Shed Decorating and Tool Enchantments | Stardew Valley Stream #43

[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] right oh [Music] [Music] hello everyone and welcome to the stream I am low Swap and we’ll pause the music there we go that went very seamlessly I set up my stream deck over the weekend this is the first time actually using it live and that worked I hope which is good um why have I got that going on okay hopefully you can hear everything okay might have to turn the game up a little bit I think let me know how the the audio and everything is I’m still obviously like making sure everything’s working okay um I’m not sure why I got something still going on there maybe mute that let’s just let me just double check something I’m just going to mute my mic just for one second give me a moment [Music] okay no I think we’re okay I just wanted to check if there was an echo from the game uh in the audio but it all seems fine um we’re good okay so we are back at Oakwood and we’re on day 22 of year five we have some shed decorating to to do today and also um I want to do some enchantments on the tools uh that I have and my sword as well so I think we’re going to do that first um and then we will we’ll come back to the farm and do all of the form things and figure out what is going to be done with this shed I think I think that will uh will kind of be the main plan for the day uh for this stream so we’ll say hello to all of the peoples uh we better give him an egg haven’t we um are my children around here somewhere yes there’s Lucy and Jude there we go okay so let’s head into I’ve just left my pumpk there I I think I’m just going to leave them there like for the rest of rest of autumn I kind of like how it looks um but let’s head into here and we’re going to go into our little mineral and gem box now I want not that one this one I want to take one two three okay so yeah maybe we’ll enhan we’ve only got three Prismatic shards I’m not sure if have any on Ginger Island but we can we can see I might I might have okay now I’m going to I was having a look at the wiki earlier so let me just bring this up and I want to cuz with the with the the way this works is you have to go to the volcano on Ginger Island and use the forge I’m just hoping I have enough Cinder shards if not we may have to do a volcano session try and get some more uh that will be fun um but with the with the tools you I think the way it works is you basically have uh you have to use a prismatic Shard with the cinder shards and then you just you get a random like enchantment or like enhancement onto the tool and depending on which tool will depend on um what it gives you so like your axe you can get either efficient powerful shaving or Swift um and then there’s like there’s a there’s a one like there’s fishing rod ones um that may that only apply to like the fishing rod and there’s um there’s ones that maybe only apply to like the little um like this copper pan thing here um so but these as far as I’m we they’re random you just get what you given and if you don’t like it I think you can you just putting another ptic Shard and it will give you another enhancement it it kind of like removes it and and and then applies something else but with the weapon you can have it seems like up to three um like enhancements on your weapon depending on the gem that you apply so with the amethyst we we have knock back aquamarine is critical hit chance Emerald is weapon speed Jade is critical hit damage Ruby is damage like does more damage and topaz is more defense so I think so there was one that there was one that like added speed which one was the speed the emerald so I think we’ll grab an emerald cuz I think that’s a great idea to have a little bit more speed and attack power uh is the Ruby so more damage so that adds 10% per level to both minum Max damage so I think a ruby would be a good idea and then maybe I’m not so bothered about like knockback with this um I hate that in in Minecraft as well uh cuz it means you then have to like move um it does it give you a chance to run away I guess uh but maybe we try critical hit damage what what do you deals additional damage so maybe we go with a jade then we we have plenty so maybe we do that we’re going to ignore everything else on the farm and we’re going to head off to Ginger Island um let’s just actually double check this chest and while we do that I will I have ruely not said hello to people in chat I’m really sorry I kind of got distracted getting on with what we’re doing um but hi Stefan M we going to clean up the stinky shirt yeah we will be doing that and uh I think my dad is here as well but I can only see his his comments in streamlabs for whatever reason so hi Dad right so let’s let’s get going get on with this let’s head down here if we can get this job done we can spend some time figuring out the shed um because I have some I have some thoughts on the shed originally it was going to be a very decorative shed I was going to turn it into a whole um like Library t- shop kind of thing um it’s just like a nice shed to hang out in I guess rather than it be anything useful or money making however we could do with the money so my original thoughts were uh okay we may not have we may not have we may not have enough for these but we’ll see so let’s head off up to the volcano yeah my my initial thoughts with the shed were um nice decorative shed nice place just to hang out with um there is a oh I just no there we go there is a fairy Rose in there somewhere I need to get a sprinkler I totally forgot I did that um but I then originally then had decided I think last stream um I thought we could maybe turn it into like an animal produce shed so a place for the cheese makers and things um I’m going to take this stuff with me just in case we have to head into any of the levels but let’s head to the forge first um so that was then the idea of you know like it’ll be a place for cheese and mayo and cloth um and truffle like oils and things so that was like the original then like the next idea that I had but I think um so let’s put that in here I think I I’d like to I may add those things in what are we going to make okay so we don’t get to know till it’s done so what do we get we have powerful okay that’s that’s good I’ll take that I would have liked Swift so maybe when I get more Prismatic shards I might have a go and see if I can get Swift on that um but yeah so I may put still like the animal produce stuff in the shed oh see that’s Swift that’s good though and then do we want to do the hoe or do we want to do I don’t really fish anymore so I I don’t really need my watering count so let’s let’s do the hoe we can always you know we can do the others another time no let’s not let’s not bin that and um oh we got Swift on that as well okay so so this we put in here and let’s do the Ruby first okay so this takes 10 okay so then let’s add this so we now we’re going to add four plus critical damage and then yeah so I kind of had this oh I don’t think I’ve got enough I don’t think I’ve got enough of the um the cinder shards for this yeah okay so we’ll let’s go into the volcano and then we can get that added on um but yeah so then I kind of I had this thought of um not turning it into a fullon keg shed which is what we already have let’s eat this so we get some luck but having it as as a um oh perfect uh you know having it as a um I don’t know like a brewery shed I guess maybe so I’d add some kegs in but then I would um also add in some of the clay like Planters and then grow some hops in there and um you know know maybe some tea and um and that kind of thing cuz the the Hops are really good for uh I think it’s pale ale and pale ale um sells quite well so you know that could just add to our um oh hello you drop Cinder Shard so actually I do want to not avoid you thank you um so that could just add to our our money making um I feel the only problem is ah no um is the fact that we we don’t have oh that was perfect we don’t have access to Hops at the moment because it’s Autumn and they’re not around yet so that’s like the only issue um that we’re going to have but if what I might do is when we’ve been in here for a little bit is have a look at um getting oh you I need you please give me a dragon tooth nope um is having a look at doing some more um what are they called the the Mr key quests um can you come and get me please I I kind of need you hi hello thank you oh you didn’t drop anything worth anything though oh good you shouted your friend okay cool no we’re just going to run straight through there um but yeah so if I can have a look at the I’m going to have a look at the the Mr key Quest as well while we while we are around on Ginger Island and see if it’s a a nice straightforward one um that we can we can do pretty pretty easily would be great you I want you no come here come come I can get oh you give me bone fragments ow um so yeah if I can how many we’ve got 20 okay I think that’ll do we only need 20 if I need any more I can obviously come back in here and farm them that’s not a problem I will he drops me another couple or both of these drop oh you didn’t how disappointing are you coming come over here so you’re not over The