JJ Spider Man Escape From Mikey Prison in Minecraft ! (Maizen)

oh no a robbery that Thief is stealing toys I need to stop him time for Spider-Man to swing into action I’ll head to the toy store I need to catch the Thief give me all your money you made in a day no one can stop me I’ll be the richest bandit in this town give me your money now stop right there Thief you won’t get away with this return those toys now this city needs protection face Spider-Man’s webs what’s going on here is that Spider-Man nice try Spider-Man but I saw you with the toys you’re under arrest drop the toys and come quietly this is so frustrating I can’t believe I’m stuck in here I was just trying to help how did everything go so wrong I hope officer Mikey finds the real Thief my reputation is on the line I need to clear my name this is such a mess maybe I should have explained better but it all happen so fast Spider-Man we need to talk there’s been a development follow me please no funny business what’s going on officer Mikey are you finally believing me I’m not the bad guy I was just helping we’ll see about that Spider-Man just come with me we need to clear some things up it’s important I’m innocent I swear this is all a mistake let’s go Spider-Man man time to get some answers we’re going to figure this out trust the process where are we going Mikey what’s happening now I deserve to know please tell me so this is the cafeteria at least it’s a change of scenery I wonder if the food is any good let’s see what they have today I need to stay strong can’t let this place Break Me Maybe I’ll meet someone who can help I have to keep my eyes open hi there I’m JJ I’m new here do you know anyone who can help I need some information hey JJ I’m the guy you’re looking for I can get you what you need but it’ll cost you you interested in a trade what do you have in mind I don’t have much but I need something useful this can’t be the end for me Spider-Man never gives up I’ll stay strong and I’ll clear my name hey Chef what’s on the menu I’m starving and could use a good meal I’ve had a rough day can you help me out here you go kid today’s special take it or leave it that’s all you’re getting this looks terrible how am I supposed to eat this it smells bad too is this really all you have it’s prison food not a restaurant you get what you get eat it or go hungry makes no difference to me I can’t eat this I need something better maybe I can trade for better food I’ll go talk to that guy again all right let’s find those things I need to make a good trade that that knife will be worth it and maybe some decent food too I’ve got a knife very handy in here but you need to give me something got any smokes or food I don’t have anything like that just got here remember I really need that knife this place is tough but I can handle it just need to be smart and keep my eyes open found a few things already this might work I’ll keep looking need to make sure it’s enough I hope that guy is still there I need that knife and maybe he can help with food it’s worth a shot let’s see what you’ve got I can always use more supplies a knife is what you want right this will do nicely here’s your knife thanks I appreciate it this will be useful now I can stay safe and keep an eye out for trouble this place can be dangerous it’s good to have allies and the right tools all right JJ it’s time for a shower follow me to the bathroom you need to clean clean up don’t cause any trouble okay Officer Mikey I could use a shower thanks for the escort I’ll be quick well well look who we have here fresh meat in the shower this is our territory you better watch yourself stay back I’m warning you I’ve got a knife don’t make me use it a knife huh think that scares us we’ve seen worse you’re going down I mean it I don’t want to hurt anyone but I will defend myself don’t come any closer take this I warned you stay back or get hurt get him he’s just bluffing we can take him let’s see what he’s got that was close I need to be more careful it saved my skin being a hero isn’t easy sometimes it comes with sacrifices but I won’t give up I’ll find a way to set things right this can’t be the end for me Spider-Man never gives up I’ll stay strong and I’ll clear my name glad you’re okay let’s get you to the cafeteria you must be hungry yeah I could use a meal and maybe a break from all this drama let’s hope the food is better than the shower I need something can you help me out I’m looking for a set of lockpicks pleasure doing business with you remember keep it on the down low don’t want any trouble good luck with whatever you need them for got it Mikey I’ll stick by your side hopefully we won’t run into any more trouble let’s get this over with let’s make it quick then it’s back to your cell finally some peace and quiet it’s been a long day time to catch some z’s good night world go to bed JJ and no tricks you understand me ah this mattress Feels Like a Rock but it’s better than nothing just need to close my eyes and Drift Off to Sleep H wonder what tomorrow will bring hopefully something better than today sweet dreams everyone wake up JJ it’s time to move get up and put these on we’ve got places to be what’s going on why are you waking me up and why the handcuffs this better be good Mikey no time for questions just follow me we’re going to the sports yard move it JJ but why what did I do I thought I was supposed to stay in my cell this doesn’t make sense you’ll find out soon enough now come on we’re not waiting around move your feet fine fine fine but this better be important and you better have a good explanation I don’t like surprises but you better have a good reason for this and you better watch your back because I won’t forget this hey I heard you’re the one to talk to about gear I need a pickaxe and a smoke grenade can you help me out I’ve got cash normally I’d take cash but today’s your lucky day I need some supplies instead bring me what I need and we’ll talk got it what supplies do you need I might be able to get them but I need those items now can’t you make an exception fine I’ll see what I can do but you better hold up your end of the bargain I’ll be back soon and I expect those items ready for me this lock looks tough but I’ve handled worse just need to stay focused almost got it all right here we go got to make this quick no time to waste let’s get this door open these lockpicks better work come on steady hands just a little more almost there this door looks sturdy but I’ve handled worse just need to stay calm focus and take my time almost there I can feel it just a little more pressure come on lock give in I need to get inside yes it’s turning just a few more seconds don’t break on me now almost got it okay I’m in now to find those supplies these shelves are packed but there’s no time to waste Focus JJ find what you need come on come on where is it I don’t have much time need to hurry got it now to get out of here before anyone catches me back through the door quietly JJ no alarms no guards almost there pH made it supplies in hand now to head back and make that trade I hope this is worth it the risk was high but I need these items for my plan to work all right time to move can’t