๐Ÿ”ด Become the legendary farmer with u | STARDEW VALLEY

he oh sh damn membership member only watching that’s good that’s nice I interesting [Music] okay so sleepy is this already on on supposed to be on supposed to be on supposed to be on what the heck are they you upload the game oh my Lord oh my God yeah [Music] [Music] okay oh sh oh okay hi hello home hello hello welcome welcome I didn’t want to mute okay uh I forgot to mute because like I’m just like you know singing and do some random stuff before so you know what let’s go oh [ __ ] am I clapping my hand is like really really loud there you go let’s [Music] go let’s go [Music] good good morning Gamers good morning good evening good afternoon everyone hello hi darling let’s go let’s go let’s go how’s it going everyone welcome to the stream my name is Rashi welcome welcome welcome welcome hi hi hi welcome welcome how are you guys doing today are you guys doing good are you guys doing really really nice today are you guys ready for become the ultimate legendary farmer with me which is we is the code later I’m going to I’m going to send it later the code great great that’s good that’s good that’s good that’s good that’s great if you do great then it’s good I don’t know I just want I just want to have like a little bit hype up like little bit a high energy or something what about me okay I’m doing good I’m doing good I’m doing really really nice today I mean there’s some stuff I just like doing some business before like uh in the like in the past I mean today like in the afternoon in the morning but it’s already done just like daily stuff daily daily daily daily dose of daily dose of Rashi stuff and everything yeah is UN happppy yes I’m sound happy because it’s happy day oh happy day I don’t know I think I think like I I I watch a lot of movie or something I me because I’m happy too because like we have a proper thumbnail like like we have a really really proper proper proper thumbnail that being made by Joe thank you Joe yeah like say thank you to Joe for the for the beautiful and legendary and an amazing thumbnail art that we can use today for play s Val this is going to be used for every s session that we had the t is awesome yeah I know right the Tuma is really good I like it I love it so last stream which is last week we’ve been we’ve been we’ve been farming we’ve been grinding a lot like super super a lot uh and we’ actually yeah actually we’ve already finished the default like one of the community center thingy so we can explore the hardest and the new uh what do you call it mine later like we can go to the desert and everyone who like fishing everyone who like fishing can go fishing on the desert you guys can find a really really really hard and an exotic and legendary I just like love legendary uh fishes and everything so hold up I miss like oh let’s go yes let’s go you know what without further Ado let’s let’s just I’m just going to open the game I’m I’m really excited because it’s because today stard Valley today stard Valley I just like Love stard Valley so much okay oh where’s my look at that 31,000 gz like gz we have a lot of G we have a lot of gold we have a lot of M we have a lot of money we have a lot of gold we are really really really really leave IND the okay hold up let me just oh okay and today is what do you call that raining Fe wait uh the tax there you go [Music] do y o hope I can join I need to I need to after oh yeah yes you need to look after your your Doo I hope your Doo feeling well K yes okay there you go everyone if you guys want to join the game or you have the game you can join as I better ococ zero Romeo Romeo zero to ftis Yu Omega yppe okay what is luck for today I forgot o cat the spirit happy oh it’s oh it’s lucky today it’s lucky it’s lucky today is lucky day corn corn we have corn corn and Battery Doo is still sick but it’s not that bad oh that’s that’s sad I hope I hope the doo can feel better soon okay I hope he can feel better soon but if you’ll be streaming in 3 hours I’ll try join okay it’s a fine it’s a fine okay what is the pantry thingy what can we do for the things okay it’s nothing you know what let’s let’s go to the to the place don’t forget to Pat your chicken yes don’t forget to pet the chicken the chicken the chicken need to be fat there you go let’s make this into a marshmallow okay thank you thank you yep yep yep there you go okay let’s go to the commed center I want to go to the comedy Center oh by the way actually I have a I have a thing so I have a plan to I want to achieve like 60 60 rare rare what you call that uh actually 60 items that we can we can we can we can donate to the museum I want to I want to achieve that because like we need that like we need 60 60 item to donate to the museum because I H just in a simple way I just want to I want to I want to go like like okay the cut scene bundle complete this house was empty for years the trees move in and so did we let’s go oh look at this oh it’s a good it’s clean now yippe I get lot of those stuff while fishing oh yeah we need a lot of item so we can donate to the museum because because I want to go to the sew because like you need to you need to have like oh [ __ ] we can we can grow the crystal now holy [ __ ] and I got naptune sword on my server while fishing to damn that’s good so tomorrow we can go to the desert to the desert I guess time for it’s time for for place the crystallum so we can make a crystal okay you know what I’m going to I’m going to do this thing for Nana because Nana like little a bit help with this thing uh but first of all let’s see let’s see what what we can do like actually I need to let’s make another one we need another one oh oh I think not I think not really I’m going to put here I’m going to put here put here put here put there and and that’s all I guess there we go and let’s do the Let’s Help Nana with the with the thing how with everyone I think I only have 15 oh it’s certain okay there we go [Music] money can we already go to the desert wait hold up or still not yet actually it’s a good time for fishing I want to I want to try to fish not yet oh it’s still out service okay it’s not yet you know what yeah let’s spend the for like let’s spend the fishing today I want to fish I want to fish I want a fish I want a fish I want a fish I want a fish I want a fish let’s go fishing let’s go we go we go fishing okay so my okay my my dad just my dad just coming like my dad just come hi yeah my dad just coming and just like give me one glass of highball again like he and he just like whispered to me just like taste it how how’s the taste this is my recipe you need to taste it yeah oh boy I’m going to drw again today am I am I right I’m going to Tipsy again I’ll I’ll be I’ll be I’ll become Tipsy again today look at that I’ll be drinking alcohol again wow thank you that my dad just like it taste it taste the recipe okay we’re going to fish today we’re going to fish I’m going to spend my day we fishing today I want a fish I want a fish I want a fish I want a fish oh [ __ ] holy [ __ ] this is hard uh okay okay okay okay oh that’s good red snapper First Catch it’s my first catch you guys proud of me it’s my first catch yippee let’s say go we’re fishing we’re fishing oh wait I’ll get surprised we got the notification holy [ __ ] okay you know oh [ __ ] fish fish there you go another red snapper that’s good just a trash I don’t have any Buck meat though actually we can we can go buy Buck meat or something but I’ll do that later oh it’s only can cast the basic F oh no wonder damn uh uh okay no a rat Snapper huh oh oh yeah it’s my first time there you go oh okay you got this yes I will I’m going to drink for a bit oh my God that’s a lot of whiskey how many need how many how many shot that my dad put here that’s a bit heavy though okay okay okay okay nice T again yeah it’s going to be I don’t I don’t like this this is Shadow Valley it’s supposed to be chill come on it’s supposed to be chilling not not billing y bum bum bum bum oh [ __ ] where did he go whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop There You Go nice you got some new idea to sleep on leveling up it’s going to be leveling up it’s going to be leveling up it’s going to be leveling up let’s go fishing it’s a good day for fishing it’s a good day fishing it’s a good day for fishing I’m going to catch some fishes why you sing it like a happy birthday I don’t know I just want it there we go there we go damn I think I need to upgrade the B the the rod I guess right I mean this is like the training Rod but I’m you know I’m just like doing it for leveling I’m not I’m not a fisherman I’m just a poor boy I’m just a poor boy I need no sympathy because I’m Easy Come Easy Go little high little low and now I’m hungry because I haven’t eat anything but it’s okay I’ll eat after this stream I mean I I mean I have snacks though like I I B like i b a lot of snacks I mean it’s a same snack like a same same snack but I B it like with a really really large large amount of snacks heo heo yeah I have a lot of snacks but and I and also actually it’s kind of B like challenged because like when when I bow it I I I met uh a mate like a promis that I need to I need to finish this in like 15 days or something just came in oh my God the thumbnail is ready I know right yes thank you to Joe for making the thumbnail by way hello Toma welcome welcome how are you how how’s the day how’s the how’s the how did they do whiskey for an empty stomach is brave yeah I know right I mean I I eat snake before I eat snake like and oh and also before before the stream before the stream I was eating banana like two bananas but it’s been a while I’m not eating banana no what do you mean you didn’t eat I haven’t eat I haven’t eat my dinner like like it’s a dinner time and I haven’t eat you’re making me hungry go eat go go find some food everyone go some go find some food F some some some snack oh Cola oh [ __ ] they say it’s a they say it’s a [Music] okay go find some food before food find you find the food before food find you I mean actually it’s going to be funny like if if if the food like finding you just like eat me me eat me human please human please eat me you are so hungry please eat me it’s going to it’s going to be funny it’s going it’s going to be really really really interesting stuff beat the food yeah beat the food smack the food smash the boot okay one more fish and we go home one more fish and we go home okay there’s nothing okay time to go home time to go home wait is the is the is the is the small Bridge already oh okay it’s not fixed okay it’s still still here still here okay I love fishing so much oh yeah I mean I also love fishing I love you too anyway uh the best activity in every game yeah I mean like there’s someone there’s someone like like my my mother from the old model saying to me that if the game like Ren if the game has a fishing mechanic like has a fishing a fishing activity on on the game it’s a really good game it’s certify a really good game there you go let’s go to sleep yay the bus the bus is here true words Benet yeah true word b yes fin only level two fishing hello hi Moy welcome welcome welcome how are you how’s the day how’s the thing how’s how’s the stuff oh going house [Music] house okay let’s see I’m just going to put this here we got this tap already oh my god let’s go okay I need I need to water all of this [ __ ] holy [ __ ] okay two three three 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 10 I need I need to water everyone plan here oh no this is going to be this is going to be interesting oh [ __ ] we have the golden star I’m fine getting ready for good hey congratulation hey happy graduation oh my God oh my God happy graduation Moy happy happy graduation oh my god wow wow we duration time it’s a hot pepper oh there’s a golden one it’s a big time it’s a big day you need to rest actually like tomorrow is the important day you need to prepare a lot of [Music] stuff oh my God there’s a lot here I need to water all of these things oh you have graduation too Tom hey congratulation for all of you guys I mean yeah I mean even though it’s not soon or maybe late like tomorrow or maybe like there’s another day congratulation for everyone in M there’s in M something what do you mean in m in a mod in the m i see in the M or something I hey congratulation congratulation congratulation for everyone damn okay everyone who still have things that I need to do okay here in a mon English is hard it’s okay it’s okay oh no l I’m going to I’m going to I’m going to I’m going to harest all of your tomato okay I’m going to harvest all of your tomato D I already spent like I don’t know there like per sticks oh this is taking a while this is taking a little bit a while because like I need to water a fre everyone I’m alone someone okay I think I think that’s all I think that’s all Maybe I don’t know I don’t know I I don’t even know what what I took I don’t even know what I what I took before I’m going to just like put it on the same same thingy okay oh [ __ ] that’s a really nice thingy English is hard understandable yeah okay what happened here okay that’s okay this one is good this one is good okay I think that’s all of them because for me okay I’m I’m going to put everything here where everyone want to find the thing it’s here ooh we have the battery [Music] again oh the wheat oh that’s the wheat there you go that’s wheat that’s the hay and the wheat or pressin that’s good let me sell this thing first hi okay so what can we do now is I’m going to I’m going to eat this thing like it’s the snack [Music] um I’m going to put here put it there okay now we go now we’re not now we are going now we’re going to the we’re going to go to the desert we’re going to go to the desert everyone desert time yeah desert time how how exam station was we get you don’t have any ex I just noce a cute the thumbnail yeah the thumbnail is good the thumbnail is cute let’s go time for H longa not yet oo desert oh I need to do that later there’s nothing here coconut yes oh we need a coconut a coconut nut is a giant nut you can eat too much you’ll get very fat a coconut nut what is this oases o hello there hello there Sandy a customer welcome to the s’s Oasis hey you look like a new farmer okay I’m so happy sure oh this is the the guy bouncer it’s just a bouncer what did his what did she sell oh Cactus [Music] seat oh we’re going to do this later we’re going to do this later okay we’re going to do that later and now let’s see what we can do here oh Cactus BR that’s good that’s good that’s good ooh oh ooh G oh you can fish here everyone you can fish here what is this thing what is that thing okay we’re just going to walking around for a bit and where’s the mining is this is the mining oh yeah this is the mining the heck what the heck is that you insert this Co let’s go let’s go let’s go oh my Lord oh [ __ ] there’s a hole wait there’s oh [ __ ] oh no I don’t bring my I don’t bring my range weapon I don’t bring my I don’t bring my oh what is the house that oh [ __ ] yo what the heck the HP man bro the HP bro my HP holy [ __ ] the HP is kind of there you go oh I got a shirt [Applause] okay oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no okay this is hard okay this is hard this now now this is hard now this is hard okay oh look at that it’s hary okay now this is hard no my Chris no my Chris [Music] no my chis no wait I need to I need to go to like okay little spice Berry little spiceberry and I don’t have it no okay I I need I need I need someone I need people I think I think we can’t I mean actually I actually we can but the positioning before is like look at look at how how much mes like a miss miss damage right there like at at the moment wait are we already no oh cactus fruit okay we have it walleye River fish okay okay okay oh I need this I need spice Berry it’s 400 it’s okay it’s okay I’m I’m going to commit I’m going to commit I’m going to commit I’ll I’ll bring I’ll bring back the money I’ll bring back the money it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay I’ll bring back the money I just noticed oh wait the exam were not hard as as I expected but M XM made myess I pass everything almost almost Maxum xim M with which pass around 50% I hate m i don’t hate but most I can understand oh damn I mean it’s mats right it’s like right everyone is mathematics like I mean I also I also kind of hate Matt but at the same time it it was my thingy there you go we just need see urchin and star fruit like see urchin ypp ypp what do you mean ypp I I die lty I die I was die spice Berry okay George George Geor who is George which one is George GE Georgie George yours oh the old the old man yo see I bring back the I I bring back the the thing I have to go and I have to beat the boss work to farm some food byebye okay okay okay Tom okay okay good luck with the work good luck with the work I hope you found the food after the work oh man that’s that’s quite an Experian we need we need to we need to like totally bring range oh [ __ ] we have this now you know what let’s go is coconut it SE coconut F many color use want put here here here here okay let’s let’s go to the let’s go to the the binky to the beach I want to I want to repair the the brdge we need to repair