Having a STALKER FAMILY in Minecraft!

happy birthday son it’s finally your birthday let’s go I can’t believe I’m turning 6 years old I’ve been waiting 6 years for this this is so awesome Yep finally the big 6 years old let’s go wait guys does it mean I can drive now um no you can’t drive yet I think you would kill someone if you drive what really really are you sure about that guys come on can I like drive us back home maybe um from the birthday party I’m pretty sure I can drive now that I’m six no no no no you have to be at least 16 to drive oh Dash you’re so funny it’s like another 5 years though are you serious uh I’m not sure if you know how to count Dash I know how to count just fine but let’s go thank you Mom and Dad for getting me this cake this cake is actually awesome hold up before we eat it I’m going to go wash my hands I don’t want to get my germs all over the cake or anything wait wait wait wait before you go you have to put on your birthday hat who you got me a whole birthday hat thank you so much Dad oh this thing is actually sick wao it says number one yeah it says plus one on it cuz you just got one year older oh heck yeah this is actually awesome all right well thank you so much guys I’ll be right back I’m just going to go wash my hands and then I’ll be back in like uh 2 seconds be careful in the bathroom don’t fall in I’m not going to fall in don’t worry but all right let’s see I’m pretty sure there’s the bathroom here I’m just going to pull up to this one I also kind of got to do some business so um here we go okay there we go nice all right well here let me go ahead and flush the Twilight and all right now time to wash my hands but oh man I cannot wait to eat that huge cake that my family got me that thing was so massive I can’t wait to just dig in and then like shove all the pieces of cake into my mouth it’s going to be so awesome uh wait did I just lift up the sink who wait since I’m getting older I think my muscles are getting bigger oh heck yeah I got to work out with this thing oh yeah got to do some squats one what are you doing put the sink down you weirdo sorry sorry wait don’t call me a weirdo I was just um I accidentally lifted up the sink I think my muscles are too strong I can call you a weirdo if I want look at your hat dude that thing looks so bad my hat don’t make fun of my hat there’s my birthday hat today’s my birthday I just turned 6 years old what if you’re 6 years old then why does your hat say plus one that’s so stupid no no uh it’s so that the birthday hat can be reused next year yeah it means that I’m turning plus one years of age what that reuse next year what are you poor no no my family got this hat for me don’t make fun of it oh your family got it for you here you know what actually I’ve got an idea let’s uh let’s let’s make your outfit smell just like your hat does dud did you just put me into the toilet hey let me D that messed up ow ow what was that for dude that’s because I wanted to show you how cool a 12-y old is what the you’re 12 years old oh man I’ve never seen a 12-year-old before I guess 12-year-olds are really mean you know what I’m going back to my family leave me alone yeah you better run ah what was that for uh uh okay guys I’m back I’m back from the bathroom hi welcome back did you fall in are you okay sweetie and what uh no no I didn’t fall into the toilet I’m all good but uh let’s eat this cake yeah no hang on something looks like it’s bothering you are you all right a yeah yeah I promise I’m I’m all good uh um the the bathroom just uh didn’t have any soap yeah that’s that’s what’s bothering me um dad had to go off somewhere for a second but he’ll be back and then we can Cut the Cake ooh all right yeah wait how are we going to cut it are we just going to cut like all three layers of it at once well you’re the birthday boy so you should try eating with your hands first uh my hands okay I’m down for that that’s going to be really awesome all right guys I’m back you guys ready to eat this cake oh finally you’re back yeah let’s dig in I’ve been super hungry for this thing and oh yeah oh yeah this thing is so good wait can I eat the entire top layer of course of course son yeah sure since it’s your sixth birthday but don’t get sick give me that thing let’s go that was so good thank you so much can I have some now can I have some now yeah everyone dig in thank you so much Mom and Dad this cake is so awesome of course we got your favorite carrot with lemon cream but wait I think I’m going to take this birthday hat off for now I it feels um uncomfortable on my head yeah what why it’s so cute um yeah yeah it was pretty cool but um I I’ll just like put it um over here for now in this cabinet um it it was slightly uncomfortable in my head it was like scratching my head a little bit are you sure if you don’t want to wear it then I’ll wear it oh yeah yeah I guess you can wear it Mom all right well everybody dig in the cake isn’t going to eat itself yeah let’s kick this party in again hey let’s go I already had enough so I’m probably not going to eat anymore all right Mr birthday boy it’s the last slice of cake do you want to eat it no I think I’m full eating that entire topl layer of the cake really filled up my stomach wait can I eat it can I have it uh sure Ruby you can have the last slice all right is everyone ready to go home now and yeah I’m ready to go home that was a really awesome birthday party thanks guys for throwing it for me of course sweetie yeah well uh come on let’s head to the car it’s time to head home ooh wait can I drive home guys I’m 6 years old now I’m pretty sure that’s the age where you learn how to drive no you’re you’re not old enough to drive yet I would be scared if you knew how to drive a man okay fine fine but wait guys hold on before we go I’m going to go to the bathroom one more time I got to wash my hands eating all that cake with my hands made my hands really sticky all right but don’t keep us waiting all right all right yeah I’ll be fast then oh gosh hold on I really want to go wash my hands but hopefully that bully isn’t still in the washroom okay you know what I’m just going to run got to go to the bathroom and okay quick quick quick wash my hands wash my hands well well well who do we have here what are you still doing in the bathroom hey put me down look at this little guy it’s the birthday boy guys put me down come on this is embarrassing hey I I’m not even wearing the Hat anymore come on now hey guys everyone look the birthday boy is going in the girl’s bathroom let me out let me out this is so