Best Terraria Melee Loadout Guide – 1.4.x! (Master Mode, Pre-Hardmode & Hardmode Progression)

hey there people so today i am bringing you my complete melee class loadout guide for 1.4.0 1.4.1 and 1.4.2 onward so i’ll be covering the best class builds and class specific weapons armor and accessories for all stages of the game this will be organized around game progression and loadouts for each of the games bosses and events if you want to skip ahead i’ve set up chapters with timestamps in the description so you can go ahead and do that so first of all let’s start with some general information the melee class is for players that prefer to use swords spears flails boomerangs yo-yos and so on the best modifier for swords is legendary generally and the best modifier for most other melee weapons is going to be godly or demonic often they’re the same again i will be covering 1.4.0 1.4.1 and 1.4.2 plus since they are on current uh currently on different platforms for now of course we are celebrating the release of uh console getting 1.4.0 as of today this recording and uh most of the video will apply in either case i’ll mention where things are different between platforms as of this moment pc is on 1.4.2 while mobile and console are now both on 1.4.0 switch still has to wait a little bit but should be getting 1.4 soon as well and eventually all of the current platforms are expected to get the final 1.4.2 updates so this should be a definitive guide for the melee class for terraria going forward so moving on early game gear so this is when you’re starting out early pre-hard mode some of the stuff that you’re going to want to get uh near the beginning of the game the initial wood and ore based armor sets are not class specific uh in fact melee does not get its own specific set until well into pre-hard mode actually but kind of your default weapons are melee anyway so try to get at least silver or tungsten armor it’s very optional whether you need to get gold or platinum armor because again there are no early melee specific sets those are just higher defense if you do want to go to gold or platinum spelunker potions can be extremely helpful for getting the higher tier ores faster so you can check those out um i do have a potions guide as well there’s all kinds of useful stuff in there short swords are more useful now than they used to be because you can now aim them in 1.4 you can aim your short sword up and down and so on but you probably still want a broadsword even the wooden sword to start out is still useful if you can get a katana from the traveling merchant or a falcon blade from fishing or one of the special swords such as the enchanted sword or the star fury or the terra grim those are going to help you early in the game quite a lot some other good options for early game weapons other than swords are the wooden yoyo which isn’t too hard to craft and a good spear such as the storm spear the rotted fork the swordfish or the trident those are going to help you a lot especially on some of the higher difficulties you can keep these enemies away on master mode so they don’t get to you and so on that kind of thing those things are gonna gonna come in handy so next stage though the early bosses so when i say early bosses i mean king slime and the eye of cthulhu basically your preparation is going to be pretty similar for these two bosses ideally you want to save up life crystals and my strategy and a good strategy i think is to quickly get to 180 health by getting life crystals and then start saving them after that so that you can quickly boost to as high a health as possible before actually fighting the bosses so again get to 180 and and save up to like 11 of them or more um that will allow you to quickly get uh to to up to you can get to 400 health in pre-hard mode just through life crystals so that’s why i say 11 because 11 more will get you straight to 400 you don’t have to go that high but the eye of cthulhu will begin to naturally spawn at night randomly once you hit 200 health so that’s why i say go to 180 and then save up until you’re ready until you feel comfortable fighting the boss it does also help to add campfires heart lanterns bass statues garden gnomes and sunflowers around the area where you will be fighting the bosses these bosses or any bosses you can also build a few levels of platforms optionally with some stairs or you can just fight these bosses on a long stretch of open ground make sure that you have a stretch where you can easily run across a large area if you plan to do that as far as a loadout for these bosses again silver or tungsten armor is sufficient for most people you can go with higher or lower armor based on your skill level projectile melee weapons such as the enchanted sword star fury or storm spear can work rather well a good yo-yo is also a great choice ideally if you’re going with yo-yos you want to be putting together you can craft a string add a loom and also you can get a counterweight most often from the skeleton merchant the rally yo-yo can work well or if you can gather enough demonite or cremtane you can go with the malaise or the artery a flail such as the flaming mace which is just a regular mace with some torches added can also work the flails do work differently on 1.4 than they used to on previous versions boomerangs can work well as well for example the enchanted boomerang is now easily crafted from a wooden boomerang and a fallen star so that’s a good option early on you probably don’t really need to go deep into the jungle this early but if you’re struggling you can gear up by going down into the jungle just go down there when you feel ready otherwise you can get some great weapons from underground jungle drops so specifically the best yoyo available early in the game is the amazon so its eight rich mahogany which is the wood from the jungle 12 stingers one vine nine jungle spores you get the jungle spores by going down to what’s called the cavern layer which is deep underground in the jungle the underground jungle so those are going to come in to all these things that i’m talking about here the best boomerang that you can get early in the game is also the thorn chakram which is crafted from six jungle spores and nine stingers you can also craft the blade of grass you can actually craft it pretty early as soon as you’re feeling strong enough and brave enough to go deep down into the jungle which can take a while but the blade of grass is 12 jungle spores and 12 stingers both the blade of grass and the thorn chakram have a chance to inflict poison on bosses and other enemies so that makes them extra useful as well in terms of accessories early in the game for the early boss fights you want general movement accessories like hermes boots so you can run faster once you’ve defeated a goblin army you can get rocket boots and you can also combine those um various types of things into better boots you you’ll want to use a grappling hook potentially can get you you know between your platforms and that kind of thing a fast mount can help the shark tooth necklace which you get from blood moons is very useful against pre-hard mode bosses it decreases enemy defense so bosses of course are the ones with higher defense and so that’s going to allow you to do more damage feral claws will be very helpful once you manage to find them and those again come from chess in the underground jungle so another reason to go down there at some point and the feral claws are actually better on 1.4.1 onward because they were given the auto swing capability it was moved to them uh in terms of loot from the bosses the most useful loot from these two bosses is probably the expert or master mode only shield of cthulhu it’s very useful for dashing around and charging into enemies and stuff the slime mount from king slime can also be quite useful and is actually even useful against the eye of cthulhu you can bounce on his head so again you once you hit 200 health you will also probably end up fighting a goblin army because that’s when that starts to happen as well so after that point you can again find the goblin tinker buy those rocket boots and get the tinkerer’s workshop the tinker’s workshop will start will allow you to start combining accessories into better accessories so you can use fewer slots and have more abilities it will allow you to craft spectre boots amphibian boots combine bottles with balloons and so on so uh cloud in a bottle um tsunami a bottle so on uh those give you a like an extra jump and you can combine those with balloons so you can jump higher and you can have more of them and it’s great so um all that stuff so next thing to talk about here i want to mention food and potions food and potions can be very helpful particularly against bosses so if you’re struggling at any point in the game food and potions the well-fed buff is particularly important in expert and master mode for various reasons speed and regeneration particularly so you’ll notice in expert and master by default you walk very slowly you just eat some food and all of a sudden you’re faster so there are now three levels of the well-fed buff from food so different food items will give you different levels save the largest improvement the major improvement food items for boss fights that’s what i would suggest because they’re going to give you the biggest boosts and you want the biggest boost for your boss fights of course you should also have health potions and you can go from your low health potions to your regular health potions and so on uh you can use others to give you boosts and buffs as well other potions you can even if you go fishing and honey you can get uh there’s a typo i can’t remember the name right now honey finn i think um gives you actually more health than a regular health potion so that’s useful as well um good potions otherwise include iron skin regeneration swiftness thorns endurance and either rage or wrath depending whether you have corruption or crimson as a melee player you may or may not want to use a ale or sake which lower your defense but increase your damage output so i’m not going to give you all the potion recipes here but check out my potions guide there’s a buff potion section in that it’s going to come in really handy and that’ll give you the edge when you need it at any point in the game so keep that in mind now the eater of worlds or the brain of cthulhu it depends which one you get based on whether you have corruption or crimson either of worlds in corruption worlds um brain of cthulhu in crimson worlds as a melee player at this point you probably want to take on whichever of these bosses is in your world it’s actually now required to progress in the game unlike earlier versions before 1.4 you could basically skip them but you now need to defeat them to get the materials necessary to craft a pickaxe that can mine underworld materials and so you will have one of these bosses or the other you can use a similar loadout to the early game bosses with any upgrades that you can manage anything that you might have got along the way spikey balls laid around your arena can actually help quite a lot against both of these bosses you’ll get those from the goblin army particularly useful against the eater of worlds you can actually just throw spiky balls at the eater world’s face and that actually works pretty well i find that quite amusing but you can lay them around your arena as well and they’ll pass through them and get damaged technically those are ranged so if you’re an absolute purist maybe that’s not something you want to go with but [Music] they’re definitely helpful against both of these the slime mount also works well against the eater of worlds particularly especially in expert and master mode because it spits at you and if you’re bouncing on the slime mount and the spit hits the bottom it actually shields you from that so very useful and you can also just bounce on it and that’s going to damage it as well in terms of weapons for the eater of worlds and for the first phase of the brain of cthulhu because the brain of cthulhu has two phases unlike the eater a weapon that can hit multiple targets is going to be best for that for the eater and for the first phase of the brain spears and projectiles can work well a good large sword can work if you’re a bit careful obviously you don’t want to get damaged by the boss but if you kind of especially the worm if it’s going you know kind of straight up or something like that and you can just swing your sword at it without getting hit then that can work for the second phase of the brain of cthulhu single target and debuff inflicting weapons are going to be better anything that poisons it or lights it on fire is going to help both for damage and to help you track the real one because it puts up mirages um to try to fool you but only the real one’s gonna be on fire or poison so you’ll see the little damage ticks coming off uh spears and projectiles do still work as well along with anything that has a decent amount of knock back because that’s a big thing to just knock the brain away from you at that point fast auto swing swords like the katana or the falcon blade can work nicely for either fight and either face the chain knife or the best available flails can also work reasonably well so again defeating either boss in terms of loot will allow you to craft a stronger pickaxe to mine hellstone and obsidian you can then craft uh also various gear with the demonite or crimtane you get extra materials from these bosses that allow you to craft additional things as well but the pickaxe is the most important thing that you’re gonna want in corruption worlds you can also use the drops to craft the shadow armor which is the first melee set first proper dedicated melee set that has bonuses specifically for melee shadow armor actually has more defense than gold armor and just one point less defense than platinum but it gives you a 21 melee speed boost and a 15 movement speed boost and a cool trail effect so it can be worthwhile if you got the materials if you don’t get enough materials you can always fight the boss again if you want it on expert or master mode each drop each of these bosses also drops a powerful accessory which you should equip so that’s the worm scarf and the brain of confusion uh both very handy through basically the rest of the game as well so then we’re talking going down to the underworld at that point because that’s the point where you can so after you’ve defeated either of those bosses you may also have a meteorite land as of 1.4 that only lands after you defeat the boss once a meteorite lands you can mine that and you can craft a phase blade which is a nice little sword by combining 15 meteorite bars with 10 gems otherwise the other thing you’re going to want to do is make your way down to the underworld and gather better materials if you’re lucky you may find some life force potions in pots in the underworld i would strongly suggest saving those for boss fights they give you a huge boost to your life your health so you’ll live through the boss fight uh hellstone bars require hellstone obsidian and a hellforge so obsidian you get wherever water meets lava so you can even pour water on lava to make obsidian and vice versa but it’s easier to step on the water part from the top and a health forge is found in the underworld you’re going to need that to craft the bars the first thing that i would suggest for a melee player is maybe consider the fiery great stored uh fiery greatsword is 20 hellstone bars you can also upgrade an enchanted boomerang to a flamerang by adding 10 hellstone bars and the biggest thing you’re gonna need um from hellstone at this point is to craft the molten armor which is 45 hellstone bars definitely the best melee armor set that’s available before