the bridge we need to go even though it’s night time it’s okay if it’s night time time because I want to just repairing the bridge there you go now we fix it there we go wiy oh Rainbow Shell oh you can go here look at this everyone s urchin nice we finish you guys go oh yeah you can go fishing here like you can go fish here you got a new spot of fishing look at that are you proud of me yes of course you’re proud of me bro I feel like I’m about to fall asleep no don’t fall asleep I command you don’t fall asleep yes sir yes that’s good that’s good okay tomorrow we need to go to the Community Center tomorrow I know you can oh we have a lot of hay okay this is the coral we need coral for for stuff do we need Coral oh no we only need star fruit okay only star fruit the black has not work Plum snow yam H okay okay trole Apple cheese honey jelly Ain pumpkin yam okay sure sure sure sure okay what can we do now that’s a quality fertilizer over there rainbow trout spice Berry I want to cut something before we go sleep let’s oh look at that there’s another one oh there’s a moss there we go there you go there we go nice yep think mostly mostly fine yeah let’s go to sleep let’s go sleeping sleeping time see there you go we have we’ll have a good money okay now just land [Music] $4 not good oh who is that oh oh I can I can make I can buy a duux fishing shop skull Cavern uh well done at least 25 okay okay oh my AC know help rubbing the darn thing with hot pepper okay hot pepper we can have a hot pepper where’s my hot hello Chen what happened to him why why he look for grum why he why he so grumpy what happened what happened to him why he [Music] grumpy why everyone look grumpy what the heck is what not good boom okay I’m going to put the Moss there and the thing there there there there I’m want to sell the Mayo there you go the Mayo oh yeah the thing well uh uh where’s my where is my oh there you go [Music] okay one two three four five 6 7 8 9 10 this is really something just like this is so big that I need to I need to do it like every single up them quite a work what a work tomato okay good okay that’s good now this one I’m just going to level up fishing I guess for today like I think I need to fish more maybe so I can little bit level up my fishing thingy because it’s going to be hard d d d Dum there you go hold up no where’s my game okay there you go I think that’s all like okay and [Music] then lty I need I need to take care of of lyy I need to remember that I only got like one melon okay there’s three I’m going to put here sorry no it’s okay oh there’s a flower poppy holy [ __ ] I’m going to I’m going to take this do we need poppy oh we don’t don’t need puppy I’m I’m going to put it here can think everything you need there it’s okay I’m going to fishing today I’m going to just like fishing thank you you’re welcome I mean like if I don’t do this everything going to die right so I need [Music] to I’ll back for for for the next hour have fun yes yes yes you good luck with the work okay good luck good luck with the work good luck with the rest of your work okay that’s all I [Music] guess yeah time for fishing I need to oh wait comedy Center first you want to put you a thingy here good luck with the game okay thank you thank you okay that’s the Hop I’m going to put it [Music] on there you go let’s go fish [Music] I’mma put that here here and here and then comedy Center time uh yeah comedy Center time and then after comedy Center we can go to [Music] where’s this stuff oh it’s not here it’s the pantry it’s a pantry look we have already we already have two star now that’s cool not not that one I think craft room I think this one yeah no he bulletin bulletin board question mark oh yeah it’s bulletin board okay okay oh [ __ ] I should bring this a for for I forgot to bring that okay we go we go fishing I’m going to buy a new fishing Road first I I think I I think I think it’s my time for having a new fishing rad o Granda [Music] let’s buy a fishing rod and then go fishing I think I’m going to fish on a river today I want to try to achieve the walleye I guess maybe question mark oh I don’t know you guys have that barber class yes I’m going to buy this I’m going to use the money this is not a river R I know hold up I know this is not a river there we go 45 energy 63 energy there you go we have a lot of energy now [Music] energy finally fisherman finally fisherman I am a bman h you need to T me because I was the one who who do the okay that’s all I’m going to fishing here I’m going to try to fish here I mean I don’t have any bug meat or anything but I think like it’s a it’s fine there you go there you go holy [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh no I swear to God come on there you go how your day R tuna do we need tuna what have you been doing I’ve been doing good like I mean it’s there’s nothing there’s nothing interesting lately but it’s just okay just okay just okay just like do some daily stuff playing game like on the weekend as I said before I was just like fully resting until Monday yesterday we have collab playing DOTA with Luma [ __ ] playing L with Luma and today we’re going to start and actually tomorrow I’m going to stream again yeah tomorrow I’m going to go stream oh [ __ ] I’m not that way is this this hard like what this is so hard this is so hard you go there you go there go please don’t move uh what are you planning to stream tomorrow it’s going to be something flounder it’s going to be something is an important stream I want to say something to everyone tomorrow so it’s going to be like important really really really super super super super super important stream tomorrow so you just need to wait you just need to wait okay just need to wait what I’m going to do tomorrow which is going to be which is going to be important important and fun I would just say it’s fun I would just say it’s fun it’s fun it’s it’s nothing like click bait or something it just it’s just something fun important stream yes important stream it’s an important stream Ren I don’t believe [Laughter] you I don’t believe you you say it’s important stream oh [ __ ] yeah I remember one really important stream I mean this is going to be important like it’s going to be fun I’m just going to say it’s going to be fun I don’t want to say what it’s going to be it’s just going to be fun something that you will you will like it you’ll like it you’ll like it you will like it oh hit you guys going to like it I have trust issue because of no no trust trust me on this one this is going to be this going to be fun SE jelly it’s going to be like you know something important for me and for everyone too okay okay okay I swear to God please then move okay tomorrow I’m going to fishing on the river I don’t know I just want to I want to fishing like I’m going to just like fully level up my fishing levels I guess in this stream because like everyone are playing right so I think this is a good time for for me to just okay I’m waiting on something important and fun wish just trust me this one it’s going to be fun it’s going to be fun trust me nicely jelly I need that look like I don’t know level three or level four maybe question mark oh there’s a lot of Celly there there’s a lot of jelly I need to bring the the oak the oak res in later O Fish okay there you go nice hell bit one more fish and we go home one more fish and we’re going to go home oh [ __ ] oh oh no I’m I’m Panic I’m panicking I’m panicking you know what okay let’s go back let’s just go back let’s go back home is it that hard or just you uh it’s hard and also it’s me so I think both of them it’s heart and me I don’t have the skill and also it’s hard I’m going to sell the the the thing okay I’m going to sell this one I’m going to sell this one sell one fish H bit and flender and Juna yep let’s go sleep ooh nice Animal product worth 20% more ooh crop worth 10% more ooh what is the good one what is the good Ranger or t or or Tyler or tiller tiller Tyler tiller I don’t know which one is a good one think about it like think about it the animal become the the the Rancher the animal person or become the teller hm I mean Corp is really good though because like we need a lot of Corps but raner like we can have like you have to choose yeah we need to choose we need to choose uh are we become the animal guy or the or the farm guy I become the barn or the farmer the farmer or the the Barner what is what is the English for what is the English for people uh what is the English for people who have Ranch raner Cattleman stock grower ah Cattleman Rancher yes Rancher oh yeah he a ranger he’s already here what the heck become a ranger or become a teller what is a good one let’s see [Music] uh uh you know what I’m just I think I’m going to pick Rancher yeah let’s go let’s go to the animal o let’s go good money good money good money money money money money oh it’s raining thanks God thank you oh my god thank you okay fishing time fishing time fishing time it’s fishing time fishing time it’s fishing time let’s go fishing uh okay I need to bring this is the rain good time for fishing yes it rain the good time for fishing wait hold up I think okay my I my friend wait my friend just like chat me okay okay don’t don’t don’t prenter don’t prenter okay okay okay okay don’t pren okay we good we’re good to okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay wait hold up wait oh no it’s late okay oh no it’s all right I I pick Ranger I pick [Laughter] Ranger I’m sorry it’s not good to pick Rancher they say I don’t know what what is the reason but they say rencher is not that good you need to just like fake tell her what’s wrong with it I don’t know I don’t know wait I’m going to T oh no I don’t know what what what is the problem like I’m asking right now what what is that okay oh okay just going to make a bait perit okay it’s j they say it’s j oh no oh no it’s j it’s Jo over oh [Music] oh oh that’s oh I see okay okay they said why Ranger is not good it’s because it’s because they nerve it they nerve like this is new update right this is a new update for R for stat Valley and unfortunately L becoming a raner is not good like in the old time raner is good in the all time raner is good but nowadays Ranger is not that good anymore so yeah oh oh they say it’s like for Ranger in the old time it’s like can achieve around what do you call that around 40% benefit but right now it’s only like 20% oh I see I mean makes sense kind of makes sense kind of makes sense I mean it is what it is anyway it is what it is anyway oh unlucky oh she’s going to join oh oh she’s going to join she going to join oh they want to join they want to join oh they want to join oh they want to join they say they want to join if they if they join is going to be fun if they want to join it’s going to be it’s going to be fun okay okay they join they’re going to join yay we have friend it’s not runana but they also one of my friend which is one of them one of them is my my life to the mama I mean it’s not my love to Mama it’s orer mama I never play s so I don’t know anything about this game it’s okay it’s okay I mean s is fun s is a fun like a really really interesting fun game yes nice bundle complete oo wow oh [ __ ] sitat maker oh my God okay this is good okay this is good okay this is good we have a SE maker now okay they going to join you know what let’s just fishing let’s fishing let’s fishing it’s a raining it’s a good team it’s a good time for fishing am I right yes okay here there you go they are here wait I don’t know where they are holy [ __ ] Dam Thunder oh I just fing up there they going to join they want jooin the stream it’s going to be happy happy day okay we need to catch a sturgeon like our objective is like we need to catch a sturgeon which is is going to oh [ __ ] okay supposed oh oh oh no this is so hard this is so hard holy [ __ ] oh no it’s so hard so fast I think that’s a sturgeon for real for real I mean I I mean I need to catch a sergeon okay there we go hello hi hold up I’m still fishing wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait a bullhead wait you’re so small I can talk again hello yay I don’t know I don’t know oh I’m from Beverly Hills sure there you go everyone this this is this is my riger mama this is the one who make me move oh wow Dam this so fast wait wait streaming are you streaming wait I’m yeah I’m streaming I’m streaming right now I thought you were playing alone alone I mean I am playing alone but it’s it’s in a Lobby yeah I thought it was alone alone you know like m what do you mean yeah when chat like well technically he’s playing alone yeah I’m technically playing alone like yeah but I mean hello I mean they saying hello I am I am with the spotlight uh hello everyone I forgot [Music] English J it’s like okay that that’s fine that’s fine that’s fine when you get into jel you will never move out from Jack house that’s fine that’s fine oh [ __ ] no it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay it sounds like good it sounds good sounds good okay sounds because you want to be better I can move FP no it’s okay it’s good now okay chat CH said like they they uh like one one of the chat said that just said they uh like they love your accent I guess I don’t know I don’t think so I can sure sure sure sure where are you hold up Mar I think I’ve sent it where the main chat I think let let me uh po I mean I can send you I can send you my friend code oh this better copy message first [Laughter] impression sounds funny it’s okay there you go friend thank you friend won know me continue to fishing I’m fishing I’m I try to I try to learn and practice how to fish and it’s hard why I am a Prof Fisher I am a master oh when is when is sturgeon and now actually it’s raining what I got the I’m pretty sure I have the achievement masterb oh I mean I mean it’s okay it’s okay I mean like also get catfishing right now I mean at least it’s catfishing not cat calling so that’s good do I actually have master I don’t have Master yet no okay she was lying River jelly rer jelly yay where is the [ __ ] Ren uh what happened is your stream family friendly I keep cursing as it’s okay it’s fine [Laughter] holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] oh [ __ ] this is a this is hard one this is hard one come on come [Music] on oh large mod b doing I I tiger Wye and walleye come on we need a sturgeon please give me a sturgeon I need a sturgeon oh the I’ve been flabbergasted turns out there’s no masterbator that’s a masterbate though you masterbate but you know you have there no sad you have been fool you have been fool there’s no murator after all the friends of oh it’s a another Bullhead shift T you and R now are friends Li we’ve been friends from 2020 yeah it’s been a while it’s been so no oh everyone hi Leo hi welcome I don’t think you have yes I mean yes I don’t think I can oh wait hold up I’m still fishing uh one more fish one more fish one more fish one more fish how am I doing Leo we’re fishing right now okay hold up on okay there you go do you know the RG no how you do n join now yes n n come come my my my technically connection right back joining yay I have a lot of friend joining ypp oh by the way I what am I how am I doing I’m doing I’m doing okay by the way mother how you doing how’s the day today I can join my son I cannot reach you why what happened I mean I sent you right I send you the the invite code what what happened I mean like connection connection failed ah connection failed skill issue skill issue Bro internet issue skill issue and internet issue oh oh hold up you know the funny thing like actually today stream like my dad just come to come to me and just like give me alcohol just like taste [Laughter] it so I’m playing I’m playing a chill game while dram like a bro it’s like so BR you’re drunk no not really not really not really I mean it’s just a small it’s like small amount of alcohol it’s not it’s not a pure alcohol it’s like high ball like uh it’s whiskey with soda with Co with yeah with Cola not Cola just like don’t have a forka right now we don’t have forka seor wait s is like a chal are you tipsy again no I’m not Tipsy it’s really really small because like I mean if I the reason why the reason why I have Tipsy yesterday because like I drink high bll with uh with a really really super big glass like a beer jug so that’s why I’m tipsy I mean actually it’s good because like finally it can help me to sleep faster because few days like few days back like this day it’s kind of bit hard for me to get some sleep like I don’t know I I of to I oft to get some headache and or migraine this day so it make me cannot go sleep I don’t know why just hurt so bad is oh my God I’m so sorry English it’s okay it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine you’re you you’re going to have to translate some of it for me brother I will I will go go be the weather I mean no like I guess if it’s like the weather it’s actually not really affect me so bad I guess it’s because like my buddy it’s just like my buddy because like remember last week we had like 8 hours streaming for like two days back to back so I guess like my buddy used to sleep at the morning instead of early night so it’s just like I can’t sleep and also dizzy and I don’t know why just