Fooling my Friend with the Giant Ant Dweller in Minecraft

I have messed up the other day I found a mod that lets you shrink blocks players even structures so I did what any person would do and I just started blasting oh my God wait let me try this tree come here tree and then I had the dumbest idea ever if you place down glass and then put a f in the steel and then right click the gloss there we go we got a mirror who’s the handsome man if I shoot this it might make me wall how funny would that be or it might make the glass swall I don’t know how it works here we go oh my God oh my God oh God I’m tiny wait how do I change it back I tried everything I tried deleting the mod I tried reloading the W I even tried reinstalling Minecraft but I was stuck and it wasn’t long before the entire server caught wind and the jokes came flying in I’m taller than you in real life okay first off I don’t believe you’re taller than me in real life and Minecraft yes I am you know what you remind me of what you ever been a Subway yeah the foot long I remind you of a foot long sandwich what does that mean wait stop get those little legs over here stop running away this is so precious I’m not so it’s time for revenge in this video I’m going to make it so that all my friends know what it’s like to be small but instead of making them SW I’m going to make the tiniest creature and add into a giant and summon it on their world these guys are going to regret ever laughing at me dony BS let’s do this and the first thing that happens when you open this mod is you’re greeted with a book that tells you how to summon the ant oh God it says warning once you begin summoning the ant Queen there is no going back look at the size of me I don’t care okay there’s nothing they can do to me everywhere I go I have to use slabs just to get around okay it’s time for Revenge I don’t care I’ll fix it oh it’s the next page it says you’ll have to complete the following tasks in survival mode only and if at any point you change into creative the ant will not SP oh no oh no Dy BS is surv okay wait let me get some stuff from survival cretive first look at me I look so good actually there we go that looks better okay there we go I got all the tools perfect okay wa I actually need a shield as well well some enchanted books that I can get as well hey I’ll just take a a couple pop four books just in case you never know what they could come in handy okay I’m going into survival mode wait food oh my God oh my God steak give me food there we go okay I’m in survival mode oh my I need slabs okay I’m going to get a stack of slabs too actually I’m going to get loads there we go okay now I can now get around okay see shut up I’m not small I’m in survival mode now what okay it says the first thing you’re going to need to find is an anill you can find it in PLS bi him awesome I’m in one already it says You must use a silk touch shovel to pick it up oh my God why would I get I’m going to have to go get a silk touch shovel in survival while I’m tiny where do you find the silk touch shovels did you even get the silk touch book in like the the like like anywhere you know I don’t know let me Google it wait okay so I know the SL give command stops it from working as well just as well as creative but they didn’t say anything about the XP XP set L boms um I’m going to get 3,000 now we just need an enchant table oh my God I need Diamond I’m getting the Stone Age achievement after I just got full diamond armor yeah don’t ask questions there’s got to be diamonds in here somewhere oh my already already okay ouch everything be double damage cuz I’m half the size please leave me alone I want nothing to do with you please there we go there we go we just got the diamonds achievement there we go now we get out of the hole now we just need these trees perf okay I can only take half the trees apparently we’re going to need this for the books put this over here perfect Michel we’re actually doing it survival mode sucks man how do you guys do this may going to freak out when they see achievements in chat oh no oh my God I see you cows bow bow okay guys I think that everything we just need this we put this down we get this actually we need the book first there we go how get this get this get this get this get this get this and then pow pow pow oh my God wait oh wait no no this is the right thing oh God now we’re going to need books wait I need books for the oh my God I’m not going to go out and kill a th cows I need to think of something hold on okay guys I’ve got a plan okay if I do it’s not a game mod creative and it’s not SL give replace the five gross and then I’ll replace it with um bookshelf oh my God he says I’m a cheater I’m just too smart sometimes my genius is frightening now we just need to place these like this there we go okay then go up one boom boom and then now we get our inchant table this is it hey what enchant level 30 oh my God I’m a freaking nature okay now which just need lapis wait wait wait wait don’t cry don’t cry Donnie s replace the five grass block lapis [Music] block who says you don’t have to cheat oh my God I can always find a way to cheat I’m so smart wait I’m going to I’m not going to have more than one shovel okay I’m going to have to start burning stuff on books and I don’t even need like okay I’ll just keep doing this I’m not testing that Unbreaking I’m not risking that Unbreaking please I’m not risking efficiency silk touch W oh my God baby I’m a genius I’m