hard mode it’s 25 defense and a total of 17 extra melee 17 melee damage boost on all of the updated platforms on 1.4.1 it actually also gives you an extra 7 melee critical strike an extra 7 melee speed and immunity to fire so it gets a nice little boost on 1.4.1 onwards you will also want to craft a molten pickaxe although you don’t need to do that right away just do that before you fight the wall of flesh you can optionally if you don’t mind mixing classes a little you can even craft craft the imp staff which is a summoner weapon but gives you a minion and that’ll give you a nice little extra boost as well when you’re fighting underworld bats keep an eye out for the magma stone accessory if you equip that then your attacks will light enemies on fire again on 1.4.1 this has actually been upgraded to the hellfire debuff which is stronger than the regular fire debuff that you’re inflicting while you’re exploring generally not just in the underworld um actually more not in the underworld keep an eye out for a sharpening station uh which you’ll find underground in little houses sometimes or in chess it can give you a nice little boost as well if you find one take it with you to uh boss fights keep it put it somewhere nearby you just need to place it and um it’s a right click your other button not your attack button your other button and uh use that before boss fights it’ll give you a nice little boost again it’s uh sharpened it’s a it’ll basically counteract some of the defense of your enemies as well as i recall um and also you’ll see at the bottom of this particular slide i threw in a little world map with some lines on it that’s because i recommend somewhere around or by this time starting to dig a few strategically placed elevator shafts to basically isolate certain areas of your map you’ll want to isolate any of the evil biomes corruption or crimson so you see those red lines those are the ones you want to start with um particularly so you can see i have some crimson biomes that i basically just dug a box around and um also some elevators near the middle which is to uh sort of isolate your spawn area you will need to do a little work to dig across somewhere above the evil and hallow stripes that are going to appear when you defeat the wall of flesh and go into hard mode so you’ll need to do that later but if you dig those vertical shafts all the way down to the underworld to begin with that’s going to be a lot easier than trying to do that when you’re just getting into hard mode and i like to also dig shafts around the underground desert and the snow biome because uh basically there are these stripes if you haven’t been in hard mode before uh once you defeat the wall of flesh these giant stripes one of whichever evil biomass in your world and one of halo will come shooting up in a v shape from the underworld one in one direction one in the other direction and they’re gonna pass probably through the desert and or the uh snow biome and they spread in hard mode and they will spread particularly quickly through sand and ice so i like to dig shafts i like to dig on either side and across the bottom and i even like that’s where i put the purple lines i even like to put one down the middle and across the middle of each of those biomes as well because that’s going to isolate it into sections and then that way if it’s spreading quickly through one section at least it’s isolated from the other section you can save a little portion of that biome at least more easily and so you might save a quarter you might save three quarters depends where the stripes go but that’s that’s just what i like to do and i just like to get started while i’m playing while i’m exploring underground anyway you’re gonna need to dig one shaft to get to the underworld you might as well dig a second on either side of your spawn area to help isolate that and um the other shafts vertical shafts that as you can see in my little diagram there not all of them have to go to the underworld necessarily but if you really want to isolate those stripes which is optional but makes your life easier just kind of tedious you can do that and it’s easier to do that to get as much of that done as you can in pre-hard mode so how that works as well to separate areas you need a three block wide tall three blocks wide or tall gap and you’ll need to replace any explose exposed blocks that can grow grass with something that cannot grow grass because grass will produce vines and thorns and things that can grow across that gap so just replace the exposed blocks in areas that grass can grow on surfaces where grass could grow so that’s dirt above the underworld level so anywhere that’s considered surface which actually goes down a little ways and also anywhere um if you’re digging you’ll notice i i put a purple line to uh seal off the jungle as well and uh so i dig that one all the way down just to protect the jungle uh again this is optional but i like to do that if you do do that you’re going to need to seal off anywhere that’s mud next to the jungle you’re going to need to change that to another block type so that the jungle grass can’t grow underground as well so that’s how i do that all that but um that’s all up to you um you can argue this this could certainly be excessive it also depends uh whether you plan to keep your world indefinitely and how fast you play you can just rush through the game and not worry about this but that’s up to you so next boss that i would fight and this is just kind of my recommended order for a melee player next one i would do is the queen bee so the queen bee is technically an optional fight but defeating her can be quite helpful it’s best to fight her in i would suggest a large hive or other open area in the underground jungle because since 1.4 came out she now becomes enraged if she gets too far from the jungle and i have had that happen even if you’re fighting her on the surface of the jungle so you would think open air lots of space but um if you’re too far above the surface of the jungle she’ll get very angry so i i recommend doing it underground in terms of loadout you can use similar equipment to the earlier fights again you definitely want to get as much life as possible because she’s she’s a little stronger any upgrades you can get to other weapons and accessories as well as any potions will also help if you’re having trouble uh specifically the fiery greatsword is going to be a great option she is immune to poison so that you can use the blade of grass but it’s not going to be quite as good the thorn track room does still work though flamerang if you got that from the underworld i mean you don’t have to go that high but it helps and any good flail that you might have available will work as well the amazon the code 1 or a better yoyo if you’ve gained access to a better one can work too again ideally with a string encounter weight it’s a good idea to equip a bezel to avoid being poisoned by her attacks and in terms of loot the beekeeper sword has a chance to drop and it can potentially be useful as a weapon you may also want it later because it’s necessary to craft the zenith so if you plan to do that uh you know get the beekeeper from the queen bee if you can get the honeycomb drop you can actually upgrade a shark tooth necklace from the blood moon to a stinger necklace and you can even actually have both a stinger necklace and a shark tooth necklace and stack them both together you know pre-hard mode you might have some extra slots that’ll reduce enemy defense even further and so that’s great against bosses the stinger necklace is improvement from the shark tooth necklace because it releases bees as well as basically i think when you get hit or when you do an attack i forget anyway it releases bees and they’re going to attack the enemies so that’s why it’s an improvement otherwise it has the same bonus as well she also drops b-wax which can be used to craft the hornet staff summoner weapon so if you didn’t get the imp staff you can get the hornet staff that way as well a minion again if you don’t mind mixing classes a little bit after defeating her um if you have a valid house available the witch doctor will then arrive he’ll move into a house uh he sells the imbuing station for making flasks and flasks allow you to add debuffs to your melee attacks so you can only use one flask at a time at this point you basically only have two options you can craft a flask of poison from a bottled water and a stinger at the imbuing station or you can craft a flask of fire from a bottled water and three hellstone ore at the imbuing station later flasks are covered in my potions and flask guide as well there’s a section on flasks i will talk about a couple others but you actually do have other options as well moving along though next one to talk about is skeletron so skeletron can be fought sooner than this with earlier gear if you’re playing on classic or normal mode but on expert or master mode skeletron is notoriously tough so he gets a huge upgrade once you get to expert world difficulty so in terms of loadout i’m talking more about that ideally you’ll want to get all the gear that i previously mentioned before taking on skeletron on expert or master that includes the molten armor the amazon or a better yoyo if you like yo-yos the best movement accessories it’s again helpful to have the stinger necklace and or shark tooth necklace other weapon options include the thorn chakram again a good option the flamerang bala hurt or the meatball so because he moves around this is one uh where you want to probably use something you can attack him at a bit of a distance a sword um might not be great i did include the uh the fiery greatsword there in the in the diagram but you know hitting them with a sword is probably not your easiest option um it’s a good idea also too though to add a flask of fire and to use a sharpening station and whatever other boost you can get he is immune to poison i think so flask of fire um is gonna be your better option here anyway uh on expert or master you can use the worm scarf or the brain of confusion accessories from uh the bosses that you hopefully defeated before this if you’re really struggling and don’t mind mixing classes you can use the bee’s knees bow with wooden arrows those bees are great against him so be nades will also work the star cannon is also a great option i’m not going to talk about mixing classes too much here because it’s important to specialize to your class so mostly i’m talking about melee in this guide but skeletron in the wall of flesh i’m going to make an exception bees are great star cannon is great um in terms of loot after defeating skeletron explore the dungeon and particularly keep an eye out for a miramasa sword once you find one of those you can combine it with either a lightbane or a blood butcher made with the evil oars demonite crimtane whichever one in your world plus you can get you can combine that with a so again light spain or blood butcher whichever plus blade of grass and a fiery greatsword combine those with the mirror massa at a demon or crimson altar to craft the knight’s edge the knight’s edge is the most powerful sword before hard mode and useful even early into hard mode and you’ll use it later we’ll get into that for other purposes uh keep an eye out for a cobalt shield as well in the dungeon which is particularly important for melee players if you can get one a cobalt shield can be combined with an obsidian skull to make an obsidian shield and that’s going to protect you from more things so the cobalt shield protects you from knockback the obsidian skull protects you from fire blocks and so you can combine those abilities into one thing and have both uh if you get a nazar while you’re in the dungeon hold on to it you’re going to need it later for the ankh charm or the ank shield um you’re going to be holding on to it a while but but hold on to it definitely you want that nazar you also want a shadow key from the dungeon which will unlock shadow chests in the underworld and there are some great weapons from shadow chest in the underworld so you’re gonna need that key those include the dark lance which is an excellent spear the sun fury which is the best pre-hard mode flail and at this point on all 1.4 versions you can gather enough bones you can also craft the void vault and void bag you will ultimately need to head down to the underworld again anyway so if you don’t mind farming or you’re spending time down there anyway making preparations you can get the cascade yo-yo which is the best pre-hard mode yo-yo so you get that in the underworld the wall of flesh so in terms of loadout for the wall of flesh much of the same gear as i recommended for skeletron but you can make use of those better weapons i was just talking about the knight’s edge the cascade the dark lance and the sun fury are all going to be great options even the star fury can actually be a good option if you have enough sealing room in the underworld because you can direct those stars from a large distance to give yourself lots of room keeping yourself away from the wall of flesh a little further the beekeeper from the queen bee can also be useful to clear the hungry and while doing so will spawn bees that will further damage both the hungry and the wall itself don’t use a flask of fire because the wall of flesh is immune to fire so you can use a flash flask of poison instead so for the walla flash use the flask of poison the terra spark boots are actually the ideal choice here i like the amphi amphibian boots for a lot of other boss fights but in the underworld the terra spark boots will allow you to run on top of the lava and give you some immunity from lava also equipping that obsidian shield will protect you from the fire blocks which is hellstone and hellstone bricks and of course you can also use obsidian skin potions for a longer lasting immunity to those things as well again i’m going to make an exception here if you don’t mind mixing classes a bit uh any of the other b weapons i i like the bow um if you’re obviously not a mage so the bow with wooden arrows is good the bean aids are really good the star cannon works very well especially expert in master mode towards the end of the fight as the wall of flesh’s health gets low it’s going to come at you faster and faster and that’s a really good moment to throw a bunch of bees and stars in its face to take it out quickly before it eats you so you can also find uh even the bewitching table in the dungeon and if you have that imp staff that’ll give you two minions you can even if you really want to get busy with mixing your classes a little you can go uh and craft some summoning potions you can make three minions that way anyway loot from the wall of flesh the most important melee specific drop is the warrior emblem so if you don’t get that warrior emblem you will likely want to farm or repeatedly fight the wall of flesh as many times as it takes until you do get the warrior emblem because that gives you plus 15 melee damage it’s a very nice little boost um the breaker blade is a weapon that the wall flesh drops that may also be useful and of course you’re going to need the pwn hammer that is always dropped from the wall of flesh to spawn new ores i’m gonna get to choices around that in a second as well the walla flesh can also drop a few other useful items such as the clockwork assault rifle which is a ranged weapon so you know if you like mixing classes if you don’t care then you can use that and some of those other ones too on expert and master mode you will get the demon heart which you should definitely use it gives you an extra accessory slot and that obviously is going to be helpful for stacking up your boost and you can also stay in the underworld for a little while after