like my hat is really really hard sleep yeah the Dizz is because of not sleeping bro but because because of the disiness I cannot sleep that’s the problem have you tried milk I don’t have milk I mean I do have milk but it’s just like milk for for for my coffee like my coffee you know the milk yeah you don’t need Cofe I mean I I I don’t drink coffee this day like I I drink I drink only water like Oh you mean like creamer it’s not a creamer it’s it’s like uh what do you call that you the milk for making making latte like for the latte art and everything like you you need to use the milk right like specify milk isn’t the creamer no it’s different it’s kind of slightly different slightly different why everyone cannot join the what the heck should I restart a game should I start after this I restarted the game because I thought it was my internet connection connection fail why everyone had the connection fail wait hold up hold up I’m going to restart this after this okay you know what I’m I’m going to go oh I got dinosaur EG okay let’s go I’m going to go home got the dinosaur egg we can have dinosaur baby oh be right back hold up hold up hold up hold up I’m just going toime profile P what anime profile pi picture yeah you can change the profile picture of the villagers to like an other profile picture us oh like mod yeah yeah mod no I don’t use mod they are dinosaur e yes we can have like baby din I don’t know like it’s it’s also a little bit of bit of confusing like but yeah we do have dinosaur in this game okay you know what let let’s sleep early and then I’m just going to like [Music] level three fishing finally wow hold up okay level 26 hold up hold up oh wait hold up how let me the book sellers here let’s see I said to the title call up host the title the farm farm okay oh the the invite the invite is is different no wonder no wonder Nana cannot join uh hold up hold up where’s my obvious it’s what’s the what is the invite title it’s ASF s f r Omega Echo 8 Alphabet uh caviar 7 fa there you go there’s a new one no wonder why why everyone is like failed connect GE okay how about now please please you guys can join hey oh yes you guys can join now you guys going try to join um oh finally hot pepper hot pepper hot pepper wow I saw something oh got what the hell sh I didn’t even know on Steam bro oh no I want this so am I high I’m probably high I’m not I don’t have any okay now can everyone join that’s the that’s the question see it’s free why is it paid on Steam oh by the way we also already unlocked the the school Cavern like the the there you go Nana join Nana join yippi hello Hi H this is a stream don’t make the same mistake I did I mean I mean I mean she was on the chat before so she know okay she was in the chat before I was that why that’s why I was calling her oh by no now we already unlocked this call Cavern nice and I die nice yeah it’s like the mummy new farmer oh yeah then then it’s going to be like you and Iden never mind yeah that that’s why that’s why that’s why okay it’s full I saved up like my favorite type of character and I favorite it so I don’t forget who where is it though oh wait I need to go to the Gunter hold up hold up hold up we but know we have another dinosaur egg yay yeah we have two dinosaur egg now I mean I can bring the other one to gun because actually I don’t want to have relationship with with all of the NPC here like I want to have I want to have relationship with the who’s the creature again on the sea likeon yeah I want to I want to have relationship with him instead it’s not him like it with it instead I feel I feel I feel like I feel like he was the he was the right guy for me got it yeah oh by the way we also already finished the wait it’s not finished though like it’s more [Music] like yeah it’s a standard Farm remixes remix for everything like remix the the comedy Center standard stand it’s a standard it’s a standard it’s a standard I forgot how to do anything in this game how do get oh never mind and also I still haven’t got any storage unit just like so hard job who is this is this r no I think that’s that’s not is me it’s me I’m I’m I’m the I’m the I’m I’m Goku with super saan gut hair look at me Mara is very Maring yes uh-huh uh-huh oh oh we got maple syrup let’s go nice who is that who is this who is this house Slayer oh it’s SL no one know get in come join us come join us we need na till a shell that’s the last one where is the The Silo is like near the near the like cave thingy like a c how do I get things I forgot the controls uh right from what feeding no worry no worry we have a seat maker yippi yippe I just want to say that we have seat maker finally definitely using it right now oh my yeah oh oh yeah for the corn for the corn reject [Music] capitalism uh we do have enance like like like in this chest like like this chest we got a throw it’s a sh it’s a Sher money chat funding what is this mushroom oh no no no no no the thingy the little thingy I didn’t know we also had dehydrator dehydrator mushroom mushroom oh no and they sell more lot things here no worry no no I I wanted to not know okay I will not tell until until we reach that part then i’ be like that it’s just really really end game oh by the way we have another another fresh ticket well this is like a sudden collab yeah exactly bro it is like a sudden collab a rare Crow yeah this is another rare crow that I got I need to put this here the spice Berry oh [ __ ] I forgot to bring my my slingshot can one change his her house can I get him how does one change her house why is the outside dark where you want to go where you w to go where you w to go I follow follow I know s wait wrong one I’m going to go to 100 I want to fish oh yeah good idea I don’t want to fish there lava eel lava eel please I some I some oh wait forgot why you fish over my head I’m not the I’m not wear a helmet no say this uh I just dress oh this another Cola okay there we go at the same time out of season season it’s a summer like like two days two days from now tomorrow is the last day of summer we’re going to go to another season it’s like already it’s like already 27 of Summer oh [ __ ] there fast oh hello hello okay hello hello wait hello why is so roomy it’s so roomy it’s so it’s so roomy yeah okay I think I think it’s F I think it’s fine oh no is your internet lag or something no no no no my audio lagging yeah oh damn um it’s the audio is lagging hello yes hello do [Music] introduce ourselves or not just ch I don’t know to you hello it’s up to you actually everyone this is a this is ay hello she name [Laughter] is India people call me because idna is too long but you can call me or Aida yay yay is the funny thing like two you like Mar like why what happened it’s like lagging so bad yeah sleeping you got who do it oh my God so like uh what role do you need to BU in the I I don’t know I like I think it’s I think just like after you I mean it’s just like a funny funny game just like funny funny game Queen of the sa by the way today is Queen of the souls everyone you can watch sub TV oh yeah queen of souls excuse me how do I get my my house better got need to upgrade how how the how oh yeah we need to we need I need money I just got like 100k from my dad thank you Father yay 100k from my father do we what is my hary belov is this this is Autumn right uh I think tomorrow is the Autumn uh today is the today is the last day today is the last day for for this season summer squash that’s new bro that’s new some squash yeah s squash is like kind of bit like banana but not a banana oh my God it’s totally is a banana see I told you is it it’s like banana but it’s not a banana I know it’s a squash like squash is a type of a pumpkin I’m pretty sure yeah but the description feels like it’s a banana I know because this is yours uh you can sell it just sell just sell the the the thing is this Nana yeah that’s Nana Nana the helmet yep Nana is the girl helmet I know right I know right it’s a loot I I invite I I’m so in F it’s just like oh I I know I know I know just like I I I I eny here just like I want I wanted I wanted that that that that banana no it’s not a banana it’s like the helmet oh you forgot the one is this the one no that’s mine the the funny thing is like I know the funny thing is like two two of this two of this girl is like been a long time not playing stard and also not like it’s also been a long time been a long time not [Music] to oh should I for I forgot to do this yeah yeah if you have like a mail book notification that’s mean that means it’s yours uh can I just decorate the farm actually if you want if you want if you want it do it do it I mean most of people here don’t care about don’t care about some some decoration that’s why just like yeah oh no there’s broken one I forgot uh can I date someone here I want to date go date go ahead I’m to date H yeah go ahead go ahead do whatever you want yes this is baso Harvey Harvey Harvey someone is sing some someone sing someone is sing you see someone is someone is L B he is very handsome oh by the way n yes did you did you want to take this take this take this take this oh thank you yeah I think I think I think that that’s for the the peach right yeah Rock uh I I have Rock how how how much do you want in like we have like six here uh enough to build the whole Farm okay uh this okay hold up let let me see let me see where’s my slingshot the ver I need to find my slingshot first and I can give you like rocks yeah the festival get my fishing d where’s my rock oh no where’s my where’s my slingshot where’s my slingshot uh I lost my slingshot what the heck am I blind sorry oh there you go there is and I don’t know this is enough or not is it is this you yeah yeah yeah yeah oh yeah just just put it on the chest put it on chest oh nice to capitalism this is this everyone’s yeah you can you can you can decorate anything you want just do whatever you want let’s see Community Center crops CR bundle some I want to go to the I want to go to the O you want everyone want to go to the o o yeah I want to fish want to fish there it’s 300 p.m. I mean it’s okay I mean the the the event is going to be like 10: right yeah there there will be there will be event tonight I am meeting Penny Penny penny where are you sweet girl ch ch ch cha if you don’t mind I shall be the tree CH I mean where’s the fishing where is Penny oh this is the fishing [Music] spot oh hey haly hello fishing time Benny Ben Ben Benny what are your uh beloved who who is your nothing I I just love the Creature from the sewer oh where is [ __ ] this is hard the luck of your life bro Kus is cute though yeah oh yeah K is cute like you know you can you can give him a hug M Benny not here Benny sandfish there we go do we need sandfish for anything hey Lou oh wait do we need oh nice as in the here oh it’s not a peach yeah I I think I claim it oh okay I see I mean it’s okay my box is okay I don’t know maybe if we lucky we can get like another mystery boook inside the mystery box M oh [ __ ] yeah it’s like it happened it happened it happened like Mystery Box inside the mystery box where it’s [Music] spny oh I swear to God this fish okay I’m going to go home I don’t want to get to get [Music] mad me molding from this game oh no then hoing is good okay it’s okay it’s okay don’t holding is good okay mhm mhm every fish and every level of star oh just in case if anyone wants I can give them accordingly you know if I like someone I’ll give the Iridium level if I don’t I just give like the nor I see it’s is very calculate Very calate Yes I want to I’m sorry oh [ __ ] that’s my first on the stream what the heck oh yeah yeah that’s my first I I never stream on my stream I never I never sneez on my stream you have broken the Snee the no sneezing streak yeah I’m sorry I think it’s really loud or like on the stream it just like so loud it’s like it’s it’s over it’s over the red like the red me meter on the OBS I just like so loud I I don’t know I don’t know I I never never try oh go to the beach who wants to watch the jelly I me it’s me I’m going to go to the why we running so slow that’s problem I’m running Welling for Harvey is that you will start you will start making your own coffee plantation yes yes very soon if I found the coffee I haven’t find oh I microphone is kind of bit like what happened it’s like so roomy I mean it’s okay but it’s like a bit roomy yeah it’s a bit R I think you’re really far away from your mic and really yeah there okay but like I mean right yeah right there is okay yeah see that’s okay Moonlight jell Banner oh my God we have money right Ren I want me want me want jelly ban we have money right what do you want to do with that I mean it’s only 5800 it’s okay it’s okay you can buy it you can buy you can buy uhh you know what let’s just let’s just start a EV okay Fu where is har uh no it’s not he’s not here yeah oh by the way no no I already I already also like repair the the bridge like on the on the right side like that’s right hell you done uh done you done yes okay wait where’s where am I talking what the [Music] heck a you stupid mayor come on a you stupid mayor who only know only know how to have a love affair but don’t know how to but don’t know how to be a good mayor is mayor what a stupid mayor like forgot how can you f ship disappointment I faure I put my leg down oh wow hold up okay [Music] Jesus fishing oo o nice look at that jellyfish jellyfishes pretty where am [Music] I Grandma name grandma oh no it’s Emily uh the grandma I forgot the grandma is Emily oh yeah it’s Emily yeah yeah I forget what do you which one oh Grandma name is her name Evelyn Evelyn oh yeah it’s Evelyn it’s not Emily Evelyn Emily is the the blue haired one yeah yeah exactly to [Music] em and you thought Emily was the grandma was Grandma Em’s hair is kind of different color because it’s dark it Grandma bro I am being I am trying to be unique yes I I still need like rock I mean if you need if you need a rock I can I can like go and find rock other like the next day no who said the who who sell the spice Berry I mean it’s okay no not me sorry no it’s okay it’s I mean I mean I mean it’s like fall anyway I need I need to fall seat it’s a new new okay gather get ready We Gather full material it’s time for oh no pumpkins yes exactly yes pumpkin time pumpkin time it’s going to be ja Lantern time how do you [Music] pronounce what [Music] pat p p pat p Pat yeah uh like the color of the p is similar to the ground oh ah yeah I’m in I’m in Fall anyway where’s my where’s my pumpkin seat I do have oh there you go I do have my pumpkin seat okay yeah Co there you [Music] go there where are my pumpkin seat where’s the pumpkin seat uh I already I I already I already I already pled my pumpkin where did I where was mine I don’t know do I I mean I I never I never go there anyway yeah do the I mean yeah I know but you know man oh no oh my God I have the chair here I can always some props here that was like uh be fruit and we didn’t take it yeah because like it’s I think it’s not ready to harest oh no actually it’s ready to harvest but anyway yeah it was right to harvest anyway we’re [Music] sorry I have [Music] nine okay I’m going to buy like a lot how many I have nine I have buy some yam seat yam seat as well yam y we need the Yum and then the community center we also need eggplant eggplant yeah yeah why did I buy corn I forgot D I mean Corn’s good corn grap grap starter St I think it’s far I don’t know it isn’t it ooh pink cake okay I’m o quality fertilizer let’s go nice nice nice nice this is for our own good my friends it’s okay that’s [Music] fine [Music] okay yay I’m just here doing St ni I just accidentally bought corn lot don’t yes exactly I accidentally bought corn I don’t need the corn oh nice get the corn get the corn Beijing corn Beijing corn get the Bing corn it’s just a bunch thing that I can sell one two three four five six one three okay I [Music] okay to hunt for more ingredient I mean uh Hunt For forageable Stuff okay oh hey hey Harvey oh what you can donate this one [Music] hey is done let [Music] [Music] go like we have the farmer and then the decorator yep playing multiplayer is the fun because like because you like playing by yourself oh my Lord I need to I need I need to like uh what do you call that just manage everything just [Music] like oh wait actually I forgot like like when is the time for me to give to give the the Wizard F ense I think like fall honestly I don’t remember like there there like there’s the moment right it’s like is it full fertilizer oh I can I can oh is must I think I I think I don’t know I think I haven’t because like I o oh yeah I do have a lot of fertilizer mhm I have 10 [Music] okay where should I put it [Music] at okay Oh India in India quality fertilizer okay that’s done uh Ren can you make more quality fertilizers uh let me see I [Music] mean the one that I can build was is hold up let me see I think I still only can make the basic one yeah oh no and and also speed grow oh no oh no we wasted quality yeahor I’m going to oh you know what wait hold on you know what I’m it’s fine it’s for pumpkins pumpkins are expensive I mean we can make like a pumpkin seat like right because we we do have pumpkin like seed maker now yeah yeah mean yeah K I’m going to make make the it’s okay I’m