Lava when you drop the things oh you gave me nothing right let’s head back out and then we can go back to the forge and get our last enhancment you are going to be awkward both of you stop thank you right this way so yeah I uh I could do with some more key gems um I need some anyway but if we can if we can get some key gems I’m trying I’m I am getting to like the end of my thought you can get some key gems uh you can buy Pier’s uh stock list Pierre’s stock list means that you have access to everything that he sells all year round which is wonderful so it is like 50 gems and I have how many oh I have I have 60 okay well I could just get that now and then save back up again yeah maybe we do that we’ll go get that now so then I have access to the Hops which would be great um okay so why there we go so pop that in there and then we were putting the emerald on it yes that adds the speed I like that we go perfect yeah we now have a really cool sword okay so let’s go see Mr key and go and get this stock list and then we’ll be able to let’s do this cuz this will be quicker right let’s go back here um to the farm to the farm and then we can uh yeah we’ll we will get the stock list and then we’ll have access to everything this place needs um some work it’s not as pretty uh it this was basically made for function so yeah we we need to deal with ginger Island at some point but maybe next time um cuz it needs a lot of work doing into it make it look nice uh right so let’s go here cuz I need I was saving them because I still have these two left and that’s 80 so I’m 20 off getting both of those recipes but I feel like this is going to be handy especially for what we’re doing um oh but we have let’s let’s accept that I’ve done this so often um we should be okay doing that right and okay we grab some things to sell cuz we’ve not sold anything today actually we should have time to clear the Farm out so let’s do that get our tea yeah I am yeah the idea is to maybe make the make the shed into um like a a brewery kind of Brewers shed I guess um CU you can plant the sell that okay we sell that and sell that and sell that um it’s a banana hey Dad uh let’s sell the diamond um right so hang on a minute we need to read that oh this this tells you about combining the your rings in the forge so that’s good I think I have to get this to yeah I have to get this to Pierre so maybe we actually head home and do that it’s banana that is how I say right we’re off to C Pier you should be in his house and we can go in there cuz we have a key we have a key for for all of the uh the buildings so we can just you know break into them allall right you better not be in bed Pierre oh Abigail I don’t want to see this we’re not watching that sorry she’s just going to make us play a game he’s not in budget is he no right where is he Carly where’s your husband oh here he is okay here we go wow it’s my old stock list I’ve been searching everywhere for this let me see yep it’s all still here with these order codes I can expand my stock to include seeds SE from All Seasons year round yes thanks so much for bringing this back to me though perfect right so from tomorrow he should have everything that we need which would be wonderful hey Trevy welcome to the stream I hope you’re doing well what do you need um no sorry Abby I like that that’s how she signs it as like Abby even though in the game she’s referred to only as Abigail apart from that okay so let’s head back home and yeah let’s go put these things away I guess we could grab this stuff while we’re here all of the tea okay there we go and we’ll grab that okay NOP uh um no I have no wood so that goes in there in there those things in there okay oh I brought the cheese and the spicy eel back with me oops right um that stuff can go in there and then we have things for next door I need need to I can’t remember if I have um go in there and then there we go see I have a prismatic Shard on display but I I don’t want to ruin my decorations let’s see if I have any spare of anything that I am thinking of using um we will take the chests uh and there’s nothing else of used in that chest oh no um oh we could we could have some preserve jars in there actually that might be that might be good we’ll take the lamps as well um we will add some decorations but we can do that last what’s in this chest do we [Music] have nothing of use to me no okay so how oh we are going to have to go do some deforestation how need right let’s get some quartz cooking um no it’s there right cuz I want to make some clay pots so we can have things growing so let’s uh see so we’ll make those four we’ll just stand here though actually I think they might take a bit like overnight so let’s um pop that there right we head to bed there just double check in there again no that’s fine okay yeah let’s head to bed and then we can go in tidy the shed the thing is with the shed is the shed has two fish tanks in it what I’m thinking of doing maybe we clear the fish tanks out first what I’m thinking of doing with the fish tanks is putting them in the house um because I have the little like I guess it’s like a little Garden Room it’s not like fully full on like decorated when we decorated the house I didn’t really do too much to it um but down here we have we have this little room here so I was thinking maybe the fish tanks could go against this wall here so let’s uh clear this away okay and we’ll just pop this stuff all down this side here for now and um we’ll keep the lights oh we’ve got those two as well so put that one there and that one there yeah so then that can go there and then we’ll put that oh come down there and that there this may have to move somewhere maybe maybe we pop it there for now okay right so let’s go and clear out the uh the fish tanks oh abigil just want to say sorry for acting so weird well we didn’t even see the weirdness cuz I skipped it you probably understand what happened uh okay bye bye sure Abigail sure right uh no oh well Robin sent us some word so that’s not too bad but yeah we I think we’re going we’re going to have to go do from uh some tree chopping but it’s okay cuz we have we have a a nice enhanced axe now so that’s all right okay so let’s take these out of here um we should have room for everything we need yes okay right let’s go and do this see I changed the floor in the wall at least so it’s not it doesn’t look like a like the standard wall and floor decoration that is something right I did that I did that on the um on the ancient fruit like H shed as well um I changed that up a bit but let’s uh it looks like uh Lucy is going to supervise while we do this oh why do you know it it it could work let’s just let’s have a look at this it I don’t if that’s going to annoy [Music] me I’m not sure but we will we will let’s let’s just no I don’t if I kind of like that maybe can we then put okay maybe that might work we can leave that like that for now it’s not like we go in that room at all the kids go in that room more than I do right [Music] okay so let’s uh head back to here we should have our quartz now yes okay good we got 15 um let’s actually put some more on I’m not sure how many of these I want but I think how many have I got four we do 10 for [Music] now um yeah we need to we need to go do some some deforestation so what we will do I think the forest should be fully grown we’re going to drop this stuff off excuse me little ducks they’re eating my decorative grass and it’s kind of annoying me but I I like my um I do like my no hang on a minute let’s actually throw a chest down rather than stick these out we’ll put a chest down and put these things in the chest well let’s just stick that in the chest as well so it’s at least out of the way no we go right okay let’s go do some fre deforestation I’m hoping the trees have grown in the in the forest your brother ate decorative grass when you were kids oh I hope he was okay well he must be okay right look how fast that ax is love it he also put P before his nose they you had to take him to hospital oh my word hey aie welcome I hope you’ve had a good day I don’t know crazy boys yeah I am I am loving the swiftness on this axe it’s great and this sword is just got even better as well this is great perfect go right let’s grab this or go around and grab more oh your cat was Ill eating grass yeah that’s why they usually eat grass um cats and dogs will usually eat grass when their stomachs aren’t quite right um it usually just like helps them feel better you can like cat grass as well mine like to eat um they like to chew flowers and plants so I don’t I I the plants that I have in my house are all artificial because my cats like to eat eat them and they’re in Nightmare they like to dig in like a plant a a potty plant they’ll they like to like dig into the um into the soil and stuff and like with the with flowers they end up knocking them everywhere so we just as much as I enjoy flowers can’t have them I have to have fake ones there we go the mother nut the kittens yeah she’s probably just not feeling very well you can get like actual cat grass um we used to have in our garden um a patch of mint and one of our cats used to love eating that okay down here rout 116 and I hope you guys