NOOB vs PRO: FAMILY BUS HOUSE Build Challenge In Minecraft!

[Music] babies I don’t want to Daddy what happened to Gooby and Daisy they have no clue but they’re super annoying oh my gosh my ears Daddy I think they turned into babies yeah no kid look at them they’re like 4 feet tall hey Gooby Daisy what happened to you guys why do you sound like that and look super tiny because we’re babies hey hey Gooby stop stop freaking whing all over the place I want McDonald’s I want McDonald’s no no no even though I love McDonald’s you guys need to stop crying about McDonald’s he packed us a bad lunch why would you pack him a bad lunch what you guys don’t like apples no I want apples and I told want to see a babies what did you put in those apples Daddy I just bought them from the store the regular freaking apples well this is not good now Gooby and Daisy are stuck as babies oh no oh no she start to cry oh now you starting to cry okay okay stop crying I got an idea St to cry stop crying Daddy I got an idea why everyone’s going to get a glass of milk there you go there you go be where my milky where my milky you’re not getting freaking milk daddy oh come on you can take that I don’t want that I want shrimp juice shrim ju oh no he’s a shrimp juice kid dude shrimp juice that’s disgusting really rare that certain kids like shrimp at a young age I love shrimp juice well guys now that your babies where are you going to stay you guys can’t just sleep under these tents take care of us okay how about we build them a house daddy that would be a good idea right I don’t want to build them nothing how this you guys fend for yourselves or I’m going to come over there and smack you with a stick you can’t dadd yeah who’s telling me I can’t I’m B I’m B oh my God oh my goodness Gooby is so annoying shut up shut up and sleep no I’m going to run away good and I won’t go out chasing after you dad he’s actually running away Gooby come back Gooby Gooby gooby no no no no no no no we don’t want you running away okay come on yeah I want to do that okay okay I have an idea I have an idea everybody gather around all the little kids baby kids gather around I got something to say is D I just want to tell you guys that you’re super duper annoying and no one here likes you but but but but but to make your days better because you guys are the kids that no one likes we’re going to make a school uh a school boss we’re going to make a school bus and uh you’re we’re going to make you guys live in it we’re going to live in a school bus uh yeah because then we could uh we could have you guys stay in there forever no I don’t want to Daddy why did you have to say the word school they don’t like school how about instead of a school bus we make a family bus and Gooby I’ll allow you to drive the bus what really yep you could drive the bus and we get to be a family um yeah we get to be a big family right Daddy yeah just without me in it what you you three can have a family I’ll just I’ll just stay here and I’ll walk wait wait another a question oh no what is it Gooby who’s the mommy and who’s the daddy that’s such a baby thing to say Gooby you’re the mommy and you’re the daddy you’re both of them can’t be guys I’m just a little baby oh you’re both of them so guys come on we got to build this family bus Daddy are you at least going to help us yeah I’ll help you make the bus and then I’ll send them off yeah let’s go goopy I think Johnny is our mommy and our daddy and Marty is our great great great great great great great great great great great great grandpa hey hold on there’s great you understand what the heck you’re kind of old daddy you are kind of old old one more time and I’ll get the stick out you’re old okay I’m getting the stick no daddy no stick no stick we don’t need that yeah you can hide back up Daddy back up Daddy I’m serious baby Gooby I swear I’ll smack you with a stick going to H that the six all right Gooby how about this how do you say one nicing to my daddy yeah Gooby gooby put a bar of soap in your mouth m is fat it was kind of funny Daddy he call you fat rby you see this plunger I’m going to plunge your butt what nice thing about me I take it out of here short yeah I know you’re you know come here all right we need to make a little a little thing for him a little play pen all right fine daddy so at least we can build this and send them away right here right here you guys are both going in here you’re in time out but I didn’t do anything I don’t want to be in time out you’re in timeout Daisy come over here I didn’t do anything yes you did it was all your fault you got guilted in my Association oh man go you got me in trouble I don’t care all right we’re going to start building the bus and you guys are going to tell us if you like it or not all right okay all right come on Daddy we got to build this bus Daddy what do you think about these wheels this a good size wheel wheels on the bus go round and round these are squares D it’s the best we can do in Minecraft all right what kind of bus are you making Big Bus what they