FULL MOVIE – Can you finish Terraria Calamity Mod while using Boomerangs Only?

boomerangs only how can you not love it when you start playing as a Melee character then all of a sudden you have to switch your entire load out and become a rogue I have done quite a few sub classes in Calamity lately but guess what I’m not done yet so here I am can I be Supreme calamitas and the exox or how many times will I die to the proing Guardians for how many times will I play as a Rog without using the Stell strike mechanic keep watching to find that out let’s start with this boomerangs only we’re going to play melee in the first phase then we’re going to play play Rog cuz there are like Rog boomerangs and melee boomerangs there are only two and one is an endgame one and the other one I don’t know about it so we’re going to play revengeance cuz I’m not playing Death Mode or Master mode [ __ ] off that’s just not fair and uh let’s just start with the things let’s just go and cut down some trees you know such stuff but I want to go as far away as possible from that purple slime cuz that can kill me okay Crimson biome so that means the snow biome is in that direction and the thing is that I kind of want to go in there cuz I want the ice Boomerang and oh God this guy is going to kill me or maybe not I’m going to kill it with an axe it counts if I kill it with the axe it still counts oh [ __ ] he’s hitting like a truck and oh my God okay we’re going back home I guess let’s eat the fruit eat this organize my inventory a bit more yeah how you guys doing how are you feeling today oh I can also crab the W wooden boomerang what a surprise lot of sunflowers around here in a cave okay this is good should I explore this before going to the Jungle I guess we’re going to explore this thing shine pot let’s drink it and also this thing oh Another Life Crystal okay let’s get that oh my God two Life Crystals next to each other that’s just a great beginning what can I say and okay that worm somehow didn’t hit me and there are like a lot of slimes holy crap permis boots good good start I really hoped that it will hurt the skeleton but it didn’t oh my God might as well do this wait what since when do they spawn in here what the [ __ ] oh my God I think it was a statue right ah crap oh my good look at this oh my goodness this is just chaotic I might as well go okay I died okay your storage organization is the best you don’t even need magic storage true so what’s the boomerang of choice for pre-boss it’s going to be the torn chakra most likely might have to be some might have to be extra careful oh my God he didn’t respawn oh my God guys what the [ __ ] is this why does this happen teleport back okay I’m going to kill you first H my God they’re so annoying they have my money and they’re not going to despawn if I go back home they’re just going to stay in here until I kill them and they might kill me before I do that if they start spawning again I’m just going to go crazy I hear a pressure plate [ __ ] off guys [ __ ] off oh my [ __ ] god dude okay so there oh okay guys it’s going to be blue blue blue blue right there it is become a member today so you can spam this little thing in my chat how the [ __ ] is Crimson in here I have Crimson like next to my spawn I’m just surrounded by Crimson guess I’ll just run through it find some poar and crab the enchanted one oh I also have the Platinum oh I need eight oh my and uh Enchanted Boomerang okay good now we’re ready to take down the imps from uh the cave from the mushroom cave but we’re not going to do that right now we’re going to keep exploring this area might as well look for a blizzard in the bottle the dren laboratory who knows yeah we’re going home this is okay this is all right that was a good session of exploring now we’re going to get a [ __ ] ton of these things holy crap 2,000 holy [ __ ] here we go again look who’s here [ __ ] at least drop me an Obsidian Rose you know 60 damage holy crap no don’t spawn that [ __ ] again oh my God flare gun and um flare gun again okay I didn’t miss my much come on cloud in a bottle please magic mirror okay there’s another SP oh no that’s a house that’s that should be a house yep it’s a house we’re going to go in there there is nothing let’s just go for that house and it’s also the jungle biome so that’s great and it’s also the temple Hermes boots okay that’s kind of annoying stuff of rro totally useless oh what was I saying about the cthulu guys guess who we fighting tonight but before I do that I still need two more stingers come on give me that fast guys if we’re doing this I’m laughing there’s no way in hell we’re doing this I don’t have a double jump he’s just okay I forgot he got changed I don’t have an arena no why does this have to happen I have to F in the second night this wasn’t [Music] planned hit it I don’t think I got a single h on him let’s just use this thing am I getting any hit on him I don’t even know [Music] okay hold on I think this is better I don’t know it feels like this might be better oh my God I swear to God if I’m doing this dude if I had a grav pot in my inventory that would have been great okay he’s gone crazy here we go um guys dude the [ __ ] okay clutch clutch that that was um not supposed to happen but here we go go I’m not complaining at all fantasm what’s the hardest boss in infernum in your opinion devour of gods you’re not going to change my opinion on that ever oh look who’s here will I get the robot driver of course not they patch the sky Mill thing oh God and I was about to get infinity money I was about to abuse that thing again okay so we’re going to separate the Crimson from