are okay with this you have mentioned before you don’t mind the material Gathering I do think I should drink some coffee though there we go and then we’re going to head up to the mountains we’ll go this way I have so many trees on the farm but I don’t want to chop them down cuz they’re decorative right this the thing you have to know about me I have decorative trees nope we don’t need that decorative trees and decorative grass and decorative barrels they are my thing it’s relaxing so thank you a you’re very welcome I’m glad I’m glad you guys don’t mind the the material gathering this this is the kind of stuff that I would usually do off stream but if you guys are okay with it it’s something that I can even do like in uh in breath of the wild as well cuz again I usually do bits of material gathering for that um or any game really off stream if you guys are happy with you know a a chill material Gathering session and amongst other things that we were doing and I can certainly uh I can certainly leave the stream prep and and do it on stream look at all these are growing I won’t chop these down these are decorative look our piece of fence is still here there has been no train yet I played through the rest of the um the rest of the week that we didn’t finish uh last stream and um yeah yeah there’s been no train so our fence post is still here so I uh yeah I’m I’m hoping that when it says that there’s a train that we can get up there to see what happens I’m not trying to W the train or anything but I’m just kind of curious I was a little fascinated with the fact that the game actually let us put a fence post there I didn’t think it would do that a don’t let her eat things from the bins silly cat they do like to eat things that make them sick the yeah these are decorative trees I can’t chop these down cuz th those ones Won’t Grow Again um we might have Arrow Head oh no I just broke my path there we go no there you go um okay so no trees are growing here yet but all the outside ones are oh look how nice this looks now it looks nice and cozy right so let’s head to the bus stop and then we’re going to head home we’ll grab this Plum and we can we’ve got 295 that might be enough we can always head to the desert and then we can also head back to Ginger Island cuz we can chop down all of the um we got like 300 pieces now so that’s not too bad but yeah we can always no there’s nothing in there we can yeah we can always go to Ginger Island and chop down all the trees there that’s not an issue um do I have let’s do that okay we put some things in the produ shed I forgot to uh to fill the uh the ceg outside of course I just realized I have some slime on me I forgot to put things in this sh in this ceg because it’s me and I forget things like that right let’s sell these mushrooms okay and we have all of this stuff so there’s a prismatic shard in there but we’re not going to uh to take that see this uh wheat we can also put in kegs as well which is good what have we got have we got any more wheat no we like 5 days to the end of the month season month probably make some more of those there we go right so let’s just do this cuz we can then sell some things and then we’ll make some uh some cegs we’ll head to Pi as well I me to go to Pier to buy some stuff to plant I think I think hops are going to be the main thing that we do in the right let’s just sell we sell all of those um right hang on a second let’s up here and transport down here this is kind of like the wild corner it’s a little bit stuff everywhere which is kind of annoying but I’m just leaving it for now um put that in there we go how much have we got in there oh that’s not too bad yeah I’m not sure what to do I don’t know whether to leave the animal like products the the um the cheese maker the Mayo and and those things in the shed for now and then just have it like we can we could put some fencing in and just seing off um like the the two areas I guess and have like the animal stuff at the front and then put the the Hops growing along the back wall and then have the kegs in I’m not sure I don’t know I’m a little bit indecisive with this shed um because I’ve swapped the idea around some and I’ve not really done a shed like this before uh so yeah I’m I’m a little bit unsure I have a couple of Pinterest like inspiration stop eating my grass you are so naughty it’s so good job I love you there ducks are unruly why do I allow them to be free range right let’s pop that away um can put that in there right I actually I’m going to we need to go in here and put this stuff away in here and then I’m going to keep this there right let’s go and make some Cs and I guess we’ll just like wing it and see what we do I’ll bring up my little inspiration pictures on my phone as well um oh well low on iron so that is a real life problem as well sorry that made me laugh you really shouldn’t let’s um let’s cook some more iron while we’re here there we go let’s get some of this in here there we are right then so we’ve got 10 cegs we have some preserved jars as well um but let’s go and just see what we can do I guess see what happens oh we need to let’s go lay things out and then we’ll go to Pi remind me to go to Pi someone please you guys know what my memory is like but let’s uh clear this stuff up cuz the other thing what I might do is maybe put this back this stuff back in the barn to be honest I feel like that might just work better because it’s then right there in the barn when I’m collecting like the eggs and the milk and the cloth and the Truffles and things so I don’t know I just I feel like that might actually be a a better idea for this stuff rather than be in the Box on on the other side of the farm you know let’s take all this out so then we can pick this chest up right yeah so I thought maybe maybe along this back we have the um we have like the Hops or maybe this is I’m you’re going to get so annoyed with me cuz I’m so indecisive this is this is where if if you’re watching this for the first like watching me for the first time decorating um Please be aware that I will place things I will pick them up I will place things I will pick them up um it’s a process the regulars among you uh know this about me and you’re all very patient with me and I love you all dearly because of that but yeah it’s it’s the whole it’s the whole process it’s the whole thing um but I’m just I don’t know I kind of like the idea of maybe like having the where’s my C at maybe having like the C kind of like that so kind of like that and then having I don’t know like having this in front of the kegs so then you kind of pick the pick the Hops and then or like whatever we’re going to grow here and then put it in the kegs behind kind of like that so I think that’s quite nice cuz then we can decorate up this back wall you know maybe a nice fireplace would be quite nice here um and then we could do the same with The Preserve or maybe we just we could add The Preserve jars along the front it’s just like extra um things to I don’t know to just make some you know different preserves or whatever as extras in here and maybe we do that so me we could do another line of kegs and see we’ve got I want there to be enough room for decoration and then we can walk behind we obviously we need to walk behind these and we could put a sign on either side of them we could probably fit another one of each on here we could do a row of six instead of um a row of five so let’s r back and we’ll make uh another should be able to make another two cegs I think and uh little clay pots we definitely can clay pots I think we just make as many as possible and then I’ll put some more um oh actually let’s do yeah look we can only make oh we need copper as well I running out on all the bars of all the things so let’s get those cooking will need another 12 14 C let’s see what will that make us yeah still only two which is fine and then if we do again we just need another we need 14 of those don’t we so let’s let’s oh well we’ve made 15 that’s fine we can make it like decorative ones and then uh we could do some signs as well they don’t work in here which is fine yeah that’s let’s make the two cegs that we can do oh it’s the wood we we’re lacking so we we definitely going to have to go uh chop some more wood excuse me little duck Ducks but we’ll place these things and then we’ll go to Pi and uh sort out what we’re going to buy yeah I kind of like a row like that and then I’m just going to place this as though this is a placeholder so then on this yeah that’s then we’ve got we have enough room maybe we just make this all Hops and we’re just going to brew pale alss in here maybe maybe that’s the the way to go I don’t know opinions opinions and thoughts are always welcome um definitely especially with this because I’m really not sure uh okay so yeah let’s go off to Pi and we’ll buy got 12 24 hops we’d need just remembering to water them as as well is the issue okay why do I keep forgetting to drink coffee okay so we’re definitely buying hops now whether we buy 24 hops is the question but I feel like that’s probably a decent thing to have we’ve got a full shed for um uh ancient fruit and also um for um what is it called star fruit as well we still got some star