The Finale of 100 Hours of Hardcore

welcome back to 100 hours in Terraria hardcore and of course we’re playing on Master mode if you haven’t seen the previous videos welcome to the 100 hours in hardcore challenge where different stages of terraria’s progression are locked behind 10hour increments in the last 10 hours I could beat the Empress of light and now I am allowed to beat the lunatic cultist and moon Lord and finally defeat Terraria in hardcore Master mode with 100 hours I never thought in a million years that I’d actually be standing here right now poised to defeat the game in hardcore Master mode I fully expected to have died at this point several times over I was planning on this whole series becoming a multiple season long thing but it’s possible I’ll win it right here and even if I don’t I’m not sure I’d want to restart another 100 hour long run this has been quite the long journey but I must admit the amount of downtime I’ve had has actually made the stress of Hardcore a little easier to manage but at the same time that easing of tension makes me less alert to potential dangers and that stresses me out more it’s a vicious cycle like I mentioned in the previous 10 hours I believe the pillars will be the most dangerous part of this portion of progression Moon Lord is tough but once you figure him out he can be taken down easily enough with the right setup my only problem is that every time the moment before Moon Lord spawns my mind goes blank and I forget who and where I am but I’m confident it’ll be fine this time you know hopefully I figured I’d start off with the pillars right away so I have plenty of time to slowly pick away at them in the safest way possible of course before I can f fight the pillars I must first take down a lunatic cultist who can be incredibly easy so long as you always hit the right clone but can become quite dangerous when you slip up do it wait when did this get crimsoned oh gosh darn it I I Cleanse This so that I wouldn’t have to deal with that okay pay attention pay attention right oh that one and that one ooh oh okay okay okay okay okay that Hardly did any damage I’m fine I’m fine okay oh oh oh oh okay easy boss easy oh oh oh oh there we go okay we’re fine we’re fine there we go oh get out get out get out all right we want to go to solar first solar’s on our left all right let’s go do that right away the solar pillar largely regarded as one of the most dangerous pillars by large portions of the terrari community personally I find it to be the second easiest of the pillars and I’m sure there’s plenty of terrari veterans who feel the same or might even say it’s the easiest one it’s an interesting pillar in that knowing one single trick makes all the difference when fighting the thing unlike what I did right here you need to stay on the ground craw to pedes are very fast and turn sharp Corners make making them incredibly difficult to dodge once they’ve locked onto their target however you can avoid this targeting altogether by simply staying on the ground this can be quite difficult for certain builds that lack knockback but also because there are two enemies in particular that you become quite vulnerable to when you lock yourself to the ground first is a corite these floating enemies move through blocks and ignore most of all knock back this means that when you pin yourself to the ground they become incredibly hard to dodge often times jumping or flying is your only option for escape then comes an enemy on nobody’s radar but they’re just as dangerous as the legendary jungle killer the tortoise this enemy is the scroller at name I’ve never heard before and the one enemy I found myself fearing more than any other these guys are pretty unassuming most of the time but when they roll up into a ball they’ll launch themselves at you once again ignoring just about all knockback the damage from these things is staggering and due to them not appearing to be a threat at first their attacks would often sneak up on me cedes the enemy generally thought to be the biggest issue is so large that it’s easy to keep an eye on them and be aware of when to stay out of the Skies but another bipedal solar dude like all the other ones does not stand out enough to be a noticeable threat I know this may be a strangely deep dive into the solar pillar but this hardcore run was quickly teaching me where the true threats lie I usually go into solar only thinking about the copeds as I’m sure most Terraria veterans do but I quickly learn the counterplay the scroller and the corite run against those of us who stick close to the Earth in a previous run I accidentally found out that having a pillar of dirt can help cheese this thing massively but that only worked because there was a dirt column inside the pillar’s range and I’m not going to try and build one of those while actively being attacked this has taught me quite a renewed appreciation for the solar pillar new players will struggle against this thing greatly and every time I take this thing on I am reminded of my early days with the game constantly dying to the solar pillar not knowing the secret to the C toped it makes sense so many people struggle with this one because once you know you know know and it becomes a bit easier but if you don’t know it’s brutal and it makes me curious what I might learn when dealing with the other pillars and you know I’m going to talk about them as well I learned a strategy during a secret run I did a while ago the video for which will come out this year probably but who’s to say it was a