๐Ÿ”ด Playing Expert Terraria as DEMOMAN #4

[Music] [Music] St [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] he [Music] he [Music] [Music] sh [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right we live I think we are alive hello everyone let me go from the top hey Jacob welcome back AR tyum good to see you here as well and RNs Shadow have you been here before I don’t quite remember your name now I well welcome hope everyone here had an okay start into the week now Monday and Tuesdays are always a bit tough but hopefully school or work has been fine for yall whichever you are whichever problem you’re currently facing let’s call it like that got a mod for me to play don’t go to school anymore me neither you’re in break why am I so fast don’t remember being this fast for a while you mean like summer break or are you done with school [Music] oh where is this tungsten here you [Music] go let’s see let me reorientate first summer break oh that’s perfect and I mean for Terraria mods if you’re looking for something uh maybe a bit different maybe a randomizer which would be something that I might look into as well which could be fun for at least a day and other mods I’ve heard of are things like uh thorium which are usually next to uh Calamity often mentioned but yeah I’ve also dropped a lot of hours into uh [Music] Calamity all right where are we at I believe next up is a a queen bee fight queen bee and Skeletron if possible I do believe that we’ve got enough Mobility for that for sure and damage wise we should probably be fine [Music] all right let’s let me replant this all real quick I do want to have potions at some point later on got a mod that usually no one knows about like 12K people 12K 12K people don’t clip [Music] that uh what is it if you want to share cuz I’m definitely always is interested in more [Music] mods where’s my bucket lunar whale what content does it add cuz I for sure have not heard of it before Oh hey meteorite can’t bomb you right nope well that’s still good to know remember that guy you told me about the streamer I’m mod for right is it I get it now welcome thanks for bringing in new people in unless you’re about to tell me well this is not the guy which cud us to you [Music] but it’s not your um uh your already forgot what I wanted to talk about your friend who does game development don’t know him nor you want to your friend or the guy well the guy RNs Shadow I should learn names while I can also let me switch back to this way we got RN Shadow yeah I have enough for housing I should do want to create a little arena for skeleton probably some housing over here yeah I definitely do remember you mentioning him [Music] before I mean RNs Shadow if you’re still here uh you also stream Terraria or you more variety streaming soon and you must smart that’s all right it usually streams uh later on I’m [Music] assuming I want a no I probably just want regular the platforms over here [Music] you can tell me when you leave so I know but right uh before before you leave I do wanted to ask do you have some trouble with the like the notifications unless I’m all Al alone already which is also fine can probably make this a bit of a quicker stream then I also you have to leave that’s all right see you around I did some more research about whether or not explosive bunnies and such are available and it turns out they unfortunately are not at least not for buying so I’m definitely going to have to see how I’m going to get past the mechanical bosses CU I was kind of hoping to rely on explosive bunnies potentially even shot from a bunny Cannon to do most of the damage especially for the Destroyer which in this case since the Destroyer is immune to the frostburn debuff I have learned as well as the probes it’s going to mean for me a lot harder time with only nades I am going to have to look into maybe I will do some testing later on to see how well I can fight Destroyer with just what is it just Dynamite would be the next best thing like other things like landmines unfortunately are not viable either at least as far as I could check and that leaves only really nades potentially I’m hoping for a Blood Moon soon as well since with a Blood Moon I am going to be able to get some shark tooth necklaces which should increase my nade damage by a bun and I also got to see what ranged damage uh is available or like ranged armor I do believe that I still want to go for the frost armor seems like the best of the bunch for me and then after that hopefully maybe I can switch to a to an explosive build or like my explosive trap build like for this thing since after that I can buy the upgraded [Music] one and potentially some armors so maybe I should Farm the old ones Army a bit more feel like that’s a boring enough task that I can do with the little viewers that I have right about now campfire is it night already it is I’m going to try setting this up and then think I’ll actually give it a first try Che in there and I do want a defensive one sure shouldn’t make too much of a difference Banana Split this that okay old man let’s fight let’s see if this guy is doable with Jades he should be especially maybe with a what are they called Fallen star help eight damage that’s very much fun and the hands go down fairly quickly as long as the hat is not to tanky then I that hits no unfortunate have loved for that to be another hit yeah hands are almost down already Focus this one a bit more yeah takes like what 20 to 30 to kill one hand probably even less damage is NE negligible I’m feeling confident maybe Queen be might be a bit more of a problem but with a con I can for sure stall that one to infinity and beyond if I have to and nurse cheese is also an option at least for me do like my nurse cheese all right Mr haes that’s one down he’s spinning that’s perfect should get the other one now he’s more or less a Sitting Duck unless I’m playing bad all right get over here and do your do your spinny thing there you go this is absolutely not a problem come down there it’s my DPS around 100 while he’s spinning come down from there please there we go and there’s more spinning usually it’s Spin to Win but for you my friend it’s going to be spin to lose get down from there you silly guy maybe I could have used a hunter potion for this my trap is also still existing great where is this man there he is yeah with enough armor this guy is just piece of cake really even with just nades 32 there we go I was wondering if I equip you mhm I mean it’s not explosive damage per se so I will keep it off but I do believe if I lack damage in the future oh hey chippy’s couch I lack damage in the future I can opt for maybe some passive dealing accessories and then just have the challenge be to only use explosive weapons and accessories for damage are viable I’m going to leave the heart statue there for now and in we go I believe we don’t really need anything other than the Cobalt Shield and what else Shadow [Music] key more grenades thank you and I’ll take some more wood you can have these hands rain code actually has two defense was very perplexed when I saw this in the wiki first cuz it used to be vanity if I remember correctly a corruption chest fortunately can’t use the corruption item in it but I feel like we’re going to be fine later on we’ll at the very least have explosives in the forms of rocket launchers potentially proximity mines though I really don’t like those I do want water candles if anything for the for more bunnies to spawn since I am going to have to do a lot of bunny collecting if I want a decent amount of explosive bunnies which is potentially going to be my main form of damage everything here looks to be fine these things are annoying but oh well more over there I do not like that they potentially Branch paths where I don’t really see them but no they don’t all right more water Candles now let let me remove at least a few of these a bookshelf do I want a bookshelf probably don’t need a bookshelf the mechan don’t you dare kill my favorite NPC hey jany can you can go unless I don’t have room I should have room go deeper are you dual dual wielding streams now