Minecraft But There’s VIDEO GAME Hearts

video game parent has stole my hearts leaving me with nothing hey hey stay back I’m warning you I’m Not Afraid no no no my hearts I think they went that way steeve what the what is that looks like a giant PC monitor who now what’s happening you’ll never get your hearts back now we’ve all escaped into the Cyber Dimension the Cyber Dimension oh oh now he’s just mocking me Guido flamethrower mode I never took catch on before got to go fast but not fast enough and there it is Guido our first half now every time I kill a character I get their hearts and some insanely powerful abilities wait a second Guido this is Super Mario Brothers It’s me your worst nightmare good luck getting your heart back Yahoo wa Guido check it out everything’s 2D I don’t know if that’s a good or a bad thing yeah me neither buddy but what’s definitely good is that these Sonic shoes make me so much more agile here we go straight across the Gap WA what the heck is that guy his name is k Guido and he’s way too powerful to take on right now so let’s just squeeze P him really fast now that was a close one but these son shoes are really making this course a piece of cake now I don’t see Mario at the end of the course so I wonder wait weo what’s that sound be look it’s some bullet pill wa and a giant one at that let’s go there’s a green pipe of ahead quido if we can get there before this Bullet Bill kills us then maybe just maybe we’ll be fine let’s talking more jumping all right safe and S oh no I spoke too soon I’m going to suffocate down here oh this is why I hate water levels wait what in the Multiverse is that is that a oh it’s a blue B I can’t see I got to get through here before I run out of oxygen come on come on another blo coming up I think no oh no oh come on come on come on come on yes well I can finally see now what’s the matter can’t handle a little water how about I dry you off with fire what in the Multiverse this guy just doesn’t know when to stop I’ve got to get over to that flag as fast as possible come on come on come on there we go you see you made one big mistake Mario I don’t play solo campaigns I only play co-ops Guido let’s take down this pesky plumber once and for all R me oh that’s got to H check it out Steve that’s two hearts down yep and I got the sweet Mario cap what do you think looks like by wearing that hat you got more items check out that fireflower oh yeah this reminds me of the time we burnt Sonic to a crisp wait we also got something else looks like some kind of note message from GM GM as in games master yeah I guess so sounds like there’s someone else behind this pulling the strings but who and what do they want with your hearts waa I don’t know Guido but we’re on our way to find out oh heck Here We Go Again gr Street home what are you talking about either that’s a reference I don’t get or you’re from the GTA Dimension you want this heart you got to beat me in a street race ah you’re right we do want that heart and I’m going to make sure we get it if we want the next heart then we’ve got to beat big smoke in a race but he knows these streets and I don’t so here goes [Music] nothing 3 2 1 you pick the wrong race Bo yeah we’ll see about that smokey come on quo speed up I’m trying you’re a little nervous okay come on come on a bit faster there we go now we’re moving got our first Corner coming up W wo wo W wo oh Guido that was awesome but Big Smoke it’s still destroying us can you like go any faster or anything I can overcharge my systems but it might be dangerous a just do it there’s no way we’ll win otherwise that’s it we’ll catch him in no time wow oh quo that was your fault you’re the one ding now look what youve done that means the cops are going to be swarming us a second now what are you talking about Guido we’re going to be fine we haven’t broke any laws oh jeez okay maybe now we broke a law dude Guido I don’t even see big smoke anymore this is oh wait there he is get back hit you okay let’s move in for the overtaken look that little incident just put us at three stars and what exactly happens in three stars well Guido does that answer your question oh oh my gosh R1 R1 Circle R2 left right left is so talking about oh no he just used the CH code and now we got Max water Lev oh hey guys no wait where the heck am I why is the wind so loud in my ears oh my gosh I got launched into the air St St down here I’ve got to time this perfectly here we go goingo catch me catch me catch me come on c big budy Hey look it’s bigm he’s still so far ahead and we’re closing in on the Finish Line yeah but I’ve got something he doesn’t these firef flowers and say Steve keep thr them just a few more hits here yes big smoke more like big slow see you later man final Corner come on come on I can see the finish line [Applause] and woo dude I cannot believe I won after everything that was thrown at me the cops big smokes cheats it is such a relief I just wanted to win and a number nine l no extra dip for you big smoke now give me my heart that’s another heart down quido and hey I got this sweet baseball bat too nice but what I want to know is why did you steal my heart what do you want with there huh I don’t want it the GM does H that GM again let’s just teach Big Smoke a Liston and get out of here batter up Big Smoke Capel fantastic welcome to meow’s Mighty Battle Royale bring out the battle bus the person to get the victory Royale will also get Steve’s Hearts wait Guido did you just hear that that’s the case and we’ve got to win got that right buddy I’m aiming for that roof all right let’s do this we’ve got 99 other contestants ready to fight out and I’ve already got a weapon oh oh my gosh okay okay fine fine fine I think that baseball bat is going to hold up we need a gun okay here we go our first loot give me something good give me something good no this is totally garbage uh oh another chest ah nothing no see find a gun I think the other players have realized you’re a noob and now they’re on their way to take you out wait that teaming oh that’s not fair don’t here um uh any more chest here we go H wait Boogie bombs well it’s better than nothing I guess hey I’ve got an idea if I combine them with the baseball B we can do this W check it out Guido they’ve got serious rhythm yeah we look like they’re having fun let’s take him out oh yeah right