so smart now all we got this we got 2,970 levels only oh no we’ used so many I don’t care now we got to do is find one of these stupid anels and we can begin the process finally the calling oh my finally oh my God I didn’t want to run anymore more okay so this is the anill that we were talking about so what we have to do is left click this with a shovel right it’s not right click yes it’s not right click okay oh my God why are the ants spawning from it go away oh my God I’m sorry I’m sorry we need to take it we need to take it there we go please please please please please please break please break baby oh baby here we go this is it man this is it the moment of truth now we just got to run back to the base quick I can’t oh my God this is so annoying I don’t want to climb anymore there’s another one oh my God I’m so glad that I F I probably ran past that one I’m so stupid okay here we go yeah you’re going to need an an heill okay all I do is place the Ant Hill let’s place it it’s going to get big I think so let’s place it like over here there we go here’s our ant hill now what do you want us to do sir says the summon the ant now you need to use a sugar honey you can craft this by surrounding a honey bottle with sugar okay that’s kind of easy and we got a silk touch shovel so if we just do slash just replace the I’m such a cheater I think there we I think can we use this oh my God I’m so smart I’m so smart there we go now we just turn these into glass bottles there we go and now we can go get honey oh honey I’m home get it like if a guy was coming back from apparently bees will be very aggressive uh if you take the honey what I’m going to do is I’m going to do place near one gross block campfire okay at Le at least they can’t see now there we go there we go now make me my honey ha okay okay put all the puppies around surely these guys will start please can you start doing bee stuff and make honey wait if you pick up a bee you can pick up bees I’m so sorry guys come here y get inside your beehive go in there man oh my God guys I think this pee likes me why do you oh he’s ready oh my God wait I want my pee to come out oh my God I’m going to miss you man I’m going to miss you buddy oh wait he’s back out wait come here no I’m coming I’m coming L man wait there congratulations you’re my betet now wow how incredible wait how do we get out without dying now okay let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go you’re small I’m small we can make fun of everyone else for making us small hey look there’s your buddy tell him bye-bye you’re com to my house now and if you’re wondering where my house is yeah it might be the one with the giant lapis floor you can roam around here buddy yeah enjoy the flowers honey bottle with sugar okay well so do we have any more oh we have sugar C LIF baby we just do this and then this marker oo baby we just put this in here okay let’s do it I’m ready I think it’s big enough to spawn it wait oh it says congratulations your ant is now ready to spawn however if you would like to make it even bigger you need to bring in some protein perhaps find it a be or feed it a bee feed it a be oh my God I can’t do it is there another be close no no this is dark did it know because my be was here there’s a sheep right there I can bring it a sheep I’m so I’m so sorry okay everyone look away I’m going to edit this out everyone look away it’s just I want a bigger ant okay guys please don’t look at me like that please okay just look away everyone oh my God look at the size of it guys it was one block big at the start of this oh my God and the CH the text has changed it says congratulations your ant is now bigger if for some reason you’d like your ant to grow even bigger bring it a bigger animal perhaps feed it a cow oh my I’m going to have to find a cow any of you guys cows horses um horses oh my God any cows okay man let’s go find a cow okay we got a rune portal over here what do we got mixed bag on the chest we’ll take more gold mending why both of these have mending I feel like that’s crazy oh oh that’s what is that is that Donnie sh what is he doing why does he have on Armor he never he’s in creative and he’s holding a cow I don’t want to know where his face is in that cow right now but uh I don’t think anything good is going to come from that no no I’m not going to I’m not going to follow him I can’t I can’t it’s going to end badly if I do and here we go we’re going to have to put the cow in oh my god oh I’m so sorry cow I’m so sorry about this oh my God it’s getting even bigger wait wait wait wait wait oh my God it’s here my good this and is going to be a giant oh I love this now what congratulations you’re a maniac how does it know what if you for some reason would like to have it great even bigger bring it a player if you’re on multiplayer world or bring it a villager if you’re on a single where am I why couldn’t I just bring it a villager I’m going to have to bring it a a another person on the server who to sacrifice I know exactly who to sacrifice look at it it’s beautiful I’m going to message gley and I’m going to say where are you she’s perfect this sacrifice a good looking shop so far huh what do you think you guys think it looks cute huh oh God it’s going to be good wait Li I need more I need my blocks to get back what oh oh gosh what does he want where are you here we go here we go we need my slabs just in case uh should I even tell him 500 blocks south of Spawn perfect and just in