to that sentence Heather how do I respond to a girl saying why do I look so dumpy you got to say you don’t look dumpy you look slim thin like a slim gym you look like a slim gym Alexa you’re a slim gym what is wrong with my face what in the world no I’m already 10 give oh let’s see what you got ooh uh wait Luke it looks like you might have gotten a 10 are you just going to give a zero that’s it a zero are you serious right now oh my gosh sorry ly let’s go that’s not a good thing all right next EP what is this oh uhoh um I think it burned off all your face what D just let the lava burn me oh my gosh Luke I’m literally just balls I’m literally just two balls oh no bro you looking suspicious hey yo bro you know wait there’s a giant toilet just for the toilet I’ll give you a four Heather pity points pity points you know what I’ll take the four sir and then finally we have Emily’s build let’s see if it okay am I a bunny rabbit what is that there’s a little bit of pee e em water it’s soy water you’re just taking a little bath and Emily sitting in a tread you spelled tree wrong Emily I think you got to go back to school be quiet you need to go back to school where you learn that I’m your woman okay are you serious right now and then over here it says kiss oh my gosh I give this a two out of 10 so you know what that means Crystal uh wait actually I beat all of you so I don’t have to smooch any of the girls let’s go this is a great ending not on my watch come here and that was an awesome adventure and if you want to join us on the next click right here bye

Today Omz Crystal Roxy Lily Luke Alexa and Heather are doing a Minecraft CRAZY FAN GIRL FRIEND STATUE House Battle but EMILY, Omz new crazy fan girl comes and messes everything up!


  1. omz and crystal sitting in a tree k I s s I n g first comes love then comes marriage then comes the baby in the baby carriage then they go on a family vacation then the husband a k a daddy omz and the wife a k a mommy crystal sits in a romantic sunset they k I s s I n g then they become a happy family

  2. Yes lily ,crystal and rocxy is back 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

  3. Are you bubble bubble photo book for babo playing on Bubba bubble for now but I’m bubble bubble video but but Bubba phone number but babo will be number oh🐘.

  4. Stop screaming😂😂 om is having trouble with three girls anyways I wanted to tell you if you can be my friend in Roblox I played it, but I don’t have Robux

  5. Omz please gatritove Emily 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

  6. Please be my friend. I don’t have any friend my friend left me alone. You’re the only friend friend but not Emily a crazy girl. and I heard that Omz have a crush on Crystal

  7. Please be my friend. I don’t have any friend my friend left me alone. You’re the only friend friend but not Emily a crazy girl. and I heard that Omz have a crush on Crystal

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