Popular Girl Has a Crush on Me

time for class and the whole Ms crew is here and Emily oh no finally he’s going to see the note what the note I don’t know what you’re talking about Emily I better get to my C hey Roxy hey Luka yeah my boy are you ready for the pop quiz what pop quiz enough talking everyone pop quiz is starting now check your desk a man what a way to start off the day let me grab my pop quiz uh Luke does your pop quiz say love note on it with a heart emoji no but that sounds awesome let me see what Roxy does yours have a love note with the heart emoji no but let me see what guys what is this time for the fire drill I’m going to hit the alarm wait what Heather what did Emily just say uh huh wait what uh everyone stop moving fire alarm go outside and we meet back in 5 minutes oh my gosh am I the only one that just heard her say that she pulled the fire alarm up don’t ever do that she’s crazy yeah everyone come on let’s go maybe there is actually a fire but at least now I get a chance to read the love no and uh Emily hey what are you doing Emily you’re coming with me hubby poo hey all right well thank you for bringing me outside but uh guys I got this really really weird love note in my desk it says hey pretty blue boy hey who wrote this H I have my suspicions and you’d be perfect as my popular boyfriend heart with like five heart emojis I’m twirling my hair right now what oh my gosh Roxy I think this must be the new crazy fan girl Emily I have a girlfriend what she is not my girlfriend but it says with your millions of subscribers I’ll make you be with me no matter what it takes up what does that mean no matter what it takes even if I trap you with me okay whoa whoa um Emily you’re seriously creeping me out was this you did you write that note to me yes and do you want to be my boyfriend or else what or else what what are you going to do if I say no do you see this phone it’s not a normal phone it’s a magical phone real a magical phone that’s not a thing dude she’s just trying to scare you to make you say yes to being her boyfriend that’s exactly what I’m thinking Emily I’m not afraid of you no I will not be your boyfriend you made me do this now I’m taking a photo of all of you SC sh Wait huh guys whoa where are we hey my name’s toad welcome to Emily’s phone wait what what we’re in Emily’s phone what is this and whoa why does Luke look like Luigi from Mario it’s a me Loui what toad what is this you’re in the Mario app welcome what the mario app wa Roxy you look like Mario it’s me I’m Mario and Heather you’re Wario this is Waluigi silly oh yeah Waluigi and then waa I don’t know who that is who’s who’s the princess one it’s Rosalina silly H how come Lily didn’t get peaches that would have been perfect for her and wa Alexa who are you are you Daisy yes am I serving yeah you are serving but wait seriously why is Lily not peaches this is weird um look at yourself what wait why are you guys laughing and how why is Roxy Mario I’m the main character I should be all right really why am I Princess Peach really Mo no way my pretty princess come here give me a smooch it’s Emily she’s Bowser that’s the villain yeah we can live forever together cuz you’re in my phone now what toad how do we escape out of here you have to beat this app and then go on to the next one oh we have to play the game everyone hop in a car uh I’m going to take monster truck check me out guys whoa I’m Whi that John H I’m going to take this really cool sportsy carard oh yeah ly that one’s lit all right toad count us down and Emily you are not beating us are you sure about that hubby I’m definitely going to win all right we’ll see about that count us down on your marks get set go here wait the boosters work yes sir and there’s items oh my god oh gosh I just got Eat It Off grab your C to go back on the track oh no oh no I’m still on what Lily you’re still on I am just so stuck right now oh gosh oh gosh oh do hether up this is bro I got to I got to re bro my car is not aligned yo wait wait I’m line banana peel up wait I’m back in business yay oh banana peel hey stop trolling and I’m going crazy fast wait I found the strategy you guys have to hold back when you’re going super forward and wait I just got a banana peel wo and a bombb there’s so many abilities we got from the lucky blocks yes sir they make you go super duper fast I just hit myself with the turtle shell oh no wait who’s in the lead right now me what Lily come back over here let’s go wo wo wait I got a mushroom laot booster oh gosh I’m nervous to use it wa I’m going so fast right now and wait let me see where everybody is oh my gosh oh is that you Lily and oh wa Hi l nice and I just saw Roxy get eated off but it looks like Emily’s nowhere to be found and Alexa is that you yes I’m going crazy nice I’m right behind you hello la boost y yo and guys wait I think we just beat the app there’s a cookie logo yeah and it’s Cookie Clicker let’s check it out wa this place is sick it says 1,000 clicks to win we have to click the cookie this this is so sick everyone wait let’s click the cookie oh spam clicking I’m going crazy and oh my XP bar is going open oh my gosh oh my finger hurts I got to 24 ah this is so hard we have to get to 1,000 how are we going to do it welcome everyone I am the cookie Master waa hello Mr cookie master