going to go back I’m going to go back and do I have iron bar oh I don’t have iron bar what do I have here okay that one oh I no no I think I think you you laugh your pumpkin seat on the on the mine I’m going to bring it I’m I’m I’m going to bring it I’m going to bring it my house is so far away I’m coming coming I will go [Music] [Music] actually like if you need something I I actually have wait where’s my where’s my light like I think I think I have oh [Music] [Music] no where where are you do anyone need help with anything vines vines I can’t see which one wasn’t watered yet okay [Music] [ __ ] I’m going to what happened no oh this oh you know what I think I think you can you can take this you can take this you can take that you can take that oh [ __ ] wait my my my magnet is there you go so this is what we call uh go to go to your equipment which is like uh your your back so you can shining yeah you can shine a little bit English is not englishing for real for real it’s okay it’s like it’s been a long time like both of you not streaming anyway right so you know understandable I can’t see ship it’s understand it’s understandable understand understand yeah I mean I mean like you guys also not English streaming main Channel like okay no worry about it yay don’t worry about that I’m going to double serum just in I think I still wait uh you know what I’m going to I’m going to make I’m going to make all of you guys the the the shining shining away corner like okay okay More Money More M oh today lucky much oh dang no I’m a good [Music] Master huh hello what excuse me training bro I’m good at fishing how dare you will you bro bro William just really busy at this moment seeing Road how dare you giving me a training Rod I don’t need bro the disgrace hello this Grace Willie on God this Grace [Music] [Laughter] broke I feel shame iron oh I need to IR where’s my oh my God is this still a roomy uh talk game I think it’s a bit better it’s AIO better yeah it’s a bit better I have been ashamed [Music] I hold up um oh there you go are you guys planing at the back of a house it’s so hard to look at the crops uh that’s that was my fault where I’m so sorry where go back at the house I want the pumpkins to be pumpkin okay I want all the pumpkins to be a big family name Dam wait do I have coal where’s my coal Market oh there you yeah there’s my coal turning this into a seat let’s go I’m so sad I am disgraced [Music] one capabilities I mean if you want do something like you can do whatever you want actually in this game we got three ancient foot three I have like build a road I don’t know what to do uh I don’t know like you want to fish training the oh yeah yeah it’s like every every mining place is already open o oh yeah uh we got the community board now oh nice the musroom has harvested oh yeah what like the yeah the musroom is like having Harvest got special all this board G guys yay try to go to the town center we got a new board we got a new special order board now oh I’m going there I want to see wait uh I want to see oh yeah the cat yay new KN board hey Abigail hello Abigail is it lucky day yes yes [ __ ] sorry wrong thing wrong thing I do not want to ruin your happiness uh the what I [Music] uh yeah if you want you you want to do the I think I think yeah I think I think it’s a bit roomy again a little bit just a little bit yeah there you go no am I just oh yeah we might need it in the in more because might need it the the is like you can you can take the Jo like from like there’s there’s a lot of J in my chest I don’t know the OM is good a lot of J but like I can’t find right now with how manyan if you one I saw the Omni but not yeah it’s like it’s it’s only Omni J to burst your bubble but but take a why don’t we fish some out to make a valy more beautiful what is this no no it it does fuing sh check I’m pretty sure no it does we’re we’re went through this [Music] before you know what I’m just going to look at the website the time is running out I can’t find a oh my God today Penny birthday and I don’t know let’s [Music] go I’m literally looking at everything I I find the J is it’s like a daily lock doesn’t affect the contents of JS oh the clean up what is coming to clean up I don’t know it’s easy just easy we just fish we were always I’ll take it on days yeah that was wrong that was severely wrong like about that but like we can the jokes like only days WR I got Al I swear it was wrong more likely to drop when Min mining we know but I’m just gonna put it back where itong I mean it’s so cute supposed to do with it I mean like it’s okay I mean it’s got like like you can you can do whatever with the just like rotating around the chest and I can’t even find it you can do whatever [Music] May I’m [Laughter] the daily amount of wood drop in tray chance from of getting coal from rocks chance to discover ladders while mining chance to create uh sprs spawn oh no [ __ ] quality number of uh drop from rocks so basically it’s only for the for the drop of the J yes drop chance of the getting items from garbage cans change your SP with the jealous treasure appearing results of playing casino oh that’s good amount of double the number extra prop treas rooms gold and items this my whole life is all lie that’s s it’s j it’s j just just my just my just like my my role I supposed to pick tiller inste of Ranger I should become the tiller not a rer it’s [Music] okay I live tell to change it for you later yeah that’s why I want to I want to talk with kobus what is this oh it’s a briam GU this come on I need just going to like clear the whole bar because like lot of and woods oh I get I get trash get 20 pieces of trash D the TR incle bin behind the platform okay the easiest way to get trash is to fish it from the the pool near in our farm because our farm is has nothing but trash yes that’s true just like you don’t Farm you don’t P at the farm just like my life everything is justs yeah me wait do we need do we need like bring thingy fish sound only walleye I need walleye we need walleye Walley do c I think it was nighttime at rain yeah at the river something I forgot through I guess I guess [Music] yeah I’m fishing trash why would you do that for the mission special order special order Mission a mission collect 20 trash oh wow oh thank you for color coloring the the the boxes okay you know what me yeah I colored the chest because I’m so confused like all of them are like color well was the CH the whole day okay I’m so confused well we don’t need decoration at least like if if the book is become the the the box then it’s a I mean she’s the one panicking I’m oh my I’m the last one yes you are fishing day three of fall okay it’s time for it’s time for me to to change the the layout of our houses oh oh you got a male bring of ammeron what is amaran Amar is like uh isn’t it like a her or like a uh I don’t know that’s [Music] why oh yeah yeah yeah it’s okay purple okay that purple Le later okay okay okay oh someone just cut the tree deforestation global warming okay help [Music] anymore fishing time it’s fishing time let’s go fishing all of the trash right now okay how many how many trash okay nine more nine more trash and I’ll be I’ll be good okay okay one oh there you go two seven more mushrooms I did took some like yeah we need to wait until raining well I take wait for I don’t know I might have to check again for you guys can go okay six more six more is a six more is it there you go can anybody find a w Plum what Plum where are you Plum D I have a lot of soda hello I am hunting for PL everyone and everything nice okay I’m just I’m just chilling fishing some trash there you go five more five left I need to fish five more trashes so we can become the ultimate trash speaker just like your waifu is trash I can make a [Laughter] more bro it just it just it just like suddenly appear appeared on my hates I just want to say [Music] that oh sleeping already eat eat I like sleeping now eat the food please uh Mario can actually sleep without like saying yes to the sleep for the day so yeah I think I think it’s I think it’s it’s fine game doesn’t register you as sleeping but like you’re on the bed okay a little bit more I think three more right there oh two more I just need two more I’m GNA mute I’m going to mute for a while but like if it’s uh if it’s night please tell me like just say hey it’s night go to sleep or something because like uh I’m going to AF for a bit okay it’s [Music] okay okay good idea wait as long as the green the other members of the green team are not sleeping you are fine yeah it’s like the funny thing is like team stays awake yeah Green Team stay awake okay uh where do I need to recycling behind Okay the recycling behind the train platform which train PL platform like this train and trophy okay I’m finding Anto which train where that one [Music] okay yes yes [Music] I had to return 49 n 10 11 12 13 14 15 it’s only 15 what the heck it’s only 15 all right all right I need to go back again I guess so I guess so I think I need I need to Why YouTube like keep saying that my my streaming doesn’t receive any proper thinging I mean it’s nothing there it’s fine what the heck come on YouTube why why why you such a such a jerk today is everyone watching the stream lagging or something I am not in the good mood today says yoube I guess so does anyone see like lagging a little bit is it lagging everyone you probably yeah one o M two three just two two more trash and we’ll be fine oh by the way n how to use the Beehive how flowers oh The [Music] Beehive flow not rower again I guess can you [Music] yes okay need okay okay myy box oh nice the [Music] [Music] mhm mhm mhm let me get it okay let’s see what can we dinosaur okay there you go that’s good I want to check something like when should I give white sense to Reser oh on winter I see it’s on winter okay it’s yeah it’s not winter the the side quest I yeah side quest for for the [Music] wizard know it’s getting late I know I know it’s getting late sleeping time [Music] on the way oh yeah I need to I need to change the layout of the house for a bit like some of the house I am so far away will I be able to get home I don’t know I will you I’m going to I think I’m going to be right back for a bit I want to I want to pick up some some banana I’m hungry I’m hungry I want to eat some banana be right back actual banana not summer squash yes let’s go okay W midnight we’re waiting for a okay hello hello everyone hello redew hello wait I forgot they didn’t they don’t speakit indonation and I’m uhid [Music] bil okay I’m here oh there’s a midnight C oh my God I actually need to actually train my English bro I need to train my English I cannot speak yes I’m in air I cannot afford to speak anymore I shall force myself to speak in a British Mor Ro language bro oh yeah by the way uh the the thingy you here uh you don’t need you don’t need to mute just just just press okay or something oh oh yeah yeah sorry sorry I’m yep money oh no unlucky it’s unlucky no my cat is having um no it’s not my cat the chicken is having a little bit essential crisis maybe what I know they just they just feel a little bit frustated oh nice I have one trash do you want the trash then no I’m already already like far away it’s okay yeah it’s done it’s done common mushroom there you [Music] go there you go finish finish with the community cleanup we are finished with the community clean up there you it’s it’s G actually damn it’s good and I got the shy looking one Dam [Music] it I I literally have the worst looking one I swear no it’s okay oh are you have you watched dungeon mesy are you watching D mesy no I don’t watch anime what you’re an anime boy though what do you mean you don’t watch watch anime I don’t watch anime I don’t I think I watch anime but it’s not like it’s I think it’s only like I watch you cam or something it’s all that’s the only thing that I watch I didn’t watch like my yeah I don’t uh like which house should I move which which house do you guys want to move like I mean we can move the house oh uh where’s yours what is oh that place sh looking one real oh the the I’m gonna put it here I guess I know I know I know I’m just like try to try to see I think here yeah let’s go here let’s go there go there oh you know what wait hold up I want to a little bit there you go no no no no no change again uh you know what I’m going to I’m going to put it like beside Nana ah like in front of the silo guess so yeah in front of the silo okay let’s get then okay that’s all we get for now let’s see what what can we do fishing yeah let’s just go fishing oh wait today’s unlucky oh today’s unlucky day okay I’m going to I’m just going to go Farming Farming for fish bait I need fish bait for baiting some fish okay Demitri Mr Dimitri okay I’m just going to put here here and that one that one that one that one that one that one okay let’s go farming I want a farm farm oh nice good that’s good I need more I need more bug can there’s no there’s no buck anymore it’s time to go back there’s no time no buck anymore time to go bug to go bug oh there a coal there you go nice ooh money there more money more money let’s go that’s that’s good we do we do uh The Silo it’s not automatical oh yeah yeah I mean I never I never fed I never I never fed the chicken that’s F I guess yeah I just I’ll just just put like a couple of just in case we have she can and we have you can because if she can then Al you can also yeah you know yeah maybe for the maybe for the thir chicken for the new chicken it’s going to be like hicken and and also we can they can so we can make the the the the the chicken house become like everyone can okay nice I think for that good [Music] nice there you go oh my young Lord okay why oh [ __ ] come on I need more bug need more bug there nice my loneliness is killing me and I [Music] oh on level one it’s nothing I still oo o nice diamond okay I [Music] need where is Nana Nana is is doing s Nana disappear oh no there’s nothing here what the heck six 6 fine like we we already have charity anyway just need no I need my Moss let’s bring this [Music] one can I like bring this to me know left this left that and then let’s see what can we bring this one yeah yppe there you go this mhm okay Russian ladies mhm more all of them or most of them most mostly okay Forest Forester or gatherer Foresters is like three like three drop I’m asking that’s why I’m asking the ga yeah oh yeah I’m asking yeah [Music] like yep for wood oh no okay wait H yeah I still have one banana I’m going to eat banana just like monkey I I’m monkey anyway so yeah I eat banana it’s no surprise press the press the continue [Music] button okay I already I already woke up you were sleeping you sleep I was sleeping from the morning I’m going to sleep gate I think they’re resting or something I don’t know maybe she resting you know just like resting resting oh thank you thank you for oh this man best neighbor see I we are the the best neighbor P seat okay that’s good how how to make a fber seat R my good fell can you help me water the waters okay hold up there’s so many things to water I know hold it I have maybe J myself hold up where’s my here l i mean maybe you you should want to play that yeah I know atast maybe it’s okaying oh run out of water why it’s like the YouTube’s kind of bit kind of bit quirky today yeah it’s like it’s more like hey you don’t get any enough internet to maintain a smooth a smooth stream I’m just like what the heck damn to be honest me huh like come on you like why why oh [ __ ] I do have a lot of and [Music] okay I don’t know never do the mushroom I don’t think it needs to be water I don’t know that’s new that’s new for mushrooms I don’t know what maybe it just like them alive oh nice what the heck neptunite oh it’s not oh oh it’s already oh it’s already okay okay anyway anyway just go back there you go she can she can look fine how about you can I guess you can also have a good time where is she where’s where’s the yuk can I don’t see any yuk can um okay okay okay okay okay okay okay yep wait R I think uh My Boogie and Mar’s Boogie actually like uh uh covering the screen the whaty oh oh yeah because like because like because Nana is disappear yeah yeah yeah yeah okay oh yeah that’s true yeah thank you you guys use the is the the usual p tech like like the last last p tech yeah exactly was it C or not I forgot if I changed it no Mar it’s just it’s just you standing the like to the yeah it’s like know fallentine on the Stream fallentine sign yeah in the long time ago when the Galaxy is still far far away yeah oh wait how many corn that we have no it’s a tree corn do I have another corn what do you need the corn for I have corn uh is for the quality bundle is the the quality cor oh anyway okay we do we do have we do have five now okay it’s time for it’s time for doing the de for the for the community for the community you know actually first time I play stardo like uh there’s one time that I made a joke when like okay so stard Valle point is like we need to fulfill all of the community center like the the commission and the reason is why hi g hi LTI welcome welcome are you are you done with your work is like uh because it’s Community right it’s Community you know like community community so does it mean that we are