Having an ELEMENTAL LIFE in Minecraft!

my friends and I got turned into little kids and a mutant Zombie is coming to take us out we need to grow up and gain elemental powers to take down the mutants but how do we grow up and get elemental powers well need to build different things based on each element let’s start with the nature element once it’s complete we’re going to get nature powers that’s so cool I know what we can build a treehouse that would definitely work axie but in every nature element you need a bunch of trees so along with your treeh housee I’m just going to plant a bunch of them me too ooh that sounds awesome guys but guess what I want to build a nature themed playground W woodo if you can build that I bet we’re going to get so many nature powers and then we can be strong Elemental Souls while you do that little I’m going to build my super cool awesome Tree House in this tree up here check it out I’m about to add swings wo vooodo a swing in the middle of the trees sound like a Vibe exactly check it out I just had to put these little piggies on here and now you can ride on the piggies that’s so awesome I’m going to make a slide over here to make your playground look even better ooh a slide hi would be awesome but wood your playground isn’t as cool as my Treehouse wait what ax your treehouse can’t be that cool let me take a look at it real quick and ax it’s a little small don’t you think I’m making it bigger don’t be mean I’m just going to add some ladders to my slide over here that way we can actually go down it wo that’s going to be so fun but check this out my swings are now complete why don’t you go give it a try voo this swing doesn’t look that safe I don’t think us kids should be trying it look monco you’re having the time of your life well I think I can build something else that’s better in this playground wudo what if I add an entire maze that we can go through a whole maze mazes are super fun exactly and if we build this we’re definitely going to get our elemental powers so let me just make this real quick ooh make a bunch of different ways the mace could go let’s make it extra hard guys look at my Treehouse I’m adding a funny little face to the outside a a funny face does not make a treehouse better where in the world is the roof to this place we don’t need a roof we’re just going to live under the elements are you sure axie come on we should at least add a roof remember guys if these builds aren’t good we’re going to age down instead of age up which means we’re going to go from kids to being babies instead of turning from kids to adults I don’t want to turn into a baby because then I have to deal with you pooping your pants don’t worry guys we won’t turn into babies let me just add some lizards in here to make sure that never happens wait what axi adding lizards doesn’t make your build any better you know yay lizards they kind of look like axelos oh my goodness what I’m going to do is add a little Pond over here next to our playground and I’m going to add a bunch of different nature themed animals like these Froggies over here well I’m going to do some painting so that I can make my Treehouse even more decorated wait you have a painting activity that’s actually pretty cool a we definitely won’t get turned into babies now exactly I’m just going to draw this super adult gup drawing of woodo wait a second woodo what are you adding over here I’m building a rock climbing wall so we can learn to climb like kids no way that sounds so awesome just make sure the bottom of this climbing area is safe voo if we fall I don’t want to break a leg or two don’t worry M go we won’t break any legs and look you’re adding a trampoline exactly wudo now if we fall we’re just going to bounce back up just like this boing a that’s so fun I just finished drawing you wait a second axi let me see and hey that’s not me that does look like woodo though does this look like you no axie it’s just a big red thing oh well then it looks like you yay oh my goodness I think with that being built we’re pretty much done with the nature side guys does that mean we’re going to grow up and get nature elements oh definitely with my amazing paintings what could go wrong wait what’s happening oh gosh what happened um wait a second we did not grow up we grew down and now I’m a baby oh no we’re all so tiny I wonder whose build caused this to happen axi it was definitely your treehouse over here it literally has a face oh my gosh we need to get better at building it was all A’s fault hey even though we’re babies we did get some super cool elemental powers take this wait what axie what are you doing to me I put fireflies on you that is such a lame power guys check out mine wo voo you look like such a cool baby you can literally transform the Earth but guys now it’s time for my earthquake wait what wait what does that mean that’s going to be super weak oh yeah a check this out what’s going on there’s an earthquake this is what happens when you mess with King but guys we can’t stay babies forever and we definitely can’t take out the mutant with just earth powers so how about we build something fire related over here so we can grow into adults and get firep powers let’s do it I want to be a Firepower user we need a daycare and since we’re babies we should make a fire daycare that’ll teach us to grow up are you serious axie don’t worry I can handle that all I need to do is this Command right here and then boom actually I just spawned in an entire daycare for us to customize yay but this daycare doesn’t look super fiery exactly and the entire inside is empty so we need to make it fire themed come on guys we need to make a big area back here where we can embrace the fire that sounds awesome buo what I’m going to do is grab the this block called the lava block and guys I’m going to change the entire walls to be Lava oh my gosh that’s going to look so cool that looks really dangerous what if I burn my little tiny baby hand axi don’t