mean oh I can’t even break these blogs oh it’s so funny look you’re you’re in the girl’s bathro leave me alone oh man I hate bullies I’m going back to my house I don’t ever want to celebrate a birthday party again yeah you better on you little six-year-old guys um I don’t really want to be at this community center anywhere can we just go back home uh yeah sure U mom take us home all right let’s go everybody all right it’s the next day and today is going to be my first full day being 6 years old oh heck yeah this is going to be awesome I can’t wait to go to school and uh tell all my friends how old I am and then they’re going to think that I’m like uh super smart and then ask me for help on their homework and stuff oh heck yeah this is going to be awesome Dash Ruby wake up it’s time for school and uh oh yeah the mom dad don’t worry I’m already awake hold on I’m just going to take a sip of my morning juice real quick oh heck yeah this stuff is always so good and all right I’m coming down I’m ready have you guys prepared breakfast yeah we have come on you sleepy heads oh heck yeah and wait Ruby is that your morning juice what ju can I have some what flavor is it this is watermelon guys come downstairs already all right all right we’re coming I think Ruby’s still a bit asleep but hold on what did you guys prepare I’m super excited for breakfast and you guys made a whole Feast W this stuff looks awesome yeah we feel like you didn’t eat enough when you had your birthday yesterday so we made a little birthday after dinner you know what I mean yeah my little boy needs to put some meat on his bones oh heck yeah I can’t wait to put some meat on my bones wait can I eat some of this stuff over here do you guys have any plates yeah yeah here take some plates yes take a lot of plates that’s a lot of plates thank you parents let me just uh have a little bit of this stuff now oh heck yeah honey glaze ham this is so good Ruby are you are you still awake I think she fell asleep oh Ruby wake up we have to go to school today’s my first day being 6 years old at school I can’t wait to tell all our friends there this being 6 years old what’s so exciting about it oh gosh all right well let’s just go she’ll probably wake up on the drive there thanks Mom and Dad for the food dad are you driving us today uh yeah sure I’ll drive you guys today let’s go all right let’s pull up let’s pull up okay I’m going to sleep all right let’s go on our way and all right we’re here at school I can’t believe Dash is already here he’s all grown up let’s go wow guys I’m a big boy now but hold on before I go can you guys take these plates back I don’t really want to bring these into school there’s a lot of stuff are you sure you want to keep this for lunch no no it’s fine I’ll just order something from the cafeteria but anyways thanks guys I’ll go to school now I cannot wait to tell all the other kids how old I am bye be good Dash be good Ruby yeah have a great day see you guys okay let’s go inside already you really got to work on your sleep what I have great sleep what are you talking about um yeah yeah yeah whatever you say but okay hold on where’s our first class do you know what our first class is for the day um I think it’s counting Counting what why would we have a counting class oh wait hold on I think it’s this one over here wait hold on I think we’re early there’s no one else here oh yeah if you go in early sometimes you get bonus points oh heck yeah hold on we should sit in the front of the class let’s go ooh I think sitting in the front also gives you bonus points good morning students how’s everyone doing today and oh hi there teacher we’re doing good hold on are we the only ones in this class there’s no one else around here uh it looks like you’re the only ones right now everybody else will be coming in later looks like they’re eating breakfast and oh oh I guess we’re just early then yeah we always get here early oh I always get here early it’s your first time being early what what do you mean Ruby you always wake up okay whatever but anyways teacher what are we going to be learning today today’s my first day of being 6 years old so I’m super excited today we’re going to learn how to count to the number 14 ooh 14 I’ve never really counted that high before the most I’ve gone up to is like six yeah well now we’re going to go all the way up to the number 14 it’s going to get real serious from here on out oh gosh wait Ruby can you count to 14 how high can you count to um I’ve only counted to nine before but 14 sounds exciting wait can I run on the board wait who’s that over there oh no is that the kid from my birthday party hey teacher what are you doing here you’re late you were supposed to be here 20 minutes ago yeah yeah I know whatever oh gosh wait hopefully he doesn’t remember me um um okay well teacher I’m pretty sure like the way it count to 14 is like 1 2 3 4 14 there we go did we pass uh no you were nowhere near close I think you skipped a lot of numbers oh my go okay well Ruby do you know how to do it let’s let’s uh let’s get this class over with I really want to go um eat lunch hello there it’s you little birthday boy and what what are you doing in the same class as me I thought you were 12 oh yeah I got held back but it doesn’t matter what the heck oh no why is he sitting next to me Das are you okay why are you turning around in your scene nothing nothing Ruby I was just trying to um uh look outside yeah the weather looks uh really good today yeah teacher how’s the uh lesson going so far you’ve only got one two three written on the board four five stop interrupting me I’m sorry I’m sorry but when is this class going to be over when I say it’s over you know what come up here you’re you’re going to be the first to learn and wait what I I I have to come up in front of the class what are you serious oh wait no take Ruby no go on up there birthday boy the teacher he just punched me I didn’t see anything oh my gosh okay fine fine what do I have to do up here do I have to like answer this question here 1 2 3 4 5 6 yeah it looks correct to me yep what’s the next number that comes after six and oh gosh I’ve never actually gone this far in the numbers before before I’m pretty sure it’s um hold on wait you know what it is you know what it is you’re going to turn this number next year on your birthday wait a minute you’re right okay um I’m pretty sure I know what this number is my parents have told me before is it this one I think it’s like drawn like this let me just draw it in real quick there we go boom nope that’s an