part of communist because we make something for the community yeah why like this R I don’t know like bro it’s Community right so yeah but like a village or thingy is also a community you don’t need to like it’s Community right house Rel relocating oh yeah uh yeah I I I I was moving I was the one who mooved oh ghost throwing Elemental Bells okay still there yeah I know that’s why you need to just like move hey stop that I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry e I’m sorry eat that stone I’m sorry anyway eat that stone what are you doing to Alex it’s okay so we don’t have any witness we don’t have any someone who see me do the do the oh a fish fish time fish F fish time there you go salmon we got salmon salmon yeah we got salmon we got the salmon oh another fish um oh nice perfect cleared all oh no I I clear all the woods and rocks mhm yeah [Music] oh chop frenzy oh [ __ ] oh my God is a CH frenzy on the mountain right now but I’m so far away I don’t I don’t have I don’t have a a fishing rod where do I get a fishing rod uh go to the beach huh go to the beach and talk talk to who the who the the fishing guy again oh we good yeah like do we have one in the uh I think we yeah in my chest like there’s a there’s a training fishing oh yeah yeah wait uh on my way to the mountain yeah are you guys wait wait wait I’m on my way wait and [Music] trophy what the heck is that think I saw something I don’t know what where are I don’t even know where I I heard sound you I don’t know where Mar is you heard you heard sound but you don’t see anything I guess it’s I I guess you just if you if you heard a sound but you don’t see anything you basically got schizophrenia congratulations I’m already yeah nice oh [ __ ] so hard okay I might just go back before before I Ming how can you uh p uh horizontally are you are you playing now l or just like want to you wan to do something with your Doo first only got like one job imagine being diagnosed by Rashi yes I know right [Laughter] just imagine like like Rashi not become a p become a doctor just like it’s going to be like so cursed it’s like oh doctor what I have I have some because of the dog go on you I have a fever well let me take care of that little lady like and everyone just like doctor you’re huge oh wait oh I got bread from the trash let’s go yeah bro sorry it’s your Sor m is accepted press the continue okay oh spreading Wheats let’s go it’s time smoking Wheats let’s go I love smoking wheat I got where’s the wheat where’s the wheat where’s the wheat where’s the wheat where’s the wheat where’s the wheat oh yeah oh I don’t know what to do on the farm because like I have built the roads and I have cleared all the woods and the Rocks I have nothing uh someone clip that what do you mean CL where’s the wheat where’s the wheat where’s the wheat I don’t know where’s the wheat where’s the the weed weed yes where’s the weed I mean it’s like is a is a is a wheat farm right now and I want to I want to I want to a here it’s not that much but there’s some like I see ah wait do we have live like uh a few more times I think we’re going to get lot scandalous what do you mean Scandal is nothing it just it just it just the thing you know just the thing okay okay okay hello she can and you can how are you are you good okay nice how to fit how to fet them there you go no eat oh yeah we need to fish tiger throat yeah yeah tiger throat and also there will be like and a Wy and also a river yeah but remember correctly is River okay we’re going on a I have a chicken name they day can and the cow and and the cow named mukan and so funny yeah that’s good so you can make your farm as a like we can like we can do anything call time it’s a call time wait you n BL station holy [ __ ] I need to invite her n Play Safe With Me let’s spend a th000 hours to just play Civilization oh yes it might like it’s really good like really really really super good discount like it’s I think it’s only like two $3 I need to buy it but I keep forgetting yes it’s good yeah I’m going to bite but I keep forgetting it’s good it’s a good game it’s a good game you can you can try to colonize and conquer the world you know go nuke nuke and also thinking about the politics I mean if you if you if you if you like play like uh turn turn Bas yeah turn yeah it’s a farm farm all right yeah PlayStation is is on this count right now yeah want oh oh [ __ ] a mountain okay go to the mountain now the I’m on the mountain wait let’s go uh oh hey W light Time come on it’s warlight time for how long you will be streaming I I mean it’s kind of bit long time it’s okay for like I’m I’m chilling uh this is a carp uh where is the good a good spot for oh [ __ ] we’re going on a very Rock drip drippy dri drip okay yeah yep yep I mean you can you can take care of your dog or something oh this is oh it’s there it’s there it’s there is there come on we need to catch two Wy the basic Wy and the goldie Wy get ready to explan there yeah nice um is the is the friend still there in the still there while I still here oh no oh it’s over yeah no is the fish FR still there no uh it just it just just finish did you did you get did you get the like like a fish the the star fish like the the fish with the star or not okay it’s okay it’s okay yeah same uh doing it broccoli I don’t think so oh anyway okay I I get I get the I get the walleye okay I’m a I’m a go to com center now I got the golden Wye but like I don’t know I should PL it or not I have like 12 seeds right how many you want you know just like for for the for selling things or maybe be making making some food uh no it’s like broccoli seeds like produce after [Music] there you go we have we only need tiger trout it’s only tiger trout is river Tiger TR uh I don’t know oh okay thank you Abby thank you for singing while I’m while I’m fishing 6: a.m. to 700 p.m. oh [ __ ] okay think I can make it I’m not taking the what is this oh [ __ ] I need to go RT after this after fishing hold up no no I mean RT just only like the I need to I need to what do you call that I need to giving water to all of the all the plan no actually I just want to go toilet and it’s watering my plan there you go nice it’s okay I can go fishing for other things where are you fishing uh the mountains yeah mountain is a good fishing place the tiger what tiger tiger trout tiger trout is [Music] River okay so so it’s basically GAA River the one in town or like the town the bottom one oh only on 6 to 7 p.m. yeah 6 6 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. it’s a long time 6 a.m. okay going to help tomorrow yeah yeah there you nice I think this is my last day okay it’s okay it’s fine best leave eventually and you still streaming yes I do still streaming Moy but welcome back and good morning how no I just like my fever just fell asleep and just like H oh you’re still streaming yes I yes I do oh [ __ ] no I almost lost the fish is is because of you ch D you it’s okay I’m kiding I’m kiding it’s okay it’s fine I miss my where is it I’m not going to translate that holy [ __ ] I mother catcher just just like what I just like I catch your mother last night you know now yeah no just no just skill isue it just SK isue yeah I I can catch your mother you know you know just remember chat anyway mayor civilization no what is the fourth one not the fifth one the fourth one really yeah it’s not the fifth one oh okay I mean I played the I played the fifth I mean actually I also can play the fourth just like it’s the same mechanism anyway just just different different different character are you guys already sleeping uh not yet I’m still fishing hold [Music] it I’m B uh I play I play from epic it’s a crossplay it’s a Closs platform anyway because like an epic it’s a free is a free one it’s like I think the fifth one because it’s free at at the moment do I I have it oh I need I need to I need to [Music] run people n n I’m using your house thank you that’s okay we good oh my God they’re spreading wheat oh no I shall go bye-bye okay thank you thank you for joining thank you for thank you for joining the game I’m stay like another half an hour okay what [Music] is uh oh the BR Galactic yes I have wait we we can play we can wait to get there like sometime do you have deep rock I do I do have Rock I deep rock Galactic ah M shoot what what game is that like what back [Music] mining imagine foro and Mining like should I buy it I don’t think I mean it’s going to be same like you can play with steam people because like in the end of the day sit mayor needs to connect with with with rockar oh yeah it’s like with 2K 2K loucher yeah it’s the same it’s a it’s a cross [Music] platform yeah galactic [Music] uh can you leave it oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] almost [Laughter] okay okay there you go River jelly oh interest oh that’s one oh oh uh I was like blocking mature content from my steam that’s why I can’t see it mature [Music] content like I haven’t like bu like everything name and I just you know I just got M like email from Steam and just like you’re one of the wless game is discount and I don’t want to I don’t want I mean I can say it on stream like what the game is the living with sister don’t ask don’t ask me what game is that don’t ask me what game is that okay thank you it’s a monr game is only free right now wait it’s only what happened H oh I was uh I was about to ask like bring a chest to the other part of the beach but like if it’s just the two of us uh it’s I’m just going to uh okay I see oh you want to bring it or you bring it by yourself or you’re not doing anything right now uh juste bring me a chest but if you are doing something then no no I’m just fishing right now and also I want to open the the the the the thing F yeah I’m fishing open the same to them okay are you fishing right now I’m fishing near the mayor car uh-huh yeah uh-huh uh-huh hey it’s not a it’s not a sus game it just like uh what do you call that it’s there daily life just like no I’m just like telling chat the game it’s not SS game of life it’s not it’s not it’s a farming simulation game yeah it just like living with your sister you know there’s nothing wrong with living with your sister what are we we talking about no it’s nothing it’s nothing I hear living with sister and I uh I mean nothing oh there you are yeah holy [ __ ] there’s a big one okay still can move my uh what’s it called the bait the the things the rod to like the what and a but like or do you need like another fishing rod over the bait oh uh Mara told me that like you can uh point the rod diagonally somewhere oh like I tried it didn’t work it’s just like when when when you want to when you want to tr it you can just like press left or right you can do whatever it’s going to be a little bit diagonal cuz like it’s not working in the M wait really wait hold up I’m still I’m still fighting this fish uh just press heart there you go like okay so when you want to you want to throw or you can just like go right first and you try there I was like no there you go oh [ __ ] I swear to God I swear to God that’s a big fish oh nice Wy see there you go that’s how you make it into diagonal oh sure is wa [Music] ah holy [ __ ] okay okay eat the banana in the game eat the banana in game friend are you there yes I am here hello I’m always here oh hello I’m here be here I always I was talking I was talk oh am here what happened what happened I’m in here I’m here I’m here tiger trout huh how hello hello my game is lagging and I’m just seeing you standing there unless you are just standing there the whole time I mean I am standing was there now I’m moving you’re not missing right now uh no I’m I’m back I’m back to home it’s in my game you’re still there like just standing there maning bro I guess I guess I just like not look at this I already go already gone bro I mean maybe maybe I don’t know like I’m already back the game maybe I’m oh no like your voice kind of stuttering it’s so stuttering oh your your voice is stuttering mying oh I think it’s my connection yeah is it still Souther in hello no uh it’s okay now but I don’t know okay three five 4 five okay 4 five6 4 five okay you you cannot talk it’s so cursed it’s it’s so curse it’s so curse it’s so curse no let me die let me die how bad is it um ooh oh good money good money good money 2,000 money is a good a good money I normal no just like H like am I normal look at that The Bu is full them oh the blueberry the blueberry but I lost my basket oh lonus basket that’s s that’s really s that’s so shot who the heck put it here Hol Esty hello hello my normal a little bit maybe do you mean exact answer I’m answering why is your tone like that I’m answering you want you want to you want to me talking like like this I’m that’s my tone what do you mean still lagging uh not really I guess I mean some sometime it’s cut up it just like cut up a little bit sometime oh or why M cut off for b c d g h i j k hello hello h I don’t understand what is that Spanish I don’t know maybe mean there you go nice damn The Fall season is like just falling H just fall in season what is B lus basket okay we need to find Linus basket where where’s your basket Linus I don’t know that’s why oh okay there okay lus I’m going to be there pleas Out of Water we need to there yeah a good energy the stardo doesn’t look stard doing oh it’s start start when I complain about it I see no the internet is so dumb oh wait I need to oh I need to okay hold up [Music] and just [Music] like what is she what is she cooking right now I don’t know let me game you mean I can do in the farm what do you mean what happened internet yes is the end eror it’s the end one two has five Farm that’s s so Jo it’s so J I can’t do anything oh D oh your corn is Corning the corn is Corning we need to there you go that’s the corn nice nice nice nice nice oh theplan oh actually no it’s not oh just regular acpl we already have like the E corn no no e corn no no do not eat the corn there you go nice there you go that’s good this is just a trash what can we do what can we we doing right now let’s see oh yeah we can I can just like right now is still going to join that such can’t do what the heck internet just cooking you say she’s cooking what can you cook with zero over the game it won’t let me in yeah there go n let’s put it there nice nice nice wait for my return on the town of your church here Grandpa he’s dead oh he’s dead no wonder what you when what did what does what does what does he mean for like I’ll return on the third year is he going to like Ed say or something I forgot what happened but like there will be a statue of the grand why are are we going to worship him now no worship the statue of Grandpa yeah I’m just going to watch random play in YouTube That’s So s that’s so sh the game bro disconnecting oh wait this is Sil hello hello c m m I need to cut your tree we need to cut the tree the tree need to be cut there you yeah nice can I oh I can let see another hold hey eat the summer squash yes I will eat the summer squash there go oh no everything is broken yeah I don’t even know why um wait uh what broke she did she did she did thought she did she did she did she did what she did she did why do you keep repeating the same word I don’t know what that mean she did guys she did she’s dead s h i d i she did okay me just what it’s okay it’s not thing nothing important No Need No No need no need to no need to understand anything s oh I at all I know where is my stuff oh there’s a tea there oh yeah we cannot okay there you go we’re finish and now what we can do is wonder cand do right now I think is nothing just like yeah H let’s see let’s see let’s see let’s see what what can we make from this thing oh the crap Pop I forgot to check it I’m going to check it tomorrow anyone else in game r no I’m just alone I’m just a poor boy I can’t get in oh tomorrow oh today say Lo no wonder no wonder it’s it is funish it is fish I’m a join in okay the fall is falling indeed yeah I’m sorry I just I just read your comment L I’m sorry why is Spanish so sadden I don’t know I just like I I just want to say one week for today we’re holding stat Valley Fair in a town square it’s the biggest event of the Year drawing people from all across the country town if you like to can get gr display the event this bring up nine item that best showcase your talent you’ll be judged on the quality and diversity of your display the first start at 9:00 a.m. don’t miss it one week for today okay next week next week there will be there will be a fair and what can we a fair oh my God yeah and what where’s the St St the valy there St the valy fa wait wait hold up wrong wrong water no the now we have a problem everyone living everyone living likeone just leaving with a lot of pumpkin that I need to water good nice I love this aing handling all the props oh it require sight oh that’s a lot of CRS to handle uh there you go we got we got the amaran nice I’m I just I’m just I’m just going to fill this with water okay there you go there you go there you go there you go there you go EST toy MTI there you go I’m watering all of the plan the oh [ __ ] there you go nice okay nice nice nice nice nice nice oh we got the AR chalk already corn another corn I guess another corn another corn another corn another corn another