The ONE Person that HATES Prismatic Shard || Stardew Valley 1.6 Lore and Theory

meow y’all and welcome back to another video memorizing all of the loved liked disliked and hated gifts in sard Valley can be quite a task especially when you’re trying to romance a certain someone it can take a while to build up those friendship points luckily there are Universal loved items and Universal hated items that are relatively easy to memorize stardrop te for example a recent addition to 1.6 has been another added Universal loved gift although they can be difficult to find things like Prismatic shards can also be a no-brainer gift to all of pelicant town except for one person there is only one person in the entire game that absolutely hates this universally loved item and I’ve Got a Theory as to why that is that’s what we’ll be discussing today so buckle up if you don’t know me I’m solder I make stard Valley YouTube videos featuring Game challenges lore Theory crafting and analyses so if you’ve got any feedback or suggestions for the next video feel free to leave a comment below and hit that subscribe button for more there aren’t too many universally loved gifts in the game gold pumpkin magic rock candy pearls Prismatic shards rabbit’s foot and stardrop tea comprise the list all of these can be difficult to get but if you’re used to scouring the skull Cavern for goodies you’ve probably gotten your hand on a few Prismatic shards the Prismatic Shard is a very rare and Powerful substance with unknown Origins it’s needed to get the Galaxy sworded it can be donated to the museum it can be one of the options in the missing bundle in order to unlock the movie theater and it can be even used to craft a wedding ring in multiplayer it’s no wonder that every single character loves this precious gem except for Haley Haley doesn’t dislike Prismatic shards she absolutely hates it it’s right next to Clay and horseradish in her list of completely dreaded gifts when you gift her a prismatic Shard she simply States gross and that’s it no cut scene or dialogue or game event ever explains why she hates Prismatic shards so much so we’re left theorizing all by ourselves let’s take a look look at Emily her sister because I think she can clue Us in Emily loves Prismatic shards just like everyone else but also loves receiving amethysts aquamarines emeralds Jades rubies and topazes she obviously loves gemstones and with each gemstone she’s given she gives us unique dialogues for each one ah an amethyst this will protect me on those late nights working at the saloon thank you I’m going to put this under my pillow and hopefully I’ll dream about the ocean wow it’s beautiful this color makes me think of all the spiritual power within the forest can you feel that wood energy ooh it’s Jade this is supposed to attract wealth and who couldn’t do with a few extra coins in their pocket oh this is perfect I’ve been feeling a bit sluggish lately rubies are great for energizing the spirit the warm soothing energy of this Stone helps us recenter our thoughts it’s actually just what I needed on a day like this thanks not only does Emily exclaim that she loves the gemstone but she gives us some information on the spiritual or magical powers of each gemstone it seems like they all have a purpose of some sort from energizing someone to attracting wealth Emily isn’t the type of person to lie or just make up stuff on the spot she truly does believe in the power of these gemstones and what they can do for the person holding it if you decide to marry Emily we can see that her little Nook on the farm is transformed into a crystal Garden where she will spend her time meditating this world is full of spirits and Magic some don’t believe me but I know it’s true I can see it in your eyes you believe in the other world like me so when we give Emily a prismatic Shard I was hoping she would give us some information on the spirit and the energy surrounding it but instead she just says this gift is fabulous thank you so much no special dialogue around it I thought that maybe the Prismatic Shard is actually full of dark or evil energy but I believe Emily would have said so if that were the case when she receives items that she hates she states this gift has a strong negative energy I can’t stand it and when you take her to a movie that she dislikes she states Yoba please protect me from the dark energy of this movie so if the Prismatic Shard had a dark energy she would absolutely say so therefore I theorize that the Prismatic Shard does have a positive and Powerful energy to it so why does Haley hate it so much let’s look at what she says when you give her one gross this is the same reaction that she gives you if you were to give her clay or horseradish to her a prismatic Shard is literally disgusting a representation of things that she really really really hates when we look at her loved gifts we can see that she loves daffodils Coke coconuts and sunflowers simple items found in the forest on the farm or in the desert she loves fruit salad a simple combination of Summer fruits summer is her favorite season when it comes to gifts Simplicity works best with Haley in a previous video of mine I got into a bit more details concerning Haley’s background Link in description for those interested but to summarize Haley and Emily’s parents are very rich and both of them grew up with this wealth I theorized that sometime during Haley’s life before we move on to the farm Haley started seeing the vast difference in economic class between her and the other residents of pelicant town and maybe started falling in love with the more Simple Pleasures of life like photography and sunbathing now I think some people might argue that she likes to shop a lot and therefore she should love the Prismatic Shard because it’s an expensive and rare gemstone but just because someone likes to shop and enjoys fashion doesn’t necessarily mean that they like expensive things for all we know she could be shopping off of the clearance rack and looking for Frugal deals to Haley the Prismatic Shard represents wealth and utmost Rarity not interested with that said I hope you all enjoyed this video and thank you so much for watching I stream pixel art and starter Valley on Twitch so if you’d like to check that out Link in the description and if you’ve got a suggestion for the next video or some head cannons that y’all have and want to share be sure to leave a comment down below and make sure to subscribe to catch my next video I’ll be making more starter Valley videos so keep an eye out see youall next time bye