defeating the wall and farm the regular enemies trying to get a hellfire yo-yo because as soon as you fight as soon as you defeat the wall of flesh technically you’re in hard mode but the underworld enemies do not get stronger right away they get a boost later on after you progress a little so you can actually just stay in the underworld enemies are not going to get harder yet and if you can farm for that hellfire yo-yo it’s a big upgrade if you are a yo-yo user so that’s a little tip there too but moving along you’re in hard mode now so in early hard mode you will want to get those new ores but you’ve got some choices there either you can use that prone hammer to smash a few demon or crimson altars or alternatively you can go fishing for crates you can no longer use the cheat where you used to be able to fish for crates in pre-hard mode and then wait and and just save them up until you got into hard mode and open them and get stuff but uh you can still go fishing early in hard mode instead of smashing the altars and that’s and and if you get enough crates you can get ores that way without smashing altars so that’s an option it’s your choice um smashing those altars each one has i believe it’s offhand a one and third one and three chance if i’m correct on that but of spawning a block somewhere in the world that’s either uh corruption or crimson or hallow and that’s going to spread so you’re taking a little risk smashing those altars so at least i wouldn’t suggest you smash a whole lot of them um you know six or nine you want to do them in sets of threes because um you get your basic your earliest lowest tier or and then your mid tier or and then your higher tier or and each one is a random randomly between two possible ores and so sets of three because you you want more of the highest tier one and you don’t want to take risks just to get more lower tier ones that you’re not going to need so um i i like six or nine altars if you’re going to smash alters but just keep in mind you’re taking a little risk with every altar you smash the other thing is there are certain things that will happen after you smash those altars and so if you take the fishing route those things won’t automatically happen so that includes pirate invasions and the mechanical bosses automatically spawning that won’t happen until you smash altars you can summon those you can summon pirate invasions and you can summon those bosses so uh if you go fishing instead you know that’ll save you from having to deal with that for a while um but yeah otherwise uh fishing might be a little slower and meanwhile your evils are spreading uh so the corruption crimson and hallow will be spreading once you get into hard mode and there’s the giant stripes that i talked about the little v-shape evil in one one side of the v and hallow on the other side of the v and so you’re probably going to want to contain those and so you only have so much time to deal with that so fishing can also be a little slow and that’s the downside of that approach but just as in pre-hard mode spelunker potions if you did smash the altars and you’ve got those new words in your world use spelunker potions they’re going to be very handy for finding those new ores underground um on the other hand if you’re offense oriented you could also farm queen slime and get the crystal armor it’s not class specific but that would allow you to skip those oars that will be difficult without getting the new oars unless you’re very highly skilled the defense for the crystal armor is low but it does give good general offensive bonuses cobalt armor isn’t particularly better than molten armor but any of the other new ore based armors are work your way up through the three new or tiers when you get to atomate or titanium you’re you’ve got a little choice there actually it’s not as simple as uh so again you’re going to have either cobalt or palladium you’re going to have mithril ore or a calcium if you’re spawning nearers in the world if you’re fishing you can get them both adamantite or titanium you’re gonna have one or the other if you spawned the ores into your world but when you get to that point it’s not as simple as as crafting adamantite or titanium armor because you can actually craft frost armor but let me let me tag a couple other things quickly as well so um first before you can use um the mid tier and high tier ores you’re going to need to first craft a mithril or a calcum anvil for those higher tiers so that’s going to take either 10 mithral bars or 12 oracalcum bars for some reason then you’ll need to that will allow you to use the mithril or calcamores and then you’ll actually need to craft an adamantite or titanium forge before you can turn adamantite and titanium into bars so that’s going to require 30 either adamantite or titanium or plus a hell forge and you’re going to craft that um forge at that mithril or a calcum anvil that you had to craft first so you can craft the armor for for either adamantite or titanium or you can go for frost armor adamantite armor requires 54 adamantite bars titanium requires 59 titanium bars it’s pretty onerous but so is frost armor frost armor boosts both melee and range attacks so you can actually combine as a melee ranged class if you like and use weapons from both classes just as long as you’re able to use that eventually you won’t be able to do that because it will be too weak for the later stuff but frost armor has lower defense than atom antidote or titanium but it has higher damage output so it inflicts frostburn with its attacks on 1.4.1 onward that’s been upgraded actually to frostbite and it also the set was boosted with an extra 10 additional damage as well so 1.4.0 um it’s decent 1.4.1 onward it’s a little bit better uh three frost cores from the ice golems are required so that’s that’s the difficult part of the frost armor you’ll need to farm for three frost cores which are pretty hard to obtain uh ice golems i as i recall only show up in blizzards in the snow biome and they’re pretty tough so uh you will need three frost quarters and 46 of either atomizer or titanium bars uh at that mithril or a calcum anvil and it does need to be 46 bars of one or the other type not in total so those are your options so you want to get to either adamantite titanium or frost armor at this point is the the short version um so in terms of weapons the knights edge is still useful in early hard mode if you already crafted it or if you easily can at this point you can also later upgrade that knight’s edge to a true knight’s edge and eventually combine that to create the terror blade which is going to be important again you actually need to do all of this if you want that zenith eventually you will need to craft the knight’s edge you will need to turn it into a true knight’s edge and you will need to combine that into the terra blade if you want to craft that zenith eventually otherwise you don’t have to do that to get through the game but if you want the zenith you’re going to have to and the terrorblade’s pretty great so keep it in mind you can also upgrade that phase blade that you crafted from meteorite in pre-hard mode you can upgrade that fairly easily to a phased saber by adding 50 crystal shards at a hard mode mithril or a calcum anvil various other early hard mode swords can be as good or better as these ones at this stage i mean compared to the night’s edge or the phase blade there are various swords you can get at this point that are going to be comparable uh the craftable ore based spears are also a good choice of course you can craft swords with the new oars but spears are also a good choice they’re lower damage than the swords but they have better range and can score more multiple hits just like spears earlier on so those spears can be useful because the hard mode enemies are going to come at you a little stronger you’re going to need more knockback to keep them away so once again like early in the game spears can be a good choice in early hard mode as well the icicle the frost brand and the amarok are all great weapon options that can be obtained in the ice biome so you may want to spend some time there if you want to get one of those there are also a few other decent yoyo options available around this point not going to get into details but you can look those up other options for weapons at this point include the beam sword the flying knife the sergeant united shield the banana rangs and the shadow flame knife those are all great options you may get along the way the shadow flame knife you would get from hard mode goblin armies which are going to be a pain not going to get into details there either there’s a new enemy that comes in hard mode a lot of the existing enemies are actually upgraded and more powerful once you get into hard mode um and there are new ones as well so i’ll let you discover that but in terms of accessories you will want to equip that warrior emblem so if again if you did not get that from the wall of flesh i do recommend that you go back and get it fight it again um make sure to fight the regular mimics that you come across because you want to get the titan glove and you probably want the philosopher’s stone and the cross necklace and the star cloak those are all things that are going to be useful for mimics it’s particularly important to combine the titan glove with the feral claws to make the power glove because you’re then first of all that’s great but second of all you can upgrade that some more later as well you can also combine that philosopher’s stone with a band of regeneration and you can combine the cross necklace with the star cloak so once you combine those things you get better items and you can use fewer slots for more and better things keep an eye out also for werewolves during full moons in hard mode and farm them to get a moon charm if possible moon charm is going to be a great boost at night and you’re going to use that to combine with some other things later as well once you have wings you may want to swap out boots for a damage boosting or defensive accessory that’s an option you should always reforge your accessories at the goblin tinkerer you can go for menacing if you want to maximize damage or more likely especially expert and master mode you may want to go to warding for maximum defense for your accessories you don’t absolutely have to get the top tier modifier armored is the second from the top for maximizing defense uh i often am happy enough with that but uh if you’re in a crimson world you may also want to get an icker based weapon or use flasks of acre uh that’s going to lower the defense of your enemies again particularly useful against bosses in corruption worlds the counterpart is cursed inferno curse inferno was actually buffed in 1.4 and buffed again in 1.4.1 so it’s more useful than it used to be and so it’s a good option as well finally though moving along so the bloody eel uh the blood eel is an enemy that you’re probably going to want to take on if you’re a melee player oh and i forgot to include a picture of it but the bloody eel is a lot like a wyvern but it’s bloodier looking and it’s completely optional but it does have a nice drop for melee players it’s summoned by fishing during a hard mode blood moon sonar potions can be really helpful to know when it will be fished up and to avoid other catches that you don’t want including other bosses uh blood moon minibus type things that you may not want to bother with the bloody can be summoned anytime in hard mode but if you want the drop from it the sooner the better it attacks very similarly to a wyvern flies around in much the same way but it flies faster and it has more health so be prepared wyverns are hard enough at the start hard mode but in terms of a loadout the best options are adamantite titanium or frost armor you might be able to manage it with earlier armors if you’re good and if you’re prepared use a weapon that can score multiple hits against its many segments as you would for a wyvern a flying knife a shadow flame knife an icicle or a good flail like the sun fury or the dao of pow can all be obtained around this point so if you happen to get a nimbus rod and don’t mind mixing classes nimbus fraud just put up those clouds and that’s going to help as it goes by getting damaged optimize your accessories and buffs for fast dodging movement and then for damage output again a flask of acre or flask of cursed flames will also make a big difference and the main reason that i’m talking about the bloody on the main reason to take on this fight is to obtain the dripler crippler which is a flail an excellent flail for this stage of the game may take a number of attempts you may have to kill a lot of bloody eels to get the drop it’s a one in eight chance on average you might get it sooner or later than that one in eight so you may have to fight it less than eight times or more than eight times but that’s your average next boss though is queen slime so queen slime is also very much an optional boss and not really super important for melee players but the main reason for fighting queen slime would be other than bragging rights to get the winged slime mount so your loadout for queen slime is going to be adamantite titanium or frost armor ideally best available choices you can again possibly get away with less the flying knife the sergeant united shield the shadow flame knife and the icicle will all be good weapon options the beam sword the frost brand or a good yo-yo particularly the amarok should also work the dripler crippler which is the one from the bloody eel the chain guillotines or the dao of pow can also do nicely and again flask or flask of cursed flames will help uh you can either use a fast mount on good terrain like those some of those early bosses or but you’re gonna want a faster one or a combination of wings and boots the best wings at this point are the fairy fin frozen or harpy wings wings were rebalanced in 1.4 so they’re different stats than they used to be amphibian boots also help boost your flight so you can take off quicker although lightning frost bark or terra spark boots are faster on the ground the warrior emblem is more or less essential for a solid boost to your damage output the power glove is also important and the yoyo bag is absolutely essential if you are a yo-yo user other good accessories include the cobalt shield or the obsidian shield even better the frozen turtle shell the cross necklace or star veil the band of regeneration or the charm of myths the putrid scent uh even the shark tooth or stinger necklaces can still help a little at this point in expert or master mode the brain of confusion the worm scarf and the shield of cthulhu are all very helpful again don’t forget food potions and flasks if you’re struggling at all or if you want to be prepared to give you major boosts so the loot again the main thing is the gelatinous pillion item which summons the wing slime mount and the wing slime mount can actually be quite useful against the mechanical bosses so i’d probably go for it but speaking of which the mechanical bosses so it’s actually we call them the mechanical bosses but they’re three different bosses much of the loadout will be the same as for queen slime particularly for whichever one you take on first um it’s an option which one you want to take on first i like to take on the destroyer first i i find it relatively easier but your mileage may vary so you got the destroyer skeleton prime and the twins the destroyer is immune to all debuffs so frost armor won’t be as strong against it as adamantite or titanium in this case you can still use it um and it’s it’s still going to be great against the other bosses weapons that pierce or are good at hitting multiple targets will work best against the destroyer whereas skeleton prime and the