corn just corn just corn just corn just corn just corn just corn just corn another corn another corn another corn oh ancient fruit let’s go yay let’s go yay need to go again go up again and okay this section is done now this section one two three four 5 6 7 8 9 and now we go here [Music] and one two three four do we need some menion thingy oh wait oh [ __ ] we do need melon oh no kind of late it’s kind of late it’s okay it’s all right White Plum wait White Plum let’s go let’s go try for ring oh there a Blackberry the Moss the Blackberry the Moss the [Music] Blackberry I’m stuck Moss Blackberry Moss Blackberry Moss BT oh inventory full okay this one I’mma join okay lty okay okay I’ll be here waiting for someone who join finally after a long time everyone going to join me me server like that M what is this there’s nothing there oh this is a a good moss Good moss Good Moss Good Moss Good Moss okay then fiber and coal okay so I can and cook yeah how many Blackberry already 46 Blackberry wait where’s where’s the where’s the thing I need to find I need to find a lot of stuff okay okay oh look at this look at all the blue the Blackberry the buak B oh name oh oh oh just a skin nothing important okay Blackberry Blackberry Moss blackberry and yep Moss BlackBerry now it’s good I guess yeah now it’s good yep oh Blackberry mushroom mushroom oh no okay I thought it was okay anyway it’s not killing it that’s so that’s so sad I thought it will I thought we can kill the bird I want to kill the bird to kill the yet yeah so such okay there you go there you go nice oh wait not here uh it’s here the here one and and what we can do I don’t know let’s put it here and I’m going to just sell the thing there you go nice there you go nice hey what happened what happened cat what do you want from me oh yeah bring the Amir for money okay tomorrow we can bring am for toor I think I need to make one more know what I think I think I can put it here one like just like here and this one is just the there you go and there’s the watery thingy the scale and there we go now what now now what now what I’m I going just like let’s see what can we do let’s see what can we do right now I don’t know um oh the tree I’m just going to chop the tree you know what I’m I’m I think I’m going to make I’m I’m going to make a well after this I’m going to go yeah so we can like have some some good good old water near the near the near the farm oh [ __ ] okay let me just close this one here we go nice nice nice nice there you go there you go I think I’m going to leave the P okay for rest of the okay thank you thank you good Lu for the rest of the stream thank you I think I’m going to also go thank you yes it’s fine it’s okay it’s okay it’s fine it’s fineing out real it’s okay thank you for thank you thank you by the way thank you for playing with me thank you okay there you go everyone it’s me alone with all of you it’s only me now it’s only me you’re going to be you’re going to be tra at me anyway so yeah there you go everyone that’s that’s that’s that’s Mara and II and and also we we play with we play with n before like yeah they’re they’re really really really really great great people way do way they really really good in nice people oh farming let’s go nice oh wait I can make oh I can make cheese breast now well hello well hello Cen welcome in Asian not really I mean I can I can speak Indonesia but but uh mainly I speak in English welcome welcome how’s how’s the time how’s the how’s the day going is day doing good doing good doing good doing doing nice it does I can’t talk in an Asia like like yeah I I understand Indonesia but I’m I’m not I’m not that I’m not that [Music] Indonesia welome welcome right now we just like chilling in start Valley like I think I think the slot like the the slot is like already full so yeah because like it’s already like fully eight people on the server if I remember correctly so not everyone can join anymore maybe I can’t join what why what happened what happened what happened why you can’t join say connection failed oh wait hold up uh let me just restart then I’m going to restart and you know what yeah it’s okay it’s a late I’m going to restart and it’s going to be new it’s going to be new it’s going to be new new thing is they going to be new and new code it’s going to be new code hold up okay yep it’s going to be new code there we go sfr Omega double i w q d17 four yesi there you go how how do they how do they call you it’s like Catlin cadin it’s like cadin or or or or do you have any things like oh [ __ ] hold up mightbe just like Castle Catalin Catalin or there you go let is join the game hi oh [ __ ] I have nothing yeah it’s like all of all of your corpses like die because of the what do you call that because of the the the chains of the Season you know it’s not summer anymore so all of your plan is just like dying yeah I figure yeah that’s everything is D everything dying oh [ __ ] I need water oh this is going to be really really really hard stuff watering all of this plan by myself I mean actually I can buy oh you know what I’m going fish for okay okay okay can go Fish how to make the thing iron bar refined quartz oh refined quartz I see Iron by gold by refin Quartz okay I see I see I can make this I’m I’m I just taking care of of the of the corpse for a bit not for a bit I mean this is a lot of I can also help with the she’s she’s can or something okay okay you can go fish I mean you can go fish like anywhere oh but I guess like what what what we need is like tiger trout which is tiger trout I mean chicken I see what we need right now is like the chicken we need we need we need chicken like is it in River yeah is it on River and for tiger trout you can only fish tiger out like from 6: to 7 a.m. hold up let me check again uh tiger trout oh yeah it’s like 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. it’s on the river it’s on the river river is like uh you need you need to plant some trees I think yeah I’m mean it’s like we we have a lot of we have we’re going to have a lot of uh what you call it wild tree so have you got any Buck meat so I can make oh no I already used it I already used it before I I don’t have D I mean I already used all of my bait before so I don’t have any any more bugman anymore but yeah plan is going to be like uh it’s going to be later because we just we just depend on like the wild nature you know like the N when Nature just want to grow some tree because there there a lot of wild tree too right it’s like so it’s fine but yeah it it feels like it feels so empty right it feels so empty it’s feel just like there’s no there’s no nature and just it’s just no nature here no life I feel like I’m leveling I’m leveling my my farming like so fast I guess like going to be really really super fast because I’m just like doing this thing on my own and it’s like already 1: p.m. and just like yeah the the nature is dying here I don’t have any I have any CES CES oh wait do I already oh yeah I have it oh [ __ ] oh no my phone die I don’t I don’t remember I just I just realized that I just realized this my phone is like die oh no is that good though hold up oh no my phone die and that’s that’s actually dangerous because like don’t let your phone die because it’s going to be affect your battery health especially for for iOS oh no oh no I just okay it’s 1% okay you know what uh I need to go to Marne wait I forgot to go to Marney I’m too busy doing things okay I’m going I’m going to be I’m going to be a little bit I’m going to moveing for for sometime I’m not going to moveing for sometime sorry oh no how there you go there you go nice you know what I think I’m going to use my webcam after this let’s just use webcam for this stuff oh by the way LTI uh the river is like on the down the down side of the map you know so if you want to catch some tiger tow you can fish on the River on the down not not the river the usual place that you always fishing it’s like if you open Map There’s a river right on the downside like there’s a waterfall something like that that’s that’s where you where you going to fishing I’m just waiting for okay I mean actually proper time is now because like tiger trout is like from 5 a.m. oh no I mean 6:00 a.m. in the morning until 700 p.m. so actually it’s good it’s it’s still a good time you can fish now you can fish now or maybe what is this how’s the time um I’m I’mma go 6 p.m. it’s 6 a.m. it’s okay it’s okay no worry no worry yeah I’m going go I’m go find some find some what you call that there you go nice oh [ __ ] lus what did he do ah that feels good what he doing the waterers never been cleaner what do he do and the same goes for me he oh no oh no sor oh yeah we I need to I need to find lus a cloth later after this okay let me let me let me find some bug meat if I can I’m going to find a lot of buck me I’ll try within the time within the time okay it’s nothing anymore let’s go okay okay okay okay oh it’s Ro wow keep the CLE oh all okay that’s good can we do this can we do this it’s nothing what the heck I need to go to the mine too right now what happened what do you do what do you need I mean it’s like it’s not I think it’s almost nighttime I don’t know maybe you can go tomorrow like or maybe your your bait is like empty I mean in general oh in general I see I need everything [ __ ] oh my oh [ __ ] broccoli seat let’s go there you go nice okay it’s time to go back only got two I’m going to go again tomorrow but actually but tomorrow is like I need to take care of the corpse again it’s like ah it’s so it’s so much taking care of corpse is just like yeah I’ll have okay thank you you know what let’s let’s just go back it’s almost night time it’s almost night time oh there you go oh oh [ __ ] what PL okay okay tomorrow I’m going to go to the comedy Center then because like we I think we finish one more bundle we finished the bundle yeah it’s getting late it’s getting late let’s go let’s go back I’m going to go sleep first because I want to go toilet okay everyone I’m going to go toilet for a bit and also I need to set up some where’s my live today let’s just use webcam for a while because we can’t do [ __ ] my phone is still on charge so I’m just going to use webcam for a bit take your time okay thank you it’s going to be like okay is it working okay it’s working it’s a littleit working okay right back hold up for for I am back I am I am back I am really back oh don’t don’t sell the joa cola I think I think sometime we need it we need joa Cola like for just maybe running or something okay for oh it’s today’s not okay oh sorry it’s okay good morning I can’t B you found such a neighbor uhhuh I’m trying to train my goat to say hello but they simply won’t pay attention to me unless I have the peer treat Cape carrot so say I’m scared of the mine okay sure sure I do have oh we got pil brought what happened we go uh we have keep carrot oh [ __ ] uh let’s see let’s see what we can do now I don’t know how to make a refined quart actually like how that’s a j Stone ch there’s a thing okay oh here you can get recycling machine do you do you have any recycling machine right now I’mma take this for a bit okay I think I do oh and oh that’s good I think I think we can have that like we can have recycling machine like or maybe oh no I didn’t okay can you make it though like are you are you good to make Rec recycling machine I want went my previous time but I forg okay what is it what is the what is the requirement do you have the all the requirement or do we need to do we need to search it I think I need oh I do have iron bar I I have iron bar I I on the green chest on the green chest like on the green chest there there’s iron bar on the green chest yep yeah let’s do that let’s do that let’s do that because if we have like if we have recycling machine I think like we can have a lot of uh lot of do I put it next here uh it’s up to you it’s up to you like uh which which place is convenient and I and do I make only one or more uh it’s up to you you want to make more it’s also okay like two or three it’s okay like if you have if if if you have the the power and requirement to make it is okay let it be yeah let it be that’s good that’s good thank you I think I think we need to to like a one stream like one day to just like fully I when everyone playing like just do the decoration you know oh [ __ ] just one more plan I should not one more I’m going to go to morning for bit I’m going to Mar to bit I mean it’s okay after this I’m going to go back again to water the the flower I need to give her the the cape carrot and also that there you go that’s nice oh you br the C C thank you so much you’re welcome there you go I put it on the I put on the floor you can take it this look I almost you can of IM near my house when you get back okay eat myself almost oh damn bro I hope it was in too much trouble I really do appreciate that is not I’m just just I’m just fish on there you know I want to kill this I want to kill this oh [ __ ] I can’t I can kill the I cannot kill the actually the reason why I need refine quartz is just like for making oh this for making the what do you call it making quality sprinkle so we can have just sprinkle to do the thing you know to do the the watery thing because like it’s going to be like so hard it’s going to be so easy okay there you go okay so what we can do right now I think wait wait wait where’s the community center honey okay oh I need l oh okay I need level five five star yum oh actually okay okay okay okay I’mma bring the honey just in case where’s the honey there you go this one okay up up we go oh it’s just hasel Lut come on please I want a more I want I want the the plum uh by the way just in case L if you find the W Plum just take it and keep it okay that’s for the community center just in case just in case you found it if you don’t found it it’s okay okay yes thank you okay now let’s see will you become a legendary farmer like like like like pattle I don’t know maybe maybe welcome aseri welcome welcome how’s the day how’s the day how’s the how’s the open and and also yeah C cin I forgot to ask cool cool that’s nice that’s nice hi it’s been a while though how’s the thing is everything good is everything nice okay we need to carve okay yeah we’re just chilling on S Valley right now like this is open Surfer I mean yeah it’s open Surfer but I guess that it’s already full right now so I think everyone cannot join anymore I been TI a lot of assignment from the University trying to oh damn good luck with that good luck with the good luck with the uni good evening evening okay that’s what’s that I get some fish egg O I think I think I think is a good time for it’s a good for just like keep it okay there you go I’m I’m going to I’m going to I’m going to make a seat for a bit a yam seed especially CU we need the yam seep we need the yam seep I mean not seep it’s a seat oh okay Cen yes glad to see you glad to see you too thank you thank you for thank you for thank you for coming and passing by thank you thank you I’ll I’ll see you I’ll see you in when I see you have a nice sleep later bye-bye oh [ __ ] wrong there you go uh I’ll get you okay going to put it here going to put it here we go now I’m going to make it more there’s a Blackberry point the sense do have many tips to get to get any income like get uh a lot of income inide of Valley uh h i mean there’s some there’s some like for for example for example you can you can use like you can make a tea like a there’s a tea sapling or tea seed which is if you if you were like sell the sapling the tea sapling is going to cost your it’s going to sell around like 500 500 gold but and for this tea for the Tea Leaf for the te Li it’s going to be like around 50 yeah around 50 it’s going to be around 50 but actually the the seat or the sapling is Al is like one of the good and easy for do we find quartz uh we good for now I mean yeah I do need but I think we still good we still good for now because like I also need to have what it called that what is this thing uh what is the name call in uh ho [ __ ] I forgot it’s like the you know what let’s go to sleep the the the Tea Leaf yeah the Tea Leaf the Tea Leaf is like around 50 g it’s it’s a good for for starting because first of all you just need to find dapa deal and give it to Caroline like you need to two heart you need to have two hearts for Caroline so she will give you the the receip recipe for recipe for tea and it’s really really have a lot of money in a white one okay and also the the way to have a lot of money to is fishing fishing also gain you a lot of money there’s a lot of income from fishing and what else is there have a really really nice income I I I think it’s like yeah sh fishing fishing also good or I guess like you will [Music] have there I’m just going to put it here that’s how you get like a lot of money by selling the te and because like why T is also good first of all you don’t need to water every morning not like the Casual oh [ __ ] my my chest just hurt hold up uh you don’t need you don’t need a lot of stuff to to to plan uh plant of tea you just like plant it there or you can just like sell the sapling because sapling one sapling once again is cost you around like 500 I still have trouble playing this game and get barded