we’re inside Cookie Clicker at we’re trying to beat the game but right now I’m stuck at 25 and we have to beat a ,000 is there any cheats so we could beat the system there is a bug in the game but you must find the code and once you do you will have an auto clicker an auto clicker everyone we must find the auto clicker look around the app check if you can see where the auto clicker is if we find this bug we could beat it before Emily even gets here oh oh a chest over here guys a chest what’s inside nothing over here I just got click baited anything over there Roxy wait I found something look what woah a Sher Auto clicker wo Auto clicker uh okay cookie Master do we just use this on the cookie yes it works super duper fast uh okay I’ll see about this how do you use it dude maybe I just click normally like this oh my gosh I’m getting 100 a second 500 600 7 oh I just hit 1,000 okay all right guys enough enough oh my gosh I just reached 2,000 cookies instantly let’s go we beat the game oh no the antivirus is coming I must go what cookie Master wait what what do you mean the anti virus guys what’s an antivirus in games they always have antivirus for hackers like you what uh I don’t see any antivirus do you ly uh dude turn around oh my gosh guys see the antivirus did you really think that you could cheat against me um uh no we we didn’t cheat we don’t have an auto clicker oh gosh I dropped it out of nervousness um Luke you hold Auto clicker she’s going to kill Whoever has a cheat hey hey it wasn’t me cheating it was OHS no it wasn’t me hey oh my gosh she is huge Emily we could talk about this right uh no you cheated on my level and you will all die gosh wait guys the next level’s open we have to run to the next app it’s Flappy Bird everyone make a break for it in three 2 1 run go don’t let her grab you get over here H some boy that virus is very sus and whoa we’re in crossy Road this is sick at Roxy wait there’s actual cars waa guys do not get hit by The Cars Roxy careful you’re going to die whoa whoa you guys are crazy Lily watch out jet o go nice all right look both ways go oh we’re popping off and wait is she about to chase us huh I’m breaking through get that booty butt over here Luke Luke R she’s behind you oh go no this is not good oh careful Alexa look both ways the cars are coming go go go oh my gosh this is so scary oh gosh Roxy don’t fall in the water if you fall in the water you die in this game okay we got to jump on the log yes and then jump over here let’s go oh my gosh Heather oh my gosh she died luk run don’t fall the water oh my gosh oh my gosh caught you oh gosh Heather did you respa somewhere yeah I’m coming back okay go guys go look both ways don’t fall in the water and go go go oh good job good job oh Luke run run she’s right behind you I’m so scared of no Luke oh my gosh they are noobs and wait if that kills Luke and Heather maybe it’s going to kill Emily Emily I wouldn’t recommend uh coming to us you might die uh did you say if I get over there you’ll give me a smooch on my lips uh yeah if you touch the water I’ll give you a smooch on the lips really oh my gosh oh my gosh get over here get over here oh she touched the water let’s go Roxy we killed the Lily no you’re crazy for that you almost just got boom I’m a clutch master yeah but we killed the antiv virus and wo wait Roxy is that Roblox yeah and it says fashion show is that a game oh yeah fashion show Lily you play that all the time it’s a super girly game where you have to dress up right yes sisy I just hit 2 million stars oh yeah you get Stars every win that you get welcome girly pops this is the Roblox fashion show and you guys are going to go up against ml only if you want to escape though t are you serious Emily we’re in a girl game now how are we supposed to win this if I was you I would focus up on the game the changing rooms in the back see you what how do we play this Kyle girl whoever gets two out of three stars first wins the game the first prompt is starting so you girly PPS better go to your room all right come on guys let’s go to the changing room let’s see what prompt we get first and the next app is locked oh come on guys what do we get o we got Prince princess oh my gosh princess okay we have to do this I don’t want to change to a pretty princess but guys let’s look at the Wardrobe and let’s see what we could use for a pretty princess what should we do for my dress for the first thing do a dress that matches your colors oo oh oh look at me Roxy do I look like a pretty princess dude dude that’s super cool yeah yeah wear that oh okay I’m a wear of this now Luke we got to fix up my face bro what can we add to my face that’s going to make me win this Challenge fire eyes wao oh yeah wait blue fire eyes so matches the drip yes sir that would actually look awesome dude this is hard this is hard all right Roxy ooh should I add an arrow going through my head so people know I’m crazy yeah you’re an epic princess oh yeah yeah and hm wait what about if I have half a cyborg head oh that would be super nice oh yeah yeah okay okay okay let’s see I already got the dress and wait can I wear a shirt oh I can wear a shirt over it guys should I wear a nice little tuxedo over it so people don’t I got swag of course brother M that’s going to be drippy Saucy and the pants don’t show