case he puts up a fight diamond axe why he said 500 blocks south of Spawn okay spawn is that way so that means oh gosh is he going to come over here south is that way okay so yeah good perfect my Shop’s not going to be ready for him it’s not going to hurt me right oh my God that must me she she’s close cuz I’m like 200 blocks from Spawn coming wait what he’s coming over here wait a second oh gosh okay okay this is good I just have to not die and go to her I got an axe I got an ender pearl I got food this is fine okay I’m coming we’re going to have our first customer and I have nothing to sell I keep taking fall damage just falling one block this is so stupid look oh wait wait no it’s it’s two block shut up you should be here BL is that her base I don’t see anything I’m too small oh my God that’s her look that’s her that’s her is she building she’s building like a shop floor oh God wish me luck can’t Donnie hello yeah I forgot you were uh vertically challenged right now okay shut up can you follow me for a second uh I mean come on at least C in my shop look how cute it is what are you selling what is this this is terrible it’s to be decided can you come with me please uh where are we going I just just trust me follow me okay you’re not very threatening right now so oh you even swim slow it’s the tiny arms I’m going to scream I’m come on you can do it I still hurt like a normal player uh-huh you want to see no wa W okay W no need to you have to use slabs you’re kidding I’m going to scream if you shut up Donnie you’re SM than the chickens I don’t care what the chickens are stupid they they still get one shot oh I don’t know oh my God just a little baby Donnie using swab to go across the water I’m going under the water I could just pick you up and put me in my pocket or put you in my pocket I’ve got 3,000 levels you don’t want to mess with me what would happen if I stepped on you nothing happened I want to take you somewhere follow me okay trust me dude I’m trying to follow you but you’re going so slow I walk as fast as you the Fest I can move here let me help you I’ll boost you no I’m get it’s lava here be careful oh I want to show you something okay am I going to be able to see it or do I need to shrink down to your size I’m not even going to talk to you until we get there I’m sorry I couldn’t hear you from down there look I see your little path shut up look oh what is this what say congratulations you’re a maniac you reading this well yeah but what and look what he says that I have to sacrifice the next wait if you for some reason would like it to grow even bigger bring it a player if you are bring it a player what wa what how are you picking me up right now your arms are like Twigs what’s going on I’m sorry I’m so sorry Tony what do you mean what is this Tony you you little tiny man put me down right now you little gnome let me go sorry what is going on sorry I can’t see anything just don’t scream just don’t scream it will it will it will happen slower I’m going to slingshot you you are the worst I’m so sorry kly I’m so sorry thank you for the stop I’m so sorry I can’t believe I was killed by someone shorter than a block I cannot believe believe I was killed by a man the size of a cheit and so now it should be bigger let’s take a step back my go this is going to be hug I’m so sorry kly I’ll look after the your star no actually I’m not sorry she was making fun of me she was making fun I’m taking of stuff oh my God it was free loot only one Diamond I’ll give you all of this no more laughing from KY oh my God the text change it says congratulations you have mental issues and should seek help oh that’s so true if you want that ant even bigger you must bring it a horse don’t say I didn’t want you oh my God oh my God that is perfect if we bring it a horse it grows even bigger and then if we bring whatever it are next it grows even bigger so at what point is this going to be like you oh my God wait do I have slabs of you at what point is it going to be like you know what else does it want oh my God wait is that does that what oh they’re donkeys they don’t work okay time to find the horse sorry Broski I want your bed I want the bed I want the hello got to get up here oh my [Music] God is he holding a horse I don’t even want to talk about how many horses I’ve lost on the way I just um I wish I found one just closer okay this was not worth going that far out for a stupid horse come on get in here I’m so sorry Mr horsey enjoy oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God I’m going to suffocate I’m going to suffocate oh my God how much bigger this an is going to be huge all of this stupid survival work is going to be worth it I hate eating why do you have to eat so often oh it says congratulations you have no regard for the safety of yourself and your friends why is friends in quotation marks I have friends okay they’re my friends shut up if you for some reason would like that and even bigger bring it the warden should we just spawn it when it’s this big I think it’s ready but I want to see how much bigger he gets when he eats the warden the warden is humongous um okay I don’t know where the deep dark is and I don’t know how I’m going to get there in survival and I don’t know how I’m going to pick up a warden without it one shotting me but I think I know somebody who knows where the warden is okay I have to go find lier cuz he lives right next to the Deep dog don’t ask how I know that he just he brags about