only have like four wheels why they why why is there two in the back Daddy that’s what every bus has and then look I’m going to add some of this this going to be the best color bus oh no we got a run her what where’d she go I see her down there Daisy take a rabbit what are you doing what are you where are you going I’m not doing anything what are you doing Daisy oh my goodness okay you know what hey where where did he go you put a secret little tunnel they’re Badgers they are badgers Johnny dy I fixed the pen that look like fun in there I want to go in there I’m sure you do well guess what you’re not going in there let me just sit down here oh you see this little plunger this plunger I will plung you can’t break it e I’m B my bu not be red what color do you want it to be say pink yeah pink and blue pink and blue pink and blue all right you know what fine we’ll make a CT candy boss yeah we’ll make it pink and blue just for you guys C we more candy we want candy okay okay okay look to celebrate the new bus we’re going to give you guys cotton candy y yay I have it all I bet I can eat more cotton candy than you but that’s cuz you took it all do you even know how to build a bus in Minecraft of course I do I used to build buses back in my day all right so how do we do this all right just kind of build it up a little bit that’s looking really good these colors we just got to wrap it all the way around this shouldn’t be that hard to make this bus I think the hardest thing is just making sure these two don’t get into trouble D that’s going to be easy I just put bedrock in their pen they’re not going to be able to get away yeah but what if they start like gwing on the fence a beaver the heck they not that crazy daddy calm down I don’t know I wouldn’t put that past them guys are you liking your bus so far hey what is this what is that no hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey give me that block how do you have that no I want it it’s mine boy give me the block right now hey hey put me down get me out of that place you guys are scary joh you getting bullied maybe you need to put them in their place a cowel smell you don’t escape then you know what I’m just going to have to put this fence one more higher cuz you guys are scaring me now we’re scary yes you’re scary you put yourself in a corner are you dummy suuck I’m stuck I need help CU you did you so stupid you all right you stay there we’re going to work on the bus yeah J you suck too no I’m not all way out pick me up pick me up pick you up yes yes you got out what is going on over here hey Gooby is out of his cave daddy we got a r we got a r come here come here Gooby yeah I got cookies for you Cookie I want a cookies you could you could only uh have the cookies if you go back in your little play pen and you be a good boy I guess okay good all right back in back in right here Daddy do you have those cookies or not no he’s not getting nothing he’s being a bad boy all right uh Daisy can you hop in there real quick I’ll give you some cookies too okay all right cookies like this there we go now there’s actually no Escape you guys want to act like animals I’ll treat like animals this is not fail I want cookies no we not getting cookies until you guys become good boys and girls all right M you’re going to regret this oh I’m sure I am I’m going to I’m going to see something really bad yep yeah I’d like to see you try Gooby he this bus is coming out really good I think we should give it some what what do you mean I’m not liking it this doesn’t look busy enough you’re the one building it Daddy so it’s all your fault well Daddy look I found a door that matches this perfectly look at this check that out ooh that is cool mhm mhm all right so this is going to be the front of the bus um we need to make it look really good what could we put in here that they’re going to really like I don’t know they’re really annoying wait hold on Daddy we should probably make this a double decker what are we doing a d double decker yes daddy double decker this thing okay then we’ll have way more space like the top could be a bunch of like computers and playrooms for Gooby and Daisy usually the double deckers are like a little bit wider and longer on the top um daddy how about you just copy what I’m doing and just shut up what are you doing what are you doing you’re doing it all wrong what are you doing that how is this even possible it’s supposed to come out a little bit more as a double decker oh that’s what I was doing and then you messed it up what do you mean I messed it up you messed it up you’re not building fast enough o wait is actually looking really good now I think I fixed it you mean you fixed it I fixed it all right I’m going to work on the front cuz I think you messed it up Daddy I I didn’t mess anything fine just fix it whatever makes this go faster so we can you know get rid of these kids hey JY JY what do you have to sing over there just put this right here what are you going to do with that I’m going to bust this out of here without not staying