through the dress but I could have lightning oh yeah the lightning is heater and then finally I could put some things on my arms H what if I put I was about to say flame fist but what if I put heartfish since I’m a girly pop yes the judge is going to love that and then finally I can do the fir feet for the bottom oh my gosh guys am I ready to win this you’re going to take the cake my boy this first star is mine oh my gosh oh what are you wearing the judging’s about a star what this is my princess outfit I’m going to take Emily down and we’re all going to escape from her phone SS I hate to break it to you but this outfit is giving not princess Vibes you look like trash what I do not look like trash don’t I look awesome Heather look at the Arrow going through my skull that’s very princessy oh you look like a galactic princess butt cheeks what I am not a galactic princess butt cheeks everyone attention judging is starting now so come out it’s time to judge guys Alexa Heather Lily I’m about to show youall that I’m that guy pal oh no respectfully SS you’re going down uh Emily not happening I have a cyborg head everyone everyone if you’re not the composant please stand on the side of the stage ooh we’re going to be part of the audience oh all right guys make sure to cheer when I step out Emily you’re going down I’m the prettier princess I’m getting the first star you are out of your mind you don’t even look like a princess you look like a fire boy I am not a fire boy I am a princess cyborg farty but and enough talking will Emily please step out first of course I would and check out the walk this is the princess walk she knows what she’s doing girl this is amazing oh my gosh yes I am giving this such girl boss Vibes oh the danc is Sly the dancer sly oh my goodness she’s killing it Heather you’re on my team don’t support her sorry she’s just doing really good no no no and I have butterflies around me cuz I’m so pretty and cute oh my gosh girp I’ve seen what I had to see very very good um you have some very big competition bro she kind of bad I ain’t going to hold you Luke come on stop talking like that Emily come back over here it’s my turn that was all right you just did some cool tricks but watch and learn SS is coming out ready okay I’m about to do a cool walkout oh no what is that why are you guys laughing that’s not princessy at all guys cheer me on don’t you want to escape girly Pop I am freaked out right now oh my goshy I’m getting the EG I’m getting the EG I repeat I’m getting the EG um are you going to at least do like a dance or something oh um yeah I could do a dance check this out now watch me whip hey now watch me day day okay girl that is so 2016 Super trash but Kyle she literally did the ex exact dance are you a goofy an it’s not about what you do it’s about who does it and you’re not doing it for me you get no stars Emily you get the first star go girl are you serious I just lost the first star let’s go if I get one more point that means that you’re stuck in this game with me forever oh no Luke Roxy if only we had friends who were girls that played these type of Roblox games all the time they could really help us out ums look behind you what uh oh it’s just Alexa Heather and Lily uh anyways excuse me it’s the slay Squad we’re going to make you slay oh yeah you guys can help me okay Kyle what’s the next prompt girly poop the next prompt is a go girl good luck easy come ons let’s get you right all right let’s do this I’m just going to listen to the girls’s round cuz I got smoked everyone opened up the wardrobe and I got to reset all of this oh Nar but how am I going to do a good goth outfit what are you thinking first Lily what should I throw on bro first we need to start with your hair black hair oh all right check me out guys how do you feel what is that no Take that off you look like a balloon that’s it right there I’m messing with it thank you Roy okay fine I’ll listen to you girls okay I’ll take off this hair what other hair do I do then what’s like a goth hairstyle ooh what about the black Mohawk yes that’s so slay that says goth oh I’m starting to get it now okay okay now let’s look at the face items H what do I add that’s like goth H how about we do a blindfold is that goth uh wait wait I can move the blindfold up so it’s like a black headband oh yeah that actually is so SL oh let’s go I’m learning how to be goth and now for the ears wao oh should I use some black horns OMG oh you’re actually popping off now this is the most important part we have to pick something for the outerwear h i could wear the basic cloak maybe or a maid outfit what’s more goth yeah that isn’t so good yeah it’s really black all right we’ll do that now I need something for my top Alexa you could pick this one what are you thinking the vest is definitely giving bro that’s exactly what I was thinking yo I’m in a full black fit all right now the pants guys H what do we choose for the pants pants Oh wait what about I just picked the long pants and make it black oh my gosh that’s such a good idea yes sir and O the arms I’m going to use a dark magic fists that John got me glowing and for the shoes I could do the dark magic feet whoa guys check me out I’m so good yeah I have one final touch go to the back and make the plushy backpack black wait what back and plushy backpack