collaboration okay I’m waiting but anyways the strategy was to once the pillar Shield fell to use a weapon with infinite or very long range outside of the pillar’s radius to kill the thing this way I’m not running any risk other than the part where I flew on over to place a few nimus clouds because killing it with a chain gun and Nano bullets was taking too long but it mostly avoids the dangers solar pillar down I made the Daybreak and with 57 platinum in hand I got to reforging I am looking for that legendary modifier the best modifier available for melee weapons I kept on getting Superior and godly which are great and all but I want legendary I was reduced to 19 Platinum before I gave up on this Venture yeah 38 Platinum sunk into this weapon just to not get the modifier I was after and as what turn out no way you can’t be legendary no way you’re kidding I thought it could I thought it could get what for sure you could get un legendary oh I just wasted so much money before we continue if you’ve enjoying the video be sure to subscribe at the end of the year I’ll be firing One Mini nuk 2 from this rocket launcher at Year’s End for every subscriber I have so if you want to claim your mini nuke 2 and support long form challenges like this consider subscribing now that my bank account has been emptied it’s time to head on over to our next pillar largely regarded as the easiest by new and veteran players alike the Stardust pillar I went to this pillar next so I could have the Stardust Dragon for the other two pillars which are the hardest ones in my opinion now I’m not going to try and make the argument that Stardust is actually the hardest pillar but low Invaders can be a serious problem I am constantly forgetting that they shoot their little baby Invaders prior to their death and those things are quite dangerous that on top of Milky Weavers that ignore knockback and are almost as fast and agile as copeds there are some real threats from Stardust and I found myself lower on health than I ever was when taking on solar oh right potions oh whoa whoa whoa whoa I would even need to stand aside after killing the enemies and use the shiny stone to quickly recover my lost Health on several occasions the thing about the Stardust pillar that makes it the easiest though would be the Stardust cells of course even if you don’t know the cheesing strategy for them these things are easy fodder and if you don’t know the cheese if you kill a star cell it breaks into several chunks if you allow these to regenerate then killing a regenerated one will also count towards breaking the shield so you could feasibly take down the pillar while only killing star cells there’s two problems I’ll often face when attempting this though either I’ll do so much damage that I constantly kill the cells on accident before they regenerate or else I’ll deal so little damage that I can’t stop them from regenerating and end up being swarmed it’s definitely something where in hardcore you want to be certain you have the power to clear these things out if you end up with a large group of them the weird thing is though I was using the day break figuring it was my best weapon but then I found the damage output lower than expected so I switched to the Flying Dragon to my surprise I found it to perform better in most situations for one it’s easier to aim and any weapon will be more effective when you can actually hit the target it also pierces and has a good debuff even if it’s not nearly as good as the debuff at the Daybreak the Daybreak does have an explosive effect which can be great against crowds and does extra against single targets I’m pretty sure but overall the Flying Dragon felt much more useful against the pillar enemies maybe the sword really is a tad bit too strong I made the Stardust Dragon of course and before fighting any more pillars it occurred to me I had this worldwide platform but no heart lanterns or campfires along most of it using the tree mount from the Pumpkin Moon I was certain I could move fast enough to place these passive Buffs along the platform even while running through the pillars this might not have been the case as much with Stardust or solar but NE than Vortex I was able to get around without any problem and so the entire world have plenty of passive health regen boosters hanging around now on to the second most dangerous pillar to my mind but my experience with it recently has made me consider lifting it to the number one spot this is the vortex pillar and storm divers in particular make this one a pain to deal with their fast movement and shotgun for a weapon make them tough to dodge fast vertical movement is all that’s required but timing their shotgun blast is often difficult In the Heat of the Moment or else when there’s more than one of them targeting you but you cannot ignore the alien queen with their ability to inflict one of the game’s worst debuffs uh-oh uh-oh okay one hit from these things and retreating or death are your only two options your ability to move vertically is reduced to nothing unless you stop all horizontal movement and even when you move up or down like this it’s very slow in fact this debuff it would seem is specifically designed to make you an easy target for the storm divers alien Queens are however the enemy you want to round if you’re looking to farm the vortex pillar when alien Queens die they drop a few larvae that will grow into alien Hornets Hornets can be an easy kill to reduce a pillar Shield but if you leave Hornets alone you can get more alien Queens who will then