the beach by okay why can’t I destroy this by doing this right here I hope the Shimmer isn’t I really hope that you can find the exact uh coordinates by the color of the Jungle shrines and guide names this is so interesting like the Shimmer is so Random what Fanta Fruit mix what stage of the game you’re at pre pre-rain of cthulu I was about to say pre- boss but I defeated the to please yes CL in a bottle [ __ ] finally oh my God okay we’re going to get him oh oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] okay my ears does not fishron have a boomerang for rogue that’s not really a boomerang it’s not classified as a boomerang on the side on the wikii so I guess it’s not going to be a boomerang you have no idea how much I wanted to do R right after the me for that but that’s it I guess we’re not doing that skymill is free gold and you sell it for free gold g h okay really curious about the brain of thulu if it got changed like hell like when I saw the changes for the master mode brain of cthulu fight it was just hell like that was impossible if you ask me really curious if expert revengeance is better I think it is it should be make this get this and uh we’re ready to go you see her in a while but here we go let’s see how this goes hello oh no what is this why are they doing that know what I realized guys I don’t have a sharpening station I’m kind of screwed I don’t know I’m not really dealing a lot of damage where is it no no no no I don’t think he’s dealing contact damage right oh my God he do be firing that thing oh what the [ __ ] is this okay this is becoming interesting I start to regret not playing on corruption I don’t know where I’m hitting I don’t know where I should hit this is so confusing holy crap this is just random holy [ __ ] this is so annoying like I’m just clicking randomly I’m not even clicking I’m just holding my mouse and hope that I’m hitting the right brain is that one okay here we go okay that always works so go up go up come on [ __ ] oh yeah they changed the song for this too I want to get in the arena okay okay okay I got way too many he’s back there shouldn’t have done that should have kept the rage for the worm [Music] and that was it easy tracking this time oh hold on I think I have to defeat the desert Scourge right you buy a skymill place it then break it the price will multiply by eight after that you can buy a ton of Sky me if that [ __ ] is real oh my God I’ll have to do the Goblin Army let’s look for a planetoid with mushrooms cuz I want to do the one trick that I’ve done lately okay here we go first time I used this trick was in 2021 I think let’s try this again let’s go I love this it’s going to be enraged but it’s going to be okay too bad I didn’t get to hit it like that would have been great you see he enrages okay they fixed that thing with adrenaline they said that if you get hit by Like a Porn or something like that you’re not going to lose all of your drenaline oh okay what the [ __ ] is going on guys let me out what the [ __ ] that was so annoying that wouldn’t have happened if I had the ice Gates holy crap that’s just one way to defeat craon guys okay cool actually I think I won the tracking disc like this is good but only for a single Target it’s not good for crowded enemies crowded areas whatever okay the King has spoken again Lads let’s just bet him bet him what the [ __ ] okay let’s try something new okay that was scary I should not have done this this is way scarier than it seems claustrophobia hits me hard let Mak some space around here okay I don’t know why I decided to do this but it’s fun to watch I guess I don’t know this will be fun to to include in the video oh no I’m doing this I’m the main character there we go okay that was incredibly stupid holy crap I’m never doing this again claustrophobia hits me really hard with this like holy crap you have no idea how much I hate worm enemies in Terraria like imagine being somewhere really I don’t know tight if I can say so and a burrowing enemy just starts crawling all over you oh my God that’s just good okay so somebody said I should buy a sky Mill Place it break it and then sell it and it’s sold for two gold okay what the [ __ ] this doesn’t make any sense but here we go hello Okay so let’s check that thing you go to this guy you buy one mil you oh all right I see interesting good I guess I know what I’m going to do for the next few minutes I do this I smash it I buy [Music] more um uh okay so I buy one I do this 61 Platinum we’re getting there okay guys I really love you I I love you chat I love doing live streams okay infinite money here we go we got it how anyone can think of that I don’t even know like it doesn’t really take a genius to figure that out but why would you do that in the first phase that’s the thing okay here’s the goblin stink rare we’re going to get this things from him and uh other than that screen be time but I need the proper Arena okay this is a good place okay this is really good actually I really love this better than what I had before okay put this in here and here we go let’s try to get up cuz down there there is that thing which I don’t want to smash oh no okay I didn’t get hit that’s good going to get adrenaline nah you kidding me okay so she’s doing this thing in expert mode too but it’s not that bad I can uh really Dodge that it’s okay as far as the second que be doesn’t spawn we’re good and I can also get flasks which is great good nice here we go so craft this and I need three areal light bars okay there we go we got a bundle of balloons that’s great we’re going to go full menacing as always oh this is like the Netherlands