okay let me go to cosmetics and then back all the way down over here you said plushy yeah it should look like this oh wait I see it wao n Lily you’re a go for that this looks sick hey Emily are you ready cuz I have a little trick on my sleeve now whatever you say you’re still going to get smoked by me all right come on show your fit and wao you’re lowy looking pretty cool everyone enough yaps audience sit in the audience area oh my gosh hurry up Luke we’re waiting on you as per usual hey watch your mouth son oh my gosh Luke don’t be with the announcer dude okay em you’re up first good luck bad luck bad luck bad luck did you know that in performance saying bad luck actually means good luck so thank you sir what oh my gosh just go Emily all right first up girly pops we have our star Emily I love you girly I love you all right seriously I think Emily’s paying Kyle or something her drip is not that good oh my gosh Emily are you oh my gosh clyp are you hitting that oh my gosh this is so beautiful yes of course and watching this one what uh what is she about n the whipping n n Kyle said that sucked girl that is the dance right there bravo bravo you’re totally going to get that last star yeah and I’ll finish it with some ballet moves T are you serious Emily hurry up get back over here you really think you’re that guy huh well watch and learn I’m about to enter doing a cool trick oh uh um um what’s something cool what’s something cool oh there yeah yeah what’s good everybody it’s obsy poo cheer cheer guys cheer oh yeah oh yeah let’s go Kyle check this out I’m so dark and mysterious yeah I’m go hold up girl at first I didn’t really like you cuz of your ugly face but this is SL really my face what are you I’m a pretty guy oh my gosh but check it out un Luke I’m about to do I’m about to do a Luke specialty cartwheel yeah yes Sira boy you cooking yeah cartwheel again yeah cartwheel again yes sir Kyle what do you think about that don’t forget about my Mohawk too scly pop this is crazy this might be the comeback of the year with the SC is one to one star tie break our around good job boys are you serious you gave this loser a point really Emily I’m not a loser yo Kyle what’s the last prompt my boy gly pop the last prompt is a super slay school girl good luck come on bro quick quick and it’s a flash round you guys have 30 seconds 30 seconds oh my gosh girls girls I need help I need help I’m taking everything off um um find outfits that are girly Pop please it needs to be school girly pop yes you need to start off with the shoes the shoes are so important okay okay shoes shoes shoes um what’s something a girly pop girl would wear uh uh uh outerwear boots are giving what the what the boots the winter boots okay I got it I got the winter boots okay okay okay I’m scrolling up I’m scrolling up what do I add what do I add next up you got to put on the skirt girly o yeah yeah yeah I’m about to make it blue ooh I’m looking really sus oh gosh um okay scroll up before I want to pull out of this what am I adding next add the heart T-shirt oh no okay I’m starting to look super sus okay now I got to add the actual outerwear ooh what about some overalls OMG yes that’s so school girlly oh yes I messed with those oh thank you and I’m about to make a pink Lily yeah that’s swag I love it and H I need something for my head what about like a red headband M are we feeling a red headband guys or do you think that doesn’t match enough yo red is the best color ever okay Rox you can’t answer that wait wait what about a pig head band so it matches my shirt okay now I just need to change my hair should I do a messy bun um you’re getting too good at this and boom check me out guys oh my gosh I’m school girl popping everyone time is now up come forward oh gosh guys quickly go go to your spots go to your spots Emily you’re going down I’m looking super duper amazed balls em you are a first girl come out now yes I’m going to serve so many looks right now check me out ah okay that is not it she didn’t have the help from the whole o screw she’s cooked bro she’s cooked um gr ew what is that but are you being for real right now how dare you that is not it girl I’ve seen enough SS come out I’ve seen enough SS no I don’t want to see the same dance move again SS come out wait wait just let me try one more thing please ouch girl no no OHS come show her how to weon n properly it’s my chance it’s my chance oh gosh evely this is what you get for trapping Us in the phone hi everybody it’s me OBS the school girl oh my gosh yes I’ve already seen it off you get the stars the app is now unlocked for you you win let’s go the next app is open move out of the way guys Minecraft Man Hunter no this is the last one chill go Roxy go waa we’re in a giant Minecraft world this is awesome we have to beat the game guys and is that diamonds over there yeah it is we have to get pickaxes everyone check the Villager house cuz if there’s diamonds that means the Villager houses must be super mega overpowered let’s see if there’s anything in here and ooh a chest with oh my gosh guys iron pickaxes with efficiency 255 Fortune 255 and ender pearls let’s go wait that means that this thing needs to shred it is shredding all right come on guys let’s go to the diamonds and we can mine and we could easily win Emily got nothing on us