fruit left over from Summer that were making into wine as well so we’ve kind of got those dealt with so this is just extra in come so I feel like maybe we just we just do a full Hops Brewery Shed So yeah so there’ll be 12 yeah 24 we just remember water I don’t think I really need anything else mean there’s grapes we could get grapes for uh Ginger Island to be honest I’ll figure that out I think I’ll I think I’m going to get rid of the uh the tea on Ginger Island cuz we have so many tea saplings around the farm as little um what are like little um like hedging that we can just pick at the end of every season so I don’t feel like we necessarily need tea on Ginger Island anymore now we have so many on the farm um I don’t have to make green tea either yeah so I think that sort of where the tea is that sort of bottom line um at the end of the ginger Island Farm we could I could then swap the tea sapping out and put in um some grapes and and also what else is that I don’t have beans I don’t have the green beans either I don’t have any of these like trellis um crops so I think this will be good so then we just need 12 more cegs to make perfect have to do it that way so we get all of them in one go and then instead of having a sign in here we could make one sign and pop it outside and then when we get a little pale L we could put that on the um the shed outside so what we could do is pop that in there I think it’s the pale L that comes from the hops is maybe I got wrong but we could also while that is um well that’s all growing let’s come into here and we could put this in here and we’ll take this and put it in the chest and we could get some uh Something Brewing in here while we wait for the Hops to grow so then we’re getting at least something yeah we need some more cegs I think I think maybe we will do another line another maybe maybe we do double have we got room for double let’s just have a look and still have room to walk oh yeah that’s perfect perfect so we could we could do a double line of kegs in these kegs could be for this stuff and anything else I could even move like the coffee and the um and the green tea into here that could be could be a an idea kind of like that yeah we’ll go with that color and then still leave these here and we can just like put anything in those we wanted what have we got going on right okay so we now have things we now have things for the animal bars that we need to put in we need to put those back okay hello children better say hello to you these two are the only ones that I now don’t have like top hearts with which is fine because they don’t count for like the Perfection stuff which is fine let’s just grab all of this I’m not going to run down that side but we’ll just get those grab all of this stuff and go and get this cuz we do need to sell some things otherwise we are never going to get to uh the 10 mil that we need for the clock um right you in there you in there that can go in there and then that one in there there we go let’s pick up all this there we go this Farm is being uh wound down as you can tell oh we have our little our like exclusive Deluxe rro as well that we uh I got the recipe for that um off stream from collecting all of the rarecrows that we we had to do uh last last stream I’m going to keep those we’ll sell those though go right okay so I’m going to put one of those in here oh I know I know okay okay and then yeah let’s do that darwn chicken is in the way there we go maybe what we do is we pop a chest here and then the excess and go in there oh no no no no no go back in go back in go back in go back in I need cloth no stop talking to the animals I don’t need you to talk to the animals and I think that’ll be okay and then I may if there’s if if it gets to like a major excess of um of like eggs and things then we can sell uh right hang on I want a Mayo maker in here for the I don’t want it that close up okay and then where are my where are my cheese machines there they are okay so let’s pop these down see I made extra because we were going to um do a whole like thing in the shed no don’t drink the milk you’re not allowed to drink milk so put those in there and then we’ll put those there there there we go oh that’s perfect anything in okay right okay and then right um we’re going to run to bed and then I’ll put the Truffle makers no the oil makers I should say uh we can put those down tomorrow okay so let’s run to bed I don’t really want to pass out I’ve done quite well with that on stream I don’t think I’ve passed out for a little while I don’t think so anyway right so let’s run and pop we’re going to pick up that we’ll go and put the uh what’s it called the Truffle the oil makers in the in the shed pick up that as well hello little chickens okay [Music] um okay right so let’s then put that in there and then this will all be sold and then we got five more in here that’s perfect that can go back in there let’s actually take this out cuz we can put that um in the oh hang on we have goats milk in the in my pocket I didn’t [Music] notice we go so excuse me everybody me thank [Music] you okay and then we can make some may no don’t eat the void egg and then we could actually do that as well cuz Sebastian does not need 40 odd eggs at his disposal but then we can sell oh no hang on a minute those those were our um combat food I need to we’re going backland now anyway so we can we can take that away um oh I have trees that should not be growing where they are growing okay let’s hop up here double check this no okay let’s grab all of this stuff so we’re going to need another 24 CS I have done the calculations correctly let’s pop those things um okay I guess we could grow something in the in the house or something um right let’s s next door and get rid of some junk um autumn no Autumn vegetables and then the tea go in there and then I am just going to sell that is fine and for now let’s just pop it there right so let’s run over to Cha Island and we will um we will go and do some deforestation as much as it saddens me to have to do it we need wood we need to make EGS so then we can make money and they grow back so it’s not like it’s a huge deal I guess oh it’s raining right so let’s start up this way and we’re just going to chop all the trees those super fast a this shouldn’t take too long to do yeah I am so I’m so glad that we uh we did the whole Forge thing first this is great highly recommend okay hello bird aquamarine thank you okay let’s go this way and then we’ll head down into the little dig Diggy Dig spot but we have trees here that we can chop down okay I think that’s all from up here let’s just quickly put things in here that need to be in here okay and then we will head into this little such in I’m just going to grabb the trees um my cat is showing at me I can’t just grab the trees cuz there are things in the way oh this is going to give me hardwood that’s fine though we need hardwood it’s not a problem I haven’t been here for a very long time can you tell maybe where’s a little bit of a there we go can you guys hear M you hear him shouting me oh maybe not thought I was going to lose that then if he keeps meu I will let him in but he’s a little bit of a pain when I let him in here he likes to mess with the wires under my desk but we’ll see you coming hi hi hi hi you got an itch okay you just stand there an itch then it’s fine you do you what’s the matter oh really oh really right oh we’ve got stuff to uh to pick up and things here we’ll we’ll do that maybe on the Sunday oh no that’s not going to work is it maybe on Sunday we uh do a ginger Farm Harvest and do a farming day what you do cat cat what’s wrong no I don’t want you under the desk though cuz you’re going to eat things you want to go back out hang on guys I’m going to go see whether he’s actually got any food down just bear with me for okay cat has has been given food he couldn’t get in the room with the food he’s now in there and happily eating so I’m happy as long as McKay is happy right let’s grab all of these trees it’s actually very relaxing to do material Gathering when it’s raining in this game cuz the rain sounds lovely oh no that’s not going to work is it oh do you know what else we need to do the Mr Keys Quest must remember to do that I think I’ve got the things I need to do that um cuz we can buy some spaghetti and we can buy salad and the Georgia Cola and some of you might have like a little bit of a heart attack when I when I tell you this but for the uh the purple um s the the purple item that we need I I have actually been I’ve had such an excess of aridium that I’ve actually used aridium at like just 100 aridium a couple of times it get you know it it counts uh so I’ve actually done that cuz I haven’t had um if I had bug meat I would have done that but I hadn’t had enough bug meat leave me alone thank you don’t no go away thank you um so yeah I’ve I’ve actually used that and it’s been you know it’s been fine I need to I haven’t been like hunting for the monsters that give you bugs I guess so I uh I could do with doing that at some point just getting some more oh had a little bit of a stch of them okay right I think 656 wood is is plenty right I think that should be fine let’s head home