twins you probably want to optimize for single target damage with your weapons and so on the shadow flame knife and perhaps the flying knife should work well against all three of these bosses the dripler crippler or the dao of power also strong against all three yo-yos such as the amarok or after defeating one of them you can get you can then get the yellets which is an upgrade can work nicely with a yoyo bag the icicle is good against the destroyer and skeleton on prime but the twins might be too fast to be able to hit with the icicle you can try it if you want the beam sword frost brand banana rangs and light discs will be better against skeletron prime and the twins whereas the fetid bag knocks or a powerful sword will be strong against the destroyer if you’re careful and if you have knockback immunity again kind of like the eater if the destroyer is going like especially more of an upright thing you can stand right next to it and whack it with uh with things that hit it really quickly in addition to the previously mentioned accessories the moon charm is also going to be useful against these three since you are always fighting them at night uh and again the gelatinous pillion wing slime mount is a good movement option and can save you some accessory slots if you use a mount instead of boots and wings uh you can free up a couple of slots for some other accessories that’ll give you some nice boosts as well otherwise use high platforms against the destroyer um and you can replace the high platforms with an asphalt bridge against the other two so high platforms will allow you to dodge the destroyer when it’s going in and out of the ground an asphalt bridge will allow you to run quickly and dodge against the other two bosses make sure to use those flasks and outfit your arena with buffs including heart lanterns campfires and so on if you are a yo-yo player as i sort of mentioned there once you’ve defeated any one of the three mechanical bosses you can get the yellett’s yo-yo i believe that’s from the jungle off-hand but i’ve had it drop other places i don’t know if that still happens anyway basically it’s just a random drop from enemies uh after defeating one of the mechanical bosses you can also get the mushroom spear from the truffle npc speaking of which hard mode you can get the truffle npc you need to create a mushroom biome above ground it’s gotta be big enough i made a guide on that too uh during solar eclipses yeah mushroom sphere is great though but during solar eclipses you can also get the moon stone accessory which is different than the moon charm there’s a moon stone as well and you can also get the neptune shell from solar eclipses as well after defeating the destroyer specifically you can use the souls of might that you get from it with some hallowed bars to craft light discs which are a great weapon and you can stack a few of them if you can spare 12 hallowed bars you can also craft the excalibur or the gungner i tried to pronounce that something like properly once you have 54 hallowed bars from yeah that’s a spear by the way so the excalibur is a sword that’s a spear uh once you have 54 hallowed bars from the mechanical bosses you can craft the hallowed armor which gives you higher defense and an excellent holy protection damage avoidance buff although it actually has lower um offensive boost than the frost and adamantite armors but i’d still go for it holy protection is awesome um after defeating all three of the mechanical bosses you can also craft the avenger emblem which gives you a 12 boost to all types of damage you can combine an avenger emblem with a power glove to get a mechanical glove and uh if you’re on 1.4.1 or later you should combine the mechanical glove with the magma stone that i talked about long ago to make a fire gauntlet on uh 1.4.0 in previous versions the mechanical glove actually had a higher damage output but that’s been fixed on 1.4.1 onwards so the fire gauntlet is definitely the go-to at that point uh you will also need to craft a drax or a pickaxe axe from the souls of all three of the bosses plus some hallowed bars this allows you to mine chlorophyte which means you can then craft chlorophyte armor glorified partisan and various other things at this point you can also upgrade to the true knight’s edge and or you can craft and upgrade to the true excalibur on 1.4.0 you can immediately combine the true knight’s edge and the true excalibur into the terror blade or at least the things to do it are available but on 1.4.1 onward that was changed so that you can only craft the terrorblade after defeating plantera after defeating any one of the mechanical bosses you can also fight tier 2 of the old one’s army it’s not super important but the ogre does have some interesting and unique melee weapon drops if you feel like checking that out you can also get the excellent death sickle from solar eclipses after defeating all three of the mechanical bosses on 1.4.0 you can get the eye of cthulhu yo-yo after defeating all three of them but on 1.4.1 onward that i have cthulhu yoyo only drops after planned thera so i have cthulhu yoyo is the best yoyo until moonlord so whenever you can get it you want to get it speaking of which plantera so uh your loadout for plantera is hallowed chlorophyte or turtle armor ideally those will be your best options available each one has its benefits and its drawbacks so hallowed again has that holy protection thing chlorophyte has some nice damage output boosts and turtle armor has the highest defense and protects you from damage so take your pick turtle’s gonna be the hardest to get at this point but uh you you’re gonna want to get turtle armor eventually we’ll get to that uh the death sickle is the best choice as far as weapons against plantera the yellets or if you can get it uh on 1.4.0 the eye of cthulhu yoyo plus a yoyo bag excellent choices light discs are a great choice the shadow flame knife the fetid bag knocks also viable if you get the right setup you can actually kill plantera really fast with the fedded bag nut 1.4.0 and earlier versions you can get the terra blade again and that’s going to be great against plantera otherwise if you’re on 1.4.1 onward you can just use the truenight’s edge or the true excalibur either one will work accessories and boosts again remain mostly the same as for queen slime and the mechanical bosses not a lot’s changed there except hopefully by now you might have picked up some items that weren’t easily available earlier you will want a bezel war or anything derived from a bezel-wire ideally you want an ox shield to take on plantera because that’s going to give you more obviously but any of those anything derived from a bezel-wire will help to prevent you being poisoned and plantera will some of her attacks will poison you so you want to avoid that so the onc shield um or any derivative of the cobalt shield will also eliminate knockback so ideally the only way to have both of those in one item um the poison resistance of the besoir and the knockback resistance of the cobalt shield is to go all the way to the ax shield but of course that’s not easy but if you can get there it’s it’s going to be best you will want to use either on 1.4.0 the mechanical glove or 1.4.1 onward the fire gauntlet uh definitely use that and an avenger emblem can also help you can actually stack that uh the moonstar stone or the moon charm if you’re fighting her at night you can use one of those moon items you will likely want wings and boots unless you want to use a minecart track or teleporters those are alternate strategies for plantera a large mostly open arena with the background walls knocked out is the kind of the best and easiest setup to fight plantera you’re going to want lots of space you want to knock those background walls out because her little clinger things cling to them and that’s how she moves around so you’re gonna you know that basically stops her moving towards you quite so easily in terms of loot from plantera the excellent seedler sword and the flowerpow are the main melee specific drops at this point if you have the key you can open the corruption or crimson chest depending which one you have in your world in the dungeon in a corruption world you will get the scourge of the corruption from from the corruption chest which fires homing eaters little miniature eater um enemies except they’re not enemies because they’re yours now and uh and they hone in on your enemies so that’s that’s a nice one and in a crimson world you will get the vampire knives which actually can be very handy for basically the rest of the game vampire knives are a weapon but they steal health from your enemies which is great because you can heal it’s also a good idea after defeating plantera to farm bonely enemies in the dungeon to get the tabby and the black belt which you will then use for towards crafting the master ninja gear which is an excellent item for the rest of the game uh combine those with the tiger climbing gear so tabby plus back black belt plus tiger climbing gear which itself is crafted from shoe spikes and climbing claws all that happens at tinkerer’s workshop uh you can also get the paladin’s hammer while you’re in the dungeon which is a great weapon on 1.4.1 onward you can finally get a broken hero sword from mothron in a solar eclipse because she will show up after plantera now uh on those versions to craft the terrorblade and the recipe was changed as well anyway um or reverted sort of anyway you can also get the ive cthulhu yoyo if you werent able to on your version earlier then you can now get the eye of cthulhu yoyo in those solar eclipses as well and again most powerful yoyo pre moon lord so the golem your loadout for the golem is hallowed chlorophyte or turtle armor those remain the best available options just like with plantera the death sickle is arguably still the best choice a weapon for a golem as well the mushroom spear or the chlorophyte partisan are kind of things you can use as a substitute not quite as good but they’ll do the job either the scourge of the corrupter or the vampire knives depending which type of world you’re in will also be quite useful the seedler the paladin’s hammer the terra blade and the fetid bag knocks are also all good options maybe depending a little on your play style either the kraken or of the the eye of cthulhu yo-yo with a yo-yo bag are going to be great against golem as well most accessories remain the same swap in the master ninja gear if you’ve got it by now in terms of loot from the golem golem has a chance to drop the eye of the golem which can be combined into the destroyer emblem so that’s i have the golem plus avenger emblem makes a destroyer emblem at your tinkerer’s workshop gives you plus 10 damage and plus 8 critical strike to all types the golem can also drop the sun stone which is important because it combines with some other stuff to complete one of the best items that you’re going to get in the remainder of the game the celestial stone and then the celestial shell so the celestial shell well both of those technically give you an extra 10 damage output plus 4 defense boosts your health regeneration but you’ll get some additional extra effects with the celestial shell specifically um so a sunstone plus a moonstone makes a celestial stone with this which is great a moon charm plus a neptune’s shell makes a moon shell which is also great for different reasons if you combine the celestial stone and the moon shell you get the celestial shell all that again happens at a tinkerer’s workshop and the celestial shell is awesome it’s great for any class but it’s a particularly excellent accessory for melee players the golem can also drop the possessed hatchet and the golem fist good weapons possess hatchet a little more so um golem fists have been buffed in later versions too most importantly perhaps though the golem drops beetle husks which combine with each of the turtle armor pierces pieces to convert them to beetle armor and that is the most powerful armor set before moonlord so that’s why you wanted to get the turtle armor eventually because you combine it with the beetle husk and you make your beetle armor so you get a choice with the chess piece you can either go with the beetle shell or the beetle scale male personally i would go with the scale male the scale male provides more damage output whereas the shell gives you more defense and mitigates damage taken uh it’s kind of a whole other discussion how exactly that works but you’ll want your beetle armor as the short version and then you may or may not be ready to take on the pumpkin moon and the frost moon so i’m just throwing these together because they’re pretty similar the pumpkin moon and the frost moon are actually very much optional for melee players they can be done anytime after plantera or later or they can be skipped entirely if you like the main reasons for doing these as a melee player would be to obtain the horseman’s blade from the pumpkin moon which you will need if you want to make the zenith so that’s a reason or and or the north pole from the frost moon which is just a pretty great weapon so those are your reasons for taking on the moons your loadout if you got the beetle armor definitely use it it is possible to do these events with earlier sets but it’s going to be a lot harder the terror blade or the influx waiver can also do quite well against most of the enemies even the seedler will work the eye of cthulhu yoyo with a yo-yo bag can also work well the paladin’s hammer works well against multiple targets but less so against the bosses or the mini bosses whatever you want to call them the scourge of the corrupter can also help because it will automatically hold in on targets the vampire knives are a great secondary weapon to again steal health and heal you keep you alive you’re going to be hearing a lot about that the rest of the game if you’re struggling you can also wait until after fighting duke fishron and use the flareon weapon which we’ll get to accessories will mostly stay the same uh you might want to optimize choices for damage output so definitely i recommend the celestial shell if possible or the celestial stone or moonstone will also work these do take place at night and any of your emblems your glove uh that kind of stuff a good arena built using tracks from the jungle temple and a lava moat will also help quite a lot um yeah i’ve done various uh play through things uh my my master mode um guide series if you watch the latest episode the martian one i think i finally fixed that or duke fisher on one anyway um there’s there’s a arena that we made in there and it’s pretty great um there are other designs of course as well but those jungle temple traps will help you to create an event arena being the point here and that will help you take out the enemies a lot faster with a lot less effort and danger to yourself the boss drops from the pumpkin moon and frost moon are actually more frequent the more waves you complete so the farther you get into the later waves the more likely you are to get those drops from those bosses so do your best use food and pop and buff potions for damage boosts and defense that’s going to be really important to help you get through it quickly you want basically every buff you can get to get through it as quickly as possible to increase the likelihood of getting those drops so again check out my potions guide buff potions section for some options there if you need to uh pumpkin moon loot again main goal here for melee players is the horseman’s blade which can be manipulated in special ways to produce massive damage output not going to get into that although it’s not class specific the expert and master mode witch’s broom mount is quite good as well frost moon the north pole is the main thing