COCA COLA TSUNAMI vs. Mikey & JJ Doomsday GLASS Bunker – Minecraft (Maizen)

huh I have to watch the news I’ve heard terrible rumors all right then turn on the TV breaking news attention the neighboring Village has been completely destroyed by a tsunami of Coca-Cola what it is moving towards our village save yourself while you have time soon our entire Village will be destroyed to survive all the villagers must hide underground or leave the village the tsunami will soon arrive in our village so hurry up tsunami of Coca-Cola height of 50 m so in the mountains is all also not safe uhoh did you hear that Mikey there’s a huge tsunami coming to the Village yep let’s go outside and find out what’s going on in the village watch all the villagers panicking yep honestly I thought it was all a mistake and there is no tsunami but look how scared the villagers are so everything the reporter said was true all the villagers leave the village they take their resources and run away H see this helicopter woohoo wait take us to although there is no place it’s not fair we could have been saved if he had flown away in a helicopter what do we do the helicopter is leaving I think I figured we should go home trust me Mikey I have a plan look JJ do you have a plan you’re joking about why we have to run home we have to run away from the village hope they can survive we can not escape the tsunami H why do we need these resources what do you want to build tell your plan because I don’t understand anything it’s really very simple we’ll build a shelter so we can wait it out I think it’s useless to run away a tsunami 50 m high so if we hide in the mountains we won’t survive I get it it’s a brilliant plan this is a villager he has Mentos give it back here why did you even Take It Outside listen Mikey we must hide Mentos in our shelter yep you see these villagers are stealing our glass slades they have to drive them away they too want to build a shelter but they have no resources listen to the villagers we’re building a shelter to save ourselves so give us the blocks if you help us you can hide in our shelter there must be enough room for all of us great we’ll help you we don’t want to be hit by a tsunami well unfortunately we don’t have much time we could have built a much better shelter well done don’t forget the tsunami from the Coca-Cola so if the Mentos get into the Coca Cola there will be an explosion great yep we managed to build a bunker now you just have to wait for the tsunami I hope our little shelter will withstand this uh-oh look Mikey it’s her I knew it was a big Coca-Cola wave but I didn’t think it was so big yep what are we going to do now with every minute of the tsunami closer to our shelter don’t worry everything will be fine our shelter will definitely be able to withstand everything great we were able to survive y I knew we’d make it you were wrong Mikey we’ll be fine woohoo the whole village is covered with Coca-Cola H but the main thing is that we were able to survive now we have to wait until the Coca-Cola disappears I’m so glad your idea worked JJ I can’t imagine what would happen if your plan failed but what are we going to do next you say that Coca-Cola is going somewhere but where listen to the Coca-Cola tasty so there’s no need to be afraid of it what so we’ll go outside now to make sure you guys go wait this is too dangerous wait what are you doing you can’t breathe underwater well if they want to go then let them go they came out of the shelter you see this Mikey I knew this Coca-Cola is too dangerous what happens to them I do not understand why they are thrown in different directions it just can’t be we need to come up with a plan so we can survive I think I understand it all because the water is carbonated H you know what this means JJ we can’t go outside don’t worry Mikey everything will be fine believe me for us to survive we have to save food we can’t just eat what we want so we need to lay out the vegetables so we can see our food stocks so good that we took the vegetables from the garden yep we just have to wait until this is over sooner or later this Coca-Cola will disappear so we just need to wait as much as possible H you really think this is going to work I think it’s an illogical idea idea although there’s nothing we can do so we’re supposed to wait what happens when the food runs out have you thought about that don’t worry Mikey I’ve already come up with a little action plan we ran out of food how could this happen I thought there would be enough food for a longer time Mikey how do you feel I’m hungry too but I’m out of food I can’t it feels like my stomach’s going to eat itself look I have a plan we can eat properly let’s eat Mentos and drink this Coca-Cola then we can definitely eat what do you say OU what are you doing Mikey are you out of your mind why did you take away my Mentos we have no more food what do we do then you know what would happen if you threw Mentos in Coca-Cola OU and you’re suggesting a Mentos Cola which is a terrible idea I’ll hide the Mentos from you don’t worry Mikey I’ll go outside and try to get resources where can you find food and how can you breathe underwater H drink this Coca-Cola remember Mikey if you drink Mentos with Coca-Cola you will explode don’t worry Mikey I have a plan oh I will put a glass block on my head and then I will be able to breathe underwater all genius is very simple I know that there was another bunker in the village we will have to go there yep you just have to guard our shelter H how I want to eat I am so hungry maybe I should eat Mentos after all I have to build a fence around the Mentos so you can’t take it Mikey you don’t have to eat that Mentos remember that when I come back I’ll have plenty of groceries and while you’re at it and while I’m gone I’ll give you three bottles of Coca-Cola you can drink it Coca-Cola will help you to drown out the hunger but before that we will need to find food I’m going outside and you’re not going anywhere great the helmet works just as I thought I can swim under this water so now I have to find some food H how many villagers have suffered from this Coca-Cola I don’t have much time I must hurry I have to find as much food as possible as it is good that the village had a lot of gardens I need to swim to other Gardens the village is very badly damaged hope I can restore it I found enough wheat to make bread maybe I could find a carrot I know Mikey loves it h i have to be careful villagers can hit me because Coca-Cola is a soda there are geysers I have to be very careful and I don’t happen to get caught in this Vortex fine these are potatoes now I can completely quench my Hunger when I return to the shelter I will make french fries hope this food lasts for a few days H how did this house not flood well I can get the resources I just need the stone I can make a furnace or expand and my shelter I don’t think there’s anything useful here anymore H I need to swim further I cannot stay in one place too long I wonder what I can find next great there’s potatoes here too now I’m sure I have enough food for a few days at least I have to get back to my Hideout