drop more or larvae unlike star cells however they pose real threats with that aforementioned debuff and the babies don’t explode and hover in the same general area as the adult like Stardust cells do rather they explode outwards in random directions on the ground often times making it hard to even find where they landed if you’re fighting other enemies as well this makes it much easier in my opinion for alien Queens to swarm you if you’re not careful also this is something I only learned very recently but you know the shock clouds that will spawn and shoot lightning at you well those spawn immediately on killing of vexian I had never put those two things together and knowing that makes it leagues easier to know when I’ll have to dodge after a few scares I took down the vortex pillar and crafted a Vortex beater a great weapon to have on hand in case I need to really run far away from Moon Lord now this is the part where I was faced with quite the Dilemma in the last several episodes I’ve been collecting pieces of the Zenith crafting recipe thinking I’ll try to make it and because of my awful luck I can’t expect Moon Lord to drop both swords on the first kill this means I’ll want to kill him sooner rather than later so I have time to farm at the same time I’m sure some of you watching this would see me kill Moon Lord and think oh guess he’s W it’s over now and decide to leave and I need that sweet sweet retention i’ considered waiting until near the end of these 10 hours before beating the last pillar and moon Lord but I’m itching to do it right now and who’s to say how much more farming will have to take place after this fact I might have to take on the pillars again so here’s the deal I’m going to fight NE the pillar right now and challenge Moon Lord but you’re not allowed to leave okay you’re you’re you’re locked in keep in mind too I I need 100 hours to actually beat the challenge not just kill Moon Lord though I might still die even after beating the final boss okay now that you’re obviously agreeing to my terms I switched to the Unicorn Mount which I will be using instead of the branch against moonl Lord the Unicorn is faster than moonl Lord but not so fast he’ll be teleporting a bunch to keep up so yes it’s slow but I think it’s better for this fight making it more predictable this brings me to what has been my most feared pillar for quite a while nebula I tried using the Daybreak for a while but then ended up switching to the Flying Dragon I wanted to believe the Daybreak was better but the Flying Dragon was both easier to use and seemed to do more damage so guess I didn’t really need the day break at all or the 30 plus Platinum I put into it still keeping it though it was at least supposed to be one of the best free Moon Lord weapons now Neo pillar is interesting because the brain sucklers are incredibly easy fodder the evolution beast and whatever the name of the standing things are also are not the hardest to deal with it’s mostly the floating eyes that make the pillar difficult their large Health tools CA the teleporting and hard to see lasers make them one of the worst pillar enemies to deal with in my opinion lately I’ve gotten better at reading and dodging them but there aren’t any real good strategies for dealing with them one problem I often have with nebula is the little spheres Evolution Beast shoot they do high damage and home they are also slow moving which somehow makes them more dangerous because the slow movement makes your eyes less likely to notice the motion there are times I’ll be standing still and one of these will sneak up and hit me dealing damage several times over without me even knowing what’s happening keeping an eye out for these things is imperative I also learned that brain sucklers can’t go through platforms so if these enemies do cause a problem for you place a bunch of platforms over your head and they won’t be nearly as much of a problem I just can’t promise that the other enemies won’t then become more of an issue m m get out get out get out get out get out get out okay okay okay after some struggling I took down nebula pillar so now Moon Lord going to spawn whether I want him to or not I no I’m not ready for this come on come on come on spawn Spa there it is all right let’s go there you are all right there’s the central eye slow down focus on it land and fly here we go hit it again all right and start running okay okay okay we’re doing good we’re doing good already we’re doing good feeling good all right there’s the eye hit it all right and fly oo the sky island oh my goodness I I built that in the sky so it would be out of the way all right all right we got got to get far away from that so we don’t run into an issue with it again and here it comes okay we’ll keep going this direction so we don’t hit that Sky Island Again guess there’s some other Sky Islands too I should have removed all those I really just should have land and fly okay hit it hard hit it hard oh wow this gu needs some damage it is there it is that one desperately needs some damage dealt to it okay comes any second now there it is I just realized I have that that equipped there we go okay now we’re now we’re better now we’re better now we have Infinite Flight now we’re fine we don’t have to worry about that okay we want to be careful with that hand we don’t want to pop that hand oh we well we just did right I have Infinite Flight now we’re fine we’re fine we have Infinite Flight okay there goes that eye now we just need a hard Focus this one where where are you there you are okay