stay here back to the bargaining spot and make the exchange Mikey you won’t stop me this smoke grenade will do the trick time for a quick Escape I’m out of here wait JJ you can’t just where did you go the smoke is too thick perfect Mikey is down now to the guard room I need a disguise let’s hope it fits JJ come back here you can’t escape Justice where did he go I need to find him all right Mikey you won’t stop me this time this smoke grenade will create the perfect distraction as soon as it goes off I’ll make my move Time to Say Goodbye officer the smoke is everywhere Mikey’s coughing and can’t see a thing this is my chance to slip away I need to be quick and Silent perfect Mikey is completely disoriented now I need to find the guard room once I get there I’ll grab a uniform no one will suspect a thing okay here’s the locker room I have to be fast time is running out this uniform looks like it will fit I just need to make sure I looked the part got the uniform on and it fits perfectly now I look just like one of the guards I need to walk confidently blend in and make my way to the exit almost there just a bit further to go I can see the exit sign from here keep calm don’t draw any attention freedom is so close I can taste it I hope Mikey is still struggling with the smoke he won’t suspect a guard walking out all right the guard room was easy now I need to find the Armory with some weapons I’ll be unstoppable just a bit further to go here it is the Armory time to gear up I need something powerful let’s see what they got perfect a whole stash of weapons I’ll take this one and that one got to be prepared for anything now to find a good hiding spot the Chandelier looks sturdy I’ll hide up there no one will see me coming this will give me the upper hand I hear footsteps someone’s coming it’s the guards this is going to get interesting here they come just like I expected they have no idea I’m here time to make my move let’s show them what I’ve got surprise guards didn’t expect me up here did you take this and that you’re not catching me today one down a few more to go keep moving JJ don’t let them surround you use the weapons wisely almost there just a few left they’re getting tired this is my chance I can win this Another One Bites the Dust just one more to go you’re not stopping me I’m getting out of here all right the Armory was a success now I need to get to the main hall I have to stay alert there could be trouble around any Corner okay the main hall is crowded lots of prisoners and guards I need to blend in act natural JJ wait are those prisoners looking at me they seem suspicious I need to move quickly don’t let them catch on almost at the exit it just keep moving don’t make eyee contact stay focused JJ whoa what’s happening they’re coming at me I need to defend myself this isn’t good get off me you guys I didn’t come here to fight I need to break free they’re too many I have to think fast use my training I can’t let them win I need to find a way out almost free just a bit more I need to push harder they’re not giving up but neither am I where am I this looks like the infirmary how did I end up here I need to get out what happened why am I in the infirmary did I get injured I can’t remember anything this doesn’t make sense how did I end up here I need to figure this out something isn’t right maybe someone attacked me or there was an accident all right think JJ there must be something I can use aha a sturdy iron pickaxe this will do the trick I have to be quick if someone finds me here I’m done for let’s see how strong this wall is time to break free this pickaxe is heavy but I can do this just a few good swings the wall is starting to crack almost there the hole is getting bigger just a few more hits freedom is so close as it’s working the wall is giving way I can see the other side time to squeeze through all right I’m through the wall now I need to find the main hall stay low and stay quiet no one can know I’m here I hear voices up ahead that must be the main hall I need to stay hidden just a bit further I see the exit again this time no mistakes I need to be faster and more careful okay I can see the main hall looks busy as usual I need to blend in act like I belong I all right JJ you’ve got this just keep moving don’t draw attention you can make it the exit is just a few steps away Don’t Look Back Freedom here I come I need to get to my Hideout my gun should be there time to pick up some Firepower I can’t take any chances there it is my Hideout I need to be cautious who knows what dangers lurk nearby but I can’t let fear stop me almost there just a few more blocks I can’t shake this feeling of unease hey there I heard you’re the person to talk to about trades I’ve got something valuable to exchange a gun for some TNT supplies can you help me out out h a gun you say that’s interesting but why do you need TNT supplies are you planning something big let’s just say I have some projects in mind time to get to work I need to prepare this TNT carefully one wrong move and it could all blow up in my face literally let’s see I’ll need the TNT the fuse and some detonators safety first though I can’t afford any accidents this has to go off with without a hitch first I need to measure out the right amount of powder too much and it’s Overkill too little and it won’t do the job Precision is key now I’ll carefully mix in the sand this will stabilize the explosive can’t have it going off prematurely safety first okay mixture looks good now I’ll pack it into the containers each one needs to be sealed tight I can’t afford any leaks I need to concentrate focus on the task at hand no room for mistakes my freedom depends on it h that was close but I did it now to make my Escape before anyone realizes what’s happened time to disappear into the Shadows they won’t know what hit them and by the time they figure it out I’ll be long gone just like a ghost I need to move quickly before they catch wind of my plan the clock is ticking and I’m running out of time no Looking Back Now forward is the only way I’ll leave no Trace behind behind they’ll never find me this is it JJ your moment of truth don’t let fear hold you back it’s now or never I’m ready for whatever comes next bring it on world I’m not afraid anymore freedom awaits where where am I why am I up in a tree wait I remember now I set those TNT charges I need to ignite them the guards won’t know what hit them here goes nothing run JJ run R the explosion will distract them I have to make it to the ship it’s my only chance the guards are scrambling perfect distraction now’s my time to slip away they won’t catch me just a little closer to the ship I can see it in the distance freedom is so close I can almost taste it the guards are regrouping but I won’t let them stop me I’ve come too far to give up now onward to the ship I need to keep moving can’t let them catch me now the ship is is my only hope I have to make it almost there just a bit further I can hear the guards shouting behind me

JJ Spider Man Escape From Mikey Prison in Minecraft ! (Maizen)

This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters.

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