How Minecraft YouTuber’s Got their Names pt.2

this is how Minecraft youtubers got their names first we have the Minecraft short King himself well not that type of short but honestly I wouldn’t be surprised I can see him being a 54 man his username comes from his name Cameron and the 18 part of his name comes from his favorite football player and to my UK fans out there we’re not talking about soccer fam we’re talking about American football which is paidon Manning next we have Preston plays who used to have a Call of Duty Channel called tbnr frags but when realizing he doesn’t want to only make Call of Duty content he decided to make another Channel called Preston plays which comes from his name Preston used to go by the name pandas he realized that his Minecraft username is most likely taken so what he did is he flipped the name upside down which got him sapnap last we have Dan TDM who used to go by the diamond mine cart but when his channel started to do well he started to notice an increasing amount of fake channels and these fake channels would copy his content and put inappropriate thumbnails so he decided to change his name from The Diamond Minecart to danant TDM which comes from his real name Dan

#minecraft #minecraftshorts #camman18

This is how Minecraft YouTubers got their names including, Canman18, PrestonPlayz, Sapnap, and DanTDM.

Hope you enjoyed this Minecraft YouTube Short.


  1. My name comes from not one, but multiple inspirations
    The first is from a chilean YouTuber called ZetaSSJ, cause Zeta and Delta are Greek and Coptic letters,
    The second inspiration is from the retro revival game Delta, so I’m just Delta but modern and 1 game
    The third is from the Greeks you fat basta-

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