eight what an eight what’s that eight is the number that comes after the number that comes after six oh oh wait so was I right no and what hey don’t laugh at me I just didn’t know okay it wasn’t that funny he can’t count to seven a man Das I thought you would know I tell you the numbers joke all the time oh my gosh well I don’t want to do this anymore I’m sitting back down over here in fact I’m changing my seat Ruby can I sit next to you over here okay yeah that’s fine wait Dash I have a joke for you why was six afraid of seven wait seven what’s that is that the next number oh I guess you don’t get the joke it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine hey hey kid you think you get away from me like that what dude what what are you doing behind me did you just change seats yeah I did I can’t believe you don7 that’s so funny it’s not that funny okay wait teacher I thought we had ass sign seats this class can you get this kid behind me to go away uh what are you talking about what teacher are you not paying any attention what are you doing this is your job I’m paying attention and nothing’s happening teacher can I eat breakfast in class you were supposed to eat breakfast in the cafeteria a wait teacher when is this class going to end I kind of want to go to the cafeteria right now uh it’s going to end in five minutes uh hold your horses buddy oh man five minutes okay I guess I can wait that long Hey kid you ever had a swirly before what’s a swirly is that like a cereal you’re gonna get one what does that mean huh you ever play a game of punch bug what is punch bug is that like an insect or something this is going to be so fun oh my gosh um Dash are you okay you’re acting really really awkward well no no Ruby I’m I’m acting uh just fine just fine you know I’m just really excited to be uh 6 years old today yeah and all right no homework today kids and it looks like the Bell just rung so you’re free to go to lunch and oh oh finally class is dismissed all right thank you very much teacher here Ruby we should probably uh get going to lunch we uh we got places to be let’s just uh go over here this way and oh no oh no you don’t come here and oh no oh no he’s got me again hey dude come on not in school man put me down hey what do you think you’re doing yeah wait Ruby can you tell this kid to put me down he picked me up without my permission yeah put my little brother down huh what’s it to you bud I’m just playing with my friend you know right we’re friends and uh I’ve never seen this person in my life yeah we’re friends right yeah come on we’re friends right yeah yeah okay fine fine fine we’re friends we’re friends wait you’re actually friends with this guy Dash um uh yeah yeah Ruby this is um my friend he he’s uh 12 years old but he’s not being nice to you K if you tell anyone that I’m bullying you you’re going to get it it’s just a little game we play yeah oh uh okay yeah it’s a game we play all the time it’s called throw them into the boy’s bathroom toilet what wa no no no dude not again to get cor I just washed my clothes last night dude no no my BS are dirty again are you serious um Dash are you okay in there oh man you know what I hate school let’s just go home I’m leaving school early today everyone look at him he ped his panty and he smells like pee a man why do we have to be in the same class as that bully hang on hang on hang on wait for me wait for me R I think we should just go home I don’t really want to go to school anymore today okay yeah let’s go home maybe you’ll feel better when we get there yeah let’s get out of this place all right finally we’re back at the house wait do you think that are going to be mad since we’re home early I mean they could be but I wanted to skip class anyways and oh yeah all right well hopefully they’re not too mad uh let’s try sneaking to our rooms maybe they’re not going to see us let’s just uh sneak over here oh hi kids what are you guys doing here oh uh hi Mom and Dad uh school let out early for today yeah they said because I’m 6 years old we can uh get early dismissal and go home early oh yeah I was just going to go up to my room and do some homework yeah um I didn’t get a call from the school saying you were let out early and well no no it was just like a like a last minute thing yeah that’s why they didn’t call you guys aren’t skipping school are you what no no totally not I don’t know about this one what do you think Dad I don’t know something fish is going on yeah what’s happening right now oh my gosh you know what fine fine I’ll just tell you I’ve been getting bullied by this kid first he bullied me at our birthday party that we had yesterday when I went into the bathroom he picked me up and threw me into the toilet and then he did it again today at school he’s in the same class as us oh that that sucks wait what but he was bullying you oh it’s all starting to make sense now oh gosh wait is this why you didn’t want to wear your birthday hat anymore either oh oh yeah the bully said the birthday hat looked lame so I didn’t really want to wear it anymore he said you looked what okay this is serious everyone gather around the table we need to have a family meeting and what a family meeting about what well your bully problem of course we have to find a way to get rid of this guy and wait have you guys ever dealt with bullies before when you were kids um no not exactly but uh as a stalker family if someone gets us we get them back oh I get it oh like that one time this guy was messing with you and then he disappeared the next day yeah exactly like that but come on let’s come up with some ideas how should we get back at this bully oh wait this is good practice Dash why don’t you come up with ideas um uh okay well how about we um go to this bully in class and uh we could like pour rotten milk on him yeah yeah yeah that could be really funny uh not quite think bigger come on we have to think about something that will uh humiliate him for the rest of his life what I think bigger um okay well maybe we can like uh H what if we like go to his house and like put rats in his house I don’t know about that idea either uh why don’t you try coming up with one more thing um okay well I have one more idea how about we go to his house in the middle of the night and uh knock on his door and run away he’ll get super scared I don’t think that he’s really getting the idea come on we have to think about something that will humiliate him for the rest of his life okay well do you guys have any better ideas I’m not really a good stalker yet oo I think I have a