what the entire world is below the sea level okay so one 2 three I hope this didn’t destroy any of my houses and uh it should have not cuz they’re just down okay here we go oh my God I forgot the tracking disc but it’s okay I wasn’t really going to use it nope that was close [Music] [Music] right um pretty sure I didn’t get a single hit during this fight but GG’s so this this and uh melee and also the Rog one here we go and uh I think that’s it for now I’m going to take a break and uh I’ll be back in probably three or four hours I have the Rog armor I need to get a lot of accessories okay here we go so the first thing I need is uh the Blood Stained whatever and uh you craft this okay I can craft this and I get the coin of Deceit just like that good so we got three accessories for the rad class I guess I’m going to use them instead of these three things and uh yeah it’s time for Skeletron I suppose we’re just going straight for that I don’t even know the color of the dungeon but we’re going to see and we’ll have to look for that Shimmer oh my God and let’s see how this goes so this is a Rog load out and here we go okay here we go okay two Stell strikes and one hand is already down that’s just insane oh my goodness the tracking disc is so always has been and this is so good with the stealth effect I think if I used it just like that actually I’m doing more damage what okay that’s just insane might as well use this with D stealth I know this is good with stealth when fighting the wall flesh but right now I can just keep on firing this actually let’s use stealth and get rid of the hands cuz they are annoying where is he there he is okay here there we go and he’s almost done for it this F has been changed but it’s still really easy if I can say so I got hit I cannot wait to play Master Death Mode guys I cannot wait to suffer again why am I saying this I’m such a masochist okay here we go we got the bones we can craft the Mirage mirror but before I do that let’s go into the dungeon and let’s find the mechanic oh my God the tracking disc is so busted holy crap and this thing got nerfed I don’t even know why I need her I think I need her only for wires oh there she is she was hiding really good try maybe creating Shimmer locator probably Fargo mutant adds it no it doesn’t Shimmer is between the jungle and the ocean the problem with my jungle is that it ends around here and um is this space the Shimmer can be anywhere okay there it is oh my God this took a while this this and also this oh no I didn’t mean to okay I actually didn’t eat it so we’re [Applause] good there we go that took a while good next up wall of flesh but before I do that I Want A Mir mirror so I need the black L that’s kind of is what is this make St strikes inflict oh it’s the rotten whatever and I think I can craft the black L right now right yep there there we go don’t kill my guy cancel defense Mirage mirror Terror spark boots nice looking for Voodoo demons and they’re not spawning all right here we [Applause] go okay it’s still enrages okay I thought they changed that guys want to see Magic that’s just it I love the tracking disc holy crap it’s just such a good weapon all right oh so um the catalist Wall of Flesh experience happened again and uh Here I Am the moment before I summon the wall of flesh um yeah we’re going to have to do that again but fortunately it takes a few seconds so here we go if this crashes again and I’m I don’t know I’ll go mad okay you’re going to have two perspectives for this fight because the first time I F it he was coming from the right now it’s a left-sided fight I suppose but is the same [ __ ] hopefully I’m not going to get hit okay I used the TR before even before it even charged that great D let’s be quick about this all right I hope it doesn’t crash please don’t crash okay here we go we’re good welcome to Har mode I don’t know why the game is like that but here we are like the Destroyer is going to be the first mag to be defeated cuz it’s just going to get deleted by the weapon that I’m going to get and then uh I guess it’s going to be TN and Prime and oh my God Skeletron Prime I’m really hyped for that I think the fight is totally modified and uh I cannot mind this thing so home we go and bombo clot a blazing star nice do I need this for anything by any chance okay I don’t going to throw it I think I need this I’m going to put it in here do I need the tracking this for anything oh okay I need it for this going I keep it nice we’re drunk oh okay so the hollow biome and the astral biome are in the same place not really a problem but oh yeah I’ll have to reforge this thing so one two three and wyverns and this guy got decimated holy crap I got a Aeros Stone what since when since when does it drop the Aeros Stone get the wings going to have to reforge them okay here we go and let’s do this [Music] come on yeah yeah this without stealth is really bad let’s use stealth this is way better if I get a drillon that’s just that’s just it I’m going to deal like 10K DPS most likely okay it does good and I forgot that I cannot really Ram into him cuz I don’t have a shield or ornate Shield you know so I should Dash before he gets to hit me come on there we go imagine if the game crash right now that would have been so annoying oh my goodness I can get a lot of these and I’m going to get a lot of this since I want to get the coin of the seed and also some sort of boomerang I think it is like I saw there is some sort of boomerang I can craft it oh okay I see what this does maybe it’s going to be good maybe oh okay it’s also used for the samsara slicer so definitely a boomerang if I had