I Survived 100 Days as a LAVA WOLF in HARDCORE Minecraft

on day one I spawned in as a baby lava wolf in the middle of a forest in front of me were the rest of my wolf pack but they were all normal it worked with you my boy we may be able to win this war a war no they found us charging in entered an army of tigers they were way stronger than my people and took them out with ease hey leave them alone I ran in but out of anger I accidentally shot lava out everywhere wao I have lava Powers I can’t control them ah the Wolves Last Hope once I Crush you little lava wolf your Forest will be in our control I was about to be taken down by the tiger leader but no just give up you can’t stop this little one col the lava Crystal it’s the only way to win this war leave now on day two I was running for my life as I ran more of the Tigers kept charging through the bushes of the trees trying to slash me down it wasn’t long though until I came across the large lava Crystal I was looking for my leader wanted me to find this I ran towards the special rock but before I could grab it it was destroyed by players shards of of it began to fly in the air and Scattered throughout the world no now what am I supposed to do what the heck man all of the loot just flew away wait look that wolf is lava I know I want him as a pet a pet I began to run away but before I could they threw poison on me causing my vision to get blurry ah I woke up and saw that I was trapped in a cage in the middle of a competition players were lined up all around competing in different games wait a minute are they that’s right ladies and gentlemen today we are competing to see who the best of the best is and the prize is that lava wolf as a p oh no I’m in trouble yeah you are huh I turned to see in the cage with me was a little Forest Square I was caught a few days ago and they’ve been competing for me ever since look the entire Forest is at risk okay I got to get out of here out of panic I shot out a lava blast Breaking Me free time to go I began to make my way out of the Arena but as I was I saw that one of the lava Crystal fragments was off in The Stance CH lava resistance it up brother let’s party they’re using it as a hot tub not on my watch I quickly ran my way over and jumped in to grab the crystal as I did something began to happen I upgraded into a larger lava wolf I was Stronger and my claws were sharper wo the lava Crystal makes me stronger but I was then cut off by dude he ruined our hot tub oh my goodness lava wall it’s trying to escape stop it all of the surrounding players pulled out swords and Bones they’re going to try to tame me not good charge on day four all of the players charged in some were trying to slash at me with their swords While others just kept trying to feed me bones nice little Wolfie eat it stay away from me in my newly upgraded form I was able to send out a wave of molten lava what the he’s stronger now that’s right everyone back off with my increase in strength all of the players were afraid and ran away you think you could scare me not a CH that’s right eat my acorns uh thanks it looks like the lava wolf has risen you know me you kiding the whole forest does a war with the Tigers has gone on for centuries but at this rate they’ll win and claim our home it said that the lava wolf would rise and use the power of the sun to bring peace power of the sun no pressure right oh no the two of us quickly ran for cover and it wasn’t long until we reached a safe hideout in the forest W if I’m truly meant to stop this war then it’s time I start acting like this forest’s protector on day five I got to work building myself a den within The Hideout I even added an extra sleeping quarters for any of my pack I managed to find I looked out and saw that my squirrel friend found himself a nice tree to live in as well you can call me chip nice to meet you chip I went out and search of any food for home but as I did I came across destruction the Tiger must have done all of this they’re ruining my home what the wait a wasp you you did this no dude it wasn’t me but the WASP didn’t listen and began to charge after me ah hey leave me alone you’ll pay for this I wanted to fight back but the poison was extremely lethal towards me one more hit and I was done for I had half a heart and was dodging each of its things left and right I turned a corner and had the horrible realization that I ran straight to the wasp’s main Nest oh no look what I brought in the one damaging the forest well well well you are in big trouble on day six I was completely surrounded by the deadly wasps listen to me I wasn’t the one who damaged the forest let’s just take him down already one of them char Ed in but I pushed him away now out of my way I was about to leave when I saw that the Wasps had one of the lava Crystal fragments W you’re strong I see yeah so back off that lava crystal is mine and I’m taking it you want it follow me I followed the waser until making it to the edge of a hot desert our greatest enemy lives in the this desert the Exterminator he’s hurt many of my people if you go and stop him you will prove your innocence to me and shall take that fragment you want you’ve got yourself a deal with that I went through the desert it wasn’t long until I arrived at the Exterminator main base okay just have to take him down this should be a piece of cake I walked in fully ready to face my foe but oh boy aren’t you you the cutest little thing ever you’re the Exterminator you’re the nicest