you beat the skull I did beat the skull sorry if you wanted to be here here for that I figured i’ try out try it out see how far I can get turns out he is pretty easy with uh with just nades see Cobalt Shield Shadow key I mean I can basically leave at this point nothing else here for me really well I mean I guess some more crafting stations so crafting stations I’ll take a look for hey hold on you I would prefer some Wonder kill still can say stay yeah don’t worry about it it bomb statue hell [ __ ] yeah like the best loot out of this can now just hook up a what’s it called a clock get infinite bombs and be happy very least I won’t have to use infinite amounts of gold for these anymore see anything else a drawer no need for a drawer i’ hold on skull you want to give me a Nazar I now have use for it again at the very least and I guess exploring the dungeon a bit more to know where the chests are can be good as well danger sense danger sense is good cool slime did he die or something this I won’t need musket bullets really I can buy more for then or what I do want to keep bones right I still have you around and these things maybe I should clean up a bit bone want nope I could probably sell you for some cash on hand what’s he doing up there sir sir you having fun freaking manual trap desert one unfortunately the not the mount but the summon it has does not explode so do believe there are no exploding explosion damage based not pets but summons muramasa why not let’s hang you up right there we need more Shadow Keys probably going to leave these shadow keys come on you all right guess [Music] not now I can hit you one two three ow thing in here Gravity potions n probably won’t be needing those anymore and I got a got to scaddle real quick any hearts there’s um I’m probably not going to need Mana anyway but I guess it’s nice to [Music] have there’s some hearts all right you please go thank you now let’s continue on is that mvin the Clothier sure do I need anything from him don’t think [Music] so I guess the only thing that I’m still looking for then is the on let me drink a regen potion and a iron skin again would not want to die and have to come back to this if I can avoid it only thing I’m going to need is the potion brewing station so I don’t have to do as much fishing for potential like prismer prismer prismer prism fish one from the hollow for the life force potion oh gentlemen tally counter probably useless what can I get rid of actually let me use the shield I guess demo demoan has a shield if you play demo knite so it’s fine it’s in character even get through here let’s see I’m guessing the left side here is done right so we going more to the right I guess we go down there then ow and there it is that’s that’s all Fork folks use this there and let’s move [Music] Bel would like to have you ow umbrella I won’t have a use for that anymore handgun I keep this I probably won’t be needing it I’ll grab it either way there we go Dynamite should be able to buy that actually kill you in case I get a Nazar but if not no then we’re going to grab this handgun and perfect right now where is there’s the party girl is the party still going it is and let me sort some of this stuff there’s the Obsidian Shield rash is fine I’m going to swap you out for now and actually I’m going to put all of these back into the piggy [Music] bank right food I can swap B two goes back in here anything else handgun musket I can leave that I can sell these I’m probably going to want to have at some point on me can use some bomb [Music] fish right the bone glove we’re going to keep as well hey Mortimer grab this miror master from me if you will and this [Music] balloon all right potions go in here where are my blocks I should have a few more clay bit more clay for a bit more teapot now or some more pots or actually I could also where’s rosalva where did I put her she down here probably hates it here right well at least she doesn’t hate it yeah shiverthorn let’s grab a few of those those are use for blinkroot definitely funny that I’m going to want to [Music] catch right you’re are going to start spawning in here now well more bunnies I do want to get a lot of these bunnies death weed they bloom I guess few more day blooms can’t hurt all right now before I forget it Amanda thank you for the slice of cake then I’m going to place down a bit more housing probably but first things first more of these bombs statue actually is the mechanic back she is question is where she’s over here there together that’s great and a 1 second timer should be enough canic Rod might find a fiberglass so I’m not going to buy it yet engineering helmet guess I could cosplay engineer as well now all right alchemy table clay right I am going to place down first of you can’t get you back up again so I guess you’re fine there for now here are two tests that I can probably use right is this enough put you there make you and thing in grents continue the day Bloom down here so we can have more space for those as well and definitely more shiverthorn and I guess we’ll use the regulars for more Moonglow the ones we’ve got right now maybe some for oh God got to remember to be precise when [Music] building that’s fine so I’m going to use these for more Moonglow and let me grab all these but these numbers are already pretty good right one more over here ingredients sort these back in here properly and actually plant a few more of these see they looms here and after that it’s I guess either jungle time or some more old ones arm arm me cuz I do believe that I want the full set once I have defeated one Mech boss right put you here I forgot that I need some wiring first so I’ll do that in a second due to the rest I didn’t mean to take you oh well am going to put you into here though in case I need you right then it should be night time soon that I can also get more Moonglow do I have any I do actually right so all of these let me grab these ingredients as [Music] well then this can stay like the potion chest and this here is the ingredients chest everyone that I might need for any type of potions so Moonglow actually death wheat gets over there [Music] first need death weed for anything specif [Music] Pacific wrath potions 10% increased damage [Music] yeah rage potion I’m not going to be able to get Titan no maybe Thorns yield back some [Music] damage might be great against probes unless it’s contact damage attackers also take damage might want to check out what exactly that means and of course more bunnies how me do we have 20 in total oh we are we are getting somewhere still not a lot but getting some actually where is the but candle this might boost bunny spawns a bit more so I say it’s worth it yes more birds birds birds and bunnies shame I can’t strap explosive to birds and uh squirrels that will make farming for explosive Critters a lot more [Music] bearable all right that’s all lit up grab the [Music] Moonglow and let’s place all this up there perfect let me see don’t need armored kfish for anything else so I’m going to get 55 endurance potions that should be more or less enough everything that I could ever want and I got three more armored fish right you are material as well these mushrooms are materials anything else that I’ve got the water tally counter you’re an accessory get in there let me get a few more of these they definitely can’t hurt all right we’re out of these which means my options are pretty [Music] limited then we shall wait didn’t mean to do that and I do would like hey Jenny you you happy great 1 2 3 4 [Music] five lots of these mechanical lens mechanical ruler yeah [Music] is that enough tinkerers workbench one and we’ve got ourselves a grand design what more could a man want how fast do you lose bombs very slowly I’m [Music] assuming oh well it’s a constant stream so I’m happy about that right now that I’ve done that I’m going to go back in here and do a few more all one armies I am going to look up how much I’m actually going to need for the weapon and the what is it the armor I do believe that once I have that damage could actually be less of a worry for me didn’t mean to hope you don’t destroy