you want here it’s potentially very powerful late game weapon option it’s great for events it can actually be aimed straight up to maximize damage against larger and or slower moving targets so um north pole is main reason for the frost move if you want it but next thing that i’m going to talk about is the martian madness event this is also optional and you can do it or not you can do it sooner you can do it later you can either do the martian madness or duke fish run depending which you find easier at this point this is also a very optional battle you can skip it completely the main drop melee players are likely to want is the influx waver sword which comes from the martian saucers i would definitely recommend having beetle armor before starting this event uh your weapon options again are very similar to the pumpkin and frost moons terra blue terra blade or sedler are strong the eye of cthulhu yoyo is strong paladin’s hammer is good against the smaller enemies in the first phase of the saucers saucers have two phases the flareon if you did take duke fishron on first is excellent all around it’s got strong attacks and homing abilities which is going to help you with the second phase of the saucer when it’s moving very quickly among other things the second phase the possessed hatchet or the scourge of corruptor scourge of the corrupter can help track the saucer as well if you don’t have the flare on vampire knives remain a great backup option to keep your health up accessories again mostly the same use the master ninja gear to help dodge the saucers beam again the celestial shell provides several great boosts since the drops are mainly from the saucer using either a fast flying mount or an arena built well above the ground can help avoid the other enemy spawns and help you to concentrate on the saucers the saucers are very difficult but it’s possible to dodge under the beam if you time it right so when the beam stops you can dodge quickly under if you can get that down you’ll do a lot better um in terms of loot again influx waver is the main concern for melee players it’s a strong sword but also has a multi-hit slash effect so when it scores a hit on an enemy particularly a boss you’ll get these extra little slashes that do extra damage can be very powerful against stronger enemies such as bosses uh some of the other accessories and mounts can also be quite useful including the brain scrambler item which summons the scutlix mount very fast ground-based fires lasers out of its eyes pretty fun uh the cosmic car key item summons the ufo mount and there’s also the anti-gravity hook which i find very useful against duke fish runs third phase if you’re playing expert or master so speaking of duke fish ron so you can technically fight duke fish run at any time after defeating the wall of flesh any time in hard mode but he’s very difficult boss so i would normally fight him around this stage of the game post golem personally he’s an optional boss as well so you don’t have to fight him but i would recommend that you do he has one very important drop for melee players and at least one other very helpful item maybe a couple so your loadout for duke fish ron beetle armor is the best set available you could even use hallowed armor for the how the holy protection if you’re uh wanting to dodge his hits but otherwise it’s gonna be weaker the influx waiver uh terra blade or seedler are all strong weapons to use against duke fishron the possessed hatchet or the scourge of the corrupter are good options as well since he moves very fast so the homing ability useful the eye of cthulhu yoyo with a yoyo bag is the best available if you’re a yo-yo player or you just like them and vampire knives remain a helpful secondary option in terms of a strategy here build a long asphalt bridge just above the ocean’s surface and use fast boots and wings amphibian boots are definitely the best option for boots here because again they help your flight take off speed so they’ll help you dodge fast be very careful not to leave the ocean area because kind of like the queen bee way back he will become enraged if he leaves his area he likes to be near the ocean take him away from the ocean he’s getting angry um if you uh you will definitely want the master ninja gear also for his dodging and damage avoidance it does have an ability to um avoid some hits basically so dodging also are important so definitely master ninja gear amphibian boots you want to be probably on foot for this fight with those things so that you can move and dodge very quickly in terms of loot the main reason you’re going to want to fight duke fish ron is uh the flareon so he has a one in five chance to drop the flareon so you may need to fight him a bunch of times it could be more than five could be less than five um it’s counted as a flail the flareon but it also fires powerful homing bubbles which track and kill your enemies so be aware that the bubbles do not inflict debuffs or trigger the holy protection buff of the hallowed armor and the longer you keep the flail out actually the more bubbles it produces so you can play little tricks if you’re in water it will actually produce more bubbles although that’s going to slow you down and make you vulnerable but the other little trick is to actually move backwards while firing the flare on and that will produce more bubbles as well um the fishron wings are the best available wings at this point in the game he has 1 in 10 chance of dropping those so fisher on wings also a good reason to fight him uh if you’re in expert or master mode he will always drop the shrimpy truffle item which summons the cute fish ron mount in the treasure bag the q fish run mount is an excellent unlimited flight mount if it’s used in a water filled arena or dipped in liquid frequently enough it will actually move very quickly if otherwise if it’s not wet essentially it will slow down so you do need to keep it wet one way or another but then it becomes basically the fastest mount uh in the game and you can then swap out wings and boots and have a couple extra accessory slots give you some boosts so that can be very useful for certain strategies for certain bosses and events i like to use it myself next thing i’m going to talk about though the old ones army tier 3. this is still a difficult event at this stage and it is a totally optional event so you can postpone it or you can ignore it uh there are a couple decent drops for melee players they’re not really necessary but they may or may not be helpful um in terms of loadout again beetle armor remains the best regular armor option although if you have enough defender metals you can buy one of the better event armors from the tavern keep and those are gonna boost your sentries very significantly so shinobi uh infiltrator and the valhalla knight are your kind of go-to’s as a melee player they boost specific sentries you know you can you can read up on that um the influx waver seedler horseman’s blade and terra blade are all good options in terms of regular weapons obviously you’ll want the sentries for the event ideally as well if you want to maximize what you’re doing here but those are a little more obvious you just buy them from the tavern keeping you choose which one you like and which one goes with if you got one of those special armors you want to match those two otherwise north pole is also a very effective weapon for this event um it’s both effective on regular enemies and is very effective on betsy again how you aim that actually affects how well it’s going to do as well the eye of cthulhu yoyo and yoyo bag remains the strongest yoyo option the fetid bag knocks work well with the right setup if you are you know get into the specifics the scourge of the corrupter can do the job and the vampire knives continue to remain a great secondary weapon if you’re having trouble aiming at betsy you can consider the possessed hatchet or the flareon those can also work well uh accessories again will be similar to other post-golem flight fights the shiny stone can actually be useful the shiny stone from golem on expert and master mode you can swap that in between waves or any moment where you can stand still a little it’ll help you heal up uh obsidian skin potions can actually be helpful if you get to wave seven because those will prevent you being lit on fire by betsy she will let you on fire otherwise um in terms of loot so for melee players the most important drop is the flying dragon uh betsy also drops the sky dragon’s fury so you do have to get to wave seven and defeat betsy to have a chance to get those um flying dragons the best best one best melee weapon i would say uh betsy’s wrath is a magic weapon that she can also drop but it actually can be helpful because it uh it inflicts it’s kind of like icker but way more powerful so you can use that to quickly inflict a debuff on bosses and so on and that will make it a lot easier to damage them so again if you don’t mind mixing classes betsy’s wrath can come in handy but moving on again the empress of light the empress of light is also an optional boss and can be quite difficult i found her very challenging when i first got there so empress flight really only drops one melee weapon but some of her other drops can also be very useful so it’s up to you whether you want to take this on or not again the beetle armor will be best if you want a super powerful ultimate summoner weapon you’ll need to fight her during the day when she’s enraged and she’ll kill you when one hit so if you want to try to take that on you can go all the way back to the hallowed armor because of its holy protection ability you might survive the occasional hit from that so if you want to do it in the day hallowed armor otherwise beetle armor terra blade and the seedler are both good options as far as swords the influx waver apparently struggles to keep up with her um the little slashes i guess can’t track her when she’s moving really fast on 1.4.1 onward the flying dragon sword from that old one’s army betsy thing uh is actually buffed to be much stronger than on previous versions so not recommended on 1.4.0 but 1.4.1 onward you can use the flying dragon it becomes viable on those versions the ive cthulhu yoyo again with the yoyo bag is still very good for damage and your best yoyo option if you are dedicated to yoyos but the reach can be a bit of a problem with the yoyo so you know she moves around a lot quickly and it could be hard to hit her so keep that in mind the flareon also still works well because again homes in on her so even though she’s moving fast you can hit her with it and the vampire knives still a good secondary addition to heal up accessories should still be similar to the duke fishron fight master ninja gear again very helpful here because she’s moving around lots of attacks moving fast you want to be able to dodge and you want to avoid being hit sometimes so master ninja gear definitely essential on asphalt bridge like the duke fish run fight as well um except you’re probably going to do this in the hallow i think yeah i think you have to summon her in the hallow at least um you don’t necessarily need to fight her there as i recall but you need to summon her there so you may as well build your asphalt bridge there um fast wings such as the fishron wings or the betsy’s swings and again amphibian boots likewise for fast dodging it’s a reason to use those the celestial shell gloves and emblems all continue to be important for damage output and in other respects you’ll have better luck dodging her on foot with things like the amphibian boots uh asphalt bridge and the master ninja gear but if you want to you can try a fast flying mount which will allow you to swap in more damage boosting accessories damage avoidance that kind of stuff another alternative here is to use to build a long or looping minecart track with booster tracks to keep you up to speed and if you’re going to do that you definitely want to use the mechanical cart along with that so you can take that approach that’s another strategy don’t forget your sharpening station food potions and arena buffs you’re gonna probably need anything you can get if you are fighting here during the day make sure to reforge your accessories to menacing because you’re going to get killed if you get hit anyway um and that’ll maximize your damage output otherwise if you’re fighting her like a normal person you can stick with your warding reforge to increase your survivability in terms of loot from the empress of light she drops the starlight sword which is in effect a powerful longer range fast short sword it attacks like a short sword except it’s like just fast repeated stabs um and it has more range obviously than the early swords and so on and it’s much more powerful but it’s considered a short sword because of the way it attacks um the emperor swings that she can drop as well so that was your melee weapon the emperor’s wings though have a rapid ascent capability which can be useful emperor swings can be good um her export and master mode exclusive item the soaring insignia can also be very very helpful against the moonlord when you combine it it is not wings by itself you need wings plus the soaring intignia which then enables unlimited flight and that can be very useful to make dodging much easier also probably allows you to swap out boots if you want to again when you get to moonlord or whatever else you might want to use it for uh potentially at least so um yeah soaring insignia is good for that unlimited flight if you can fight her while doing all of the damage only during the day then um in this case you you can just summon her just before dawn and and not actually attack her until dawn but to get this thing i’m about to talk about you need to fight her all of your damage must be done during the daytime and she will instantly kill you if she hits you so um yeah that’s that’s the challenge but if you do that then you can get one of the best summoner items in the game or arguably the best summoner item in the game the terra prismo minion it’s going to be extremely difficult i haven’t done it myself i’ll be honest didn’t even try i had enough time enough of a hard time um just fighting the empress of light period let alone trying to uh fight her purely during the day i guess if you finish the game and get the zenith maybe uh you could go that route and kill her a lot more quickly that way but if you want to do it at this stage in the game good luck to you people have done it there are ways but yeah it’s it’s it’s uh very very difficult okay moving along lunatic cultists so you will need to fight the lunatic cultists to quote unquote finish the game um use the beetle armor stick with the beetle armor uh homing weapons actually take a damage reduction penalty against the lunatic cultist but they’re still the best option in my opinion the flareon is arguably the best option while the possessed hatchet can also work if you can aim well the terra blade the influx wave or the starlight or the paladin’s hammer can also do nicely if you are doing a yo-yo play-through or you just really love yo-yos the i have cthulhu yo-yo and yo-yo bag remains a strong option and you can of course aim your cursor and hit the real cultist the cultist is going to have fake cultists and the real one and then there’s the whole phantasm dragon thing um you gotta be careful vampire knives can still be used very effectively as a secondary weapon for healing purposes uh if you’re getting phantoms phasm dragons thrown at you you know hit em with the vampire knives it’s a nice heel um you can even do that on purpose get those to come at you just so you get the heel but uh anyway those are weapon options uh you’re going to want to kind of like the duke fisher on empress fights you’re going to want to