good idea and wait you do what is is it what if we get a video of him doing something embarrassing and then we play it on the local news so everyone in town knows oh yeah good idea good idea what the okay that these are the ideas you guys are thinking of well how are we going to do that how do we get a video of him doing something dumb first of all and how are we going to play it on the local news yeah we’ll think about those details later but uh you you have a school newspaper right we’ll write a fake article about them in there there’s something really embarrassing who wait okay that could actually be like really really good for veng on this bully are you guys sure we can do this oh yeah we’re a stalker family of course we have our ways ooh wait what are we going to do first well let’s get a video of him doing something dumb first come on um Dash Ruby come with me and oo okay okay but hold on how are we going to get a video of this bully doing something dumb he’s 12 years old aren’t 12y olds like like really smart not really he messed with the stalker family I’m going to stay here you kids make sure he gets revenge and oh yeah I’m I’m looking forward to this let’s make sure we get our revenge all right so rule number one of being a stalker always follow and watch your victim and okay okay we got to follow and watch our victims ooh are you bringing the camera of course I’m bringing the camera it’s my favorite thing to do oh wait this guy is probably getting out of school right now oh yeah true we can probably find him at school and then we can start following him there until he uh does something dumb and wait where did Mom go mom uh did she get too excited and start running Mom are you around here did she just run to the school did she take the car or something and wait hold on a minute that bush over here is looking kind of suspicious wait mom is that you of course it’s me how do you like my disguise what the you have a whole Leaf disguise wao can me and Ruby have one too oo I only made one but maybe I’ll get you one of these for Christmas o that’ll be awesome okay okay well here first things first we got to head over to our school our school is over here this way I don’t think our car is here um so I guess we’re just going to have to walk o I love walking yeah let’s hurry up though cuz this bully is probably getting out of school any second now all right here we are at the school where is this guy and okay well um that’s the thing we don’t know where this bully is right now but classes should be ending about any minute now so he’s probably going to be leaving the school soon yeah maybe he’ll walk out from the front yeah yeah probably probably okay everyone just hide and wait all right all right here let’s wait behind this tree over here since mom’s disguised she can just stand anywhere we got to hide here all right I have my camera out oh is this the one and wait a minute hold on yeah that’s him that’s the bully who was messing with me oh yeah Mom make sure to record this we got to get some footage of him oh man that yellow hoodie guy’s going to get it oh yeah but wait hold on we need to try to get a video of him doing something dumb or embarrassing how are we going to do that it looks like he’s just like going home now or something well we could just follow him people usually do sketchy things at the back of the school and that looks like where he’s headed yeah wait hold on this doesn’t look like he’s going home it looks like he’s going to the back of the school what’s he doing back here I don’t know I’ve never been back here yeah same here not going to lie whenever school ends I just go straight home all right wait is that a bull over there come here Mr Bull what the wait a minute hold on is that rert that school bull yeah that’s our school and mascot people love him a lot let me ride you what the is he trying to ride the bull how did he get the bll out of his cage yo is he punching it I think he is oh I have my camera out for this wa yeah wait this could be really good he could probably get in a lot of trouble if people find out that he snuck the school mascot out of his gauge all right this is pretty good footage I think we have everything but hang on I think I have an idea wait wait you do wait where did you go mom I can’t even see you you’re like camouflaged huh oh sorry I’m up here but Dash come here um okay wait what’s your idea all right so this is what we’re going to do we’re going to sneak food to the bowl and we’re going to lead it away from the school wait why would we do that to rert yeah wait what we’re going to lead the Bull away from the school well we have the footage of your bully being with the bull so if the bull goes missing guess who they’re going to blame and wait a minute are we going to lose the bull and then blame the bully oh that’s actually such a good idea mom how do you come up with this stuff oh I used to do this stuff in school all the time really uh mom gets really scary when she’s angry okay but um how are we going to lure the bull away we need to somehow bring him up far away from the and the school is kind of like it’s home yeah I don’t really have any way to bring the bow over like I don’t have a lead or anything well don’t worry about that we can just get some food ooh wait a minute you’re right we can use some food and then we can use the food to lure the bowl away okay well um anyone got any snacks I’ve got absolutely nothing well it was Mom’s idea so she has food right do you have food well the only two things I have are this piece of moldy bread and a camera so uh we’ll have to get food a different way oh gosh well hold on a minute guys I’m pretty sure the school doors are still open I’m pretty sure sure the school doors are still open like an hour after closing so maybe we can just go to the cafeteria and just get some food from there wait the cafeteria is open right now exactly okay okay guys we have to sneak to the cafeteria it should be open a you guys are so smart okay let’s get that cafeteria food hopefully the bull is going to like the cafeteria food I don’t really know what bulls eat I’m pretty sure bulls will eat practically anything so let’s just get a lot wait even your moldy bread probably ew gross I hate moldy bread okay but yeah we’re probably going to need a lot of food for this bowl and also but Mom Slow Down slow down slow down you don’t want to get caught by any of the teachers in the school if any of the teachers see you wearing a bush this guys you’re probably going to get um looked at suspiciously oh silly me let me take