that you do a come on I should put these out of my inventory at least for now also a Blood Moon would be great at some point am supposed to be able to craft bloody tears but I don’t remember where that’s from so maybe keep an eye out for that a first Banner can place it now but that’s going to make things easier for the future that makes me happy you seriously jump down there okay definitely going to want to fix that where’s the Mana all down there fine not all down there where’s the two that I’m missing there they are guess more closer to there and then somewhere to the left only these guys would drop a bit more money or well money at all that would be great right two Mana down there got to remember that gentlemen have a have an explosive trap that does minimal damage all right you are basically taken care of get up there cheeky bugger come on up oh get you get destroyed anyway where’s the Mana that I’m missing probably over here I’ll take care of the AOE over here actually all this and I can put some more over there this one bomb throw has made this a lot more annoying than really has to be but we should be still fine hopefully come on get up you as well or I am going to put another explosive trap over there hope that’s not too deep down it perfect all right Mana here more traps over there that all no of course I’m still missing two dark Mages crap you clear all these still missing one of course I am doesn’t matter there’s the one dark Mage where is he should be on the left here yeah there he is and is he going down as well he is come on get stuck yes there we go that’s five more medals is that a bow no just looked like it all right that means five and I’m very quickly going to look up on the Terraria Wiki what the price prices for the armor sets are Dar keep you’re selling I me I need [Music] 15 that’s hold on that’s 15 30 45 that’s going to take a while isn’t it oh but I won’t do for this challenge where did I put them are they in the piggy bank well they should be there they are and it’s unfortunately 14 oh hey B give me one second we stack these in here means I got 19 oh well it still feels like the perfect day to just farm that one a bunch of times put all this away you and there won’t need rope are you just random stuff you are random stuff get in there Squire Shield I can sell you actually this why are these worth so much I mean I’m not complaining free gold for me but build a potion get in there some swiftness potions for the future probably going to be all right right before I forget it I am probably going to keep this armor but I do want to see what the necro armor does for me hold let me check the 60 damage 21 Critical Strike and with this 69 damage 16% Critical Strike increase Critical Strike chance why are you worse than the shadow helmet yeah 21 just crit based in general [Music] H defensive wise they are the same but I do feel like the increased Critical Strike is better than the damage at least for now interesting I thought that would be better but oh well let me make another mannequin traveling Merchant is here perfect grab a m and we’ll put you on here Riley what you got gray zapinator and a revolver sure would love those but not on this playthrough I’m afraid so yeah the rest is of no interest to me chew back and we’ll do this good y Ry you want to help me you really appreciate if you could shoot down here a bit might make a DPS check with the these guys shall do that after this one see how much DPS I’m actually dealing with [Music] each well these guys as a pretty constant enemy type right two one towards the middle wait thought I got everything there’s the last one all right more over here I guess I do kind of feel like the explosive trap should get an upgrade or like a new balance change cuz it just feels so bad like it’s not even fast shooting it’s slow doesn’t deal too much damage has very little range like I feel for the low range it should make up for decent damage but even in that department it kind of feels low at the very least lower than the rest like the ballista or flame burst I think are the most common ones the ones that I that I’ve used before [Music] right side you okay we very much are fine thanks for the metal how many am I going to need if I’m at 20 around right now ow I’m going for 60 40 through 5 or divid it by five I should say that’s eight more times let’s go I suppose what am I not doing for a decent set of armor quickly can I get one more Mana please thanks I would like more defense on my main Crystal thrower banner I guess if we just racking up banners that’s fine as well anything left over here no one more in the middle over there seems fine by me it’s the final one it is very least at the early game there are only five waves these are doing their job fairly well keep you at Bay a bit more and there’s the Dark Mage already hello there again and that’s another event bye see you Mortimer hey grab these eggs and things for me please I’m going to have to buy more more crystals soon but that’s fine war table have space around here yes perfecto let me grab you actually can I can I farm some bombs while I’m at it I’m probably not too worth it medals and one more time we go should be get away getting away with placing one at the start so they can hopefully damage the flying ones when they come out of portal got to place down the banner actually not that really matters but should remember that for the future but we’re done over here Place one here there’s that and then should have enough for the middle again no five where the rest probably down here or actually do this so I can focus on the right side actually music please continue thank you oh he’s actually helping thanks Riley very appreciated I probably want at least one over here or where’s the Mana that I’m looking for [Music] there’s a Mana that I’ve been looking for 10 still missing two not over there than they are over here right we place one at the gate traveling mer is gone goodbye thank you for your services I guess spending some time in here also allows me to later hopefully get a a blood moon with at least two sharp tooth necklaces I think that’s the maximum I can equip all right one two over here grab these Place another one there and you can continue let me grab some cake these flying guys are T getting taken care of Fairly easily these guys also need uh a th000 kills for a banner cuz I definitely would like a banner from those but of course if I’m going to have to do this Army more than I have to ow wait [ __ ] you guys Thon think going to turn around here right of course how did he get down [Music] there I mean last wave [Music] so long as I can get one out of here then we should be fine then on this side can mostly take care of These Fine guys should be taken care of there’s a dark m going to fire at me nope there he’s gone and we’ve got the scarf probably won’t be needing that but but we’ve got it get rid of all of these you I’m going to place you I won’t need Dragon NE can also go all right you go into the accessory chest I guess you can sell as sell as well one gold damn I’m getting rich of these right that’s why you weren’t quick stacking but in the meantime we can just collect some more ingredients oh no bunnies grab you and you and you and mushroom as well probably should have some useless stuff up here so I can automatically quick [Music] stack this seems [Music] good got blink Roots again more bunnies [Music] and actually these bombs are coming out at a decent rate thought there was also just a Max of three but it doesn’t seem like it that’s good at the very least more blinkroot and more bunnies all right Bruce how are you now how many did I say I need if I got 25 now 30 40 wait 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 and one more for good measure this is going to be a fun time let me check how many do we have 29 wait we are at 30 not that I’m complaining Quest can you zombie damage this you can why wouldn’t he he programming out other enemies than the ones from this Army was a too difficult B I guess they were not lazy but it’s not necessary as a somewhat Game Dev myself I can say I probably would do that program