in this cage I’m hiding in this corner that’s going to hurt me no it won’t it’s very safe I don’t think so here we go uh-oh what the heck what is that hey guys Dy they escaped what did they just do what are these two escap daddy they’re running away yeah they’re running away well guess what I got Daisy come here Daisy daddy trap him in the bus trap him in the bus I got to run her she’s so fast I got her daddy don’t worry I hate this I hate this game I hate this game just Sprint it how you can’t get got one I got one I got one I got one D I can’t get Daisy she’s just too fast here you take Gooby no I’m going to get her got her he hey he’s farting he’s farting he pooping on you Daddy wait I have something for you put her inside daddy put him inside no no no no no hold on hold on I got to lure this kid in being a pain in my butt hey baby Gooby oh it’s okay it’s okay don’t hide don’t hide look I’m good I’m a I’m really cool Uncle Marty and I have a really good present for you you’re going to have a lot of fun but you have to you have to remember to do what I said wasn’t yeah for you and only you no one else can use it okay I like present okay now I’m giving you this responsibility because I think you’re a big boy and you’re the smartest one here yeah but you can’t misbehave if you misbehave I take it away from you okay I’ll be so good you see this this is called a stink r w it made a fart I made a fart look at that woo that was a sticker that’s so funny I want why what happens when I fart in your face that was funny right that was funny now what I want you to do is go and prank Johnny with this it’s going to be super funny W everything looks weird I hear what you’re saying do not prank me please okay we didn’t say nothing we didn’t say sh shut up I’m trying to get to listen to us okay Gooby go do it to him go do it to him tell tell him you have something for him have a whole load of fart what is that I have a fart for you hey oh God it smells so terrible on you I farted on you gooby you want to fart me again come in here come in here Gooby why you farting on me I said not to fart on me I want to fart on J she’s inside come in you cannot fart on me Daddy get out Daddy get out go go go go go come here booby if you fart on me I swear I will cut your hair e Gooby Dy come back it’s just a joke guys now you’re trapped in there until we’re done with the bus all right uh Daisy’s on the rod Daisy what do you want what do you want what do you want what happened it was really stinky in there I don’t want to you don’t want to go in there you want something else you want me to give you something to play with yeah all right let me give you uh what do I got what do I got okay all right now now this I got from a mountain toop a long time ago when I was on a secret mission in a trying to give me a name for a mountain Mount poopy butt all right I was in Mount poopy butt Mount poopy butt yeah yeah yeah I was really smelly and stuff and I couldn’t take the smell anymore either so the way I got rid of all that stank I used the snow I used the snow around me and I uh I uh I was so bored that I made some snowballs so what you could do is you could take this snowball and you could Pelt Gooby with it to make him stop if I just sit right here you’re not sure you know what I actually trust da if you stay right there behave you’re good oh what happened what happened what just happed whole inside of the bus is on fire you get fire Human Torch but guess what I’m going to be human uh it’s all on fire it’s all on fire we need water we need water putting it out daddy helping good job Johnny good job I think we got it in time I’m supposed to be the human ow Daisy’s hitting me in the face with snowballs stop it Daisy Daisy gang doors you know what oh my goodness they’re so annoying Daddy I can’t I can’t handle them anymore you just farted my face you just fart in my face guys we’re trying to make this bus and you’re making it really difficult for us all right I haven’t done anything you’ve done everything what are you talking about you been goopy stop farted on you yes I see that you farted on me thanks oh my goodness I’m all dizzy now what is going on you know what that’s it behind you behind I got an idea you know what I’m making a prison Daddy got the perfect idea let’s make the walls out of freaking lava lava you want a lava wall yes dad make out of freaking I’m sick of them faring one stand John you’re making the this is horrible you’re actually doing a horrible job right now can I make it cuz you obviously don’t know what’s going on no Daddy I know exactly what’s going on now everything’s going to go on fire it’s pouring out this Wall’s too thick I don’t know why you’re why you’re doing it like this now the trees on freaking fire all right daddy check it out we just made a lava prison all right this is good finally these kids won’t be a paint butt uhoh uhoh I need help I’m sailed where are you gooby where’d you go I’m sailed I’m sailed Gooby how’d you get up here Gooby oh my God let me save you come here Gooby all