off this disguise okay okay well here I guess now we just look like normal students and parents around the school but hold on the cafeteria is over here this way where were we going oh sorry I’m not really familiar with where the cafeteria is yeah it’s right over here mom wait actually it’s not over here hold on I I rarely go to the cafeteria I usually just eat in the classroom wait I know where the cafeteria is I’ve been there a few times and oh you do okay why didn’t you just tell us earlier well you guys look like you knew what you were doing but shh I think uh that yellow sweatshirt guy was over here and wait the cafeteria is outside what no it’s not outside this is just the way to it it’s this way oh um all right wait hold on I think the bully is right over here it looks like he’s still messing with the bull what is he doing don’t let him see you oh gosh oh gosh yeah wait hold on mom you want to get some more footage of this I think he just punched the bull a few times that’s going to be a lot of trouble oh wait this is a great angle come here you boy o come on what the heck is he doing okay let’s just go get this food is this a cafeteria yes this is a cafeteria I don’t think there’s anybody here so let’s just go fast all right all right yeah we should hurry up o it looks like there’s no lunch lady here and they have a bunch of food oh perfect look at in the fridges wait what do they got in the fridges and what there have so many golden apples oh heck yeah wait I’m just going to take this for later I’m going to um um I’m going to hide Down Under My Bed take everything we have to leave a trail oh heck yeah let’s grab all this stuff all right kids oh wait make sure you don’t take everything you don’t want to make it look suspicious and yeah yeah here let’s just take like half of the food in here we don’t want to take everything but okay I’ve got like a bunch of food on me oh yeah I got staken potatoes some chicken some pasta with meatballs I think this should be good right Mom oh this looks like plenty now we just have to wait for this yellow sweatshirt guy to go away yeah we got to somehow lure the bull away with all this food all right bull stay here I need to go to the bathroom hey relax and wait wait hold on did you hear that Mom I think he’s going to the bathroom quick everyone inside and hide and oh oh yeah we should probably hide hold on there’s a good opportunity though if he leaves the bull out this is our chance to make the bull disappear all right everyone do you know the plan oh yeah let’s go come on come on come on all right yeah let’s go we need to somehow hide this bow somewhere wait where are we even going to take it all right let’s just tie it to a tree behind the mountain or something and all right I guess that works well um anyways I’ve never really handled the bull before it seems pretty simple though we just got to like um drop a little bit of food here for it and oh yeah oh yeah look guys the bull is following it the bull is Following come on get your pasta you want the pasta don’t you airb yeah yeah yeah you want to get um all this stuff yeah just follow us over here we got to go um behind the mountain are we taking it behind that mountain yes just somewhere where it’s out of sight and oh gosh oh gosh guys the bullet is really quick what why is it so fast oh it’s chasing me oh gosh wait I think that rert likes you uh I don’t know Ruby every time I like go to his cage whenever we have like pet day at school he always tries buting me okay okay but um let’s find a good place to put him we’ll just give him a lot of food and he’ll stay right there yeah yeah come here bull let’s just make like a whole trail of food going over here oh wow we are going really far okay I think this is about far enough just put all of the food in one pile somewhere and okay okay yeah we can just put all the food over here this should keep the bull busy for a while hopefully he doesn’t try going back to the school okay and there’s all of the food that I have oo let’s go back let’s go all right all right yeah hopefully that food keeps the bull here and he doesn’t come back to the school but hold on now we got a video that makes the bully look like he just lost the bull this is perfect hang on this is the best part let’s go watch his reaction ooh okay are we going to take a video of this too o of course we are you’re so smart o this is so good no one messes with my little brother oh heck yeah we’re about to see this guy’s reaction of losing the school he’s going to get in so much trouble he’s probably going to poop his pants all right bull potty breaks over you ready for round two where you at wait wait I think he’s coming out I think he’s coming out and hold on here we go he’s going to notice that the bull is missing um bull hello where’d you go he doesn’t even know Robert’s name he doesn’t deserve to play with him let’s go I bet he’s getting so nervous right now um where did you go bull hello I think he’s panicking this is not good this is not good this is not good you know what I’m out I’m out I’m out I didn’t lose the bll look at him he’s f playing the scene oh gosh that was so good oh you guys did so good for your first time I’m so proud of you let’s go thank you so much for the help Mom but wait hold on now we need to play this video on the local news how are we going to do that oh we got to go to the news station first I’ll show you all the tips and tricks I have and oh all right wait hold on are you like friends with the news people or something can you just ask them to put the video on the news not exactly but you’ll see all right all right I guess let’s just go I wonder what mom’s going to do yeah wait are we going to like pay the news station or something oh Dash You’re so silly of course not all right here we are at the news office let me take off this bush and wa wait this is where the news station makes their news from wow I I never would have guessed yeah it looks like a really boring building actually yeah I thought they made the news like um I don’t know like in a really cool building but I guess this is it all right I’m about to show you guys something really really cool um okay wait what are you going to show us are we going to like break in or something are we going to be like bank robbers oh no I’m going to show you some covert social engineering tactics AKA lying oh oh Lying awesome all right wait so we’re just going to lie our way in now act natural just let me do all the talking and you you stay quiet just talk to your sister all right and okay news room up here I