okay we got this we got this we got this far enough away from the true is of cthulu feeling good damage almost popped it almost popped it we still have plenty of Health all right there it goes there it goes all right it’s just a just the core now need to get them in into view here come on doing damage not really oh ouch okay okay okay we’re so F we’re fine on health we’re fine on health we’re fine on health all right oh over those over those okay there we go we keeping at at a perfect distance oh yes all right here let’s use this maybe this will do more damage oh my goodness that is so much better that is doing so much better than the Daybreak what the heck I thought the Flying Dragon man this is a good sword man this a good sword oh I’m In The Sky Islands oh I should go down oh this is just kind of a low sky island that’s the problem okay I should remove all the sky islands before doing this again so I don’t accidentally bump into a one and die okay okay let’s go oh let’s go hardcore Master mode has officially been beat it’s been beat let’s go but remember our agreement you got to stay here all right we’re going to do some farming let’s go and so we’ve actually beat hardcore Master mode but not 100 hours of it we still actually have quite a bit of time left and I’m not out of danger yet for now I opened up the treasure bag and sure enough there wasn’t a a single sword there was the rainbow crystal staff which is one of my favorites and the celebration which is good and all but I need the swords for the Zenith I reforged the starboard to armored because I was you know low on money after the whole Daybreak thing and I’ve been wasting way too much money on the gosh darn Goblin tinkerer I could have made a few Celestial sigils but instead I wanted to fight the pillars again right off the bat I’m going to need more solar fragments for the armor so I don’t think there would be a point in farming Moon Lord when I couldn’t really use the luminite he dropped so to get the pillars again I Fought The Lunatic cultist once more having a second perfect battle against him despite having the endgame credits in the way the entire time this is really making me want the option to turn these things off they were legitimately a problem and would block my view of the cultist while I fought him but I guess I should have just waited why do you vex me Relic team this brings me to the unsavory task of killing the pillars once more and I have next to no new gear I do have the Sentry which is quite and the pillars only take half as long to destroy this definitely made me a bit overly confident and not as worried about dying as I should have been I even forgot to drink my many potions these oversights are the exact thing that ends hardcore runs every single [Music] time that’s took way too long for me to react to [Music] that if I look back to the footage oh my goodness I probably just got lucky with a Dodge there I probably was dead see see Moon Lord doesn’t mean that you win sure enough looking back at the footage I’m I had gotten incredibly lucky with the Dodge considering how much damage C to pedes do and how low on health I was if I had not gotten that Dodge I would be dead if I did not have increased invincibility from the cross necklace the entire run would have ended right there this whole 100 hours challenge would have come to a close after having beaten Moon Lord I could have even left the game running in the background and done nothing after killing Moon Lord but no here I am trying to check even more boxes fears renewed I continued taking down the Stardust pillar I moved on to Vortex and if you haven’t noticed already the pillar spawn in the exact same locations as they had last time which is kind of convenient I actually used the celebration a little bit for Vortex curious if it was still good even without a ranger build and was surprised of just how viable the rocket launcher is with a melee build if nothing else it’s great for crowd control this brings me to the nebula pillar and remember how I said I often struggle to see the evolution Beast little homing orbs oh what what what’s hitting me oh there it is oh my goodness dying to that would have been a little embarrassing but I took down the pillar and moon Lord spawned in for the second [Music] time Moon Lord down two times will we actually get one of the swords did I get a sword Yes actually I got one I then crafted solar armor but was confused by something I checked the buff from The Shield when it was fully charged and it only gives me 30% damage reduction I equipped the beetle armor which only has five less base defense than solar but it gives a 45% damage reduction buff I was shocked does this mean Beetle armor is better than solar well depending on the circumstances I’d argue yes the thing with Beetle armor is that the buff degrades every time you get hit going from 45 to 30 to 15 after every hit solar meanwhile remains a steady 30 the solar is better if you’re getting hit more often it also benefits from dealing damage to enemies who touch you however if you are not being hit frequently then the beetle armor is the obvious choice so long as there’s enough of a break between hits that the third Beetle will regenerate you’ll maintain a constant 45% damage reduction even if you don’t do great and often only have two beetles you will still benefit from the 30% damage reduction solar would give I stuck with solar though because it grants three minor increases to regen which probably makes it better in the end but it’s definitely more designed