easily uh I mean if if you were like me like if you were like me I’m also often to get bored at one game but the problem is like the reason why I get bored at the game is I don’t have any people to play with that’s the that’s the problem because I don’t have any people to play with like you know just playing alone is kind is a little bit it’s a little bit boring so that why maybe maybe maybe we have the same the same problem like you know so I guess so my friend playing Wu and you know Kar yeah I know the feeling and I in same because like most of my friend right now this day instead of playing yeah maybe it’s some them mostly playing Wu or playing hongkai Star Rail and and also some people a lot of people right now this playing multiverses might put it the pH it’s okay it’s okay I mean it happened okay I need I need to Fat I need to feed my the the chicken first I forget to fit the chicken yeah it’s like maybe you were just like me uh tend to get bored because you don’t don’t have people to play with but the for that kind of thing you just need to actually you need to find it by yourself like it’s going it’s it’s it’s going to be like it is what it is because a lot of people still you know just like want to follow the trend follow the the way that everyone oh everyone play this so you also need to play that and something something like that which is is not bad it’s not bad it’s not it’s not bad but it just like you know sometime you just maybe you feel like no maybe you can’t play the game or yeah just like just like you say maybe you only have like a potato uh potato equipment or something it is what it is any right it’s okay it’s all right no need to worry about anything okay what should I do oh [ __ ] I need actually I need to do something but it just like all of my stuff is I need to okay I need to go to the to the mountain to find less less stuff hi oh yeah by the way LTI um I’m requesting to get a lot of coal you’re going to the mine right just like if you if you got any coal or something may I borrow a sword oh you want to borrow a sword uh yes you can wait where are you I can borrow my sword I try to get some okay thank you thank you here here here here I think I have some on my chest okay and also maybe you can like go if it’s not coal I think coal gold and iron I mean it’s like here here use use my sword it it’s on the first chest it’s on first chest oh you want to use this word or like you already oh oh you already use I’m there’s a b baseball bat anyway we’re looking for Mary um I mean a lot of a lot of people asking like Ren who’s going to be married like blah blah blah I think I’m I’m not going to go like into the into like into the Mary or just like go with a girl or or a Bo I think I’m I’ll be I’ll be I’ll prepare to have relation full relationship with with what’s the name again for Kus like uh I forgot like kobus yeah it’s kobus I’m I’m going to like have relationship with KOB instead there nice are you looking for M harm ooh tempting I mean it’s tempting it’s D thing like making harm in this game is temp thing ah K yeah because like I don’t know it just like I know he uh having relationship with kobus doesn’t have any benefit or something but it’s just like fun I don’t I don’t want any benefit I don’t want to have like like a plus and minus like negative and positive thingy I just like you know let’s make it let’s make it sweet yeah yeah sweet let just make it like into a simple relationship just like like robus robus is friend friend is robus make it simple you can hug him every morning when you marry yeah you can you can hug him just like giving a hug before the work and he just like going to stay there and and also in the end like uh we we’re not going to have like two or more like we don’t have any two bad right like just like okay one B just like it’s fine robus is fine Kus is fine I I like that boy that boy is just like it’s a it’s a it’s a balance I want I want to make it balance oh nice you know actually tomorrow tomorrow like I will I will have I have streaming again tomorrow and it’s it’s an important stream because I want to I want to I want to say something for the stream tomorrow like there there’s important stuff that I want to tell and show you guys oh [ __ ] bring frenzy yeah I think it’s going to be the same time it’s going to be the same time and what I can guarantee you it’s going to it’s it’s not going to be it’s going it’s not going to be scam like like like the usual usual it’s going to be like it’s going to be fun it’s going to be fun it’s not it’s not like this cam scam like that I that I used to do with with all of you guys but this one is going to be like legit thingy actually I do have a lot of coal but I don’t know where is it now maybe I’m just blind maybe I’m just blind like I didn’t find the M tanky interesting yeah it’s interesting where’s my coal I don’t see the coal oh [ __ ] I do have a lot of this renter foro I don’t know it can be where’s my coal uh I do have coal here but where is it I only have one coal what the heck where’s the rest of them what did I do with the with all the coal I do with all the goal just a gold uh I think L I think I don’t need any more gold I think I have lot a bunch of gold now it’s fine it’s fine where’s my thingy holy [ __ ] where is it where the thing I need the thing okay where is it I’m still finding it like am I blind am I blind or something going to make this it’s not it’s not a St it’s something just like something I just want to say something that’s all this for the stream I just want to say something that important okay that’s the that’s the stuff there I don’t see I have 14 oh that’s good nice nice nice nice do I get rid all of my coal what’s happening I think so you know what let’s let’s just go sleep let’s go sleep yeah let’s let’s go sleep I need to go to sleep sleeping is the thing oh level five fishing okay fish War 25% more Traer resource required to crap crap Crab Pot reduce ah I think Fisher is more good I think Fisher is more good right I don’t know which one is good F become Fisher or the Trapper why not place the dinosaur egg in incubator I don’t have the incub I don’t have the any incubator yet that’s the that’s the problem wait hold it pretty sure you already play start follow for hours yeah actually we are we already play like 4 five hours are you TR I mean it’s fun it’s a bit it’s a it’s like swiming is tired anyway right like even though it’s only like 1 hour two hour but it’s it’s it is what it is I think I think Richard is more good like I think I’m a go fishare I’m going go fishare I’m a go fish we go Fisher oh today is lucky you can find like a lot of coal or something and just like you’re going to go lucky oh [ __ ] we can make sashimi now you said you probably can’t sleep because of the long stream yeah that’s true that’s so true that’s so true that’s true like I cannot sleep because because I’ve been streaming too long and it’s just like a lot so I can I can I can sleep really well oh look at that but it’s okay it’s okay it’s it’s not going to take a long time I’m just I’m just going to need to do something here maybe like two more days like two more days I’ll I’ll be I’ll be heading sleep I’ll be sleeping just do more day okay okay just do more day please I mean tomorrow we’re going to have a streaming like tomorrow going to be like a really really Banger stream but please okay previously I could sleep until 5:00 a.m. I guess like I guess I can’t sleep because of overthinking it turn out it was because of 4our nap I mean actually like for me if we talking nap yeah maybe nap also can be happen like oh because you’re taking a nap so you cannot go to sleep it’s also going happen because like your body is still is still is still is still like just fresh I mean because like nap taking a nap actually is not it’s not it’s different from Shield it’s like taking a nap it means that you’re resting your brain that’s why you feel fresh after taking a nap because like your brain is fresh but sleeping sleeping is actually especially sleeping at night like a like a like a real time like like in a good time especially like sleeping at night it’s also important because at that time that’s when your when your buddy your cell buddy like your buddy cells it’s reg regenerating which is which is which is like it’s important to your body to to have the cell regeneration and and if you like really like to overlap or like sleeping in the morning even though it’s like uh but R I sleep like 8 to 9 hours per day even even though like you sleeping at I don’t know 5:00 a.m. or 600 a.m. but you still got 6 to 8 or 9 it’s it’s only it’s only it’s only going to like regenerate your brain it’s going to like resting your brain but your body cells and when they die when they supposed to be need to be regenerate they cannot go anywhere right and it’s going to be turned into into cancer like the cancer cells that’s why like the cancer thing is also happen when you don’t go sleep in a good time that’s why actually like this like past past two days like past two 3 days I was like sleeping properly because you know just like try to be healthy even though even though yeah I couldn’t sleep but I tried to force myself to just sleep at least at night because the reason why you need to sleep at night is because like the cell regeneration was happen when there’s no sunlight so it happened on the night there’s no light it needs to be no sunlight it just like black that will happen but at the same time if you want to like over not sleeping or just like uh just do some stuff it’s okay but you need to be like make it into like a schedule or something like oh for example oh Ren I want to what I want to watch some some soccer I want to watch some football but but the the football is like on the really really really really time when just like I don’t know like in the morning that’s okay but because like football is not going to like every day right or you want to like oh right and I want to play just like playing like like kind of like every day too so it’s okay but yeah I think I think like I’m going to like do two more night like two more night two more night and I’m going to I’m going to do the date I’m going to do the thing I’m going to sell the fruit going to put it [Music] [Music] here where’s the Y again where’s the plum I mean it’s okay it’s a really good Plum anyway right like we cannot do anything with that Plum where’s the plum where’s the plum where’s the where’s the BART oh there you go okay it’s time for it’s time to go to the the community center community center time there’s nothing there in the in the end of the day just like try try to be healthy like and and also yeah I I also try to be a little bit healthy there you go nice for example like oh we get another bee house another beeh house okay there you go nice oh FAL SE oh my God thank you we need snow Y and H I think it’s it’s winter it’s winter and Holly okay on the winter we finish the the crafts room I guess it’s going to be it’s going to be easy oh yeah I forgot to check the com the com small mouth bass oh small mouth bass you guys want to catch some small mou bus you can you can catch it it’s up to you because I’m not going to catch it oh a assistant check now the rare and dangerous Prismatic slime within the local Cape bring me jar of PR gel and will be my you’ll be do be doly reward the local population of Lake face has grown to unstable level I need to local angler to have reduced your number I have no energy s go back now let’s go for the let’s go by the the fishing I think I think that’s a really I think that’s the easy one right catch a like fish yeah just like go to the lake and fishing let’s go it’s easy easy just we go fishing tomorrow we go fishing tomorrow there you go we need another be so we can have we can make a [Music] honey do you have Buck meat I do have I have only 10 beat right now you want to you need it I can give you if you want to there you go thank you you’re welcome okay the fall set here there you go there’s the white one what is the another Pantry oh Berry Rose holy [ __ ] oh cheese I can make cheese I forgot that I can make cheese press Heartwood copper bar Stone and wood okay that’s easy easy easy easy easy I need copper bar then how many copper bar one 10 heart root do we have Heartwood that’s the thing we do have Heartwood okay we need 10 heart with 45 Stone and okay okay okay okay sure sure sure sure do you have hard with ly you know what I’m I’m going to check on the other chest if you get if everyone have heart with oh look at that good money good money good money please rain please I want a raining I want to I want to have a rain I want to have a raining I don’t uh it’s okay don’t worry about it it’s okay SI it’s I’m going to check everyone chest why is it hard I think I think I think I think just like yeah okay 45 Stone and wood okay oh look at that my pumpkin my pumpkin was growing let’s go oh the sunblower honey let’s go nice and the F sets going to be this this this this this this this do we need tiger yes we do we do we do we do need we do need tiger trout I’m going to check on Nana Oh [ __ ] she had okay nice thank you I oh wow oh nice nice nice nice nice nice nice let’s go let’s go we we just only need one and and yeah we done we we’re done with the we’re done with the with the T hey that’s great ah you got it nice I’m proud I’m proud of you you maybe if you if if you want to like try nice yeah we only need one we only need one that’s good thank you you’re welcome oh [ __ ] bro I’m glad to can with yeah that’s good that’s good it’s important it’s important most of the pumpkin is already done and and and if it’s already done it’s going to be like look at this every every pumkin is just like I just Harvest every P nice that’s good what did you got what did you got lty yay bundle complete oh my D the fish T is complete then that’s the only final o Delux bait oh let’s go nice I think you can use that later like when it’s going to be raining so we can have like okay one 2 three 4 eight and this one eight this one this one this one this one oh the broccoli is oh the broccoli is fine m see I don’t have any time for fishing I really want to fish like I have I have a lot of place where fish I have like a lot of skill on fishing oh there something there oh is a torch no wonder let’s just put the torch here and let’s see that we can make I think I’m still going to need like IR iron bar and and quartz okay how many iron bar that we have only four oh I need refine quartz too it’s important I’m going to take worm from someone else just in case everyone had like quartz oh wait I have a rep okay okay okay okay oh that’s a refine quartz holy [ __ ] there’s a lot I’m I’m going take it I’m going take it I’m I’m going take it a lot to this how you do it no that’s not how you how how to how to how to do the refined quartz like how how to make into refined quart like you put a quad there or there’s actually something else what do I need again uh iron bar gold bar actually iron bar I just need IR more there you go that’s the iron there the iron iron I need [Music] iron going to sell this thing you put broken CD oh you put broken CD oh that’s how you make it I see I see I see I see interesting I think I can make four right oh actually I need six anyway it’s okay how many PES that we can make one more furnace h you know what it’s not it’s not never I me just like okay I’m going chop some tree and get some coal by cutting some tree you’re nice that’s good let’s get it done nice if it’s like broken C I think I can find it like near our house near our house like for the Broken City later there you go I think it’s enough for now let’s go back to the to the house wait oh the chat is not oh the chat is not working holy [ __ ] my chat’s not working no wonder yeah but I’m still like to stay out late every day to complete all my University’s assignment I see you know that while PR star I do Val at 1 a.m yeah I’m sorry I’m sorry M like the chat on my YouTube is broken so I don’t know like the chat is not it’s not doing her doing the thing YouTube is kind of bit like kind of bit random this day there we go finally finally finally I’m sorry I’m sorry I I haven’t see your your chat There You Go singing stone is the singing Stone the stone that can make you singing there you go there go oh no not here there you go we need two more just you there you go sleeping time it’s like two more days or or one more day I think two more days right I don’t know I don’t know how many oh [ __ ] oh one oh one okay one more day wait my phone is already full okay I’m going to oh yes finally I can make loom I can make loom hold up let me setting some setting my sorry let me setting my my thingy once again there you go now you’re going to be here I’m going to be that there you go and then for for the thing is there you go we’re back we’re back to the business we’re back to the business baby we are back damn my level one why range is like I’m I’m I’m already like oh [ __ ] it’s raining oh thanks God thank you thank you thank you oh I got a cake thank you ma’am thank you Mommy oh [ __ ] s Valley Fair happening tomorrow forget to bring nine items for your grains display remember very start 9:00 a.m. okay okay L tomorrow is The Tomorrow is the is the