right Gooby I’m going to protect you all right you’re going to go inside here look it’s a lava cell there lava in here yep don’t try to escape cuz guess what’s going to happen you’re going to get burned oh Daisy you’re next no if I don’t move this pink carpet for 24 hours I will turn into a princess we don’t care about your dumb carpet no Daddy open up the Celler get in there now you guys better not try to escape or we’re going to have some serious issues all right this is all your fault yeah it’s your fault you’re the one who like blew up everything yeah good idea JY no no no no TT oh God oh God Daddy they blew stuff up on inside oh my goodness go she’s going to blow dad Johnny will you just put me in a different prison no you need to stay there with your brother Gooby just put me on my own just let us finish this BS he’s going okay I’m upgrading the door you guys just got a reinforced door now this can’t blow up so good luck now guys so many beds good I don’t care what you do have fun sleeping on that come on Daddy we’re almost done building this bus we seen a few more parts this looks really good no Daddy I made it look like this okay okay so we need to go inside and we need to put put a second floor ladder or a little staircase yeah d a staircase stairs okay need help oh my goodness oh my goodness daddy they’re swimming in lava why are they so stupid guys what are you doing I W fire hello this is the safest place I can have oh this is perfect there we go yep just box you up yeah Gooby you stay right there right this my fav place Gooby no no Gooby come back here Gooby no Gooby gooby no oh this is not fun is the bus almost done yet no you guys keep distracting us stay right there and do not move Daddy how’s the bus coming along I’m trying ooh wait this looking actually pretty good so we got like a room maybe we put like a big bedroom in here like I know exactly what they’re going to like okay you do that and we’re just going to keep on building daddy I’m going to place down an indoor trampoline what it’s probably be on the roof idea on the roof on the Roof oh yeah wait that’s actually a good idea okay watch this so let me put a staircase going up this way I’m already doing it Daddy no no no no no I already have one o yeah yeah that’s a good idea I know what is cuz I’m making it all right check this out boom trampoline this is pretty safe right Daddy no but I don’t care these kids are rious yeah they’re really going to like it what should we build in this room need beds a lot of beds beds okay okay I can do that beds PCS um Daddy what about this bed no I can’t look at that I can’t even look I can’t look at that and then I’m going to get a bunch of desks oh we need a toilet too we need a big pooper oh my goodness a poop I have an idea I have an idea so we’re going to split this up even more so we’re going to do this what the heck okay so this room bedroom this room toilet shower sick boom these desks are about to be so tiny no it’s fine they’re they’re kids they like little ants all right whatever you say Daddy I’m just going to get some chairs I get a toilet bow I know Gooby likes clogging it all the time o Daddy I found some cool chairs that are like for babies okay good get some baby chairs going ooh daddy I’m going to add some plushy somewhere oo that’s a good idea how you like this bathroom spacious o yes this is very very good this will work perfect Daddy all right the bedroom is completed looks amazing Daddy but we didn’t do anything on the bottom floor yet we don’t even have a driver’s seat that’s fine oh my goodness I got to add a whole chair I’m getting some paintings on the wall got to make a fancy that’s good it’s got to be very kid-like all right I’m going to put this here I’m going to get an item frame um daddy I haven’t heard from the kids in a while should I go check on them yeah make sure they’re still alive okay okay Gooby Daisy um what what the heck is this why is there a bunch of weird blocks on the floor hey hey break all this up what is this hey what is this you dropped us in a box we had to build us a room oh my goodness you guys build your own gaming rooms yeah isn’t it so cool I mean I don’t know if it’s cool but it’s like stupid because we’re just building a bus for you guys he buil CU you going to make us live here forever we were not going to make you live here forever all right Gooby yes you guys were just being annoying and breaking things and it was really annoying I didn’t break anything okay sure Daisy you didn’t break anything Li keep lying to yourself well guys break all this you don’t need this break all this you don’t need it you just Place yeah you don’t need that get rid of that get rid of this no toilet no plunger all right everyone come upstairs now come here we need to show you what we’ve been working on this entire time you guys ready pick us up pick us up it’s he small oh my goodness are you kidding me I got Gooby all right I’ll get freaking Daisy then all right guys look this ladder what does it look like does it look good it looks like