think we’re going the right way o I wonder what mom’s going to do well I guess we’re about to find out let’s go all right kids just follow me and follow my lead and all right yeah we’re just going to be watching and learning hello uh we’re here with the repair crew for the TVs uh okay uh we don’t have any repair scheduled for today are you sure you’re in the right building um I’m pretty sure you guys called last week didn’t you no I don’t think so unless my boss did he did tell me and oh gosh wait Ruby do you think this going to work I think it’s going to work just act natural uh yeah yeah yeah yeah we’re ready to do some repairs we got the tools in the truck I’m pretty sure I talked to your boss yesterday too he said it was super urgent and that I needed to do it by the end of today oh okay uh I guess you guys could go ahead and get started while I called my boss uh it’s over there thank you thank you thank you will’ll be out of your hair in a gif and wa wait I can’t believe that actually worked did we really just sneak into the news station I guess we’re a repair crew now huh okay and whoa wait so this is where the news is made this is like the the The News Room yep it looks like it let’s put the camera down here and hook it up to the computer oh wait are you going to put it on the news like actually I thought that was like a joke or something I can’t believe this is actually happening this is crazy that fly guy is going to be so embarrassed even his parents are going to know oh heck yeah he’s probably going to get in so much trouble from his parents and then like so much detention from the school he’s going to get he’s probably going to go to jail for like um letting a wild animal out in the open let’s see what’s the password here ooh let’s see it’s uh news1 1234 enter I’m in what the their password was news1 1234 yeah a lot of people don’t really have powerful passwords I’ve done this a lot wow that’s um interesting all right well it’s uploaded this should air on the news tomorrow morning let’s go okay okay but we should probably get out of here now right that receptionist guy said he was going to call his boss I don’t know how much longer we have until our cover is is blown oh we’re fine let me just pick up this camera and let’s go okay come on let’s get out of here and what wait wait we’re going to go through the window huh oh wait are you sure we can jump this high of course your kids are stalkers aren’t you you can do it uh hello are you guys still in here yes I think we have to jump oh gosh wait yeah that’s a receptionist okay we got to go oh jump down run run run oh this is so fun to do with my kids let’s go mission complete it really feels like we’re spending a lot of family time together yeah I guess this is a good stalker family bonding activity having so much fun right now wait what’s next what are we doing after ooh we should do your Dad’s plan now all right we’re here let’s go talk to your dad oh yeah hold on but it’s also getting pretty dark hopefully we’ll still have enough time in the day to do this plan I’m pretty sure you will your dad loves doing his plans at night anyways hello and oh hi there dad welcome back how how did it go it went so well oh yeah mom taught us how to sneak into the news station and we uploaded footage of the bully losing the school bull it was so awwesome yeah that was pretty Co are you guys ready to do my plan and oh yeah we’re ready what are we going to do again are we going to like uh put like an article about the bully doing something bad in the school newspaper yep that’s exactly it and while you guys were gone I’ve been writing up some juicy articles and wait you have what did you come up with oh I I’ll let you know when we get there but we should probably head to the school it’s getting pretty late and oh yeah we have to go to the school I guess all right well uh let’s go bye have fun be safe all right thanks F see you bye-bye all right it’s time to get mischievous let’s go this is going to be so much fun let’s go let’s get this guy grounded oh heck yeah he he’s going to get grounded until he’s like 20 years old he’s going to get grounded for eight years and then he’ll never get to drive a car and everything oh heck yeah he’s going to miss out all the important things but wait D how are we going to plant an article about this bully in the school newspaper you realize that the only people who can write the school newspaper is like the newspaper people oh I’ve got some tactics all right and this looks like your school right and Yep this is our school right here it’s like our third time being here today yeah well this should be the last time uh okay wait uh I think the front doors are closed how are we supposed to get in and oh gosh yeah it’s like way past school time it’s like almost night right now there’s no way we’re going to be able to get in I think we have to go home now uh no we’re not giving up that easy uh your school has Vin right and what are are you really suggesting we climb through one of the vents yeah we’re just going to get a little bit dirty what okay Dad I guess we can try that um I’m not really sure where the vents are I never really pay attention to that stuff Let’s see we need a ladder or something what the a ladder where are we going to go on top of the school that’s where Allin are oh yeah I guess that makes sense wait wait wait guys hold on there’s something right over here Dad Dad Dad come over here come over here what what is it look there’s a ladder right here hold on I think this leads to the top of the school oh this is exactly what we need Hoy let’s follow him come on oh let’s go I’ve never been on the roof of the school before W this place is so big but oh it’s a pretty big fall from here hopefully we don’t fall yeah we’ll be fine and oh just what I thought your school has vents oh wait is this the ventilation system this looks pretty complicated it’s what it looks like uh come here Dash um okay what’s about to happen I’ll let you go first come on let me just uh put you in there there you go and oh who whoa wait did you just put me in the vent what the where am I right now whoa I’m in the vent you’re in the vent now we have to get to the newspaper room wait don’t you guys have to come too hold on maybe I can break you up in here oh here take that there you go Dad wait what about me what about me here I got you Ruby just like come over here I need to pick you up oh there we go and all right I got your Ruby hold on guys we should probably spread apart it’s kind of hard very cramped in here I will say all right