we’ve got a competition to win sorry guys the circle moving in Steve we got to go way ahead of you buddy all right so the circle is pushing us this way wait who the heck is that that’s the best sniper in the lobby get in cover I’m trying Guido he’s going to be pinned down all right I think he’s reloading no no no he’s still there looks like we got to use the Boogie bombs again let’s see here it’s just going to be a blind throw yeah okay Guido top 10 Victory Royale is so close I got another person gliding in let’s give them a little welcoming present nice we’re in the top three wait wait right there there’s another player okay let’s see if we can hit them with a boogie bomb this strategy has worked so well for us in the past here we go yeah oh wait no no no oh I didn’t reach looks like it’s a good old fashioned shootout then that’s right buddy gosh I just don’t have the range on this weapon to deal with him then use me as cover okay here goes nothing come on Boom boom top two and I think I can see the final opponent [Applause] St meow Sals this isn’t F this is your Battle Royale yeah the JM told me to get rid of you right meow he promised me 5,000 v-bucks okay just just take it easy Ste get your but on my face and do something I’m thinking Guido I’ve still got one Boogie bomb and if I can time this correctly oh here goes nothing we did it and just as meow Souls promised the next heart is right there and now we’ve got a huge supply of Boogie bombs I’m a wall okay yeah we better move on to the next game hello Steve or should I say our latest test subject complete my challenges and there will be cake Kate whose birthday is it the Cake’s got a wait Guido let’s do this for your first intellectually difficult challenge you must move the Companion Cube onto the button uh okay that seems weirdly easy wow you must have an IQ level of me ha that’s a joke there’s no one smarter than me this robot has some serious insecurity issues this one is super easy you barely have to think about it so this one is supposed to be super easy all right let’s see what we’ve got going on so we’ve got some kind of gun in the middle which seems to be firing at each wall in this room interesting wait there’s an orange portal right there those are connected to the blue portals and there there’s a hole in the wall too so when it’s just about to be that wall we have to move come on come on oh wait don’t St no way dude we actually made it that was super easy don’t worry to make it harder I’m dropping murder robots in the room with you have fun wait murder robot oh my gosh you something I’m trying qu up but they got me pinned down okay I’m going to make a move for the gun it’s now or never gotcha yeah yes now one of the T is stuck on a loop now what now we do this and boom nice job St you but look hey AA I bet that’s how we take GLaDOS down let’s give it a shot we’ll put one portal right there and another one on floor level good to see you glad wait what no that’s cheating you can’t do that you won’t get any cake unless you play the game right oh what’s this an off switch would be a real shame if someone turned you off you promised us cake but we both know that was a lie waa quido look the portal heart and I’m guessing that the power from this this one is that we get to keep the portal gun oh that is going to be so useful wow Guido it’s beautiful Steve welcome to the kingdom of Hyrule hey there’s someone down there well let’s go say hi I guess hello there Adventurer oh okay what is wrong with this guy I don’t think he knows how to speak hold on I can translate he says if you can complete a quest for him then he’ll give you the heart oh well that makes a change you see with all the previous people I’ve had to slaughter the mercilessly but with you it seems different what would you like me to do oh okay yeah I can do that here have a boogie bar looks like the first of the items is over in that direction let’s use the portal gun oh Monsters the monsters you baseball bat that was easy enough we’ve got to fight to the top of that Tower moreb they’re no match for big smokes baseball B seriously why don’t we just give this to link instead I’m sure he’d much prefer it okay just a few more jumps [Music] here that’s one of Link supplies down and I think we can reach that volcano from here nice we made it but we’ve got more powerful enemies in down Ste oh yeah well I’ve got the hen shield and I can just shoulder check these guys straight off the volcano and down into the lava that’s greaten and everything but I think the enemies are going to get much bigger sh whatever dude I’ll be ready for them hey look another one of those little guys is waiting for me oh he’s so cute wa the master sword this is so cool oh Guido you w kidding the monsters have got way bigger now that’s HS e for ey okay let’s do this oh just barely avoided there and now we just aim for the eye huh hinoxes are allergic to fire could have guessed and the last of Link supplies is at the top of this mountain the heart container all right let’s see here heart container M this sword and last but not least the hen Shield ooh what’s he doing I think he’s crafting something [Music] together he made me the Legend of Zelda heart check it out now we’ve got our own high and shield fake replica means nothing thank you so much link get my best regards to Zelda oh maybe he hasn’t found Zelda yet wa quo what is this place I’m not sure but I’m detecting some strange energy from this Direction come on follow me okay guo I’m right behind you uh oh a flashlight I’ll grab that later because this place is really giving me the creeps wait what is oh my gosh dude that’s Huggy wuggy or at least the head of Huggy wuggy okay stay right here I’m going to grab the flashlights get a closer look there we go that’s better what quido where did hogyi go I don’t know it all went dark and then he disappeared oh no and now we’re trapped inside of this poppy playtime Factory with no sign of Escape okay let’s not panic I’ve got my high and shield ready so if any monsters any ghouls want to jump out at me I’m going to be ready for them look Guido light up ahead this has got to be the way to the exit oh F the Multiverse you do know I’m scared of the dark right you’ve never told me that okay maybe that’s a little lie but I am afraid of hungy Wy that guy is terrifying I agree Guido just look