for those who are taking more hits like if you were dodging well enough to have the 45% damage reduction with Beetle armor you wouldn’t need all this increased regen but I guess solar also gives you more of a damage increase now I still need the Meir so I made a few sigils and got to killing the final boss of the game over and over starboard really does make moon Lord a whole lot easier to deal with which I know is probably the purpose but Infinite Flight that can zip around in all directions except down is really handy when fighting the moon Lord the first one didn’t drop the sword so I tried it again and still had no luck I did get another star wrath which I was hoping would be shimble into the meow but had no shimble I had no luck that brought me to four moonl Lords and I was out of fragments with my last sigil to my relief the fifth Moon Lord dropped the Meir that probably be the last boss Relic this is is probably every boss we will kill this run we’ve done it you have done it at long last I made the Zenith in 100 hours of Hardcore Master mode and decided to try and reforge it to Legendary that’s a lot of money legendary yes yes finally finally got lucky oh thank you oh thank you Game you want to know the funny part I’m only at 92 hours but I knew plenty of you wouldn’t stick around if most of this video was me burning time so we’re just going to go over to the highlights the final eight hours I wanted to make a little bit of a trophy build or what have you and I wanted to use ethereum block since you can only get those on mass after acquiring the bottom of the Shimmer bucket post Moon Lord after harvesting the stuff I created this thing not sure exactly what it is or what it represents but it looks kind of all right and it will signify my victory with most of my time after that thing I thought I’d give a crack at purifying the world of the Crimson I won’t clean the hollow because I didn’t stop it spread nearly as much as the crimson and a whole bunch of the hollow is in the underground desert and I don’t care if I have end game dear Dune splicers will still murder me the only way that’s getting purified is by destroying the entire Desert from afar with the celebration oh wait actually wait a minute that that that’s actually kind of a fun idea but that hadn’t occurred to me yet I started by using the drill containment unit to make uniform tunnels along the Crimson with each tunnel being in view of the other so that way there should be no room for error I worked on purifying the Crimson but sure enough at the end of it all there is still 1% Crimson somewhere in the world no idea where I search all over make sure this guy islands are purified mind corrupt sand in the Underworld nothing seemed to work the Pirates did spawn naturally for the first time though because I accidentally destroyed three Crimson Alters while making the tunnels for purification yes if you don’t remember or missed it I didn’t break a single uh alter until right now so I decided to give up on the purification because I’m not working on all of that instead I decided I would actually use that whole uh rocket launcher purification method and started blowing up the underground Hollow death desert and it went pretty well and something’s kind of satisfying as seeing this massive hole in the desert now and I even also thought it would be really cool to get the dirtiest block I have never once gotten this block and there’s probably I think what three or five in this world it’s a large world I think it’s three or five for large so I figured I would start destroying a bunch of dirt see what happens and to my surprise I actually got the dirtiest Block in not very long it actually didn’t take very long but I still had to use the celebration for it okay but I got I got the dirtiest block for the first time in my life and it’s it’s so fun wait I found one I found it hey but that just about wraps things up to finish the last bits of my time I decided to make the killing chamber because you see with hardcore or I think it’s really fun ending it with a simple death it’ll become a tradition if I continue doing hardcore I think I’ll continue doing something about it is very satisfying making a final build something that’s very nice that holds the entirety of what I use throughout the game my best accessories and armor the things that I collected the treasure chests that hold all the many tools I carried with me throughout this entire run it will forever serve as a monument to this great achievement of 100 hours in Terraria hardcore Master mode and so the world finally comes to an end 100 hours of Hardcore I actually did it hardcore m a i can’t ah this is awesome I never thought i’ would actually be hard Master mode and we even beat every single boss we spent 100 hours in it we we took things to the next level so Time to Say [Music] Goodbye forgot I had a second [Laughter] build well there goes all my fishing stuff that’s kind of unfortunate oo oo oh man I lost all my fishing gear at least I don’t have the thing of balloons what’s this blue thing oh man it even takes a while to get the lava prooof tackle bag No I’m going to lose that oh dang it oh this is liberating this is freeing dying oh oh this feels uh this actually genuinely feels like a massive weight is now off my shoulders and I can look back on this now and REM oh man now I’m feeling all nostalgic for this challenge oh man all the things that were done dang now I’m sad I’m dead but also I’m quite happy look at all the bosses we beat all of these yes [Music] awesome [Music]