coton candy yeah that’s the whole point can’t get up the ladder oh my goodness add another ladder there we go all right check it out guys oh yeah there’s so many chairs in here I love chairs yep Gooby a lot of chairs pretty awesome but guys everyone come upstairs this is the best part check it out it’s your bedroom W uh-huh it’s pretty cool oh this bedro so bouncy yeah there’s a lot of beds it’s pretty awesome I don’t like these plushies though okay then put your own up there there there you go all right but guys come in here this is the bathroom you can take poopies I like poop and you could also shower here cuz you guys smell really bad yeah F the poop there a gooby have one little secret that I need to show you guys are you ready a oh this is going to be good this is going to be really good yes Daisy it’s a secret so everyone come by me all right come up to the roof guys there’s a trampoline up here wooho wo that’s so cool oh yeah it’s pretty awesome I’m too small wait you’re too small you can’t even get up on the trampoline really there’s one I want to on wa yeah this awesome yeah this is so cool W JY you pushed me off no I’m kidding J he did no I’m kidding Johnny JY push me off no I’m Kidd I don’t care Gooby I didn’t ask what you mean don’t don’t care I’m your babies don’t care Gooby that what I didn’t even want to go there well guys what do you think of your new bus is it really amazing is it everything you hope for everything is awesome no what why why Gooby I wanted to go in the but then Daisy pushed me so just because it was Daisy’s fault you don’t like the entire boss yes oh my goodness nothing will make you guys Happy literally nothing I think of this bus what I think I want to destroy the bus no before you do anything before you do anything stop it I got ice cream my hand let’s just do a little trade you give me the Bazooka and I give you the ice cream give me the ice cream for we to do at the same time we’re counting this down don’t make any moves old man don’t make any moves Young Blood he’s going to shoot you no no I’ve been in this predicament before they always go for the ice cream okay hey okay on the count of three we’re going to swap all right in three 2 one I got it from you yeah Daddy I tricked him daddy oh my goodness really Hands Up Your Hands Up I cream party can I have the ice cream please no I don’t want to give you it it’s mine please oh I’m eating in your face how you like that wait daddy since I’m an adult can I get ice cream sure you can fine you could have a lick yeah I’m a big boy let’s go hey D you tried stealing it I I’m going to eat it in your face it’s really good the parents ever that’s it I have my second position hey okay Gooby Gooby gooby I’ll trade you the ice cream for the Bazooka my daddy’s stupid you can’t trust him but you could trust me you could trust me Gooby gooby don’t freaking fire warning shots scoby no I missed Gooby what are you shooting at I got shrimp juice for you hold on this is a serious trade right now you we you’re not going to take it away no I Gooby I swear I’ll give it to you okay you can do the trade this time you can count it down that’s what you said last time no but you could do it this time I’m not the one counting down you’re the one that’s going to count down he the swim for shrimp juice give it to him he said he wanted me to drink it first no I want a shrimp juice hey you better you better watch your Tong little man otherwise you’re not going to get any shrimp jues at all hey all right we’re going to do this uh you count down you like I said you count it down I’m going to do it okay uh what number for he doesn’t know what to count I knew that [Music] three two yeah 3 2 one 3 2 one all what one two uh three oh my God one it’s one one oh my wait what da what is this this is my plushy Army and daddy they’re ruining the boss ice cream I’m not scared of plushies plushy Army attack wow they did nothing it’s not doing anything daddy he’s blowing everything up joining the plusy Army yeah you join the py Army get you like this no no no I’m still going to hold you oh no this is not good this is actually not good these kids are out of control daddy list to you anymore hey okay we’re fine how with this daddy we’ll just leave them out here in the wilderness and see what they do I’m sure they’re going to come running back to us you get attacked by a bear did you say bear yeah can I please go with you you don’t like Bears no I’m scared of bears what if there was one right next to you ah take that take that Daisy going down yeah look behind you gooby BS all right daddy let’s just go leave and we’ll make a bus by ourselves just for us two yeah let’s go somewhere else I can’t take these kids no more hi guys have fun with all these Bears if you guys made it to the end of this video then make sure leave a like and hit subscribe right now bye everyone

Today, Johnny and his friends have to make a house inside of a BUS In Minecraft! BUT there is a CRAZY twist which makes this a little more challenging. Watch to find out what happens!