at this place it’s totally wreck we’ve got like debris blocking corridors oh this is really creeping me out what was that run Guido I’m guessing that Huggy Wy has my heart so I can’t just run I’ve got to fight back yeah burn you want be burn oh gosh he’s just too strong there’s got to be another way to take him down let’s keep moving a looks like that exit’s blocked uh wait quo check it out it’s the gra pack but how exactly is that going to help us Escape I’m not exactly sure Guido I was more going to use it to stop that guy okay let’s aim carefully end and now he’s stuck under the rubble but not for long we still need to get out of this Factory I know let’s go this way a lot of the poppy PlayOn game is spent skullking around in vents so that’s exactly what I’m going to do uh wait turn right looks like someone’s trying to help me out do you think it could be the GM I guess so but I always thought he was going to be evil maybe the GM stands for Good Men I don’t think it does okay yeah probably not and here here we go W safe and sound stay back I’m warning you oh and the multi for the h and shield hey quo check it out there’s a heavy crate above him if I can Target that iron bar with my grab pack I think I can bring it down let’s give this a shot yeah no oh I’m going to be sick hold in sa you don’t want to get puke on your next heart uh yeah I guess I don’t the poppy playtime heart is mine and as a reward we get to keep the grand pack what do you think we do hey what are you looking at there’s a pile of old video tapes on the ground over there uh okay I’ll go check it out just like in the poppy playtime game maybe this will give us more indication as to what’s going on here got them and we can probably put them in this old VCR oh there we go the screen it’s BL up hey check it out it’s some kind of secret video message maybe it’s from the GM so you made it this far impressive but unfortunately for you and your friend your Fates are already sealed I wanted you both to enter the Cyber Dimension I’m the one who ordained it you have something I want Steven one way or another I always get what I want what in the Multiverse how does he know my name evil name is Steven that’s so lame hey with every heart we take our path gets closer to meeting the GM Guido this is insane it looks like we’ve been transported to the alien worlds of Halo but if this is Halo then where’s mief look out above welcome to the fight Spartans your goal is to capture the red team’s flag while Defending Your Own if the red team captures our Flag the mission is over and the loot will be gone forever wait wio did you see that that was the Halo heart we have to win this battle here’s the plan Guido you defend the base I’m ready make sure nobody steals that flag while I go over to the enemy base and now all I’ve got to do is sneak into the red base without getting caught oh jeez well that was a close one this place is absolutely SW Waring with red Spartans but there’s no time like the present I’ve got to get over to that flag oh oh no no no no no I’ve been caught okay just stay calm Steve you’ve got the portal gun and I’ve got these buggy bombs you see guys isn’t it so much better to dance than fight oh this is great just wait until like tell Guido about this because right now I could just wander straight through the red guys’ base oh my gosh they’ve got serious moves and pretty soon that flag is going to be mine look how low this guy can go holy moly don’t mind me and the red flag is now mine I’m heading back Guido okay seea we’ve got serious problem the red team stole power flly too what oh quo you had one job I’ve only got one shot at this I’m going to use my grab pack wait until they get close and Y the flag away from them nice J Steve but the enemy is coming back guo it’s gaining on me sa me red flag blue flag we did it Well Done Spartan thanks to your unconventional methods we have won the fight against the red team and here is your reward yes the Halo heart thanks chief wa and check it out Guido because we got the hearts we also got a rocket launcher um sorry about that wao where are we now Guido I’m not sure it’s some kind of giant blue maze a maze okay that’s a little concerning wait is that Pac-Man a he’s so cute he’s not a thread at all no he is not but she might be it’s Miss pman wait Guido this is the perfect time to try my bazooka eat this Miss Pacman oh I didn’t mean literally nothing can stop her Guido we got to get out of here you stupid goats let go with me come on come on where’s the exit wa she’s right behind you Ste yeah I know that Guido but there’s something that can help me just up ahead I can see it wait what what is is it it’s this thing what is that well I guess it’s one of those pets that you get in the Peng games but it’s a lot bigger and more powerful looking than usual it can only help just grab it okay here goes nothing weo check it out it’s made me huge look at that energy around you there’s no way Mrs Pacman’s going to be able to eat me now Guido Guido she’s gone and look the next heart we only have one more to go I think our battle with the GM is all that remain wait did that heart just give me a charity that seems awfully lame yeah that’s quite disappointing considering we now have to go meet the GM hopefully it’ll come in [Music] handy wait what wait are we out of the Cyber Dimension now yeah like this is totally normal nothing looks different wait but we’re still missing the final heart so where could it be oh oh I see what’s going on here oh my not speak of the devil yes I’m Notch the creator of Minecraft you’re the games master I wanted my game to be the most popular in the entire so I took over all the other games brainwashed their Heroes into being my minions now all the games belong to me we’re not going to let that happen notch in fact we have all the tools needed to stop you well let go Steve we’re not done just yet Guido this man needs to be punished how about some fireflower for those fire dance moves yeah this is perfect now quick follow up with the Bazooka there’s one more weapon I want to try Guido the Cherry w wow I didn’t know cherries to do that now we’re even bigger than not himself Guido quido we did it we got all of the hearts uh guo oh no no no no I thought this was real but I’m still trapped in the Cyber Dimension no Guido don’t leave me stop Guido