actually let’s let’s we don’t have a lamp here let’s put a lamp out doesn’t really do much does it right Let’s uh water whats in hello doggo right and then we’re going to go in here and we have that to put away there and then let’s put all of this stuff away yeah how much book yeah see look I’ve only got 29 book meet yeah I have 400 of of those I could probably use those which will be fine okay so what did I say 24 more CS right so we need more iron so let’s get some more iron cooking I think we’re going to need some more cof as W if we make the 14 and go and get those placed there we go so let’s go Place those I’m going to sell the uh the Coconuts that I’ve just picked up and actually let’s just sell the random tarot tuber we have another giant pumpkin do you know I’m really tempted to get rid of the cauliflower maybe the cauliflower goes and we just have pumpkins I will pick those on the last day uh why am I going to the Ducks we don’t need to go to the Ducks um yeah maybe maybe then what I might do is rework the um the little crop field where the jumos are and do something I sort of make the crop beds there bigger um and do something a little bit like decorative with the um can get get get some of these on I know this is all going to no oh okay yeah sure we can put that in there I’m not sure what comes out of there that’s going to be interesting I don’t think I’ve ever put wheat in the um in The Preserve jar before and I’ve played this game for so long and I don’t think I’ve ever done that oh look I didn’t put an ancient fruit in this cake either that’s fine fine cuz there’s nothing going on in there right now okay we could do with uh myo machines in here as well so maybe we go make some of those cuz we have our have all of our CS right I made all of our CS now really no we need 10 more don’t swing your sword around you know it’s great you don’t have to show off with it right let’s do the eight we’re back to needing more wood and let’s get some copper going I running out with resources we haven’t been to the desert yet we could go do that uh not at this moment though I think I’m just going to sell the uh the duck stuff um why did I walk out with the iron on me oh we’ve got pinear pocket as well right so let’s run back down here and we’ll place these yeah do you think I should get rid of the giant cauliflower cuz the the the plan was to try and get like a giant melon um that didn’t happen cuz I wanted like all of the giant crops cuz they just look so cool but I just I don’t know y we made some beer great we can get that [Music] sold I need to water my hops I’ve just realized I’ve been in here so often and I haven’t watered them so let’s do that see I knew I would forget this and you know what I’ve just done I’ve Place those kegs and I still need 12 for these I feel like I’m a little bit everywhere right let’s pop that away okay we’ll go to the desert tomorrow and we’ll take down the uh the trees there let’s get that sold okay in here we’ll put our cloth away oh Watson excuse me excuse me excuse me thank you okay let’s go to sleep while that comes up I’m going to have some tea there we go that’s not too bad yeah I think during winter what what I think I’ll do is work on the crops um over on the like on the other where the jumo Hut is and just try and rearrange that um I think that might be a good idea and then we do something a little bit like Fancy with this maybe like make it nice oh we got the spirit’s Eve tomorrow we’ll do that we’ll try and remember to go there because then we can grab a um a golden pumpkin to sell pick up the thing thank you okay let’s grab this oh little Gino wait you’re running why are you running all the way down there come back let’s throw this in here and then we’ll head over to G no where we going in the desert we need to go to the desert okay so let’s do that and go chop down some cheese we go sometimes I don’t think there’s enough time in the day to do everything in this game we’ve already chopped down some trees let’s grab the forage stuff as well over here okay and this down oh there’s a machine thing here like a dispens the special machines that you can get there’s a guy selling one I don’t know whether it’s worth buying it I think it’s like a million and I’m not sure cuz I can never remember which one it is and what it does so let’s quickly run in here and then what I might do is look it up on the wiki I can’t remember is it this guy in the corner the Shifty looking guy hello sir statue of endless Fortune so let’s have a look what that actually does cuz I can never remember can I remember which one is which uh so it produces one gift or item each day if an item is not connected it will be replaced by a new item the next day okay so normal day right on normal days when no V oh it’s right it provides a villager’s birthday gift okay but on days when no Villager has a birthday the statue has an equal chance of producing Diamond a redeem bar Omni geode or gold bar I don’t know if that’s worth the money at the moment it’s kind of like one of those things of I’ll get it eventually I think I think we’ll leave that for now I don’t want to waste a million when we don’t necessarily need it cuz I’ve I’m friend with everyone every I’ve reached like my 10 stars with everybody so I don’t necessarily need that um if I’d have had the money sooner and remembered about it I may have uh I may have got it um to it’s you know to help with the the Friendship [Music] levels but yeah I don’t feel it’s necessary now it’s not like I’m really giving people gifts or anything now I’m barely speaking to anyone now now we’re top friends with everyone like do I really need to talk to you like do we have to be friends now okay so let’s head back into the shed I’m going to sell the forage stuff woo see we we have loads of diamonds coming out of our crystarium so which we s cell cuz we don’t need the Jade anymore we’ve we’ve done everything that we need to in the minds so I don’t feel like we have to um you know use the Jade for stairs I have like 200 or something of them right [Music] so uh let’s cook some iron okay so we’ll get that on that will help and then let’s just do that we’ve again now low and wood again it’s just a never ending cycle we may have to continue decorating the shed next time we stream this um but at least we’ve got a good start going and we can get um we can at least do you know what I need to I should have put water retaining stuff in in in these can I add that even though it’s growing now can I do that can I add can I add the fertilizer to there do I have any maybe that should be the first question do I have any the fertilizer I’m thinking of I’m stor I’m going to cookies times are hard we only have 4 million gold um where would my fertilizer be with the jumo crop field okay so in here I got a piece of path missing there that’s really annoying me right so not that right Deluxe only have one only have one because I was required to make one so I made one okay so that’s what we’re going to get I wonder if I can make more I need 24 and now iron is ready throw that in there right and let’s see if we can make oh perfect so what did I say we need 24 we’ve got one so 23 my cat is screeching he’s being fed he’s fine I don’t know if you guys can hear him or not if he’s loud enough to be heard he is quite vocal that’s a different one to the one that’s just been in here I have two guys please don’t eat my grass right so I can oh perfect I W have to water these now I forgot you could do this okay so we just need eight more C eventually what I might do is when these have finished is just take six and sit them behind here but I like how that looks I’m I’m yeah I’m liking that do we like do we not like let me know I won’t be offended if you don’t like it it’s fine you don’t like my design I won’t cry I promise right um let’s what is I going to do oh let’s go and buy the things that we need for this see I’d rather use my money to to get this little Quest challenge done um then waste some money on a statue that gives me things that okay sure I could you know might come in handy but don’t necessarily need or require so we’re going to buy hello hello hello people right we’re going to buy 100 of these okay and then 100 spaghetti so we’ve got green oh I’ve done 101 never mind so we’ve got green and red and then we’re going to um 100 of this you just have to bear with me with this I’m sorry takes a little while so how’s everyone day been tell me what you’ve been up to I’d like to know how was was your weekend we’ve had a weekend what was everyone doing at the weekend I played a whole lot of stue Valley the weekend PC stue Valley uh with mods and we actually we were playing cuz I’m playing with my uh my bestie and uh we were playing the um we’re doing stu um Valley expanded and it’s so much fun you’re going to get a tmy ache don’t worry I’m not eating I’m not drinking at all uh Mr key may get stomach ache I don’t drink Coca-Cola I definitely would drink joa Cola yeah we Stu expanded is so good and the mods I think we have a fair few mods that we’re playing with um but it’s it just makes the game so nice um we’ve got to i’ I’ve put there’s one actually that I need to add to the list that I put in uh the Discord so um