NEW Make A Wish Content Coming To Terraria 1.4.5

hey what is going on guys Inferno LH here and today we got some brand new spoilers for the Terraria 1.4.5 update I’m really surprised how many spoilers they keep sharing I feel like this list of spoilers is just never going to end they’re just going to keep adding it I don’t know how they’ve been making working on this update for so long it it didn’t seem like it was going to be a big update but now it is and I’m not complaining I’m fine with that anyways let’s get into the spoilers for today we don’t have that much for today but but this is more of a nice thing that the developers are doing that they’re adding into the game so they’re doing this make a wish system where they’re going to uh people with different illnesses and adding what they want into the game so that’s actually pretty nice of them to do that and they say here uh this quote from them Frank is a 17-year-old teenager from Rockaway New Jersey who is battling a critical illness Frank declared to make a wish uh New Jersey that his one true wish was to have his own vanity set in Terraria and they say we are pleased to be able to reveal Frank’s vanity set which will be coming everyone’s way with a Terraria 1.4.5 update it’s called the heroics armor set and this right here is a gif of what the armor set looks like it looks pretty nice it’s an all black set it looks kind of fancy the wings look pretty nice too overall the I mean the whole set looks pretty nice I think the kid that uh wanted his own vanity set designed it himself uh and they also say here we also included a brand new Shader inspired from the film Noir style of Frank’s design we haven’t fully sorted out how this will be toggled just yet but we will in time so they’ve added a new filter to the game that will make the screen entirely black and white uh I guess it’s the same theme as the armor set or vanity set that they’re adding to the game so this is a pretty neat thing that they’re doing and this is this is pretty cool that nice that they would do something like this uh this is all the spoilers that they did share for today at least I have something else that I’m going to share uh for an update that I didn’t mention before very shortly but this is this is pretty nice that they’re doing this so the other thing that I wanted to mention is just something that I didn’t make a video about of a previous Terraria spoiler is that there’s a new transformation coming uh the rat transformation so you will be able to turn yourself into a rat and this will allow you to go through one by one block gaps and will also allow you to climb walls so you may have seen this already before cuz they shared this a couple weeks ago but this is another uh pretty neat thing uh this could be definit I could see this being used for secret bases or secret Areas or just useful for exploring caves I guess but yeah it’s kind it’s a it’s a neat thing that they’re adding anyways that is going to be it for today’s video it’s all the things that they’ve shared with us for today if you do want to see all the other stuff that’s been shared in this update so far I will leave a link on screen or in the description to a playlist of all my videos on everything that’s coming in this update but anyways that is going to be it if you did enjoy could you please like And subscribe to the channel I would really appreciate it I will also leave the link to my Discord server in the description of this video if you want to go ahead and join that but that is going to be it and goodbye

Thank you for watching! I hope you enjoyed this video where I show you some brand new Terraria 1.4.5 update spoilers.


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