but before that I want to see what’s in the second layer H there’s an iron hatch how good is it that there are no monsters from Coca-Cola I’ll break the hatch with a pickaxe I wonder what’s at the bottom right I forgot I have to get back to Mikey he’s starving H but first i’m going to swim to the vegetable garden where the carrots are if I can collect large amounts of carrots I can make soup well there are even more carrots than I thought there’s a Vortex around me we have to sail away from it as I recall there are no more gardens H does it seem like this is our house it is partially saved hope the chests are not damaged there are little crabs fine I will tolerate crab meat great I’m very lucky most of the chests are destroyed but it’s not a problem H I’ll take all the furniture I’ll need it I’m going to need those monitors I still got three pieces of crab meat I have to get the bed so I can sleep in the Shel shter because I’m sick of sitting on the floor great there’s a chest here I need it now I have furniture I can decorate my shelter H maybe some other houses were not hurt although I did look all over the village so it’s unlikely honestly I have to figure out what to do with this cocacola I thought that in time it would disappear because the sun would evaporate water H we need to hurry up and get to my Hideout as fast as possible because Mikey’s really hungry H I wonder how Mikey feels now I hope he didn’t eat Mentos great I can’t so good we have a shelter I have good news Mikey I could find food I have delicious gifts for you why did you eat all the Mentos how do you feel about Mikey I’m sorry JJ I wanted to eat so much what I ate the whole pack of Mentos but now I’m getting a really bad itch in my throat can you give me a Coca-Cola what are you doing driving me here what have you done to Mikey I told you that if you mix Coca-Cola and Mentos it will explode I thought you were just joking you’d say you meant it what what to do then I’m very thirsty I have a sore throat do you have an idea or a plan I will make you a cage sit here and do not go anywhere here’s a normal food don’t worry Mikey I’ll think of something while I was swimming outside I got a lot of food I even found your favorite carrot now I have to somehow from Coca-Cola get water is that why I always get in trouble for you H I hope you succeed I don’t want to explode because I ate the instant what are you going to do now how are you going to get water H I don’t know yet better take food this food you can eat woohoo I have one idea I’m not sure it will work oh you can do this JJ H I made a small pot of glass now I can get water huh I don’t understand what you want to do tell me again only slowly what do you want to do when I boil Coca-Cola the steam that comes out of it is just pure water great you’re a genius JJ nobody could have figured that out but you H so when I can get water my throat is really itchy for now I have no water but a few more minutes and I’ll have bottles of water so now we’ll have water great unfortunately only three Bott of water drink fine thank you JJ I don’t know what I would have done if you weren’t there I have a lot of work to do I can’t let you out you have Mentos in your belly now I’m making food for you now we will have clean water so don’t worry by the way I was able to get crab meat I want to explore the rest of the village fine if I get hungry I’ll have food need to collect all the glass bottles that are standing on the floor I need to get get as much water as possible I want us to have a shelter a supply of food and water so we never go hungry again I like it it’s a good idea what are you going to do now H our shelter is getting better it will be possible to put here the furniture that I found in my flooded house oh were you at our house why didn’t you tell me you need to bring me my things they were in the chests on the second floor our house is flooded and all the chests are broken the only thing I found was some furniture H it’s a shame I hope we can rebuild our house when all this is over H I wonder when the Coca-Cola will disappear and what if it never goes away I will furnish your cage with Furniture so the food is on the floor I will put the table listen JJ you know there’s a trap door in front of our shelter right if you go outside you’ll need to swim there as far as I remember there is a heating system for the whole village behind that hatch do you understand what that means Mikey sit in your cage for now I will go outside side H if everything Mikey said is true then all the Coca-Cola will boil I hope you’re right Mikey I swam I couldn’t break the grid last time so I’ll use the trick I’ll make the plate move great it really worked this is the same heating system so Mikey was right H now I have to figure out how to turn it all on like nothing happens maybe one of these buttons or levers activates the heating system why nothing works H why doesn’t it turn on maybe the heating system is broken I think I got it these magma cubes should be running cable but it’s breaking I have to pick up from the floor of redstone dust and run a new cable H hope then the heating system will work not much left so hope it works I connected the cable but it’s not enough H I have to run another cable to a huge lava flask it will be funny if I plug everything in the heating system will still not work I need to assemble from the floor redstone dust and make another cable seems like nothing complicated well I think that’s enough to make a cable I have to connect this cable to another cable honestly I’m a little confused H we need to redo the cable a little bit how it got tired of it when it’s all over great now you have to press the main button hope it all works strange why that didn’t work well it seems to have worked what an unusual sound now I have to get out of here H I need to hide in my shelter now the Coca-Cola will get a little warmer but first I have to get out of here we have to make a button and open the hatch and it’s not as easy as it looks it was uncomfortable holding on to the ladder at the same time and the button was tired H well I got out it was a little more complicated than I thought so soon all the Coca-Cola will evaporate now I’m safe to be honest I already feel the cola is starting to heat up but now I’m safe I have good news Mikey you were right behind the hatch was the heater I activated it so soon all the Coca Cola will disappear I can’t believe my eyes I really did it worked look Mikey there’s no more Coca-Cola y we managed to survive after all correctly that we built a shelter not started to run away H the village is not so badly damaged so we can rebuild everything to be honest I still can’t believe we did it it wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be I mean you did good JJ it was very difficult to be honest I myself did not think that I would succeed but first we need to cure all the vill villagers y the villagers will wake up soon

COCA COLA TSUNAMI vs. Mikey & JJ Doomsday GLASS Bunker – Minecraft (Maizen)

This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters.

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