it all the time okay just shut up here we go this is my sheep I called her Betty this is Bob this is Bob too and there we go the man we’ve been looking for for the last 10 minutes it’s laging this is where he lives and I know he knows where the deep dark is this is Betty 5 and this is Betty 3 and then let me introduce you to my dog this is my dog cuz he posted screenshots of it in the Discord here is his dog water this is just going to hurt all the way down oh my God I’m falling two blocks here’s my bed here’s my yellow glass and check it out this is the lier base hold on nearly complete the only thing we still have to work on is a secret room over here this is so annoying I’m going to die I’m pulling two blocks and I’m going to die I don’t know maybe I’ll put like some type of trap in here or something if someone does find it Li nice iron is smelted Li who’s that what do you doing here wait wait wait wait before you illegally break into my house can you please use the proper entrance bro it’s right over here please oh sorry I can’t break otherwise other people can come in bro that’s why I put this fence up here man here’s the entrance welcome welcome to the lier Kingdom bro is this oh it is lier oh that’s cool you like it why why are you so small it’s a long story wait you haven’t seen me yet no oh okay it happened a couple days ago and nothing’s going been going right um do you know where the deep dark is the Deep dock why do you want to know I want to Warden what do you mean why why why does anyone want the warden buddy the warden is going to pick you up like a lollipop bro you just showed me where it is please I know you po screens where is it fine fine fine you just got to come in here real quick like a trap close the door no bro it’s no trap bro you kidding me I know this area by heart all right so just stand here hello Cat okay stand here and we’re digging straight down baby not get in here bro of man chill out bro do you not trust me can you please hold a torch whilst I’m doing this at least so we have some light I don’t have a I’ll make you a torch I’ll make you a torch here you go man jeez a don’t worry I’ll holding my off hand bro you can’t do anything make sure you have a wo to bucket it might be a hard for I don’t have a wo to bucket oh my God fine then just take the ender pearl bro oh F I’ll take care of it bro you land on my body bro chill out bro oh my God so what made you turn tiny so what made you turn tiny it was like I shot at a mirror and the mirror hit me and then I I used a gun that makes people smaller and it made me small what and why your hands sticking out like that what are you doing watch out watch out watch out watch out we’re good don’t worry we got to keep going don’t worry make sure we follow the exact you want you really want to do that yeah cuz I don’t look there’s holes down here are you sure we’re going to die just follow me bro I can’t go too fast oh my God you even fall in slow motion man I’m sorry oh look somewhere around here if we took my part we would have literally been there already oh okay sorry can we like why we take this why don’t we dig down here cuz then we have water oh my God Donnie here it is man here’s the entrance to it hello okay I can’t you have you slam oh my God okay here it is here’s the entrance to the deep dark we could have just dug straight down and would have been that but no you want to go the Safe Way sneak sneak chill out all right so you want him to spawn yeah okay you want me to protect you or something because I feel like you might need protection no no I don’t need no protection wait is this like where’s the rest of it man you just got to explore bro I’m not a guy okay you’re definitely close the ancient city is close bro okay can we can can we go down still oh my God fine yes of course man let’s keep going down come there’s more levels I should really start charging people you know I’m like a tour guide I know it all right there we go just keep digging just keep digging come on say it with me just keep keep keep keep digging just keep digging just keep digging just keeping just keeping I’m going to die after feel like I forgot to breathe oh my God sorry it’s okay oh my God you ever have that moment where you just keep talking but then you forget to breathe oh my oh man oh maybe I was uh maybe my calculations were a bit off just keep digging oh there oh oh it’s fine don’t worry I survived oh my God don’t worry I’ll revive you that’s that’s why I was with you right I was totally not about to die myself help y crazy oh oh Donnie Donnie please please I’m not I don’t want to do this bro I just wanted to get you here okay just just watch watch this okay I’ll do it I’ll sort this out just watch me wake up Warden tell me if you see him Warden beautiful I hear him okay I’ll make some noise too watch out there’s lava underneath us where is he where is he oh he safe he oh there he is there he is what are you doing what are you doing Donnie you can’t fight him bro what the okay come on let’s go how did you do that how did you pick him up there’s another one sping watch out dig dig a straight down out of here oh my God oh my God keep fall follow me follow me oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God what am I witnessing keep going keep going keep going thank you now do you want to can you get get that out my face bro what if he still shoots at me oh diamonds brother it’s my lucky day bro hold on hold on yo I don’t care what you’re