One of the greatest challenges in Terraria is hardcore, but I have decided to make it even harder by increasing the amount of time I have to spend in each phase of progression. And so, every 10 hours I will only be allowed to beat maybe two bosses. This will open the door for silly mistakes to occur but it will also allow me to spend time gathering supplies. So in some ways it’s harder and in some ways not but lets just see if I can survive Terraria hardcore for 100 hours.
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*Terraria Original Soundtrack:*
*Terraria Otherworld Sountrack:*
*Calamity Mod Soundtrack:*
*Mod of Redemption Soundtrack:*
*Core Keeper Soundtrack:*
– Axolotl Pet, New Animations, New Shields, Shadow Armor Revamp, Color Buffs, Colored Emblems, Chinese Moonlord, Tomes retextured, Desk dragon, Better World Icons, Colored Boss Relics, Pylon, Crabby Angler, Dryad Deer, Eevee Fennec, Cyborg, Clockwork Dragon, Kobold Invasion
#terraria #gaming


  1. I am a fairly new viewer to your channel, but once I saw you starting to take on this challenge I knew it was going to be one heck of a series. I was completely right — this is some of the best content I’ve seen on YouTube in months, if not years.

    Congratulations, Throarbin. You completed the task everyone thought was impossible. Way to push through, and thank you for bringing me so much joy and entertainment in this series over the last while here. I can’t wait to watch more content on your channel.

  2. I need to see how many relics I have on my Master mode world, I know I had to kill about 50 Pumpkings to get a single Horseman's Blade (not exaggerating). I died a grand total of 280 times but it was awesome finally beating the game

  3. vortex pillar is 2nd or the easiest pillar for me like you just go under the pillar and place 4 blocks vertically on both sides and then nothing can hit you but there is great risk of death while placing the blocks.

  4. I absolutely Enjoyed this Watching you go through this journey! I am unsure if you streamed this, but I think that if you did, it'd made for a Really Amazing Stream! quite stressful too! LOL

  5. Solar pillar is the EASIEST PILLAR in my mind buT How aBout CrawLtiPede well you just dont have to jump to avoid enemy you have to make a platform that long enought to enemy will spawn
    Easy enough
    Now the NEBULA PILAR is the second easiest its quite hard because the brain eater or whatever that is
    Now the stardust pillar
    Its second hardest
    Because star cell not the mini
    And the supreme ultra divine astral laserbeam thing enemy
    Now the vortex
    Its the hardest because enemy in there was ranged and the hardest enemy is the master aimbot vortex face shot gunner thing
    Oh you still here

    I am a terraria veteran yea but i think
    Throarbin is right solar pillar is rough for new player because they cant dodge it and dont know how to prevent crawltipede or whatever the name is and the solar ball again or whatever the name is
    But if you a veteran player like throarbin, wild lmao, i think rather quenced that know terraria pillar
    Pillar is easy
    Solar pilar is rough but easy
    Nebula is quite hard because the brain eater
    Stardust is dangerous because
    The SUPREME DIVINE ASTRAL LASERBEAM but again its skill based how you play terraria
    In hardcore better used beetle armor for safety but i use valhalla more because its summon damage make the stardust dragon is goodband the sentry is the best thou
    But again its not your opinion its not about opinion its about SKILL
    So my playstyle is using 3 summon because that table and potion
    Using vallhala armor flying dragon betsys wing and tier 3 ballista
    My friend that play terraria too call me "old one army addiction"
    But i talk this later i talk about