doubts about it not being a boomerang apparently it is has been confirmed so tin R’s Workshop what the [ __ ] do I need hold on oh I need two of those things as well Ren medallion okay good can I upgrade this thing I think I can upgrade this right yeah because I have mithil and wires I don’t have wires but I can get some so the electricians glove here we go can I upgrade this thing not at all not at all guys can I upgrade this thing not at all either I’ll have to kill the Leviathan for that Prime okay Prime it’s going to be here we go oh it’s the regular Prime I hope he’s not going to spawn the Destroyer oh it’s the old Prime guys is nothing bad right guys don’t tell me that the Destroyer is just going to wake up just like that and also don’t mind me not using the steell strikes I just want to destroy the arms and apparently this seems like it’s the best way to deal damage let me use this thing instead oh my God I’m missing the I’m missing the [Music] laser yeah I I’ll keep on using this cuz apparently the DPS is all right almost destroyed the laser that’s good oh he’s going crazy already but he still has his arms he summons probes what since when that was really [Music] close [ __ ] okay he got a bit harder during this part of the FL all right he almost killed me back there I should pay some extra attention cuz I’m about to die oh no come on oh my God that was so close Okay that was incredibly close not going to lie okay so uh considering that I’m not getting anything new after Prime I’ll just do the twins just wait a second let me heal a bit after that I’m going to do cryogen and maybe but maybe Farm the Catalyst whatever actually it should not take ages I have infinite money if I can say so and I can buy treasure bags I should be fine so Kelvin Catalyst here I’m coming but after the twins all right here we go I love that I’m using accessories for rogue for stealth and I’m just using this weapon without Stell strikes that’s just stupid holy crap he’s so fast what he’s like a little baby or an orange guy that tries to eat me and he’s charging the same way as in the first phase what I can hear him come on roner [Music] okay I got hit never mind this is easier than the prime fight what apparently the prime fight turned out to be the hardest fight uh wait there’s still this part I totally forgot rer can still [ __ ] me up all right here we go probably the shortest time it took me to defeat all three mechs boots mother of all balloons okay let’s go crowen time and this takes way too much yeah I’m just going to spam this thing I’m overpowered I don’t care about anything I’m just spamming this I’m joking I’m not even close to being overpowered I don’t know how good the Kelvin catalyst is nowadays in the past it was busted then when I first time played with it it was it was average okay 1K DPS that’s decent a 1K in 7 okay good oh my God I lost adrenaline that would have been really good he’s teleporting he’s cheating when he’s moving slow I can use this thing with stealth cuz I’m sure I’m not hitting I’m not missing any hits so oh [ __ ] okay now he’s only doing this come on there we go and Frozen key as well okay so for the Kelvin Catalyst I need what do I need one Avalanche which I already have one bow one ice bre Aker which is this thing which is also a boomerang I saw this on the wiki and one snowstorm okay I can get this from a treasure bag and then uh 100 of these I guess I can buy them right uh okay I can Advanced Furniture ice machine there we go I don’t know how good this thing is but we’re going to see about it prepare your ears lower your volume it’s going to be noisy okay here we go I love this I can someone plant here on if I want I’m going to do that right now but I’ll do it soon so life fruits where is it all right here we go let’s see how this thing is I kind of see what this does and it’s kind of cool oh yeah good thing that I made an arena and didn’t fight it in that Arena cuz look at this this is so annoying okay the kelon is actually insane what I didn’t know that I didn’t know it can be this [Music] good holy crap it just destroys planta what whoever said that this weapon carried him until Golem you are [ __ ] right dude this is just a carrier and it’s also homing I think like if I do this yeah it’s homing okay this is going to be great for calamas in Leviathan oh my God it’s going to destroy the Leviathan because it’s going to pierce through him a lot of times come on just kill it there we go but you know what I forgot about the ornate Shield so I guess where we’re going oh my God the blossom flux and the axe holy crap okay that’s a thing I didn’t get in a long while but two rare weapons two rare items from the same treasure bag okay that’s cool RNG if I can say so I love it and since I’m here why not try Golem as well cuz if I’m doing it I’ll get uh the subduction slicer well let’s try this um what the [ __ ] this is [Music] busted dude this is so busted holy crap it just decimates Golem okay I guess we’re going to skip the samsar slicer and The Perennial weapons I guess we’re going straight for the subduction slicer okay byebye head now this F is 10 times easier like it doesn’t really matter where I throw the disc is just going to hit him the plon is rising oh boy do I care about that [Music] and there we go what the [ __ ] it was just insane holy crap I love this I I love this challenge what can I say okay so ornate Shield time nice going to use it instead of whatever gives me stealth okay we’re in here yeah that’s actually not the void and oh I’m dying yep there we go what the [ __ ] ktic puffer I didn’t know that existed should I also grab the armor