burn your tiny baby hands we need to learn how to be one with the fire so we can get the fire element and take down that mutant if you guys think fire is the best element comment fire right now Comon fire Comon Fire come on guys all I have to do is just do this command a few more times and this entire room is going to be super hot check this out boo I just made a huge fire pit wo that is so gigantic axi what are you doing over here I’m making an area where we can make hot chocolate no way hot chocolate is one of the best drinks to come out of the fire element so that’s a really good idea axi I know but we should change this fort it’s all green right now that’s not very fiery exactly axie I’m going to change it to be this magma block over here check it out now this entire room is fire themed ah my feet they’re so hot woodo you’re going to get used to it soon come on how about we also place down some nether mobs over here that way us kids can play play with toys all day yay I love toys I’m going to put down an axel because Axel have fire powers axi axelos do not have fire powers they’re literally water mobs that’s right axie let me show you a mod that actually has fire powers Turtles vooodo they’re more water likee than axelos you guys are both wrong but it doesn’t even matter because what I’m going to do right now is at an area where Us Babies can take naps whenever we want I love naps I’m going to take one now good night good night oh my gosh these babies literally fell asleep when we’re in the middle of building guys wake up we don’t have time to sleep we need to build I want to sleep oh my goodness come on guys how about instead of just being in this fire room we go over here to the next room where we can build something super fun o really like what we should build an entire volcano and make it a playroom I don’t know I think I can make a better playroom than you no way axie my volcano is going to be so cool and it’s going to be in this corner of the room over here well I’m going to build in this corner of the room you’re going to build a whole volcano what oh that’s right wudo you better build with me if you want to be on the good side oh gosh okay fine I’ll build with you in your volcano this volcano looks so deadly but with this thing we can definitely get our firep powers definitely my area is way cooler it has two floors and on the bottom floor I’m going to have a bunch of trampolines a bunch of trampolines actually see that doesn’t even make sense how does it not make sense tell me it makes sense to me boing boing boing boing a trampoline is more of an air element if you want to have real fire element stuff we need to add an entire hot tub wo that is a really good idea let me just break these blocks over here and guys this is going to be the spiciest hot tub of all time because we’re going to have a bunch of different campfires on the floor oo it’s getting hot and spicy here let me just place down the water now and oh my goodness guys this hot tub is gigantic woo wait a second do you guys know how to swim oh no I’m just a baby how should I know well then definitely don’t get inside of the water are you serious I need to save both of you come over here axi and weo get out of there that was so close do not do that again okay okay but this dayc care isn’t Fun enough if we don’t make it more fire themed and more fun we’re never going to turn into adults oh gosh you’re right axie come on I think I have a pretty good idea of what we can do really what’s your idea well Us Babies Love video games right so what if we make an entire racetrack around this entire dayare it’s like a video game but in real life I love that idea all I need to do is just make the floor into these magma blocks and we can have it all be magma themed but how do we get cars we don’t have any money and also I don’t even know how to drive one oh my goodness you guys are such noobs don’t worry as the king of babies I’ll show you how everything is done first you guys need to decorate this track so it looks cool okay I’m decorating it with fire oh let’s make it hot let me just keep adding these next few parts and guys I have the end of the race almost here this RAC trck is so short m go exactly well obviously guys we’re babies we can’t drive for that long come on we need to think about how long we can go to sleep and then wake up for oh yeah I’m going to sleep like 16 hours oh my goodness that’s a lot of sleeping but I’m going to add the race cars over here that we can use to go around this entire fire racetrack this looks so awesome of course it does we’re the coolest be babies over let me just add some more fire over here and guys our racetrack is almost complete I’m ready to race me too hold on a second guys don’t forget me all right who’s ready to go in 3 2 one boom now I’m going oh gosh our cars are literally on fire this is not good guys aard Mission I’m falling go wait don’t fall off I’m going to the end right now and oh my goodness I made it to the end does that mean I’m the best race car driver here I don’t know if it means that but wait I think something’s happening guys look at us now I think we’re finally cool adults wait a second we went from little Annoying fire babies to being super cool adults with fire powers guys look at my Firepower over here W that’s super cool mongle but can you beat my burning Dash wao axie where are you going I’m going everywhere slow down take my fire breath oh wao wo that’s super hot but guys do you really think we can take out that mutant with only two elements oh yeah now that you say that we probably are still too weak exactly bgo how do we get stronger well guys we can move on to the next element over here which is lightning but what in the world can we build that’s lightning related and adult related oh I know I know lightning powers every single machine so we just have to make cool technology wait are you saying that us adults can get a job as scientist at a laboratory exactly okay then