person ever you’re so adorable I must capture you oh that makes more sense here we go on day seven I was facing off against the Exterminator even though he was an old man he was tough he had deadly poisonous gas in his Arsenal and have the brute strength of nothing I’d ever faced before I’ll squash you look a b too ah stay away I ran throughout the hallways and managed to close a door behind me open this door oh no what now ah let me guess you fell for the whole old nice guy thing didn’t you wait a second a bunch of ants can you guys help me take this guy down nope not without our Queen fre I looked up to see their Queen was captured at the top of the room I better hurry I began to jump and make my way towards her oh no you don’t he tried to shoot out spews of poisonous gas at me but I did my best and dodged out of the way you’re crazy man after enough dodging I made it to the queen hey I’m here to free you please help me we’ll do I opened her cage which opened the rest of the ants the Exterminator had one good look around and now realized that he was was surrounded well this isn’t good on day eight the ants and I were all teaming up against the Exterminator they were fire ants and had fire abilities of their own yeah who’s larger now you punk he tried his best to run away but we blocked him off and took him down I regret everything yes we did it thank you so much it’s true the lava wolf is a savior I’m just trying to do what’s right why don’t you guys stay with me for a while I still have a place in the forest where it’s safe the ants agreed and we split ways I arrived back at the wasp’s nest and they were so relieved to see that I took him down wao you did it thank you dearly go ahead the fragment is all yours yes I went over and collected the lava Crystal fragment because of this I grew stronger once again I now had sharper Fang and a larger and stronger body with 15 hearts wo I feel amazing time to tell Chip the good news with that I left the wasp’s nest and was making my way back home but I was surprised to see on the way back hiding weaker than ever was my pack leader boo you’re are alive yeah and from the looks of things you barely are we then heard Roars off in the distance come on follow me I was able to bring my pack leader all the way back to my Hideout where the fire ants were waiting rest up for now I’ll check on you soon after enough work I was able to make them a large anill and done thank you so much you have treated us too kindly of course with that I went to check on my leader but he was getting weaker by the second oh no how can I help I have taken too many hits in a matter of days I’m sad to say I will be gone no unless huh unless what I have a bestie who’s an expert at making cures since you helped us out I can bring you to them and you can cure your old grandpa here my leader whatever you want help or not with that I agreed with the ant and followed him out of my base we were approaching the end of the forest when oh no in a matter of seconds a Strang looking tiger jumped out and revealed himself to be a water tiger a Tigers have been getting upgrades of our own and I finally found you I tried to charge it in but he blasted at me with water which was Lethal to me Sal it the fire ant and I began to run away through the forest with the water tiger blasting at us from behind we have to lose him an idea suddenly sparked within me I began to shoot out spews of lava to the trees all around us and because of this it began to spew throughout the floor and slow him down stupid lava nice thinking come on the an and I quickly pushed through and away from the forest now in in front of us was a modern looking neighborhood wo so I can get a cure here yep but it may not be easy why do you say that oh no I looked again and saw that this large town was run by a bunch of cats great the first test was a success yes it was good give it to all our tigers when it’s perfected more transformation will begin on days 13 to 14 the two of us were roaming throughout the modern town he’s around here somewhere I do not like it here we were then brought to a hospital and there inside of it was a lap cat a wolf leave now wait come on I need some help okay I need a cure cure there’s no way I’m helping being a k9 like you come on you owe me fine hair the cat threw me over a book of ingredients get those and bring them back to me okay okay deal I went out of the town and began to collect the necessary resources a few iron ingots check a poppy check and some red wool uh sorry I’m naked as I got the final ingredient I realized I had come across another lava Crystal fragment wo what are the odds I walked over to collect my prize but as I did uh I’m always seen is nothing but bad luck well maybe this will show all those losers wait before I could collect the Crystal the Cat did instead which caused him to grow and grow and grow [Applause] a oh no time to show this town who’s boss on days 15 to 16 the giant cat was charging through the city streets destroying everything oh my goodness everyone run that’s not good I need to get that Crystal back somehow I ran through the chaos and eventually was able to make it to the hospital this is horrible our entire town will be destroyed at this right come on there has to be a way we can stop him think yeah that’s it lead him to this City’s nearest Pond I’ll have a trap ready for you now go we split ways as he headed out of the city and I ran up to the giant cat um I didn’t really think this through