that in the same way all right get the Mana more over here let’s speed things up I mean I might want to buy a few more grenades later on but the money that I’m making off of this they should come more or less cheap enough Mana one goes over here and these guys are basically being dealt with by themselves probably don’t even have to collect the Mana too too extremely or too much since I should be able to just get them like this kill you guess more over here wave is done let’s continue I do not see a problem with this hey guys and the rest will place down in the middle or these guys we do some manual defense first 14 16 one more seven here are they danzo over here already well perfect let’s one two over here snipe him a it’s still fine see when the Mage is coming up is right now hello there Mage it’s me again and that’s that back we go collect our boombas Mortimer you grab these off me very appreciated I know what that means one more let’s go right 34 basically halfway done just got to hope that my nades are enough they definitely should be very de for this run all right before I forget hello there let me Loop [Music] this wait who is you little you you little [ __ ] how dare you me Place one down here so this doesn’t happen [Music] again where am I missing probably from the right grab these two put one over here all right more of these actually neg bit negligent over here oh we should still be fine actually now it’s getting a bit too much got to make sure to not take these things for granted come [Music] on we at wave three we are still good yeah more what’s it called old On’s Army farming fortunately not the most interesting thing but I do feel like I got to do this especially since we are going to have lacking damage later on so getting the armor as soon as we can might be necessary at least for me all right there some Mana over there down more over here and the rest will go over on this side probably should just put more on this side so the the dark Mage just goes down faster hello everyone how are you doing over here right fantastic take some explosions won’t you the viant are they called vibrants they are being taken care of the middle ones so we are mighty fine get this Mana over here B on some more that’s the missing ones all right we can continue one more over there and let’s keep the right side at Bay until the Summoner spawns in and there he is always on time hey there it’s me again did you miss me come on there we go that’s another one get another Ean Goblin probably can sell you question is do I take a little intermission I might want to O Waring might want to check out the jungle to keep things a little fresh hello Beldon more nades please see how much I can get for this [Music] 16 yeah that feels like enough [Music] fantastic grab you I guess let’s make some housing in the jungle five more how many do we have 39 that’s just a few more right so now it’s jungle time what do I want from there probably a a fair claw or two for potential craftings later on I’m not sure if I can use M Buffs I’m not sure there really is an exploding melee weapon but all right here we are there’s the entrance let’s make a house was at the top so resolver can finally be [Music] happy should be fairly [Music] quick come on off you go let me wall these up not really feeling like building a too fancy house or just something that works right we really have to increase the height here I guess me make another hotel like thing all right you leave please get out of here no one likes you bats I guess one more over here all right platform time that’s four right yeah it’s four 1 2 three four 1 two three come on four and another 1 2 3 4 1 2 4 3 warm me up baby freaking that’ss how do you even get in here I have to make this entrance bad proof when it’s nighttime still a bit away we probably won’t be able to place down a island but that’s fine wait there’s some more is here someone that misses no [ __ ] freck brick bats get out of here sick and tired of you already and a double door one for here and one for there and now rosalva you get in here who else painter probably I think these are like the most important ones and let me make this a platform down here as well perfect wouldn’t wanted to have it any other way like this I’m not going to waste a bomb for these stairs good thing I didn’t throw them away weedly all right it is bit more jungle time potentially find a beehive let’s check this out over here actually here bombs there regular bombs this good I am going to have to be careful not to accidentally bomb myself into a beehive [Music] but I’ll probably be fine for for that right you go let’s continue outow I have enough potions I do doesn’t really seem like anything interesting over here might need a few more bombs in the future four [Music] actually didn’t realize is the chat box not working hold on a [Music] second huh [Music] guess he does not want to work today h I’m going to have to look into that that thing has been annoying me for a while it’s not quite working right what the rewiring Don’t Mind If I Do there there there there and actually more up there this that that actually am I going to want a an iy whip like my web Slinger is probably still fine until hard mode I probably won’t even have to really craft anything out of this is weird but apparently a thing now goes further down there or does it well I guess I do just have to bomb my way through everything [Music] it really kind of bucks me the chat is not doing what it’s supposed to let me see if I can’t restart OBS real quick so I’ll be right back [Music] here all right uh we [Music] back we are back fantastic and now we even got a chat on screen I really don’t know why sometimes just doesn’t feel like working sometimes it does at least it’s working now more bomb statues hell walk in yeah baby and some more heart lanterns can’t have too many of those [Music] ever I you man need to a bit too tanky for my liking switch back here perfect [Music] and more wiring I’m full already going take care of that I actually not pick up right this one dial here I still need to get and was there one more up here doesn’t seem like it let me use some scar bombs while I still have them without these digging vertically is just a pain I found the temple already no not yet been deep enough for that I should look up how I’m going to be able to make Scarab bombs since they are so useful especially if I’m going to have to dig around the jungle later on a bunch or live fruits and such oh you’re not coming up here anyway there’s a marble biome don’t no at this point the armor is just a waste to farm I guess it’s nice to have or if I do want a mirror pocket mirror I’m probably probably going to farm two blindfolds and Shimmer them suspicious AR I what am I going to put away for this guess jungle torch and this I can wear and what do we have here going to lead out of the jungle there we go where man to fight Nate there we go and what’s hting me these little yers twoo spikes don’t have S so I might as well grab them there’s this guy come on get out of there now I won’t have to carry the golden key around with me anymore oh DOD that let’s see there’s B line up there any hives I get any hives around here bur claws well I did want these so thanks for that and there’s nothing up here then [Music] but that reminds me I still have to find the Shimmer later on oh of course did not mean to press that but I guess let me take care of my [Music] inventory all right perfect got those two more bombs can I just uh let me do this is this good enough Perfect all right one [Music] two and please more bombs thank you and I guess the sunflower one it go somewhere over here no while I’m here just one more eye and still no blood moon it’s going to be a theme that these random invasions are going to be taking way too long to spawn cuz if you remember I did have a lot of trouble with goblins of all kinds shapes and sizes by which I want to say both the Army and the Tinker have taken me way longer then and I would have liked let’s keep it at that all right come on go down already five there’s another kill and more money for me materials let let me check if