set like the one with scoria let me get some more upgrades okay so the blood orange then I’ll need uh this with life Alloys and planta stuff I need 12 of these and I only have 11 I need one more Trapper there it is five more of these and I get the miracle fruit I’m not getting a specific material they really Chang this so you have to beat calamas right now to get this things I guess it’s okay umbrail armor now what I’m going to do this [Music] let’s try to use only Stell strikes yeah this is going to take a while let’s try to use this thing instead maybe it’s better will be funny oh my God why did he go down actually this is good what Kelvin catalyst is destroying the ravage Z oh my god of course the wall is going to hit uh he’s actually cooking me yeah he’s really cooking me why did I get hurt that running charge might have help me okay this is good too with stal strike yeah we’re doing this as well that was really close but we’re doing this [ __ ] here we go cool oh it’s also oh my God this is great it’s [Music] sign I see what this does and it’s just great this is so cool holy crap this is going to be a good weapon to use against more Lord is [Music] now [Music] oh [ __ ] that sound clipping was [Music] [Music] annoying oh crap good cor of Calamity asgard’s Val here we go okay so now it’s time for Ostrum oros stop with this interl tune I want to hear the the music from a or Reales whatever okay this is a top tier fight with this calming music and I’m just fighting a boss that is supposed to have a really cool team this is just inspiring inspiring music [Music] come on oh there we go we have the music now fight is almost complete and now we have some music not shocked at all you know this is a typical fantasm moment when I say that I’m doing something then I’m going to close the stream and continue tomorrow I guess we’re going to do the Lan right now then I guess I’m going to going to do cultist and probably defeat more Lord this stream and that’s going to be it and let’s do this I think this is way better than the subduction slicer holy crap the DPS is just am amazing I hope I’ll not get cop CED cuz the last time I defeated the Leviathan on the stream I got copyrighted and that was awful okay here we go the big boy oh my goodness 2K DPS okay here we go got nothing useful moving on to going to the abyss okay cuddle fishes look at it okay here we go let’s just do this let’s just get over with this in this stream [Music] um [ __ ] off I didn’t know that was still possible to happen here we go and oh God this guy is still alive cool what pillar is in here Vortex the easiest one oh my God this is so chaotic what the [ __ ] going to gather all of these enemies around me why only them I want more okay they respawned but it’s okay didn’t really work out C oh my God the frame drop the moment of truth actually the moment of nothing it’s just moonl Lord like the harder part is after Moon Lord here we go nope I’m the main character I’m not getting hit by that what [Music] oh my God I got hit actually why don’t I use this thing I don’t think this is any better but uh I guess I should spam this yeah spamming is not a solution yeah I guess I have to load adrenaline okay let’s try not to get hit [Music] you [Music] here we go I don’t even know if this is better with stealth or without let’s just try to see okay not better at all and I Wast the adrenaline I mean I didn’t waste it I lost it okay I guess we’re going to spam with this weapon right [Music] here we go that’s it that’s the end of it bom CL cool oh okay new interl team as the second one lovely I don’t have anything else to say I guess uh let’s just see how much time I spent on this thing 5 hours 32 minutes decent time first things first I want to go to the operator and get the world wrapper like the one that is not consumable uh so I do this I think yeah modified World rapper and with this I can just go anywhere on the map and do whatever I want for instance I do some mining on that planetoid but I couldn’t because I didn’t have have a good pickaxe so let’s craft one okay so this then uh a lot of these things I hope this is more than enough for the armor set might be not okay I need 45 I need some more Stardust we’re going to get that that’s not a problem so there’s one there’s two and there’s three cool then I need the blunder booster how can I get that blunder okay okay and white it’s zero oh I need some of these oh I see I guess I guess we’re skipping this thing okay so silent silent this doesn’t have anything okay good now guys it’s time to do some farming cuz um I need to get the elemental disc and I have to get the samsara slicer for that and I have to get the oh my God I have to get a lot of things there’s no Mommy okay there it is I got it I think it was the first Mommy that I killed that’s just great so we’re moving on to crafting the equinity so I get this go back home get this and with some stuff from planta which I don’t have yet but I’m going to get right now I get the samsara slicer there it is and what else do I need for the elemental disc okay stop that I have the elemental disc here we go this is a material what oh okay it’s for the celestus I’ll need that like that’s going to be the weapon that I’m going to use Kevin Catalyst such a good weapon I don’t want to throw this away I’ll just make an item frame or weapon item frame actually put it right here really good weapon what can I say good it’s time for uh the first boss fight I suppose I hope this will be good oh God that was kind of close what the [ __ ] no you’re kidding me no Elemental disc is much better when you don’t use stealth builds oh well that was