if you want to see the mods list that we’re playing with um if you go into if you want to join the Discord there is a a it’s the link is pinned um to the top of the chat uh oh Clint is not around so we’ll we’ll go see Clint tomorrow let’s go and we going to go get some sap that’s our yellow thing um but yeah we need to we we’ve just got a a recolor interior mod which goes with the um the recolor for the rest of the game so it it all matches but it just makes the it just makes the the game look not as vibrant I guess just like a little bit more natural um okay so we want so we have green red blue this is our yellow okay and then so we have we’ve got red orange we’re going to go buy um some Copper from Clint tomorrow we have yellow we have green we have blue so [Music] purple maybe we use see I was using we have yeah let’s use the void essence cuz we’re not really using that for anything else and I don’t have the book meet and even though that looks pink apparently it’s class as purple so right there we go so we have all that stuff ready um okay let’s have a look at some decoration I just thought we we need to make our we need to make our shed look like pretty I could take that we’re going to put I’ll do that um I don’t like the cactus little pant so we’re not going to bother with that uh let’s see what else maybe we we going um we could go and raid the go and see what the uh we’re going and put these stuff in but then we can we can have a look at the um in the catalog and see what other plants we can get I think we need a couple more uh lamps in there as well at the back um so we are going to have oh no it’s going to be off center oh I hate I hate I hate I hate no oh no no we can’t put that down anywhere no down there oh I don’t like I’m not sure I’m not sure right we can’t have the rug we can’t have that rug anyway let’s go see what else we can do let’s go to the catalog and see we’ll get some plants um we need a couple of we need wood though but we need a couple of lamps uh catalog is this way unless we we could put these ones in I think are the ones that are in the other sheds that might be quite nice yeah we’ll do that and then let’s have a look and just we’ll just grab like random plants like one of a few want the taller ones that one we could maybe put a couple of bookshelves that might be quite nice yeah let’s go see let’s go see what what what we can do with this go down here must remember go see Clint tomorrow and then we can get that challenge done okay so let’s um we need to pick up this see these aren’t very very light but I just I think that look nicer and then we can put one there in that corner and then we’ll put one in the other Corner over there and then a bookshelf that one there yep okay and we can just fill this with some plants on this side and do the same on this side nope oh it looks okay do we like do we not I kind of like that we definitely need a a rug of some description I feel I’m not sure about this plant maybe we change that for something else yeah maybe maybe this goes down here in the corner I can go and get another one of those put in the other corner know we like a little bit of symmetry here I don’t mind asymmetry but it is always nice to you know my brain I think is definitely happier with the symmetry so we could we could definitely go and uh and grab another one of those punts pretty sure it’s in this catalog right yes there we go and then let’s have a look at the rugs maybe just a small one maybe we just go for a little cottage one that might that might be okay we need something that’s going to go next to the fireplace so why don’t we do a little bedsid like a little side table the end table um I usually go for warn up but maybe in here we’ll do oak and then let’s see what could we pop on it what could we put on it maybe we just put like a a a a pale ale or something on it like a little drink or something something do we have something in here no perfect we’ll find something yeah maybe yeah I think maybe we put like the um the the pale ale once we’ve made one cuz in the cell we have on the table in the sell um a bottle of wine so it’s like a kind of like tasting the wine so maybe we do something like that and we have some I’m not going to put I’m not going to put the beer the beer looks the beer doesn’t look great yeah that’s okay right I’m not going to fill those up we’re going to wait for everything else to be done now I think that looks okay I kind of like that we’ve worked with what we’ve got we just need the extra kegs now which we can’t get until we get the uh the wood and we can’t do that till we have the trees um oh I didn’t put that plant back in there so we’re going to we’ll go do that um but we’re going to sleep so we will sleep I will put the rug back in the uh the crafting shed and then I’ll put the plant in the new shed that we’ve just put together and then we will go by the the copper we need from Clint and then we’ll go to Ginger Island and grab the um I’ve got my tea in my hand um so I can’t I’m about to take a drink um and then yeah we’ll go get the the copper we need from Clint and then we’ll go Singer Island and hand all of that stuff in and get some more of the key gems and then we’ll clear the ginger Island farm and get all of that stuff sold oh missed picking that up um okay we have some cash back from Pier that’s wonderful let’s do this we’ll just quickly throw that stuff in there um rug go in there all right so let’s now run down to the shed oh we need to make a sign as well we can’t we can’t do that until we have wood everything is is all now dependent on trees essentially which is great oh we have some more beer okay cool right um what was I doing this little this little to tree is going in the corner right so what do we think do we like this I kind of think it’s nice and cozy in here and I could always uh I could always take out oh you know maybe maybe we take out this row and put more hops in maybe that’s what we do you see this one of me when I say I’m like indecisive and and play around with when I’m decorating and changing my mind okay how many CS have we going got spare we now have four spare well that works out okay so now we don’t need to make any more CS um so we now just need need let’s go and pick up that we have other jobs that we need to do but let’s just pick up the um we can do we can finish this off on tomorrow oh let’s put that back down where it belongs right so we have that oh dare me right let’s sell those okay right let’s head to Clint um we can go the quick way we’ll use the mine cart uh town oh dang it dang it dang it dang it okay then um so Clint tomorrow we have enough days though so that’s fine uh let’s just still go to Ginger Island um because what we can do is clear clear the farm oh yes thank you Mr Stingray need that right so I should be able to go to the beach though there we go okay and then we can put the things that we already have in the Box at Mr key so then that’ll clear those out of our inventory let’s get this down so we can run a little bit faster so yeah let’s go and get these um these things put in so then it’s just the copper that we’ll be missing and then we can we can run back here tomorrow and once we’ve got it bought and do that cuz I have nothing else like orange that I’m aware of anyway or that I have enough of uh so here we go okay so yeah we just have the orange missing now yeah I did yeah yes right okay right trees you need to grow [Music] faster so let’s clear out this so we have bananas and mango did I miss okay let’s get all of this stuff cuz this will bring us in a fair chunk of money which good I still have forgotten the sprinklers for the uh I have the fairy Rose growing up the top so I need to uh I do that I could do with maybe setting up something down the bottom with the uh the the beehives and the F RS maybe down down this side so I don’t forget about them okay grab all the things I need to check the greenhouse as well cuz I think my ancient fruit in the greenhouse should be ready okay let’s sell all of this the only thing we aren’t selling I’m just going to sell that that’s well it’s fine um we won’t sell the normal coffee but everything else we’re going to sell apart from the ancient fruit as well we keep that that goes in chests um in the the ancient fruit chests get turned into wine okay we have our little hot peppers and pineapples but this Farm makes a decent amount when it’s all fully grown I noticed um so we’ll get a nice chunk of money from this also need to remember that I we’ve done this we’re going to head home we’ll pick the tea as well this is all going to be going um yeah the row of the row of tea I think we’re going to we’re going to get rid of that and then we will um we’ll replace it with um grapes and beans so how many is that one two three four five one two three four so that’s 10 so if we do 10 grapes and then 10 beans I think that’ll that’ll cover those the only issue then is the um is watering um I might just have to stick some sprinklers in front of them I might have some spare idian sprinkles somewhere I think maybe so we’re going just stick those in front of them so let’s tidy that up we can’t get into town to buy the things that we need but we can tidy up this