    PILLAR so my playstyle is dodge enemy but not too great but that goo im using vallhala armor that increase your regen by massive
    So im not good at dodging
    Thats why nebula is hard but easy because i still can dodge the eater of the brain stardust its harder because its hard to predict when he shoot his SUPREME DIVINE ASTRAL RACIST LASERBEAM when i focus on enemy
    Vortex is hard because the spread of the bullet is hard

    But again its only my skill its not about skill to much its not about your or mine opinion its about
    Your knowledge and playstyle
    Bye bye Recode will return

  6. Dunno about ever choosing beetle over solar. Solar armor has 21% more melee crit chance, 18% more melee dmg and 9% more melee speed and movement speed. Not to mention the hp regen. When I did my For The Worthy run I found that MoonLord died almost twice as fast with solar armor and I didn't get nearly as low. Besides, 5 defense will be better than 15% dmg reduction so long as the attack does less than 35 dmg, which with a full defense build includes many of MoonLord's attacks. Also you can replace the master ninja gear with something like the Hero shield or flesh knuckles for an additional 8 defense because solar armor provides its own dash. Just my 2 cents

  7. Throarbin you are skilled player i know your video since the calamity
    One year thing but i loves this series so much i loves your effort to tiny thing that everyone forgot named"the sentry" you build a amazing cave build that i took that as the best throarbin build and your effort to fishing quest that i ever done in my life except for the lava fishing
    And your effort to fishing crates not breaking single demon altar
    And please
    Do an a playtrough of terraria most unique mod named "The stars above mod" oh i also claim my mini nuke II
    Please do a playtrought of the star above mod
    After that maybe thorium or fargos souls maschosist
    Thank you for entertain my….
    Bye bye 🙂 oh yeah also can you collab with another my favorite youtuber that suscriber is near as you and you wacth that thing named wild lmao

  8. this was so much fun to watch to start to finish u think the next hardcore maybe can be in minecraft ?i alwasy wonder how that will go

  9. Congrats man, this challenge is insane not even just for difficulty but for the time put into it too. For anyone curious, here are the relic stats 😀

    Top 3 Most Killed (by relics not kills cause of events not always dropping relics)
    1 – Golem
    2 – Dark Mage
    3 – Plantera

    Top 3 Least Killed
    1 – Eater of Worlds ;(
    2 – Skeletron / Wall of Flesh
    3 – Deerclops / Queen Slime / Twins / Lunatic Cultist / Flying Dutchman

    228 Total

    Bosses –
    7 – King Slime
    15 – Eye of Cthulhu
    0 – Eater of Worlds ;(
    9 – Brain of Cthulhu
    7 – Queen Bee
    1 – Skeletron (The canon amount)
    2 – Deerclops
    1 – Wall of Flesh
    2 – Queen Slime
    2 – Twins (Quadruplets)
    3 – Destroyer
    3 – Skeletron Prime
    21 – Plantera
    24 – Golem
    16 – Duke Fishron
    16 – Empress of Light
    2 – Lunatic Cultist
    5 – Moonlord

    Events –
    22 – Dark Mage
    14 – Ogre
    5 – Betsy
    2 – Flying Dutchman
    11 – Mourning Wood
    13 – Pumpking
    3 – Everscream
    5 – Santa-NK1
    4 – Ice Queen
    13 – Martian Saucer

    Hope you guys enjoy this, I just found it interesting especially considering the event bosses clearly outweigh the real bosses for the most part due to the moons not always dropping relics.

  10. LET'S GOOOO!! 😎Congrats Throarbin! You fucking did it!
    Also, that part where you almost died to the solar pillar was terrifying. 💀

  11. I wish you had attempted Daytime Empress at the end. If you had won, you that is another box checked with getting the Terraprisma. If you had died, it would still be an epic way to die.

  12. This was such a journey to watch you do, hours of my life went into watching you do this amazing series and achievement + i dont regret it one bit

    And I'm just gonna remind you that this is a MASSIVE achievement and im happy (for you and me) that you got to achieve it with many of your viewers <3

    And now its time for me to watch it from start to end again

    (but seriously im so happy that you got to achieve this and im grateful that you let us watch this big of an achievement for you)

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