nice kitty okay calm down the cat was chasing behind me trying to crush me with each step using my wolf agility I was able to hop on the roof of the homes and used it to gain some distance but the cat was still doing everything it could to take me down come on can’t we just talk about this it wasn’t long until I made it out of the city and to the nearest Pond there waiting for me was the lab cat’s trap okay let’s see if this works no one will get away from Gary oh yeah well I think your name sucks Gary was very very angry with my comment and began to charge towards me I jumped out of the way revealing the large fish that was waiting for him is that a fish oh get me oh I want it he ran towards it and jumped right into the pond because of all the water the lava fragment separated itself from Gary turning him back into a normal cat wo it actually worked with my victory I went over and collected the lava Crystal fragment because of this I upgraded again I now had 20 hearts and felt way stronger than before with my new form I can now let out my very own lava H how which could pierce the ears of my enemies well it looks like a canine can do something right for once come with me sweet I followed the lab cat and gave him all the ingredients I got in return he was able to make me a cure for my pack leader just what I need I guess little cats aren’t so bad huh I still don’t like you noted on days 19 to 21 I returned back to my Hideout I made it back to my leader who at this point was at the brink of death here take this after throwing the cure to him he was instantly healed you saved me I am so proud of you and now that I’m Healed he walked out and howled into the sky what is he doing because of this multiple howls responded to it and other wolves began to find our Hideout through the trees wa you could do that it’s nice some of our people have found us but I know there are more still out there I can feel it well don’t worry I’m going to do whatever I can to help all of us with the increase in wolves I quickly expanded our sleeping quarters so each of them could have their own place to sleep I even added bones throughout so that my people could have a snack score bone as I finished I saw it I saw it huh what are you talking about another lava Crystal fragment I saw it fall right out of the sky I know which way it went really uh bring me there I followed chip until we arrived at the edge of a jungle the Tiger’s domain are you sure it’s in here yes then I have to get it on days 22 to 26 I hesitantly searched through the jungle I looked around I could tell that the animals here were all living in fear those Tigers must have hurt the animals here too poor guys just then I was pushed aside by a cute little lava sapling wo what the wait do you have one of my crystal fragments give me that I chased after the small tree but it knew its surroundings it jumped across a dangerous river and used the Rocks as platforms I can’t let it get away I decided to jump after it as well but when I made it to the other side it was nowhere to be found great now what am I supposed to do what’s that I followed the crying until finding a small little Mushroom in hiding no I don’t mean any harm do you know what you just did to my home I was s to retrieve you your home what did I do the mushroom led me over to a Strang looking Jungle Room wo is this a portal I know you’re trying to get that little lava artifact that sapling found and if you wish to find them then you must join my world I’m sorry your world the mushroom pushed me through the portal wao what the heck I looked around and realized I was now tiny what did you do welcome to my world now follow me on days 27 to 29 I was following the tiny mushroom the world looked so different from my perspective it’s kind of cool yeah until you realize even a chicken could squash you we entered the mushroom’s main home which was tucked away between some leaves and in the middle of it was a giant pow print that left behind pure destruction did I do this yeah you did when you were blindly chasing us after that sapling look I’m sorry I didn’t know it’s fine because you’re going to fix it he threw me over a map follow this bring back the golden bone meal it should restore our home and if you do it will tell you exactly where that sapling likes to hide away okay you got yourself a deal I left and followed the map and it wasn’t long until I arrived at a player’s base I was about to ENT but wa CH Just Fish some sick lit okay I better be careful around here I carefully explored their home making my way past it’s a large farm and entering in its storage room high up I saw that the players Pat a piece of golden bone meal on their desk score on days 30 to 32 I made it onto the desk and grabbed the golden bone meal wo that wasn’t so bad what is that I looked over to see the Giant player had spotted me it’s like even smaller than a Chihuahua and it’s stealing from me the player pulled out an Axe and began to slam down on the desk all around me he was really close to hitting me but I was able to howl lava right towards him ouchie take that with that I managed to escape the player’s base and made my way back to the destroyed mushroom Town W you actually did it don’t sound too surprised there here you go I gave the mushrooms the golden bone meal and they used it on their home because of this it had brought it back to what it once was W that’s sick yes lar sick anyways you held up your end of the deal so it’s fair we do the same I