here for now and then yeah the sprinkler will go so we need four sprinklers we can we can do that I might even swap that out off stream maybe we could do it do it tomorrow you do it tomorrow it’ll be fine okay right let’s jump home hey doggo okay yeah oh we have’t I need to put the deluxe um fertilizer in those as well down here I just noticed every time you pick the crops the time stops I think I’ve ever noticed that before if you guys noticed that the time flashes as I’m picking the crops did not realize that it does it when it when you eat I know that cuz everything when well only in single player I have to say time does not stop when you’re in multiplayer but yeah it’s uh I never noticed that before the time flashing okay going to top that up while I go past grab these okay all the fruit there we go right let’s go and sell some things and then put the ancient fruit stuff away all of that okay and then let’s grab this stuff oh I’ve just picked a tush I didn’t mean to all right let’s grab this stuff and uh yeah we don’t need all of that so what have you picked guys oh tea leaves okay cool thank you let’s grab all of these I think I might just sell them let’s run down this side get all of this stuff here we go how oh this is already okay right so let’s uh yeah we’re just going to sell them we’ll we’ll sell that we’ll get some money back we’ll get some money back on our spare spaghetti it’s fine right uh we need to get all of this this is star fruit wine um do I have we don’t have a lot of star fruit we have so much ancient fruit though which is good because we have a shed with other 100 CS in it so let’s uh start off with the star fruit and then let’s move on to the ancient fruit need to watch the time because we are going to go to the Festival okay L remember we need to put that in there there we go I did it it’s like the biggest achievement of this entire stream remembering to put something in the cake outside is this all done yes look at all this we have some casks free in the cellar so we’re going to fill those up as well um I think I’ll just put the ancient fruit in there maybe oh no I’ve missed a bottle I’ll get it on the way around I do love that sound there we go and then down this side see I changed the floor and the and the wall in here as well so it looks a little bit nicer it’s not just like the bright orange yellow whatever color it was it’s like a yellowy color isn’t it always inside these these sheds it’s not pretty okay don’t think I’ve missed anything so far come on no everything’s moving so far I think oh missed you okay me grab that and fill that yep okay yeah everything still we still not missed anything okay that one there perfect okay and then let’s put one in there and then we’re going to put those in there and then the normal ones can go back up here and they’ll go in here okay and then we need to put some things away and then the kegs are going to have to go in here with that oh and oh no hang on can we make do n what are we missing refined quartz okay let’s get that cooking come on right and then that goes in there like that right next job is to put the dragon tooth in here so I think we’re up to three we need 10 um right and then we need to put the wine in here oh come on don’t be awkward don’t have time for this I have a festival to go to I don’t know why it does that that way very frustrating right we can sell the rest and then we’ll make our way to town perfect okay what are we doing tomorrow on our last day we always do a week so Sunday is going to be our last day um we’re now early great which is uh a trait of mine I like to be early to things what are we doing tomorrow oh we need to go to Clint to get the copper and then we need to run that over to uh Ginger Island do you have anything that we need oh we have that rare cow that’s fine don’t think we need anything else do we no right so let’s be really antisocial about this and we’re not going to speak to anyone we are here for one purpose and one purpose only a golden pumpkin oh let’s head around here horrible [Music] spiders don’t like it it be cool is if in the update when it eventually comes to the console that ohang there we go that the uh the maze has changed yay got a golden [Music] pumpkin we can sell that now and get some money oh out we come yeah be interesting if the I mean I can’t I don’t think that will be the case I don’t think the uh the maze will have changed um it’ be interesting if it does I think when it does come to console um oh why did I go the long way around um when when we do eventually get the one six on Console cuz I play on switch to stream um we will be starting new Farm cuz I know there’s a new Farm type so I want to start a new stream farm for us so we get to experience the new Farm we’re just going to go home I don’t want to speak to anyone okay um so yeah we’re going to uh we [Music] will we’ll play on the new Farm but we’ll we’ll do we’ll go to like all the festivals and everything and and see if anything’s changed I know I think there’s maybe new ones I’m not not sure um so that’ll be interesting like if we come AC past like anything Festival wise like that’s new um yeah I’m looking forward to like exploring the update with you guys on stream when it comes to uh to the console it’s going to be a while which is fine because I would I the the goal for this Farm is to reach Perfection before the 1.6 update comes out whether that happens or not I don’t know I feel like that is probably doable um because it seems to be taking so long hey JJ welcome I hope you are well and having a good day so far and uh I’m guessing you’re at work I hope work is going well yeah May oh we need sprinklers don’t we for the uh Ginger Island so maybe we steal these sprinklers rather than make we need four of them just very carefully take them away from here yeah I think maybe I don’t know maybe we we do something decorative here oh we’ve got another giant one we’ve got four four giant pumpkins now I’m so glad that I decided not to pick them this is great where to go PLO I’m so happy boss decided it was a good day to voice grievances oh no do you don’t need that along with the oh oh dear oh oh I’m sorry I’m sorry you’ve had to experience that that’s not fun let’s uh get this sord and then we can pumpkins can go in here there we go um let we could do something with the rarecrows in here or we just we keep the it’s going to be winter so there’s nothing really to plant in here for winter so we’ll just we’ll leave it with just the giant crops I think through winter uh and then maybe maybe we then um we just we plant crops that we know aren’t going to turn giant we’ll pop him in there oh I don’t want to do that and then yeah maybe we figure this out um we make a load more aridium Sprinklers and things and make that into a a bigger plot ‘s let’s go see Clint they’re going on a two we vacation and you’re looking you’re looking for another job while they’re gone uh so it be a good time off yeah oh I hope you’re able to find something else there’s no point staying in a in a job if it’s not fun it makes you then not want to go and that’s not great you if you think about it most like especially if you work fulltime you spend more time at your job than you maybe do at home and yeah you want to make sure that you are uh enjoying what you’re doing than lint okay let’s uh we’ll run down here go this way down to the beach yeah I hope you I hope you’re able to find something um and then you can uh you can change something that maybe is a a nicer environment for you to be in it’s yeah it’s it’s not it’s not good if you’re in a a working environment that is you know affecting you negatively I’ve been there many years ago and it’s what’s that is it’s usually you start out where you you really enjoy the job you know obviously like you get the job I loved my job um one of the jobs that I had many years ago but yeah it just it went South after a few years um and just it wasn’t great Jo I’ve come here and I haven’t bought the crops that I need from Pier so we’re going to do some back and forth we’re going to we’ll go back grab the crops that we want we wanted I think 10 what did I say 10 grapes and 10 green beans and then we’ll get those planted and then that Jobster and we can get our stuff here there we go 45 okay so that means I think we can get one of these recipes so let’s get this so then we just need that so that’s cool and I think that that last recipe that we need is going to be our final crafting recipe that we need dancing veggies it’s I should pick it to be honest but it’s fine where it is can stay there is ginger right so what we will do is let’s put this in place is this will water the crops that we’re going to grow here so we might as well get our final crop of tea from this place it was nice having tea on the island but yeah I I think we need cuz then we’ll have I think all of the crops that um that keep producing Ginger you like ginger I’m not a fan I have to say it’s a little bit too I don’t like spicy for me I don’t mind it in a tea if it’s like mixed with something in a tea and it’s not like ginger is the predominant um flavor so it’s not too strong like ginger taste but I say 10 10 of these things so 10 and then where is where is