prioritize dodging and movement followed by damage boosting accessories for this fight because lunatic cultist also moves very fast it’s a little different though you can either go with fast boots and wings which is what i usually do or you can potentially use a fast mount to swap in more damage boosting or avoidance accessories it’s actually i don’t find this fight super difficult personally some people do but i don’t um a relatively simple arena will do you can you can do a simple asphalt bridge or just some levels of platforms with optionally even some stairs uh that’s what i’ve mostly done and i don’t find it super difficult personally uh with a homing weapon particularly because you just need to get out of the way of the attacks and use that homing weapon he doesn’t really have that much health so it’s really about taking him out quickly and dodging the attacks um is the point of how to take on this fight in terms of loot lunatic cultist actually doesn’t drop very much he doesn’t even have a obtainable treasure bag but he does drop the ancient manipulator which is very important you will want to put that ancient manipulator somewhere safe and it is a crafting station which you’re going to need for making uh end game level gear so keep that ancient manipulator handy so the celestial pillars lunar pillars lunar events celestial events it’s been said many different ways but taking on the pillars once you defeat the lunatic cultists the pillars appear to fight them you’re going to want to stick with the beetle armor and you can take your time with these they’re just going to stick around until you do defeat them um but if you exit the game any damage done to one of them will be reset so you want to finish them off one at a time at least you can actually do it between potentially several sessions if you want to hopefully it won’t take you that long stick with the beetle armor the influx waiver and the terra blade are the best options for sores the eye of cthulhu yoyo with the yoyo bag remains very effective the north pole is actually a very strong choice for these events as well both against the enemies and against the pillars themselves the flareon and the scourge of the corrupter are great options if you want something that homes in so you don’t have to aim the vampire knives continue to be an excellent secondary option once you have defeated the solar pillar you can craft and use the weapons from it that you can craft from the stuff it gives you you can use those weapons on the rest there’s less emphasis during these events the pillars on movement speed you don’t need movement speed quite so much you want to focus more on damage avoidance and damage boosting because you just want to kill stuff off quick arenas aren’t really needed for the pillars nor do you really have a chance to construct them anyway the easiest strategy is just to stay near the edge of each pillar’s zone picking off enemies keep at it until you no longer see red lasers shooting back towards the pillar so when you’re defeating the pillar enemies you’ll see these little red lasers shooting back towards the pillars so when you no longer see those that’s a sign there is also now in 1.4 they added a health bar so when the blue part goes away and there’s only red left that’s also an indicator so either watch for the stopping of the red lasers or watch until that health bar for the pillar is no longer blue and those both indicate that the shield is gone the shield of the pillar itself is down and you can go and take on the pillar so uh basically then you just rush in towards the pillar itself and try to take it down as quickly firing the north pole directly upward above the pillar is one great way to take them down quickly uh again if you’re willing to mix classes a little and nimbus rod is actually amazingly powerful against the pillars once their shield is down you can just park those clouds above the pillar and and basically walk away and those nimbus rod clouds are going to take out the pillars very quickly um in terms of uh loot from the solar pillar well loot from the pillars the solar pillar loot is most important for melee players so ideally as a melee player you want to take on the solar pillar first because that’s the one that matches your class and vice versa when you’re playing other classes you want to take other ones on first but um for a melee player take on the solar pillar first ideally it is the most difficult um by in a lot of people’s opinions not everybody but it’s definitely one of the most difficult um be careful to stay on the ground as much as possible when the craltipedes are nearby they’re the big flying worm things they will attack you when you’re in the air but they will not come after you when you’re on the ground there are also these selenium enemies that can reflect some of your attacks they will reflect many types of projectiles but not all as far as i know terablade influx waiver and flareon projectiles they don’t reflect if i’m right about that so you’re not in as much trouble as a range player there um but as a melee player it’s ideal to take off to take out the solar pillar first and upgrade to the weapons that you can craft after doing so um because that’s gonna help you out against the other ones uh you may also want to wait to finish off the last of the four pillars to allow you to prepare to fight the moonlord because the moonlord will automatically spawn shortly after defeating the last pillar so my recommendation there maybe leave the nebula pillar which is the magic pillar to last because you don’t really need anything from it although you could also leave the vortex spiller to last whichever one um if you’re willing to mix classes you can get some stuff from the stardust one we’ll get to that in a sec um in terms of loot though solar pillar drops solar fragments and the other pillars drop their respective fragments but the solar fragments allow you to craft either of two powerful melee weapons um either one you need 18 solar fragments at the ancient manipulator if you want if you get enough which you’ll actually get more on the harder difficulties if you get enough you can craft both if you like but uh 18 each the solar eruption is a whip or spear-like flail projection it’s generally classified as a flail but it kind of looks like a whip or a spear it it projects this thing out travels in an arc it can be used rapidly and repeatedly and it damages any enemies along its path often hits them multiple times per uh attack and you can attack pretty quickly so it’s very powerful um the daybreak is the other option it looks like a spear but actually it launches unlimited javelin-like projectiles so you’re just firing spear-like things at people and those projectiles stick to enemies and continue to inflict damage over time so both of these weapons actually inflict a powerful buff called day broken so day broken is inflicted by the solar eruption but the daybreak actually each of those things you fire inflicts it and you can have up to eight stacked spears they actually stick to the enemies and you can have up to eight of them constantly damaging with this debuff so that’s obviously huge damage and yet between the two the solar eruption is generally considered the stronger choice both of these weapons will remain powerful and useful for the remainder of the game which let’s face it is not very long because next up is a moonlord so final boss um arguably depending who you ask the hardest boss in the game the beatle armor continues to be the best available set until after you’ve defeated him uh when you can craft i don’t know why they give you an armor set after you’ve effectively won but anyway um beetle armor is is the one that you’ll be using to take him on ideally the solar eruption is the strongest choice for fighting the moonlord as a melee player the daybreak and the influx waiver can also work well if you want to fight at a longer range solar eruption you’re going to need to be a little bit closer up if you’re doing a dedicated yoyo play through the eye of cthulhu yoyo plus yoyo bag is still the way to go in terms of the fight movement speed will be critical to avoid his powerful attacks defense won’t help you so much you do have a choice of strategies his attacks are very powerful so mainly you want to dodge or in other ways avoid um his attacks so one approach is the asphalt bridge with fast boots and wings so again amphibian boots probably best fishron wings there are some other options as well that can work depending horizontal vertical they have different stats in expert or master mode that soaring insignia as i mentioned earlier from the empress of light can help quite a bit allows unlimited flight you can potentially exchange it for your boots and just rely on your flight instead of running unlimited flight is good another approach is a fast flying mount the cute fishron mount is my personal favorite can be the best option is the fastest option if you can keep it wet one option is to create a huge underwater arena which i have done it takes a long time and use the celestial shell which will allow you to avoid drowning because you turn into more folk underwater so a celestial shell boosts you in various ways and stops you from drowning so that’s great another option is to use bubble blocks to trap puddles of liquids you can even use honey for regeneration purposes you can trap honey in bubble blocks the mount cute fishron is faster when fully submerged but still pretty fast as long as you dip it in water or other liquids frequently enough you can even wait until it’s raining that actually works uh cute fish ron mount will be boosted in the rain as well if you don’t want to do all that or if you don’t have that mount the witch’s room is the next best option if you’re playing on expert or master mode but if you’re um playing in classic or normal mode the best option you have is the ufo mount it’s kind of slow um but you can do it maybe um i’d probably go with with boots and wings at that point personally you can also alternate strategies you can use a hexed branch on a bridge which is the little tree mount from the pumpkin moon you can also use the winged slime which will give you a fast downward dodge so when you’re in the air you can quickly summon the wing slime and that’ll take you down and reset your flight time it’s an option as well other than movement again next priority is damage avoidance and damage boosting master ninja gear is essential if you’re on foot especially and the star veil is also useful here for damage avoidance as well if you’re struggling and you don’t mind mixing classes adding a minion summon can help so stardust dragon is the obvious choice again i was talking about the stardust pillar that’s what you can get from that stardust fragments allow you to craft either stardust dragon or the stardust cell staff stardust dragon might be a little limited by your mini capacity so stardust cell staff is an alternative uh unless you did that empress of light daytime fight thing and got the terra prisma or you you know some people like to cheat things in you could do it that way too but um terra prisma is is arguably the um strongest overall stardust dragon and starter cell staff are more attainable you can also add summoning potions and use the buff from the bewitching table for extra summon slots if you want to go that route betsy’s wrath and icker are both useful for lowing lowering the moonlar’s defense and thus increasing the damage that you can hit him with you can also use the rod of discord if you have it which will allow you to teleport quickly away from his beam attack basically jump to the other side it kind of circles around so that’s an option as well if you had it it’s very rare item the rod of discord don’t forget as well your sharpening station food other buffs and potions you’re probably going to need them you can even craft a few super healing potions before he spawns if you’re quick and if you have enough extra fragments you need fragments from all four pillars to make super healing potions in terms of moonlord’s drops though the meow mere the star wrath and the terrarian each have a one in nine chance to drop upon his defeat basically there are nine weapons that he’ll drop and he’ll give you one of them uh three of them are melee so there you go the first two miami and star wrath are very powerful swords while the terrarian is the most powerful yo-yo in the game he can also drop various powerful weapons for other classes and a few other interesting items so one of those is the celestial star board which is always dropped in his expert or master mode treasure bag it has the longest flight time the fastest ascent and has a horizontal hovering ability plus a neat rainbow trail so that’s a fun item a couple things you can craft well there are a lot of things you can craft after defeating the moonlord but a couple that are relevant to melee players the solar flare armor is the final post end game melee armor set because you only get it after defeating the moonlord um and it has the highest defense of any uh armor i think i think any armor in the game definitely melee which generally has the highest defense anyway it also has a solar shield ability which gives you up to three renewable charges when you lose one it takes five seconds to recharge when you are hit and you have the solar shield on it will produce an explosion which damages enemies and also reduces the damage done to you by 20 these can also these solar shield charges can be used as a dash charge you have a dash with this as well you can use those charges to attack enemies which also produces a similar explosion and damages surrounding enemies so the solar flare armor is crafted from 36 luminite bars plus 45 solar fragments at the inch manipulator you’re probably going to have to defeat um the pillars and or the moonlord you know two maybe three or more times to get all of the stuff 36 luminite bars and 45 solar fragments by the way a lot of people ask this after you’ve defeated the moonlord can you take on the pillars and the moonlord again yes whether you win or lose the moonlord fight actually the cultists will respawn at the dungeon entrance and you can just basically take on the cultists the pillars and the moonlord and in that cycle all over again you can do that as many times as you like and the final thing that i’m going to talk about is the zenith so the zenith is the ultimate sword and in fact the ultimate weapon in the game terraria crafting it requires combining 10 important swords collected over the course of the game one of which in turn is crafted from a whole series of other stuff so um to craft the zenith you’re going to need a copper short sword an enchanted sword a star fury a beekeeper a seedler a terrorblade a horseman’s blade an influx waver a star wrath and a meowmere and you’re going to have all of those in your inventory and go to your mithril or a calcum anvil and you can craft the zenith and there’s an achievement at least on pc 1.4.1 onward i don’t know if they’ve added that to the other platforms yet maybe they’ll add it later but crafting the zenith is a big deal it is by far the ultimate weapon in the game but you will need to defeat the moon lord at least twice and probably many times to get the star wrath and the meow mirror and some of that other stuff if you didn’t get it earlier uh some of those events and things that you’re going to need to fight to get some of those other swords it’s it takes a lot of effort but i guess it’s worth it because the zenith is amazing so that’s it that’s the video and of course it’s very long i hope you liked the video i hope it helps you through the game as a melee player thanks for watching please subscribe if you haven’t already and i will see you next time bye for now