followed the mushroom until making it to the entrance of a scary leaflike cave your smallest effect will wear off suit but you want to find that lava sapling it lives here good luck on days 33 to 35 I entered deep within his home and it was creepy hello I don’t mean any harm just then the sapling dropped down in front of me but he was not cute anymore he was now the size of an entire tree for me and was evil this lava Crystal fragment is mine I was just a tiny little innocent sapling until one day a strange lava artifact Came Crashing Down on to me turning me into this well I’m here to take it back I can help you and return you back into a normal sapling again if you just give it to me no I like the power wait but the sapling didn’t listen he began to laugh maniacally and shoot out very powerful fire blasts my way not only that but he had control over the plant life around him and would trap me in place stop it I was getting extremely low but I suddenly grew a little the effect it’s wearing off take this I fought back now stronger in my larger size the sapling tried its best but I just kept growing and growing until sorry about this I bit at the now tiny sapling which caused the lava Crystal fragment to fall out of him yes I picked it up and upgraded once again I now had 25 hearts and felt incredibly strong man that was a close one looking back I saw the once angry sapling was now back to normal and at peace on days 36 to 39 I regrouped with mushroom well look at you big a again and even stronger I wish I was like that I’m practically defenseless against everything well why don’t you stay with me then it’s the least I can do after you know destroying your home with that me and the mushroom were headed back to my base when we came across a destroyed Village what happened here we looked over and saw a group of water Tigers had cornered the last villager please what did we do to you we’re running this area now with that the tiger slashed at him killing him no come on boys we must get back to Sabertooth they aren’t going to stop until everything is destroyed come on we’re almost home once we got back to my base I quickly made a small home for mushroom ah nice and safe thank you foso don’t mention it now where should I go to find the next Crystal fragments boo I’m so glad you’re safe my boy I’ve been waiting to show you something on days 40 to 44 my pack leader led me over to the edge of a blizzard filled Tundra what’s so special about this place this place holds a mountain that was sacred to our ancestors there one of the oldest of our kind is said to still reside watching over the peak I want you to find him and learn what it means to be a wolf you got it with this I headed off alone inside of the tundra as I journeyed I quickly realized how harsh the blizzard was becoming I can barely see a thing just then I stumbled upon a crater and at its Center was cool the lava did one of the fragments land here where is it now the big guy took it huh turning around I found a snowf fox had been following me did you say the big guy that could be my ancestor can you take me to him I don’t know my memory of this place is kind of fuzzy on an empty stomach if you know what I mean really all right I used my wolf sense of smell to sniff out some food for the fox it was buried under a pile of snow so with my lava claws I was able to melt it down here you go little guy oh boy berries he ate all the berries without hesitation and started to run off yeah try and keep up pal the land of the snow is not forgiven on days 45 to 47 I finally made it to the base of the snowy mountain with the help of the fox the ancient wolf is here huh I started to run up when I’ll just leave you to it then hold on you still haven’t completed your end of the deal you need to take me to him he reluctantly followed me as we made it up to the peak to see there was an ancient werewolf wao I have foreseen you coming to me lava wolf you have yes I have heard about what you’re trying to do but what makes you think you are one of us a true wolf well I’m going to stop saber-tooth and end our war for the forest ah ah yes so you would need this no I looked over and tucked away from the cold was the next lava Crystal fragment yes thanks for keeping it safe in a burst of speed the werewolf cut me off what the hey you can earn this fragment from me if you actually prove your worth by showing me you can hunt all right sounds easy enough what am I hunting him what how did I know this would happen do it but as I turned around the fox had already made a break for it it is the only way now go on days 48 to 52 I ran down the mountain and used my wolf senses to start tracking the fox there you are I left through the tree line and found the fox near a river stay away from me you big jerk come on dude just just let me catch you I’m not going to hurt you no I dealt with this guy before all right he’s no good what are you talking about but before I could get my an he dove into the river and swam across sorry pal no time to explain yeah seriously in my frustration I blasted a nearby tree with my lava causing it to fall over the river and make a bridge uh-oh get back here I continued to to chase him through the tundra until I finally had enough and blasted at the ground all around him all right don’t make me hurt you just play along man I can’t okay he’ll kill me what then out of nowhere the werewolf jumped out and clawed the fox hey finally you caught the little thief time to die wait on days 53 to 