wait a minute SS isn’t this a man HW yeah yeah and that means if I kill you you will never Escape wait what right there she’s having full diamond get diamonds guys and our Fortune is crazy grab the diamonds and dip ow she’s hitting me guys to another Fortress that blue butt back over here not happening Roxy we have to find some Ed rods and then we can combine with ender pearls and wait the stronghold is right there okay I got to throw it up like that please oh gosh I made it I made it and oh no guys there’s a blaze spawner up over here but I don’t have a crafting table Luke do you have one yeah do boom ski you’re a go Luke oh gosh guys make armor Roxy do not die if you die you’re going to be stuck here forever bro I need to make a chest plate go go go and boom help and the boots and oh my gosh we are so stacked right now and wait Luke slide me some sticks bro I need make a swore a I only got one bro oh Emily’s here oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh get a over here oh gosh Roxy killed out Emily get out of here get out I’m dying I’m dying come here oh gosh Luke watch your I’m going to get Emily right now what’s up oh wait that’s Lily sorry L sorry sorry oh she’s here it’s it’s em jump her jump a I’m going to die I’m about to die get that blue butt over here you’re the one I really want oh no this isn’t good wait Alexa pull up over here with me there’s some blazes that’s about to spawn here I got you we got to get these boys up get over here handsome I’m going to kill you so you can be mine forever ow stop being weird oh my gosh I am so low this isn’t good I just need one place come here die oh he’s right there oh my gosh they’re escaping this is not good Emily chill I have two hearts don’t do it to me oh yes you’re going to be in my game forever not happening hey back up back up yo Alexa keep her distracted please I’m trying girly your outfit is not it hey thank you and wait Roxy use the pickaxe we have to build a fort over here so she can’t get here yeah I’m mining mine it down I just need one Blaze because my sword got enchantment let me see what it is and looting 255 let’s go and there’s a blaze oh gosh I’m so low I’m so low oh gosh this isn’t good come here come here boom guys I just got so many rods let’s go it’s down there and oh gosh leave me alone back up I’m so low half a heart half heart oh gosh this is not out of here girl thank you go guys go The Blaze Rod are down we cannot let her get her mine down Roxy mine down just m straight down I got it I got it I got it oh Blaze Rod attach it with it oh blaze powder oh gosh I’m messing up so bad right now guys I’m so nervous okay blaze powder then blaze powder with the pearls I got 14 go to the stronghold see you later Emily we’re about to beat the game no way come back over here not happening if we beat the game guys we could escape the phone yes come on we’re almost at the Escape boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop oh go I just threw two oh my gosh did I just wasted did I just wasted see you later bye come back over here not happening come on guys we’re super stacked out with these overpowered weapons and wait let me see if my sword got a new enchant and oh my gosh I got a sharpness 255 sword now so did we we’re stacked bro let’s oh gosh Emily’s here run wait that means if she hits us once we die ah Emily stop don’t do it to me don’t do it to me don’t do it to me I got the sword too but I’m going use the bow for now hey guys quickly don’t even go for any crystals just build up and try and hit the Dragon one time that’s all we need before Emily kills us you don’t want to build straight up cuz look at this what what are you doing hey what are you doing Emily where are you he’s trying to shoot us sh just took my hair off that would have been bad dragon come over here please Mr Dragon oh Emily stop chill chill how am I missing oh my gosh cuz I’m weaving you bro you’re not oh my oh that was right on my head uh uh oh dragon breath dragon breath Luke it’s getting intense over here dude I just clutched yes sir come on Dragon just let us hit you once please we have such overpowered enchantments hey Emily leave me alone please you can’t run from me hubby oh gosh I see the dragon right over there he’s parching dude now’s our chance Roxy hit him okay bro bro Miss completely oh gosh I’m trying he’s right there oh oh oh oh just oh my gosh I’m about to die I’m about to die I’m get him I’m getting him get him get him guys he’s so low oh my gosh oh my gosh get him Roxy get him PL some tety get over here oh quickly he has one heart who’s doing that shoot one more time shoot one more time I’m dying get over here no oh my gosh we did it everyone hop in the portal to go back home before Emily gets us inside inside inside inside come over here baby boys all right don’t call me weird stop at wait my body’s in the portal am I about to get teleported guys Yes we made it back home and it looks like Emily’s completely gone let’s go have a normal day uh SS turn around oh no she still has the phone R and that was an awesome adventure and if you want to join us on the next click right here bye

Today Omz Crystal Roxy Lily Luke Alexa and Heather are meeting the new POPULAR girl that has a crush on OMZ and GETS SUCKED in her phone!


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