kind of annoying to happen that was really stupid but it is what it is stuff like that happens to me every single time okay let’s use this without Ste strike oh [ __ ] I’m kind of dealing a [ __ ] ton of damage and this is is not laggy yet somehow this is still not laggy okay this is way better without Ste okay it starts to be a bit laggy but it’s okay it’s still fine I have the situation under control [ __ ] and I don’t have a rod of Discord I still don’t have a rod of Discord I’m going to buy one [Music] dude that was really stupid like I would have been fighting Providence by this time but it’s okay it’s all right stuff like that got to happen Okay so the first Guardian is down and let okay the second Guardian is also down and uh here goes the third one I suppose what the [ __ ] this this is just so B this took like seconds compared to the first fight let’s not die again you know what okay there we go okay that was uh kind of stupid but here we go I suppose it’s time for Providence let’s heal up a bit let’s go to the desert let’s go to the nurse actually yo and let’s also move the wizard in here so I get a rod of Discord there we there we go let’s go up no I missed it okay that was really close okay she do be taking a [ __ ] ton of damage she’s taking like a lot of damage let’s try to use this with stealth strike to see how it goes against Providence uh doesn’t seem to be better yeah I guess I’ll G this okay so the projectile is kind of despawned that’s why it’s not laggy as it was before like I remember using this weapon the first time to defeat Providence it was hella laggy and I was using the lag in my advantage to defeat Providence cuz back then I was really bad at it right now I can’t do it the first attempt but back then it would take me 4 the attempts is not more to defeat PRI and that’s why I’m fighting in the hollow cuz it’s easier back then I was fighting it in the Underworld and the Crystal attack was just [ __ ] annoying all right let’s try not to get damage right now cuz I want to get that adrenaline to destroy the Guardians and Providence itself and oh my God I went straight into the laser I hope you drop Parts yep it does [Music] there we go that was uh pretty amazing Providence is easy as hell I know like they nerfed this boss way too many times and now it’s just a [ __ ] joke Rune of cost not going to use that do I get the molten amputator not at all before I do that thing let me just buy another treasure back and get the molten amputator which is the weapon of choice against fter gast Buster in here lower your volume again cuz it’s going to be loud crap and there we go we have the arena for polter guest something that would take ages to do like two or three years ago done in a few seconds no sniper please no sniper and there we go fter gas has awoken I don’t know if this thing is good with SH or not I I I’m just going to spam it you know okay this is bad this is really bad without s let’s try to use the elemental disc maybe it’s better ah 4K DPS not that good let’s try to use this with stealth n this is kind of bad to be honest problem is that I’m not getting any out weapon so I kind of have to defeat poter gas with these two weapons I guess I’ll just Spam this and hope for the best like I have a lot of space in the arena I should be fine I have space to dodge let’s try to no hit this you know get as much adrenaline as possible [Music] that was close I if I do poter Gest on this attempt is really good cuz I can start farming for uh items accessories I don’t know if I have to change the armor set and I’ll use the weapon from poter guas for dog I can also do the Bumble B the dragon FY whatever to get a blunder booster if it’s needed and also the rage upgrade and the brother is going to spawn of course there it is I just feel like waffle time in Inferno mode playing the RO class without using the steell strike at all that was good that was a really good Dodge I’m just melting it like literally bter gas just gets melted by this not as the Guardians did but still gets melted [Music] oh now she spawns I mean it spawns those phantoplasm enemies what wasn’t doing that before [Music] okay let’s try not to die right now actually I kind of got some hits back there oh god um okay that was I don’t even know if it was close or not but here we go I suppose yet another boss melted I guess I’m just speed running this right hey bro I just wanted to ask which class is the easiest to beat in Calamity Inferno mode Mage okay so what I wanted to do was to open this treasure bag and get the goldish goar the fruit and also the pickaxe let’s look for blood worms okay there is one there is two three let’s do this oh this is actually good cuz it’s like a single Target hold on oh my God okay that was uh incredibly stupid let’s try using this thing yep I’m not surviving this at all okay [ __ ] good we got the diving suit oh loc was here this is better with cell strikes but only if I get a hit okay and I think I got it yep valediction so the weapon I said that I’ll not use and I’ll not get is in my inventory hold on hold on a bit I totally forgot about this thing and I kind of want it so um let’s go back and get it so this is the chest plate helmet and tentacles all right good oh actually I almost forgot about this thing here we I got scared by that here we go [Music] yeah this is not any better I guess using this with steal strikes is going to be good [Music] [Music] okay all right 8K I see I I [Music] see that was ah my God if I had adrenaline back there that would have been [Music] great of course I get hit [Music] [ __ ] why did I get hit what no really bad positioning if