56 the werewolf tried to finish off the fox but I rushed in and stood in the way what is going on here this idiot has been stealing my food for weeks he deserves this I just needed some food man you had more than enough that’s not the point well if you want to kill my friend you’re going to have to go through me then so be it he rushed in and we began to fight his massive size and speed were far greater than mine but I would use my lava to cut him off from reaching the fox you really don’t get it what wolf would leave its prey alive he’s not bad he’s my friend the werewolf came in again and slashed me so hard that I was knocked down to only one heart now stay down the werewolf then walked back over to the weak Fox to finish him for good no I Unleashed my new lava house which caused the ice between us to crack and both of us to fall into a cavern below we slammed onto the icy floor below and the Werewolf was not happy you just don’t know when to quit do you some would say that makes me a great wolf he angrily began to attack me again but I knew his attacks this time and was easily able to dodge him I gained some distance and focused my energy into one powerful lava house which struck him head on but how you are so much weaker than me a wolf will always defend one of his pack and because that fox helped me he’s part of my pack now I see would you look at that someone like you teaching an old dog a new trick so be it you have proven yourself to me you may take The Shard yes with that we all made it back to the mountain where I grabbed the next lava Crystal fragment because of this I began to upgrade again I grew much stronger and can now perform a burning Dash attack in my new form sweet so uh does this mean we’re even Mr werewolf sir don’t push your luck copy that I choose life I’ll just you know get out of here and I think I have an idea for where you can go on day 60 to 63 the snowf fox and I made it back to my base ah Foo you’ve returned what did you learn from our Elder that anyone can be part of our pack isn’t that right uh buddy buddy’s my name all right now uh you guys got any food or something whatever with that I built a buddy his own little snow Den in the base I even planted some more berries from the tundra for him to eat whenever he’d want there you go oh wow thank you so much you big scary wolf I’m so proud of you my boy you only need one more fragment with the full Crystal you can finally use the power of the Sun and bring peace to the forest yeah I just hope it’s enough to stop Sabertooth as I said this I heard some unfamiliar voices outside of my base come on the sun island is just the this way Sun Island could that be part of the prophecy I ran out and watched as a group of villagers were heading off in the distance oh my gosh I can’t believe it has the Sunbird really offered his Island as a sanctuary for us yep and when we get there I heard they’re throwing a big Festival too party time huh the Sunbird huh I need to check this out on days 64 to 68 I follow the villagers on until they made it to the coastline where the gorgeous Sunbird Island was connected to the land wo villagers were lining up at the bridge showing the tribal guards some papers all right you’re good hurry along now yippe I walked up to try and cross it but I was stopped your invitation please um I don’t really have one must have got lost in the mail you know then you cannot enter the island oh come on can’t you tell I’m the lava wolf don’t you know about me or something every other wolf that comes by here says it’s the lava wolf yeah how do we know you’re telling the truth huh uh look at me uh no that won’t cut it you got to prove it how jump into the water what are you kidding me that’s going to kill me well suddenly the two birds Rush forward and threw me in wait I’m okay it is him let him throw we got to let him throw on days 69 to 73 I was finally LED along down the bridge and onto the Sunbird island where all the mobs present here were having a party oh my goodness this sun Festival is even better than last year we weren’t invited last year you idiot oh right woohoo I looked across the way and saw a golden Throne where the Sunbird was sitting and beside him was the last lava Crystal fragment here ye here ye this year we will celebrate the sun Festival in honor of this Grand gift from the Sun go be merried things will be underway shortly your majesty this wolf right here is the one the lava wolf oh my do my eyes deceive me they do not your majesty I’ve come here to talk with you and collect that fragment oh this why you can’t take it yet we need it for the festival well I’m sorry but I don’t really have time to hear ye hear ye the festival shall now commence I turned around to see some villagers and tribal Birds lining up at a starting line what’s going on why it’s our annual race around the Sun if you can win it then I will happily reward you with this fragment as I have promised it to the winner on days 74 to 77 I lined up with the other contestants at the starting line as hey out of my way punk you won’t get any special treatment from me lava wolf that fragment is mine dude come on on your marks get set go flers shot out as we began to run the race around the sun look how fast I am oh the burd and I were keeping Pace with one another as we took the first turn and headed towards a pit what the the bird easily glided over it and made it to the other side eat my tail feathers seriously what is up with that guy I used my new blazing