all I need to do is this Command right over here and boom guys check it out we now have our own laboratory in the lightning area that we can customize wo this is awesome take a look guys this laboratory is completely empty and it’s ready for us to build whatever we want inside of it this does look super cool and I think the first thing we should build is some way to control the weather so we can stop that zombie oh yeah ax if we have a weather control area we can definitely get lightning powers so let me just look over here and guys I’m going to be adding all sorts of Cool Tech that we’re going to use to find out where the weather is look at this thing right here this is going to see where the lightning is coming from this is going to scan the sky with all the clouds and oh my gosh don’t even get me started on these machines over here guys that’s so cool I’m putting up our calculations on the blackboards behind them I didn’t know you’d be such a nerd when you became an adult mango well voodo adults are super duper smart and that’s exactly what I am oh really that’s right buo check it out I’m also going to add some computers that we can work off of you know the newest trend is working from home so if we ever wanted to we could totally do that I want to work on play games I don’t want to work at all I’m just going to eat food and nap as an adult wait a second so you’re the lazy adult woodo is the adult that still acts like a baby and I’m the only actual adult uh it sounds about right you’re not an actual adult because you still have a diaper on are you serious wudo I do not have a a diaper on but if you’re going to be talking like that wo I’m going to make you in charge of going over all of the weather reports over here good luck reading all of these Pages buddy weather reports oh no that sounds like a nerdy job for you good luck woodo I’m just going to game while you do that hey I want a game no woodo you’re not allowed to game you’re an adult now so you must do adult things come on if you want lightning powers you need to an Anze all of the wind currents I don’t want to analyze stuff axie help me we need to burn these papers what I can’t hear you I’m busy playing my game hey guys stop being irresponsible adults come on we need to finish this laboratory remember that mutant Zombie is coming to take us out what what mutant zomie okay you know what you guys are going to get turned back into babies and I’m going to have all my Powers as an adult then you’re going to be super jealous of me wait I don’t want to become a baby again okay what do I have to do to become a smart adult well axi you just need to help me finish this laboratory look I just put down all of the different controls that we’re going to have for all of these different machines over here this looks so cool how do I even work these machines though don’t worry axie I’ll be in charge of that but I have a job that I need you to take take care of and only you can do it axi really is it making cake no axi it’s going to be reporting the weather so wudo is going to get all of the weather reports and he’s going to hand them over to you and you’re going to take those weather reports and you’re going to tell everyone on the news about them okay um that sounds like a really boring job well axi you’re going to be a news reporter Okay every good laboratory and weather report channel has that then why is the background green like woodo well this is called the green screen we can put whatever background we want on it trust me with the power of editing anything is possible axi come on I’m going to give you a desk over here just like this you’re going to have your own chair I’m going to make myself a wardrobe cuz I got a dress for the part oh my goodness that would look super sick axi what I’m going to do is add some of your weather reports over here just like this then I’m also going to add some of the other details on the board over here as well ax this is going to be so cool when we’re done with it what do you think a weather reporter wears well a weather reporter wears super duper professional clothes so you definitely need something like that gotcha so like a bikini um actually weather report people do not wear bikinis okay are you sure yes I’m 100% sure oh my goodness do not add a bikini whatsoever well it’s already in my wardrobe check it out over here I’m adding the cameras and the speakers and I’m also going to add a bunch of other cameras over here just in case our main ones fail let me just add these super duper cool one and I can be the cameraman of the weather report that sounds boring and adult enough for you hang on don’t look at me I’m going to change outfits all right axi hurry up our weather report is going to be here soon guys emergency emergency axi you need to read this weather report right now it’s urgent wait I do but I’m getting ready forget getting ready just read the announcement and put it on TV okay uh let me take a look at this and oh my gosh get the cameras rolling all right let me just get all the cameras ready for this all right axi come on report the weather attention breaking news today we have reports of a fart storm wait what a fart storm is coming this is the worst of the worst that’s right people you heard me correctly there’s a massive fart storm on the loose and it’s exploding everywhere it’s an emergency everyone seeks shelter oh wait what’s that I have another piece of news coming through it seems that the person behind the fart storm is none other than our producer oh my gosh I can’t believe it wait I promise I wasn’t the one guys this is ridiculous I need to shut down this new station no you can’t silence the people oh my goodness are you serious come on guys we should finish off this laboratory with one last thing right now we have all of these cool experimentation areas and also the news reports but if we want to get lightning powers we need to make a thunderstorm happen does anyone know how to do that um well