there’s anything that I might want probably the white bag actually I would need more bones for [Music] that maybe later acts of [Music] regrowth increases Alchemy plant collection pin ax maybe I can get [Music] that seems like a fun one although it’s a tool then nah then I guess I won’t be needing it where’s the materials you go in here you’re an accessory pleas continue thank [Music] you oh [Music] great I got to relog real quick apparently there’s no sound [Music] and somehow this stream is troubled more than the other ones all right we’re back very least doesn’t take too long activate you again sell this and we do not have thorns potions interesting really gold [Music] Bunny not even going to have a use for that am I guess a golden delight but less how much are you 11 Gold I am going to need lots more gold after all [Music] shiver Thorns somehow growing very slow even though they’re on the correct lanter box hope that’s not for booing all right I guess in the meantime few more armies me check 39 which means this is going to be 40 and at the very least I won’t have to do this again tomorrow or potentially ever again well I’m still going to need the the upgraded wand I feel like oh well need need is a strong word will probably help if nothing else crap Mana actually can start you already and let’s continue this this one more Mana missing it’s fine where is it you guys have seen my Mana around here there it is on more over here and three in the middle I think or four and then we should basically be well set do not want to spend more more time on this than I have to life is too short doing the old ones arm me 100 times guys hopefully being taken care of perfect with minimal damage even H you figers you freighter you little FAL flying beasts all right last one gra the Mana from over here and then see when the dark Mage comes in there he is already always on time hello there dark Mage ow want two and there’s one more St these Mortimer grab these of my hands when do we have 11 feel like it caps out around [Music] 11 or something Sim uh let’s see [Music] 44 44 is good [Music] wa what oh you the little slime of course well if anyone’s allowed to damage my ethereal Crystal or Eternal Crystal it’s a little green slime all right put one here come on and one more down here continue all right guess I might already be done for the day or if I’m done with this maybe a bit more adventuring in the jungle [Music] but since the day is not very busy and I do have technically work for videos to do that I’m already procrastinating on very well I might do that a bit more that seems fine for today 400 javelin throw sure why the heck not getting over here already [Music] no go one more over here and where’s my missing Mana probably over here actually one more over there continue wave four wave [Music] four there’s a birdie so there should be one over here as well soon there he is three already got damn you little diving boogers fight me I Dare You W probably should focus the little ones to complete the wave faster even if these the flying ones are the most annoying oh come on where’s the last one there it is all right dog Mage I’ll give you like 5 Seconds five four close enough come on you not here to fight you dark Mage there we go no morer the usual please grab the laba 46 make that a 49 and that means that it’s at the very least just a few more old one zombies and with a few more I mean including this one three right 5050 yeah [Music] we on you’re done soon would very much like to continue this along all right more over there the Mana that I’m missing over here each down and I think we can just continue these guys drop bonus Mana if you quickly use the crystal because the guys that spawn after the wave is complete or die oh look a swarm of slimes they shouldn’t drop something usually there’s that wave more defense over here where’s the missing Mana over here or do they also count towards the wave limit cuz that definitely would be not nice can speed it up like this more over here done already perfect grab these more of these and the guys that are over here I’m going to take along for the right yeah they count fantastic and one over here they pretty much taken care of except for the big guys complete place down more traps for the Mage actually let’s continue this got the last few of these and then wait for the Mage as her usual there he is hey Mage more have some more traps and that should be it two more the end is inside I can’t believe it whe speed no and let let me place these two over here wow we actually got a wyvern Banner I’ve never had that happen to me before I should speed things up a bit more I guess I’m going to stay here should speed things so no you won’t slimes always want to destroy my crystal as well even though they’re not even part of the event all right come on so almost done we can already move on to the next there’s one more down over there all right back to the right side perfect long as these guys can throw all right next one after this we can take a break grab all the Mana most of it and then we should be pretty fine this one over there how are you guys dealing with the guys on the left perfectly fine grab these actually there we go actually one away why the heck not makes things a lot faster for these how much is the banner doing its work there a few more of these down there so the flying guys won’t deal too much damage this seems to be working perfectly fine then more traps for the dark mage do I have everything I have all right let’s continue quickly I have wasted my time with these enough already after all all right dark Mage where is he 3 2 1 there he is let’s quickly dispatch a view come on no need to summon there we go means seven medals which means I think one more time and then we are finally done with this place these at least I can place these over there what it’s not complete oh really really because I second one spawned you kidding me that has honestly never happened before but we are still fine got Dam at least at least this wasn’t a waste all right where are my medals three how many do we have 59 I guess I just have to survive until the one metal drops and then I can just let it go don’t think it’s worth to keep going for like four more medals I think once we have the upgraded equipment we should be fine with the post hard mode or Mech bosses the harder difficulty all right face you down I is the wave complete soon hold on this should completed and let’s go on to the next and is the you over there still seems Point Bo and so far I was kind of expecting to be struggling a bit more with just a as weapons but they really are putting in a lot of work more work than I have expected in fact all right clear you grab this one more over here moving on and after this we should be done why am I going to finish it I guess I’ll finish it it is medals after all and it shouldn’t saving the few minutes that I’m not doing the one is not worth it for me all right one to there’s our metal actually put it away already save it all right more waves come on no need to be slacking we on four which means we should get some flying Boys around yeah there they are so few more explosives over there we should should be good to go one two over here there we go last one actually I should be able to just say go clear all these and then it’s dark Edge time I should probably clear a few more of these before I head over I don’t want another one accidentally spawning again there we go that’s enough crystal is doing fine dark Mage is here can’t wait to we finally done with this going do something yeah all right finally that was idiotic but at least I got some money out of it let’s see two Platinum I can now reinvest everything into probably reforging and then have nothing left by the end of it [Music] hoay quick stack those away actually the blink roots are going to be important in the future still so got to grab those all right dangle time [Music] there’s no blood moon in Jungle time where you ethering Goblin you can goaa over there before I forget I have a pylon might as well use it scorpions maybe black scorpions are worth it to catch but those ones no and