In today’s video, I’ll talk about the ONE person that hates prismatic shard and my theory as to why that is! If you’ve got some theories or headcanons of your own, lemme know in the comments :))

Haley’s video:

Be sure to leave a comment if you’d like to suggest the next video or challenge :3c

If you’d like to follow me on Twitch for pixel art and Stardew Valley streams, here’s the link:


  1. Interesting take! Some people will use the word simple as a euphemism, to refer to "lack of class" or "poor", or even people who are not intelligent = simple minded. So we forget the true meaning of 'simple', Haley might look fancy but she's simple in a true fashion! While people judge her because they define simplicity in a different way, and that extends to fancy and luxury, you don't have to buy expensive stuff to be or feel fancy.

  2. Oh a new video. And certainly interesting to see a character that on the surface seems a bit more vain and focused on surface level aspects. So her refusal of an expensive useless (She is probably not aware of magic properties) object tells us about her growth and that deep down she isnt as vain. Naturally while she might try to enjoy simpler things some of her old behaviour or things she grew up with might show itself. And with the farmer arriving and befriending her that growth keeps happening. Like her increased heart dialouge has her grow more fond of the town or deciding to donate old clothing.

    Also maybe to offer a different perspective. Maybe she is a bit annoyed at Emilys crystal healing or such. Seeing it as weird. And she might see a multi coloured gemstone as a sort of culmination of that hobby. As more of her sisters thing.

  3. I always felt she didnt like the prismatic shard because to her the rainbows are tacky. like pouring a bunch of glitter on something to make it more eye catching. I also like thinking that haley likes the more simple items in life because if someone were trying to buy her love they would be showering her in a bunch of expensive things too, rather than looking at what she actually likes. You know like horror stories of peoples partners buying them diamond earrings when their ears arent even pierced kind of deal. Love the analysis videos they are scrumptious

  4. I heard that another possible explanation for Haley’s hatred of Prismatic Shards is that since Haley is fashion-conscious, a Prismatic Shard may be pretty but from Haley’s perspective, it would look gaudy on any outfit.

    Another theory I do have is since Haley’s and Emily’s parents are traveling the world, they would occasionally send expensive gifts as a reminder of their love and that they are still thinking about Haley and Emily. But Haley does not want the expensive gifts, she wants her parents back home.

  5. Emily loves what are basically pretty rocks, while Haley's loved gifts are flowers and edibles, rather pointing out a deep difference in how the two view the world. It's possible that she just can't understand why her sister (or half-sister, if Emily's actually Rasmodias' daughter – she's certainly strange enough) loves and attributes spirit to things that aren't alive, and Prismatic Shards are the flashiest of the lot. Pretty they may be, but I kinda side with Haley on this one, the thought of rocks with spirit is gross!

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