#johnny #minecraft #minecraftmod


  1. 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢

  2. 🎉🎉😢🎉🎉🎉😢😢😂😮😮🎉🎉😅😢🎉😅😢😢😢😢😢🎉😂😮😂😅😂🎉🎉🎉😮😂😮😮🎉🎉😂😢😅😮😮😂😂😮😮🎉😢😢😮😂🎉😂😂😮😮🎉😢😢😢😢😮😂😂😮😮😮😮😢😮😮😢😢😂😂😢😢😢🎉😮🎉😂🎉🎉😮🎉🎉😮😅😢🎉😂🎉😢😢😅😢😅😅🎉😂😮😢😢😮😂😂😮😮😢😢😢😢😢😅😂😢😢😢🎉🎉😂🎉😮😢🎉😅😮😮❤😮😢🎉🎉🎉😂😮😮😂🎉😢😅🎉🎉🎉🎉😮🎉🎉😊😢😂🎉😢😮🎉🎉🎉😂😂😢😂😮😮😅😮🎉🎉😮😮😂😂😮😢🎉🎉😮😮🎉😂😢😢🎉😂🎉🎉😢😮😂🎉😢😮😢😢😮🎉🎉😮🎉😅😅😢😮😮😂😂🎉🎉😅😢😂😢😢😮😢😮😮😂😢🎉😂❤😮🎉🎉😮🎉😮🎉🎉😢🎉😮😅🎉😢😅😮😂😮🎉😢🎉😢🎉🎉😅😮❤🎉😮😅😢😮😂😢🎉🎉😮😢🎉😢😂🎉😢😮😂❤😂🎉😢🎉😢🎉😢🎉🎉😂😅😅😢🎉🎉😢😮😂😮😅🎉😂🎉🎉🎉😮🎉🎉🎉😮😮🎉😢😢😢😅😮😂🎉🎉😢😅😂😮😮😮😢😢😅😢😮😢😮😢🎉😂🎉😮🎉😮😮😅😂😢😂🎉😢😮🎉 ❤😂😂😂😢😅😂😅😢😮🎉🎉😢😢😮😢😂😢😅😢🎉😮😢🎉😅😢🎉🎉😅🎉😢😂😮😮❤😮😅😮🎉😂❤😮😮😂😂😢🎉😮😢😅😢😮😢😮😅🎉😢🎉😢😮🎉😮😢🎉😢🎉😢❤😮😢😂😢🎉🎉😢🎉🎉😢🎉😢🎉🎉😮😢🎉🎉😮❤😅😢😮😮🎉🎉🎉😂😢🎉😂😮😅😅😂😢🎉😂😢🎉😢🎉😮😢😂🎉😢🎉😢🎉😅😢🎉🎉😢🎉😢😅😢🎉😂🎉😢😅😅😅😅😢😮😢😢🎉😮😢😅❤🎉😢😢🎉😮😮❤🎉😮🎉😮🎉😢😂🎉😂😮😂🎉😂😢🎉😂😂🎉😂😢🎉😂😮😂🎉😮😮😂😮❤😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😅😮😮😮🎉


  3. 🎉🎉😢🎉🎉🎉😢😢😂😮😮🎉🎉😅😢🎉😅😢😢😢😢😢🎉😂😮😂😅😂🎉🎉🎉😮😂😮😮🎉🎉😂😢😅😮😮😂😂😮😮🎉😢😢😮😂🎉😂😂😮😮🎉😢😢😢😢😮😂😂😮😮😮😮😢😮😮😢😢😂😂😢😢😢🎉😮🎉😂🎉🎉😮🎉🎉😮😅😢🎉😂🎉😢😢😅😢😅😅🎉😂😮😢😢😮😂😂😮😮😢😢😢😢😢😅😂😢😢😢🎉🎉😂🎉😮😢🎉😅😮😮❤😮😢🎉🎉🎉😂😮😮😂🎉😢😅🎉🎉🎉🎉😮🎉🎉😊😢😂🎉😢😮🎉🎉🎉😂😂😢😂😮😮😅😮🎉🎉