well let’s go come on D you’re the lead um okay I’ve never really been in the school vents before so I’m not really sure where they’re supposed to go wo this place looks like a maze oh yeah these are always built really uh weird and wait guys it looks like there’s a fan over here we should probably be careful not to go inside of that otherwise we’d be turned into a smoothie and oh there’s another one oh hi D this area is just a dead end I think we don’t have to worry about the fans right now I think they’re off cuz uh you know no one’s at the school and wait wait no no no look this one over here is on oh gosh how do we get past it maybe if I just yeah come on push go let me try pushing you dad oh it worked nope not this way we have to go keep going keep going let me just push you go go go go go go go come on come on oh it actually worked you made it pass wait Ruby now you have to punch me can you punch me so I can go past that fan oh gosh ow you just like hit oh God my head really hurts oh wait it’s working it’s working why don’t you just try to pick Dash up Dad I’m trying he Dad hold my arm grab my arm and just pull me in oh oh oh God I’m trying to grab your arm I think you’re in the way Dad yeah I think you kind of need to move oh go I fell okay can you guys both just punch me I need to go oh I think I’m like like really light so the fan is blowing me really hard oh we’re going the wrong way now oh my gosh okay okay we need to get over there somehow dad can you just punch me just like punch me just like how I punched you yeah I got you I got you go go go just keep going just keep going oh yeah oh yeah I’m almost in I’m almost in come on come on come on in let’s go I made it all right now you guys just got to do that all right Ruby you’re next okay okay come on push me push me go go go go go come on you’re almost in you’re almost in let’s go all right and Dad how are you going to make it now um uh does anybody have any dirt they can put in front of the the the in there um I have uh let’s see I’m going to look through all my stuff uh that’s a pack of Skittles why do you have an old pack of Skittles I always keep an emergency pack of Skittles in my pocket uh they’re a little melted though e um I’ve got some pocket sand wait you you can you put it in front of the fan to stop it let’s go that worked come on dad yeah all right come on let’s go why didn’t we just do that earlier instead of punching each other that kind of hurt now I have like bruises oh you’ll be fine you’re 6 years old yeah you’re right all right well here let’s look around oh there’s another fan there don’t go that way unless you want to be turned into a smoothie no n no no no uh it looks like there’s two different ways to go here this is a fan I think the other way is the right way okay okay hopefully we get inside of the school soon this vent system is such a huge maze oh wait I think this is the end oh and wait actually no way I think this makes it into the hallway let’s go I thought we were going to be stuck in that event forever we did it we made it out yeah that was pretty cramped in there but wait Ruby hold on move your head what is this newspaper room this is the newspaper room right here I’m pretty sure this is where the school newspaper is made W oh we made it all right time to start typing up this newspaper never mind never mind don’t go in there wait what wait what did you see that what what are you see there’s someone in there sh quiet there’s someone in there who could possibly be there at this hour of the night I don’t know who’s there but he’s there um let’s go to the library and wait while we figure out a plan and yeah yeah that seems like a good idea let’s go find a hiding spot over here um what are we going to do maybe we can like lure him out of there or something uh maybe I think it’s best if we just wait for him to come outside himself oh gosh but we don’t know how long that’s going to take what if we’re stuck here for like hours oh gosh no what if we’re C don’t worry don’t worry just keep your voice low and hide oh gosh okay okay I have finished typing out the paper for today time to study for tomorrow wait wait hold on I think he’s coming out look he’s right over there he’s in the library now okay uh do you guys think he’s the only person inside of the news room do you think we should be good to sneak in now uh yeah I think we should be good come on guys okay okay let’s go let’s go and wo he is reading a lot of books over there let’s just get in the newss room quick though we made it and wao wait this is where the school newspaper is made okay okay this is pretty cool it looks like they’ve got a lot of uh paper and stuff around here we should probably close the door yeah we have to make sure we find today’s newspaper let’s see let’s see which one of these is going to be today’s newspaper this one over here is empty this one over here is also empty and wait a minute guys hold on this one over here has got some writing in it I think this is for tomorrow it says latest issue today lunch lady reveals what’s in Cafe’s mystery meet breaking school gets new snake pet parents concerned okay this is definitely tomorrow’s newspaper oo wait I want to know what’s in the the mystery me give me that oh well it’s time to start writing okay okay well here Ruby we don’t have time to read the newspaper hand it over to Dad Dad you said you have a really good article cooked up right what are you going to put in there oh yeah something that’s going to embarrass him for the rest of his life oh heck yeah let’s go all right well can you tell us what it is I’ll show you what it is after I write it down let me just uh write this out um all right wait Ruby what do you think he’s going to put in there I don’t know let’s see let’s see let’s see he said it’s going to be something that’ll embarrass this bully for the rest of his life H that’s going to be bad good answer all right there we go it is now finished typing out what does it say yeah I’ll let Dash take a look first all right all right wait I’ll just put it in the electron so that we can all take a look in okay latest issue today local school boy in a yellow shirt poops is pantsing class that’s actually so good he’s going to read this and be embarrassed for the rest of his life he’s going to have to like switch schools or he’s going to have to switch countries wait wait wait I have another one to write down I have another one to write down wait you do all right go for it okay let’s just write a little bit of this all right guys I wrote it down read it all right all right