you ask [Music] me really really bad positioning [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay I’m might die [Music] no no no [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] oh my goodness [Music] come on okay there we go good that was great [ __ ] where the [ __ ] is the treasure bag okay here we go let’s get it oh new interlude music We Got The Eradicator as well which is a [Music] boomerang this is just insane holy crap okay and I need this and this to get the eclipse mirror nice going to use this thing the next accessory to get is the glove of recklessness oh I can buy that but actually oh you actually use this with something use this with the Executioner blade or hypothermia n not going to get that the nanotech that’s like a combination of more accessories yeah oh my God okay okay all right cannot craft that yet let’s make a lot of these things okay more than enough it must be more than enough 69 pots haha funny number uh the costme light bar is okay so I can craft the armor set so one two and three good then the boots going to get the shield as well what else the nanotech yep it’s time for the nanotech so for that I need the Rog emblem which I can get the Raiders Talisman which I can get as well there we go we got the nanotech good other than that the glove of recklessness which yeah and this thing H yeah interesting might have to look for another accessory such as the sponge but a bit later right now I want to do yaron actually no I’m not doing yaron yet I’m doing Providence I hear I hear the siren I don’t want okay there you go got the Rob driver so the r driver plus uh some of these things plus I don’t even know what was left for the sponge oh yeah these things there we go the sponge instead of this thing good now we’re we’re set up so there’s still the decrypting process going on and uh for that I just need some more batteries which I can get no problem and uh let’s try yon let’s do this I forgot the reforges oh no okay I guess I’ll just try spamming the weapon and see how this goes what if I use still oh okay this is insane okay this is great let’s go let’s spam it almost [Music] 70k perfectly balanced as all things should be crap the good part about the right now is that I can go up to the skies like in outer space and I’m not going to die cuz uh he’ll not enrage anymore like that’s a thing they changed in the last update and I really love it come on destroy him okay let’s not spam this anymore the right has landed okay pretty sure it was launched by yon hey cool music I’ll let you listen to it [Music] is [Music] oh [ __ ] miss my adrenaline but it’s okay we’re doing this let’s go okay so first attempt to Theon and new interl team again this is cool also I don’t even know what weapon to use against the exox I think I’m still going to use the same weapon I don’t know I’ll check the wiki in a second cuz I don’t remember there being any Boomerang post [Music] yaron Nano black Reaper this is like an endgame weapon the toxicon Twister is a old du okay so the dynamic pursuer is the option okay let’s craft it how do I oh I see it’s a a easy recipe and I have to load it all right here we go oh no no no no no I didn’t mean to do that [ __ ] didn’t mean to do that yet I still need the Tinker rare to arrive where is he why is he not coming okay full oric armor got everything red ready for the last stretch and let’s do this we’re going to start with ARs as I do um what is [Music] this this is disappointing the DPS is not that great what if I spam this oh okay if I spam this is this just great that means I’m not going to use silent I should switch to menacing he this is actually really good those those strikes oh my God I’m really lagging but I bu like 8K DPS this is really laggy but it’s still going come on just destroy there we go I don’t know about this guy [Music] I hope the celestus is not as laggy as this thing is cuz this is really annoying [Music] [Music] oh my [ __ ] God okay this is amazing come on come on let kill him and there we go raen defeated as well let’s go home let’s grab the celestus I’m not wasting a single second going to use this instead of I don’t even know what does this do okay yeah I might use this instead of the vated locket I don’t even know okay so most optimized boss ever true killing tradon with his own weapons POG as it happened the last time so how do I spawn how do I craft this thing oh my God I have to craft the Tren Forge this is the Annoying Thing from this run now let’s take the weapons from the chest and let’s craft it it there we go and oh my God somebody’s calling me hold on let’s get full menacing here we go let’s see how this goes okay really good start and now why am I using the dren heart I don’t really want that what is that sound oh oh I forgot the seure got changed and oh my [ __ ] god why is he so laggy why is the celesto so laggy [Applause] what let’s use the dynamic pursuer hold on it’s kind of the same not really a big difference oh it’s actually better hold on okay apparently it’s [Music] better I think I wasted my adrenaline okay so apparently the dynamic pursuer is way better than the celestus I think the celestus is good only with Stell strikes so you destroy the brimstone Hearts from the beginning and I also lost [ __ ] adrenaline how can I not love it when I could have taken down the brothers instantly oh he dropped something a trophy okay where is she oh okay [Music] power [Music] that sounds like a car engine what that thing just sounds like a car engine swear to [Music] God all right let’s try to not hit this [Music] [Applause] [Applause] no need for Tren heart no need for nothing here we go