The COMPLETE melee loadout guide for Terraria 1.4, including 1.4.0 onward (made in 1.4.2, still accurate for 1.4.3 and 1.4.4)!

Including class builds/class setup – weapons, armor, accessories, equipment/items & buffs plus useful drops for all bosses, all stages of the game and difficulty levels.

Full Classic/Normal, Expert & Master Mode, Pre-Hardmode and Hardmode progression!

Note that many of these loadouts are overkill – you don’t have to get and use absolutely everything I recommend in here, but if you need a boost, here’s all the info!

00:00 Introduction
00:29 General Information
01:38 Early Game (Early Pre-Hardmode)
03:12 Early Bosses (Eye of Cthulhu & King Slime) Loadouts
08:38 Food & Potions for Melee Players
10:19 Eater of Worlds/Brain of Cthulhu
14:10 Underworld Loot
17:11 Hardmode Preparation
21:18 Queen Bee
24:39 Skeletron
28:44 Wall of Flesh
32:20 Early Hardmode
43:14 Blood Eel
45:11 Queen Slime
47:28 Mechanical Bosses (Destroyer, Skeletron Prime & The Twins)
53:31 Plantera
58:06 Golem
1:01:05 Pumpkin Moon & Frost Moon
1:04:36 Martian Madness
1:07:01 Duke Fishron
1:10:39 Old One’s Army Tier 3
1:13:31 Empress of Light
1:19:20 Lunatic Cultist
1:22:00 Celestial Pillars
1:27:59 Moon Lord