let’s see what you put and okay breaking School loses School mask what huh the bull the bull he’s our school mascot I think you need to go to writing class you wrote Breaking School loses school mascot roer yeah the school lost the school mascot rer didn’t the bully the kid in the yellow shirt lose it wouldn’t it be better to write that we all lost rber today Dash oh oh fair enough I guess that makes sense but anyways guys we should probably get out of this place we don’t know when that newspaper kid is going to get back I feel like if he finds us then he’s definitely going to ride us out in tattle Ta on the teachers yeah well come on let’s get out of here yeah but wait wait d d hold on hold on come back come back come on looks like the kid’s name tag is right there he’s coming to the news room I think we have to go out a different way this way this way hide over here Hide over here uh I’m going with dad there’s two rooms oh wait hold on this this room is pretty good this just leads to the exit all right time to get studying oh gosh wait Dad hold on we have to go meet up with Ruby again yeah where did she go I think she went around over here somewhere oh gosh wait we don’t want to go to the news room I think she went in there but I I don’t see her anywhere I see your name tag wait can we go outside of the school from here no we can’t I think we just have to go around this way follow me dad guys go over here what was that Ruby huh okay I don’t see her anywhere I think we just have to go this way just go the way that I went there’s kind of a guy there yeah Ruby we can’t go back in the news room I think she’s over here though I see your name tag right over there Ruby stop moving we’re coming to you oh I was looking for you guys let’s just go out this way come on and yeah we can just go out through the back door but let’s go we successfully planted the article in the newspaper that’s going to be so funny tomorrow when that bully reads the school news newspaper he’s going to be so embarrassed yep he’s the prime suspect of losing the bull everyone’s going to hate him let’s go all right well it’s getting late it’s time to head home oh yeah I’m pretty sleepy yeah let’s get to bed today was a pretty exciting day it’s the next day and wait a minute today’s the day today’s the day that that newspaper is going to come out at the school and that video of the bully losing the bull is going to air on the news oh heck yeah I am so excited for today Ruby Ruby wake up wake up what what wrong for me okay Ruby today’s not the day to be sleepy today is the day remember that newspaper article that we planted yesterday and that footage that we put in the news it’s coming out today oh wait what that’s coming out now yeah Ruby it’s coming out today we better hurry up we don’t want to be late for school we need to see this Bully’s reaction yo mom dad can we skip breakfast today why didn’t you tell me uh sure yeah you’ve got an important day ahead of you get going all right yeah we should probably get going thanks Mom and Dad come on come on come on come on let’s go let’s go let’s go no problem good luck make sure he’s really embarrassed bye you two have fun see you all right finally we made it to the school this is going to be so good I can’t believe this is real it’s like Christmas I know right it’s like Christmas except you’re getting your revenge on a guy oh heck yeah okay well here Ruby we got to head to our first class I’m pretty sure it’s over here this way I think we have counting class again hopefully that bully kid actually shows up to school on time today I don’t want him to miss this newspaper and all right I think this is our class counting time counting time let’s go I feel like today is the day I’m going to successfully be able to count to 14 and oh hi there teacher hello students welcome back oh I’m so excited for class today oh yeah same your class is going to be so awesome another day another school day and oh Ruby look it’s the bully he’s here on time this is going to be so juicy all right welcome to class everyone but before we begin I we have a new installment to the school newspaper so I will hand out a piece to everyone here and ooh let’s go wow I wonder what’s going to be in the newspaper today I’m super excited yeah I want to know oh hey there kid and what are you 6 years and 2 days old now and yeah yeah I am 6 days and 2 days old now but hold on let’s see did our article make it through to the newspaper and it did today local school boy in yellow shirt poops his fancy glass what who wrote this and wait wait hold on a minute is this local school boy in a yellow shirt you you poop your pants in class no I didn’t poop my pants in a class oh wait and uh what’s this on the bottom parents concerned about suspecting yellow sweatshirt you wear yellow sweatshirt and what I didn’t read this part who wait hold on you’ve been doing some weird stuff it seems It’s not no they’re not talking about me I’m going to go get that newspaper boy what was that about I can’t believe that kid pooped his pants in class yeah right that was rough maybe that’s why he ran away he probably just pooped his pants again all right finally we made it back home and okay Ruby today isn’t over yet that we still have that video That’s supposed to play in the news oh gosh yeah let’s go let’s go oh heck yeah this is going to be absolutely awesome hey Mom and Dad we just saw that Bully’s reaction to the newspaper it was so good awesome awesome oh wait do you have a copy can I frame it and oh heck yeah I’ve got this copy take this mom you have yours too we got to put these all over the house oh yeah wait I’m going to probably frame this one too that’s awesome but uh guys it looks like the news is coming on right now oh yeah yeah here let’s sit around the TV I cannot wait to see the news oh wait I can’t wait either breaking news news boy in yellow sweatshirt loses the school mascot here’s some footage that we have acquired of him losing the school mascot I bet this boy is going to be in a lot of trouble let’s go that was awesome I can’t believe that actually all worked wait what was that the bully I think it was I don’t think he liked that one that was awesome that was pretty crazy and if you want to watch the next video then click on the video on the screen right now

Having a STALKER FAMILY in Minecraft!

This video Dash is in a STALKER FAMILY in Minecraft! How will Dash, Ruby and Cam fair up to the stalker life? Watch till the end to find out!

#minecraft #MinecraftMod #dash


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