first attempt Toyota Corolla moment true so um okay yet another adventure complete I suppose all right I love this that’s great yeah we’re done or am I I still want to craft something and I still want to try something I don’t promise anything but I’m going to try probably it’s going to be L laggy as [ __ ] probably is going to be [ __ ] up but let’s try this we’re doing the Boss Rush all right now there we go Nano black Reaper oh oh it’s this weapon yeah I used this before I remember using this here we go is there a boomerang weapon you can exume from something no you can buy Shadow spec bars from squirrel with Fargos DLC installed right can I can I can I can I let’s check I’m really interested about that cuz if I can I’m making the armor set I cannot you lied to me yep I cannot that sucks that would have been really good you’re at Boss Rush already damn yesterday was prearm mod he’s doing BS BS Rush already diving suit oh yeah diving suit true I always forget about it here we go come on waiting to get rid of these messages that’s Cog Terminus yapping peig gam play yep do you believe your s capable of conquering such a challenge bro doesn’t know what a gamer I am here we go and yeah this weapon heck yeah I love that this is not lagging not yet oh my God okay the just got deleted okay the Boss Rush has been changed apparently it’s like every boss in their order not okay okay I’ll have to be careful with this um and by careful I didn’t mean that but it’s okay and not that either brain of cthulu is so annoying The Hive mine I got the sound holy crap what is this okay the queen be this is going to be annoying your clubs isn’t this supposed to be like for Skeletron you that was such a joke I love deleting worm bosses okay skeleton Prime yes let’s go this is this is good the double skeleton Prime fight cannot wait to do it cannot wait to play expert not expert Master uh Death Mode it is like the mice mode okay lth on time w [Music] jump up the [ __ ] he went down he almost killed me and the emperess of like might be next yep there we go or actually here I go cuz I might die to it or actually not cuz she’s dying she’s dying pretty quick hold on okay Duke fishron my beloved starting in the third phase the [ __ ] he’s fast there we go ravager the one that I hate the most hold on want to take hold just the worm oh I didn’t beat Ostrom guos in this world well I’m going to do it right now just look at this oh my God lost adrenaline there we go okay end game Boss Rush time [Music] new music that was close a [Music] good [Applause] oh my God ceaseless boy been a while since I didn’t to fight you [Applause] it’s not dog get it’s actually storm weaper then it’s going to be signus alter gas all done so polter gas or no signus right now then it’s polterghast Joe Biden Duke oh he died already where is it oh it’s up I think what the [ __ ] is he okay that was uh interesting okay here we go let’s not die to dog no no no no don’t lag this might be it okay that work all right all right here we go let’s do this [Music] fck no why am I not dealing a lot of damage what oh here we go okay here we go EXO Mi don’t lag stop oh my God I deleted him I do all right here we go the last boss if I’m doing this I’m the best rare player and guess what kind of am I’m joking I’m not I’m far from that but let’s do this come [Music] Toyota Corolla is back [Music] no stop getting hit [Applause] there we go oh my God here we [Music] go here we go guys we did it [Applause] cool now I’m going to get the best item The Rock nice we got it got the r guys cool boomerang’s only complete now let’s just check something 8 hours 50 minutes including the Boss Rush that’s just insane Long Live Quality of Life mods long live far GH mutant mod okay that’s it that’s it I suppose no Jared [ __ ] off I’m not going to do Jared cuz it’s just laggy it’s stupid and I’m not going to do it here we go another challenge complete I suppose and um I’m going to make a pool and uh I’ll let you guys decide what’s what the next run is going to be I suppose thank you guys for watching don’t forget to like And subscribe become a member so I can spam the blue BL Chat blue blue Emoji in the chat I’m sorry and if you don’t know what blue blue blue is is uh this fish right here this little shark is really cute and I really love it so yeah I’ll see you in the next one bye-bye

Boomerangs Only in Calamity is a run that I wanted to do for a really long while, and, finally, here it is! I am getting closer and closer to finishing runs with every single subclass. This run was more like a speedrun because of QoL mods (long live Fargo’s Mutant mod and the AlchemistNPC mod).

Also, this was livestreamed, so I will say sorry in advance for bad quality and stuttering.

Next up, Ark of the Cosmos Ingredients/Components only! Stay tuned for the livestreams.

In case you’re asking, here is a modlist for the run:
Calamity Mod (with music)
Boss Checklist
Fargo’s Mutant Mod
Ore Excavator
Recipe Browser
AlchemistNPC Lite

Texture Pack (for the font) – Cabin Font

The music used is not composed by me.

If you liked this video, don’t forget to subscribe and check my other videos as well. Stay tuned for more!

Discord Server:

#phantasm #terraria #calamity #fullmovie


  1. With the disk the WoF can come from whichever direction, the fight is going to be onesided either way.

    With the mechboss and early hardmode rework they should make all 3 of the bosses interfere with each others fights depending on which ones you already defeated.
    The current version of Prime Master should only happen if you fight him last.

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