For detailed information, check out the Terraria Wiki!:


  1. Tip: use Queen Slime mount and Shadowflame knife for pre mech boss Duke Fishron fight, and you can easily no hit him without any wings or dashes. Then you will get Flairon which you will use it until the Solar Pillar!

  2. Thank you Summer online that's actually two please like show me the iron Man okay because you never show me the one of your videos any of your videos so please do some Mama now just like your channel

  3. Old video I know but as of 1.4.1.x Mythril Armor is also an alternative to Titanium Armor, Adamantite Armor, and Frost Armor for melee specifically early hardmode. In exchange for some mobility bonuses(and DOT for frost armor), you get better DPS on non melee – speed DPS affected melee weapons.

  4. Great video! Just wanted to comment on the smashing 6-9 altars, As a mastermode player, there is no point smashing more than three altars, if you have done your work with hellavators (slime mount down superfast) then you can (because I did) rush through the the three tiers of orbs in 30 minutes easily with mining potions and spelunker potions, SKIP EVERYTHING except getting the the pickaxes anvils and the adamantite/titanium forge, I got full adamantite armour and equipment within 30 minutes, get the lowest ore to get the first pickaxe, TP to base, build it, get back down a hellavator for the next one, rinse repeat, I needed two lots of buff potions, mined in lava layer where its less dangerous (not corruption or hallow), easy… I remember when I wasnt experienced and tried to go through the tiered weapons and armour one at a time, it took a couple of hours DONT make this mistake! Rush them! Then, farm for a beam sword (skeleton guardians cavern layer), then farm hallowed mimics for the daedolus storm bow, you are now equipped to manage the start of hardmode mastermode, this game is simply knowledge and experience to sae a lot of time, there are other ways of course, but this is how I got on top of hardmode within a coupe of hours but… I had made a mob farm before hardmode to farm and fight mimics so there s some work to do first

  5. I was exactly looking for that guide, thanks man. I play Terraria since launch but never really played a complete melee run. But since buffs I want to play it.

  6. I played so much terraria leading up to Journey's End then started anew when it released. Haven't played since then though and I cannot BELIEVE it has actually been that long. Now I have a pc where I can enjoy gaming on I (obviously) bought terraria on steam to enjoy going through it all again. Honestly I've actually been enjoying a slow ride this time, as much as I'm dying to get into hard mode and my brain is constantly divided between all the things I want to get and know I need, and confusing myself a bit because I can't remember what's available before WoF or after.
    I made a character and started a world that I told myself was just a throwaway world to grab crimson stuff and reacquaint myself with the game but 19 hours in I'm chilling building things and having an "OH YEAH I FORGOT ABOUT THAT" moment every 20 minutes and overpreparing for hardmode getting annoyed at the low spawn of hell critters for fishing until I don't need them. If this is a throwaway world I can't begin to think how connected to my main master mode world I will get, I'm having flashbacks already lol.

    Love the videos, although I will apologise I'm not watching them all the way through right now, I want to try and refresh my memory, make sure I haven't forgot anything and see if anything has changed as well as go forward as though I've never played it before for the little ah ha moments. I'll be sure to come back to give you a full view after in appreciation for your work 😀

  7. bro i killed the wall of flesh on expert mode 12 times and i stil don't have the warrior emblem help

    Edit: i killed it 23 times and it finally dropped it

  8. let’s goo I was the last like to make 4K Love your well detailed video, you deserve more I hope your doing good and keep up the grind 👍😁

  9. No matter how much time passes, no matter how many times I play terraria or what class I end up playing, I can always come to this channel for helpful insight for one of my favorite games! I’m currently doing my first ever melee only play through and will likely come back whenever I do my first summoner only play through (I tend to play mostly mage but sometimes ranger), that won’t be for a while lol but I hope to return here when I do 🙂

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