😮😮😂😂😮😢🎉🎉😮😮🎉😂😢😢🎉😂🎉🎉😢😮😂🎉😢😮😢😢😮🎉🎉😮🎉😅😅😢😮😮😂😂🎉🎉😅😢😂😢😢😮😢😮😮😂😢🎉😂❤😮🎉🎉😮🎉😮🎉🎉😢🎉😮😅🎉😢😅😮😂😮🎉😢🎉😢🎉🎉😅😮❤🎉😮😅😢😮😂😢🎉🎉😮😢🎉😢😂🎉😢😮😂❤😂🎉😢🎉😢🎉😢🎉🎉😂😅😅😢🎉🎉😢😮😂😮😅🎉😂🎉🎉🎉😮🎉🎉🎉😮😮🎉😢😢😢😅😮😂🎉🎉😢😅😂😮😮😮😢😢😅😢😮😢😮😢🎉😂🎉😮🎉😮😮😅😂😢😂🎉😢😮🎉 ❤😂😂😂😢😅😂😅😢😮🎉🎉😢😢😮😢😂😢😅😢🎉😮😢🎉😅😢🎉🎉😅🎉😢😂😮😮❤😮😅😮🎉😂❤😮😮😂😂😢🎉😮😢😅😢😮😢😮😅🎉😢🎉😢😮🎉😮😢🎉😢🎉😢❤😮😢😂😢🎉🎉😢🎉🎉😢🎉😢🎉🎉😮😢🎉🎉😮❤😅😢😮😮🎉🎉🎉😂😢🎉😂😮😅😅😂😢🎉😂😢🎉😢🎉😮😢😂🎉😢🎉😢🎉😅😢🎉🎉😢🎉😢😅😢🎉😂🎉😢😅😅😅😅😢😮😢😢🎉😮😢😅❤🎉😢😢🎉😮😮❤🎉😮🎉😮🎉😢😂🎉😂😮😂🎉😂😢🎉😂😂🎉😂😢🎉😂😮😂🎉😮😮😂😮❤😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😅😮😮😮🎉


  4. 🎉🎉😢🎉🎉🎉😢😢😂😮😮🎉🎉😅😢🎉😅😢😢😢😢😢🎉😂😮😂😅😂🎉🎉🎉😮😂😮😮🎉🎉😂😢😅😮😮😂😂😮😮🎉😢😢😮😂🎉😂😂😮😮🎉😢😢😢😢😮😂😂😮😮😮😮😢😮😮😢😢😂😂😢😢😢🎉😮🎉😂🎉🎉😮🎉🎉😮😅😢🎉😂🎉😢😢😅😢😅😅🎉😂😮😢😢😮😂😂😮😮😢😢😢😢😢😅😂😢😢😢🎉🎉😂🎉😮😢🎉😅😮😮❤😮😢🎉🎉🎉😂😮😮😂🎉😢😅🎉🎉🎉🎉😮🎉🎉😊😢😂🎉😢😮🎉🎉🎉😂😂😢😂😮😮😅😮🎉🎉😮😮😂😂😮😢🎉🎉😮😮🎉😂😢😢🎉😂🎉🎉😢😮😂🎉😢😮😢😢😮🎉🎉😮🎉😅😅😢😮😮😂😂🎉🎉😅😢😂😢😢😮😢😮😮😂😢🎉😂❤😮🎉🎉😮🎉😮🎉🎉😢🎉😮😅🎉😢😅😮😂😮🎉😢🎉😢🎉🎉😅😮❤🎉😮😅😢😮😂😢🎉🎉😮😢🎉😢😂🎉😢😮😂❤😂🎉😢🎉😢🎉😢🎉🎉😂😅😅😢🎉🎉😢😮😂😮😅🎉😂🎉🎉🎉😮🎉🎉🎉😮😮🎉😢😢😢😅😮😂🎉🎉😢😅😂😮😮😮😢😢😅😢😮😢😮😢🎉😂🎉😮🎉😮😮😅😂😢😂🎉😢😮🎉 ❤😂😂😂😢😅😂😅😢😮🎉🎉😢😢😮😢😂😢😅😢🎉😮😢🎉😅😢🎉🎉😅🎉😢😂😮😮❤😮😅😮🎉😂❤😮😮😂😂😢🎉😮😢😅😢😮😢😮😅🎉😢🎉😢😮🎉😮😢🎉😢🎉😢❤😮😢😂😢🎉🎉😢🎉🎉😢🎉😢🎉🎉😮😢🎉🎉😮❤😅😢😮😮🎉🎉🎉😂😢🎉😂😮😅😅😂😢🎉😂😢🎉😢🎉😮😢😂🎉😢🎉😢🎉😅😢🎉🎉😢🎉😢😅😢🎉😂🎉😢😅😅😅😅😢😮😢😢🎉😮😢😅❤🎉😢😢🎉😮😮❤🎉😮🎉😮🎉😢😂🎉😂😮😂🎉😂😢🎉😂😂🎉😂😢🎉😂😮😂🎉😮😮😂😮❤😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😅😮😮😮🎉


  5. 😢😮🎉😢😮🎉🎉🎉😂😢😢🎉😂😅😂🎉😮😂🎉😅😮😢🎉😂😢😂😢🎉😢😮🎉😢🎉😮😂😢🎉🎉😅🎉😮🎉😢🎉😢🎉😂😮🎉😅😮🎉❤🎉😂🎉😅😢🎉😢🎉😢😅😮😢🎉😢😮❤😢😂😢😅😢🎉😮😢🎉😅🎉😂😮🎉😅😮😂😢😮😂😅🎉😮🎉😮😅😂🎉😮😂❤😮😢😢🎉😮😢😮😢🎉😮😢😅🎉😮🎉😢🎉😮😂😢😂🎉😢🎉😮😢😮😢😅😮😢😮😂🎉😅😮😅😮🎉😮🎉😢😅😢🎉😮🎉😮😢🎉😮😢😮😂🎉😢😮❤😢😮🎉😂🎉😂🎉😮😂😅❤😮🎉😮🎉😢🎉😢😮🎉😮🎉😂😮😢😮😢😅😢🎉😢😂🎉😢😂😮😢😂😢😅😢😮🎉😮🎉😮🎉😮😅😂😮🎉😮

  6. 😢😂😢😂🎉😢🎉😮😢😢🎉😮😂🎉😂🎉😢😮🎉🎉😢😅😢😅😢😢😂😅😢🎉😢🎉😢😂❤🎉😂🎉😅😂🎉😮🎉😮😢🎉😢🎉😢😂😢🎉😢😅😂😮😢😂❤😂😢😮😢😮🎉😂😅😢😮😢😮😢😂😮😢❤😂😢😂😢😂😮🎉🎉😅😂😅😢😂😮😢🎉😢😮🎉😢😮😢🎉😂😢🎉😮🎉😂😮🎉😂🎉😢😅😮🎉😅😢🎉😅😂😅🎉😮😅😮😢🎉😂🎉😢🎉🎉😢🎉😮😢😮🎉😮🎉😮😢🎉😮😢😂😢🎉😮😂🎉😢😂🎉😢🎉😮😢😮❤😢🎉❤😅😂😮😂😮😂😢🎉😂😢😮😅😂🎉😂🎉😢😂😅🎉😢😅😮😢😅😢🎉😅😂🎉😂😢🎉😂😢😂😅🎉😢🎉😢😂😢😮🎉😢😅😢😅😮🎉😢🎉😢😂😮😢🎉😅😮🎉🎉😢🎉😮🎉😮😢😮❤😂🎉😮😂🎉😮😢😮😅🎉😮😢😂🎉😅🎉😅😂🎉😮😢🎉❤🎉😮😢❤😮🎉😢🎉😮😂😢❤😮🎉😢❤😮😅🎉😮😢😂🎉😮😂😢😮😂😮😢😮😂😮😂😮😢😮😢🎉😢😅🎉😂😮😂😮😂😮😂😮😅😮😂😅😂😮😂😮😢😮🎉😮😅😂😊😮😂😮😂😢😂😢😮😢😅😮😢😮😂😢🎉😮😅😮🎉😢😮😢🎉😮😢🎉😢😮😢😮😢🎉😂🎉😢🎉😢😂🎉❤😅😂🎉😂😮😢😂😮😂😮🎉😮😂😅😢😮🎉😢🎉😂😢🎉😢😮😢🎉😅😮😢😮🎉😂🎉😂🎉😂🎉😂😢😂😮😅😂😮😂🎉😂😮😂😮😂🎉😮😂🎉😂😅🎉😂🎉😮😂🎉😮❤😂😢🎉😮😢😮🎉😮🎉😂😢

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