Dash to make it across and continued my race but I could tell I was falling behind the next section of the course had more tribal birds that were launching gusts of win that would batter around any of the contestants oh no one gust hit the competing bird which nearly knocked him off of the track hey yes I used the opportunity to Sprint past him and take the lead eat my tail feathers Loser on day 78 to 80 the Finish Line was finally in sight but it was at the top of a waterfall with Rocky platform forms leading up to it I better be careful I began to jump between the platforms but the bird was quickly catching up he was able to jump much higher than me and made the course look easy I’m not quitting yet I was still ahead though and was about to make it to the top when the bird blasted me with his gust attack knocking me down ah hey with that he was able to make it across the Finish Line first no no no I lost we all made it back to the sunber where the bird conteston was awarded the fragment ah my Champion your reward as promised thank you your majesty I’ll treasure it forever you got to be kidding me I need that but as I said this an explosion destroyed the bridge that was connected to the island what is happening saber-tooth’s men began to flood onto it and take control no one is going anywhere until we get that no oh no on days 81 to 85 the Tigers began to run around and attack all the mobs on the island defend our home some of the tribal Birds began to fight back but the water Tigers were just too strong give me that fragment I need it to you can have it man I just wanted win huh well easy enough I grabbed the fragment and because of this I began to upgrade one final time I now had 35 hearts and became the most powerful wolf in the world finally no stop him some of the Tigers began to rush me but I Unleashed a new solar lava beam attack which took them all out at at once yes fight back men the love wolf is with us we started to push back the Tiger’s forces which caused them to retreat you may feel strong now wolf but just wait until Sabertooth gets his claws on you oh dear lava wolf thank you for saving us I’m sorry I could not just stop the festival the show had to go on I get it but you should all be safe for now I got to deal with them One Last Time on days 86 to 90 I tracked down the water tigers as they were retreating and they led me all the way to their base I finally found you guys before I could rush in though Sabertooth jumped out of a large pool and was now a fullon water tiger yes thanks to you men I have perfected my transformation no one not even the faed lava wolf can stop me but sir we weren’t able to stop him from getting the last fragment no matter we’ll just tear through the forest until we find him now the Tiger Army then began rushing into the forest I can’t do all this alone Sabertooth he’s too strong I need to get back home hand fast on days 91 to 95 War I quickly made it back to base avoiding the patrolling water Tigers boo thank goodness ah you’ve done it yes I have the power of the sun we got to get everyone together now I gathered all the wolves and friends in the base hey uh foso there are a lot of water Tigers now are you sure we can do this yeah I don’t like our ODS come on everyone I know we’ve been at War for centuries but this ends here and now and we will do it together all of us wolves howled up into the sky and we heard growls in the distance great job guys now they know where we are just as planned on days of 95 to 99 I walked out into the open Forest to face the water Tiger Army oh the Legendary Lava wolf you’ve finally come to drown in a power and loness that’s just the thing Sabertooth a wolf is never far from its pack as I held out all of my wolf allies ambushed the Tigers from behind what kill them all the armies began to clash and the Tigers rushed towards me I used my ability to burn them down and blast them back with my solar beam but then I looked up and saw that saber-tooth was charging towards my pack leader no I should have ended you a long time ago you couldn’t if you tried the leaders began to clash but saber-tooth’s upgraded form was way too strong he clawed through my pack leader and threw him back no like I said foso if only one could do it it would be you my boy no Sabertooth you’re mine I’ve been waiting for this on day 100 I Dash towards Sabertooth using all of my close-ranged abilities to try and burn him down my rage had Blinded Me and all of my attacks were easily countered by him the wolf Bears its FES and they’re still not sharp enough his attack threw me back and I was extremely hurt he’s still too strong I I can’t but then I remembered the power of the sun I focused all of my energy into one beam that I Unleashed towards Sabertooth he quickly began to dodge left and right but inevitably he charged towards me and was making his way right towards me I will defend my pack my attack completely weakened saber-tooth in one hit no this can’t be you’re just a stupid W this war is over Sabertooth give up never the forest is ours before he could slash at me again I blasted Sabertooth One Last Time finally taking him down for good and with that my forest and all of creatures in it could finally live in peace

Today I had to survive 100 days in Minecraft as a Lava Wolf! I had to save the forest from the evil Tiger forces! Will I be strong enough to defeat them? Make sure you watch until the end to see what happens!


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