what I’m here come on give me the mushroom thanks never have too many region potions remember that you’re having trouble in the game try more regen potions not Hits come on and you two should be happy enough to sell me Pyon thanks guys all right time to find a beehive in case I do need be nades then after that well maybe since this is not the interesting stream today I Pro I’m going to finish this off with some hell action which means building a long ass path potentially out of meteorite right and I still have to find Shimmer oh so much to do so little time but I guess I shouldn’t complain I’ve gotten through the game fairly well so far after all come on do I have Royal gel in my piggy bang probably not keep that in there to be honest it’s worth it for these guys they’re way too tanky for a slime Dam 23 damage 23 Health actually remember what I said just grab a regen potion and suddenly things are looking a lot better already you I want my potential void bag even if I do not have the bones for it probably having the potential is always good what do we have here anklet of the wind shouldn’t need you but Dynamite get rid of this can buy more if I really need them later but for now I’ve seen enough the old ones Army for or at the very least a day or two yeah if I’m putting in a bit more work today than on Thursday I should be able to do the Wall of Flesh and get into heart mode everything goes to plan that’s going to be exciting going to have to see if my tactic for defeating the mech bosses is going to work oh hey Jacob the stream over you’re just checking in real quick no new comments yeah unfortunately but it is a diff difficult to well let’s say be entertaining I’ve done mostly the old ones Army but that I have enough for the armor and upgraded uh staff once I’ve got one Mech boss down just checking in well I appreciate it how’s the other stream going that you do you have to ban anyone already I hope not heres boots none of this oh yeah by the way I figured out uh that my what’s it called like my the chat over here uh that it wasn’t showing because OBS doesn’t like me apparently but I got that fixed now going I have to keep an eye out for that in the [Music] future that all right just a demon altar was thinking with the purplish glow that it might have been a plantas bul that would be bit too early for all right still no beehive or what I still got a long way down to go there should be one [Music] though on the right over there did you see it on the right side of the screen barely visible on the screen and Orange beeh High creeps into frame she use this wait it’s here already no no B accident that’s good do this five I might need this going to explode me ow oh we’re fine just [Music] fine and this this Hive I guess it’s just big enough I mean we can give this a try once we’ve got a platform figured out May I’ll bomb this a little more and actually what are you guys doing get over [Music] here yeah maybe on the right over here we’ll use you let me make sure not to accidentally damage the what’s this thing called actually larva dude damage the Lara why we it don’t die yeah this cave should be F enough or [Music] space get rid some more of this hope I don’t die from my own explosions again it’s enough more or less all right should be the last one let’s take care of these little [Music] bees more yes of course there’s always more bees come on get over here actually you can follow me into this water right more platforms make sure not to accident damage that get rid of [Music] this make this platform up here as well do I have I don’t think I have another heart Lantern unfortunately we have a chain and Anvil around here probably not oh well we’ll probably be fine without it anyway be a little booger get out of here all right honey healing let’s see what’s over here some more money and Thorns potions I want to keep those since they are a pain to craft F statue we’ve still got around perfect another platform here and that should be enough I feel you think it’s enough I think it’s [Music] enough oh no no to self better aim where’s wor friend there was one friend this we got that endurance potions these should all be perfectly fine might as well increase my luck with some torches fantastic actually over here I probably want to make another platform over this wouldn’t want to get stuck on these mid fight Stone briak all right there goes nothing this is a great Omen missing your first shot on a stationary Target but all right actually where are I traps not be able to wait [Music] two huh I thought I had the the table buff guess I am mistaken maybe a bizar would be nice but I guess there’s no need to rush this fight all the time in the world well was spawning and she’s off again and where are the little guys I feel like I’m damaging myself more than ween be is let’s chill a bit don’t like this thing actually quick quick intermission more constructions needed to be done actually if these guys drop Health might be something to exploit just the regular Hearts I mean of [Music] course see let’s wait out the otion timer a bit but this is definitely not a problem either didn’t get into honey again you still have my lava bucket I have might want to bring some honey then for future fights all right don’t damage yourself 900 is getting faster this should all be still very [Music] manageable yeah know zero worries about this fight well now she’s King in third gear just long as she takes constant damage from my explosive damage and does this think we can tank that actually come on there we go that was a lot simpler than I thought it would be but not that I’m complaining all right lava bucket make a crisp honey block are going to need that one in the future actually is the lava down there I won’t be really needing this anymore could probably make some crisp honey blocks for fishing potions like God knows that I’m going to need it need them in the future a lot actually campfire let’s grab that what was honey put here as well don’t need this silt probably won’t need that no I wall unnecessary and the witch doctor is already here you I wanted to keep well let put some garbage in there ewax probably won’t need as well be gun sure we can sell let’s make some crisp honey slowly come on you keep the honey blowing are they not generating where’s my honey blocks there they are probably won’t even need too many of these but might as well grab all the ones I need since I am going to be doing a lot more fishing in in the future very least for the what are they called the heart mode ores so I kind of can’t get them with only bombs see we have anything over here maybe another what are they call fer Claus feral Claus they are like Santa Claus much FAL oh come on you get it staff of regrowth another one don’t need that but I can remember that it’s here right where’s the knight at barely young so that means one more eye of cthul fight for the fans for the followers right you guys spawn let me grab you while you’re here where was I you again and still no oh ah come on you could have hit that still no blood moon unfortunately I would like the shark tooth necklaces before I well transition to Heart mode so after that they’re probably going to be a lot harder to get yeah yeah buddy no need to scream so loud we’ve got neighbors you mind not stopping so high up so I can deal more damage to you 48 perfect spiked don’t need you hey Witch Doctor going to have to see if I’m I need the wax for anything probably not you I can sell this I can sell 15 more gold the nades I’m going to keep in the back I’m still unsure if I count them as explosive damage or not since they kind of don’t explode but they are a Gren grenade wait actually friend grenade I can make more so I guess more bwax I’m going to keep you night crawler do I have a Critters I have a Critter’s chest and so thoughtful I usually never have it did I just delete all my wire a that’s like what minus I 7 10 gold something along those lines oh well I should have enough you’re Waring I’m going to keep you the rest I can just morer thanks a lot how much do I have actually almost three Platinum perfect grab some of these all right next up we’ve