Check out the CHECKPOINT WEBSITE and make YOUR OWN Character!: https://checkpointmultiverse.com/

This is Minecraft, but there are VIDEO GAME HEARTS! When Steve’s hearts get stolen by Video Game Characters Myths such as Super Mario, Sonic, Poppy Playtime, Huggy Wuggy, GTA, Fortnite, Zelda, Link, and Zoonomaly, he needs to defeat the video games and steal the gaming hearts BACK from the Minecraft Gamers! Steve needs to learn how to be and behave like a gaming Minecraft Myth if he wants to use all the Video Game Myth abilities! Can Steve learn all the secrets and abilities of the Video Games, get all the Gaming hearts, and upgrade into the ultimate Gamer? This is Minecraft but there’s custom Video Game hearts!


‣ Check out our WEBSITE and make your own Checkpoint character!: https://checkpointmultiverse.com/
‣ Buy Checkpoint MERCH: https://creatorink.com/collections/checkpoint
‣ Check out our INSTAGRAM!: https://www.instagram.com/checkpoint.yt/
‣ Follow us on TWITTER!: https://twitter.com/CheckpointSteve
‣ Stay Tuned on FACEBOOK!: https://www.facebook.com/checkpointmultiverse
‣ Join the Adventurer’s Guild on Discord: https://discord.gg/rzXUDvt

~ G.U.I.D.O Animation by: https://www.studiogoblin.co.uk/
~ Music/SFX by Epidemic Sound: http://epidemicsound.com
~ Minecraft builds by Ambient Creations: https://twitter.com/AmbientTeam

Follow our incredible voice cast:
Carimelle: https://estherchristova.carrd.co/#home
Cyrus Rodas: https://twitter.com/CyrusRodas
Dallis MacKenzie: https://twitter.com/Dallisaur
Corey Wilder: https://twitter.com/WilderCorey
Brooke Johnson: https://brookejohnsonvo.com


‣ GTA 5 DIMENSION: https://bit.ly/35VAw0f
‣ MINECRAFT DIMENSION: https://bit.ly/3mKfUOL
‣ ROBLOX DIMENSION: https://bit.ly/2HquZVz


Minecraft is an open world game that has no specific goals for the player to accomplish, allowing players a large amount of freedom in choosing how to play the game however, there is an achievement system. The gameplay by default is first person, but players have the option to play in third person mode. The core gameplay revolves around breaking and placing blocks. The game world is essentially composed of rough 3D objects—mainly cubes—that are arranged in a fixed grid pattern and represent different materials, such as dirt, stone, various ores, water, and tree trunks. While players can move freely across the world, objects and items can only be placed at fixed locations relative to the grid. Players can gather these material blocks and place them elsewhere, thus allowing for various constructions.

#Checkpoint #Minecraft


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