you can probably just put lud on the roof and then tell him to te POS and then hope the lightning strikes him wait that actually sounds like a great idea let’s try that right now wait a second axi you might be a genius look there’s also an item called a lightning rod so what I’m going to do is put this around wudo wudo you can sit in the middle just like that and I’m going to have this lightning rod all around you and while you’re in the middle it should definitely work oh okay come on lightning strike me wait why is it turning dark oh my gosh is it actually going to work what in the world guys I’m a little bit scared don’t be scared woodo you’ll be fine probably wait what are you sure what’s happening to me oh gosh what’s happening oh my goodness wo I think we got turned into old people with lightning powers oh I feel so old I feel so old too my bones are creaking but guys check it out we got lightning powers while turning old which means we should use them wo that’s a cool lightning power but check mine out no check mine out wo both of you guys are so awesome but look there’s still one more area which means we can still get another element guys I want more we’re pretty old though so we’re going to have to use all our energy on building this but I think after this last power we can definitely take out that mutant zombie and I have a pretty good understanding of what we’re going to build guys I just need to do this Command right here and boom check it out we have ourselves a winter Lodge which means we can and get ice powers or we could just retire in here and take a nice nap oh I think I need just sleep forever wait guys no you can’t sleep yet come on you’re acting like babies I’m not a baby I’m an old guy what do I need to do well woodo we need to add all sorts of things inside of this place that old people love to do while making sure it’s still ice elemented interesting well I think old people need pets to not be lonely so I’m going to put some pets in this corner wait what are you serious old people love to just sit down and watch movies and just relax so I’m going to place down a winter themed relaxation area oh yeah make it extra relaxing I want to kick my feet up and watch some woodo and manga videos seriously woodo are you not going to build anything wo you need to build your own thing this is my area no oh I’m taking it over I’m an old person so I’m really stubborn wo I don’t care this is my territory and I pay for it oh gosh come on let me just go over here and get some ice blocks and with these ice blocks I can create a giant TV make sure that TV is 4K HD I want to watch all my movies at the highest quality okay woodo I know us old people really care about quality so I’m definitely going to make sure it’s good quality well is it as good quality as all the animals I’m going to have in my area actually it’s going to be way better quality than that that is not true I’m adding Penguins oh yeah well guess what I’m going to add a thing that all old people love coffee coffee oh gosh I need coffee just to survive are you serious woodo you survived enough already no I didn’t bgo I’m trying to survive for the next 100 years hold on a second this area is looking pretty interesting but us old people love to read too so I’m going to add a bunch of bookshelves here well I’m building a trivia over here mango so I can ask you guys some good old questions to win some prizes wow that sounds like something a boring old person would do for a sure exactly I think this winter Lodge is looking pretty good guys come on look at my area we can sit down and sip some coffee and watch some movies take this polar bear it was trying to eat my fox oh my goodness let’s see what trivia woodo has all right welcome to the trivia boo now tell me you remember in first grade when you pooped your pants for the whole class that was 80 years ago well tell me mango was the poop really squishy or was it R hard wo that was 80 years ago I don’t remember just say something you got to remember everyone laughed at you and called you poopy wo do you even still remember yeah cuz he accidentally spread some on me I think it was squishy oh my goodness you know what axi let’s go over to your side what in the world is this it’s where my animals hang out all day and I’m going to take naps with them good night ooh I could have myself have a fine penguin and Mak it my friend see you guys later hey no kidnapping my penguin hey wait a second guys if we truly want ice powers we need to come over here and build a snowman oh my gosh I love myself some snowmen but guys we can’t have these tiny snowmen we need real big snowmen okay then start building the Maxi instead of Yapp and do some work no I’m too old for work oh my goodness I’m just going to place down a bunch more snowmen then I think we’re going to get our ice power soon guys oh I hope so I hate being old okay let me just place these down and wait a second do you guys feel that oh yeah something’s happening in our old B oh go guys that was so crazy I think I turned back to normal and I have all sorts of ice powers which means we can take out those mutants uh guys uh what do you think about that and wait what wo actually they’re gone I think they were way too old are you serious oh no that means I need to take care of that mutant by myself thank you guys so much for watching the video If you enjoyed then watch our video on the screen and don’t forget to subscribe bye

Mongo and Wudo have to build different ELEMENTAL houses! Who has the best elemental life? Mongo or Wudo? Watch to find out!

This video was inspired by Maizen, Mikey and JJ, Milo and Chip!

#Mongo #Minecraft #MinecraftMod


  1. Fire🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈🐊🐊🐊🐊🐊🐊🐊🐊🐊🐊🐊🐊🐊🐊🐊🐊🐊🐊🐊🐊💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍 🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🐲🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉🐲🐉🐲🐉🐲🐲🐉

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