day tomorrow is the day ly oh by the way is raining fishing time is a fishing time let’s go fishing what day uh Fair it’s a like a Expo like a event we need to bring like nine item like the best nine item I think your best nine item yeah I think I I can bring like nine like different stuff here mhm okay I’m going to fish for for trash then I get nothing actually it’s everything you can bring fish I guess can bring fish you can bring anything just like all they DP food they just DP food I need more oh nice old Mariner let’s go nice wa uh if you want to do things oh [ __ ] I forgot there’s a community oh no [ __ ] hell by the way LTI if you want to try to catch some staren like it’s raining it’s a raining time it’s like from it’s also from I think it’s like on a mountain yeah it’s on Mountain you can go to like Mountain like I think it’s like kind of like your your your usual spot Maybe if you want to catch him Sergeant so we can have like heavier this like n t before going to have that okay yeah I mean it’s raining right it’s raining just in case if you want to when it’s up to you there you go broken CD oh [ __ ] car frenzy I’m going to I’m going to go there I’m going to go Mountain I’m going to go to the mountain I’m going to go to the mountain now it’s carp special event happening I’m coming I’m going there oh [ __ ] copper pan where is it where is it where is it where is it oh it’s here carp Time come on there you go nice ah there you go it’s here it’s basically nothing let’s go fishing and sell the money sell the thing you’re going to sell we’re going to sell okay now it’s done oh wait it’s still there oh [ __ ] it’s still there I thought was done like because the bubbly is gone bro oh is that oh no he done okay it’s done I’m going to go back m bus stop I’m going continue fishing on the there you go come on give me the broken CD please give me the broken [Music] CD I just need to just just just to Broken CD please another Cola why Cola I need I a broken CD just one more actually just need one more broken CD uh okay there you go nice I’m done it’s time for recycling there you go and now we waiting now we’re waiting you to get it or from stream oh that’s good I’m just going to wait thing here oh you have summer spangle already that’s cool that’s cool okay D this is a this is a golden one come and bring this one and this one one two three four just going to put my hole there one two three four five 1 two three four five five there will be five three four five six s eight one two three four five six seven eight eight one two three four 5 one two three four okay now let’s see what we can do oh where is it there you go nice now everything is done for this Farm there we go finally M oh no disconnected tress oh no disconnected I see it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay one two three one two three four five six 7 eight what is the other what is the last one what is a good one what is good for the last one H Diamond let’s bring a diamond nine there go I’m good with all of my all of my stuff okay let’s go I just need to get rid this this this this this this this this this this one two three four five six 78 n okay there you go I have I have all of my nine item uh I’m going to I’m going join WI the next they come okay okay okay oh yeah I don’t have any incubator actually there also also important maybe this one and deoy Ence Maybe okay the seat one two three I got two that’s okay okay we can do this no problem uh let’s do emirat and after emirat I want to do do this one there you go the seep maker there you go nice oh wait the ancient seed so we can have like a lot of seed okay okay after this it’s getting late I know I know I know it’s okay where’s the ancient there go bit [Music] T there you go let’s make a sea tget wait my phone is oh my my phone camera is that no wonder okay that’s good now there you go that’s good we go to sleep now sleep okay last day last day it’s going to be last day going to be last day the day 15 16 okay we look at all of the connection fail oh no okay hold it I need to I need to restart it again I think you know what I’m I’m going to like this the last day anyway okay there you go s f r o k w P1 l i r welcome you’re welcome [Music] it’s okay it’s all right oh yeah I need to do I need to make that too oh where’s my okay wait what what is the thing like on if I recycle a broken glass oh it’s also oh broken glass is also this one okay Then I then I can make [ __ ] for broccoli then all okay oh no wait hold up no it’s almost 9:00 a.m. okay let’s go let’s go to the city this is last day let’s go ly it’s a last day oh [ __ ] oh start talking no we don’t have any start talking are you like me Smash is thought huh huh oh it says cam it says cam it says cam I don’t like it h slingshot game no I want to where’s our 10 where’s our T where’s our stand where’s our stand there’s a farm [Music] I guess okay where’s ours 10 I’m looking at hour 10 I’m I’m searching for our 10 oh here oh yeah it’s here there you go I put my own things okay let’s see I want to I want to check this shop what can we buy oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] another start drop 2 thou 2,00 800 fedora what the heck oh [ __ ] it’s gambling no I didn’t want to gambling I don’t want I I don’t want to get let’s go I want to play I don’t I want to play the fishion game I want to play the fishion game let’s go there you go nice okay of L of vision game [Music] there you go I’m just going to play fishion game there you go one more fish one more fish holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] no no no [Music] please please [Music] please please please please oh I swear to God oh [ __ ] holy [ __ ] score one fish CAU reflection bonus oh 60 star token okay nice dam fishing is good what is this slingshot okay for there you go [Music] nice oh [ __ ] come on apex kill I’m just like playing Apex oh I gr 83% okay that’s good oh nice oh okay I love I love to play this I’m going to play this oh no it’s going to be a long day it’s going to be a long day [Music] come on oh [ __ ] I the reverse then okay nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice oh [ __ ] this is my stuff oh [ __ ] lot already have thousand how oh fishing no wonder [Music] there you go nice oh okay 83 again wow we got to we’re got to spend a lot time we going to spend a lot of time here [Music] okay [Music] okay it’s 81 not bad not bad not bad oh times two okay that’s good nice okay what what can we buy what can we buy Fedora wait I want a fedora can I use this yeah boy how the cowboy I am the Fedora guy now orange okay orange or green I’m going to I’m going to go green come on come on come on on come on let’s go nice okay I don’t want to gamble I don’t want to gamble I don’t want to gamble okay fishing time [Music] oh [ __ ] it’s so hard fishing so hard it’s not my thing fishing is not my it’s not in my blood wishing is not in my blood hunting is on my blood just like hunting oh that’s good please just give me Salon I think it’s like going kind to be like RNG too right like like oh yeah this fish oh yeah that fish [Music] yep come on there you go oh 140 ooh good money good money I should another one to we’re going to become four if I do that I’m just going to okay where is it come on there you go nice oh [ __ ] 78 there’s not a lot there’s so see it’s like not a lot please come on soy spaget what the what the heck that’s a that guy is really really just like a that guy just uh freaking oh by the way L if you have uh you’re not playing anymore are you still playing if you still playing like if you have a th000 you can just like buy the ticket price because I think it’s it’s good for us tanu the legendary fisherman please help me we need we need we need good money we need good we need good benefit we need to we need to have all of it you know we need to have a lot of stuff I’m going to play sling shot again I think is my thingy just like I learned my aim I already spend, it’s okay it’s okay you can you can just like buy again later oh [ __ ] [Music] okay oh nice 89 oh oh that’s good nice nice I like it I like it I like it more more more we need more I only have 400 I mean I can spend a lot time until just like thousand hold it I’m going to play this 100,000 I’m going to play 100,000 okay hold up [Music] 86 please please please oh that’s nice let’s go 240 start talking one more one more time one more time maybe if if we reach like 200 or I think two more time like two more time sh [Music] okay okay okay [Music] oh [ __ ] 87 it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay we can we can do this we can do this okay okay two more time okay okay okay hold up hold up I’m playing I’m playing my APS right now I’m playing I’m playing Apex I’m playing Apex for [Music] there you go 95% ACC course see I’m trying hard I’m trying hard this okay th okay th I I got thousand I got th I th I get th I get I get I let’s go where’s my get where’s my where’s where’s my get give give me my give me my freaking ticket give me my tiet there you go I’m not I want I want I want I want 2,000 like 2,000 is a star drop I want to have 2,000 [Music] okay okay no mistake no mistake Ren we’re going to try fishing so we can achieve like 2,000 what I mean this is last day right this last day come [Music] on give me good fish going be good fish there you go nice okay that’s good okay hit oh [ __ ] that’s a big that’s a big score one it’s a heart please don’t move okay there you go oh there’s a salmon or tuna I don’t know that’s a good number one there a good one that’s a good one nice one 200 200 score oh let’s go baby let’s go nice that’s good I like it [Music] 252 I want 2,000 but it’s already this time you know what it’s okay okay let I’m going to start this I’m going to start it I’m going to start it I’m going to finish all of it hold it okay it’s going to be green come on green come on green green green Green green green yes I can get it for you oh are you sure are you sure are you sure are you sure are you sure okay uh green or green or orange orange green orang I mean actually this is Rashi color if if you gu if you guess this real it like is this basically Rashi [Music] color I’m mean ready winning for green twice right so I guess let’s go for orange all right yes it’s Rashi color okay I’m going to vote for orang if I lose I lose there but if I win I win okay [ __ ] is a green again no no no I was all my money I was all of my money and my life today is my life today is stopping again holy [ __ ] what happened here okay uh [ __ ] uh oh no I’m sad I’m sad now I lost it it’s supposed to be green it’s supposed to supposed to be my main color what the [ __ ] I supposed to use my main color [Music] I would a star drop oh when the start drop okay are still fishing I get away thank you you know just I don’t know if you can okay I’m just going to start the stream I’m just going to start I’m just going to start it I’m just going to start it I’m just going to start it I’m just going to start it it’s it’s full of pain now it’s a full of pain now okay I’m just going to start it it’s full of pain everything is pain everything is pain everything is pain good that’s Pier that’s us no no it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay okay don’t worry about it don’t worry about it there’s there’s a next year there’s next year there’s there’s another year there’s another year okay there’s another year there’s another year it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay I’m happy your G has been judged return to Mayor Lou for the result okay not bad you want second right thing of 76 I ate it in front of you I know it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay okay it’s still Fair though it’s still it’s still Fair we can we can still we still we still can use it how B like oh [ __ ] 200s is 10,000 what the heck I mean I mean I can I can try to gamble but you know what I I’ll play fishing I’ll play fishing I’ll fishing I’ll fish I’ll fish yeah PR got for bable I get 500 t on one game shush name I mean I don’t know like depends I think depends on the skill like I don’t have any good skill on fishing oh come on come on please okay okay okay good good good good oh nice 200 200 point please please give me like at least 400 okay okay okay okay I’m I’mma play again I’m going play again [Music] I’m play again I’ll play again until I get the star drop I want a star drop oh [ __ ] I supposed to be not moving they your time here no no [Music] Perfection holy [ __ ] that’s a fast fish what the heck super fast there you go nice okay oh almost oh [ __ ] 100 score please just give me a three 300 oh [ __ ] only 100 yes I’m going get this fish I’m going get this fish I’m going get this star drop I’m going it’s my determination now please okay nice okay I lost one I lost one I lost one just give me salmon please just give me salmon ah please give me Salon I swear to God this fish that fish oh my Lord come on [Music] come on uh 700 more 700 more 700 please holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] there a fast fish I cannot I cannot handle that oh that’s good 35 35 please just give me easy fish again just give me just give me salmon yeah yeah just give me salmon just give me salmon holy [ __ ] come on come on please I want to I want to fish I want to fish I want a fish I want to fre so bad come on please please oh I just 774 please 200 200 okay 500 more 500 more please please 500 more come on uh it’s almond oh no it’s different fish [Music] okay okay oh catfish no wonder no wonder it’s heart it’s catfish okay 300 more 300 more 300 more 300 more 300 more 300 300 300 300 hello hi Leo leoi welcome hi this is this is last day after this I’m going to end the stream actually but I need to achieve like 2,000 for a bit you’re still playing yes I’m still playing this is the fair this is the last day this is last day this is last day okay all right that’s good that’s good that’s good my ass is really really hurt right now because I’m sitting too long my ass because I’m not moving at all my my ass is like same I know after this after this I’m going to I’m going to I’m going to end the stream after this this is the last day this is the last day come on come on I just I just need my money come on I just need my money oh let’s go let’s go please this is a good money this is 500 500 please please 500 yes yes I got a scream yes yes finally oh my Lord no yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes oh my God start DR star drop you found a star drop it’s trained but taste remind you of girls yes your maximum energy level has increased okay now we good now we done now we done no we done now we are done no we are done now we are done we are done we are done okay how how to how to how to do how to end this by by playing this I’m going to get R okay green green green Green Rashi color green and yellow green and orange Rashi color and I’m winning there we go there you go one more time I’m going to spend money I’m going to spend money one more time one more time just want this last one this last time for [Music] there you go okay we good we good oh okay nice I only need 100 anyway okay there’s enough there’s enough because I want to I want to buy the this Carrow I’m going to buy this one and okay I’m going to go back let’s go let’s go LTI let’s go home let’s go home ly I don’t want to be here anymore I don’t want to go here anymore enough okay so there you go everyone finally we win but what did I cost everything bro traumatized yeah BR traumatize I don’t like it I don’t like here I don’t like it here it’s so it’s so dumb everything is so dumb but but it’s fine but it’s all dumb there you go so yeah thank you ly thank you for the time I’m going to sell this corn going to sell the corn I feel a lot better but hey that’s good that’s good that’s good that’s nice I’m going to put this in my house that’s really good that’s nice if you feel better you feel good after playing okay then everyone thank you so much thank you so much for coming to the Stream it’s really really nice I am I’m having a really really good time I’m having a really really good time I’m just going to put it here as my friend there you go thank you for the stream oh my back hly [ __ ] I’m not going to play in the fear again I hate fear get in everyone some item were repl in town last one k everyone I’m going to close this thank you for streaming thank you everyone for watching uh tomorrow I will stream tomorrow at the same time yeah there will be special special stream it’s going to be like super special uh like special special like really really special thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you L thank you Leo thank you everyone for coming and thank you for everyone for watching and just like saying hi and everything thank you for Nana and Maria also to for playing looking forward yes tomorrow is going to be special day going to be something important stream that I want to I want to stream tomorrow at the same time and good evening everyone please go rest okay go rest and and yeah I’m R Kashi bye-bye [Music] uh it’s lagging I don’t know what happened oh to get down byebye



โ–ฒ”smoke on city” by UG (Dova-Syndrome)
โ–ฒ”cafe de swing” by ใ‚“ใƒใ‚“ (Dova-Syndrome)

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