done the queen could technically look in the jungle for the temple at some point before it goes to hard mode but since I am going to have to search for Life fruits in the future anyway it’s probably not necessary yes that means Shimmer time let’s see if we can find that thing real quick and with real quick of course I mean hopefully it doesn’t take too long again anyone’s got a tip for where to find the Shimmer do let me know I do after all do struggle a bit with it I never know where exactly it is come on you zombie just die to the explosion will you no he’s new except with bombs apparently all right it’s just get down here I think it has to spawn in the cavern layer so it can’t be too high up but that’s all just thinking how it should work and not actually knowing how it works and I’m kind of a bit too lazy to look up the to look it up in the wiki right about now maybe I’ll do that in the future come on Don’t Let Me Drown I forgot I still wanted to look up if I can make Scarab bombs or not I mean I should be able to question is how I am assuming with handline mandibles which I have a few of um never too sure on these things all right this Cavern soon I can find a relatively big cave system so I don’t have to do too much manual digging it’s a cave but a fairly small one unfortunately yep hello slime all right let me through the very least the effect of the Shimmer can be seen fairely far right and there’s Moss I feel like moss is never a great sign and mushroom biome at least that gives me some coverage down here there you go should I one two three more let’s see what we have here maybe a few more statues always appreciate a few more statues and am I out of bombfish apparently guess sticky bombs we have to do I probably do want to defeat King Slime in the future again or maybe find a what’s it called a slime statue since those guys the very least still hold on this this Dome looks a bit weird made all out of stone hope I’m not going out on a limit if I say this should be it yes sir and I’m flooding it with water hold on block this off and bomb this free probably block it off over here as well and let’s get rid of all of this why do eating my entire Shimmer with this little water I feel like it shouldn’t be this bad come on invisible enemies or barely visible enemies more region potions like I said it can never hurt I might use you do this work it does oops damage is fine this should be good enough I need to stay here so if I fall in then I don’t just randomly appear Anywhere But Where I want ethereum block all right looks pretty cool is there some silt over here that I can NAB real quick this is enough grab you and grab you and a granite biome not sure what I might want it for but hey it’s here all right now let’s add you bomb you a bit more perfect like a little wall here and where’s my silt there we go and I would just like a little personal chamber slime statue God damn Don’t Mind If I Do apparently the game loves me today doesn’t happen often but we always take what we can get them little thrower get rid of these trees of course by bombing them how else would you get rid of trees and let’s create little chamber over here all right Life Crystal can go in a little platform piggy bank you can get in there you can get in there do you not count or does it has to have to be a fruit oh well I can come back with a fruit that really shouldn’t be the problem and yeah now we have a personal station can actually eat you Firefly statue you go over here and actually while I’m here let me make a few crafting stations just in case I want to reforge some things in here do we have enough for an anvil no that’s still fine all right back we go where’s my py bank over here 75 bombs really is no limit anymore to this then I’m very much fine with them spawning bombs slower slime statue you I want to put in here as well and while I’m here would you like to let me make few more heart lanterns that should definitely be enough for the future FX you are material get in there creators bat that B I can sell you I can sell these I won’t need rler statue can these drop a shark tooth necklaces even if they spawned from the statue God I’m going to have to read back up on statues ever since they changed it oh I wanted to keep you wait no you’re not a material well you you are a material but you are more an accessory let’s grab more of these oh God not supposed to go up there got to have to question why got control activated or like the smart cursor why just set St Bloom seeds into the wrong planter boxes seems very unintuitive see how am I looking on ingredients I feel like I could have more shiver Thorns so let me visit rosala how you doing and where’s the wit doctor you can come in here as well let’s see shiverthorn that should be more than enough six more bombs that thing is great could have used it in the early game probably better but I can’t be complaining right question is with the slime statue if that dropped in lava do they still drop their gel cuz I kind of feel like they changed that that you have to use basically man-made damage to kill them but I mean I might be able to hold on bomb this again make a little thingy over here actually I can make this pretty small slime statue in here explosive trap in there plan no no wire unfortunately hey jany still need a house for you I’m just grabbing the necessaries thanks anyway see you [Music] around and we should be able to not enough hey Jenny I remembered I just forgot something yes anyway thanks for business bye huh weirdly enough this should work get me some gel and a blue slime Banner there no space there space all right anything else I wanted to throw the golden worm in and do I have a a fruit around here I do not let me can’t get that over there really then I’m going to get rid of this perfect hey even with a little hole so in a Blood Moon mobs can just drop down there in stay there yes this is good gel I wonder I didn’t feel like I I died somehow I lost that buff oh well I’ve got it back now what did I want to do find some fruit so trees do you have some fruit for me by any chance kind of feel like they don’t if I’m using a bomb Only Hope For That H nope what was the buff for that anyway was mining speed right why am I bothering for mining speed don’t even have a pickaxe I’m stuck nort know you’re a little smaller but you got to make that opening a bit a little bigger for me I for sure can’t go down there and in the future I’m probably going to lay down a a little teleporter line down there wait I didn’t mean to put it there quickly is it fine with the water it’s fine let me make a door here perfect oh come on door where is it door and you betum block actually if I throw in a grenade no mushroom maybe that counts as well but I doubt it sunflower these I don’t care about and the golden worm this should actually change into something freaking gummy worm fishing skill that’s why I wanted you Che there and this should be everything from here oh I’ll keep my eye out for and or a fruit but wait was there only one in the there the dam shiv Thorn are skimpy if I don’t get it like the fruit then it’s still fine I feel like St Bloom everything sorted you I don’t need really come on get there isn’t there man split in here no not anymore still got to keep an eye out for for bunnies when I see them all right but now that I have the Shimmer accessible queen bee is done dungeon is done that means only one thing I don’t need to drop down here you guessed it is it’s the WF or at the very least the platform for now right stone block actually while this is still GR growing grab this and then we can just teleport teleport right down hello gaze I need anything maybe a few more of these definitely can’t hurt to get more nades hey hey there imp how you doing see can I like the amethyst bunny can I turn that back into a regular bunny I am kind of doubting it but that would be nice to get more bunnies for by the way if you’re wondering what I need bunnies for the answer is explosive bunnies they do deal a bit more damage than Dynamite they basically trigger by themselves ow got to get better at that and yeah basically an upgrade to the