doing bro you keep doing you bro okay let’s get out of here we made it back boy oh no my boy going to Ward him bro hold on I thought he was going to like carry like a lollipop but you’re doing it to him exactly please see you’re going to have to place a slab so I can get out here too oh my God are you kidding me bro I’m sorry I’ll make this more dony friendly don’t worry about it bro you’re my best friend thank you all right well okay love you uh have a great day see don’t don’t point that at me bro okay sorry bye what a weird guy you know you just never know what happens next with him one moment he’s picking up the warden and one moment he’s torturing me alive in real life and taking my teeth let’s keep working on the secret room oh my my God finally I’ve never been more happy to see this stupid house ever again how did I get in again it’s this side in it I’m sorry Mr Warden this it only hurt a little bit this is all that’s left of my baby I’m so sorry wait oh my God it’s growing bigger again oh my God okay wait I’m I’m I’m okay no I’m not no I’m not oh my God how much bigger did it get oh my God oh my God this is going to be here oh my God okay it says congratulations your ant is so big it now causes server like on a multiplayer World it can no longer grow any bigger if you want to survive leave the server now it is impossible to kill a normal shoot and will onot you oh even if you are in full prop for netherite armor you have made a great mistake wait so when does it it’s getting bigger oh God it was not that big before Oh my God it’s getting bigger and it it just looks like it’s like I I he sounds from here oh wait is that the ant is that the ant that’s supposed to is two of them is that the only thing that was supposed to spawn I did this whole thing for what where’s the big one it said leave the server it said leave the server if you don’t want to die how could it all of that waiting oh my oh my God okay good luck everyone all right boys we’re joining Donnie’s server and honestly I can’t even remember like what was on the list to do today I’m thinking that we oh yo it’s Pablo and you that’s right we’re removing these villagers I think it might be time to let my dog off the leash you know let him breathe a bit come with me Cat come with me cat now for all the people that are confused it’s a dog but I named him cat but sadly I am not rich I’m not rich enough for a what do you call it m name tag I don’t have a name tag so if anyone wants to donate me a name tag let me know and I will gladly accept it come over here C come over here come here buddy why is Don yeah I definitely think it’s taking shape here but I’m not going to lie I I don’t know why there’s all these animals congregating around here if I’m being completely honest like is this appealing to them right here is it what is that okay so I’m thinking that oh what is that what is that hello leave the now why oh my God what is that noise they’re coming out of the ground are these like spiders leave the Ser trust me are you still in are you still in the wall yeah I’m chilling with my dog bro um there seems to be some sort of animal insect there’s no they have what they have not enough legs what that noise is the worst thing that I’ve ever heard in this entire world leave the wall leave the wall just going to be you help me so I’m trying to help you what Aunt hey little guy oh they’re friendly they’re little ants and they got big butts they’re like ants oh it coming no oh wait why why is there more and more of them they don’t seem hostile do I do I risk it and hit one it’s going to coming out the pleas I see it I see it wait what that’s kind of cute bro hold on hold on yo I’ll call you back later bro I don’t remember there being an ant mod on the server what oh no oh that’s actually the cutest thing ever yo cat meet meet meet meet your friends oh oh that’s so cute it’s the mother ant I’m not even waiting to see what happens with that I that question of hey is that aggressive for those little ones I I don’t think I need to ask that for the big one I feel like it’s not a question for the big one these are the friendliest oh no I’m not doing that no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no run skidy ah it’s throwing me into the air I’m uh I’m going to chill I’m going to wait for the server to cool down a bit tiny ants okay big ants no way I’m out bro it’s a spider wait I can wh I’m dead what the flippery flip is going on bro my brother experimenting with flip animals and giving them radiation to make them grow huge I’m dead duh I wasn’t rescued in time am I floating how did I die hello what just happened hello

Fooling my Friend with the Giant Ant Dweller in Minecraft w/ Doni Bobes – Minecraft

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  1. Honesty I love the fact people were making fun of doni for being small.
    When I watch at doni's videos, I scream internally how he needs to punished for messes with people so much and yet he never gets punished for it.

    Heck from what I remember, in one video he admitted to deleting a video before it got upload because he got punished for once in the video and didn't want his viewers to see him get hit with long incoming karma mid-video.

  2. Meet little Doni
    He is half block tall
    He can't climb a block without a slab
    He fell in slow motion
    He can pick up things bigger than you
    But most importantly he is cute

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