where is have I gone past them I have I gone past no where are they there there we go cool thank you light is okay Right Back to the Island Ginger turmeric do you know I can’t have turmeric um why can’t I have I’m not allergic to it it’s not one of the things I’m allergic to um it’s not recommended for people um with I think it’s thyroid issues and also my my my thyroid um issue that I have which is it’s autoimmune it’s not just like a an underactive thyroid it’s a I have an autoimmune condition that it causes an issue for my thyroid um but it also can um one of the symptoms can it can cause me to have like heart palpitations now and again I had some over the weekend actually they are not fun um and turmeric isn’t great for like that kind of thing so yeah I uh I can’t have cuz it’s very good for a lot of things um so yeah sadly I am not able to have it though it sounds like it’s starting to rain here which is fine by me so let’s do the Great on this side uh let’s choppy these down bye T you were great just no longer need you oh that didn’t quite work out right did it you technically shouldn’t have it but every once in a while ah yes as long as it’s you don’t feel too bad with it when you do have it that’s kind of like my thing I um you know sort of kind of like see how far far how much you can get away with um but yeah I uh I used to be a little bit like that with um egg and dairy but yeah she um I then was like nope it was just making me too sick this is going well I hope so I think I’ve done just about everything I wanted to do let’s get this watered so then they will start to grow coffee is is a bigger problem uh see I don’t like coffee so I shouldn’t have caffeine um but I am not giving up my tea I can’t eat proper chocolate I’m not giving up my tea That’s non-negotiable I say proper chocolate I can’t have milk chocolate let’s let’s clarify that better shall we it is really raining right let’s head home and put these little pots oh do you know I didn’t buy more hops it’s raining here too right I will I will have to buy more hops what I might do is um play the first week of winter or no no I won’t actually CU then we can we can organize the farm and do things oh right what did oh pickled wheat sure okay yeah cuz that’s a real life thing right Pi are wheat uh let’s uh let’s stick some of these in here we’ll have some pickle tea cuz that’s really appetizing you cry someone told you you couldn’t have dark chocolate see dark chocolate’s fine cuz there’s no dairy in it is there so look at this looks I’m really happy with how this shed has come out I don’t know about you guys whether you guys like it or not but I I I like how this is is looking wheat berries yeah sure right let’s uh let’s grab all of this stuff while we come past here it’s suddenly gone very very dark here it looks exactly like my game I just need to make two more little clay pots little plant pot things which we should be able to do now we’ve got all the quartz oh well we will have when they go where they’re supposed to go put that away as well those right so we just need two more of those do we have a sign anywhere no so we’ll make a sign next time we get some um some wood so yeah I uh we will be doing some some more tree chopping and some we’ll sort out the farm the layout and everything um let’s those there oh let’s go and make as well while we’ve got time um you a peaceful environment with your shed oh thank you that’s exactly what we were going for let they just make a bunch of chests and store them in sheds yeah see I have I have that with um with this shed here this is kind of like my my crafting shed with the things inside it and then I’ve got furnaces and my crystarium and stuff going on in here um this shed over here which is where we need to go this is a produce shed so this has the fruits and the vegetables and the forage all in it and then extra seeds in there um and then I have a shed which basically just has all of the um oh I need to sell these that has the um need to go back in here actually make 12 of the fertilizer stuff that we need where is it where’s the look oh it’s here it’s moved so we need to with that um yeah then we have I have just a shed full of Cs what was the new thing that we just got oh this the hyper grow okay right well there we go we’ve made it we’ve done it we’ve made it right let’s go quickly um we’ll put this fertilizer stuff in the chest that I’ve got in here cuz I won’t put it in the little pots until um we have the Hops in there so there we go done yeah I uh I’m a little bit I like decorating um this this is where the the decoration side of this game is what feeds my creativity thank you um so I uh I can go for so long doing all the farming things but then I have to decorate so yeah I uh and if if I don’t I I I can really feel it affects my mood quite a bit um if I’m not able to have a creative Outlet in some form uh when I’m when I’m playing uh games and things except for I don’t mind too much like with with something like Zelda um I mean t of a kingdom we have that like creative side now with all the Z nice stuff that you can create um but that because there’s so much like Adventure stuff to it I don’t I don’t need the creative side to that game but stuff like this and like Animal Crossing and things I definitely do and yeah so we had a stream where I basically spent the entire pretty much the entire time in the mines oh look at all this stuff um we’re just going to sell it all I know okay so that’s fine so really can sleep I just I want I want the main a I need to collect the things cuz it’s getting late we’re just going to sell everything and see all of the monies that we get um but yeah I I I I did that entire stream and I kind of struggled towards the end and uh don’t pick and sleep stop and yeah I got to a point I was just like I can’t I can’t do this anymore like I have to have that creativity she like when game developers acknowledge the freedom to be creative yeah I like that that’s why I like Minecraft um creative mode especially um so I just have access to everything and can build whatever I want and explore a little bits and that kind of thing well that’s small things like passible animals go Zelda yeah I know that I think was my biggest disappointment with that game and it was the first thing that I did when I found a dog was go and try and pet it and I was so sad I was so very sad that you couldn’t do that that would have just made that game even better if we could pet those dogs at the Stables it would have been wonderful it have been like game of the year like 10 years in a row because you can just you can pet the dogs okay that is it guys we have decorated our shed and we have done other things as well I feel like we’ve had a a good productive uh time on the farm this stream which has been great we have things done we have done our tool enchantments and we have decorated our shed those are the two main things that we need to do we just need to put some hops into the little pots that we’ve got left um which we can do next time uh we’ll be heading into winter oh no yeah winter it’s there should be snow outside there should be snow right yes we have snow this is where my farm looks so Bland and awful um but yeah so we will do that next time we’ll just some rearranging the things on the farm as well next time but we’ve got a lot done which is good and we’re edging ever closer to the 10 million that we need for our golden clock which is great but thank you so much for joining me this evening um it’s been lovely just like hanging out and chilling and being all cozy doing some farming with you guys and um I will be back on Wednesday when we finally get to get back into uh mano’s night market and find cats you can pet the cats in that game um that is incredible they Pur and it’s just it’s just amazing so I’m really looking forward to getting back into that I did rewatch my original my first stream of that so what I’ll do is um in the if you keep an eye out in the community tab tomorrow I will link the first stream for you guys to watch if you missed it so you can kind of catch up on what we’ve done um in that game so far cuz we won’t be restarting I’ll just be picking up from where we left off and um yeah but it’s a fun little cute coer game so I’m looking forward to getting back into that and getting it completed as well so that we have another complete playthrough on the channel which would be great and um but in the meantime guys please take care and stay safe whatever you’re doing for the rest of your day and have a great day tomorrow and if you want to follow me on my socials they’re all in the description below um I have the Discord as well which is pinned to the chat at the moment so you’re welcome to join the Discord and chat um we have lots of cat Kitt pictures going on in there at the moment um with uh A’s cats and uh and and her little three kittens they are adorable so if you want cat content that’s the place to be um but I will catch you all on Wednesday so take care and thank you so much again bye e e

Welcome! Let’s hang out and cosy game. 🦊

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Stay Safe. Play Cosy Games.

Lo 🦊

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