to the dynamite for me but we of course need more bunnies for that and this house is very annoying would prefer you to not exist let’s take it down a peg or three I mean this base layer seems fine as long as these are just platforms they’re fine as well actually while I’m here and start putting up some campfires right Shadow key and I’m hoping for not this hold on there we go I am looking for meteorite bars so I can Shimmer them into their block form and have a block that is unexploded which means I can drop a bunch of dynamite for the Wall of Flesh and hopefully defeat her that way okay or it flash chunk I usually do find enough bars for at least a somewhat decent path I mean I do believe that nades are going to be fine enough as long as the pathway is long enough but I definitely do want to try that since I haven’t done that yet like or use a sticky sticky what’s it called sticky Dynamite on the waterall fles it used to be a very viable tactic I believe at least have seen it a bunch of times Dynamite not exactly what I’m looking for but it’s little skull right there you see it it’s blocking the door I guess it’s got to go all right how fire arrows I’ll grab them in case I do have to Pivot after all this and that any more chests down there hello no and that is fine by me and you bets could drop a what are they called like the rock that sets everything on fire can trade that in for a magma charm later on I’ll fire arrow good damn these bats again all right bars they make these bars more rare more rare or rarer because feel like they’ve been everywhere back back in the day not want to have to rely on actually exploding my my pathway here and I don’t think I can really get any other any other explosive resistant blocks here definitely quite the pickle but I guess the very least I can try just using nades for the first rounds let’s also get rid of this I do have to do this later on after all but at least with bombs it’s fairly quick enough and these demons definitely are very annoying all right more sticky bombs and actually what do we have here still nothing come on you serious this might be a slight problem just a just a little bit of a problem I hope that nades are just going to be enough then cuz boy howdy I wouldn’t I have been doing so much thinking for the future that I really don’t want to fail at the wall of flesh or I have to constantly rebuild I don’t know I don’t know how many thousand block it needs maybe I will do some testing after this see how well I can beat the Wall of Flesh with just Dynamite I believe in expert mode it’s a lot more difficult oh great it’s two of them actually I’m going to leave you guys have fun over there all right chests no chests and another one of these man at least I’m glad I didn’t get these this many of these towers from in my other world in the other playthrough where I couldn’t craft CU there I would wouldn’t I would constantly have to what is it a an Obsidian Skin Potion I would have to wear one that I would have to find since I can’t craft it since obsidian skulls can’t be crafted a mess but a fun mess for sure actually one quick second be right back [Music] [Music] okay okay sounded like someone has hit a car not not an total accident but it’s constantly honking which of course got my intent [Music] mention why am I killing you are you a Voodoo Demon perfect have space in my inventory let me remove you perfect he said won’t have to wait for those to spawn again [Music] all right more of these and I am actually speechless not a single one of these had meteorite bars oh what have I gotten myself into here actually let me put some stuff away into a piggy bank real quick like this and that I guess this can go that can go these I won’t want to use this can go these can go gone there and this is looking already a lot better oh what a weird house this [Music] is all right you get off my lawn this is my turf now and I’m going to do a bit of redecorating see is there anything there do you see anything I sure as I [Music] don’t oh more housing God this is awful Terrain hav had this bad of a Terrain in a while actually I feel ow is that hit yeah got to be happy about the little things with this one like for example meteorite bars no guess I’ll take a treasure magnet in the deadly Hing bow but they didn’t remove the the bars I’m sure of it still more than perplexed to about this on mine card this that do I want these sure I’ll grab them actually might as well eat and drink a bit [Music] more now we done with how housings apparently guess we got one more chest up [Music] here no can’t say that I’m happy about this not happy at all let’s finish this straight off hello H trees [Music] but yeah once the housing stops usually the what are they called the chests Shadow chests are also lacking behind hey [Music] demon please leave me alone I am on a mission find at least one one not heal Stone bar all right we’re done here let sell [Music] this all this crap can be sold like one two actually keep one what do you combine with okay don’t need to keep one h two just can keep one this I won’t need can go in here actually going place these down in here while I’m Ed you can go into accessories you are new potions both of them turn potions might be something for my pigy bank and let’s sell this this that this this we can sell and all of [Music] this and before I forget you go in there which should mean [Music] we can craft some fishing potions make a [Music] few for the future I guess some Ember would be nice but for that I can pick up just some more desert fossil from in [Music] here I’m not too worried about that for crate potions deadly hell wingbow actually you I’m going to keep the rest not so much more blue slimes blue slime banners accessories where are they there you are these 200 gel thanks who knew that one slime statue could be this effective I sure as all didn’t think by that means sticky bombs and sticky Dynamite Galore speaking of more lab boombas please thanks [Music] and I guess this this means we are going to the right and we’ll see come on there we go we can find a few bars and if not I guess regular Stone has to do [Music] [Music] Come on B get me out actually regen is still up nothing in here I think up there there was also nothing let’s get rid of the top of this one right I forgot I can’t actually remove those wait I can’t remove those does this still work what again with the honking outside I am going to need one of these eventually let me check [Music] otherwise I can’t melt adamantium bars H why did they change that why did it have to be that I need to be able to pick up one the very least and at least the mythr and all are still fine to make with regular once but I haven’t thought about that let’s just hope that that [Music] works I can still use an actuator actually 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 do you cost 2201 2 3 10 seems [Music] good what is this otherwise I’m going to have to see SC on the wiki what I can do about that actually you here’s another one place you down kind of feel like this doesn’t work [Music] [Music] anymore how do I get around that guess hold on how long have I been streaming for 3 [Music] hours then I guess this is going to be enough and I’m going to do a bit more research oh come on really I want to keep the torch but I would like [Music] to not have these constantly fire on and off on [Music] me all right second [Music] please yeah so yeah then I’m going to end it here grab all these 121 [Music] perfect I didn’t change it back did I oh well it wasn’t too interesting anyway I was trying to see if I can get a health Forge somehow because right now I can’t but all right anyway that’s going to be it from me today thank you everyone for watching past present and future and I hope you all have a lovely day bye-bye [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and [Music] [Music] [Music]

New day new challange Idea. This time I’ll attempt to play through the game while only using explosive weapons and consumables. No other tools or weapons allowed

Thanks for checking in and have a lovely day ^^

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